2006 National Logistics Workshop National Interagency Fire Cache System

2006 National Logistics Workshop
National Interagency Fire Cache
Mission Statement
• The National Interagency Fire Cache System
consists of a group of 11 caches that work
together to provide the supplies and
equipment for wildland fire and other allhazard incidents. It is the intent of this
system of caches to help you be successful
in your support to the firefighter and
associated support personnel. The key to
this support is communication with each
other from start to finish of any supported
emergency or all-hazard incident.
Our Goals
• To get the supplies
and material to the
line, on the line, on
time. No matter what
it takes!
In Alaska!
Or In California!
We have a Web
Finally, a Cache Web site!
Web Page Information
• The Page is under construction but we have most of
these items available and others will be soon.
• The Cache Management Plan
• Cache Memo’s
• Cache locations and numbers
• The refurbishment guide
• A kit change request process
• Cache Statistics
• Power-point presentations
• Annual reports
Cache Statistics
Inventory Value - $91,982,085.60
Pounds Shipped – 16,066,144.93
Cubic Feet Issued – 3,209,355.54
Receipt/Adjustment Value - $78,263,323.50
Issue Dollar Amount - $133,545,170.49
Number of Issues – 23,250
Line Items Issued – 170,421
Returned Dollar Amount - $86,650,260.31
– Average Loss/Use Rate for Durables – 8%
• Number of Returns – 17,590
• Line Items Returned – 115,122
National Interagency Support Cache
NFES Kit Change Request
Submitted by:
NFES Kit Name/Number:
OVERALL PROBLEM/OBJECTIVE STATEMENT (Describe the problem, how the work is currently being done, and why improvement or change
Is needed):
WHAT IS THE PROPOSED CHANGE TO THE KIT OR NEW KIT REQUEST (List item change or all kit items, identify kit cost or cost of new item,
and list vendors who supply the items):
POTENTIAL BENEFITS (Describe how this project will reduce cost, save time, improve safety, increase efficiency, or provide resource management):
USDA Forest Service,
National Interagency Fire Center
3833 S. Development Ave
Boise, Idaho 83705-5354
Phone: (208) 387-5277 FAX: (208) 387-5398
E-mail completed form to: mcnudde@fs.fed.us
Product Deficiency Report Process
• Notify the servicing Cache
• Use GSA preferred method of Direct
telephone, eResolve or Email
NCSCcustomer.service@gsa.gov. Note “Fire
Suppression” on the subject line
• Product Quality Deficiency Report (QDR) is
available from GSA forms to submit by mail or
• Late Deliveries from GSA transportation
vendors need to be documented for payment
GSA Global Supply is committed to providing quality products and resolving problems with
professional service.
There are several ways to report a discrepancy:
By Telephone: Call 800-525-8027 and select Option 2 for Customer Service. Indicate that
you are calling about a fire suppression item.
The call center is staffed 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (Central time). Callers outside those hours
should leave a clear message with name, commercial phone number and a brief description of
the problem.
eResolve: Report a problem by going to www.gsa.gov/ncsc and select eResolve, an online
customer service solution. eResolve allows direct reporting of problems with a requisition or
GSA Global Supply order shipment, including damage, short/over, wrong item, quality, tracing
shipments, and merchandise return issues.
Send a message to NCSCcustomer.service@gsa.gov indicating “Fire Suppression” on
the subject line.
Although GSA prefers you utilize the telephone or electronic methods mentioned above, forms can
still be sent via the following methods:
Customers seeking the Product Quality Deficiency Report (QDR) form can download it online at
www.gsa.gov/forms and searching for SF368.
U.S. General Services Administration
Attn: Fire Suppression
National Customer Service Center (6FR)
1500 E. Bannister Road, Bldg. 4
Kansas City, MO 64131-3088
What’s New?
• New and Improved Field Pack, NFES
0678- The Blue Pack
• New Tall versions of the Fire Shelter
NFES 0975 are available
• A larger waist size nomex BDU and
several of the regular waist size’s in
longer 36 inch inseams coming soon.
• Larger shirt sizes coming soon.
• Spill containment bucket
• Fuel Tags
What’s New (continued)
• Two types of disposable bath towels, a
pocket size (NFES 0206) and larger size
(NFES 0712).
• Note: As with all new items there will be an
implementation and transition strategy due
to the cost of adding new items and attrition
of those items being replaced.
• Working with SDTDC on standard sprinkler
• Only purchase UN approved drip torches
What’s in the rumor mill
• Incident “Road” signing kits are not/will not
be stocked by the National Cache system.
• Type 3 Cache vans are not stocked.
• Q-turn…on hold, funding not available.
• 2” suction hose study for MKIII pumps, no
performance enhancement.
What’s in the Future?
• Interagency Cache Business System –
– The Yantra Corporation (and Manugistics as
prime contractor) are working with Cache SME’s
on the System redesign.
– Will incorporate a supply interface between the
cache system and ROSS.
– Will incorporate bar code technology which will
interface with (I-Suite) or other standard
systems in use at the incident level to track and
account for supplies and material.
Helpful Hints
• Write clearly, the order may get faxed and re-faxed several times
• Check quantity closely, unit of issue may be by box, not each
• Set up a standard order time; i.e. morning order to get same day or
evening order for next day delivery
• Consolidate orders as much as possible
• Multiple orders on trucks; take only the supplies that you ordered
• “Add On’s” to an order usually change the type of vehicle that is
needed to ship and/or may delay the order
• Wait until on Incident before placing initial pre-order (commonly
referred to as the “canned order”), many items may not be needed or
already on site. Remember that excess items on hand affects the
cache’s ability to support other Incident’s.
• Supply orders generated in ROSS are difficult to read, please use
traditional method. The cache’s are presenting a preferred supply
resource order format to the ROSS change management team.
• Use a single individual to do the order, helps eliminate double orders
and/or reuse of S-numbers
Support Dispatcher & Ordering Manager
Ordering from National Interagency Support Cache
1. Communications supplies (including cell phones), Mobile Cache
Support Vans, 500 Person Medical Kits, Fire Remote Automatic
Weather Stations (FRAWS), Project Remote Automatic Weather
Stations (PRAWS), and Atmospheric Theodolite Meteorological Units
(ATMU) must all be ordered through the geographic area coordination
2. Dispatch Centers order direct to the servicing Cache for NFES supplies
not available from the local cache (excluding those listed in #1 above).
Type 1 & 2 Teams in some regions may also order direct to the
servicing Cache for NFES supplies (excluding those listed in #1 above)
with concurrence from the hosting agency. In either case, prior to
ordering please call the Cache to alert them of the pending order,
followed by faxing the order. Always confirm fax receipt and legibility.
Support Dispatcher and Order Manager
Continued 3.
Resource orders sent to the Cache with multiple request
numbers (on the same page) requiring different shipping
methods or destinations, must be faxed on separate pages.
Each resource order page faxed to the Cache should only
show the request numbers to be shipped together to one
destination. Line through (black out) request numbers not
being shipped in the same manner or to the same
Orders for NFES supplies not available or stocked at
servicing Cache will be forwarded to the nearest national
cache able to fill. However, the Incident must confirm that it
requires the supplies and the quantity specified. The Cache
may recommend a suitable substitute or local purchase.
Ordering efficiency will be improved if the incident initially
checks stocking locations in the current NFES Catalog for
each supply requested.
Follow local established ordering procedures in placing
requests for non-NFES supplies with either the Buying Team
or local procurement unit.
Logistics/Cache Communication
• Direct Communications With Cache Managers and Staff
help both parties.
• Cache Demobilization Specialists
– Can efficiently and effectively help you manage
backhaul and keep you out of trouble with DOT on any
Hazmat violations. Remember under the intent of the
law you are the shipper and are directly responsible
for violations.
• Feedback
– Provide feedback on National Kits and Base Camp
Units. (process available on web site soon)
– Invite a supporting cache representative to in-brief,
daily briefings or closeout briefings when possible and
– Provide feedback on quality issues and provide
exhibits to support it.
Lessons Learned
• Call the Cache when delivery location
• Large Orders and Pre-Orders
– Is best to identify daily use/shift use of items in
order to stabilize the supply chain versus bulk
ordering at the front end of the incident. Ordering
massive amounts of supplies will not manipulate
the fire loss/use rate.
• Increased Use of Sprinkler Kits for Structure
– Long deployments of sprinkler setups have tied
up pumps, tanks, and other water handling
appliances for significant periods. Making those
assets unavailable for new Incidents.
How does the Cache System keep
up with Incident Orders?
Moving inventory from area’s of low
activity to higher priority regions
• Maximizes existing inventory:
Cleaning, testing, and repacking useable
equipment and supplies is critical to
meeting Incident needs. Inventory (new or
used) that is staged at an Incident is
unavailable for others that may need it.
Cache’s as Property Managers
• The Cache System is a Leader in the
Field of Recycling and Reutilization
Through the Refurbishment and Reuse
of Durable and Non-Expendable
• Through the Reutilization of the
Inventory the System provides the
Government and thus the Taxpayer with
Significant Cost Savings.
• Compile the data for Fire Loss on
Fire Loss/Use
In response to an Office of Inspector General audit in
1989/90 and 2000 identifying a need to establish
controls over fire equipment and supply losses, the
National Fire Loss Tolerance Committee was formed to
respond to one of the audit recommendations. The
result of this recommendation was to establish
procedures and mechanisms to provide for management
oversight of equipment and supplies on all Type I and
Type II Incidents supported by National Fire Equipment
System (NFES) and National Interagency Support
FIRE LOSS/USE (continued)
• Prior to the implementation of the Fire Loss
Tolerance program
– Incident loss/use rates often exceeded 50% on
Type I and II incidents.
– In 1992, the first year of partial implementation,
the fire loss/use rate dropped to 43%.
– In 1993, the first full year of the fire loss tolerance
program, the rate dropped to 27%.
– From 1994 to 1999 the loss/use rates ranged 16% 29% all within the allowed 25-30%.
– In 2000 it was determined that consumable items
no longer needed to be included in the final totals,
the allowable loss tolerance for durable items
became 15% or below.
Fire Loss/Use (continued)
The average for the years 2000-2005 is 14%
For 2005 the loss/use rate was 8%
• Impact on Incident Management Team’s
– Stricter enforcement of accountability and fire
replacement policy. May affect teams rating on
accomplishment of objectives as directed by agency
• Impact on Incident Unit/Agency Administrator
– Agency Administrator must initiate action plans and
report to Regional Forester/DOI Agency Administrator
when the standard is not met on any one particular large
– Current cost control initiatives may impact an agencies
budget project dollars for durable material losses on
large fires that exceed 15%
Logistics Tools
• CDSP- Cache Demobilization Specialist, work for the Cache
and are available to assist/consult the Supply Unit Leader
in the demobilization Process.
• Incident Business Management Specialist:
– Your cost containment expert and advisor
• Do work with the Buying Team to procure items that meet
Forest Service Standards that will be acceptable for the
cache to receive at the conclusion of the incident. If not
meeting cache standards the host unit may have to cache
the item(s) and may possibly have to expend preparedness
or project funds in order to keep them.
• Don’t replace specialty or personal items with fire dollars
that are damaged through fair wear and tear.
Replacement Requisitions
• Use only NFES 1300 and NFES 1286 forms for
fire replacement
• Fill orders from supply unit stock if available,
prior to requesting resource being demobilized.
• If not available forward completed replacement
orders to the servicing cache. If resource is
demobilized the servicing cache will forward the
replacement items to the home unit. If
requesting resource is located outside the
boundaries of the local cache, the requisition
will be forwarded to that resources servicing
• Authorized approvals and signatures “MUST”
be included on the requisition. On type 1 and 2
incidents, approval is limited to the SPUL, LSC,
IC or agency administrator (FMO)
Replacement Requisitions Cont• SPUL approves replacement requisitions based
on Engine Accountability Sheets, a completed
and approved AD-107 (Accountability for Loss,
Damaged, or Destroyed Equipment), or other
agency approved equipment inventory
• All replacement requisitions on Type 1 and 2
incidents must originate from the incidents
logistics section. Incident replacement
requests after the fact and not signed by the
SPUL will not be honored.
• Ensure all blocks are completed on
replacement requisitions.
Impacts on Timely Support
• Hours of Operations (Drivers)
• Work/Rest Guidelines (limited staffing
availability during planning levels 4&5 when
several area’s are impacted)
• Staffing Cutbacks
• National/Regional Priorities
– The priorities of the Geographical and National MAC
groups have a direct relationship with who gets
existing stock. The caches try to meet the Incident’s
needs but there are often more Incidents than
inventory on the shelves. This can result in an
inability to fill the orders in total, and/or there may be
delays in getting supply orders in total.
That’s All Folks!
• Any Questions, comments, or feedback? I
will be here all week to take your questions,
comments, or recommendations.
• POC’s
– FEWT Chair – Tory Henderson
• Email – thenderson@fs.fed.us
– NFES BLM Representative – Paul Naman
• Email – paul_naman@nifc.blm.gov
– NFES Chair – Kim Christensen
• Email – kachristensen@fs.fed.us
– Cache Manager Group Chair – Doug Benton
• Email – dbenton@fs.fed.us
– NFES Cache Manager Rep – Robert Behrner
• Email – rbehrner@fs.fed.us