3 '861000 U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Servic e FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATOR Y In cooperation with the University of Wisconsi n 3 MADISON, WISCONSIN q 73 VENEER & PLYWOO D Reprinted fro m AIRCRAFT DESIGN DATA BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR NAVY DEPARTMENT . 1919 '44V-N UTTEER IND PLYWOOD * Venee r Veneer may be loosely defined as thin wood . It usually varie s in thickness from one-hundredth inch to one-eighth inch, though it i s commercially possible to cut it thinner, and thicker sizes are to b e obtained . However, in general, veneer used in aircraft falls withi n the limits stated ; There are three common methods of manufacturing veneer, a s follows : (1) The rotary process, (2) the slicing process, (3) the sawin g process . By far the greater portion of all veneer manufactured is mad e by the rotary process . Veneer made by this process is all slash cut , and the length along the grain is limited by the length of the venee r lathe . Rotary veneer longer than 100 inches is more or less uncommon . Sliced veneer is usually manufactured only from the finer woods . On account of the fact that it is possible to rroduce quartered venee r on slicing machines, and the waste on account of saw kerf is absent , this method of manufacture is preferred where pattern is important an d the value of the wood is great . The length parallel to the grain o f sliced veneer is limited by the length of the knife . ;awed veneer can be uroduce', in almost am reasonable length and from any kind of stock . The material p roduced may he Other quartered or slash . In general, sawed veneer will not be soeci .f'iet for aircraft uses, to the excli'o ion of rota= stock, exceut where it i s necessary to have extra . long lengths or quartered . stock or for som e other reason it is impossible to secure the stock by rota= chtting . It may happen, for instance, that the stock from which the veneer is t o be cut can not he handle r, to advantage in a rotary lathe on account o f its shape . A special series of test ; was made to determine the effec t of the method of cutting veneer on the strergth of plyr ood panels mad e from it . Detailed results are resented in tahle 7, and . the enera l conclusions dramn follow : (a) The effect of the method . of cutting veneer on the strengt h of plywood depends on the suedes cut, although in general, the effect , * Reprinted from Wood in Aircraft Construction, Note No . 12, 'aircraf t Design Data, U. S . Navy De p artment, prepared by Forest Product s Laboratory . R973 58 8 '~ , E e7q 0. 0 2 bo . fg■ d '0 "St , a0 d C 0b ~ 54 g lfJ [ f S E S oB i S oo N 2po NB g § 8. z • g§3888E88S8 00 8 et" M00000 0001s CO V 00 CO COm e O pp p ooc2Rcao52oo0S00 % Mt` NOJ-O N001-nnt- eN eM of ■ g MeM eN cO cO McN•C et. 0 OO 00 co O O corn 0000 0 O,+ zP3 a0 & _o P°. 4 0M NMN=00000 $ ge0 cc t~erooo~r nm. r o"oioooo ,ti r+H ~ 000000oocoa 0000 0 • . g al c.) F9 $ 8 ~ .. ~ alma a o,; m 'i)' 4 a 8 88t 08~888t 8 o. icicici 00000 CO 00 CO Co 0000 0 OOROCQ,OmSO8 M t~ c~eo~•-iu~como~meow ooait- oen. r-t . -- M . = g 82 otr- 00000 Ob 00 CO OD 0000 0 a M0,-g e1. MOONN00t~1p00 0 GO O C0 --- O 0 co 0000 fj ° '~ 0~ p C OOm0~c0 Omti°n~~n~,ant i of •p 1 A0 w ai v •U U U V ,o$ ,1) 0) i.s 0) O) V as 4) 11 00=4 0 :4 05 = V)0~i m CO (00202o g (0U)~'I • • .4 . . 0t •O . . :z 40 ° AA .gAA~AAAAA R .g 0.4 1- Ir g I . as shown by the benaisg an ,i tension teats, it not great . (b) Of the three methods o' cutting, the sawed and . sliced material, for the species teetee,, .:ave the more similar results . The commercial white ash, sngar n .3:D1e, and yellow ponlar panels cnlt b y these methods were sligstly superior in bending and tensile strength 4' the rotary-c-at panels . (c) For birch the panels of rotary-cut veneer were sli g;htly superior in bending and tensile streath to panels of either sawed or sliced veneer . (d) For the species tested, with the possible exce p tion o iier4kcsn mahogany, panels of sawed veneer twist less than panel s of either sliced or rotary-cut veneer . (e) With the ercention of birch the resi,lts show little difference in the twis t ins of panels of sliced or retains-cut veneer . For the convenient ca2culation of the woiaht of veneer an d plywood, table 8 has been prepared . This table presents the wei7hts , per square foot,- of vesleer of'yarious file-messes and species, at th e average air-dry moisture condition shown in the second column . The weight of-blood elhrmer gIne per square foot and the weight of a typical oasein Flue (0ertns) per square foot are also given, so eitot. it is possible to calculate the average weis-ht of an : nlys's .oi ,mbide up _of . liste l and blood or casein glue . This i s done J sing to-:ether the weights of the individual nlieo an d the w 0I ]We tine, hich is obtained by mn1tiplYins' the weis'ht o f mare foot by the nu:Men of glue lines in the plywood . lUs4pairl4ba, ..,ess than the number of plies . While it is usually not necessary to know the ts-oliae strength of single-ply veneer as such, this fi gure is verr convenient in comput the ?robable stren s th in torsion of nlywood made up in various Banners . The last column of table 9 presents com2utsd tennile strength s of sinsle-plY veneer . Pefc-enee to the other c3ata in this table wil l be found in the text vnder the discussion of nly wood . Plywood '1 41 In general plywood consists of a number of layers If TIV6 & veneer gilled to-ether by some suitable glue or adhesive . Oce'7msAII.Esally the term is applied to material in which one or more of the kwers ar e composed of some other material than wood . sl :4i I,= is C I 1 o with the w-eight of -MAW ani adolieady been discussed in connection . tttl.l reaent1771T.TiT6 isformatiom J prISIbek,Aes of plywood. T01C:0in tho sl- q 'C 14 saxeilade on r the mechrem,- A :* half, however, - ■. , -lie* _ A _ . '-• .= I. T, - . Il l 4' Note 12 . 0000-0000000-0000000000000000-1000000 hN , 00*10t` -1aC 00 aohp . . ~• N 0 .0000,0p0-000 ~tNNO 2000000-0-0-0000000000000000000' . 00 00 p NpM . p 0 i OSA gg.' ~H3 O,N220000M O .O-,O0tO0' p ,D~ .~.vM 4SU' MWV O' W . 1 OW IC N N t t-Ifi t` 000000 00 oi 0i1 ~t 101 10 1CWt■~ N I .O0 ~0 O0010 ~000-0 CO 000N p p t N~~ ,000000 .0 a ro .0aa a,0a .0 W,O,O .O a .0u0*t000 . a. . . u. . 1X010*(0** . . 0 N0001 . 0 t0 ” PV af010101 0 .10 c„i,o,ouac0a:aiaiCPa10 * : . h V. N h bS gr4 ' g .aa32X232=82g :5X2 .°223P °,e4u anSan a M* N* V.N N M M N M M M M M M M M N M M M M*@** N M N N N N M000 0 SN U2YSYS2 ~bet SAMM2A2g2aoo .00.22M2S23,32a1 M.,22m ta N00 .iMN' N ..NNC]NOVNNNNNNNNNNNMMti0, COCO CO Il -iNN N VV~1 .00tio0 MM t0~~ .N.00 00pp .N.ti vh VV~.uy~0 yV~. pppp ttpp t ~~ VV~. ~.O 2 .OOVh .N.O W8,O2100ti .fiNhmt~AON M NN .-iNN . ..Nri .i iNH N pC0 . . .-i i .i NNCO .NNN ..NNN ppppr pppp O20000 .N ,q ro fp ,'= t O 5BpNRt.34t:Nep ,Ogm .53MACi eCO O~ 0CSO0V4t t~ C Mn '0 A g 8tti .M.e+i O[S 242 1 .- ..II. ..N .-oili .•i .Hi . . .r .-i .-i .i .i i .w .yfC CO N .- .- .- .ti .-i .i i ei i ~ pp= . ( O i ~ et p pi .iCCl O 4 eNp O.g" ODm .0. .0.,,N]HNMUN,Nt0 .M9 .04ZAaO4M000+00+ .0-iIE .O.R .M. .mt V i . ............. . .......... 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . o°-o~SS22d2 .°. .N. .~-.~ ."..coop'v on` r.i8RA .TAa' gPPg$68882$ 4 c .. .. 822~o 3 .nnm2mmm g nnSle2g2 e3E g8aa' wan,. i .e;28gn ` ` c V,8$22 224*. f _07 ~a Uy .n a°22 'GgSA td~w4~,225%% UN'TM,.N'J .tOON.aMV'O•'at0•OM VN.MV O .NV•4V24 r.1•A$RN,.h~,f) ;43P~iMt+.4 Y Cb `u5$233174,e24 Mn C ~ U 4 V . O, V•N00MNOtSON*ON . .MNWWM00“ONON*0000+ ..O+N0000 dae ac~oit~t`oi ariaae to of oonmtioi ad od t-ad ac ,oy ~~a~~ooimooc-) qAabi omi .f~im~~t~tàn~i .'riwri~ .rNa .`Yu r40.r"~~fo~a°•~~w~c i h _ •~ieMtn .~ .'a h vi m0 E -aa a GQm A 4 '& E E A- JA E a 0, ,O 71 -4. 8 .0 cs5 m re B 2 r y~ o o Ss ryY ,G qaO q :gy m Op 2E f7Mgm,i~ m9 !Em mm raaaaAGR9S.hGCry ~faXX XXootwWWWaag q,a .V2 1 1 about 50,000 tests hale been made and tabulated . Since the s nbject i s rather new, a full Ois e rssien is pres e atea, follo w ed by tables o f strength properties . Propertiee of Wood Paa1lcl and Perendicriar to the Grai n Wood, as is well known, is a nenhomogenous material wit h widely different properties in the various directions relative to grain . This difference must be recognieed in all wood construction, and . th e size anrf form of parts and placement of wood should . be srch as t o -dtilize to the hest advantage the difference in properties along and across the grain . It is the strength of the fibers in the direction o f the grain that gives wood its relatively high modulus of rryture, an d tensile and compressive strength . parallel to the grain . Were it a homogenous material, such as met iron, having the same strength propertiee in all directions that it has parallel to the grain, it woul d be uneycelled for all strrctrral parts whore strength with small weigh t is aeeirea . As it is the tensile strength of wood . may bo 20 time s as high. parallel to the grain as perpendicular to the grain and it s modulus of elasticity :Cram 15 to 20 times as high . In the case of shear the strength is reversed, the shearin g strength perpendicular te the grain being much greater than the strengt h parallel to the grain . The low parallel-to-the- g rain shearing strengt h makes the utilization of the tensile strength of wood along the grai n difficult since failure will rsrally occur through shear at the fasten-. ing before the maximrm tensile strength of the member is reached . The large shrinkage of wood across the Train with changin g moisture co tent may introduce distortion in a boar d that decrease s its uses where a bread flat eurface is desired . The shrinkage from th e green to the oven-dry condition across the grain for a flat sawn boar d as determined. by the average of 150 snecies is abort P per cent, and fo r a quarter-sawed board. about 4 1/2 per cent, while the shrinkage paralle l to the grain is practically negligible for most snecics . Plywool Panels v . Solid Panel s It is not always poseible in a given use so to proportion a board or solid panel as to develop the necessary strength in ever y direction and at the same time to utilize the full strength of the woo d in all directions of the grein . In such cases it is the purpose o f plywood to meet this deficiency b?r crossbanding, which results in a redistribution of the material . In building tip n1 word a step is made in . obtaining equalit y of properties in two directions -- parallel and perpendicular to th e R9'73 -7- A i edge of a board . The greater the number of plies used . for a given pal mss, the more nearly g homo eneous in properties is the finishe d Thus, in an airplane engine mounting made of 15-? ;lr veneer the ehanical properties of the panel in the direction narallel to th e 4r-ain of the facets are almost the same as those in the dir e,ction at righ t angles to this . However, an increase in such properties as bondin g strength and modulus of elasticity at right angles to the grain of the n faces is accempaniod by a decrease of the values p arallel to the s_, of the faces with an increase of the number of plies ; or a very Inv: number of plies (of the same species and thickness) we may assume tha t the tensile strength in the two directions is the same, and that M . equal to the average of the parallel-to--the-grain and pee endi+etOi ere-to the-grain values of an ordinarTr solid board or panel . This is net always exactly true, since the maximum stress of the plies with the grain a t right angles to the force may not be reached at the same time as the, maximum of the plies with the grain parallel to the force .. In.ttAa1 l stresses due to change of moisture content may also tend to unbalanc ' the strength ratio . tel. Symmetrical Construction in Plywoo d On account of the great difference in shrinkage of wood i n the direction p arallel to the grain and perpendicular to it, a chang T in moisture content of plywood will inevitably either introduce o r release internal stresses . Consider, for ewample, a three-ply c n struction and subject it to law-humidity conditions, so that trt maitp w ture content of the plywood is lowered . Because the grain of the tOo'P. is at right angles to the grain of the faces, the core well tend shrink a great deal more than the faces in the direction of the gtra'% o f the fates . . This shrinkage subjects the faces to compression strosset and the core to tensile stresses . If the facer are of exa6tl r the same thickness and of like denazify ; the stresses are s emnotricaiIy distribute d and no cupping should wsiOlom4' Now consider that one face of a three-ply pa-nil has been glue d 'with the grain in the same direction as the core and that the r t?3x e content of the panel is reduced . It is obvious that the internal stresse s are now no longer symmetrically distributed, inasmuch as the compressiv e stress in one face has been removed . This face now shrinks a g roat deal more than the other face in the direction of the grain of the latter . The result is that cupping takes place . Figure 29a shaows the effect o f drying on a three-ply construction (unsymmetrical) in which the grai n of two adjacent plies was parallel . The panel has curled up into a cylindrical surface with the parallel plies on the inner side . . By adding another ply at right alle les to the core we see that symmetry mltt again be established and that while we would have a four-ply panel i n reality it gives a three-ply construction with a core of deuhle the faO, thickness and would be regarded as such . The necessity for exercisina care in sanding the faces of a panel is obvious, inasmuch as different thicknesses on the faces would . introduce uneqnal forces with changing moisture content . I . order to obtain symmetry, it is also necessary that both faces or symretrical plies be of the same species . To summarize : A veneer panel must be eymmetrically ceastracte d in order to retain its form with changes ; of moistnre . Symmetry is obtained by reing an odd anrber of plies . Tae plice should be so arranged that for any ply of a particular thickness there, is a parallel nly o f the same thickness and of the eame species on the opnoeito side of the , core and equally romoyed from the co : e . Direction of the Grain )f djoiniq Plie s In discnlslon of sYmrstry of coastnretion it was nnderstood that the adjoinine; plies were always seined with the g rain eithe r parallel to or exactIv at right angles to the core . In careless construction this may rot al w aYs be the case . An eatrene case of this kind is shorn in fignre 291, in which the nlies were _ - ire' so that the eraloo of each face of the oenel was at -5 degrees w ith tho grain of the cor e and so that the two faces w ere at 90 decrees with respect to each ohor . Thereae the unsymmetrical conetruction intro ices cupnint, a constructio n involyins: aneles other than 0 And 90 degrees intred .nace twisting . La bnildin nj a three-ply veneer panel the care ehorl d glued with the grain at 90 degree with the facce or as close to thi s as feasible . Effect of Yoisture Conten t The nrevioue discusaion ban broualt out the fact that a chang e in moisture content of a panel may iatroduce cupping and twistiag in th e panel if the panel is rot caref-elly oonetrnrted . 7ence it is highl y desirable that the moistrre content of the veneer before glning b e controlled so as to make the meisture content of the finished panel when it leaves the clamps about the same as it w ill averag e neen in use an d that all plies Is at the sarco moisture content bofone elniala . The limit s of from 1C to 15 nor cent moisture in tae finished panel will usuall y give satisfactory reenlta when the panel is in service in the open air . Shrinkass of Plywoo d The shrinkaee of planood vary 7 j th the species, the .rati o of p17 thickness, the number of plies, and the coabination of species . R973 -5- The average shrinkage obtained in 54 tests en a variety of combination s of species and thicknesses in bringing three-n?y mood from the soaked t o the oven-c'r7 condition was 0 .45 p er cent parallel to the face grain an d 0 .07 per cent rerneadi.cnlar to the face grain, with the ra_ eee of fro m 0 .2 to 1 per cent and 0 .3 to 1 .2 per cent, roceectively . Other combinations and thickreeses may ext . r.d these limits and chan ^e the averag e somewhat . The species incl .uied in the tests made were rahecany, birch , poplar, basswood, red `_nn, chestnut, cotton giro, elm, and pine . Effectof Va7lu ` tie Tnnber o Plie s The gnestion frequently arises, Should +h ree or more plies b e used. for a panel of a given thickness, The rarticnlar use to which th e panel is to be nut m p ot answer this gnestion . Commercial considerations will also enter . Veneer of most species less than 1/ 1'8 inch thick ca n not be cut by the rotary p rocess with uniform success, and while a number of s p ecies may be cut by slicing to 1/64 inch and less, such material is limited in width . In general it -ay be said that the greater the number of -one s the flatter the plnvood -i11 remain ;hen suh~-ected to moisture variations . If the saint.e bez c.i .i; or tensile stren , is desired 1 n the tw o directions, parallel and perpon r'_ici-lar to the grain of the faces, th e greater the nrmber of plies the more nearly the desired r . eshit is obtained . Thin same reeolt may be obtained by a proper selection of ratio of core to total plywood thickness in three- p ly construction . It mus t be borne in mind, however, that a ply rood with a lar. . e, number of plies , while stronger at right an •los to the grain of the faces, can not be a s strong parallel to the grain of the faces as three- p ly noo'_, and henc e a three-ply panel is n_ refcrahle whore greater strength is desired i n one direction than in the other . Table 11 gives strc . :gth values fo r three-ply, five-pl :r, and seven-ply yellow birch plywood . There great resistance to splitting is desired, ouch as i n plywood that is fastened along the edges with scre w s a .n1. belts and i s subject to forces tore h the fastenings, a large number of ;lies affords a better fastening . It is a common e xp er i e nce that a :tined joint is meakeaed whe n two heavy laminations are g l u e d with the grain cresscel . T^_e. same weakness exists in nlyood . when thick plies are g lued together . When ply*rood is s bject to moist'ire c antes, stresses in the clued joint du e to shrinkage are greater for the thick nlie then for the t h in plies . Fence in p lywood con_stru'.ct.e wi th many thin ,lies the g lue d L joints wil l not be as likely to fail as in nlyrr ood constrrctea of a smaller numbe r of thick p lies . R973 -6- Effect of Varyingthe Ratio of Core to To t,1_'I'h fa-les s At first thoi :ght it may seen that the nronor selection of th e ratio of core to total Dl rood thickness in three-nly corstr-etion ma y enable the desitne^ to got the same strength in both directions as i s possible with many-plied navels. While this is tree in r eneral, i t is not trre that the same ratio will serve for both tension and bending . In birch, for exam p le, a ratio of core to total nlSweod thickness o f 5 to 10 gives the same strength in tension in both directions, but a ratio of abort 7 to 10 g ives the same strength in bea d ing . P)r eithe r ratio the nl7wood is not nearly as resistant to splitting as nlywood o f a greater ni_'rrber of tiles totaling the same thickness . Species of Igor,Density for Core s There column sere_ _°t' :_ and a flat panel are desired, ful l advantage of a strong species, such as birch, in the faces is bes t attained by using a thick tore of a s p ecies, such as basswood o r yellow poplar, rather than a thinner core of the g ame weight but o f a sneoies of greater density . A combination_ of stroll , faces and a thick light rood core has the advanta g e of greater separation of th e faces than when using the thinner core of a heavier species, givin g a marked increase in the interial resistance to forces that tend t o bend the panel and a correspondingly great strength in bendin : with th e same weight . Consider, for example, that a certain panel contains a cor e of the same weight but of a s p ecific gravity of one-half that of anothe r core . This means that the core of linhter species is trice as thick a s the core of high density and that the panel faces are spaced twice a s far apart . In a long column, for instance, this is very desirable, fo r the maximum load a column can carry varies as the cute of the thickness . It is evident that a narked superiority in the load sustained might b e exn ected in the low-density core Hanel over the hi.9h-d.ev..sity core pane l of the save we ight when the load is applied parallel to the grain of th e faces . The same line of reasoning aneli e ry. to co l , 'mn strer.oth. may als o be ap p lied to resistance to cunning . A Panel with a core of low densit y will cup less than a uanel of the same we i ght wi th, a core of high density . The load to nrodrce failure in bending would 1E-revise be g reater for th e former case . Plywood TestDat a The co l rmn-bending o-odulus is obtained by loa, .in a piec e of plywood 5 inches by 12 inches as a column with the 12-inch length R973 -7- vertical . It is comn1-tei b7 the followin g formula : S .~ P + 6th , whe r e A bd = Column-bendin g nioaulus . 1 = Area of cross section . P = Load. at 'oaaimun moment . M = \r axi.mum bending moment . = -'idth of test -niece . d. _ Thickness of test piece . test, the fibers at magnitude withstand Like the modulus of rupture in the standard . static bending column-bending modulus is not a true stress existing in th e the instant of failure . It is merely a measure of th e of the external bendin gmoment that a piec e of p lywood ca n before it fails . If a piece of nly'oo ? i>> subjected to forces that tend t o bend it, as would be the case either in a long column_ or in a beam , the designer confronted . with the problem of determining its grope r thickness may use the column-bending mod-elm in exactly the same wa y that the modulus of rupture is used . It will be noted, of course , that the column-bending modulus must be used which aD i:lies to th e particular plywood construction desired . The total plywood thicknes s is to be used in all equations involving the column-benai_n g modulus . The use of the tensile strength data. is obvious . The strength values given are based or the total ulyrood t' .ic'_kness . (Table 9) 6amule Co g-prtatio n To obtain the tensile strength of 3-ily wood conoisting of tw o 1/20-inch birch faces and. a 116-inch basswood core . Parallel to face grain = 2 x 1/20 x 19,060 = 1,98E founds pe r inch of width . Pe rp endicular to face g rain = 1 x 116 x 9,450 = 591 - p ound s per inch of width . This co :nnutation n e g lects ti :e tensile strenct of tie ply o r plies per-pendic--lar to the 7ra .i.n, which is co :uaratively small . The results are therefore slightly in error . R973 -8- TABLE 1` T0 . 9 . -- Tensile_ Strength of Fliliod and Venee r :1inrber :r,/oisttre :Specific :of tests :at test :gravity* :(percent) of ply. wood . Species . _ (a) 12 0 200 200 1'.0 20 0 11 5 11 5 40 1='0 (b) 9 .1 : (c) 0.49 : Tensile :stren7,th** :of 3-nly :rood para].lol to :grain of faces : (n .>,'n'_ s :per sq uare inch) . (d) : Tensil e :strength** * :of single :-:ly veneer , : 1 1/2 (d) :(pounds pe r : s qnare inch ) . . 6,180 : 6,510 6,880 (e ) 9,27 0 9,7'7 0 10,32 0 A sh, clack : Ash, commercial white, 10,2 .60 . 9 .2 : .42 : Basswood :: L3,000 19,50 0 . 8 .6 : .67 : Beech ; . 19,80 0 13,900 • Birch, yellow 8 .5 .67 .41 5,200 : 7,80 0 Cedar, Spanish 13 .3 : 3,450 • 12,69 0 Cherryl 9 .1 .56 f , 30 6 1 64 5 . 11 .7 .13 Chestnut . 10,92 0 . 7,2 :0 Cottonwood 8 .8 .46 .47 6,360 9,84 0 Cypress, bald 35 . 10 .3 9, 34 0 Doug las fir 17 4 3 .7 • .49 • ;, 230 12, 66 0 Elm, cork 65 . 9 .4 8, 40 Elm, wlite .52 : 5,860 8,79 0 160 3 .9 : Gtun, black 3,960 : 10,44 5 35 . 10 .5 .54 9,39 0 Gum, cotton 80 . 10 .3 : .50 : 5,260 7,350 Gum, red 3 .7 .54 : 11,77 5 182 . : Hackberry 80 . .2 . .54 • 6,920 10,38 0 10 0 Hemlock, western 9 9 .7 : .^7 : 6,300 : 10,20 11 4.0 , Wagnolia2 9 .9 : .59 : 10,000 : 15,00 0 1..'ahogany, African 3 20 : 12,7 2 :x,370 3,06 0 Mahogany, Philip p ine 4 25 10 .7 . .53 . 10,670 • 16,01 0 Maho g any, true .48 : 6,390 9,58 5 35 11 .4 : 12,270 Maple, soft 5 120 8 .9 .57 8,180 15,290 Maple, sugar 202 8 .0 : .68 : 10,190 Oak, commercial red 115 9 : .59 5,480 8 , 220 : .3 Oak, commercial white 195 . 9,5 .64 : 6,730 : 10,09 5 .43 Pine, whit e white 40 . 5,640 8,460 10 .2 : Poplar, yellow 165 . 9 .4 .50 : 7,390 11,080 Redwood 65 . .41 : 5,100 : 7,650 11 .2 : Spruce, Sitka . .A3 5,600 8 .400 103 8 .4 Sycamore 9,2 3,030 12,04 5 163 . 9 .1 : 12 .375 Walnut, black . 110 . .59 3,250 *Specific gravity based on oven-dry weight and volnme at test . **Based on total cross-sectional area . ***cased on assumption that center ply carries no load . Data based on tests of 3-ply panels wit' ._ all plies in any one panel same thickness and species . 'Probably black cherrT . 2Probably evergreen magnolia . 3Prsbably k:naya sp . 4Probably tangrile . SProbably silver maple . R973 -9- s8 Note 12, i 0 to '~ A '5$ °y Q m L yry 3 ^~ a LT,~ a .'. & ~~ ^~ •~ aq E8 ag w .°3 Z .8 az'S 0O w o • zB S ■ ~° F a a g ds. z8i qd 1 o cp oG.wo V ri rtii ri N ep pp 8 .IM~N 00 01 n .4NCoC 40N N OCNOCv 4001NNMO'O Mm N i r-I r-I ri~-1 1 e-I i'-1 i'-i i r l '-iriNri'-I / .-1 rl p p 00O01 r M 01 0 pp 8 o 8 op0poop CO d• B NV• C p o t0 00 • m 8 .N ~° N R) M$'0o° Cao~'• `R'AM N , p, p ,~~, O O 8 8 S ..1 p 0~pp C,-4VO. 80 p C0)C1 O tp 000pN)OC10MCR -4 " b OGOONV'V'GV~GVeM0 O8 282MV•C8 C O N eo"eom~&fuTor~coeoaoec eo~c6co7euTece i' 4o CIeO CUO 0000 Q 5~ - 5~ .' .~i~-m-mooo-R030cicASc"n---I ~i .'-I . .'"-I .°'-I? .- eD .o cFi25cYico~ ~R Y Dm pp op opp~ M O oC O0 .0-l-I 0o GOVO OppN-l ONp .-I V~NNMCICasOt0 QO -1 NNNNN CCVV -4 .M-.V•8ags OMODO0 I r-1 -I N rM-IO .~l e- Wp - 4N .0 Z .o 40,0 ~gg ,Ce e~, IY o o~ o n WuN7~eFp p W p p po o p e~ p~p~ pp j p 88 88 pp 88 oV.p88po popO pp OMC'q Nt'-MO CONWOO8Cl N GV C Nl CO CI Co O 0MC-WC 401- O0i CMV. WI`1-M0NVV.V0M.aMVVV0M0M000MeM mI. MM00 'I CoC01 0101 0001 .O 0c 0,COCCO-.C-Ci g .o z*a4m nm^m°°'^^c`~o~'^rc~N n ~n,^M o O. p. 8 OOI.--IMOV•N e~RRS88888R8~8gs2Mg88V .-IV"00V~O ccOOOl-O~,lNODO .-1I0 uJ 88RReo8~V CO u7 V•Oa00Wc000O 1-O1r~ceO~ .O0o1~0~000[11000i 0~00000~~00e1:001z1-~ a a I al pp ppoo 'O) r o FIEF. , p nWCOO CO0 0i n O CO ' riDp V~V• V~MMOOV•~V•MG~ NN GV co .-4m g riCOe Cl ,5 1 A. ° b1 oa i CO ~WCWO000t■OOONCO~NiNOrA MV~COOti~0ODN I 0 eO-l- CCO rl '-1 r-1M4 '-1 .4 r~ e~ r~ .~ N rH rl ►i 0 p pp .-I u~~'Vp'00 OX 004 'WN ~CjS8NO-I .•~N .~ 0~7N N p ..I r I w-IMN O .Oi Oi r .4 rINeO0M Cl .--I I-OOMI-V~O COM nNt-Oa 1- NV~ 0OM .001 1N VA N r-I 01001 BOO COO ONO N OD 0011001 N ChNOi .H N rlM0000O .-I CDOO N N N r-I +-i .-1 N COOiJ w° CD,wccooccoovM .rav w O m .NiO .t u~ . e~.. ,ruz ..o prako °epkd . oMp .Onelo MV•u)~ Mt d• .trp .0 $ Ca. -8,n•".1 s 6 C7 l ..a" P R .J N O 10 14s, il 06 e-g I g Ea . - ~ 'Ii The resistance to solittin : is of considerable i^:port°a .nce i n nanels when these are to be fastened with eere w s or holts and . are ells ec t to forces at -Cae fasterinTs . 71e nrmerical value of fte work relnired to has no direct application in desi7n . split n, nanel of a ed.ven t : 'c7 It is only in comparison with ether panels of other stecies or constrrction that work in erlitting was any si g nificance . The work done is, o f course, a measure of resistance to selitting . It is not entirelY a property of the woo d , as it donende verY lan g ely u'oon the streegth of th e glue . The results of strength toots on nl7wood of varions commo n veneer species are given in table 10 . Excont for 1iirc :-:: all tests are on onln one shipment of thp opecies, so that the roe alts rill in al l probability be changed lomeWlat by the additien of fat''''e test data . Th e mahogany res"lts are on thin plywood. rangin in thicnees from 3/30 inch to 3/16 inch, while the sizes of the plywood for all other m :)ocies range d from 3/30 inch to 7/6 inch . In most caece it was found that the eolnmnebonding modnlue o f thin nlywool was 3lightl7 lose t'-.an the colnmn-bening modnlns of th e thick plywood . TABLE 11 .-- C r -rearjjL?n ofStre , l e te of..2, 5 and 7 Pl . X211or . 3i 'Ill - Plies_ of Same _T11i el : :sees in try„n e; Panel . :Column-bend:ing molnlus , : Tension, i n : nonnds -,)e r squar e inch " :Para,:Per. :penli,5 :llel- :-)en d ie Numbe r :AyeraTe :Avera g e : Ppmber : in nonnds of nlies :s-pecific :per cent : of :e 'er squar e :gravityl.;moisture :tests : inch . :Pa n a- :Per- :11 123 5 7 0 .57 .57 .70 : : : 8 .5 6,3 7 .1 : : oo d :Lveral:e slitting resistance compared to 3-pl y birch, for th e 'same olywoo d : f-ieeneos i n nor (-p it o f 7-ol n . 195 : 16,000 : 3, 2 00 : 13,200 : 7,700 : 25 : 14,700 : 6,800 : 13,100 : 2, 6 00 : 25 : 14,300 : 7,900 : 1 2 ,900 : 9,'00 : 100 12 9 19 1 1 Specific gravity, 1-teed on oven-dry w eight and volume at test . Parallel ani -oereendicular refer to direction of grain relative to direction of aunlication of fo r ce . face s Table 11 shows the decrease in the nmit strength of plywood in th e direction of the grain of the faces when the nnmber of nli-ee is increased, an d the increase in the nnit strengtt of plywood pereendicnIar to the Train of th e faces when the n'obe- of riles is increased . -10 - 1 - shows that., L Tae strength values tr ;nvo)d p arallel t o arc p racti .call - r the ,,arse f )r three-ply wood lavin g a core of dense wood as for lJiv rood a core of light wood . Th e strength %wax.es across the Train of I.L@ dQc.ee are, however, very muc h less for the p lywood with core or Lew N,kV t-r` . In other wor=Is, the strength values of three-elv wool narallel to the grain of the faces are almos t °ely determined by the s.t e_ .lth values of the face material, and . th e 1al-les across the c rVin of the fa€os IloP l eery lar g o .deter!rino d 1'en' th value g• of the core si ecice . wig the t - Tabla 1$ ices a n1 nr, , .bPr of factors r,at are o ft', vaire in selecting w srecke of daft Dlies for a three-plv = p anel . The thickness _f4ctor (K s.) is tzs•ed to obte .id the thickness o f a -niv of any Species having ti some tctal ben ing stren,oth as a liven pl y of birch . It is arri wed - at's follows : `lae strength of any struct-ura-l member i ; •doh rni~ned ert *wet load it can sD thin or the brendi ag moment it can resis without l rettre . t niYrrood the latter factor is the g etter criterion of ' stre h f7th . ti If we denote the maxim= bending moment of a stria) of three-ply wo'oA 1 inch , wide and of thickness d l by M1 and the stress at failure by Sl (coll ribending modulus), then Ml . = S1. a1" I . ` 6 fI ihi 'Sirs^ .il,arl -, the strength. of ar:o cr s ; irj of a sspecie s will be denoted 14 . M2, its stress at fa-12uro S 2 , and thickness ' •;' ,icy a .P17-per selection of thicimos d2 the s.eee.nd strio rra ;r b e9 made t,;0 9 withstan d the same ma-As-rum bending moment, so tat Y _ Ml or S2d2' = S ra~ ' . Frown thi a the ,desired thickness d2 = Taking d z. as t ho wait o f ir.~m the maxirnrm stresses in .k11,-1 t general, ? a =~ 7 0, where 1 M oo . V ^a F^~ S zs the thickness of the my oad., w1-_oso Q~ll'rnr .a riding modulus correszd .s to S and whose total bending stren i l■JI , Ti a by the tending moment , t 1.9 the same as that of birch ol-Tooot - i• ! 6.,. . ■ 'rho same reasoning also ap-olies to single nli o s, so ds may bt wolf +,o 9'et the thickness of a single nl r, which will give sam e tAml bending streng'th as a birch ,ly of thickness unit,, . *lcamnle , for yellow porlar T s = 1 .46, and a nl of this species, 1 .1-6 -x 1/1 6 0 .091 inch, is egnivalent in strength in bending to a birch sly 1/16 inc h thick . thickness of a birca plywood: stri p nercentas'e of birrih,, we have 1,4 = 8973 I cL 08,, 'S:2 I I I a) E cd 'd ccdd ,s~ aC)) cd LR o >~ o ~., I * F~ cd U) a) o d C i Pi O P . co -H 1 •r1 '-d .. a) .* 4-I O cd Fi hi) O F-1 ,O O U) cd o I 1 ri Zi U) ~" I c o o E. Pa O`-H U) 3 I 3 Pi o • • I Fi H Q) o O It cd H P-4 H o cd cd cd CJ) 6 I . a) •H +D cd H 0 r tH o cd ro o -ci o+D o -H F-I P, H CD H o o o A a) H O cd H F-I 4-I o a) ti o A cd to c>3 H a ) ba F-I +P -H Cr i U) a) rd o O .S$ O O C .) CAi (H •H F-IHE' cd ~-+ Pc E' r-4 o Ojai o H H O I •r-I N u H N s~ H 7a •H r-{ a 1~ P, w o -F~ o a) r-1 •rI F- 1 ri F-I a) O r--1 U) +, U) 0 4-I O F-I .a ▪ a) •ri 0 0 P4 d 'Zj •▪ o a) o o is O U) H Ul rl Cd CC1 a) I^Q A 9 . : W fri ▪ rl d d P H bO O H U) H P4 cd Pa co bDcd U)'d U)H O Cd o cd a) Pi •. I-+ F-I a) b.O US Cd . • rci A A o fl r 4 1 O H co o •rl TABLE 13 . -- Tuickress Pcc :ors f(T.. ?cpee r Giving : (I) Veneer tl :icl-ress for the same total ber , 'ing strength as birch ; (2) veneer tl-icloness for the same weight an birch . Species blach A.sh,commercial wlllte Kr D. S. r's Avera7e ; specific :Speci''ic :Pe r cent :Pe r cent : facto r :gravity of :=2,-ravity :moisture : unit : for the :f)ctor fo r specie s l :of glued : of -o l ,,k- :be:ding : same to- :t0s e sam e ba.sed on :plywood :wood as : tested . oven-dry : as :-ei-r:ht and : tested : : air-dr : v ;1rane . ash, Basswood B eech Birch, Yellow Cedar, Spanish Cherryb : : : Elm, cork Elm, white : : Fir, Douglas Gin, black Gum, cotton Gum, red 7T-ac'k -hJerrv Hemlock, western Wagnolia Vahogany . ,ifrican Vahou.,any,Phil ipoine' lWaho k,any. , true Waple,soft° Wanle, sugar Oak,cowercial red 39 43 44 66 51 c 51 52 : : 52 49 5A 1'2 : : : 0 .40 : .60 : 63 a 34 51 44 Chestnut Cottonwood Cypress, bald" 0 50 58 51 a 46 1 57 '71 49 48 02 : : : • .12 : 37 : 9 .1 10 .2 9 .2 8 .6 :stren:: t h :tal bend- :welght a c :comrarcd : ing : : with :stren7th : 0 .63 . : b I rch . 2 :as bi r ch, : D 52 : 94 .37 .41 : 8 .5 : 13 .3 .46 .47 : : 8 .8 10 .77 .62 .2 : 9 .1 8 .9 .50 .5 4 .5/ .47 : 10 .3 : 8 .7 : 10 .: 9 .7 : 9 .9 : .72 .53 .48 : 12 .7 : 10 .7 : 11 .4 8 .9 : : .56 .43 .49 .54 .52 .57 .8 .59 .34 : 9 .1 : 11 . 7 48 : : 100 43 : 80 34 : 56 53 • : 1 .39 1 .12 : : 1 .2 6 1 .09 : 1 .03 : 1 .00 1 .12 1 .72 : : 1 .24 1 .43 : : : • 73 58 : : 8 .0 9 .3 9 .5 : : : : : : 1 .4 7 1 .4 3 .9 5 1 .31 : 1 .24 : : : : 1 .2 1 1 .29 1,1 7 1 .50 : 1 .2 4 : 1 .3 7 1 .34 1 .37 1 .13 : 1 .55 1 .29 36 : 1 .3/' S9 57 74 100 59 59 : : : : : : 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 .6 6 1 .00 1 .8 5 48 54 55 60 67 : : : 1 .00 1 . :2 1 .29 1 .34 1 . 44 1 .25 : 8 .7 60 56 : 10 .6 : : 1 .44 1 .2 2 .21 .32 .16 .00 .30 .20 : : : : : : : : 1 .24 1 .2 1 1 .1 0 1 .29 1 .3 1 1 .0 2 1 .0 0 .9 1 : : 63 Oak, commercial white : 69 : : 52 : 1 .38 : 1 .61 Pine,white 39 : .42 : 10 .2 : 9 ./- : 58 : 1 .51 : 1 .E- 4 P9r, lar, yellor 50 : 1 .7 5 : 49 : 1 .43 : Redwood a 33 : .41 : 11 .2 71 : 1 .09 : 1 .2 6 Sycamore 50 : .5E : 9 .2 : : S p ruce, Sitka : 50 : 1 . ,1 : 1 .66 : .43 : 8 .4 55 0 '7q lnut, J.I 83 ... . . . . . . _ 1 .10 ;'laken from Bulletin 556 of the U. S . Deuartment of A,ric u lture .Average of the column-bending mo-l rlli narallel and neruendicular to grain compare d to 'birch . °Probably silver maple . ased ort -libsequ-rIt tests . A 4 0oat tlrce Doug las fir . uProoac'y 'tangrile . e mbably black cherry : R973 :. II 1 . .- I_ I ; _An 1, :- 1( undeuetoe ,i 4 hat unit bendin g 27 ray of es-71seekess $t must Issstnre, o r strength refers to a maximum treso suah as the roduluo th e the coligressbending meOuTus, total beTe7ing strenth refess load or bending moment baw Ma?' sustain or the bonding moment 4 *olsml can sustain . It should b@ kept d that t7ese facters w s-Jl11 AISOokless b b swewhat b7 furthe r @1 4 The thicks *lit** 1(70 d to obtain the thic hmes s y ef 7ellow birch of given ply of any species equal in wel;ht to of oirch by the vidi he 0 ness . It is obtained by simolT e dens density of the species tau '1'ed . _lit State s data used in computing Y7 arc,* at e ive. moods Department of. A e rie-allure 2,4:eirt 556, ap ical • frown in the lne State ." The wei eht n,es,lecteds 1 I I For 7-.@i.low parlor, fo-r eXample, t 'i.!e ti4imrAose 1INF .1e o Tv@i,ght to a 1/16-inch 017 of biroll is 1 .54 x 1/1S =-- 0 .090 60kes . In I m4amphiAwbendIliw* tests, unon 'shich the dat@ . In table. 10 are ! sIliOINki6i llMirf121 0mado on sPec-Imens of floc same lengths, aid. it 7as fel t desirable to Oaorrsine what left's:et, if any, the chasm) in length of th e .', maximum 1usit load, the sloridor :aess ratio . column might WM. 7a.1 remaining! Impmbigat, IIIA4rl uaaels of three-pl , birch, all plies of the mom. ialskIllislIMPTI gli rim IlMedaia, were made up fro'r veneer of the following thicknesses : 1/30, 1/2d, 1/20, 1/16, 1/10 5 1/8, and. test columns varving in length from 20 inches to 6 Isocline were it from t'oom and . tested . The conclusion drawn from the3e tests is that for a given nlendernees rati o the length of the column has little, if any, effect on. the maxim .um uni t load which throo-e17 Mails Awl-.n will eustain . It is asourred]_ that th e Game conclusion will a-e-1 s ti panels of other speciss . IhO _ "able 9, to whieh PprPriEgrChels-OlMeIr made, p resents ' data by which it is Pos''PrIM.4p im 1011404 . in t e nsion osF-plywood comnosed of various 10mds ImWiO05 ; Hof this table i s identical with the corres p enlins columt et table I . tolumn (e) is to b e used in calculating the strea-th in tension of elywoo-i made uu of differen t species . The method of calculation is based u pon the fact that the tensil e Orength of rood in a direction peruendicu]ar to too grain ie very smal l 0Sm,ilsIxisAprwith_ that parallel to the grain and may, therefore, fo r be ne g lected . 'o obtain the tensile strength OVT-6=ns, timmi7 add to :otl:nr the tensile str e a e th, parallel to the tlae indtVidual olie the ;rain of lies parallel to the the strength is desirree sample corn-Fa .Gslsesk%r.., _ -' :,. m a- e l - 1-1 -rr . 'I - ' 1. r7,n ' _ - 1 II 1 I ' f ~. e, V l ;- ' I l an:4. ' . 11 - I -LA 1 r„4 1 II 'I 1 ~ .~ ,~ 11 I The shearing strenzt1 of nl7 ao)d i s ) itT.sortance in conection with the design of box beams baying nl - w:oed c - ae n ee.es and for simila r ' construction . Several series of tests are under wa s to determine t re shearing strength of e1. woci of -.arione t icnneese ; when vnsnp)orted fo r various distances . 7h1e tje .ie tests are not a .; yet corroleted, it i s evident that it will net be nosoible to use a 1 hearing strength in calc,lating these members mach Treater than that of solid wood of the sam e species . There is much more residual strength in -Ilywood after the firs t failure than in solid wood, and for this reason a somewhat hiroher wor',hin g stress would be .iustifioi . Until more data are availaele the ohoa r allowed in plywood should not be over 25 per ce ::it greater than tha t allowed in solid wood of the same epecies . This assivnrs that in th e cheeks of horizontal beams the face plies w ill be vertical, a conditio n dictated by experience to be best 'p ractice . 1 71- l :points i Pl_ uoo + •L 1L _ The matter of joints in p lywood is of the =greatest importanc e in connection with the construction of various t-mes of built-up structure s such as fusela=g es, boat b ,lls, nentoons, and beams and Birders . Several series of tests have been male to determine the efficienc- of variou s types of joint for different rinds of loading . I 4 T The fir s t series of tests was made ,r")en riveted joints designe d tension and commree io :l . The tests were all ma d c in tension ; both solid and hollow rivets wore use r . Two typos of test were r,n ; most o f the tests en_; made on snocinen onl°- wile ono„ab to accommodate one rive t (fig . 30a), . and later enough wide s p ecimens were tested (fig . 30b) t o verify the assump tion that the data on the narrow s p ecimens could b e ap p lied without correction to wider ones . i'DY' In general, most of t 1 e tests '"ere made on brtt joints, wit h strap s on each side . In some cases the stra p s were of plywood and i n others of galvanized sheet metal about 0 .0 inc'--es tick . The nomenclatur e used will become clear rn) exa m ination of fignr e The first tests were .jade rnor_ red Ana pl'mvood cersnosed of thre e plies of 1/13 material, riveted with solid copper rivets throngJ shootmetal cover nlatos . The rain of the face -)lies was nernendicular to th e seam . Figure 31 shows the streneth off the joint •its-. varvi''g margins an -a~ d s p acing . It is apoarent that the best conditions are obtained with a 1-inch margin and a . one-half inch spacing . 4 11 . (a ) Fig. 20.-(a) Test specimen for single rivet tsete. (h) Test specimen for muidpie-rust tests . Sr+gz6So~ rS.6.;Yt D al,Sca f.,bW.t .Fap.4dEvN.6.1.Y Disye..s/&n65 . on' Sa.s-itwc,kBau9'.,4wE r,A 7r Fig . 1O.--Joints in the face veneer of three-ply wood . 5/ape /in 20 to /1n 30 Strap, Scarf S/a,oo /in 20 to/in30 h ru s .tt TnttllfllitltllltllllllllllIII 1fPIPI'lllllllilllllllllllrlllll i I I F I l 111 FF l ilI 111 l 11 li 11 ltl l Fl 11 l lI II H II I I Fl lil 11 tt t l l liuusut ua . . n u A/batros Scarf Fig. 41.-Joints in plywood extending through the entire thieimese. METHOD OF CUTT/N6 SC4 H'F METHOD OPPRESS/N6 GLUED 3O/NT Fig. 42.-Method of making plywood joints extending through entire thickness . T it 6 Plywood h'e Shear rasr SF .c►nren . Fig. 48.-Plywood glue shear test specimen. 1 . .__- _ 60 0 f i 1 ~r 1 t F I i I ~ j1 I `~~~ . 1 (1 I I I I I/ /00 i 1 11 1 0 z t / ry SPf'C/Nv OF RIVET5 //V %NC/1E. S Fig 31 . -- Sing le-riveted brtt joints in plywood . Relations among strength, margin, and spacing ; Fed gm', plywood, pliea 1/16 by 1/16 by 1/1 6 inch ; solid copper rivets, 0 .15 inch diameter ; sheet, .metal cover plates ; grain of faces per p endicular to seam ; moisture, 7 .4 nor cent . 2 shows t 'variation of strength when axing a constan t f h and margins var yin . from one-~15arter inch to 2 ing arly that no appreciable add i tiona l 'T very e _es . mhT ;inn, the ' argin above 1 i~~cli . In fact , nt th can h t in c th ,gip of t'r_i face plies « ra : p arallel to th e It wap ilospil 1-grartors inch wi thor t sacrificing Ql,ld be roduccd to # *a MIOM 411 Fi?ur e ne . .3 r t i .5-00 7r < I t !~ . __--.- ._ .. ~ f _-_ _ 0 25' 0.50 _ ._ _ ! ._.___ . 075' /vf,ti /45- /Oc) '~i2' t ._ j;5Z) ' ' . .~. . ____ /.,?5- .c70 0 Fi7 . M . ... tin_ le-t"ivetcd butt joitte in of '"ood . relation between strengtl and p ar in : S p acing 1/2 inch ; re'l par' nlynood, *l ies 1/1 6 by 1/16 bar 1/:l :6 inch ; solid corr_.er rivets, 0 .15 inch diameter ; eet-meta l co ' i'a ; grain on face ; neroendicUl r to seam' ; moisture, T~ p .4 per cent . { Sirlbar tests made on thre-e-p-lj' c': eac. . ply oie-sixteent h gave similar nesrits, as e own in si 'es 33 and 34 . With a margin o f 1 1/2 'anae e , the max mi n strength was vee,loe_7 . with a spacing of one-half inch . bl.r in,C11,, R97 r f0 0 i -CF/ I I- -L ■ i - 4----t._1_ . .i 1- -- n li --A- / ----!--.-.-.- ..--!-- _ ._ / /00 L i . 0' O. 43 - 05-0 (I7'5 /oo /At ';-4 3 . -- Single-riveted butt joints in n17v-ood . Relation be0Mn,siiL anrl snacing : T argin, 1 1/ 9, inches ; birch pl7rood, plie s llw, ich ; solid copper rivets, 0 .15 inch diameter ; sheetmet440MINP!0WOW, 4tlst pre, 6_,6 per cent _ 8 &4,5- o 5n / oo / -y' A.i4" ..q6./A/m/ //V(-/-f&-5 0.75 / 50 / 75 -Tqt.' *It -- Vitas-riveted' butt joints in between strength and margin ; spacing, 1/2 tjseih ; b by AhilJ4 .41011 , Oipai.&, Sapp. iNiqm4r.i .16.15 camp .11WAIR-:7,11 mc3tstTITIop Ca !set Cent . 4. The- margin could have been reduced to 1 inch off ` "en le ' I witho a great falling off in efficiency . Fi7ure 35 indicates. ¶t a syAcing o f one-half tneia the hest with thinner birch (Bach ply 1/20 inch) 0.1., 70 0 _ .-r-. .-7. _ i i 600 i ._ _ IN ~i , E _ (1 - , ...yo / EJ1 i II/ c, ~ i,am ___ kJ, I i \S. 1 _ _ ' 0 /0 0 0 ?Lc5 IA/ /A/C,//5 sp4c/N6 0 50 Fig . 35 . -- Yultiple-riveted butt )int'l in oly-, oo :l ; relatio n between strength Spacing ; test joint, 5 to 5 1/2 inches icle ; margin , 1 inch ; birch p l-oo ,3, plies 1/20 by 1/20 b ,r 1/20 inch ; solid copp e r rivets, 0 .15 inch :1.i-lrileter ; :sheet-metal cover Plates : moisturc, 5 .6 per cent . R973 Figures 36 and 37 show the strength of joints made in three ply birch (each ply one-twentieth of an inch) with five-eighths-inch hollow aluminum rivets and plywood cover plates . A spacing of 1 1/4 inches gave the best efficiency with a margin of 2 inches . It is possible tha t greater strength could have been secured in the case of the specimen s with the grain of the faces perpendicular to the seam had a greate r margin than 2 inches been used . In the case of the specimens with th e grain of the faces parallel to the scam a margin of 1 1/4 inches coul d have been used without any great reduction in strength . R973 -13a 700 600 y0 i i t-- /0 0 0)00 ZOO /, SD 2 00 449 RG/N' /iy / NC/yE. S Fier . 36 . -- Sina'le-riveted butt joints in piy,9ood ; relation between strength and marlin ; soacinr*, 1 .25 inches birch -olyf4ood ., plie s 1/20 by 1/20 by 1/90 inch ; hollow alimiinrTn rivets, 5/9 inch optsid e d.iam.eter ; plvevood cover plates ; rroisture, 5 .e per cent . R973 0.50 700 600 0 cs /00 / INO ', I I J f li O 0,50 L00 /SO .L7 0 ,5/2/C//V6'//V /NC//ES So 3. o0 Fig . 37 . -- Si g 7le-riveted butt ;joints in plywood ; relatio n between strength and spacing ; margin, 2 inches ; birch plywood, plie s 1/20 by 1/20 by 1/20 inch ; hollow alininrrm rivets, 5/8 inch outsid e diameter ; plywood cover plates ; moisture, 5 .6 per cent . R973 5 4 c 1 eo • ■r ' __ w_ . --- - j _ .__ ._ ' - t -T __ . _ A f NF / - i 0.25 // 0.50 / _ _ 07.5" /OCR Si AC-/N6 /N /A/CH..E"S .._ --J /.2i /SO `tea .. 38 . -- Si n g le-riveted butt joints i?: 'Dlvwood ; ra'9m twe1/20 stre-ng and spacing ; margin, 2 inches ; -b rch plywood, plies 1/20 by by 20 inch ; hollow ai'minlr rivets 1/2 inch outside diameter ; plywood cover plates ; 1roisture, 5 .5 per cent . TEe res b 04ii . &on three-' 1•r birch j eaciE r, 7 - one lea.{ ietE. inch) with plywood cover p lates and one-half inch and three-eihths inc h hollow alvmin'mn rivets respectively are -ol tted . in figures 38 and. 39 , These tests were made *ith margins ot , 2 inc? is . However, smaller margin s egrid no doubt have been ='sed withort Op-,rec4 able loss in strength . R973 700 boo earl ' _ , 1 ~~ 44/ (Tale ! : - . y) i 1► I!, Boa / 03 ,`,P4C/NG //V //I/C//E.5 Fig . 39 .-- Single-riveted butt joints in pl,- rood ; .relation )ettiaee n strength and spacing ; margin, 2 inches ; birch t1 r^ood, plies 1/20 by 1/20 b y 1/20 i _ci_ ; hollor alp, rini m rivets, 3/3 inch o» .tsi de diameter ; p1 jnood cove r elates ; moisture, 5 .6 per cont . R973 rhea tLe most e =f =i:;c'irent spa i,ng and margin ane used, there i s oTact-ically no difference in strength for the different sizes of rivet s ,investigated : `Towever, the smaller rivets require a smaller spacing an d therefore more labor in manufacture . On ti-e other hand, the margin required is less than in . the case of the larger rivets, and this may i n some cases be a d.ecid.ed advantage . C;'btr 7i m"d.;r Or t1-yvroo.d, as preferre1. . If o f y *01-nmi-n-urs shy about -ty-fourths inch or o+ne-sit.xteent h thiU.,&s, x i- ended .f w'1 a thicknesses of p lyaaeod invesftgated . rr . he ei4i0fiIOpy ofe joints was determinec1 . by testing a numbe r s of fife wood, both paralleland -perpend c - .lar to the fac e ilk• was determined that osier the beet comd ,tions the efficienc y of the joints with the face p lies pe rp endicular to the searaa wa:s. -about 3 0 per cent, while with the face olie .s parallel to t 4e sears the maximum efficiency was a little over 50 p er feat . W 4Mle-Tiveted joints may be satisfactory under certain circum - lr . stances, ti--ey can :iot be used where an efficiency much over 50 per cen t is required:. Ir these cases it is necessary to use glued joints, of which . different typos . Joints in Ind.ividu,al Plies . Joints in individual Plies may bs in a Variety of ways . Figure 40 shows several possible methods ice' pieces of veneer . A considerable =Tiber of strength tests u p on s ,of' these joints have been made . The simple faint has been test r a long range o f slopes of scarf . !ho scarf joint, as wed as the diagonal but t joint, have been testmaA e's• a ilones of the' diagonal . The sawtooth butt joint has been tested for various angles of the saw tooth . In -balancing up the various factors of strength, ease of manufacture, and efficiency it was decided that the sample scarf joint is th e ~r = ple butt jio t gilkolae' tile use d O ,~tre tisfact . • Carefull y !R• The Clore of the *MP, 'MI .joint should 'be withi n Unir from 1 to Wt. 1 x In comparison with the use of rivets, joints in individual plie s are p robably more practical . They have an advantage, too, in that th e joints in the p lies of a given panel may be staggered, so that any defec t that nay occur in any particular joint only partially weakens the entir e gs time and labor involved in the p reparation of tits type o f 1 } 'ollpi lp, while probabl !'less than th .4ti-me and. labor *ivolved. in the prep'on of riveted Og4nts, is greater than that in preparing the scar f t extending th h f he ent'e thi s of the panel . i i r. i' i U Jo irten ring Entire T4i If - s s of Ply;'- Vary 'tests" been mode upon, OM* 'Dints extending through th e entire thickness of a-100114 'Such' red by various manufacturers using differerit7i A at co-rbinat5tns of veneer thick"'wo types of scarf ,joint s nesses and species, and various extending through the entire plywood Less have been tested an are her e described as the straight scarf joint M tie :11batros scarf joint . he two tyres are shown in figure 41 . The tests is . dicate q:ito conclus i .e1 y that the straight scarf ioint is the superior joint of the two . An :kar, ination of the Albatros joint 'ill show that the face niy of the one pane l coos not meet the face nl x, ofthe second- panel or on]-t *g ar+_ally meets it . In p lace of being .gi .',ed to wood that 1-as the grain running in the sam e direction, the face ,h]_ .. of one p anel is gln d to the core of the secon d panel, in which the grain runs at right ar_Mles to the g rain in the face . Joints in which the grain of the two nieces joined is at right an-le s are not as strong as joints in which the grain of the two nieces is i:arallel . Ted # #.W the straig' : :_t scarf joint show that an efficienc y Of FPO 90 cent 60p obtained with this tvoe or joint for a slope o f Melt de Wilt 1 ii 'p._ g,ccount 4t the variations in the effective ~~! s, recommended that a f s ca e r tha_ .i hr Oke neighborhood o f _ VO‘O 416 25, with 6 P of 40:lp ulh S recommended . ti fac es lig.mik ft meake .ioi . or ' ir, rlmai op!'ler- due to sanding of th e ?u u is of his hL that wer e that; Wit otnor1 away . del lug Orel tire he face plie s 9bs4l illgwb it* th oit's op Ohm We 4lbi! bf three-pty panels narali cation o - the grain of th e in tr~.e ,iokncss o the face plie s iftel ergot a panel . nsequently it is re 1NOO 0 the scavi'.int that be only lightl y ] 4r deem el* 4 ick „y j. ; face veneer . emetON it is obvio s that a reduci ~ W 4* MIN, 1:Vfi'~'t 42 Trs400 ' °1 è ;re '':hod use3 ftAl- ct ing the scarf and fo r gluing two pieces of pl ;wood together . The beard . above the panel shoul d be relatively massive and flat so as to distrnuto the pressure from th e screws . ^'sro or three layere of blotting pa p er furnish sufficient padding to accommodate irregularities in the surface . R973 -15- ve ing In an effort to develop a substitute for linen for 4,r w?iich could be used on present types of wing framework, sev' Differen t kinds of thin plywood have been developed . llmon these are pl yrwoo . cornposed of three plies ~f tenth inch, p lywook a r veneer faces and metal wire cor e faces, and several other types, 4 commercially possible to g lue up 14Mp although the losses in maki ng t'610 than in makir comparatively till cil nl~ :n * ac c an d she th en d.c cy W O N was: ,pN found rtt7 Light as clop : r . Ti_ . **Woo tr %Mich '72 ,* elusions drat TIM MEfallaw l de 'GA def ~t t■u rtI 1. Spanish cedar, -A:aple ' black walnut, and suf f AmA 044w consideration in p lywood air-plane wing coverilg es Si r 2. These species may be glued satis cu ¢ ucing the g lue between the p lies by means of t titlegi with glue . 3. It does not Ds-on VANS foot as did linen 'ev O. ora6edli om a p Z I' - 1 trodg ate d r.7 er p oust the same weight per squar e tical scale . 1 4. Cerversrrg mOv 44her ve .nee,r or of a aam.4#.Im+ a weer with fabric, such as linen, cotton, -ire skedM r ; or ki 4 papa* . in orde r is ,factor y to be both practical from the point of vim ofcanufa*%ure in mechanical properties shown by test, we! Pr , .S , hreerptirn as Muck a .s loped line ;, : 5.. uhttligh.t ii a0mbbOOmel prer-Saa.) f1 mane "ac`tur poss es flmm is Ors. k 14ep linen . 'M of view o f 11op e S . The thinnest ply-wood that am O pr e degree of facility (3 plies of one one-hundred-and-tenth inch lacks toughness and tearing strength . cede s 7 . In . the tea-inw strength of a practical thin plywood coverin g is dcns.~y higher than that of doped while its resistance t o Mors as -' sated by the toughness test is lower . IMO ti4l :1 -f : _ Sr . • L rtr 1r 1 . 'L. t L , II . 1 t II ' I . . 11L All I..I I = IL . =L.'S II I ar IIJ lEwJ , • 1 -1 .. A _8 . In order'-el attain the requisite degree of , toughness, (014s necessar y f i m.trod-rce a 411ci4ll tatiligOw the construction, Grade A -kotton now i n t .is 011I'Pose • in airp lanDeOtruciftim §a.g.e.f.a.ete,rg ee oped satisfactory tensil e favorably with line n Comb in a Mk" _,/a* i kraf t pap er strength, Niilz' "ice 1.e-sghness . They compa in tataTtialif - 2, "1 1 thus far tested , 'MOW With. 11 'ht wire .00 Alp ' a.:A ffilMDun point of vielci Of ensile strength Jam. tearing resistaneit are not superio r P mkt welPt . Tl*itr tie' 'A** vi-rup 7.$uid aim. w I.Peae,w.. $6194gaiWt.1rarpsi fie 11 . Obir.ONNpka or .. . tUan 1*Vn‘ , a umftpii':.Iail*frrg I- . of Veneer gt*iVg ,,Weh is more rigi d - 1- L,l , 1. ;mar° t*et by ,.at fist An eang es moisture V6!Wi#nf rapidly and shrinks or ey-pams. wittl a cte.no-e in atmospheric humidity t-i th e e..1t of .e•ithshoring an a-puree.i.alble loosening or as,minling a draw 'load. t14tale, 415111■ Onttened a.Io.n.g the ■g''dgeS . A finish ofgoats of agar . east . VM''P lat.TT--ely eltifwtew. veepid. change ii gun + q +' -.L.: ash W9'tl'eg E - Od. . =III I' • '.%,k have bee-a eomigIrted upon plyMed ket-weave fae-e's te5crugated' sore . The faces *..e- wen 01 4 f spruc e -made of veneer I 1/S'P inches ride and 0 .017 inch thi4k, GJ I 1 ‘*gttiekt.es s ove r spruce 7/8 i a l e t h e s wide and 0 .018 inch thiet . The tom all is al,relst 0 .2 ; 141 ' 7 ' Ttiio f'oll owing conch r s i on .1,s,toslit7 it drawn froxtltetl0a!s : "high I.Li.ti-d'it-y at loads, tbt high tearing sure p r_ mvarying en kn.leii(iriiII44K.0 3 And Corp natively high toughness. rode that v . 1 W . ;,I I p lywoo.6 to ubea, ray a very de-sirable material for' -Ow.gOii, 0 a inlaYgON : 5 Data etnIcernins; e:,111nIs for ply-wand will liae f'sIvA under the general headily, "Glues ." . I 6. -= the on . text 11 The folloritg specification fzgl-r wctt.t.rvr;o:of pl-,oofi is based upo n streng th tests just described and upon the glue tests- presented farthe r 1 1 -■ I , ,,,,, , 11 r R9'?3 e 1 1 AU I I - II .1 J. . . "71 , 1_ Specification for. „rater-resistant Veneer Panels or Plywood . General . on of vial, issued by th e i~ General spate . fow gy 40WMM 54 *5;4.14 opening of bids , of Construction and Ttepai t0pPNku 1 .l form part of these specifie5t1O .N . tv + i etre' t'1 . hater-reeis!tabt 'tsY g r ents f 'W veneer p anels fo r od. is specified . 1'ateria l 3 . le following species of wood may be usrela : in plywood i nstruction : Ras ;wood . Na hogany(true and African) B-' Ple (hard and soft) . Birch . Redwood . Cherry . Spanish cedar . Fir ( ;rand,noble,or silver) .Spruce . . Walnut . Western hemlock, ' White elm . White pine . Yellow poplar . 4 Other s p ecies of wood shall not be used without the writte n Q1OWPval of the Bureau of Construction and Repair . tdem -- The veneer must be sound ;, clear, smooth, well-marunc factured_ stock, of tniform triokness and free from injurious defects . Sap strew=s and sound Din knots will not be considered defects . colo.ra-ti:or will be allowed . 6. IOA v wmr at be rotary cwt, sliced, or sawed . 7. Thickness . Unless otherwise specified, no single -sly of venee r shall be thicker than 1/12 inch . I;i thhe.e-ply s.to . •the thickness of th e core my $t be bet:. ee=n 40 and 75 pe', .cent of t i+e tatuli thickness of th e in thickness . plywoo• ., exz ept f'Or panels 6tne-sixteenth in &h Or lat 8. G meet the A's VU~i•-''E- -- Any glue Or dement to in parag+rap1ss 20 and . 21 . -b'1e used ,w li Oil l 9. Grain . -- The train in each ply shall 'Ai. ri:= ht angles t o grain in the adjacent p lies unless otherwi &e wtat t. 'ate the order . 10 . . ) anufac density wood and f specifically stated it tl R97 3 '5 tie,' lit soft or lowWilma Mir otherwis e h!.l4-dyer wood -en .several plies, , . ax' er ; 'fae core may be mad ' in which case the gain of the adjacent plies must, be perpendicular . The plies must be securely glued together, after which the plywood mus t remain flat and free from blisters, wrinkle-, lau -p ing, checks, and othe r defects . Plywood manufactured with cold glue must remain in the p ress o r retaining clamps . not less than three hours . 11 . Joints . - - Plywood 10 inches wide or less shall, have faces made o f one-niece stock . In order to conserve t} :e narrow widths of veneer , accurately made edge ,joints will be allowed in the faces and cores of wide r stock, but the number of joints permitted in any - :ly shall not exceed . the width of the panel, in inches, divided by eight . Edge joints are joint s running narallel to the grain of the plies joined . All r_,lv,ooa built o f jointed stock must be so constructed that all joints are staggered at leas t 1 inch . 12 . In panels over 8 feet long scarf joints will be permitted ; th e smaller anele of the scarf shall have a slope of less than 1 in 25 . Scar f joints in adjacent plies must be staggered . Scarf ,joints are joints i n which the seam runs across the p ly at right angles to the `rain . 13, Butt joints will not be permitted . 14 . In case the core or croosband.ing is taned at joints only unsize d perforated cloth Mane or oven-mesh unsized cloth tape apulied with rater proof glue or cement shall be used . 15, Noisture content. . - - The finished plywood shall be dried to a moisture content of 9 to 11 per cent, with a tolerance of plus or minu s 2 per cent, before it is ship p ed from the manufacturer's plant . The equalization of moisture shall be effected by kiln drying, followed by con ditioning . 16. Kiln drvine . -- The panels must be piled and placed in dry kiln s as soon as possible after being released from the press . The method o f piling must be apuroved by the Bureau of Construction and Pepair . Afte r the stacking is complete?._ the panels shall be properly weighted to preven t warping during the drying process . mho best results in the kiln ar e obtained with a temperature of from 95° to 115° F . and a humidity ranging from 50 to 60 per cent, decoending upon the thickness of plywood and numbe r of plies . The circulation must be maintained at all times . 17. Conditionin g . -- All panels must be conditioned before fabricatio n or shipment . The conditioning shall be done indoors under tem p erature an d humidity conditions existing in the factory for a period of not less tha n 24 hours for three- p ly panels one-eighth inch thick and . proportionatel y longer for thicker stock . The piling and weighting shall be the same a s specified for dry-kiln stacks . 18. Cutting . --- Cutting for leneth and width shall be full and true . The veneer shall be cut to the thickness desired in the finished plywood and any overallowance on this thickness for the sanding operation is very undesirable . -19- 1~ . Finish . -- In all cases the tar p m~~st be removed from the face s of the panel, and., unless otl:er5; iee s p ecified in the order, the plywoo d shall be lightly sanded to a, smooth finish free from defects . 20, Submission of samples fortest . -- The manufacturer shall submi t to the Bureau of Construction and Repair for test 20 samples, each 1 foo t square, of the oly ood which he proposes to furnish to airp lane manufacturers . 21. Boilingor soakingtest .-- The waterproof q„ali ty of the glue shal l be tested either his boiling in water for a p eriod of eight hours or b y soaking in water at room temperature for a period of 10 days . After boil ing or soaking the samples shall be dried at a temperature hot exceedin g 150 0 F . to a 10 per cent moisture content . Tile plies must not separat e when the sample panels are su?ojcctod to this test . 22. Sheertest . -- The strenPth of the glue shall be tested in fiv e test specimens cut from a sample pane-i . The form of the test specimen i s shown in figure 43 . The ond'_s of the s p eciment shall be gripped in th e jaws of a tension-testing machine and the load aprlied at a speed of los s than one-half inch per minute . The glued surface must not fail at a loa d of less than 150 pounds per square inch . 23. Approved .list . -- Nanufacturers whose ps;vwood does not compl y with these specifications will not be considered in awarding of Contracts . The list of manufacturers whose product has satisfactorily pas,od the tests outlined in paragraphs 20 and 21 may be procured from the Burea u of eonstSuction and Repair, Navy Department, Washington, D . C . Inspection . 24. Unless otherwise stated, all veneer and plywood shall d at the plywood manu.facturer t s plant . .e in_spect- 25. The inspector shall make the tests specified in paragraphs 21 and 22 on at least one sample panel from each orees for each eight-hours ! run . 26. In case the plywood fails to meet the soaking and she .,: tests i t shall be rejected . If the glue fails to meet one of these tests bu t passes the other, the test in which it fails must be repeated c 7 not les s than twice the original number of specimens selected taken fros two o r more panels . If the glue fails to pass the second test, the ? '.ywoe d represented by the samples gust be rejected . 27 . In case of consistent failure or lack of r4iformity in product , the manufacturer will be required to submit a detailed written statemen t giving the following information : : The composition of the glue and the correct practice i n (a) mixing it . (b) The maximum time between mixing and apply-ing the glue . (c) The exact procedure in applying the glue and in pressin g and curing the plyeood and such other details as the Inspection Department may direct . The ins p ector shall see that thereafter this schedule is observed . 28 . The inspector shall have free access to all parts of the plant s were the plywood is being manufactured and shall be afforded ever y reasonable facility for inspecting the materials used, the methods o f manufacture, and the finished p lywood . Packing and Shia-miner . 29 . Plywood which ha :- passed inspection shall be packod in crate s which will protect all edges and surfaces from injury during shipment . Ordering . 30 . To facilitate the execution of contracts the order will stat e any special requirements which this material must meet . The order shal l state the number of pieces, the width across the grain in inches, th e length with the grain in inches, the thickness of the plywood and th e individual plies, the number of bliss, and the species of wood to be use d for faces (to be marked "Faces"), for core (to be marked "Core"), and fo r cross-banding (to be marked "Crrssba'nd"), Sizes riven shall be finishe d sizes and shall conform to commercial sizes when p racticable . The orde r shall also bear the specification number .