Hillsborough County Canal Dredging Program Canal Advisory Committee Canal Distribution Location Map • • • • North Canals Bayport / Baycrest Area Bayport / Baycrest Area Sweetwater Creek Area Dana Shores Area South Canals • Gibsonton • Apollo Beach • Ruskin Area CCDPM Study Approach { Develop “ represent at ive canal groups” t hat can be used t o charact erize t ypical canals z z { { { z Count y can t hen develop t ypical cross sect ions for canal groups Develop t ypical sedim ent charact erist ics Reduces cost of fut ure perm it t ing of specific proj ect s Meet wit h cit izens t o isolat e specific choke point s wit hin canal syst em s ( focus effort s where t he problem s are) Develop list of problem areas wit hin each com m unit y Work wit h Canal Advisory Com m it t ee t o develop recom m endat ions for t he final report Volumes and Cost Sit e Volum e CY ( AOCs) Cost Tim e ( m ont hs) Alafia 42,080 $3,858,071 21 Apollo Nort h 9,472 $986,444 21 Apollo Sout h 29,242 $2,515,889 21 Baycrest 15,895 $1,526,912 15 Bayport 15,847 $1,522,997 21 Dana Shores 16,394 $1,571,738 21 Essex Downs 19,576 $1,855,803 21 Ruskin 14,402 $1,393,635 27 Tot al 162,908 $15,231,489 10 / 20 Year Amortization Cost @ 100% Per Parcel Site Volum e CY ( AOCs) # of Waterfront Parcels 10 Year Annual Cost 20 Year Annual Cost Alafia 42,080 242 $2264 $1665 Apollo North 9,472 577 $297 $190 Apollo South 29,242 1343 $315 $200 Baycrest 15,895 498 $524 $331 Bayport 15,847 235 $1106 $700 Dana Shores 16,394 434 $618 $390 Essex Downs 19,576 272 $1160 $731 Ruskin 14,402 410 $583 $367 Total 162,908 4011 $627 $391 10/20 Year Amortization Analysis (per parcel) Hypot het ical Analyses: 10 Yrs. Vs 20 Yrs. Amort izat ion CANAL STUDY Capit al I mprovement Funding From MSBU Annual Assessment Annual Assessm ent Per Parcel $3,000 2,664 $2,500 $2,000 1,658 $1,500 1,160 1,106 $1,000 $500 297 186 315 197 Apollo North Apollo South 692 524 327 618 724 386 583 364 627 390 $0 Alafia Bay Crest Bayport Dana Shores Essex Downs Project s 10-year Amortization Annual Assessment Per Parcel 20-year Amortization Annual Assessment Per Parcel Ruskin Composite 10 / 20 Year Amortization Cost @ 100% Per Linear Foot Site Volume CY (AOCs) Linear feet of Waterfront 10 Year Annual Cost 20 Year Annual Cost Alafia 42,080 21,300 $30.27 $18.83 Apollo North 9,472 86,899 $1.97 $1.24 Apollo South 29,242 129,182 $3.28 $2.05 Baycrest 15,895 26,000 $10.04 $6.26 Bayport 15,847 22,155 $11.73 $7.34 Dana Shores 16,394 40,206 $6.68 $4.17 Essex Downs 19,576 15,620 $20.19 $12.61 Ruskin 14,402 45,838 $5.22 $3.25 Total 162,908 387,200 $6.50 $4.04 Hypot het ical Analyses: 10 Yrs. Vs 20 Yrs. Amort izat ion CANAL STUDY Capit al Improvement Funding From MSBU Annual Assessment $40 $35 30.27 $30 $25 $20 20.19 18.83 $15 10.04 6.26 $10 3.282.05 1.971.24 $5 12.61 11.73 7.34 6.68 4.17 6.50 4.04 5.22 3.25 10.35 6.44 5.12 3.19 10-year Amortization Annual Assessment Per Linear Foot 20-year Amortization Annual Assessment Per Linear Foot po sit e Co m Ca na l No r th al Co m Ca n h So ut Project s po sit e po sit e Co m Ru sk in ns Es se x Do w es Sh or Da na or t Ba yp Ba y Cr e st h So ut o Ap oll Ap ol lo No r th $0 Al af ia Annua l Asse ssm e nt Pe r Line a r Foot 10/20 Year Amortization Analysis (per linear foot of waterfront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illsborough County RPS No. S-0165-09(LP) Project Implementation Challenges Special Challenges due to Project Characteristics • Regulatory Permits • Mitigation Requirements • Construction Coordination • Public Outreach Hillsborough County RPS No. S-0165-09(LP) Project Implementation Challenges Regulatory Permits • Agency Jurisdictions • Project-triggered private dredging permits Hillsborough County RPS No. S-0165-09(LP) Project Implementation Challenges Project-triggered Private Dredging Permits Hillsborough County RPS No. S-0165-09(LP) Project Implementation Challenges Hillsborough County RPS No. S-0165-09(LP) Project Implementation Challenges Private Permitting Approach • Public Permitting Workshop – Process guidance – Agency contacts – Enforcement warning • Application Processing – Program window – Sediment quality data by reference – Batch processing Hillsborough County RPS No. S-0165-09(LP) Project Implementation Challenges Mitigation Issues • Numerous small projects with diverse mitigation and monitoring Possible Approach • Scalable project Hillsborough County RPS No. S-0165-09(LP) Project Implementation Challenges Construction Timing • Strategic coordination and scheduling • Multiple project bidding Hillsborough County RPS No. S-0165-09(LP) Public Outreach Project website • News updates • Project overview • Individual community pages • Links to reports • Contact information and links For additional information and comments: www:manateepocketproject.com Hillsborough County RPS No. S-0165-09(LP) Questions and Answers