Eastern Michigan University School of Health Promotion and Human Performance

Eastern Michigan University
School of Health Promotion and Human Performance
Athletic Training Program
Practicum I application process:
1. Overall GPA must be 2.8 or higher.
2. To be eligible you must have completed (NOT in progress) the following criteria:
a. Completion of 24 hours towards a bachelor’s degree.
3. Application must be TYPED and submitted to the program coordinator with the
a. You must also include a one-page response to complete the statement: “I
should be admitted into the athletic training program at EMU
because…” This should include justification as to why you should be
admitted into the program (i.e. evaluations, grades in AT courses,
personal qualities, etc.)
4. A biographical sketch
5. Athletic Training Program Cost Expectation Form
6. You must have completed or are currently enrolled in the following courses:
a. ATTR 201/202 Anatomy and Physiology for Athletic Training*
b. Transfer students who have already taken Anatomy and Physiology at
another University are required to take ATTR 201 Anatomy *
c. CHEM 120 Organic and Biochemistry or CHEM 121/122 **
d. ATTR 219 Intro to Athletic Training *
*A grade of B or better must be earned in these courses
**A grade of C or better must be earned in these courses
Acceptance into the Athletic Training Program is a competitive process. Applications are
evaluated by specific criteria and ranked accordingly. It is possible for an application to
meet all criteria and the student not be accepted.
Eastern Michigan University
School of Health Promotion and Human Performance
Athletic Training Program
Name_______________________________________Student Number_____________
Permanent Address
Phone Number
______________________ School/Local Address
Email address______________________________ Date of Enrollment at EMU______________
Overall GPA__________________ Transfer GPA (if applicable)*_____________________
*please include a transcript if you are transferring, this does not have to be an official copy
Semester of Application _____________________Date of Application_____________
Courses completed and grades. Complete the ones that apply.
Course (semester taken)
semester taken
ATTR 219
CHEM 120
ATTR 201
ATTR 202
(or will be taken)
Are you willing to provide the Athletic Training Program a copy of your immunization record?
List any relevant experience you have and/or community service.
Attach a 300-word essay in response to the following statement
“ I should be admitted into the Athletic Training Program because…”
Include your career goals
Eastern Michigan University
School of Health Promotion and Human Performance
Athletic Training Program
I understand the following are expenses that I will incur if I am accepted into the Athletic
Training Program (ATP). These expenses are in addition to the university tuition and fees.
The cost of the uniform for the first semester in the ATP (practicum I)
The cost of obtaining a copy of your immunization record
The cost of maintaining or getting your immunizations required by the ATP
The cost of a physical exam by a physician/PA/NP for completion of the
Technical Standards Certification Form
Any travel to clinical education sites
The cost of a name tag
NATA student membership fee, which includes ATrack
Background check completed
Printed name of Applicant
Signature of Applicant
Eastern Michigan University
School of Health Promotion and Human Performance
Athletic Training Program
Practicum I Application Checklist
Criteria for Evaluation
Overall GPA
5 points
3.5 – 4.0
3.2 – 3.49
3.00 – 3.19
2.8 – 2.99
Below 2.8
5 points
4 points
3 points
1 point
0 points
Evaluation of the following courses*:
ATTR 201
ATTR 202
ATTR 219
CHEM 120 or 121/122
A = 5 points
B = 4 points
C = 1 point
C = 0 points
20 points
ATTR courses
* If courses have not been completed the student gets 0 points
5 points
Grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc…
Content, application to AT
Completion and Appearance of Application
Typed, completed correctly, signed technical standards, etc.
5 points
Biographical Sketch
Grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc…
Content, application to AT
5 points
Total points
40 points