THE PHOTOMICROGRAPHY OF A JACK PINE SULPHATE PULP PROCESSED IN ROD MILLS AND JORDANS By F. A. A Wisconsin paper company employs a combination of rod :iills and jordans as a means of processing pulp for the In order to determine if this processing was paper machine. modifying the fiber size and surface characteristics in a way most likely to result in a paper of maximum strength properties, a microscopic study of the stock was made. Seven samples were selected at significant steps to paper during the conversion of a jack pine sulphate of photo— for recording the visual characteristics by means micrographs. Procedure and Data each sample was prepared and stained The seven slides of saf±'ranine dye. in the order of increasing severity of process- One slide from with were a dilute solution treatment until the progressive change in the visual characteristics of the stock effected by this processing was recognized. A representative field from each slide was then selected and photographed by the apparatus shown in Plate I at a :eagnification of 105 diameters. In Plate II are found the photo— micrographs obtained, numbered in order of degree of process— ing lug. In Table 1 are recorded data obtained by the paper company concerning the effect of processing by means of a laboratory size Valley Iron Works beater on the strength— producing properties of the pulp before rod milling, after treatment in one rod mill, and after treatment in three rod mills. lAssistant Chemist, U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wi S. R933 —52— c Plate 1.—Apparatus used to make photomicrogi'aphs. developed Table 1. Processed by Unprocessed Beating: time :Bursting: Tearing : one rod mill Processed by : three rod mills : : :Bursting: Tearing :Bursting:Teariflg strength: strength: strength: strength: strength factor factor factor factor : factor factor strength: Minutes: 0 15 30 45 0.41 : : : 60 75 Points : : .97 1.29 1.57 1.55 per pound per 2.33 0)68 1.32 1.53 1.50 : 1.33 1.41 : : . : : : : : : : : 1.54 1.60 1.55 : : : : x 36 — 2.29 1.38 1.33 1.28 1.41 0.77 1.52 : : 1.50 : 1.62 ; 1.64 ....: .....,..: : : 1.78 : 2,18 : 1.44 : 1.32, 1.30 1.27 1.16 : : : A partial analysis of a sample of the paper made from the pulp processed by three rod mills and four jordans yielded the data recorded in Table 2. Table 2.——Certain properties of a lack pine Basis weight (24 x 36 — 500)...........Pounds Points Thickness Bursting strength....Points per pound per ream 24 x 36 — soo .Number Double folds Tearing strength.....Points per pound per ream 24 x 36 — 500 Meters Tensile strength Size number Kind of size . . . 66.0 5.6 0.89 1731 2.30 5975 2.2 Rosin Interpretation of the Data The photomicrographs indicate that the processing of increasing severity has affected the surface characterisThe principal effect their size. tics of the fibers more appears to have been a loosening up and working out of the first two or three outer layers of fibrils of the cell walls. instances the fibers have been split lengthwise, thus In Naturally, some reduction of fiber opened up as ribbons, R933 —53— '55 ML F 1. Through one rod mill Unprocessed 3. Throuvh two rod muss MiltieF 4. Through ttrss rod milss 5. Through taxis rod malls ltd four Jordsms of /4> 44 Jack Pine Sulphate Puly, Processed by Rod Mune $fld Jordans Plate 7. t: 'li- 4 after length occurred, but the fact that the further treatment of the rod—milled puips in the laboratory size beater produced strengths than a stuff of higher bursting and lower the paper made from the stuff processed by three rod mills and four jordans suggest that the processing was one of mainly fibrillation. It is possible that a higher bursting strength could have been secured had the stock been cut more in the This would. have resulted. in a lower tear, but one jordans. probably not below the limits of the re0uirements for use. P.933 —54—