COMMUNITY DESIGN CHARRETTE Audience Response Sarasota City Hall November 14, 2008 Will the Rays repeat their 2008 success in the 2009 season? ur e 29% U ns N o 26% Ye s 1. Yes 2. No 3. Unsure 44% CWB3 Where do you live? 60% 19% 14% 5% 0% 2% D ow nt ow n El Sa se Lo ra w ng so h bo er ta e at i n Ke th y e or C ity O th O er th U ni er Ba nc C rr ity or i.. po in ra Sa te ra d O so Sa ut ta si ra de so ta of C. Sa .. ra so ta Co un ty 1. Downtown Sarasota 2. Elsewhere in the City 3. Longboat Key or Other Barrier Island Community 4. Other City in Sarasota 5. Unincorporated Sarasota County 6. Outside of Sarasota County CWB2 Are you . . . 83% 1. A full-time resident? 2. A seasonal resident? 3. A visitor or guest? 16% t? A as se A vi on al si to r or re s gu id en id e re s e lltim fu A es t? nt ? 1% Do you work in Downtown Sarasota? 1. Yes 2. No 72% N o Y es 28% Do you live within or adjacent to the study area? 66% N o 34% Y es 1. Yes 2. No How do you view U.S. 41 today? 43% 1. Intercity Regional Thoroughfare 2. Scenic Road / Cultural Gateway 3. Multimodal Corridor 4. Barrier that Limits Personal Mobility 5. Other 26% 16% 12% M /C ul tu ra r th e O lG ul a. B tim .. ar od rie al rt ha C or tL rid im or its Pe rs on a. .. R ic en Sc In te rc ity R oa eg i d on a lT ho ro u g. .. 2% If a change in road design increases your travel time, how much delay is acceptable to you? 3 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 15 seconds No delays are acceptable 71% 17% 10% N le s o de la y s ta b ce p ac ar e 15 se co se co nd nd s te 30 m in u 1 m in u te s 2% 0% 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How would you like to see U.S. 41 function in the future? (1 to 5 scale) 1. Low speed road with a priority for pedestrians 2. Low-to-moderate speed 3. Moderate speed road with some pedestrian options 4. Moderate-to-high speed 5. High speed regional thoroughfare with priority for vehicles 47% 30% 15% H 6% d th or o. .. ee sp d re g io n al -h ig h ee ig h sp M od er at ro ad eto w ith ... d ee sp ee d sp e -m od od er at Lo w -to M Lo w sp ee d ro ad w ith a er at e pr io r .. . 3% Is the Bayfront an Underutilized Asset? 38% 29% 10% 13% 11% S N om eu ew tr al ha tD is ag S tr re on e gl y D is ag re e Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree S tr on gl y A S gr om ee ew ha tA gr ee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Is the Bayfront an Underutilized Asset? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree What would make crossing US 41 more desirable or comfortable for you as a pedestrian? 28% 12% tim es fo r.. cr . o Tr ss af in fic g di ca ... lm in P ed g fe es at tr ur ia .. n ov M or er e -o at r tr ... ac tio ns on ... 7% R ed uc ed S ho rt er 30% 24% w ai t 1. Shorter wait times for the crossing light at intersections 2. Reduced crossing distance 3. Traffic calming features to slow vehicle speeds 4. Pedestrian over- or under-pass 5. More attractions on Bayfront side of US 41 What is the greatest benefit for making US 41 more pedestrian-friendly? 43% 1. Positive economic impact for businesses 2. Unifies downtown with the Bayfront for public use 3. Encourages sustainable or “green” transportation – transit, walking and bicycling 4. Attracts more residents to downtown and the Bayfront 5. Improves safety 6. Other 24% 18% 7% do En s ni fie r th e O im w pa nt co ow ct ur f.. n ag w i es th A th su ttr e. st ac .. ai ts na m bl or e e or re ... si de nt s Im to ... pr ov es sa fe ty on om ic ec e U si tiv Po 5% 3% What is your biggest fear about potential changes to US 41 along the Bayfront? 35% 24% 20% 13% 4% O th er 4% In to le ra bl S e lo co w er ng em es tio e rg R n ed en uc cy ed N r. eg .. tr af at fic iv e sp ec ee on d om ic i.. E . xc es si ve co st 1. Intolerable congestion 2. Slower emergency response time 3. Reduced traffic speed 4. Negative economic impact 5. Excessive cost 6. Other How do you feel about possible changes to U.S. 41 from 14th Street to Osprey Avenue? In the following slides, please rate your support of each possible change on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 - Strongly Support 2 - Support 3 - Neutral 4 - Oppose 5 - Strongly Oppose How do you feel about possible changes to US 41 from 14th Street to Osprey Avenue? Add bike lanes on US 41 How do you feel about possible changes to US 41 from 14th Street to Osprey Avenue? Add bike lanes on US 41 32% Strongly Support Support Neutral Oppose Strongly Oppose 20% 19% S tr on gl y O pp os e 13% O pp os e N eu tr al S up po rt Su pp or t 15% S tr on gl y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How do you feel about possible changes to US 41 from 14th Street to Osprey Avenue? Design “pedestrian sleeves” at key crossing points to reduce crossing time and distance, and improve visibility for nonmotorized travel How do you feel about possible changes to US 41 from 14th Street to Osprey Avenue? Design “pedestrian sleeves” at key crossing points to reduce crossing time and distance, and improve visibility for nonmotorized travel Strongly Support Support Neutral Oppose Strongly Oppose 52% 31% 5% S tr on gl y O pp os e 4% O pp os e N eu tr al S up po rt Su pp or t 8% S tr on gl y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pedestrian Overpasses San Diego Omaha Longboat Key Underpass How do you feel about possible changes to US 41 from 14th Street to Osprey Avenue? Construct a well-designed pedestrian overpass to get people across US 41 Strongly Support Support Neutral Oppose Strongly Oppose 36% 35% 12% 12% O pp os e S tr on gl y O pp os e N eu tr al S up po rt Su pp or t 7% S tr on gl y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How do you feel about possible changes to US 41 from 14th Street to Osprey Avenue? Construct a well-designed pedestrian underpass to get people across US 41 Strongly Support Support Neutral Oppose Strongly Oppose 57% S tr on gl y O pp os e 11% O pp os e 8% N eu tr al S up po rt Su pp or t 12% 11% S tr on gl y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How do you feel about possible changes to US 41 from 14th Street to Osprey Avenue? Improve the Multi-use Recreational Trail along US 41 Strongly Support Support Neutral Oppose Strongly Oppose 66% 18% 4% S tr on gl y O pp os e 4% O pp os e N eu tr al S up po rt Su pp or t 8% S tr on gl y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How do you feel about possible changes to US 41 from 14th Street to Osprey Avenue? Construct a roundabout at US 41 and Gulfstream Avenue and Fruitville Road How do you feel about possible changes to US 41 from 14th Street to Osprey Avenue? Construct a roundabout at US 41 and Gulfstream Avenue and Fruitville Road Strongly Support Support Neutral Oppose Strongly Oppose 13% 16% 9% O pp S os tr on e gl y O pp os e N eu tr al S up po rt Su pp or t 4% S tr on gl y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 58% How do you feel about possible changes to US 41 from 14th Street to Osprey Avenue? Add retail or mixed use buildings along Main Street to encourage people to walk between the downtown and the Bayfront Strongly Support Support Neutral Oppose Strongly Oppose 36% 25% 17% O pp os e S tr on gl y O pp os e 12% N eu tr al S up po rt Su pp or t 10% S tr on gl y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Main Street facing south Main Street facing south Do you like the changes? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Strongly Like Like Neutral Dislike Strongly Dislike 60% 53% 50% 40% 30% 19% 20% 11% 11% 10% 6% N eu tr al L ik e D is lik S tr e on gl y D is lik e Main Street facing south S tr on g ly Li ke 0% Main Street facing south Main Street facing south Do you like the changes? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Strongly Like Like Neutral Dislike Strongly Dislike 39% 40% 35% 30% 25% 21% 20% 15% 15% 11% 13% 10% 5% N eu tr al Li ke D is lik S tr e on gl y D is lik e Main Street facing south S tr on gl y Li ke 0% How do you feel about possible changes to US 41 from 14th Street to Osprey Avenue? Do nothing; the road functions well as is for all users Strongly Support Support Neutral Oppose Strongly Oppose 50% 17% 15% 14% O pp os e O pp os e S tr on gl y eu tr al N S up po rt Su pp or t 4% S tr on gl y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do you like the changes? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Strongly Like Like Neutral Dislike Strongly Dislike 74% 18% 3% D is lik S e tr on g ly D is lik e N eu tr al L ik e S tr on g ly Li ke 3% 2% Do you like the changes? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Strongly Like Like Neutral Dislike Strongly Dislike 60% 55% 50% 40% 30% 20% 16% 14% 10% 10% 4% D is lik S tr e on gl y D is lik e N eu tr al L ik e S tr on g ly Li ke 0% Mid-Block Crossing for Pedestrians/Bicyclists? Mid-Block Crossing for Pedestrians/Bicyclists? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 70% Strongly Like Like Neutral Dislike Strongly Dislike 67% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 19% 10% 6% 6% 2% D is lik S tr e on gl y D is lik e N eu tr al Li ke S tr on gl y Li ke 0% Thank You for Your Input!