Some of the questions in this version of the questionnaire have been retracted as they may have copyright problems. Please contact me directly for further information. Chris McManus GMC Performance Procedures Questionnaire This questionnaire was first distributed to UK doctors in November 1997, and again in November 1998, November 1999 and September 2000. A report on the first phase of the study can be found in Quality in Health Care1. The questionnaire proper is four pages long, with an additional sheet, which was joined to the main sheet by a perforated edge, so that it could be torn off and the Question and Answer sheet could be retained, if so desired. There was also a blank page for additional comments. The original questionnaire is in full colour, and the present file contains a black and white version of the questionnaire at high resolution, so that the text can be read, and coloured, low resolution versions of the pages so that the appearance of the questionnaire as distributed can be assessed. Chris McManus March 2001 1 I. C. McManus, D. Gordon, and B. C. Winder. The Duties of a Doctor: UK doctors and Good Medical Practice. Quality in Health Care 9:14-22, 2000. 5 What is today’s date? Please indicate your IVIKLJ LRCP / qualifications PhD / DPhil Ll 0 #f/&g’0 n AFOM n q DRCOG n you describe your current Main Medical q FFOM FRCA L. Are you male 0 FRCGP FRCOG diplomas, FRCPsycb q FRCR u 0 n FRCS n L--- FRCP cl MRCPsycb q MRCGP cl 0 MRCOG n Other /---- MRCP I? Other m Other II MFOM cl tick here 0 and describe your previous post. Number Speciuliq Level of sessions (half duys) per week I i Post(s) q etc.) MPH LtWl Medical or female ? L--l post(s) ? If retired or not employed Post 1 memberships, - q DA fellowships, u - BDS Subsidiary DPH DPM - How would 1What is your year of birth? (degrees, L-l WMSSA BA /BSc / 199 Number Speciality of sessions (half days) per werk Non-medical Post(s) I.euef Speciality ~ Number (t&f at N OntiSn Have you worked rimlsrily as a locum any time during t Re last three yeurs ? Information from the General Information from the BMA Information Medical or other from Health Authority, Read about them in the quality Read about them in (free) Read about them in the popular Heard about them by colleagues Mentioned by patients Mentioned by members Council professional organisation Trust or Local Medical Committee medical medical journals newspapers (BMJ, etc.) or magazines press at conferences Mentioned If Ye for how long in total? or meetings in your own hospital or practice Neve7 0 Once q $2 0 Never q Once q zef q Nwe7 q once q Zesq Neuer 0 once q 23 q Never [7 Once q Ees[7 Neuer 0 Once q 2~s0 Never 0 Once q $$s 0 Neuer 0 once 0 ZeJ0 Never of the general In 1995 as part of Duties of a Doctor the General Medical Council published a booklet called Good Medical Practice b public How much did you know about Good Medical Practice before you received a copy with the letter telling you about this questionnaire? years c] Once 0 szes c] of sessions days) per week month weeks Zesq ZY q ZL q &kts0 Eesq Ee*q 22 0 ~~,9q ~~,4q 2: q ZB q ZZ q 2zes 17 2:: q 22 q 2,4-q 28+iq z& q 2iL q i2rLq ii&sq IiL*q fi:‘,:, q tiiL 0 zzes c] y&S 0 2:: 0 Ncuer 0 Once 0 Ee*q ZL q 22tq iikaq Never seen a copy q Received a copy but not looked at it 0 Received a copy and glanced at it Received a copy and looked through 0 it Received a copy and read it fairly carefilLy Received a copy and know its contents well 0 0 0 it b II on a&e sh&d be s&cient reason for the GMC to Do you a ree that the 8 MC should restrict or remove a doctor’s re istration soPely because of persistent and serious flai we to: l l l l solely on that duty persistent serious Treat every patient considerately politely and Respect patients’ dignity Listen to patients and respect their views Give patients and privacy information in a way they can understand and “restrict or remove” includes striking off the GMC states these duties the are pro Fessiondl duties Wnitelyn ~~~~ $y$% 0 fytz 0 gg gpy-J g+$y 0 gg%& 0 pe&q--J p+Y 0 ~$$ 0 p&y-J Respect the rights of patients to be fully involved in decisions about their care :;$ni+ ee Keep their professional skills up to date p&y-J p.$“” 0 f.y$$ u gi@$q-J ~~~~““0 g-g4 0 g&6& 0 g@&bn $2”” rJ ~~~ c] y&q-J knowledge and Recognise the limits of their professional competence Remember: l Make the care of the patient their first concern 0 Make sure that their personal beliefs do 2%&$&e& 0 not prejudice their patients’ care Respect and protect information Be honest 0 confidential and trustworthy Act uickly to protect patients from risk if they R ave good reason to believe that they or a colleague may not be fit to practice ~~~jre(YO ~;y% 0 $+$ 0 :I Avoid as a doctor @w4~ ~~~~ g&e 0 ~~~~ 0 ge&q Work with colleagues in ways that best serve patients’ interests fy$%n $~;;;HY 0 g;.&t 0 g@$y abusing their position W;bat have yoou already done dzcriragthe past year ? 0 0 What are yea considering dbing daring the next year? v-e tick here q If me tick here q Ifme tick here q Ifme tick here q Changesin your Conthtiing Medical Education (CME) HOW many, times in the art two ;yearshave you come across doctors in your own roP~sialaal experience who should or could now have been considere B under the Performance Procedures? Never0 Oncen $$!eSo i-&n $,$$a $&[7 If you can, please give a brief account of the circumstances of one such case. (Please do not name any names) What actually happened in this case (whether or not the Performance Procedures then existed), and did you regard it as satisfactory? Are well understood Are reassuring the general public can put its own house in order? that the medical profession Definitely Agree Are a reason for doctors to be more defensive in their practice? DeJ;zite& Agree Are principally window-dressing politicians and the media? Dejnitely Agree to stop criticism Will impair medical morale and disrupt from Dejinitely Agree doctors’ teamwork? Make all doctors vulnerable, since everyone everyday which might seem deficient? does something Dejnitely Agree Are unfair to some types of doctor (eg locums, single-handed practitioners, overseas graduates) ? De$niteLy Apee Are only appropriate Agfee for problems of technical Will affect GPs the most since hospital cover each others’ deficiencies? Cannot be used fairly for problems behaviour or communication? Definite& competence? doctors find it easier to T$e;+ of attitude, interpersonal Definite4 Agree Are a desirable step towards the regular re-certification of doctors? Definitely Agree Make it necessary for doctors in their colleagues? Defnitel3, Agree to report q q q q q q q q q q q q De$&te& Agree by most doctors? deficient KJ;T performance Probably Ace Probably Agree Probably Agree Probably Agree Probably Agree Probably Agree Probably Agree Probably Agree Probably Agree Probably Agree Probably Agree Probably Agree q q q q q q q q q q q q Probably Disagree Probably Disagree Probably Disagtve Probably Disagee Probabb Disagree Probably Disagree Probably Disagree Probably Disagree Probably Disagree Probably Disagree Probably Disagree Probably Disagree q q q q q q q q q q q q D@nite& Disapee DefniteJy Disagree Dejnitcl,, Disagree Definitely Disagree Defniteb Disagme DeJinitely Disagree De$niteb Disagree DeJinitely Disagree Dejhite~ Disagree Definite& Disagree DefhiteJy Disagree Definitely Disagree q q q q q q q q q q q 0 0 ~G(I 0 zz” [? $6; [7 &$! 0 !&a 0 Neuev [7 2;” 0 iga 0 zz” [? %k; 0 k$zf 0 :%&?a 0 Never 0 2;” 0 zfa 0 zz a i] $&z$ 0 i;~if c] $ga 0 Never 0 $$jy 0 $&a 0 zz” 0 k.&g n iz! 17 ${:a 0 Never 0 iii” 0 $&a 0 zz” 0 2,; 0 8:: 0 0 Never 27 0$&a 2;~ nzza nz[% i]$%/ 0~6 ga nNme+r 0 0 Definite& AiFe cl is one of the :~J$$Y e When I am uncertain of a diagnosis I share that information with patients I find not being sure of what is best for a patient most stressful part,s of being a doctor I listen attentively to everything I have chosen (or will choose) uncertainties of natient care my patients say a speciality that minimises the I always when I do not know a patient’s treat every patient as an individual I never tell other doctors about mistakes I have made in patient care ~~” Probably Agree Agree Definitely Agree Probably Agree cl q cl took an excessively 0 Much more than usual 0 &neas w.aI n ~~~~~~ 0 ~$$“” 0 Much less capable 0 Same as 0 Less so than usual 0 Rather more than usual q ~;~;glre than wd q cl 2a?bmmZf cl usual No mare cl 0 22 0 No more than u.d No more than usual q E’i* than 0 0 cl as than usual 0 21rb less 0 0 0 than usual 0 ~~~~~I~ tl Much more than usual Much more than usual 0 ~sb~~$me 0 Less usualSothan 0 Much less than usual 0 •1 more 0 0 minutes Definitely ee e yh+ again in a year or &ihite& J&Fe 0 Probably Agree 0 Probably Disagree El baby c] 0 Probably Agree q q or this questionnaire, Prohab1y JQ-@ Ll Please return the questionnaire in the enclosed FREEPOST envelope I C McManus MAMB CIIB MD PIID P&ssorofI$&~andMe&calJ?duc&on Un&sityColl~LondonMedical!3chool, CHIME, Whittington Hospital, FREEPOST LON 11171, London N19 5BR Definite4 17 Duagree &i$$~ B@&brJ Probably Disagree 0 Definitely Dzsagree cl El Definite& Dzsagree 0 Prqbabty Dtsagree cl please write them here. will be kept strictly confidential, and will not be made known to any persons, including the offtcers and members of the General Medical Council, and will not be disclosed or published, except in an aggregated or anonymised form in which individuals cannot be identified. 0 ~a~~~I~ Phse continue on a sepnmte sheet (or the back questionnaire 0 ~a~b~~ No than c] for research purposes The contents of this questionnaire are entirely for research and evaluation of the effectiveness of the GMC’s Performance Procedures. The 0 $$‘&I 0 The questionnaire Procedures Much more than usual Rather more than usual Definitely Agree about the Performance 0 Less able % If you have any comments 0 Rather more than usual An u reas nable amount. of pressure was put upon me to camp 9 ete tR e questtonnatre I am willing to complete a similar questionnaire two’s time q 0 More so than usual long time to complete is likely to be worthwhile 0 Dejinitedy Dhagree No more than usual How long did it take you to complete the questionnaire? The questionnaire Definitely Disagree 0 2” so-so 0 [? 0 at all 4Fe 0 MU’ lesr than usual f&T tban Not cl Probably Disagree l Dejhitely Disagree c] No more than usual Not at all Probably Disagree Definitely Disagree Less than UsuaI ci Not at all 0 Probably q q 0 0 Not at all Probab& Disagree Probably Disagwe Probably Agree Probably Agree 0 D&nitely Disagree Disagree 0 Dejniteb Disagree $2” than 0 Not at all q q q More so than USUd Disagree Probably &e Not at all De$%itely Disagree Definite& Defniteb z:F rhan Probably Probably Disagree Definite& Agre Dejniteb Agree diagnosis q Probably Agree I I am frustrated Pmbab& Agree 1 of the information sheet) ;fjiou wish Further comments: The Performance Procedures introduced in July 1997 as a result of the Medical Act of 1995 are the biggest changes in the regulation of British doctors in 150 years. As a unique innovation they are being carefully watched internationallv. The GMC recosnises the imnortance of their formal evaluation. The GMC is sponsoring several studies of the Performance The research leaders are independent, Chris McManus, College London university-based who is medically Medical School qualified, Procedures, and is also actively looking for external financial support. academics and their assistants are funded through grants to universities and is Professor of Psychology To assess the impact of the Performance procedures on doctors practice and to assess their attitudes to the Procedures. working and Medical Education in the UK, to monitor at University changes in their Starting in 1997, representative samples of doctors from the UK Medical Register are being asked to complete enclosed questionnaire. Some doctors will also be asked to help in more detailed qualitative studies. In a UD in a couole of Years time. lonrzitudinal studv some earlier resoondents will be followed The full study is assessing changes occurring because of the Performance Procedures, three or four years. However we hope interim results will be available sooner. the and will not be finished In the first year 800 doctors have been asked to help. They are a random sample from Medical Register, stratified by age, sex, type of practice and place of qualification. the 175,000 Please still answer as many questions a lot in their knowledge. We think 10 and 30 minutes, between as possible. although We are aware that doctors we realise some people may differ prefer to consider questions doctors for on the more carefully. Of course not. Participation is voluntary, although we hope you will help. If you are unhappy with just some questions, leave them blank. If you don’t want to participate, please say so, and we will not send any further reminders. No. The reason is simple. We are looking for than e and wish to re-contact some respondents We hope you will understand this constraint, whit a is a frequent one in medical research. The questionnaire’s confidentiality is assured by the Data Protection code numbers, not names. Publications will only describe aggregated in a few years time. Act of 1984. The questionnaires data or anonymised comments. have only No. This is a research project and standard research ethics apply. The President, Council and officers of the GMC will have no access at all to the questionnaires. The questionnaire should be returned to the researcher’s academic address and not to the GMC. The researcher workers are universitv emulovees not GMC employees. We are afraid not. We appeal instead to your professionalism and your recognition that the Procedures The Performance Procedures may affect all doctors. This study to assess the views of a representative doctors will be most successful if all of those requested can find the time to help. We will submit the findings to a major international medical journal. are important. sample of all