MacDill Air Force Base Shoreline Restoration, Stabilization and Enhancement Jason Kirkpatrick

MacDill Air Force Base
Shoreline Restoration, Stabilization
and Enhancement
Jason Kirkpatrick
Conservation Program Manger
(813) 828-0459
MacDill AFB
Areas Proposed for
Restoration, Stabilization
and Enhancement
Shoreline Stabilization - Plans
Project Objectives
• Provide permanent
protection for entire
Bayshore Blvd shoreline
• Repair damaged
wetlands and enhance
coastal habitat with
vegetative plantings
• Reclaim key areas of
lost land to protect
infrastructure exposed
by erosion
Signs of the Problem
Force main
Extensive Erosion Along
Eastern Shoreline
– Estimated loss is 1-2
feet per year (average)
– Utilities are being
exposed, threatened
COM line
Signs of the Problem
Extensive Erosion Along Eastern
– Utilities are being exposed
– Erosion adjacent to Bayshore
Blvd in areas
Signs of the Problem
Extensive Erosion Along
Eastern Shoreline
– 2004
season, greatly
shoreline losses
– Erosion adjacent
to Bayshore Blvd
in areas
Shoreline Stabilization – Plans
1. Construct limestone boulder
revetment for erosion
control (protect utilities and
2. Create aesthetically
pleasing, park-like areas
(i.e. ‘riverwalk’)
Limestone boulder rip-rap
3. Create recreational
opportunities (fishing piers,
boardwalks, pavilions)
4. Enhance force protection
(thermal image devices and
over-watch positions)
Shoreline Stabilization – Rip Rap
• Construct limestone boulder
revetment for erosion control
• Dense dune plantings behind
limestone revetment to stabilize soil
Crosswalk to link to
Optional Rubble
Groin with 10 ft wide
access road
Limestone boulder rip-rap
Balustrade Railing on
Concrete Footing
Balustrade Railing on
Concrete Footing
Shoreline Stabilization – Rip Rap
• Maintain beach areas with rip-rap
Existing Park
• Enhance existing vegetation
Proposed rubble jettie
• Optional limestone boulder jetties
for force protection and stabilization
Rip Rap with exposed
beach areas
Example Limerock Boulder
Shoreline Stabilization – Rip Rap
Pergolia structure
Stair access to boardwalk
Optional Off-shore
breakwaters not likely
Optional rubble breakwater
(may not be permittable)
Concrete balustrade
at top of revetment
Scenic lookout with balustrade
wall and colonade
Concrete balustrade
Limerock rubble
revetment at 2:1 slope,
Stair access to
water, optional
Shoreline Stabilization – Rip Rap
• Construction of fishing piers,
pavilions, trails and walking paths
create recreational opportunities
Limestone Boulder rip rap
Trails and walking
Fishing piers
Shoreline Stabilization – Permitting
Two Phased Project Approach
Phase I – Constructs:
Phase II – Constructs:
• Limestone Revetment
• In-filling Stormwater
• Vegetative/Dune
• Walking paths
• Boardwalks/Beach Access
• Fishing Piers?
• Off-shore Wave Breaks
• Limestone Jetties/Overwatch
Fishing piers
• Pavilions, fishing
piers, boardwalks
Shoreline Stabilization – NEPA
Preparation of an Environmental Assessment is underway
to assess potential for Impacts from project
EA fulfills requirements of National Environmental
Preservation Act
MacDill will complete a Finding of No Practicable
Alternative since the project involves wetlands and 100year floodplain
Fishing piers
Shoreline Stabilization – Design
HPA/David Conner & Associates is Design Team
Design is in very early stages, design-build project
Have had pre-application meeting with FDEP, TPA and
Phase I has been funded (~$5M)
Fishing piers
Shoreline Enhancement and
Stabilization – Oyster Reefs
800 ft Oyster Dome & Shell Bag Reef – Phase I
400 ft Oyster Shell Bag Reef – Phase II
800 ft Oyster Dome & Shell Bag Reef – Phase III
Completed 2004
Completed 2005
Planned 2006
Natural, Economical, Community/Volunteer Projects
Phase I
Phase II
Shoreline Stabilization –
Oyster Reefs
Sediment accumulation
behind oyster reef
Questions, Comments, Input?