North Central Thames Foundation School (NCTFS)

North Central Thames Foundation School (NCTFS)
Individual Placement Description – East and North Herts NHS Trust
The department
The type of work
to expect and
Main duties of the
Typical working
pattern in this
F2 General Practice
General Practice
 All specialties. Especially management of chronic medicine. Paediatrics,
geriatrics, women’s health and family planning (O&G). Endocrine (diabetes,
thyroid), rheumatology, minor injuries. Mental health, neurology, orthopaedics,
 Run own surgery on a daily basis
 Supervised by a GP
 Lunchtime meetings daily
 Trainee teaching for 1 hour once a week
 Telephone consultation
 Monitoring / follow-up patient
 Management in primary health care
 Morning and afternoon surgeries fully independently
Various practices in East and North Herts
Various at different practices
 Running own morning and afternoon surgery and helping with the emergency
lists at the end of both clinics
 Taking a history
 Examination of a patient
 Ordering and interpreting investigations for a patient in the practice
(temperature, bp, bm, inr, peak flow, ecg, urinalysis, otology, ophthalmology,
blood tests, smears, high vaginal swabs) and ordering tests at the hospital xrya, mri, uss.
 Referring into hospital immediately, 2 week wait, or routine. Referral for
physhio opd/day centre
 Discussing patients with colleagues in general practice and hospital
 Reviewing patients
 Telephone consultation
 Lunchtime meeting
 Evening surgery
 Reviewing hospital correspondence from referrals and investigations
 Routine follow-up of patient in primary care, sending investigation as
necessary, management of primary care, referral if necessary and follow-up
 Normally only book on the day patients, so usually just acute problems
 Review patients after clinic with clinical supervisors
Mon: 0830 – 1130 routine appointments
1130 – 1300 extras, de-briefing, correspondence, telephone calls and
occasional visit (carefully selected)
1300 – 1530 free time for study etc. or catching up on paperwork
1530 – 1730 routine appointments
1730 – 1830 extras and de-briefing
(It would be unusual to work continuously from 0830 until 1830)
Also it is unusual to have a full day each week for F2 teaching – it probably averages
as half a day per week (plus the half day e-portfolio time as already recorded)
Mon: 0830 – 1300 morning surgery and emergency list
1300 – 1530 lunch / paperwork/referrals reviewing investigations de-briefing
with GP re: am clinic
1530 – 1830 afternoon surgery and emergency list and de-brief with GP
Tue: same as above
Wed: same as above
Thurs: same as above
0830 – 1300 morning surgery and emergency list, paperwork, referrals and
de-brief with GP then study leave
Sat & Sun:
Mon: 0900 – 1100 morning surgery
1130 – 1300 Telephone cons
1300 – 1400 lunchtime meeting
1400 – 1600 home visits – supervised
1600 – 1830 evening surgery
Tues: same as Monday
Wed: day off for F2 based teaching
Thurs: eportfolio time in morning (1600 afternoon surgery)
same as Monday
No on-calls but may help with emergency list at end of morning and evening surgery
Mon: 0830 – 1130 routine appointments
1130 – 1300 extras, de-briefing, correspondence, telephone calls and visits
(carefully selected)
1300 – 1530 free time for study etc. or catching up on paperwork
1530 – 1730 routine appointments
1730 – 1830 extras and de-briefing
Tue: Same as above or Nursing Home Visit with Nursing Home GP
Wed: Morning as above PM Off (Afternoon off may take place on a different day)
Thurs: Same as above
0830 – 1300 morning surgery and emergency list, paperwork, referrals and
de-brief with GP then study leave
No on-calls but may help with emergency list at end of morning and evening surgery
Mon: as above
Tue: morning as above. Afternoon tutorial +/- short surgery
Wed: morning as above. Afternoon FY2 teaching
Thurs: as above
Fri: morning as above. Afternoon e- portfolio time.
Mon: morning as above. Afternoon tutorial+/- short surgery
Tue: morning as above. Afternoon e-portfolio time
Wed: morning tutorial. Afternoon FY2 teaching or as above
Thurs: as above
Fri: as above
Mon: 0830 – 1030 routine appointments length shortening with experience
aiming for 15 mins consultations by the end of the placement.
1100 –1130
coffee and general discussion wit hpartners
1130 – 1300 extras, de-briefing, correspondence, telephone calls and
occasional visit (carefully selected), lunch
1300 – 1500 free time for study etc. or catching up on paperwork
1500 – 1700 routine appointments
1730 – 1830 extras and de-briefing
Tue: same as above
Wed: same as above
Thurs: same as above
0830 – 1300 morning surgery and emergency list, paperwork, referrals and
de-brief with GP, practice meeting then study leave
No on-calls but may help with emergency list at end of morning and evening surgery
East and North Herts NHS Trust
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject
to change.