Class 21: Outline Hour 1: Expt. 9: Faraday’s Law Hour 2: Faraday’s Law Transformers Magnetic Materials P21- 1 Last Time: Faraday’s Law P21- 2 Faraday’s Law of Induction ε dΦB = −N dt Changing magnetic flux induces an EMF Lenz: Induction opposes change P21- 3 What can change? d ε = −N ( BAcosθ ) dt Quantities which can vary with time: • Magnitude of B • Area A enclosed by the loop • Angle θ between B and loop normal P21- 4 Magnet Falling Through a Ring 70/8/8.02T/f04/visualizati ons/faraday/07FallingMagnetResistive/ ml Falling magnet slows as it approaches a copper ring which has been immersed in liquid nitrogen. P21- 5 Example: Magnitude of B Magnet Falling Through a Ring Falling magnet approaches a copper ring or Copper Ring approaches Magnet P21- 6 Moving Towards Dipole Move ring down As ring approaches, what happens to flux? It increases P21- 7 Moving Over Dipole Flux Move down Flux increases then decreases Note we have arbitrarily assigned dA up P21- 8 Moving Over Dipole CCW Current Move down CW Current first goes in one direction, then other It ALWAYS opposes the changing flux P21- 9 Five PRS Questions: Predictions for Experiment 9 Faraday’s Law P21- 10 Experiment 9: Faraday’s Law of Induction P21- 11 CURRENT FLUX Imperfect current 0 P21- 12 Four PRS Questions: Force on A Loop Below Magnet Moving Upward; Moving Rail; Moving Rectangle near Wire; Generator. P21- 13 Brakes P21- 14 Magnet Falling Through a Ring What happened to kinetic energy of magnet? P21- 15 Eddy Current Braking /163.html What happened to kinetic energy of pendulum? P21- 16 Eddy Current Braking 5K20.22.1.MOV What happened to kinetic energy of disk? P21- 17 Demonstration: Eddy Current Braking P21- 18 Eddy Current Braking The magnet induces currents in the metal that dissipate the energy through Joule heating: ω 1. Current is induced counter-clockwise (out from center) 2. Force is opposing motion (creates slowing torque) XX XX P21- 19 Eddy Current Braking The magnet induces currents in the metal that dissipate the energy through Joule heating: ω XX XX 1. Current is induced clockwise (out from center) 2. Force is opposing motion (creates slowing torque) 3. EMF proportional to ω 2 4. . ε F∝ R P21- 20 Demonstration: Levitating Magnet Superconductor & Magnet 8/8.02T/f04/visualizations/fa raday/16superconductor/1612_wmv320.html P21- 21 PRS Questions: Loop in Uniform Field P21- 22 Mutual Inductance P21- 23 Mutual Inductance A current I2 in coil 2, induces some magnetic flux Φ12 in coil 1. We define the flux in terms of a “mutual inductance” M12: N1Φ12 ≡ M 12 I 2 M 12 = M 21 = M N1Φ12 → M 12 = I2 ε12 ≡ −M 12 dI 2 dt P21- 24 Demonstration: Remote Speaker P21- 25 Transformer Step-up transformer εp dΦB = Np dt εs dΦB = Ns dt εs εp N = N s p Ns > Np: step-up transformer Ns < Np: step-down transformer P21- 26 Demonstrations: One Turn Secondary: Nail Many Turn Secondary: Jacob’s Ladder P21- 27 Transmission of Electric Power Power loss can be greatly reduced if transmitted at high voltage P21- 28 Example: Transmission lines An average of 120 kW of electric power is sent from a power plant. The transmission lines have a total resistance of 0.40 Ω. Calculate the power loss if the power is sent at (a) 240 V, and (b) 24,000 V. (a) (b) P 1.2 ×105W = 500 A I= = 2 V 2.4 ×10 V PL = I 2 R = (500 A)2 (0.40Ω) = 100kW P 1.2 ×105W I= = = 5.0 A 4 V 2.4 ×10 V PL = I 2 R = (5.0 A) 2 (0.40Ω) = 10W 83% loss!! 0.0083% loss P21- 29 Magnetic Materials P21- 30 Recall Polar Dielectrics Dielectric polarization decreases Electric Field! P21- 31 Para/Ferromagnetism Applied external field B0 tends to align the atomic magnetic moments P21- 32 Para/Ferromagnetism The aligned moments tend to increase the B field G G B = κ mB0 G Compare to: E = G E0 κE P21- 33 Para/Ferromagnetism Paramagnet: Turn off B0, everything disorders Ferromagnet: Turn off B0, remains (partially) ordered This is why some items you can pick up with a magnet even though they don’t pick up other itemsP21- 34 Magnetization Vector M=0 M>0 Useful to define “Magnetization” of material: G G 1 µ G M = ∑ µi = V i =1 V N G G G B = B0 + µ0M P21- 35 Hysteresis in Ferromagnets The magnetization M of a ferromagnetic material depends on the history of the substance Magnetization remains even with B0 off !!! P21- 36