1 Asset Prices: overview • Euler equation • C-CAPM • equity premium puzzle and risk free rate puzzles • Law of One Price / No Arbitrage • Hansen-Jagannathan bounds • resolutions of equity premium puzzle 2 Euler equation • agent problem max ∞ X X j=0 st ¡ ¡ ¢¢ ¡ ¢ β t u ct st Pr st ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ct st + qta st · at+1 st ≤ Wt st ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢¢ ¡ ¢ Wt+1 st+1 = yt+1 st+1 + qta+1 st+1 + dt+1 st+1 at+1 st • comment: at and qta are vectors of length equal to the number of assets • Euler equation ¡ £ ¢¤ u0 (ct ) qtai = βEt u0 (ct+1 ) qtai+1 + dit+1 £ ¤ u0 (ct ) = βEt u0 (ct+1 ) Rti+1 ∙ 0 ¸ u (ct+1 ) i 1 = Et β 0 R u (ct ) t+1 • transversality condition (1) (2) £ ¤ a at+j = 0 lim β j E0 u0 (ct+j ) qt+j j→∞ • pricing formula repeated substitution of (1) qta = ∞ X j β Et j=1 • no bubbles 1 ∙ ¸ u0 (ct+j ) dt+j u0 (ct ) (3) — transversality and st = 1 • complete markets consistency check review A-D price with complete markets t qt+j ¢ ¡ ¡ j t¢ ¡ t j¢ u0 cit+1 (st , sj ) Pr s |s s ,s = β i u0 (ct (st )) → (3) 3 CCAPM (Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model) • make (2) and (3) operational: CCAPM ≡ use aggregate consumption in above equations • justifications: — equilibrium of representative agent economy (Lucas / Breeden) — equilibrium with complete markets (Constantinides) complete markets ⇐⇒ Pareto Optima ⇐⇒ representative consumer (weighted utility) • back to Euler equation ∙ 0 ¸ u (ct+1 ) i 1 = Et β 0 R u (ct ) t+1 • Absence of arbitrage implies that there exists some mt+1 such that £ ¤ i 1 = Et mt+1 Rt+1 THE empirically testable condition (again) • intuitive decomposition 1 = βEt µ µ 0 ¶ ¶ ¡ i ¢ u0 (ct+1 ) u (ct+1 ) i Et Rt+1 + βcovt , Rt+1 u0 (ct ) u0 (ct ) →its the covariance that matters! 4 Equity Premium Puzzle • Euler equations with data on Rstock market and Rbonds 2 • simple log-normal calculation • preferences and consumption u0 (c) = c−γ ½ ¾ ct+1 1 2 = c̄∆ exp εc − σ c ct 2 ¡ ¢ 2 εc v N μc , σ c ¶ µ ct+1 ⇒ E = μc ct • returns R i εi • Euler " 1 = βE Ri ½ ¾ ¡ ¢ 1 2 i = 1 + r̄ exp εi − σ i 2 ¡ ¢ 2 v N μc , σ c ¡ ¢ ⇒ E Ri = Ri = 1 + r̄i µ ct+1 ct ¶−γ # ¶ µ ¡ ¢ 1 2 1 2 −γ i 1 = β 1 + r̄ (c̄∆ ) Et exp εi − σ i − γεc + γ σ c 2 2 ¶ µ ¢ ¡ 1 2 −γ i 1 = β 1 + r̄ (c̄∆ ) Et exp (1 + γ) γ σ c − γσ ic 2 • taking logs... • stocks and bonds: ¡ ¢ 1 log 1 + r̄i = − log β + γ log c̄∆ − (1 + γ) γ σ 2c + γσ ic 2 ¡ ¢ 1 r̄f ≈ log 1 + r̄f = − log β + γ log c̄∆ − (1 + γ) γ σ 2c 2 1 r̄s ≈ log (1 + r̄s ) = − log β + γ log c̄∆ − (1 + γ) γ σ 2c + γσ sc 2 • premium: ¡ ¢ r̄s − r̄f ≈ log (1 + r̄s ) − log 1 + r̄f = γσ sc 3 (4) (5) (6) Table removed due to copyright restrictions. Kocherlakota, Narayana R. "The Equity Premium Puzzle: It's Still a Puzzle." Journal of Economic Literature 34, no. 1 (1996): 47 (Table 1). • US data (from Mehra and Prescott): r̄s = 7% r̄f = 1% σ rc = .219% • Kocherlakota • need γ = 27 to match (6) equity premium puzzle • to match (4) we need γ very high or very low risk free rate puzzle 4 Tables removed due to copyright restrictions. Kocherlakota, Narayana R. "The Equity Premium Puzzle: It's Still a Puzzle." Journal of Economic Literature 34, no. 1 (1996): 42-71. (Tables 2 and 3). 5 Discount Factors: LOP and NA I follow Cochrane and Hansen (1992) closely — great paper to read • two periods "now" and "then" (t and t + 1 if you prefer) • J “fundamental” assets: — xj payoff “then” — q j “now” price → stack into x and q (column) vectors • payoff space for "then" P ≡ {p : p = c · x for some c ∈ R} • pricing function π (p) : P → R then π (x) = q 5 • definition: Law of One Price (LOP) holds if the pricing function is linear π (c · x) = c · π (x) = c · q ⇒ c· x = c0 · x then c · q = c0 · q 1 • definition: discount factor y ∈ P π (p) = E (yp) • Riesz representation Theorem LOP ⇔ ∃ (stochastic) discount factor y ∈ P • Let Y be the set of all discount factors • note: y may be negative • example: −1 y ∗ = x0 (Exx0 ) q note: if Exx0 is non-singular then remove assets from x until it is! a non-singular Exx0 means that (a) there is a risk-free asset (b) there are two ways of getting the same payoff • Definition: No Arbitrage (NA) holds p ≥ 0 ⇒ π (p) ≥ 0 p > 0 (with positive prob.) ⇒ π (p) > 0 • result NA ⇔ ∃ strictly positive discount factor y > 0 Let Y ++ be the set of all discount factors that are positive • examples m= 1 β t u0 (cthen ) u0 (cnow ) proof: π (c · x) = π (c0 · x) cπ (x) = c0 π (x) cq = c0 q 6 6 Hansen-Jagannathan bounds • all theories: q = E (mp) m = f (data, parameters) (see Cochrane’s book) • note pi /q i is rate of return • H-J bounds: diagnostic tool for models of m • special case: data on a single excess return relative to some baseline asset r = p/q − p0 /q 0 then π (r) = 0 so that 0 = Emr = EmEr + cov (m, r) = EmEr + σ m σ r corr (m, r) −1 ≤ EmEr = corr (m, r) ≤ 1 σmσr ¯ ¯ ¯ EmEr ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ σ m σ r ¯ ≤ 1 σr σm ≤ |Er| Em intuition: need volatile σ m • note: Em = 1/Rf if there is a risk free rate Rf • lets generalize: for any random vector x we can consider the population regression: m = a + x0 b + e which just defines e uniquely as having Ee = 0 and cov(x, e) = 0 • by definition cov (e, x) = 0 ⇒ var (m) ≥ var (x0 b) 7 • idea compute x0 b and var (x0 b) to get lower bound → check whether theories for y pass this test b = [cov (x, x)]−1 cov (x, y) a = Ey − Ex0 b • How to compute b? idea: if x = p then theory helps... • assume x = p note that cov (x, y) = q − E (y) E (x) so: b = [cov (x, x)]−1 [q − E (y) E (x)] ¢ ¡ var x0 [cov (x, x)]−1 [q − E (y) E (x)] = var (x) [var (x)]−2 E (y)2 E (x)2 • if we knew E (y) we have a lower bound otherwise ⇒ feasible region for pair (E (y) , var (y)) • convenient — no need to recompute lower bound for each theory — helps see where the theory fails • 3 cases: — risk-less return → E (y) pinned down and risky return — one excess-return q = 0 Sharpe ratio and market price of risk (what we did before!) — general case→very flexible, see CH paper • figures 2.1: excess • 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 from CH paper 8 7 Resolutions (?) 7.1 Exotic Preferences • Risk Aversion vs. IES (Weil / Epstein-Zin) • first-order risk aversion (Epstein-Zin) • habit persistence e.g. u(ct − αct−t ) (Abel / Campbell-Cochrane) • loss-aversion 7.2 Heterogenous Agent Incomplete Markets • uninsured idiosyncratic risk (Mankiw / Constantinides-Duffie) • borrowing constraints (Euler with inequality) (Luttmer / Heaton-Lucas) • constrained optima with limited commitment (Alvarez-Jermann) 7.3 Knightian Uncertainty • risk vs. uncertainty • fear of not understanding returns / uncertainty over probability distribution / desire for robust decisions (Hansen and Sargent) 7.4 No risk premium! • no risk premium to explain... • historical returns on stocks were unexpected (McGratten-Prescott) • bonds are money → low return • stocks more risky than sample (low probability of a crash) (see Reitz, Cochrane, Weitzman and Barro) 9 8 Conclusions Risk premium puzzle • great example of interplay between theory and data • no strong consensus on resolution yet many new ideas • new models should explore • revisit the welfare costs of BCs (Alvarez and Jermann) 10