Indoor microbial air pollution

Indoor microbial air
Human Health Risk
Ecological Risk
Socioeconomic Risk
Indoor microbial air pollution is caused by excessive growth of bacteria, fungi, or algae in
warm, wet materials including lumber, ceiling tiles, books and papers, insulation, or hay.
Microbes may also grow in central air systems and filters, or in humidifiers. A range of
diffuse and often subjective symptoms known as “sick building syndrome” (SBS) may also
result, in part, from indoor microbial air pollution. Health effects from airborne microbial
pathogens include respiratory infection, ranging from flu-like, or pneumonia-like symptoms
to possible neurologic damage, pulmonary hemorrhage, and even death.
What are the human health impacts in
New Jersey?
The population exposed to unsafe concentrations statewide is unknown, but it is estimated
that hundreds of people are affected by indoor
microbial air pollution each year. Incidence of
severe symptoms, such as pulmonary hemorrhage, neurological effects, or death, is rare.
What are the socioeconomic impacts in
New Jersey?
Indoor microbial air pollution is estimated to
be responsible for 5-10% of the total costs of
asthma in New Jersey, approximately $22
million to $45 million. Assuming that 10-20%
of the total costs associated with sick building
syndrome are attributable to indoor microbial
pollution, New Jersey loses an estimated $230
to $460 million each year in direct health care
costs and lost productivity.
What’s being done?
Overall, indoor air pollution is increasing, but
there are no regulations or standards for
maintaining indoor air quality.
Final Report of the New Jersey State Comparative Risk Project
What’s at risk?
Airborne spores that cause no effect in some
people may cause mild to severe effects in
others. Persons with asthma, allergies, or
weakened immune systems, and infants less
than 6 months old are at increased risk, and
may show more extreme reactions. At higher
occupational risk are farmers, antique shop
workers, greenhouse workers, or anyone
occupying areas with excessive mold, or high
moisture. Office workers in airtight buildings
may be at risk for developing symptoms of
sick building syndrome.