` AGRICULTURE ROOM U. S. Department of Agriculture, E?rest Service FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATOR Y In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin MADISON, WISCONSI N Ot te'-k MINIMIZING WOOD SHRINKAGE AND SWELLING Effect of Heating in Various Gases By ALFRED J . STAM M Senior Chemis t and L . A. HANSEN Former Senior Scientific Ai d 4RA AUG 1 r ~~ srATE 0HOO . OF FORESTR Y OREGON STATE COLLEG E CORVALLIS . OREGON Published i n INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTR Y July 1937 195 8 , 4 MI TrMIEING WOOD SHRINKAGE' AIM ~-AIN G Effect of Heating in VariO.us: Gases' i r= By A . J . STAM, Senior Chemis t and L . A . HANSEN, Former Senior Scientific Ai d .f Abstrac t J The hygroscopicity and subsequent swelling and shrink ing of dry wood is decreased by heating in various gase s above thermal decomposition temperatures . Greater reductions in hygroscopicity are obtained in an oxidizing than in a re ducing atmosphere for the same heating conditions, but by in creasing the temperature equal reductions in hygroscopicit y can be obtained in reducing atmospheres . The darkening o f the wood on heating appears to vary directly with the re ma t ing reduction in hygroscopicity, regardless of heating c- ditions . Snaking in water after heating has but a slight tend ency to restore the original hygroscopicity . Heating wood i n water-saturated atmospheres has no permanent effect upon th e swelling and shrinking . It has long been recognized that excessive heating of woo d reduces its hygroscopicity . Tiemann (9) found that heating air-dr y wood in superheated steam to about 150° C . for 4 hours reduced the sub sequent moisture absorption by 10 to 25 percent with but relatively smal l reductions of the strength except for red oak which s :lke+w•ed a reductio n in crushing strength and modulus of rupture of about 60 percent . An unpublished Forest Products Laboratory report of 1916? shows thO heating black gum in dry air at 205° C . for 6 hours reduced the subsequent hygro a .Ligh t scopicity to almost one-half of its original value with on: accompanying dcrvase in its strength . Koehler and Pillow ) as-a Pillow 1 -Presented beffiire tFie: Cellulose Division, ,n rican 0)b* Chapel Hill, N . C ., Apr . 12, 1937 . -Betts, N . D . The Effect of High Temperature on Cent,-ice- rx o Wood . File No . 2B46&, Forest Products Laboratory . • R11-I-2 2, ,,. 1 ' air-slr. Sitka spruce and ash to 13 ° C . for 1 toe days an d of the equilibrium moisture content at ievera l -es for the longer time of heatino of 30 t o ring reductions of the crushing strength of 1 5 ceo keductions of the toughness of 50 to 75 percent . Data of i , ) for the relationship between maximum ttrength o f beech in T7.Rsion perpe lent tz no rain and the moisture conten t at different temperatures indicate that the loss of strength on heatin g of the wood decrea s .w tl ,a. decrease in me.l.p4tw.e cant-ent to a neglid, gibe vase very b7 Worm be1o emp g rti _~ I strength occurring i f tem to1 0 d r ion. was heated o asbestos lagg l LWtibi •le inser a insulation . The temperaturelqpp 4 in a well in the wall of the bomb . The temperature was con rolle d manually to about 2° C . When the specimens were heated in other gase s than air the bomb was evacuated and the gas admitted several times t o insure the elAmination of air . The moisture content of the wood use d is the t .s about 6 percent, When the heating was done in th e pw4se;oe or *titer vapor a large excess of water over that necessary t o i~.xa,te 't~.e',?~ s placed in the bottom of the bomb . t min' : o a Y T~I shri d~ff~a;~ i e-,y atme'Vheres upon tll;ei o t. a Slae n t swelling Neasz m were .de of both t o il. ' ; v : nsion mange an'± 7 vie ,g 4t MjNite 1YC when the t ernate lbrought :'fir ns' dity row . e .li with 3Q Yo l!,‘O,oea rotative humidity in Y r e are held a . g o C., we gkv . , tTga . * specim±e $ $ t ! .fir e :librium . relative h idity h prove. idj , Titt antish• nk off 4ilggOgitaitl e (eductio n { in di ms t ' cent relative e am :'t sec., , t W The ewhfdsi/g Ao ► qtr tira .toted in atmospheres were soaked in water for five days afte r the li4ity cycles were complete and then subjected again to the humidit y changs . Iles . Only the second subsequent humidity cycle was used in th e c .t4ons . the ft. could involve a higher desorption curve due t o T . 1 r A142 . -2- the soaking and thus give results affected by the sorption hysteresi s (10) . The same is true for sections heated in the presence of water . The first cycle gave appreciable negative efficiencies because of this , hysteresis effect . Heating the sections for as short a time as 15 minutes a t C ., a temperature at which thermal decomposition is just becomin g appreciable, gave definite antishrink efficiencies in all the dry gases .. Increasing the temperature and the time of heating increased the anti shrink efficiency . In each case the efficiency was greater in an oxidizing atmosphere than in a reducing atmosphere . Subsequent soaking of the : sections in water reduced the antishrink efficiency by a relativel y constant amount regardless of the heating conditions . Sections heate d in the presence of water vapor gave very small uncorrelatable antishrin k efficiencies after the first cycle, part of the values being positive an d part negative (average antishrink efficiency 0 .25 percent, mean deviatio n 1 .1 percent) . These values for all the temperatures and times may b e considered within experimental error of being zero ; that is, heating i n water vapor has no effect upon the antishrink efficiency after the firs t humidity change cycle . 165° The sections heated at 165° C . were but slightly darkene d without a perceptible difference in appearance between the section s heated in the different gases . The darkening was more appreciable afte r heating for 2 hours at 205° C . and still more so after the time was in creased to 6 hours . In each of these cases the darkening obtained b y heating in the different gases increased in the following order : Hydrogen, illuminating gas, air, and oxygen . The specimens heated t o 260° C . in hydrogen, however, were as dark as those heated for 6 hour s at 205° C . in oxygen . The darkest specimens were about the color o f unfinished walnut . The antishrink efficiency appears to parallel th e darkening of the wood, irrespective of the temperature and the gas used . • Although part of the antishrink efficiency may be due to oxidation in the cases where the wood was heated in air and oxygen, it is har d to imagine this being a major factor as equal efficiencies can be obtaine d by heating in hydrogen at a slightly elevated temperature . The phenomeno n can best be explained on the basis of the effect being one of therma l decomposition . Loss of water of constitution is the first thermal re action . If this loss were due to the formation of an ether linkage between two adjacent cellulose chains through adjacent hydroxyl groups , the loss in hygroscopicity could be readily explained . Not only woul d the hygroscopicity be reduced because of the substitution of the les s hygroscopic ether group for the more hygroscopic hydroxyl groups, bu t also because of the parallel bonding of the cellulose chains . Staudinger ( 8 ) has shown that the formation of such bridges between the chains i n polystyrene resins with paradivinylbenzene cuts down the swelling tremendously, even when only enough paradivinylbenzene is used to for m a single bridge for several thousand molecules of monomeric styrene . Jus t an occasional cross link evidently cuts down appreciably the tendency fo r water to be taken up between the structural, chains, The formation o f R1142 -3- .1 9 I 1 1 • ■1_I 1 tther linkages between the hygroscopic hydroxyl group not only explain s he decreased hygroscopicity of wood heated in dry atmospheres, but als o he fact that heating in the presence of a large excess of water vapo r clauses no change in hygroscopicity . The presence of an excess of wate r laser would depress the thermal reaction in which water is evolve d according to the principle of LeChatelier and thus markedly reduce th e tendency- to form the ether bridges . If the change in hygroscopicit y merely a physical change, such as that postulated by Urquhar t 0) r e to explain hysteresis, soaking of the specimens in water shoul d largely restore their original hygroscopicity . This investigator be lieves that the free hydroxyl groups of cellulose, which are originall y satisfied to a large extent by water, draw closer together on dryin g •,nd finally mutually satisfy one another . Although these bonds are onl y partially broken on rehumidification they should be largely broken o n soaking in water and the active groups again satisfied by water . Th e reversible part of the antishrink efficiency, that is, the differenc e between the antishrink efficiency obtained directly after heating an d that subsequent to soaking in water is practically constant regardles s of heating conditions . This part is undoubtedly due to a physical effec t such as that given by Urquhart (10) . The physical mutual satisfactio n of hydroxyl groups evidently increases until the free water is rathe r completely removed, but does not increase on further heating . r 11 0 • These preliminary results indicate that the antishrink efficiency resulting from the excessive heating of dry wood in several commo n gases is sufficiently great and permanent to warrant a more extensiv e investigation in which the strength properties are simultaneously studied . Although this method of minimizing the swelling and shrinking of woo d does not appear to be so effective as methods previously described (1, 3 , 6, 1), its possible value rests on the fact that it would be relativel y inexpensive . Literature Cite d 4 (1) (2) Browne, F . L . Ind . Eng . Chem . 25 :835 ( 1 933) . Greenhill, W . L . Jour . Council Sci . Ind . Res . (Australia) 9 :265 (1936) . (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Hunt, G . M . Circ . 128, U . S . Dept . Agr . (1930) . Koehler, A . and Pillow, M . Y . South .Lbrman ., p .219, Dec . 19, 1925 Pillow, M . Y . Wood Working Industries, p .8, Oct . 1929 . Stamm, A . J . and Hansen, L . A . Ind . Eng . Chem . 27 :l4.80 (1935) . Stamm, A . J . and Seborg, R . M . Ind . Eng . Chem . 2$ :1164 (1936) . Staudinger, H . Trans . Faraday Soc . 32 :323 (1936) . Tiemann, H . D . Lbr . World Review 25(7) :10 (1915) . Urquhart, A . R . J . Text . Inst . 23 :125; (1932) . • R1142 _L . O Table 1 .--Effect-of heating dry wood in various gases and subsequent soak- ing in water for5days upon the antishrink efficiency A Gas I Antishrink efficiency : Antishrink efficienc y :before soaking in waterl : after soaking in water ? : : Tangential Weight : Tangential : Weigh t dimension : basis : dimension basi s basis basi s : : Hours : P e r c e n t :Temper- : Time : ature : of heat ing °C . 165 205 260 0 .25 : : 2 .00 : : 2 .00 : 5 .9 I6 .0 32 .0 Illuminat- : 165 ing gas : 205 205 .25 : : 2 .00 : : 6 .00 8 .2 18 .0 20 .6 Air : .25 : 2 .00 : : 6 .00 .25 : 2 .00 6 .00 Hydrogen 1xygen : : 165 205 205 165 205 205 2 .8 11 .5 31 .8 I .g : 11 . 14 : 31 . 2 8 .5 19 .0 19 .0 6 .3 114 .0 19 .6 4. s 13 . 2 17 . 6 g ,3 17 .5 23 .2 6 .4 19 .0 21 .2 4 .9 1 14 .0 22 .0 10 .0 20 .7 28 .0 12 .0 21 .0 30 .0 7.0 15)4 28 .7 ▪ ▪ 6 .3 17 .0 32 .0 :'A 4. 4 12 . 3 21 . 0 6. 1 13 . 6 27 . 2 1 -In terms of retardation of the dimension and weight changes, for th e average of four specimens, per unit change of the untreated control s when alternately brought to equilibrium with 30 and 90 percent relativ e humidity . i ?Based upon the second humidity change cycle as the first is appreciabl y affected by hysteresis (10) . 81142 -5-