Founders Arch Report 2016

Founders Arch Report 2016
This is report form for submitting materials for review for our 2016 Accreditation and Awards process. Additional supplemental forms may be found on our Google Drive and include the following:
Program Form
Involvement Form
Philanthropy Program Form
Community Service Program Form
Chapter President Assessment
Advisor Assessment
This report and all additional supplemental and supporting materials are required in order for submission to be considered complete. Information in all sections unless otherwise noted will be utilized for both University accreditation and awards selection at Closing Ceremonies. This report and all supplemental material is for programs and events that were held from March 21, 2015 through March 18, 2016. Any other programs or events that are provided outside of the dates listed will not be considered for review.
All submissions must be uploaded to the Google Drive by 5 pm on March, 18, 2016 (this is the Friday before Spring Break). No late submissions will be accepted.
* Required
1. Chapter Information *
Please select your chapter from the list provided
Mark only one oval.
Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity
Alpha Phi Women's Fraternity
Alpha Psi Lambda National, Inc.
Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity
Alpha Xi Delta Women's Fraternity
Chi Omega Women's Fraternity
Delta Gamma Women's Fraternity
Delta Lambda Phi Fraternity
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity
Delta Upsilon Fraternity
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Delta Zeta Sorority
Kappa Sigma Fraternity
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity
Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity
Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity
Phi Mu Women's Fraternity
Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity
Sigma Chi Fraternity
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Sigma Nu Fraternity
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity
Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
2. Name and Officer Position *
Please provide the Name(s) and Officer position(s) of the person(people) completing this
3. Email Address *
Please provide the email address(es) for the person(people) completing this
report in the same order as the names listed above.
Founder's Arch­ Academic Accountability
This section will provide an overview of the academic accountability of your members, and any policies related to academic achievement.
4. GPA for Membership *
Please list the cumulative grade point average
that the chapter requires when extending
membership invitations to potential members.
5. GPA for Officer Positions *
Please list the minimum cumulative grade
point average that the chapter requires to hold
executive board officer positions.
6. Academic Coordinator *
Does the chapter have an "Academic Coordinator" who is dedicated to improving the
chapter's academic standing?
Mark only one oval.
7. Job Description for Academic Coordinator
If "Yes" to the above question: Please include a copy of the job description as well as the
name and email address of the current Academic Coordinator in the box below.
8. Academic Committee *
Does the chapter have an "Academic Committee" that is dedicated to improving the
chapter's academic standing and assisting with academic themed programming for chapter
Mark only one oval.
9. Job Description for Academic Committee
If "Yes" to the question above, please provide a job description for the committee members
as well as a list of current members with email addresses for this academic year.
10. GPA Expectations *
What GPA is required for a member to be
placed on academic probation or suspension
with the chapter?
11. Academic Probation/Suspension *
Please describe what your chapter policy for academic probation or suspension is comprised
of (i.e. social restrictions, loss of voting privileges, cannot hold office, etc.).
12. Academic Probation/Suspension of
Members­ Spring 2015 *
Please list the total number of members that
were placed on either academic probation or
suspension during Spring 2015.
13. Academic/Probation/Suspension of
Members­ Fall 2015 *
Please list the total number of members that
were placed on either academic probation or
suspension during Fall 2015
14. Members in Good Standing *
Please provide the total number of chapter
members that are in good standing as of the
end of fall 2015
15. Total Members on Roster *
Please provide the total number of chapter
members (both new and active) on your roster
as of Fall 2015.
Founders Arch­ Individual Academic Excellence
This section outlines individual academic excellence, and how the success of our members contributes to our successes as a whole chapter. Please provide the data below regarding the individual academic achievements of your members.
16. Honors College Members *
Please provide the number of members
enrolled in the Honors College at the end of
Fall 2015.
17. Members Above a 3.0 *
Please provide the number of members with a
cumulative GPA above a 3.0 at the end of fall
18. President's and Dean's List­ Spring 2015 *
Please provide the number of members who
achieved President's and/or Dean's list in
either Spring 2015.
19. President's and Dean's List­ Fall 2015 *
Please provide the number of members who
achieved President's and/or Dean's list in Fall
Founder's Arch­ Academic Education and Programming
This section will provide an overview of the chapter's academic goals for the year and the plan that was utilized to achieve them. Academic Programming related to these goals must still be submitted using the Program Form available on the Google Drive.
20. Chapter Academic Goals *
Please provide the chapters goals in regards to academic achievement for the 2015­2016
academic year.
21. Academic Plan *
Please provide your chapters current academic plan, including (but not limited to)
consequences for those on probation/suspension, incentives/recognition for those who
perform well academically, ways to emphasize academic achievement in chapter business
and programs, etc.
22. Academic Programming *
Please provide the total number of academic
themed programs that were either hosted,
attended or facilitated by members of your
chapter in this academic year. The number of
programs provided should match the number
of program forms submitted through the
Google Drive.
Founder's Arch­ Campus Involvement
This section will give an overall view of your chapter's involvement on campus and in the community. Individual involvement must still be reported using the Involvement form on the Google Drive.
23. Overall Campus Involvement *
Please provide the total number of campus
clubs/organizations outside of the Greek
community that your members have
participated in on a regular basis during this
academic year. Do not include campus jobs
or representative positions for corporations in
this section.
24. Campus Involvement *
All chapter members are required to submit their campus involvement using the Involvement
Form located on in the Greek Awards section. Have you
provided the link to this form to members to complete at a minimum of 2 chapter meetings
and reviewed this process with all members?
Mark only one oval.
Founder's Arch­ Community Participation
This section will provide a overall view of your chapter's community involvement in programs hosted by other chapters, student organizations, the Kent State campus and the larger community. Events in this section include large scale events that bring groups together to address common values, concerns, issues and goals. Philanthropy and Community Service focused events are not included in this section­ they will be counted separately in their individual sections of this report. All other community programs (i.e. Blastoff, council recruitment, Greek Week, etc.) should be counted below and program forms with supporting documentation should also be submitted through the Google Drive.
25. Overall Community Involvement *
Please provide the total number of community
programs (including chapter, council and
overall Kent community events) that were
attended or events participated in by
members of your chapter in this academic
year. The number of programs provided
should match the number of program forms
submitted through the Google Drive. Please
note this number does not include
philanthropy or community service events.
26. Community Programs Hosted by Chapter *
Please provide the total number of open
community programs that were specifically
hosted by your chapter in this academic year.
The number of programs provided should
match the number of program forms
submitted through the Google Drive. Please
note this number does not include
philanthropy or community service events that
may have been open to the community.
Founder's Arch­ Philanthropy
This section will provide an overall view of your chapter's philanthropic efforts for the year. Individual Philanthropy Programs must still be submitted using the Philanthropy Program Report on the Google Drive.
27. Overall Total Donated to Charity *
Please provide the overall total amount that
was donated by YOUR MEMBERS ONLY
(both to your Inter/national supporting
charities and other groups) to charity this
academic year. For items donated to charity:
please include their approximate cash value
(i.e. canned foods, toys, etc.)
28. Overall Number of Charitable Events *
Please provide the overall number of
charitable events your members attended,
hosted or participated in during this academic
year. This number should match the number
of Philanthropy Program Reports submitted by
the chapter. (Do not include community
service in this section)
29. Amount donated to Causes supported by
your Organization *
Please provide the total amount raised by
your members/alumni ONLY that was donated
specifically to charitable causes supported by
your chapter or inter/national organization. For
items donated to charity: please include their
approximate cash value (i.e. canned foods,
toys, etc.)
Founder's Arch­ Community Service
This section will provide an overall view of your chapter's community service efforts for the year. Individual Community Service Programs must still be submitted using the Community Service Program Form on the Google Drive.
30. Overall Total of Chapter Community
Service *
Please provide the overall total amount (both
individual and group programs) of community
service work that was completed by chapter
members this academic year. Please only
count active and new members but not alumni
in this total.
31. Overall Number of Community Service
Events *
Please provide the number of community
service events your members participated in
(must be group events) during this academic
year. This number should match the number
of Community Service Program Forms
submitted by the chapter. (Do not include
Philanthropy in this section)
32. Amount of Service to Causes supported by
Organization *
Please provide the total number of service
hours by your members ONLY that was
completed at locations that either directly
serve populations impacted by the
Foundations/Charities you support, or where
members can gain experience interacting with
those impacted by the causes your chapter or
Inter/National organizations support annually.
Founder's Arch­ Chapter Education
This section will provide an overall view of your chapter's chapter education of it's members for the year. Program forms must still be completed for all areas of programming using the Program Form on the Google Drive,
33. Health and Wellness Programming *
Please provide the overall total number of
health and wellness programs that were either
hosted, attended or facilitated by chapter
members in this academic year. The number
of programs provided should match the
number of wellness general education
program forms submitted through the Google
34. Diversity Education Programs *
Please provide the overall total number of
diversity education programs that were either
hosted, attended or facilitated by chapter
members in this academic year. The number
of programs provided should match the
number of diversity general education program
forms submitted through the Google Drive.
35. Career Development Programming *
Please provide the overall total number of
career development programs that were either
hosted, attended or facilitated by chapter
members in this academic year. The number
of programs provided should match the
number of career general education program
forms submitted through the Google Drive.
36. Risk and Harm Reduction Programming *
Please provide the overall total number of risk
or harm reduction programs that were either
hosted, attended or facilitated by chapter
members in this academic year. The number
of programs provided should match the
number of risk themed program forms
submitted through the Google Drive.
37. Financial Education/Planning
Programming *
Please provide the overall total number of
financial education programs that were either
hosted, attended or facilitated by chapter
members in this academic year. The number
of programs provided should match the
number of financial general education program
forms submitted through the Google Drive.
38. General Education Programming *
Please provide the total number of general
education programs that were either hosted,
attended or facilitated by chapter members in
the academic year. This category is
specifically for programs that do not meet the
criteria for any of the other sections listed
above. The number of programs provided
should match the number of general education
program forms submitted through the Google
Founder's Arch­ Financial Management
This section will provide an overall view of your chapter's finances and current fiscal health and stability. This section is for accreditation only, however all questions in this section are required.
39. Treasurer Information *
Please provide the Name, phone Number and email address for the current
chapter treasurer.
40. Chapter Budget *
How often does your chapter develop a chapter budget for its officers?
Mark only one oval.
Each Semester
Each Calendar Year
Each Academic Year
No Budget Currently
41. Dues *
Please list the financial obligation (dues)
expected for each active chapter member this
semester. Do not include any house/parlor
fees in this number.
42. New Member Dues *
Please list the financial obligation (dues)
expected of each new/associate member this
semester. Do not include any house/parlor
fees into this number.
43. Chapter Budget Breakdown *
Please provide a basic outline of the breakdown of chapter finances. Please Include how
much of your chapter income annually is paid to the following: Your Inter/national
organization, Council Dues (approximate), Chapter Officers, Recruitment, Housing (if
applicable), and Misc programming or other fees.
44. Current Bank Balance *
Please provide the most current chapter bank
balance amount as recorded on your chapter
bank statement.
45. Current Debt *
Please provide the total amount of current
outstanding debt or money the chapter owes
(including debt to individual members,
inter/national headquarters, other vendors,
46. Money owed to the Chapter *
Please provide the total amount currently
owed to the chapter (including members on
payment plans, past members/alumni with
outstanding balances, or other credits yet to
be deposited).
47. Number of Members/Alumni With
Outstanding Balances *
Please provide the number of
members/alumni/past members who currently
have an outstanding balance owed to the
48. Fiscal Management Policies *
Please provide a copy of any policies regarding fiscal management within the chapter. This
can include dues collection, fines, etc.
49. Online Billing/Collection System *
Does the chapter currently utilize any form of online billing system (i.e. Greek Bill,
Billhighway, Omega Financial, etc.)
Mark only one oval.
50. Online Billing­ Part 2 *
If "Yes" to the question above, please provide
the name of the company below. If "No"
please list N/A in the box below.
Founder's Arch­ Ritual, Values & Self­Governance
This section will provide an overview of how the chapter is incorporating their ritual and values into the membership experience, and how members utilize self­governance to hold each other accountable to chapter expectations. This section is for accreditation only.
51. Ritual Programs/Events *
Please provide the total number of ritual
events or ceremonies that were held for
chapter members during 2015­2016.
52. Ritual Education *
Please describe how often ritual or chapter values are discussed by the membership outside
of formal ceremonies.
53. Values Congruence *
Please describe how often the chapter discusses the importance of values alignment and
demonstrating the ideals of their organization in daily life.
54. Member Accountability­ 2­3 examples minimum *
Please describe how chapter members hold each other accountable to maintaining high
standards and chapter values. This is separate from expectations related to grades and
finances, so please respond to this question as it relates to member conduct or behavior and
positive decision making. A minimum of 2­3 examples in your answer are required.
55. Standards/Judicial Coordinator *
Does the chapter have a standards or judicial chair who is responsible for overseeing
member accountability?
Mark only one oval.
56. Standards/Judicial/Honor Board *
Does the chapter have a standards/judicial/honor board comprised of impartial members that
would be responsible for hearing cases of alleged violations of policy or conduct, and that is
responsible for determining outcomes related to those incidents?
Mark only one oval.
57. General Use of Accountability Measures *
Please provide the number of times the
standards/judicial/honor board has had to
meet in reference to any incidents in 2015­
2016. The number provided does not make
any assumption about level of responsibility
on the part of any members involved, nor do
we require any further information about any
actual proceedings. This is only to determine
the number of times the chapter has utilized
their self­governance policies for
accountability purposes during this academic
Founder's Arch­ Parent and Alumni Involvement
This section will provide and overview of the parent and alumni involvement with the chapter and it's members. This section is for award purposes only.
Program forms related to this section must still be submitted using the Program Form on the Google Drive. All submissions must be completed with supporting documentation by March 18, 2016.
58. Alumni/Parent Chair *
Does the chapter have a position dedicated to working with alumni and parents, and
developing programs for engaging these groups?
Mark only one oval.
59. Job Description for Alumni/Parent Chair *
If "yes" to the question above, please provide the job description for the chair position as
well as the name and email address for the current chair in the box provided. If "No", please
list N/A in the box provided.
60. Parent/Alumni Newsletter *
Does the chapter provide a newsletter to Parents and/or Alumni? If yes, please be sure to
include at least one (1) example in your documentation section in your Google Drive.
Mark only one oval.
61. Website *
Does the chapter maintain a website, and is there a section specifically dedicated to alumni
and parents on that site? If yes, please be sure to include at least one (1) example in your
documentation section in your Google Drive.
Mark only one oval.
62. Listserv or Online Community *
Does the chapter maintain an online community to connect with alumni or parents about
upcoming events? If yes, please be sure to include at least one (1) example in your
documentation section in your Google Drive.
Mark only one oval.
63. Events Overview *
Please provide a brief overview of the types of events that have been coordinated for
parents and alumni this past academic year. Corresponding Program Forms for each event
must be submitted through the Google Drive in order to receive full award credit.
64. Additional Information *
Please provide any new intiatives or other ways in which that chapter connects with parents
and alumni throughout the year. Copies of supporting documentation for each example
should be uploaded to your Google Drive folder.
Founder's Arch­ Housing
This section will provide an overview of all chapter operations associated with fraternity/sorority housing. This section is for accreditation only, and is only required for those chapters who offer/provide any type of housing (rental, leased, owned) for group members and utilize that space for chapter/organizational functions.
Note: Any organizations that select "No" that are found to have organizational housing will be automatically disqualified from all awards at Closing Ceremonies for submitting fraudulent information on their Founders Arch report.
65. Housing Provided *
Does your organization currently have any type of organizational housing in the town of Kent
(owned, leased, rental, etc.)
Mark only one oval.
Yes No Skip to question 66.
Skip to question 74.
Founder's Arch­ Housing (continued)
This section will provide an overview of all chapter operations associated with fraternity/sorority housing. This section is for accreditation only, and is only required for those chapters who offer/provide any type of housing (rental, leased, owned) for group members and utilize that space for chapter/organizational functions.
66. Type of Housing *
Please select the type of housing provided for members
Mark only one oval.
Chapter owned facility (maintained by Alumni Housing Corp)
Leased House (owned by Another Group or Property Manager)
67. Property Inspection *
Has the property been inspected by the KFD Fire Marshall within the last academic year
Mark only one oval.
68. Inspection Notes *
Did the Property pass inspection with the Fire Marshall? Supporting letter from the Fire
Marshall is required and should be uploaded to your Google Drive.
Mark only one oval.
69. Fire Safety Violations *
If the chapter did not pass their first Fire Inspection, please note the number of fire code
violations, as well as what efforts were made to correct those violations. If the property was
not inspected, please provide a reason.
70. Fire Academy *
Did anyone from the chapter attend the Fire Academy provided by the KFD this academic
Mark only one oval.
71. House Manager *
Does the chapter have at least one person designated to serve as a House Manager for the
chapter facility?
Mark only one oval.
72. Job Description for the House Manager
If "yes" to the above question, please provide the Job Description for the House Manager
position, as well as the name and email address of the student currently serving as the
House Manager.
73. House Improvement Projects *
Please describe any ways in which chapter members actively assisted in hosting either
events or programs that would help improve or maintain their living environment during this
academic year. This should include all chapter members, and go beyond individual chore
expectations for maintaining a sanitary living environment.
Founder's Arch­ Chapter Assessment
This section will provide an overview of the assessments requested of the Chapter President and Advisor to ensure a complete submission of the report. Both the President and Advisor Assessment are for accreditation purposes only, but are required in order to consider any chapter submission complete.
74. Chapter President Assessment *
This assessment is available using the
Chapter President Assessment Form on
Google Documents. Please provide the date
that the assessment was completed by the
current chapter president.
75. Advisor Assessment *
This assessment is available online and can be completed by either the Chapter Advisor or
the on­Campus Advisor. Please provide the name and email address of the advisor that was
identified by the chapter to complete this form. (Note: It is the responsibility of the chapter to
remind the advisor of the due date of the assessment and to provide them with the online
link to the form. Only Google Doc submissions will be accepted this year.)
Verification Page
Congratulations on completing the 2016 Founders Arch Submission Packet. Please review the statement below to verify your submission.
76. Certification of Accuracy *
I understand that by selecting "I agree" below, I am attesting to the accuracy of all
information contained in this report. I further understand that the inclusion of any false or
misleading information or the omission of any relevant information may subject me and/or
my chapter to disciplinary action. I also understand that submitting any inaccurate
information may result in loss of eligibility for awards at Closing Ceremonies and loss of
University accreditation and/or recognition.
Check all that apply.
I agree
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