CHEMISTRY OF WOO D V. The Results of Analysis of Some American Wood s 022 No. 8849 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVIC E FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATOR Y Madison 5, Wisconsi n In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin p L ,D0 CIDJMISTRY OF WOO D V. The Results of Analysis of Some American Woods l By C . J . RITTER, Chemis t and L . C . FLECK, Associate Chemis t American forests are rapidly becoming depleted of certain specie s of woods : The industries using these particular species are turning wit h increased interest to the use of other woods with similar physical an d chemical properties . 'Where such similar essential characteristics occu r in two or more woods, it is possible in many cases to substitute one fo r the other . In considering different woods for the same use, certai n properties might be classified as primary and others as secondary . If 'the primary properties are satisfactory, an d. the secondary are not, i t may be possible by variou s . treatments to . render the woods suitable fo r the required purpose . This=is strikingly illustrated in the paper indus try in which some woods are given the soda treatment, some the sulphat e treatment, and still others the sulphite process treatment in order t o obtain pulp for paper . If data were available on the chemical composition of more of the important American woods, it is believed that the wood-using indus tries could in some cases use woods in new processes, and in other in stances utilize woods now considered of little value . With this in min d further work was done at the Forest Products Laboratory on the study o f the chemical composition of some American woods, a project which s begun by A . W. Schorger- and continued by S . A . Mahood and D . E . Cable . Experimental In selecting . the woods for this comparative analysis an attemp t was made to take some of the more useful woods which would at the sam e time confirm or disapprove the general belief (1) that there is a relatio n between the density and the ligno-cellulose content of wood, and (2) tha t there is a relation between the susceptibility to decay and the cellulos e 1Published in Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chem ., Nov . 1922 . ?Ibid ., Vol . 9, Na . 6, 1917 . Vol . .Vol 12, No . 9, 1920 ; Vol . 14, 1922 . RS49 content of different species . With these two seemingly possible condi tions in mind, woods with extremely high densities, such as hickory , others with extremely low densities, such as balsa, and some wit h intermediate specific gravity were selected . These woods are as follows : Where obtaine d Specie s ponderosa pin e (Pinus ponderosa) Coconino County, Arizon a Yellow ceda r (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ) Sinohomish County, Washingto n Incense ceda r (Libocedrus decurrens )) Fresno County, Californi a Tanbark oak (Quercus densiflora) ' Trinity County, Californi a Redwood (heartwood ) (Sequoia sempervirens ) Shipment from Pacific Lumbe r Co ., California Mesquit e (Prosopis juliflora ) Shipment from Board of Commis , sioners of Agriculture an d Forestry, Div. of Forestry , Honolulu, Hawai i Bal s a (Ochroma lagopus) Shipment from American Bals a Co ., New Yor k Shellbark hickory (Hicoria ovata ) Harrisonburg County, Virgini a The results obtained from the analysis of the eight woods ar e given in Table 1 . In the analytical work, which followed the method s described by the former investigators, all samples except incense ceda r and mesquite were run in duplicate . The results tabulated are the averag e of the two determinations . The data relative to redwood are not exactl y comparable with the results obtained on the other species shown in Tabl e 1, as the sapwood showed decay, and the heartwood only could be analyzed . Discussion of Result s Ash Content The ash in the hardwoods runs considerably higher than in th e conifers . Balsa, which weighs about 7 pounds per cubic foot, has an un usually high ash content as compared with the other species listed in th e table . Estimated on a ton basis, balsa would be a good source for potash , provided its ash is high in potassium . Measured on a cord basis, however , the yield of potash is lower than in other hardwoods . R849 -2- 0 MA 43 A 0 0 . .1 1 . 00, 0410 0 44 . -2 :12 . I H F-10 N * 404 4 74 NI 7 , CJ 4101V 4 0•4'*. 1. **I : A 3 10 A 40 AI 02 01 w4-141 0 I . * . . . 1 10 Al o 4 *I 0-7'* 9 ''.'18c"72'22 ' 4 ' .. 0 ' 0 0 '0' 00o -4-4 I 1 01 4', .114 10 4 0 13. I 40 .0 Cs - 1 "7: t--4 4 2.20'4-1 1AA 14 ,o q re l AIA 4 . . C4 4A 40 4 4 g .44*'O'E' , 0 4 44 143 A 0c3 • I I " • q .-4 'a SS' . 0 o 40.1 N0 4 N .-L 4 r.- -' . .1 49 04 0%1 Al 4 : 1 A 0,1044 44,-1 0 -A*4* 410 . . .se 44 4 474A 4 444 4 4; 04 4 4 A A tt1I 1 n 11 1 1 I 0-411 4 In .--IAI • • A .1 P . 4 A A n ko '10 4 m r 7 4 .•f 1 .. 4 * 4W 4 -C i 44 ■rl ct m 4 74A CV 0 :' . : :.43 '-I•0 ) . W 4.2 44r] Ar 0 40 44044 .T,;.A!ri -I CI N p. 0 * 0 Al 4 1 2 Al A ..dut y 4 04 m • Al C .} .* HI .. . .74 Al 4. , O .. . 41 31 A14M t.01 '0 :4 404 4 A N A[. 72 0• 2'' %t r '. 4 '7 th'?2 4 . . I1pp I . .,," 4.1 mv- .mm 0, t.- C t- 1 ;,S-A .t m4t-b A A 440 4A40 ':''-''. m . 1q7 MG . moto .4 t41, 0 ni nm AI IACOM4 L. . 01 72 =IA 'IJ .4. -:'. M. q l C1 C7 4 .14 Y19 ,k7- r•.i A 72 ,W 2 . . -2. ' . .. C 4 02 1 '• 4 2 4 4 , 20 IA 4 4 P 4 4 4-- 07 411 ,4-.. LO c IA A. 71 .0 . ..A- A .o A; 4A t- • 40 71 - 2 * LLLLL' t4 . . 47 A- 17 40 * 44 VI * 40 4 40 AG: 0. 4 4714 444' 4044400 44400 4*W Vd' 144440 0" .41 M .AM =4 -1 4 4 [ 0 . A g o M +7 L W*AN :0 A: A * A A A AAA A m 40 a, A . . . 422 44 M C 1 01 M ,j 1 4 •0 A, 4 A 3 CI 1 . 4 .0 13 .a 0j. . o o . 4.* 40 .-2 -3. 0 .4 +> o o ,.3 . HH M, A 4.10 4 A- 'M-A',2 .0 1:0 A NO .7 .1 *C,440 2-10 0, • . . . . • I- P- 00 .44 -, *4447 t! t:' WNHAA-l H .-I•-4*t* HA' A . 4. 0 Ida ..t . . .+ .i Al 0444t.- . . . 40 4 4 >r. >a 'eg 'O''g ▪ . . .n 2: 2 A- AL 4 mcam 4 . A. 9 1 'p 1C d~y~y7 I . . . ..Al , M4044 04WW I t-omm Ot4 ,Dv4m IIt9 01 M4 ; 4 :•2•0e q W401el N m . . . . N44t: 8 :1 t-04t 44 - 4 ., ; H o 4 .7417• .Mk MAWA ,44AV 44A* AO I 0 I 444 AI 40 .A* 47 4 Pw 4 * . . 4 404 6 . . . 100 ArINNW44'4 .0r AA .. ..' .. . C.j 0 t-I 4 : 2 1'7 1,5 .a • . .??9 . . . .4 4 40404 0.911 4 4 047 CJtp '''-. 4 0 HAI m‘0- A u 44 .0 44 0 L4 40 404A6 440 0 N 40P-44 AM= 45 M • A CI 1 . 440 . . . 4el .4 72 4'2 . -8 S' . . p %'I.'.:'a :l ,l .4 ''T,? MMM. . . . 10,0 ' ' :? g g !4',7..t L I . . . ? mooe- '4'S'O' . . T . . * 47 4 474 no 74 04 74 .2 rl M ...'' „-■ .0 .44W 040 4 cO o, ..4 4 A.0 8 n!-It RAF; %!', 2 .'' o' . . 0000 NiWw HA 0 0 4mN4, A Ot0,003 N $0 * . 44444 44444 r-IAIAIAI H 01 4 .143[41 . Mv .440 mb- m rs nl Cl {y 4AN A Pb` 44 N 1}1 .4 A40 M '''I''' . U _-a 00 0000 .-I M 47 A . 117 Y7 .41r * 0:11'7 42 4 0 C74PW 4 4 471 4 ; = . . 4 WYINI A .-I A CO 4. . 4 C)CL, QE 40 4 A 100 4 . . 040 WN 4 * 4t-. .1 00 1 ▪ ▪ ▪ m2T .'74., mm2 :54 :°a • * . . M 4*444 *440 .0p' 4a,0 Llae0444 444 4 .1,4 :4T:A *11 * 4;40= =4 47404 .. A . . .. A A A Et. T Aiel s .* .. A A AA . . A ;i ya ;! ,i . .d a d : 'i'°' ,._, 0 03k '1r 1Oc *0 A .& 47 5 E4 .1 gAl E'2 -' I* 'e't':E P- g E ▪ k .i .it '2 0* ;-•Ir4r, A EL 4 kg., !I H s: A A. IAA A * 12 A, • ..i S .-. * 4 .30 HAI :74 .* A A .. A .--F g■ 4:6 2 t7.'' g 05 A %1-1 0 O k 9 .4 -I 1 2 iij 00 . A-- 2 .,,i; . r '2 1i Cold-Water Soluble Conten t The outstanding features of the cold water solubility deter minations are shown in connection with mesquite and balsa . The forme r has an exceptionally high cold-water soluble content, due to the mesquit e gum . The latter has a low cold-water soluble content because it contain s very little tannin or gum . . The redwood runs fairly high in water solubl e material, undoubtedly because of the large amount of tannin . Hot-rater Soluble Conten t The hot-water soluble content is from approximately 1 to 2 . 5 percent higher than the cold-water soluble content . The products dis solved by water are principally tannins and carbohydrates , Ether Soluble Content The general idea prevails that the ether soluble content i s higher in conifers than in the hardwoods . Exceptions, however, are red wood among the conifers and mesquite and balsa among the hardwoods . As would be expected, ponderosa pine has the highest ether extract in thi s series of woods . One Percent NaOH Soluble Conten t The alkali soluble extract consists primarily of tannins , resin acids, and carbohydrates with slight traces of cellulose and lignin . The alkali soluble material in ponderosa pine and redwood averages abov e that of the other conifers . This is due to the high resin content o f the former and the large percentage of tannin of the latter . Tanbark oak and mesquite among the hardwoods show a high percentage of alkal i soluble material . Methoxy Conten t It will be noted that on the average the softwoods run slightly lower in methoxy content than the hardwoods, The one exception is incens e cedar, which, on account of its exceedingly high methoxy content, migh t be expected to compare favorably with hardwoods for the production o f methyl alcohol by destructive distillation, It has been found, however , that the conifers as a rule produce scarcely 30 percent as much methy l alcohol as the hardwoods, even though their methoxy content is about g5 Percent of that in the broad-leaved species . Consequently, a` ieryf'poor ._ yield of methyl alcohol from incense cedar is not surprising . The abov e chemical constants are discussed more fully in connection with aceti c acid content, as shosn in Table 2 . R849 a3- Table 2 .--Percentages of acetic acid, met,oxp, and, methyl alcohol i n various wood s Specie s Methoxy and methyl alcoho l Acetic acid ----------------- - -------------------------------- Acid :Destructive : yeisel method : Destructiv e ; distillation :hydrolysis :distillation : ,for . : for methyl methoxy alcohol Birch : Maple ' : Tanbark oak . . . . : Hickory Redwood : Incense cedar . . : . 0 4.46 5 .23 2 .51. 1 .08 .91 16 .80 15 .26 1 6 .89 -5 .05 6.07 7 .25 5 .711 5.63 5 .21 6 .2 4 . 11 .54 11 .7 6 1 1 .72 22 .08 1 -U. S . Dept . of Agr . Bulletin 508 . -T. S . Dept . of Agr . Bulletin 129 . A. higher yield of acetic acid is obtained in all cases by des--- , tructive distillation than,by acid hydrolysis . The reverse is true i n regard to methoxy and methyl alcohol . Pentosan Conten t As in acetic acid content, there is also a marked difference i n the percentage of pentosans, presumably xylan and araban, in the softwood s and hardwoods . The analyses of the eight species examined show that th e pentosan content of coniferous woods is about 50'percent of that found in _ broad-leaved species . The average for the former is 8 .- percent, for the latter 17 .5 percent . Methyl Pentosan Conten t The percentage of methyl pehtosans'is considerably higher in softwoods than in hardwoods, Tanbark' oak is the only one of the . species which contains no methyl pentosans, The quantity of pentosan s and methyl pentosans obt fined confirm the conclusions of Schorger 2 and of Mahood and Cable . 2 Cellulose Conten t No marked difference in the cellulose content of hardwoods and . softwoods appears to exist in the eight species analyzed . Of the hardwood R849 mesquite is low in cellulose and of the softwoods, incense cedar an d redwood have a low percentage of cellulose when compared with ponderos a pine and yellow cedar . Cellulose was prepared according to the direc tions outlined in the Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry , Vol . 9, 1917, p . 556, and is the residue left after the alternat e chlorination and sodium sulphite extraction had been carried out unti l the sodium sulphite filtrate remained colorless . That the cellulose thus obtained differs in individual specie s is apparent from the pentosan content of the cellulose from the various woods . Calculated on the oven-dry weight of the wood, the cellulose i solated from the softwoods is from 4 .5 to 5 .0 percent higher than th e pentosan free cellulose ; in the hardwoods it is from 8 .5 to 13 .3 percent higher . This is considering the pentosans and methyl pentosans collec tively . If it were possible to extract the pentosans and nothing mor e from cellulose of various woods obtained by the Cross and Bevan method , one might argue that the residual material should be the same . How suc h a separation can be accomplished cannot be answered by consulting ou r present methods of analysis . Even if a clean-cut separation of th e pentosans from the rest of the cellulose were made, the remaining resi dues from the various woods seem to differ in some respects . This ca n be illustrated by using some of the data in Table 1 to obtain a differen t relationshi-D as shown in Table 3 . Column 2 shows the percent of pentosan s which resist the treatment for determining cellulose . The hardwood cellu lose contains a much higher percent of pentosans than the softwood cellu lose . It was thought that a complete extraction of these bodies from th e cellulose could be accomplished by using 17 .5 percent NaOH as is done i n separating alpha from beta and gamma cellulose . If the figures in column 4 are subtracted from the corresponding numbers in column 1, the values o f beta and gamma cellulose in the various woods are obtained. In othe r words, the results in column 5 represent the percent of material extracte d from cellulose with 17 .5 percent NaOH . Now, if the pentosans exist a s such in the cellulose, one would expect a complete extraction of suc h bodies with 17 .5 percent NaOH, especially when it is noted that a larg e amount of hexosans is also dissolved with the treatment . In column 6 i s found the percent of hexosans extracted over and above the percent O f pentosans present . On this basis, the percents of hexosans dissolved i n the first four woods agree favorably . In the tanbark oak also the amoun t of hexosans extracted is high . In the remaining five species the percen t of extract in excess of the pentosans present is low compared with th e species mentioned above . To determine whether all the pentosans are removed from th e remaining cellulose by a 17 .5 percent NaOH treatment, samples of alph a cellulose of ponderosa pine, western white pine, tanbark oak, mesquite , balsa and some purified cotton cellulose were subjected to the regula r pentosan determination . The results given in column 7 were obtained . Calculating these results on the oven-dry basis of the original woo d as indicated in column 8, and comparing these figures with th e R849 -5_ Table 3 .--Distributionofpentosans Results Species in percentages of oven-dry weight :Cellu- :Cellu- :Pento- :Alpha :Beta + :Hexosans lose : lose : san :cellu- : gamma : in beta : in :pento- : free : lose :cellu- : + gamma : wood : sans :cellu- : in : lose : celluin lose : wood : in : lose wood : in . wood : : wood : of wood :Pento- :,alpha :Cellulos e : sans :cellu- :pentosans : in : lose :retaine d :alpha :pento- :in alpha :cellu . : sans :cellulos e : lose . . : won : 57 .41 : 5 .06, 52 .35 : 35 .65 : 21 .76 : 16,70 . 1 .82 . 0 .65 : 12 . 4 Western . 59 .71 : white pine : 4.34 : 55 .37 : 38 .57 : 21 .14 : 16 .80 . 2 .05 .79 . 18 . 2 Yellow cedar . 53 .86 : 4 .89 : 48 .97 : 33 . 76 : 20 .10 : 15 .21 . Incense . 41 .60 : 4 .60 : 37 .00 : 19 .52 : 22 .08 : 17 .48 . Redwood : 48 .45 : 4 .60 : 43 .85 : 38 .10 : 10 .35 : 5 .75 : 55 .03 : 13 .24 : 44 .79 : 32 .94 : 25 .09 ; 11 .85 : 9 .51 . 3 .13 . 23 . 6 Ponderosa pine cedar Tanbark oak : Eucalyptus : 57 .62 • 13 .49 : 44 .13 : 39 .66 : 17 .96 : 4,47 . 9 .87 : 1 .39 : 3 .45 . 1 .24 . ; 2 .63 . Mesquite . 45 :45 : Balsa . 54 .15 : 11 .56 : 42 .59 : 40 .96 : 13 .19 : 1 .63 Hickory : 56 .22 : 13 .10 ; 43 .12 ; 42 .92 : 13 .30 : .20 : : 5 .48 : 37 .00 : 35 .61 : : : . : Cotton (purified cellulose) percent pentosan found 1 .07 . 14 . 6 9. 2 . : ---• 1 .03 'I-- corresponding ones in column 2, one may see that a considerable part o f the pentosans found in the original wood is still retained in the alph a cellulose . This is shown on a percentage basis in column 9 of Table 3 . From these figures it is apparent that the alpha cellulose isolated fro m the various sources is not the same chemically as is claimed by some in vestigators who have worked with too limited a number of samples . It is realized that some will argue that the furfural found b y distilling the alpha cellulose with 12 percent MI, might have been due 4 to a breaking down of some hexoses formed by hydrolysis . It is claimedthat such sugars produce small amounts of furfural under the above con ditions . According to the above reference, the percent of furfural avail able from such a source is considerably lower than the figures of thi s table show . Another source of furfural may be oxycellulose .- It is possibl e that some of this form of cellulose may be present when preparing the mate rial according to the Cross and Bevan method . If the furfural found when working with alpha cellulose in this research came from oxycellulose, the n it should be possible to hydrolyze the alpha cellulose to a hexos e quantitatively . If, however, the furfural came from pentosans presen t in the alpha cellulose, then it should be possible to identify som e pentose derivatives after hydrolyzing the alpha cellulose with acid . Thi s work will be done later . From the data presented in this paper it appears as though th e celluloses prepared from the different sources are not identical . It is , perhaps, possible to reduce two or more of them to the same stable nucleu s by alternate alkali and acid treatments . Nether this should be done o r not depends upon just how cellulose should be defined . To the writer i t seems that such a reduction is carrying the treatment to an extreme . By such a process it is possible to reduce two or more definite individual compounds to the same nucleus . For instance, benzoic acid and phthali c acid on treatment with lime produce benzene . Methyl benzene and ethyl benzene on oxidation give benzoic acid . In like manner it might b e possible to change two or more definite kinds of cellulose to the sam e stable complex . The pentosans which withstand the vigorous treatmen t to which they are subjected in the Cross and Bevan process must withou t a doubt be closely bound with the cellulose molecule if not really in corporated in it . If one refers to the work of Johnsen and Hovey- i n which they discuss the relative merits of the original and modifie d methods of Cross and Bevan for preparing cellulose, he will see tha t their work confirms *hat has been found by the writer . On page 44 o f their report is found the following data : -Brow e, Handbook of Sugar Analysis, p . 453 • -Browne, Handbook of Sugar Analysis, p . 376 . 6 -paper, vol . 21, No . 23 (1917..13), p . 36 . R49 -7- Table 4.--Comparison of cellulose obtained in Cross and Bevan's origina l and modified method s Cellulose percent Species : Original method Furfural in cellulos e percent . Modified , Original method method Modifie d metho d Balsam fir 54 .45 51 .50 5. 43 4.3 9 Aspen 60 .95 57 . 25 11 .88 10 .16 By recalculation and rearrangement of this data, the followin g results are obtained : Table 5 .--Furfural and pentosans of original wood in the cellulose pre . Percentage s p ared by the two methods of Cross and Bevan are based on weight of the original wood . Species : Original : Modified : Loss in : Loss in : Loss : Los s : method : method : cellu- : fur- : in in : lose . fural :pento- : hexo : sans : sans Balsam fir 54 .45 . 51,50 , 2 .95 . 0.63 : 0 .98 : 1 .97 Aspen 60 .95 . 57 .25 . 3 .70 . 1 .43 . 2 .23 : 1 .47 If the furfural in column 4 comes from pentosans, then the figure s in column 5 indicate the amount of pentosans extracted . By subtracting th e data in column 5-from the corresponding items in column 3, the substance s other than pentosans (hexosans) are indicated . In each case there is a considerable amount of such substances removed from the cellulose . Until a uniform method of isolating cellulose is decided upon, the materia l which different investigators prepare from the same source will undoubtedl y have varying characteristics, when subjected to chemical tests . If such a complex substance as cellulose prepared by a uniform method from differen t sources is not identical, there ought not be any cause for concern, for i t might be possible that more than one kind of the substance does exist . R849 _g_ Lignin Conten t There is no marked distinction in the lignin content of hardwood s and softwoods . If ponderosa pine and mesquite are eliminated from the eigh t species analyzed it then appears as though, on the average, that the soft woods have a higher lignin content than the hardwoods . However, a large r number of species must be analyzed before a definite conclusion can b e drawn . Contrary to some experimental data, it is quite generall y accepted that the methoxy group is entirely associated with the lignin . If this were the case, either of the following conditions should obtain : (1) The lignin content should be proportional to the methoxy content i n the various species, or (2) the composition of the lignin in differen t species must vary . A. case in which the total methoxy content of the wood is recovere d from the isolated lignin is found in a paper by Dore' on "The Distributio n of Certain Chemical Constants of Wood over Its Proximate Constituents . ' + In this paper it was found that the methoxy content of redwood is 5 .60 percent . By determining the methoxy content of the redwood ligroin, Dore was able t o recover the entire methoxy found in the original wood . In another paper by the same author ! on 'The Approximate Analysi s of Hardwoods," is found some data which show that in live oak the methox y is only partially associated with the lignin . The mother; content of th o original oven-dry live oak was found to be 5 .80 percent . Of this amoun t 3 . 72 percent was associated with the live oak lignin . The remaining 2 .08 percent methoxy was found-to be otherwise associated or at most loosel y associated with the lignin . This, then, is an example in which more than 1/3 of the total methoxy content of the original wood is not . found in the isolated lignin . That the methoxy is not entirely associated with th e lignin in hardwoods and firmly bound to the lignin in softwoods seems t o be shown by the above example . Whether this condition is true of hardwoods and softwoods generally is a study which will be taken up at th e Forest Products Laboratory in the future . As is shown in Table 1 th e methoxy content is not proportional to lignin . The proportion betwee n the two chemical constants does not even hold in a series of woods be longing to either the hardwood or softwood classes . It is of interest to use the data on redwood and live oak an d calculate the methoxy content of the redwood and live oak lignins . Fol lowing are the results : Jour . Indus . & Eng . Chemistry, May 1920, p . 475 . Oct . 1920, p . 9g6 . R849 Table 6 .--Distribution of methoxy group based upon the oven-dry weigh t of wood Species CH3O conten t : CH3 O content : CH,O content : Lignin conof oven• oven-dry wood ' tent of oven- ' wood . ' in lignin dry wood ligni n percen t percent percent percen t Redwood Live oak '6 .25 6 .28 34.5 18 .17 5 .80 3 .7 2 21 .14 1 7.59 From the above table it appears that the composition of lignin i n the two species is quite uniform from the standpoint of methoxy content . If this uniformity of the methoxy content of lignin holds in all woods , then the methoxy no t . assooiated with the lignin must vary . This is anothe r project which will be . investigated in . connection with percent . of total 'methoxy associated with the lignin, t o' which reference was made above . It is an experimental fact that softwoods do not react the sam e as hardwoods from the stondpoint . of methyl alcohol yield,,when subjecte d to destructive distillation . ,If the softwoods have all of the methoxy associated with the lignin, and the hardwoods only partially, as the very limitea amount of data show, it may explain why t ;re,broad-leaved specie s give higher yields of *ood alcohol . It is possible that .the methoxy not combined with lignin is more easily obtained as methyl alcohol than th e methoxy associated with lignin . Under such conditions, the greater shar e of methyl :alcohol in hardwoods' would be- derived from methoxy not associate d: with the lignin .' In softwoods it would originate from the lignin methox y entirely . Pentosans and Methyl Pentosans in .Cellulose Approximately 50 percent of the pentosans and methyl pentosan s of the original wood are retained in the cellulose. The hardwood Cellulos e is higher•in pentosans, and lower in methyl pentosans, than softwood cell o lose .' The relationship between these pentose-producing bodies in th e hardwood and softwood cellulosde is very simi] .ar'to that found in the original species . Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Cellulos e This determination is of interest to the manufacturers of sod a and sulphate pulps and cellulose derivatives, who wish a high yield o f stable or alpha cellulose . R849 -10 - The conifers have a higher gamma cellulose content than th e deciduous class . Density andLigno-Cellulose Conten t Hickory, one of the extremely dense woods, has a ligno-cellulos e content of 79 .66 percent, Yellow cedar and ponderosa pine, two light woods , have a ligno-cellulose content of S5 .1S and. &4 .o6 percent, respectively . Balsa, which weighs about 7 pounds per cubic foot, has a ligno-cellulos e content of S0 .65 percent . Thus, it appears that no direct relationshi p exists between density and the ligno-cellulose content of woods . Th e density seems to depend upon the structure, that is, the compactness o f the cells and the quantity of incrustaceous material, . Cellulose Content and Resistance to Decay Balsa, on account of its extreme lightness, is used in the manu facture of life-saving apparatus and insulating material . The wood must b e treated chemically to protect it against water soaking and decay . Its extreme susceptibility to decay is claimed to be due to a very high cellulos e content . The results found in its analysis show that the cellulose conten t of balsa is not above the average of other woods . Therefore, the ease wit h which balsa decays seems to be due to some other specific property . AnalysesofWood s Table 7 includes the data on the species referred to in thi s report as well as that previously published by the Forest Products Labora tory on the comparative chemical composition of woods . The results ar e derived from the three sources indicated in the footnotes . By consulting the directions of Schorger and Mahood for preparin g the wood sample for determining cellulose, it will be noted that a chang e was made by the latter . The directions of Mahood were followed in th e cellulose determinations given in this paper . Summary Hardwoods show a higher acetic acid content than softwoods by the acid hydrolysis process . Hardwoods average about 100 percent higher in pentosan content than softwoods . Softwoods have a higher methyl pentosan content than hardwoods . RS49 -11- The methoxy content of softwoods is appro±imately S5 percen t of that found in hardwoods . ' The cellulose isolated from the different species varies i n furfural-producing substances . Cellulose retains about 50 percent o f the furfural-yielding bodies in the original wood . . Beta cellulose content is higher in softwoods than in hardwoods . Apparently the acetic acid content obtained by aci d .hydrolysi s is lower than that obtained by destructive' distillation . ' are given . The analyses of eigh t - species of woods not previously determine d ' 1 P. R&49 -12- Table 7 - Analysis Of woods . Results in percentage of oven-dry 226aulll :, tSample :M012ture : Aeh: : : 001d ; Hot ; : 1; ;wate2 :water :2t2er:220H t 22t : : 6642ies -------------------------- - iestern yellow pine (sinus ponderosa) 141 142 143 144 161 162 163 164 Yellow cedar (Chameecyparia nootkatensis) I Mean % 166 166 : 167 g Mean Incense cedar (1222eedrus deco-yens) Redwood (heartwood) (Sequoia sempervirens) (22222n white pine (Pimu2montlaola) ' 168 t 168 ; Mean 3 1 g 2 3 t 4 $ Mean 1 t 11 12 13 20 Mean Longleaf pine (sinus 2alu2222s) t Douglas fir' (Pseudot2u8a taxii'0112) 1 2 3 5 1 Lean 1estern larch' (Larix oce2dentalis) 1 1 , 3 4 Mean .bite 2p-222e (Pi cos canadensis) 22nt(22k oak (2222612 dens'flora) 1'22guite (Prosopis Juliflora) 1 2 3 1 4 Mean 151 ; 152 ; 153 ; 164 t Mean : 171 : 172 175 t 174 Mean Balsa (0222o2a Iagopus} Hickory (shellbark ) (2leoria ovate ) 22calyptus (2uoalyptus 21222145) 6a2220oe 121122 4422I02na) I 176 175 Mean Sugar maple (Ate r 22222at:un) 2 . .22d . ' Jr . Ind . 177 9 .60 0 .65 : 4 .71 : 5 .41 : 0 .65 :18 .66 : 2 .60 : 5 .61 :18 .58 0 .92 178 : 7 .39 ;0 .74 ; 4 .86 : 5 .73 : 0 .62 :19 .64 : 2 .42 : 5 .65 :19 .06 : 0 .67 Mean : --B7695- :21621 -r;7H:357 ;=65 :121'041" GBI : 5 - 23:72722-s -ralir: 0 .23 ; 2 .65 : 2 .41 ; 0 .64 :16 .571 2 .31 : 7 .11 :21 .41 1 • 6 .99 1 .97 2 2 : 6 .55 0 .20 : 4 .93 ; 6 .96 : 0 .62 :18 .42) 1 .971 6 .37 ;20 .66 : 2 .14 : 3 6 .87 :0 .27 : 5 .31 ; 0 .26 : 0 .60 :17 .40 ; 1 .51 : 6 .87117 .90 : 2 .74 1 t 4 5 .90 :0 .24 : 5 .79 ;8 .271 0 .59 :21 .*0 : 1 .62 : 6 .56 :20 .39 ; 2 .48 : 1 Mean 6 .28 1 1 2 3 4 5 : : : : : : : 1 2 3 4 t Mean : : i : : : : 1 1 1 1 2 5 4 Mean Eng . Chem . Vol . 12 . Tng . :hen . Vol . `: : Trouble filtering zMUS41 V 0 :0 ;0 ;0 :0 ()JO t s Mean : Y211o, 21reh (5atula' lutes ) In celluloe e :10a22IM225- :Pento- ;M22hyl ;Celln- :12gnin :2 : le : Day : San :panto- : lose ; ;Pento- :Metbyl :21pha :Beta : Cana :aoid ; : eau ; ean :panto- :eelln- :cells- :oellnl De e t son : loss los e ;----. : : : t .43; 5 .58 : 6 .671 9 .63 :22 .08 ; 0 .92 •: 4 .55 ; 5 .06 1 .68 56 .22 :26 .72 9 .50 2 .13 69 :18 30 .82 .42 : 2 .97 ; 3 .40 ; 6 .52 :16 .58 : 1 .24 : 4 .02 : 9 .96 : 1 .24 : 57 .72 ;25 .85 : 8 .97 t 1 .97 :66 .17 5 .52 : 28 .31 .65 : 4 .62 : 6 .33 : 9 .45 :23 .16 ; 1 .03 : 4.51 : 6 .28 ; 1 .81 : 58 .88 :26 .22 4 .20 : 1 .90 :67 .65 : 6 .54 : 55 .80 .44 ; 3 .17 : 4 .69 : 6 .48 :19 .37 : 1 .18 : 4 .97 : 5 .52 1 .77 : 56 .82 :27 .72: 4 .63% 1 .90 :55 .40;19 .02 : 25 .68 .42 : 4 .09: 5 .oE :'= :zo - wJ :-ITUV ; -TITh-7735- : 1 .225 : 27 .41 :26 .62 6 .52 ' t -rZ5- :62 ..10 t 5 .64 0 .33: 1 .66 : 2 .89 : 2 .67 :13 .20 ; 1 .66 ; 5.42 ; 8 .86 3 .97 51 .45 :33 .21 8 .60 • 2 .03 62 .88 :11.10 : 26 .02 6 .19 10 .36: 3 .03: 3 .46 : 3 .34 ;14 .49 : 1 .62 : 5 .60 : 8 .52 , 3 .57 : 54 :04 :31 .27 : 8 .09 : 1 .91 :62 .96 :10 .99 ; 26 .05 : 4 .87 :0 .62 : 2 .47 : 2.86 : 2 .08 :12 .69 : 1 .56 : 5 .06 : 6 .72 : 2 .97 : 64 .78 :30 .43 : 6 .65 : 1 .65 :59 .37 :11 .64 : 28 .97 : 6 .91 : 2 .74 : 3 .23 : 2 .11 :12 .67 : 1 .64 : 4 .92 . 7 .37 ; 3 .17: 65 .17 :30 .27 : 5 .26 : 1 .64 :65 .52 :10 .61 : 33 .97 :--COV-- OT:3i'2747i :rECT;5E :13.41 :'775T : -3723s-TWIV-:-3 .42 5395O732- i-773tri-r778- :WE761reEn2Sg- s 26 .25 . . . t : 5 .32 :0 .38 ; 3 .09 : 4.87 : 3 .53 :17 .37 ; 0 .96 :• 6 .34 :11 .01 1 .20 29 .94 :58 .14 9.53 2 .13 48.47 15 .42 36 .11 : 4 .63 :0 .27 ; 2 .53 ; 3 .62 : 4 .69 ;13 .81 ; 1 .04 : 6 .29 ; 9 .99 : 1 .60 ; 44 .10 :37 .73 : 7 .90 : 1 .71 :41 .42 :12 .77 : 45 .81 ; 5 .42 :0 .38 ; 6 .31 ; 7.64 : 4 .90%21 .89 ; 0 .73 : 6 .09 :10 .70 1 .26 ; 40 .76 :37 .17 : 9 .83 : 2 .15 ;50 .90 : 6 .82 : 42 .28 5 .32 41 .60 :2776"B- : -97DW- C-179'9- :13791- :11767- : 41 .66 . : ▪ : .. : t ; 9 .64 :0 .22 ; 7 .31 ;• 9.77 ; 1 .00 :20 .06 ; 1 .03 :• 6.27 : 7 .95 : 2 .77 : 48 .67 :34 .18 : 7 .40 : 2 .09 :78 .81 : 2 .95 : 18 .24 ; 9 .71 10 .20 ; 7 .40 ; 9 .94 ; 1 .14119 .94 : 1 .13 : 5 .16 ; 7 .67 : 2 .74 ; 48 .23:34 .26 : - 22- : 2-2- : : -222 --T-g-Mr- := :-'r-'sge-gi-su :-1-:m :7=15s"IM :--57''af-7".-o- :-2-:75- :-157:415 :"3401-. r :-77Ttr : 2.09 :T5 : 18 .24 : : • : : 6 .18 :0 .21 ; 2 .60: 3.56 : 4 .00 ;15 .97 : 1 .21 : 4 .38 : 6 .75 : 3 .41 : 58 .53125 .22 : 4 .47 : 1 .69 :70 .66 :18 .16 : 11 .26 : 7 .68 ;2420 : 1 .73 : 2 .67 : 6 .42 :12 .70 : 0 .94 ; 4 .59 ; 7 .19 ; 3 .25 ; 62 .29 :24 .16 : 5 .65 : 2.97 :64 .34 :10 .69 ; 24 .9 7 7 .00 :0 .18 ; 3 .92 ; 7 .25 ; 3 .98 :15 .92 : 1 .37 : 4 .96 : 6 .48 : 3 .33 ; 69 .40 :27 .65 : 5 .19 1 .68 ;74 .29 : 9 .17 : 16 .54 : 7 .15 :0 .19 : 4 .40 ; 4.78 : 4 .63 :16 .51 : 1 .09 : 4 .41 : 7 .46 : 2 .90: 58 .61%26 .82 : 5 .96 s 1 .56 :49 .27:27 .27: 23 .46 : 5-15150-- :2, :2f 5-551626.692-4-53655TM :515= ; -4-665;-55555- : 3.2Z :-5557TT :25 :54C5:715738- 1 -T7555:64 .61 :16-32 : - 19 .06 : :0 .40 : 7 .75 ; 8 .20, 6 .70 ;24 .62 •; 0 .70 : 5 .00 : 7 .33 : 3 .48 ; 55 .33 ; : 8 .38 : 1 .26 : :0 .34 : 6 .60 :'6 .03; 6 .70 :21 .07 : 0 .23 : 4.90 : 7 .62 : 3 .29 : 67 .53 ; : 7 .19 : 1 .3 9 10 .351 5 .40% 6 .78 : 2 .65 :18 .69 : 0 .62 ; 5 .26 : 7 .67 : 3 .87 : 61 .41 ; 1 7 .39 1 .03 : :0 .38 : 6 .06 : 7 .57 : 9 .23 :24 .87 : 0 .79 : 5 .03 : 7 .43 : 3 .67 : 69 .67 : 7 .90 : 0 .95 : gn7PI :637 :118:35E :2E 7671- 7612 : :2 : T8:4H ; : : •: : 6 .56 : 1 .2 5 ;0 .40 ; 3 .79 : 6 .62 ; 0 .94 :15 .82 : 0 .93 : 4 .211 6 .03 •; 4 .24 ; 61 .97 : : :0 .37 : 3 .16 ; 6 .07 : 1 .00 :16 .761 1 .01 ; 5 .17 ; 6 .30 ; 4 .64 : 57 .00 : : :0 .35 : 2 .94 : 6 .36 ; 1 .11 :15 .12 ; 1 .13 : 4.88 ; 6 .00 ; 4 .38 : 63 .08 : 63 .82 : : :0 .38 : 4 .25 : 6 .96 : 1 .02 ;16 .72 : 1 .07 : 4.92 : 5 .73: 4 .38 : 5 .12: 1 .15 : :. :D:18 :-375T,-Z 6b :-r:62 :1-6:1r: 517dZ :-473Fs 6 .02 :-T741- :-gl7ZT : 5 .54 1 .20 • : ; • : :0 .21 :10 .45 :12 .57 : 0 .72 ;22 .07 : 0 .61 : 5 .08 ;11 .16 : 2 .47 : 58 .25 : : 9 .12 : 1 .40 : ; ;0 .32 ;11 .00 ;12 .40 ; 0 .91 : 4 .91 ;11 .04 ; 2 .83 % 58 .71 : 8 .41 : 1 .22 : : :0 .22 : 8 .16 :10 .08 : 0 .93 :19 .44 : 0 .76 ; 6 .08 :10 .22 ; 3 .14 : 60 .91 : ; :0 .16 :12 .83 :15 .30 : 0 .83 :25 .11 : 0 .55 ; 606 ;10 .78 5 2 .00 : 23 .31 : ; ; . :; : :D723:1.0:6T :11759 :- 6BSCET717 :51r7l : -5703 :71:17PZ- s -2-:81- :37 M : ; -55351- :=; . t : : : :0 .33; 1 .28 : 1 .88 ; 1 .96 :11 .33 : 1 .58 : 6 .31 :10 .78 3 .08 : 62 .61 : :10 .26 : 0 .83 : : 9 .29 : 0 .68 : :0 .29 : 0 .92 : 2 .26 : 0 .90 :11 .58 : 1 .67 : 5 .26 :10 :31 ; 3 .52 : 63 .29% 0 .30 : 1 .451 2 .52 : 0 .97 ;12 .15 : 1 .49 ; 5.29 ;10 .04 ; 3 .95 t 60 .43 ; : :0 .32 : 0 .82% 1 .88 ; 1 .63510 .65 : 1 .75 ; 5 .32 :10 .42 : 3 .64 61 .09 ; 9 .33 0 .66 : :173I:-17rE;314 :6.36 :IT:57s633 :75730 :10- 39 - :-5756- s -61-7W • 4 :10 0 .18 ; 4 .14 ; 6 .26 ; 0 .74 :22 .59 : 5 .70 : 6 .34 :20 .02 '226 6 1 59 .40 :23 .29 23 .22 25222 :55 .50 1 . .21' ' 2 .2 4 : 3 .95 :0 .81 ; 4 .32 ; 6 .15 : 0 .73 :25 .33 : 6 .70 : 6 .19 :20 .00 : -66 .50 :26 .07 ;25 .46 : - 222 :55 .91 : 1 .95 41 .1 4 : 3 .26 :0 .82 : 4 .22 : 5 .92 : 0 .80 :23 .91 : 4 .40 : 5 .35 :19 .13 : 2262 57 .27 :26 .20 ;20 .30 : -22- :58 .15 ;12 .22' : 19 .25 ; 3 .36 :0 .91 ; 3 .72 ; 6 .08 ; 0 .98 :22 .93 : 5 .13 ; 6 .09 ;19 .22 : - 26 - : 58 .95 ;24 .86 ;22 .32 22-- 121 .22 :19 .2?' • 22 .21 :emu . :5:832-127T5 :215562 -555:2U1,12375b ; -5725 :22774 :12 - 52 -2-2 : 22 .03 :24 .86- :'2E .-02 : . . • 4 :53 0 .57 :12.55 :16 .27 : 2 .20 :28 .72 : 1 .53 : 5 .68 :14 .01 2 .59 44 .79120 .21' 11 .29 1 :07 72 .00 1 .73 : 22 .2 7 : 6 .10 ;0 .58 :13 .50 :15 .77 : ---- :30 .08 : 1 .70 ; 6 .69 :13 .99 ; 0 .69 : 45 .28 :30 .15 :17 .99 1 .21 :76 .71 ; 2 .56 : 20 .73 : 6 .16 :0 .49 :12 .68 :15 .56 : 2 .33 :29 .60 : 2 .63 : 5 .29 :12 .56 : 1 .11 : : 45 .81 :31 .28 :17 .57 : 2222 :76 .40 2 .0( : 21 .64 : 6 .20 :0 .60 :11 .74 :13 .77 : 2 .37 :26 .69 : 2 .37 : 5 .66 :13 .95 : 0 .34 45 .97130 .22 :17,44 0 .96 :75 .83 ; 3 .04 20 .1 2 :-57PT- s'07:51:1-2:52:1-57579 ;-2;3T):'213-:52 :--r.a2r : -5 .763 :13796-- :' -C''Nir : -C5:113s8r.Tr :177,79-y-c-mr-:1 .." : 31 .1 2 . . • 2 .15 ; 1 .85 : 2 .84 : 1 .27 :20 .37 ; 5 .75 : 6 .71 :17 .61 6 .50 0 .88 54 .04 :26 .52 19 .29 1 .36 72 .24 2 .27 24 .2 8 : 6 .44 :2 .09 ; 1 .68 ; 2 .74 ; 1 .19 ;2C .36 : 5 .85 : 5 .65 :17 :79: 0 .83; 64 .24 :26 .47 : : : 2-2: _ : 2 .47 :2712; -157T:-2:79 : 517.22 :20 -25 :22:565 ; -T5751 :11 .65 : U .8ti : 54 .12 :255TO- :1770- :- 1 .52 :117755-255TV- :-521 . 2 6 .32 8 .28 : 6 .89 5 .19 Mean ; 6 .42 1 (105 0C samples) . : : 55 .60 :23 .83 21 .33 1 .64 75 .27 2 .24 22 .09 66 .85 ;2344 :22 .45 : 1 .19 :77 .38: 3 .01: 12 .21 26 .2252575T- 52r:gg5 :=I- :16 .32 2 .82: 20 .35 69 .67124 .04 20 .35 5 .92 67 .85 • 2 .11 31 .04 58 .53 :25 .24 :21 .62 2 .44 :69 .76 ; 0 .00 : 31 .25 56 .45 ;25 .07 :20 .10 : 2 .24 :68 .99 ; 0 .02 : 31 .2 1 65 .83 :26 .74:21 .76 : 1 .26 t 222- -2-- 22;63 ;25 .07 o .7o 311 0 ▪ .. 3 .72 62 .92 : ;24 .48 1 .1 9 3 .85 : 62 .41 : ;23 .54 1 .46 : 3 .68 ; 54 .66 : ;26 .61 : 1 .6 2 4 .16 : 63 .13 : :21 .89 ; 1 .45 : 3 .23 : 62 .08 : 24 .86 : 2 .00 : :7474:5 . :656-: ▪ • 3 .18 : 60 .49; 28 .40 : 1 .1 1 3 .12 61 .08 : ;29 .26 ; 1 .32 2 .25 ; 61 .82 : :26 .65 : 1 .04 2 .21: 61 .85 : 2 .69 :-TTTU": 0 .20 ; 2 .24 : 3 .84 ; 1 .60 :22 .43% 5 .78 : 6 .23 ;19 .82 :0 .74: 1 .63 : 2 .94 ; 1 .14 ;21 .61 : 6 .14 : 6 .05 :19 .54 :0 .96 : 3 .14 : 5 .66 : 3 .59 :26 .93: 6 .46 : 6 .11 :20 .37 : :0 .94 : 1 .23 ; 3.22 : 0 .89 :21 .46 : 6 .41 ; 5.91 ;19 .14 : :0 .55 : 2 .55 : 4 .67 : 2 .66525 .385 6 .18 : 5 .72 :20 .79 :7.7gra-ET2 :-crt :-1-:17s :MTS's-T.779-:-=119 : : :0 .58 : 2 .88 :• 4 .21 : 0 .55120 .02 ;• 3 .99 : 6 .12 ;24 .26 :0 .57 : 2 .58 ; 3 .87 ; 0 .67 :20 .20 ; 4 .39 : 6 .03 :25 .40 : :0 .64 : 3 .16 : 4 .66, 0 .64 :19 .51 : 3 .81 ; 5 .19 :23 .00 ; :0 .37 : 2 .06 : 3.16 ; 0 .63 :19 .65 : 6 .02 ; 5.92 ;25 .86 : :D752 :52767 :5-5791 :5222515 :11755 :-r53r : 52721 :24 - 53- : : : • :0 .46 : 2 .60 : 4 .27 : 0 .29 ;16 .98 ; 4 .26 : 7.22 ;21 .10 ; 2 .50 ; 60 .76 : 10 .61 ; 2 .73 : 4 .22 : 0 .22 ;17 .20; 4 .25 ; 7.23 :21 .90 2 .14 : 61 .67 ; ;0 .40 ; 2 .94 : 4 .78 : 0 .30 :18 .04 : 4 .60 : 7 .25 :22 .21 : 2 .06 : 60 .20 : :0 .38 : 2 .33 : 4 .15 ; 0 .20 ;18.35 ; 4 .74 : 7 .28 ;21 .62 ; 2 .85 : 60 .48 ; :02q12;'T'l;6-5 :-57US :-0:E517:5"4 2W74S' : -7725 :21771- 2-2739-:-50;TU : :21 .02 ; 1 .04 :25 .22 : 1 .05 : :25 .85 ; 1 .00 : :25 .20 ; 0 .77 : :2515745r :-0:515-: