Document 13582080

MARINET MARINET (Marine Renewables Infrastructure Network) is an EC-­‐funded infrastructure initiative comprising a network of research centres and organisations that are working together to accelerate the development and commercial deployment of technologies such as wave energy and tidal-­‐stream converters as well as offshore-­‐wind turbines for electricity generation. The initiative aims to streamline and facilitate testing by offering periods of free-­‐of-­‐charge access to world-­‐class test facilities and by developing joint approaches to testing standards, research and industry networking & training. MARINET is providing training and education in the operations of research infrastructures, thus being an enabling tool for growth in the sector. Next Short Course: "Experimental modeling of wind actions on offshore structures". The Venue will be the Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario di Aerodinamica delle Costruzioni e Ingegneria del Vento (Univ. di Firenze), Italy. Dates: 25th February – 1st March 2013 Information about Training Short Courses in MARINET The short training courses, managed by WavEC, are aimed at early-­‐stage researchers and postgraduate students but are open to all interested applicants from companies, research groups, educational institutions etc. -­‐ they aim to have an equal mix of early-­‐stage researchers/students and industry attendees on each course. Priorities for selection are based on the following equal criteria: Order of application, Early-­‐stage researchers (aim for up to 50% on course), Transnational (attendees from as many countries as possible), Diversity of company/institution (attendees from as many different companies/institutions as possible), Non-­‐MARINET partner (at least 50% of attendees), Mix of industry/research (aim for 50-­‐50), Gender parity (aim for 50-­‐50), External attendees (priority to those who are not from the course provider). There is no course fee to attend these courses. As well as offering these courses at no cost to the participants, MARINET is providing travel and subsistence (T&S) grants to allow early-­‐stage researchers and postgraduate students to attend the courses. A maximum of €500 T&S support will be offered in partial support of the attendance at the courses. For further information, please see the Rules for T&S Support for Short Training Courses document (http://www.fp7-­‐ The T&S support grant can be applied for via the course registration form, which contains a section where applicants can specify if they wish to be considered for this support grant. NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19.-­‐20., 2013 related to Networking near-­‐
fault observatories. This workshop is intended to establish collaboration and exchange of technological and scientific know-­‐how among near-­‐fault observatories, to foster synergies and to support technological development in observatory operations and monitoring using different sensor types. The following topics will be addressed through parallel group sessions: 1) Seismological databases, common tools, quality control. 2) Real-­‐time and almost real-­‐time products. 3) Source parameters. 4) Earthquake swarm analysis and repeaters. This workshop is intended for developers, computer scientists and seismologists, in particular those working in REAKT WP2 and NERA WP5. The workshop will take place at SED-­‐
ETH Zürich from March 19 to March 20, 2013. More detail about the Workshop programme is available at: http://www.nera-­‐ Second QNano Modelling Training School to be held in Edinburgh, March 2013 Following on from the success of the first training school held in March 2012, the next Modelling Training School funded under FP7 project QNano will take place on the 27th March 2013 at the Edinburgh Training & Conference Venue (, St. Mary’s Street, Edinburgh, UK. Aimed at researchers from all backgrounds and career stages with an interest in learning how to use modelling tools to predict the safety of nanomaterials, the second school will provide participants with training on the use of models in three core areas: i) Modelling of dose-­‐response relationship (in vitro/in vivo); ii) Extrapolation of Exposure-­‐Dose-­‐Response relationship from in vitro/in vivo/humans; and iii) Quantitative-­‐Structure-­‐Activity-­‐Relationship (QSAR) models. The school will consist of lectures from experts in these fields -­‐ namely Prof. Lang Tran & Dr. Laura MacCalman, Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM), and Prof. Xue Wang, University of Leeds -­‐ accompanied by interactive sessions in which participants will be provided with a demonstration of some of the modelling tools and given the opportunity to work on ‘hands-­‐
on’ case examples. A provisional agenda for the school, as well as information on the venue and special-­‐rate accommodation, is available in the training school brochure [www.qnano-­‐]. The school is free to attend, and open to a maximum of 40 participants. SERIES Training Courses About SERIES European seismic engineering research suffers from extreme fragmentation of research infrastructures (RI) between countries and limited access to them by the S/T community of earthquake engineering, especially that of Europe’s most seismic regions. A 23-­‐strong consortium ( of the key actors in Europe’s seismic engineering research (including 3 industrial beneficiaries) addresses these problems in a sustainable way via a 4-­‐year programme of activities at an annual cost to the EC less than 1.35% of the total present value (€190m) of the RIs’ material resources. The scope covers all aspects of seismic engineering testing, from eight reaction wall pseudodynamic (PsD) facilities and ten shake table labs, to EU’s unique tester of bearings or isolators, its two major centrifuges and an instrumented site for wave propagation studies. Transnational Access (­‐access ) is offered to a portfolio of world class RIs: EU’s largest PsD facility, four diverse shake tables and the two centrifuges. Networking ( sets up a public distributed database of past, present and future test results, installs distributed testing capabilities at all PsD labs, fostering development of up-­‐and-­‐coming ones at Europe’s most seismic regions, drafts and applies protocols for qualification of RIs and engages the entire European community of earthquake engineering via the best possible instances: the European Association of Earthquake Engineering, EU’s seismic code makers and their national groups, the European construction industry, as well as all relevant S/T associations or networks. Joint research ( engages all labs, exploring and prototyping novel actuators (combination of electro-­‐dynamic and hydraulic ones) for better control of fast tests or special applications, new sensing and instrumentation systems, data assimilation in equipment-­‐specimen models for better test control and optimisation of testing campaigns, as well as experimental studies of soil-­‐structure interaction at all types of testing facilities. More Information about several Training Courses being organised by SERIES are available on-­‐line at European Facility for Airborne Research (EUFAR) EUFAR organizes training courses for promoting airborne research in the European academic community. The courses provide a theoretical background on Earth Sciences and associated physical processes, as well as training on airborne instrumentation, measurement, data processing and analysis. The participants are also trained by aircraft operators on issues specific to airborne operation. Depending on operators restrictions, participants might have the opportunity to design a flight plan and participate to a flight experiment. The data are then processed and analyzed with the support of tutors, who are experienced users of airborne facilities. The selection of the participants is performed by the EUFAR Education and Training evaluation committee. After the training course, the participants will be requested to write a scientific report. Training Courses in environmental sciences (within EUFAR or not): details and how to apply ( European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES) A European Network for Earth System Modelling -­‐ENES-­‐ was created with the purpose of working together and cooperating towards the development of a European network for Earth system modelling. Participating institutions include university departments, research centres, meteorological services, computer centres and industrial partners. A list of summer schools and other opportunities is given at : SYNTHESYS – A Synthesis of Systematic Resources SYNTHESYS: the EU-­‐funded Integrated Activities grant. This four year project which began in September 2009 comprises 20 European natural history museums, Universities and botanic gardens. It aims to create an integrated European infrastructure for researchers in the natural sciences. SYNTHESYS is split into three activities: Access, Networking, and Joint Research Activities. A number of training courses and conferences can be found on the following website: Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Network (ACTRIS) Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Network (ACTRIS) is a European project aiming at integrating European ground-­‐based stations equipped with advanced atmospheric probing instrumentation for aerosols, clouds, and short-­‐lived gas-­‐phase species. A number of workshops are available here:­‐GB/Default.aspx Association of Marine Biological Laboratories (ASSEMBLE) ASSEMBLE is an EU FP7 research infrastructure initiative comprising a network of marine research stations. WS 7 Marine Research in Fragile and/or Protected Ecosystems: This ASSEMBLE workshop will be held at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences, Eilat, Israel, from January 28-­‐
30, 2013 (3 days, excluding arrival/departure days). More information can be found here:­‐ASSEMBLE-­‐Workshop-­‐
Proposal-­‐web-­‐page.pdf The Network of Animal Disease Infectiology Research Facilities (NADIR) NADIR has as its strategic aim to realise the potential European leadership in animal infectiology by bringing together 14 L3 animal experiment infrastructures and organising the facilities in order to optimize their investigation and diagnostic/validation tools, achieve economies of scale and use the saved resources to modernise existing facilities in a coordinated manner. Training courses are provided by Nadir partners. They are open to every scientist/technician/student from European and non European Countries. List of the courses 1.
Hands-­‐on cell culture work and classical virological methods (18-­‐20 September 2012). Intracellular detection of cytokines by flow cytometry (8-­‐9 October 2012) Assessment of chicken T cell mediated immunity by flow cytometry (6 -­‐ 8 June 2012) Mice management (13 -­‐ 15 June-­‐2012) How to perform challenge tests with Atlantic salmon, Seabass and Cod (Week 19-­‐2012) Protein identification by peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) using MALDI-­‐ToF mass spectrometry and Mascot database mining (18 -­‐ 19 July 2012) 7. Cryo IHC rapid diagnosis of Pestes des Petits Ruminants (PPR) (7 -­‐ 9 May 2012) More details Download PDF Document for more details. www.nadir-­‐­‐
NA2-­‐training+courses-­‐v2-­‐1.pdf EUROPEAN NETWORK OF VACCINE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (TRANSVAC) FREE WORKSHOPS ON ANIMAL MODELS The TRANSVAC activities include a series of workshops on animal models organised at The Central Veterinary Institute (CVI) of Wageningen UR (NL) (­‐Dienstverlening/Onderzoeksinstituten/central-­‐
veterinary-­‐institute.htm) . The first one took place on 12 May 2011 (read report:­‐events/news/transvac-­‐project-­‐1st-­‐workshop-­‐animal-­‐models-­‐
12-­‐may-­‐2011-­‐nl). Different aspects of preclinical assessment were addressed such as: immunological read outs, statistical requirements, regulatory aspects, industries view, ethical aspects, and future perspectives. The TRANSVAC animal model workshops are directed at professionals involved in animal model use and development, vaccine immunology, vaccine product development, and vaccine safety assessment. Download the full Workshop Flyer (
ailVersion_Final_20110412.pdf) Dates for upcoming workshops on animal models will be published on the website shortly. 