Genesis and the Genome: Genomics Evidence for Human-Ape Common Ancestry and Ancestral

Dennis R. Venema
Genesis and the Genome:
Genomics Evidence for
Human-Ape Common
Ancestry and Ancestral
Hominid Population Sizes
Dennis R. Venema
The relatively new and rapidly expanding field of comparative genomics provides
a wealth of data useful for testing the hypothesis that humans and other forms
of life share common ancestry. Numerous independent lines of genomics evidence
strongly support the hypothesis that our species shares a common ancestor with
other primates. Additional lines of evidence also indicate that our species has maintained a population size of at least several thousand individuals since our speciation
from the ancestors of other great apes. This article will provide an overview of
genomics evidence for common ancestry and hominid population sizes, and briefly
discuss the implications of these lines of evidence for scientific concordist approaches
to the Genesis narratives.
volutionary theory has long proposed that humans and other
great apes share common ancestors.1 Evolutionary theory thus predicts
that the genomes we observe in living
primates (such as humans and chimpanzees) are, in fact, modified forms of an
original genome present in the common
ancestor of these species. This simple
hypothesis can be readily tested using
several independent lines of evidence
derived from comparing the complete
genomes of the two species.2
Dennis Venema is associate professor and chair of biology at Trinity Western
University. He obtained his BSc and PhD in cell biology and genetics from
the University of British Columbia. His research interests include the genetics
of tissue patterning in Drosophila, genetics education, and the interaction
between evolutionary biology and Christian faith. He was the recipient of
the 2008 College Biology Teaching Award from the National Association of
Biology Teachers. Recently, he has co-authored a series of blog posts discussing
comparative genomics and human evolution for the Biologos Foundation.
He and his wife Val have a son Elijah (7) and daughter Davin (5), and as
a family they enjoy numerous outdoor activities that the Pacific coast region
has to offer.
The first line of evidence, and perhaps the one most widely discussed by
Christian apologetics organizations, is
that of gene sequence similarity. If, indeed, humans and chimpanzees are
descended from a common ancestral
species, then the individual gene sequences of these two species would be
predicted to have a high degree of similarity due to inheritance from a common
ancestor, or homology. Moreover, homology for individual genes should exist at
two levels: the amino acid level (the
functional sequence of a given gene’s
protein product), and at the nucleotide
code level (the underlying DNA code
for the required amino acid sequence).
Since the nucleotide code has numerous
coding options for a given amino acid
sequence (i.e., the nucleotide code is redundant), genes in related organisms are
predicted not only to share amino acid
sequences but also nucleotide sequences,
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Dennis R. Venema
despite a large number of possible coding options.
Thus, related organisms should display homology
at both levels of code.
A second, unrelated line of evidence is that of
synteny. Synteny is a technical term for conservation
of gene order along chromosomes between relatives.
Put more simply, the hypothesis of common ancestry predicts that not only will related species have
similar genes, but that they will also have these
genes in a very similar spatial pattern.
A third line of evidence is that of pseudogenes.
Pseudogenes (literally, “false genes”) are the mutated remains of gene sequences that persist in the
genome after their inactivation. Common ancestry
predicts that related species should share pseudogenes that were present in the genome of their common ancestor. Moreover, these pseudogenes should
be in the same genomic location in both descendant
species (i.e., they should exhibit shared synteny)
and retain gene sequence similarity (i.e., continue
to exhibit homology) in spite of their inactivation.
The DNA sequence of the human genome was
completed and published between 2001 and 2004.3
Shortly thereafter, the genome sequence of the chimpanzee was completed.4 The availability of complete
genome sequences for both organisms allows for
a comparison of homology, synteny, and shared
pseudogenes at a genome-wide level for these two
species. As such, these analyses function as independent tests of, and provide independent lines of
evidence for, the hypothesis of human-chimpanzee
common ancestry.
Sequence Similarities in Primate
Genes: Evidence from Homology
Homology is defined as similarities derived from
shared ancestry. It has long been known that humans
and chimpanzees have nearly identical sequences for
individual genes.5 Complete genome sequencing has
confirmed that this pattern of near identity is consistent across the genomes of both species. The human
genome has approximately 3.0 x 109 nucleotides; of
this number, 2.7 x 109 nucleotides match the chimpanzee genome with only a 1.23% difference between
the species.6
In short, the vast majority of the human genome
matches the chimpanzee genome with only rare
differences. The inclusion of sequence alignment
Volume 62, Number 3, September 2010
gaps between the two genomes that are thought to
have arisen through either insertions or deletions
(so-called “indel” mutations) drives the identity of
the two genomes down to about 95%.7 Restricting
the comparison to the sequences responsible for
coding for proteins raises the value to 99.4%.8 By any
measure, humans and chimpanzees have genomes
that are highly homologous and readily interpreted
as modified copies of an original ancestral genome.
Codon Usage in Homologous
Genes: Evidence from
The DNA code used to specify amino acids within
proteins is based on nucleotide triplets, or “codons.”
Since there are four nucleotides (A, C, G, and T),
there are 64 (i.e., 43) possible nucleotide triplets available; however, only twenty amino acids are present
in biological proteins. Since three of the 64 codons
are used as “stop” codons to halt the translation process, 61 codons are available for coding twenty amino
acids. Thus, most amino acids can be encoded by
more than one codon (i.e., the codon code is partially
redundant). For example, a comparison of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences for insulin (a peptide
hormone) of human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan,
a species of bat, and mouse is shown in figure 1.9
The unprocessed insulin peptide in all six species
has 110 amino acids, the majority of which can be
coded by alternate codons. This redundancy in the
code means there are over 1019 different possible
nucleotide sequences for human insulin that maintain the observed amino acid sequence. The sequence we observe, however, is one nearly identical
to the nucleotide sequences seen in other mammals
(figure 1A). The chimpanzee sequence differs by
only six nucleotides; the gorilla, only by four. At the
protein level, chimpanzees differ by two amino
acids compared to humans, whereas the gorilla
sequence is identical to ours (figure 1B). The amino
acid and nucleotide homologies for other mammals
become progressively less identical with the human
sequence in a nested pattern that matches their phylogeny based on morphological criteria (figure 1C).
While this is a very small sample (330 nucleotides),
this pattern is representative: a genome-wide comparison of human and chimpanzee coding sequences
reveals they are 99.4% identical across 1.85 x 107
Genesis and the Genome
Figure 1. Nucleotide and Amino Acid Homology for Insulin in Mammals
Figure 1A. The complete nucleotide coding sequence for pre-proinsulin aligned for four primate species (HS = Homo sapiens /human,
PT = Pan troglodytes/chimpanzee, GG = Gorilla gorilla/gorilla, PP = Pongo pygmaeus/Bornean orangutan), one chiropteran (RF = Rhinolophus ferrumequinum/greater horseshoe bat) and one murid (MM = Mus musculus/mouse). Nucleotides that differ from the human sequence
are shaded in black. Amino acids conserved in all six species are given below the nucleotide sequence. Numbers below codons conserved
in all six species indicate the number of codon alternatives for that position.
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Dennis R. Venema
This argument can be extended to situations in
which amino acid differences are observed in specific proteins between species. For example, the differences between human and chimpanzee insulin at
the nucleic acid level are as small as possible despite
the amino acid differences. The twelfth amino acid
in chimpanzee insulin, for instance, is valine (codon
GTG), whereas in the other mammals examined here
(figures 1A, 1B), it is alanine (codons GCG or GCC).
There are four codons that code for valine (GT
followed by any of A, C, G, or T) and four that code
for alanine (GC followed by any of A, C, G, or T).
What we see when comparing this codon in humans
and chimpanzees is the two closest possible codons
despite the altered amino acid. Put another way,
the nucleic acid code is consistent with only single
nucleotide changes of a common ancestral sequence,
even though there are multiple codon options for
the different amino acids.
Figure 1B. The complete amino acid sequence of pre-proinsulin
aligned for the same species as in (A). Amino acids that differ from
the human sequence are shaded in black.
Volume 62, Number 3, September 2010
Figure 1C. Phylogeny for the same six species, with percent
homology for pre-proinsulin relative to the human sequence shown
for nucleotide (nt) and amino acid (aa) sequences.
Genesis and the Genome
Extending this type of analysis to other insulin
sequences from organisms predicted to be less related to humans produces the same pattern: gorillas
and orangutans use the same GCG codon for the
alanine at the twelfth position, whereas bats and
mice use a GCC codon for this alanine. This pattern
persists across the entire coding sequence for insulin.
Significant nucleic acid homology is retained despite
the numerous options for the conserved amino acid
sequence (figure 1C), and changes are highly consistent with single-nucleotide substitutions of an ancestral sequence (figure 1A). In summary, the observed
pattern of gene homology across species is precisely
what common ancestry predicts at two levels of code.
Genomic Spatial Organization:
Evidence from Synteny
Synteny, in comparative genomics context, speaks to
the observation that related organisms not only have
high sequence homology for individual genes, but
that the spatial organization of those genes is also
similar. In short, organisms thought to be close
evolutionary relatives have their genes in essentially
the same order, with small differences arising from
known mechanisms such as sequence inversions,
translocations, and chromosome fusion events. As
before, the hypothesis of common ancestry predicts
such an outcome, since the two species in question
are hypothesized to have once been a single species.
The fact that the human and chimpanzee genomes
exhibit striking synteny with only subtle differences
in genomic organization has been known for some
time, based on chromosome staining and molecular
hybridization techniques.11 The main differences between human and chimpanzee chromosome sets are
nine intrachromosomal inversions and one chromosome fusion.12 These observations have now been
confirmed at the molecular level by whole-genome
sequencing of humans and chimpanzees.13 Perhaps
the best-known example of a difference between
humans and chimpanzees with respect to genome
organization is the telomere-to-telomere fusion resulting in human chromosome 2.14 This chromosome
corresponds to what are two separate chromosomes
in chimpanzees and other great apes, suggesting that
the human chromosome is the result of a fusion between what has persisted as two separate chromosomes in these other species. The evidence for the
fusion event is based on synteny: the genes from the
two ape chromosomes line up with the one human
chromosome in the exact pattern one would expect
from a tip-to-tip fusion event.
Synteny also predicts where certain byproducts of
such a fusion event would be found. Chromosomes
have special sequences called telomeres at their tips,
as well as an internal sequence called a centromere
that is used during cell division. Based on the two
chromosomes we see in apes, we would predict internal telomere sequences where the human chromosome 2 sequence changes from aligning with the one
ape chromosome to the other. We would also predict
the presence of two centromeres that line up with the
locations of those found in the ape chromosomes.
In both cases, we find in human chromosome 2 exactly what common ancestry would predict: internal
telomere sequences precisely at the expected fusion
point, and the presence of two centromeres in their
predicted locations, though one has been inactivated
through accumulated mutations.15
In summary, when comparing the complete human
and chimpanzee genomes, we observe that the spatial organization of genes in both species matches
precisely what one would predict based on common
ancestry: overwhelming similarity, with subtle differences arising since speciation.
Genomic Archaeology:
Evidence from Pseudogenes
A third, and very compelling, line of evidence for
common ancestry of humans and great apes comes
from shared pseudogenes. Pseudogenes (literally,
“false genes”) are gene sequences that have been
inactivated by mutation that persist in the genome
as nonfunctional sequences. Pseudogenes remain
recognizable for several reasons. First, only small
changes are needed to inactivate a gene (for example,
a change of one codon to an inappropriate “stop”
codon, truncating protein translation). In such cases,
the gene “remnants” are nearly identical to the functional gene and are readily identifiable by their
homology. Secondly, comparative genomics allows
us to identify pseudogenes not only by sequence
homology to functional genes in other organisms,
but also through synteny: pseudogenes retain their
spatial orientation to neighboring functional genes
after their inactivation. Thirdly, once inactivated,
a pseudogene accumulates mutations only slowly,
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Dennis R. Venema
because the proofreading mechanisms that govern
DNA replication do not distinguish between functional and nonfunctional DNA sequences. These
features allow for identification of pseudogenes in
various states of disrepair as they are slowly mutated
beyond recognition over millions of generations.16
Common ancestry also predicts that, beyond
human-chimpanzee common ancestry, the common
primate ancestor also shares ancestry with other
vertebrates in the more distant past. For example,
evolutionary theory predicts that humans, like all
vertebrates, are descended from egg-laying ancestors.17 As with all placental mammals, humans do
not use egg yolk as a source of nutrition for their
embryos. Other vertebrates such as fish and birds
do employ egg yolk, as do a small number of extant
mammals such as the platypus.
One protein used as a yolk component in egglaying vertebrates is the product of the vitellogenin
gene.18 Since placental mammals are proposed to be
descended from egg-laying ancestors, researchers
recently investigated whether humans retained the
remnants of the vitellogenin gene sequence in pseudogene form. To assist in their search, this group determined the location of the functional vitellogenin gene
in the chicken genome, noted the identity of the
genes flanking the vitellogenin sequence, and located
these genes in the human genome. They found that
these genes were present side-by-side and functional
in the human genome; then they performed an examination of human sequence between them. As
expected, the heavily mutated, pseudogenized sequence of the vitellogenin gene was present in the
human genome at this precise location.19 The human
genome thus contains the mutated remains of a gene
devoted to egg yolk formation in egg-laying vertebrates at the precise location predicted by shared
synteny derived from common ancestry.
While the vitellogenin pseudogene is compelling,
it is but one example of thousands that could be
given.20 For example, there are hundreds of genes
used for the sense of smell (olfactory receptor genes)
in the human genome that have become pseudogenes.21 Moreover, many of these pseudogenes
have identical inactivating mutations shared among
humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas.22 Furthermore,
determining degrees of relatedness solely based on
genomes that share identical inactivating mutations
in olfactory receptor pseudogenes, independently
Volume 62, Number 3, September 2010
arranges humans as most closely related to
chimpanzees (most errors in common), and less so
with gorillas (fewer errors in common), and even
less with orangutans (fewer still errors in common).23 Additionally, no “out of place” pseudogenes
were found in this study: pseudogenes with identical
inactivating mutations common to humans and
gorillas were also present with the identical mutation in chimpanzees; mutations common to humans
and orangutans were present in chimpanzees and
This pattern is precisely what common ancestry
predicts for these species, since an identical mutation present in two species is most readily explained
by its presence in the common ancestor of both
species. The common ancestor of humans and gorillas is also the common ancestor of chimpanzees,
hence inactivating mutations present in humans and
gorillas are also predicted to be present in chimpanzees. In short, the existence of shared pseudogenes
between primate genomes, their syntenic locations,
and their patterns of inactivation and distribution
all coherently support the same model of common
ancestry based on comparative sequence homology
criteria alone.
Comparative Genomics:
Evidence for Common Descent
or Common Design?
While genomics evidence from homology, synteny,
and pseudogeny independently supports the hypothesis that humans and chimpanzees share a common
ancestor, it is also possible to assess these lines of
evidence from an anticommon descent perspective
such as intelligent design (ID). While it is true that
a few individuals within the ID movement accept
human-chimpanzee common ancestry,24 this position
appears to be a minority in the movement as a whole,
which prefers an explanation of common design in
lieu of common descent.25 While a more complete
treatment of these issues is beyond the scope of this
article, a brief overview of genomics evidence from
an anticommon descent framework is instructive in
investigating the relative strengths and weaknesses
of anticommon descent ID and standard evolutionary common ancestry as explanatory frameworks
for primate comparative genomics data.
Genesis and the Genome
Homology, Redundancy, and
Common Design
Why couldn’t the designer use some similar
DNA and body structure for different organisms
as well? Genetic similarity between chimps and
humans does make sense from an evolutionary
standpoint, but it is also consistent with intelligent design.26
… designers often reuse part designs for different applications. If a designer wanted to generate a species similar to humans, it naturally
follows that the designer would redeploy many
of the same genes.27
It is perhaps reasonable to conclude that a designer
may reuse parts to accomplish a similar design implementation (i.e., special creation) event. What we observe, however, is that human and chimpanzee genes
match one another at the amino acid (i.e., functional)
level as well as in their underlying nucleotide codes.
As we have seen, there is a vast array of nucleotide sequences available to a designer to encode a
given amino acid sequence. Even if a designer were
constrained by amino acid sequence in order to
achieve protein functionality in similar organisms
(which, in itself, is questionable, since nonhomologous enzymes can perform the same reaction), it
would be easy for such a designer to choose alternate
nucleotide codes to avoid the appearance of common
ancestry. Yet what we observe, time and again, is
that genetic codes in organisms thought to be close
evolutionary relatives based on nongenetic criteria,
match at the nucleotide as well as at the amino acid
levels. This is precisely what common ancestry predicts, since the hypothesis is that similar organisms
once were the same species with identical genomes.
From an anticommon ancestry design perspective,
this pattern is problematic. It suggests that the
designer was unwilling (or worse, unable) to avoid
the overwhelming appearance of shared ancestry
when implementing design for what, in fact, are
separately created organisms.
Synteny and Common Design
Discussions of synteny in the ID literature are few
and unsubstantial. One example, in an attempt to
rebut the conclusion that the signs of chromosomal
fusion in human chromosome 2 support common
ancestry, displays the basic arguments:
… chromosomal fusion evidence simply
strengthens the evidence for genetic similarity
between chimps and humans. Since similarity
could have been expected apart from Darwinism and common ancestry, similarities between
organisms may just as easily be the result
of functional requirements implemented via
common design.28
This argument, as we have seen, evades the issue
that synteny and homology are not necessarily to be
expected together from a common design viewpoint.
Additionally, the ID literature does not mention
that this prediction of a “shared synteny requirement”
is not supported by evidence when comparing the
genomes of other groups of highly similar organisms.
For example, complete genome sequences of twelve
fruit fly (Drosophilid) species are now available29 and
their genomic organizations have been compared.30
The results of these analyses demonstrate that the
Drosophilid body plan and biochemistry are well
served by a wide array of synteny arrangements, with
chromosomal rearrangements greatly more diverse
in this group than that observed between humans
and chimpanzees. Moreover, the size of genes held
together in syntenic blocks between Drosophilid
species is a function of their time since speciation
based on molecular clocks. The more divergent the
individual gene sequences are between two species,
the fewer genes are retained in syntenic groups.31 Put
more simply, the designer seems to have employed
a wide array of different genomic organizations for
fruit flies, all of which provide appropriate biological
function and Drosophilid morphology. The pattern of
decreasing synteny matches the pattern of decreasing
gene sequence homology as predicted by common
descent. Therefore, it is easier to argue that various
Drosophilid species are separate, independent designs
than it is to argue that humans and chimpanzees are
separate, independent designs, despite the fact that
the fly species in question are difficult for a nonspecialist to distinguish by eye.
The problem with this line of ID argumentation
is similar to what we have seen with redundancy.
There is no a priori reason to expect a pattern of similar genomic organization (i.e., shared synteny) for
humans and chimpanzees based on an anticommon
descent design perspective. Moreover, there is every
reason to predict a very different pattern, suggestive
of independent special creation. Once again, synteny
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Dennis R. Venema
evidence is not only strongly supportive of humanchimpanzee common ancestry, but also highly problematic for anticommon descent interpretations.
Pseudogenes and Common Design
Anticommon descent ID literature displays three
common features with regard to pseudogenes:
(1) conflation of pseudogenes with all noncoding
DNA under the rubric “junk DNA”; (2) no discussion
of the observation that pseudogenes with identical
inactivating mutations are shared among organisms
in the precise pattern predicted by common ancestry;
and (3) the suggestion that pseudogenes have an
as-of-yet undetermined function that explains their
presence as the result of deliberate design.32 The one
positive argument, that of undetermined pseudogene
function, does not address the many instances where
a function is known for a given gene product. For
example, the function of the vitellogenin gene in amniotic organisms is known, as is the function of the
numerous olfactory receptors we observe as pseudogenes in humans and other primates.
Moreover, the ID literature does not address the
fact that we observe these pseudogenes in the precise syntenic arrangement predicted by common
ancestry. To accept the ID argument is to hold that
the designer placed these sequences into the human
genome in the precise syntenic location where we
observe functional versions of these genes in other
organisms, with highly homologous sequences that
share apparent mutations in a nested hierarchy that
matches phylogenies based on independent criteria,
to perform an unrelated, as-of-yet unknown function. While such a possibility can never be absolutely ruled out, one wonders why the designer
would choose a method of design that would give
such a strong impression of common ancestry.
Common Design:
A Theory in Crisis
In summary, homology, redundancy, synteny, and
shared pseudogenes are independent lines of genomics-based evidence that converge on a single conclusion: humans are not biologically independent,
de novo creations, but share common ancestry with
other forms of life. Moreover, attempts to account
for genomics evidence from an anticommonancestry ID, common-design viewpoint are enormously strained and severely ad hoc. While each
Volume 62, Number 3, September 2010
line of evidence is individually problematic from
an anticommon-descent, common-design standpoint,
their combined, cohesive pattern is devastating.
Genomics and Ancestral
Hominid Population Sizes:
The Question of Adam and Eve
While much attention has focused on the implications of the human genome project for common
ancestry with other primates, other advances in comparative human genomics have provided insight into
other aspects of our biological past. One such area is
the use of modern-day human genetic variation to
estimate effective ancestral human population sizes
at several time points in our evolutionary history.
The process for estimating population sizes from
comparative genomics data is quantitative in nature,33
and as such, it is less accessible to a nonspecialist
audience. It is, however, possible to appreciate this
data qualitatively as well as quantitatively. For example, a small, but significant, fraction of the human genome is more similar to the modern gorilla
genome than to the chimpanzee genome.34 For this
subset of sequences, our species tree does not match
the gene tree (figure 2).35 This discordance is expected
for closely related species that have diverged from
each other in a short amount of time.36 Put another
way, the reason our genome is overwhelmingly
more similar to the chimpanzee genome is that
we most recently shared a common ancestor with
chimpanzees. Yet, in spite of this, we retain some
regions of our genome that are more closely related
to gorillas. This situation arises because the population that gave rise to the human-chimpanzee common ancestor was large enough, and genetically
diverse enough, to transmit this variation to us
without passing it on to chimpanzees. Chimpanzees
and humans are thus separate genomic samplings
of a diverse ancestral population. Had this pool
been small, the human-chimpanzee gene trees
would match the species tree in almost every case.
The proportion of gene trees that do not match the
species tree can therefore be used to estimate the
population size of the ancestral population.37
Early studies, using limited data sets, consistently
estimated that the effective ancestral population size
for Homo sapiens was in the range of 10,000 individuals, with the lower bound of the 90% confidence
Genesis and the Genome
interval in the 6,000 range.38 This value, because it
uses chimpanzees and/or gorillas as a comparison,
is a measure of the effective population size of our
lineage since speciation with chimpanzees (~4–6 million years ago) or gorillas (~6–9 million years ago).39
The availability of the complete chimpanzee genome,
as well as extensive sequences available from the
ongoing gorilla genome project, have allowed for
these ancestral population estimates to be made
with increasing precision. Consistent with the older
work, newer studies have returned estimates in the
8,000–10,000 range using very large data sets.40
Perhaps the most sophisticated study to date uses
the completed human and chimpanzee genome
sequences to assess alternative gene trees for sequences in situ within their human chromosome
context (i.e., incorporating synteny).41 This study,
while agreeing with previous estimates, also shows
that sequences with the alternative tree (i.e., human
and gorilla sequences coalescing before human and
chimpanzee) are grouped together in small blocks
of synteny, as expected.42
Recent progress in examining genetic diversity
solely within our species has provided a complementary means to estimate our ancestral effective
population size, using assumptions independent of
those used for cross-species, comparative-genomics
approaches. The International HapMap Project is a
large-scale effort to map and catalog human single
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).43 While SNPs
are like any other source of genetic variation when
considered individually, when examined in groups
linked together on the same chromosome, they can
be used to estimate ancestral population dynamics
using an effect called Linkage Disequilibrium (LD).44
SNPs linked far apart recombine easily during
meiosis, but SNPs linked closely do not, and they
tend to be inherited together. Comparing the frequency of individual SNP alleles with their patterns
of linkage to other SNPs in the same population
reveals that many SNP pairs are in LD: they show
up linked to other SNP alleles more frequently than
would be expected, based on a random distribution.
The biological basis for LD is that SNP pairs are inherited from ancestors and spread through a population without being broken up: closely linked ones
stay together longer, and more widely separated ones
recombine at a faster rate. Thus, known recombination frequencies between SNPs and the distribution
and proportions of SNP pairs in a population can
be used to estimate population sizes.45 Since recombination frequency is determined by the physical
distance between SNP pairs, LD studies can be used
to estimate population sizes over time in a way
Figure 2. Species and Gene Trees for Human, Chimpanzee, and Gorilla
A. Comparative primate genomics strongly supports a primate species tree that groups humans (H) and chimpanzees (C) as
more recently diverged relative to gorilla (G). Most genes in humans and chimpanzees coalesce before coalescence with
gorilla (B); however, a minority coalesce first with gorilla (C). This alternative gene tree arises when variants of these genes
were maintained in the human-chimpanzee common ancestral population after gorillas branch off (C). Accordingly, the
proportion of genes in humans with a gene tree discordant with the species tree can be used to infer the effective population
size of the lineage leading to humans from the present to the point of divergence with gorilla. See text for details.
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Dennis R. Venema
that mutation-based estimates cannot. Selection of
tightly linked markers allows for estimates in the
deeper past, while more distantly linked SNPs (with
their accordingly faster rates of recombination) are
useful for more recent estimates. Also, since there
are many thousands of SNP pairs to examine in the
human genome, any sampled human population
provides a multitude of data points for LD-based
Studies based on SNP/LD approaches have now
estimated ancestral population dynamics for various
human groups over time in more detail than is possible with mutation-based estimates. African groups
have a higher effective population size (~7,000) than
do non-African groups (~3,000) over the last 200,000
years.46 This approach, though based on methods
and assumptions independent of previous work,
nonetheless continues to support the conclusion
that humans, as a species, are descended from
an ancestral population of at least several thousand
individuals. More importantly, the scalability of this
approach reveals that there was no significant
change in human population size at the time modern
humans appeared in the fossil record (~200,000 years
ago), or at the time of significant cultural and religious development at ~50,000 years ago.47
Taken individually and collectively, population
genomics studies strongly suggest that our lineage
has not experienced an extreme population bottleneck in the last nine million years or more (and thus
not in any hominid, nor even an australopithecine
species), and that any bottlenecks our lineage did
experience were a reduction only to a population
of several thousand breeding individuals. As such,
the hypothesis that humans are genetically derived
from a single ancestral pair in the recent past has no
support from a genomics perspective, and, indeed,
is counter to a large body of evidence.
exploited in antievolutionary literature,49 is in error.
The reason for the rapid coalescence of mitochondrial
and Y-chromosome sequences is that these DNA
sequences are inherited in a manner distinct from
(non-Y) chromosomal DNA. Mitochondrial DNA
is passed only through mothers; Y chromosomes
are passed only from father to son. As such, mitochondrial DNA lineages end abruptly if a mother
has only sons; similarly, Y-chromosome lineages end
abruptly if a father has only daughters. In both
cases, however, non-Y chromosomal DNA lineages
continue (i.e., fathers and mothers pass chromosomes
to offspring of both genders).
Consider an extended family (figure 3). In this
example, all females in the third generation derive
their mitochondrial DNA from one common female
ancestor in the first generation. Examining the
females in generation three would produce the following results: their mitochondrial lineage would
coalesce rapidly, but their chromosomal DNA lineage would not, since it is in part (50%) derived from
two individuals in the second generation who are
unrelated to the source of their mitochondrial DNA.
Accordingly, variation in their genomic sequences
would indicate that they are derived from a larger
population that did not pass on its mitochondrial
DNA to the present. In other words, it would be
inappropriate to conclude that their matrilineal
ancestor in the first generation was the only female
present at that time, or that she lived at a time of
a severe population bottleneck.
What about Mitochondrial Eve
and Y-Chromosomal Adam?
The genomics data presented above may appear to
be at odds with the observation that human mitochondrial DNA coalesces to a common ancestor in
the recent past (~170,000 years ago), and that human
Y-chromosome sequences also coalesce to a common
ancestor even more recently (~50,000 years ago).48
This appearance of conflict, while commonly
Volume 62, Number 3, September 2010
Figure 3. Mitochondrial and Chromosomal
Inheritance in Humans
Squares indicate males, circles represent females. All females
in the third generation have inherited their mitochondrial DNA
from their common grandmother; however, they have inherited
chromosomal DNA from their fathers as well (grey squares). As
such, variation in their chromosomal DNA is the appropriate basis
for estimating their population size.
Genesis and the Genome
So, too, for modern human populations. Though
our mitochondrial DNA lineage coalesces to “Mitochondrial Eve” in the relatively recent past, presentday variation of human chromosomal DNA indicates that she was but one member of a substantial
breeding population. The same logic, mutatis mutandis, applies to the inheritance of the Y-chromosome
and the coalescence of human Y-chromosome variation to a single “Adam” in the recent past. While
the rapid coalescence of these specially inherited
DNA sequences is interesting in its own right,
such sequences are not useful measures of ancestral
human population sizes because of their unique
modes of inheritance.50
Genesis and the Genome:
“Ratcheting Concordism” or
Divine Accommodation?
In summary, the expectation that the Genesis narratives provide scientific biological details of human
ancestry fails in light of human genomics evidence on
two fronts: humans share ancestry with other forms
of life; and our speciation was through an interbreeding population, not an ancestral pair. As such, Christian “scientific concordist” approaches to Genesis are
now under pressure from these lines of evidence.51
The expectation that Genesis offers—at least at some
level—scientific information, coupled with a view
that science is a valid enterprise that provides an
increasingly reliable understanding about the created order, produces a phenomenon I refer to as
“ratcheting concordism.” This approach is recognizable in that those who employ it, at first, resist the
implications of new research that conflict with their
concordist expectations, often deferring a decision
on the claim of insufficient evidence. However, if
contrary evidence continues to mount against their
position, eventually such an individual may concede
the point, discard the specific concordist expectation
in question, and “ratchet” over to the next available
position that retains the balance of their expectations.
Considering the evidence presented here, one example
might be a shift from denying common ancestry to
its acceptance, while still retaining the expectation
that our common ancestry was derived biologically
through a single pair in the recent past.52
In contrast to a ratcheting concordist approach,
an Evolutionary Creationist framework, such as that
advanced recently in the works of Denis Lamoureux,53
readily accepts and incorporates new scientific information. This view, in that it approaches the science
of the Genesis narratives as divine accommodation
to an Ancient Near-Eastern culture, has no expectation that Genesis will be in concord with modern
science. While such a view may be criticized as
a “low view” of Scripture, a ratcheting concordist
approach is open to the same criticism, in that it
postulates that only a subset of Genesis contains
reliable scientific information. The implication for
this approach, therefore, is that while Genesis is intended to convey scientific information, certain scientific features of Genesis are inaccurate or obscured
due to accommodation. Evolutionary Creationism,
in contrast, views the Genesis narratives as seamless
documents of divine accommodation to their original audience, narratives that are written without
intent to address modern scientific concerns.
Darwin, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
(New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1871).
2The Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium,
“Initial Sequence of the Chimpanzee Genome and Comparison with the Human Genome,” Nature 437 (2005): 69–87.
3International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium,
“Initial Sequencing and Analysis of the Human Genome,”
Nature 409 (2001): 860–920; International Human Genome
Sequencing Consortium, “Finishing the Euchromatic Sequence of the Human Genome,” Nature 431 (2004): 931–45.
4The Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium,
“Initial Sequence of the Chimpanzee Genome and Comparison with the Human Genome.”
5M. C. King and A. C. Wilson, “Evolution at Two Levels in
Humans and Chimpanzees,” Science 188 (1975): 107–16.
6The Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium,
“Initial Sequence of the Chimpanzee Genome and Comparison with the Human Genome”; R. J. Britten, “Divergence
between Samples of Chimpanzee and Human DNA
Sequences Is 5%, Counting Indels,” Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the USA 99 (2002): 13633–5.
8R. Nielsen, C. Bustamante, A. G. Clark et al., “A Scan for
Positively Selected Genes in the Genomes of Humans and
Chimpanzees,” PLoS Biology 3 (2005): e170.
9Tetrapod insulin sequences in Figure 1 were assembled
from data accessed from National Center for Biotechnology
Information public genome databases using BLAST
searches (
10Nielsen, Bustamante, Clark et al., “A Scan for Positively
Selected Genes in the Genomes of Humans and
11King and Wilson, “Evolution at Two Levels in Humans and
Chimpanzees”; J. W. Ijdo, A. Baldini, D. C. Ward et al.,
“Origin of Human Chromosome 2: An Ancestral Telomere-
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Dennis R. Venema
Telomere Fusion,” Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the USA 88 (1991): 9051–5; T. Ried, N. Arnold,
D. C. Ward, and J. Wienberg, “Comparative High-Resolution Mapping of Human and Primate Chromosomes by
Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization,” Genomics 18 (1993):
12H. Kerher-Sawatzki, B. Schreiner, S. Tanzer et al., “Molecular Characterization of the Pericentric Inversion That
Causes Differences between Chimpanzee Chromosome 19
and Human Chromosome 17,” American Journal of Human
Genetics 71 (2002): 375–88; see also references therein.
13L. W. Hillier, T. A. Graves, R. S. Fulton et al., “Generation
and Annotation of the DNA Sequences of Human Chromosomes 2 and 4,” Nature 434 (2005): 724–31; The Chimpanzee
Sequencing and Analysis Consortium, “Initial Sequence of
the Chimpanzee Genome and Comparison with the Human
Genome”; L. Feuk, J. R. MacDonald, T. Tang et al., “Discovery of Human Inversion Polymorphisms by Comparative
Analysis of Human and Chimpanzee DNA Sequence
Assemblies,” PLoS Genetics 1 (2005): e56.
14Ijdo, Baldini, Ward et al., “Origin of Human Chromosome
2”; Hillier, Graves, Fulton et al., “Generation and Annotation of the DNA Sequences of Human Chromosomes 2 and
4”; The Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium,
“Initial Sequence of the Chimpanzee Genome and Comparison with the Human Genome.”
15Hillier, Graves, Fulton et al., “Generation and Annotation
of the DNA Sequences of Human Chromosomes 2 and 4.”
16While the mutation rate within pseudogenes appears faster
than that observed in functional sequences (because purifying selection removes mutations from the population), it is,
in fact, slow, in an absolute sense, due to proofreading by
DNA polymerases during chromosome replication.
17D. Brawand, W. Wali, and H. Kaessmann, “Loss of Egg Yolk
Genes in Mammals and the Origin of Lactation and
Placentation,” PLoS Biology 6 (2006): 0507–17.
20This article has limited the discussion of pseudogenes to
unitary pseudogenes: sequences that lack a homologous
sequence within the same genome, but are present at the
expected syntenic area in functional form in other organisms. Indeed, if one considers repetitive elements, endogenous retrovirus insertions, processed pseudogenes, and so
forth, examples could be multiplied many times over.
21T. Olender, D. Lancet, and D. W. Nebert, “Update on
the Olfactory Receptor (OR) Gene Superfamily,” Human
Genomics 3 (2008): 87–97.
22Y. Gilad, O. Man, S. Paabo, and D. Lancet, “Human Specific
Loss of Olfactory Receptor Genes,” Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the USA 100 (2003): 3324–7.
24M. Behe, The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of
Darwinism (New York: Free Press, 2007).
25For example, two recent, popular-level ID books attempt
to cast doubt on human-chimpanzee common ancestry, and
conflate common ancestry with “Darwinism”: see W. A.
Dembski and S. McDowell, Understanding Intelligent Design:
Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language (Eugene, OR:
Harvest House, 2008), 55–7 and C. Luskin and L. P. Gage,
“A Reply to Francis Collins’s Darwinian Arguments for
Volume 62, Number 3, September 2010
Common Ancestry of Apes and Humans,” in Intelligent
Design 101: Leading Experts Explain the Key Issues, ed. H. W.
House (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2008),
26Dembski and McDowell, Understanding Intelligent Design:
Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language.
27C. Luskin, “Finding Intelligent Design in Nature,” in Intelligent Design 101: Leading Experts Explain the Key Issues, 90.
28Luskin and Gage, “A Reply to Francis Collins’s Darwinian
Arguments for Common Ancestry of Apes and Humans,”
29Drosophila 12 Genomes Consortium, “Evolution of Genes
and Genomes on the Drosophila Phylogeny,” Nature 450
(2007): 203-18.
30S. W. Schaeffer, A. Bhutkar, B. F. McAllister et al., “Polytene
Chromosomal Maps of 11 Drosophila Species: The Order
of Genomic Scaffolds Inferred from Genetic and Physical
Maps,” Genetics 179 (2008): 1601–55; A. Bhutkar, S. W.
Schaeffer, S. M. Russo et al., “Chromosomal Rearrangement
Inferred from Comparisons of 12 Drosophila Genomes,”
Genetics 179 (2008): 1657–80.
32For an example that features the key ID approaches, see
Luskin and Gage, “A Reply to Francis Collins’s Darwinian
Arguments for Common Ancestry of Apes and Humans,”
33For a review, see N. A. Rosenberg and M. Nordborg,
“Genealogical Trees, Coalescent Theory and the Analysis of
Genetic Polymorphisms,” Nature Reviews Genetics 3 (2002):
34A. Hobolth, O. F. Christensen, T. Mailund, and M. H.
Schierup, “Genomic Relationships and Speciation Times of
Human, Chimpanzee, and Gorilla Inferred from a Coalescent Hidden Markov Model,” PLoS Genetics 3 (2007): e7.
35Additional gene trees are possible, for example, where gene
divergence occurs within an ancestral population prior to
speciation. Also, additional factors such as hypermutability
must be accounted for when estimating population sizes
from discordant gene/species trees. Figure 2 is in part
an adaptation and condensation of figure 1 in Holbolth,
Christensen, Mailund, and Schierup, “Genomic Relationships and Speciation Times of Human, Chimpanzee, and
Gorilla Inferred from a Coalescent Hidden Markov Model.”
For a more thorough discussion of these issues, see the
complete article; and Rosenberg and Nordborg, “Genealogical Trees, Coalescent Theory and the Analysis of Genetic
36Rosenberg and Nordborg, “Genealogical Trees, Coalescent
Theory and the Analysis of Genetic Polymorphisms”;
Hobolth, Christensen, Mailund, and Schierup, “Genomic
Relationships and Speciation Times of Human, Chimpanzee, and Gorilla Inferred from a Coalescent Hidden Markov
38For an example, see W. Li and L. A. Sadler, “Low Nucleotide Diversity in Man,” Genetics 129 (1991): 513–23.
39Hobolth, Christensen, Mailund, and Schierup, “Genomic
Relationships and Speciation Times of Human, Chimpanzee, and Gorilla Inferred from a Coalescent Hidden Markov
Genesis and the Genome
C. Chen and W. H. Li, “Genomic Divergences between
Humans and Other Hominoids and the Effective Population Size of the Common Ancestor of Humans and Chimpanzees,” American Journal of Human Genetics 68 (2001):
444–56; Z. H. Yang, “Likelihood and Bayes Estimation of
Ancestral Population Sizes in Hominoids Using Data from
Multiple Loci,” Genetics 162 (2002): 1811–23; Z. Zhao, L. Jin,
Y. Fu et al., “Worldwide DNA Sequence Variation in a
10-kilobase Noncoding Region on Human Chromosome
22,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA
97 (2000): 11354–8.
41Hobolth, Christensen, Mailund, and Schierup, “Genomic
Relationships and Speciation Times of Human, Chimpanzee, and Gorilla Inferred from a Coalescent Hidden Markov
44A. Tenesa, P. Navarro, B. J. Hayes et al. “Recent Human
Effective Population Size Estimated from Linkage Disequilibrium,” Genome Research 17 (2007): 520–6.
47Reasons to Believe maintains a literal Adam and Eve as
progenitors of the entire human race and places them at
~50,000 years ago.
48M. Ingman, H. Kaessmann, S. Paabo, and U. Gyllensten,
“Mitochondrial Genome Variation and the Origin of
Modern Humans,” Nature 408 (2000): 708–13; R. Thomson,
J. K. Pritchard, P. Shen et al., “Recent Common Ancestry of
Human Y Chromosomes: Evidence from DNA Sequence
Data,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
USA 97 (2000): 7360–5.
49For example, see F. Rana and H. Ross, Who Was Adam?
(Colorado Springs: Navpress, 2005), 123–31.
50F. Ayala, A. Escalante, C. O’Huigin, and J. Klein, “Molecular Genetics of Speciation and Human Origins,” Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 91 (1994):
51D. Lamoureux, Evolutionary Creation: A Christian Approach
to Evolution (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2008).
52Denis Lamoureux (personal communication) has also collected anecdotal evidence of individuals ratcheting from
one concordist position to another in light of new evidence.
In his experience, the most prominent “positions” on the
ratchet are Young-Earth Creationism; Old-Earth Creationism; Evolutionary Creationism that retains a literal Adam
and Eve as biological progenitors of humanity (evolutionary monogenism); and Evolutionary Creationism proper
(with no scientific concordist expectations of Genesis
remaining). Further gradations are, of course, possible.
53D. Lamoureux, Evolutionary Creation: A Christian Approach
to Evolution; ———, “Lessons From the Heavens: On Scripture,
Science and Inerrancy,” Perspectives on Science and Christian
Faith 60 (2008): 4–15.
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith