fiPTT"1,:i..i! trFll_/.rl.v TURN TO: r{): OREGCi\d OREGON o t-..';,,:'i ia':::::..Ft0f".1 cCIUNclL ,Ti. COUNCIL 8h: HMSC HMSC SH SH 156.8 155.8 il : fr'# :::*,-'*:.="L . Oreqn Sa:3 Univerj Gorvsilis, Oregon CoaiLis, Oregon gZOgX $73 .M851 .M851 1974 L 9 74 o* COASTAL RIVERS COASTAL RIVERSINVESTIGATION INVESTIGATION INFORMATION REPORT 74-7 REPORT 74.7 II,IFOR}IATION a o . . l TAGGING OP BASSIN IN THE TAGGING STRIPEDBASS OF STRIPE!) UMPQ(JA RIVER, 1971-73 RIl"rER, IXIIPQUA l97l-73 o il by l'{ull.en Robert E. Mullen {n o Fish Corrnission of 0regon Oregon Connission of I\lanagenent and Ilanagernent and Research Research Division Division o c.f, = a o o q October October 1974 1974 o {a ri * W#.ffi'ff P orcr, ORTCCFJ o CONTENTS CONTENTS c Page No. o 0 o INTRODUCTION II.NRODUCTION.. 1 THE FISHERY ............................................. THECOMMERCIAL COI'IMERCIAI FISHERY. 1 THE FISHERY .................................................. THESPORT SPORT FISHERY. 3 .. . . .. . . CAPTURE AND PROCEDURES ..................................... ANDTAGGING TAGGII'IG CAPTURE PROCEDURES. ... 3 TECHNIQUES FOR TAGGED FISH .............................. TECFNIQUES FORRECOVERING TAGGED FISH. RECOVERING S . .. . . SUMMARY OF AND FISH .............................. TAGGED FISH. . .. i e Sut'4}.{ARY 0F TAGGED ANDRECAPTURED RECAPTURED 6 1 G 971 ?1 .t....r...'4"' ..t...a... 1 .......................................................... LJILT ..... (sjrrine) . ...................................... 1972 (Spring) @ (Sqnner).................................................. .. , .. 19721972 (Summer) I c l 7 ? .......................................................... 1973 6 10 10 VALIDITY OF ESTIMATES ..................................... PETERSEN . VAI,IDITY OF PETERSEN ESTII'ATES.. 11 11 ......... RECRUITED PD O P U L A T IESTIMATES E OS NT I } . 1 I { ..................................... TES... R E C R U I T POPULATION E 21t 2 . .. .. MIGRATION PATTERNS .................................................. I..{IGMTION PMTERNS 233 2 ACKI{OI'JLEDGT.ENTS. ..... ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................... 233 2 LITERATURE CITED ................................................... LITERATURE CITED. 25 25 L J o a o o o S o o ' J . 7 7 o TABLES TABLES Table No. No. Table 1 2 PaAeNo. No. Page Location and and Number Nunber of of Fish Fish Tagged Taggedin Location in Smith Smitir and and U m p q u a R i v e r s , 1971 1 9 7 1..................................... . Umpqua Rivers, ..... .......,........ 6 6 Tag Recoveries Recoveries of Bass Tagged Tag of Striped Striped Bass Tagged in the Smith in the a n d Umpqua U m p q uRivers, a i v e r s , 1971 R 1 9 7 1.................. . and i r . . . . . . ... . . . ............ . ...... r r 6 6 Location and and Number Fish Tagged in the Location Number of of Fish Tagged in the Srnith Smith and and U m p q uRivers, a i v e r s , March-May, R l 4 a r c h - l { a y1972 L, 9 7 2.......................... ,...... .... Umpqua ..... 7 7 Tag Recoveries Recoveries of Striped Bass of Striped Bass Tagged Tag Tagged in in the Smith Smith a n d Umpqua U n p q u aRivers, R j . v e r s ,March-May, l , ! a r c h - l 4 a 1972 y1, 9 7 2...................... . and ...... I 8 Location and llumber of and Number of Striped Striped Bass Bass Tagged Taggedin Location in the the Snith and Umpqua Rivers, June-September, Jtnre-september,1972 Smith and Umpqua Rivers, 1972. ........... 10 10 . o 3 4 o S 6 o 7 8 ,o 9 t Tag Recoveries Recoveries of of Striped Striped Bass Bass Tagged Tagged in Tag in the Smith $nritii n e - S e p t e n b e r ,1972..... a n d Urrrpqua Uinpqua RRivers, i v e r s , j uJune-September, and l g 7 2 , r r e r r ........... l0 10 tocation and Nurnber Location and Number of of Fish Fish Tagged Tagged in in the the Snith Smith and and Unpqtra Rivers, 1973 1973, Unpqua Rivers, ...................................... ll 11 Tag Recoveries Recoveries of of Striped Striped Bass Bass Tagged Tag Tagged in in the Smith Snith and UnpquaRivers, 1973. and tJmpqua Rivers, 1973 ................................. lz 12 Striped Bass Bass Landings, Landings, Tag Tag Returns, Returns, and Striped and Computation Conputation of Chi-Square Chi-Square Values Values Comparing Cornparingthe Rates of of Tag Tag Rates of Returns of of the the Two Two Major irtajor Commercial Returns Comnercial Buying Buying Stations Stations on on the Umpqua &npquaRiver, River, 1972 L972 and the and 1973 L973. ......................... Z0 20 FIGURES FIGURES Figure No. No. tigure 1 1 o 2 2 3 4 o o . F PgqeNo. No.. Page Map of of Smith Snith and and Umpqua UmpquaRivers Map Rivers Showing Shoviing Tagging Tagging and and Recovery Sites Referred Referred to to inin the Recovery Sites ................... theToxt Text. 2 2 t_ength Frequency Frequency of of Striped Striped Bass Bass Tagged Length Tagged and and Sampled Sarnpled from the Commercial Connercial Catch, Umpqua Unpquaand from the and Smith $nith Rivers, RivLrs, L 9 7 2.................................................... . 1972 L7 17 Length Frequency Frequency of of Striped Striped Bass Bass Tagged Length Tagged and and Sampled Sampled from Cat,ch, Umpqua Unpquaand from the the Comrnercial Commercial Catch, and Smith Srnith Rivers, Rivers, 1 9 7 3.................................................... . 1973 1B 18 Length Frequency Frequency of of Striped Striped Bass Length Bass from from the the Sport Sport Catch, Umpquaand Catch, Urnpqua and Smith Smith Rivers, Rivers, 1972 Igjz ................... 24 24 a Tagging Tagging of of Striped Striped Bass Bass in in the UnpquaRiver, River, 1971-73 l97l-73 Umpqua INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION (tulovonesanati,Lisl Striped Striped bass bass (Morone sa.ratiUs) were tagged on the the Umpqua Umpqua and and Smith (Figure 1) rivers (Figure 1) to rivers to estimate estimate the the numbers numbers of of bass recruited recruited to to the the cornmerconmier- o fishery and gather information cial fishery and to to gather information on migration cial migration habits habits of of bass in in these rivers. rivers. these Snall Small numbers numbers of of striped striped bass were were tagged tagged in in the the surrners summers of 1971 and and 1972, 1972, but but most most were were tagged tagged in of 1971 1973. in the the springs springs of Lg72and of 1972 and,1923. o Tagged striped bass were recaptured recaptured by by the the commercial comnercial and Tagged striped bass were and sport sport fisheries. fisheries. l'Ihite trqnsmontutus) and green Vhite stu"geon sturgeon (AaLpenser Acipenser transmontoius) green sturgeon sturgeon @. M. medirostrLsJ captured incidental incidental to to striped bass were striped bass were also medirostris) captured tagged. also tagged. o THE;ColrlliEIlCIAt THE CONflERCIAL FISHERY FISHERY The first first recorded recorded commercial commercial landings landings of of striped striped bass bass from frorn the The the Smith Smith OO and rivers were were in 1934when in 1934 wlren62 lLrs were and Untpqua Umpqua rivers were landed'incidental landed incidental to 62 -lbs to (Alosasctpidissirna) the intensive intensive American Anerican shad shad(Alosa the sapidissiraal fishery. fishery. The The striped striped bass landings increased increased since since 1934 1934to peak of bass landings to aa peak of 56,321 s6,321 lbs lbs in in 1971. 1971. o striped landings were low, low, rarely Striped bass bass landings rarely exceeding exceeding 10,000 prior to 10,000 lbs/year lbs/year prior to the 1960's. the 1960rs. Since 1960, the the combined combined annual landings landings for Since 1960, the Sinith Smith and and for the Umpqua Urn qua rivers rivers averaged averaged 24,8A0 24,800 lbs/year lbs/year (Mullen, (t{ullen, 1973). lgZS). c The Umpqua UnpquaRiver River commercial commercial fishery The fishery was was limited gill nets (drift (drift limited to to gill nets). nets). Both Both gill gill nets nets and and set set nets nets were were legal legal bn On the the smith Smith River, River, but but for reasorrs, only for practical practical reasons, only set set nets were were fished. fished. o The upstream The upstrean commercial commerciaL fishery fishery deadline deadline was was at at the the confluence confluence of of the the North North Fork Fork on on the the Smith Srnith River River and at the the confluence confluence of t"1i11Creek of Mill and at Creekon onthe UnpquaRiver. the Urnpqua River. There was There u'as no regulatory downstream downstreamclosure closure although nost regulatory most commercial conmercial fishing was conducted fishing was conducted o o o I. upstrean from from Reedsport and probably upstream Reedsport and probably none none n'as was downstream downstream frorn from the the Big Big Bend Bend ( F i g u r e 1). (Figure L). Scottsburg b0 Fl :J ,o u . T, {-r 1--'' l{ \i o o @ Creek S o Ji/ I I.') z. ii Bar +J X Mill r m x € c Ft +J (Ill cl t{ /7 rc .P Red Light +, It, o C) rJ Fr F' o t+{ T' ry . c Hinsdale's (, x o o 5 Fcl o 2 .t{ .F{ E bO r+,t t do F.l 'qv) (J 1 c_l __._j km I. ' ..-. / Point - ooo O U o. *-i ?^. o P{ d E q) .-S. / / ro (f.{ F{ . / / \ --_ I +r 'g -l,-l -l <D I ( E xl ./ I Cove @""o orJrced :Doubl&, / '\-\_ / / / / Buoy 12 ( -EI*l\\_,_ __=__ ___---,rj\-E$;_ €9.9.,, *? art tri a) € tri d o OFI o \-_. 5 (t g 1 .n c) o.d o .r{ g, 6l (t (l) o .F{ f Spruce Drift . . ...t .... . ?l .\l vl tl Scale /.!.. ,/- Q 0 .. / tr 3 o € Scholfield Slough ) ,t . :. -\ it,J / \Buoy Big Bend .//',t I w o I The Cutoff 16 /Buoy 18 ES / o ll / e-r' { I o ( fi l: E*Hg.o. o .... /"r^7 tr c\l'd .r{ ^ Fl !+,too€ xd oo oo (d tq b0 tF{ .. .Ti:1\.5; F.f 6 O C).F,l o o 0) & € c 012 '.\ r 1i,, b\ € .rl trt v5 F\ Q) L...._._4_._._.L.... _ .p gii o +) *4 (,1 at - Channel '-ti I oti triri o q K, x*{ Sturgeon Hole Reedsport \! . \l o t{ U k r/) d b0 g . F{ {t) J1 q) ... ) .d at l<'{ €tt j Butler Creek 1'\V z o b$r, i-^\\ o) o . Macey Sands..... -. ... "?p\ (Buoy! 2lJ 'Providence /. Creek / I l"l* n Bridge & i J "\ Smith River *... E lo^ o\ c Joyce Cree1y' d al \.S;;' Noel's Ranch \"4 E o i Black's Island t"b \t J'Qtter o Dean rn Map of and Umpqua Rivers Showing Tagging and Recovery Sites s i) ?A {t) .$J .Fl miles .. ?l F Creek % Slough o Figure 1. North Fork t{ rS o ofrrec1 to in the Text \\ ***__* t{ bo .rl f& o 3. 3. Connercially'caught striped llass Commercia1ly caught striped bass were were landed from t{ay May 11 11 through JuLy 1. L, July No size size or or bag bag limit linrit existed existed on No on commercially comnerciall.ylanded landedbass. bass. Net Net mesh size restrictions restrictions were mesh size were rtot not less 6" nor nor more less than 6't nore than than 6-3/4" 6-3/4rr for for both rivers. rivers. o THE SPORT SPORTFISHERY THE FISHERY The sport sport fishery fishery on on the the Smith and The and Umpqua Urnpquarivers rivers caught an an estimated estinated 6,036 striped striped bass expending an in 1972, Ig72, expending estimated 31,507 6,036 bass in days during an estimated il,507 angler angLer days o the period February 21 2I through through October (Aney, 1973). October 31 the period Pebruary 31 (Aney, 1.973). This represented represerrted a sizeable sizeable increase increase in in sport sport fishing fishing pressure a pressure and success since since 194F when it it and success lg46 when was estimated estimated that that no no more more than than 50 50 fish fish were were caught (Fish was caught by 25 ZS anglers (Fish o Conm.of of Oregon, Oregon,1946). Comm. 1946). There There was was no closed season or fishing season or fishinfr area area for for striped bass taken striped bass taken on on gear. sport sport gear. CO The bag bag limit limit was urasfive five fish fish per day, The day, 16" l6'f and and over in length. in length. No significant amount anount of No significant of sport sport fishing fishing effort effort was t{a.sexpended expendedupstream upstrean from from the town tovnr of of Scottsburg Scottsburg or or downstream downstreamfrom the (Fi.gure1). fron Double Double Cove CovePoint Point (Figure 1). o CAPTURE ANDTI.GGING CAPTURE AND TAGGING PROCEDURES PROCEDURES A11 bass bass tagged tagged prior prior to to the opening All opening of of the commercial commercial fishery, fishery, and and used to to estimate estimate the used the number nunber of of recruited recruited fish, fish, were lrrerecaptured captured using using aa 6" 6tt o (15.2 (15.2 crn) cm) stretch stretch mesh, mesh, 42-rnesh 42-mesh deep, no. no. 33 (First !ashington 33 (First tfashington Net Net Factory, Factory, Inc.) lay gill gill net, Inc.) cable lay net, hung hung on on a one-half one-hal.f basis. basis. The The net was was 100 100 fathoms fathoms (182.9 n) (182.9 m) long long althougl'r although the the entire entire net net was lras not always always fished. fished. o captured in in 1971 1971 were were caught captured by hook caugirt by hook and and line. line. A few A few bass bass During the summer sumnerof During of 1972 lgTZ b ass w e r e captured captured w (9s.1 m i t h a l125' 2 5 t (38.1 bass were with m), mesh ( 1 . 3 cm) ) , 11/2" / 2 ' , (1.3 a g seine. cm) m e s hbbag Most bass bass were were tagged Most tagged at night. at night. o o U A few ferv were were taggecl tagged in afternoon in late late afternoon when water water and and tide tide conditions when conditions were lrere suitable. suitable. l.{ost tagging trips trips spanned Most sparmed 2 calendar 2 calendar days days with with the the date of of the the lst 1st day used used as as the reference reference date. date. o 4. 4. Thus, fish fish tagged Thus, evening of tagged on on the the evening of April L7 and md the morning April 17 of April morning of April 18 18 lvere both both recorded were recorded as April 17. 17. as April ?agging location varied. Tagging location varied. Fishing Fishing was was cohtinued continued at at a given location location the catch until the catch rate until to an fish were were rate dropped dropped to ltost fish an unacceptable uilacceptable level. 1eveL. Tiost o tagged physical boundaries bornrdaries of tagged within within the physical ommércial fishery of the the fishery although a tagged approximately 0.5 few were were tagged krnup fron Mill 0.5 km up river river from Mill. Creek. Creek. Fishing Fishing techniques varied varied with with the the net net sometines sometimes anchored anchored or or tied tied to to o shore and at at other times times allowed shore and allowed to free with to drift drift free with the the tide. tide. Fishing was Fishing was usually restricted to usually restricted to an an hour hour or or two tr+o before before and and after slack tidal tidal Current, after slack current, but this varied varied greatly greatly with r^rith tidal but this tidal height height and and river florv. river flow. o No No attempt was attenpt was nade to standardize standardize the number made to numberof of hours fished or hours fished or the the length length of of drifts. drifts. 0nce captured, captured, fish fish were were removed gil.l. net quickly and Once removed from the gill net as quickly and . oo gently as possible. gently as possible. Eacir fish fish was (fork Each nearest centimeter hras measured neasured to to the nearest centirleter (fork length) and and sex pressure on length) sex determined, when possible, deternined, when possible, by by exerting exerting pressure the on the fishrs abdomen abcionen qametes. Very forcing the fishs and andforcing the discharge discharge of Very few fema!.ebass bass of gametes. few female were identified using were identified using this tiris technique. technique. o Bass yslloto vinyl Bass r^rere were tagged with bright tagged rvith bright orange orange or or yellow vinyl placed belorv the the insertion insertion of placed below of the the second seconddorsal dorsal fin. fin. 'rspag;hettifr "spaghetti" tags Each was secured Each tag was secured with stainless steel with a nunrbered numbered stainless steel clamp clarip and tied with rvith aa single lcnot. and tied single loop loop knot. o A11 tags tags were were numbered All nurnberedand and stamped stampedwith with aa return return address. address. were ltlo No rewards rewards were offered offered for for returning lags. returning tags. Once tagged, fish fish were were held held by by hand Once tagged, hand over over the the side side of of the the boat. boat. o were were not not released until they could until they coulcl swim swimfreely. freely. Fish Fish that Fish were badly badly that were injured were were either injured either released released untagged tmtaggedor or destroyed. destroyed. In 1973 1973 all given a left all bass In bass were were given ventral fin addition to to left ventral in addition fin clip clip in o O o spaghetti tag. the spaghetti tag. o 5. 5' Green and and white tagged rvith Green white sturgeon were were tagged with nunbered numbered Petersen disc tags Petersen disc tags inserted inserted through the caudal caudal peduncle. The totat length length of The total of each each tagged tagged sturgeon was was recorded. sturgeon recorded. o TECHNIQUTS FoRflECOVERING PIEC0VERIN6 TECHNIQUES FOR TAGGED TAGGED FISH FISH Prior to to the the 1972 1972 commercial comrnerclalfishing Prior fishing season, season, a letter letter was was sent tr: all sent to all licensed commercial conrnercial fishermen fishernen on onthe licensed and the Umpqua Urnpqua Sr{ith rivers. andSriith rivers. o Fisherrnen Fishermen were requested tequested tc tc leave leave the the tags in in bass bass they caught were caught and and to to leave leave the tagged fish with urnat'keclfish fish they they sold tagged fish with unmarked sold to to either either of of the tr+obuying the two buying stations stations located located at Reedsport. Reedspo"t. The Letter also explained The letter e.rpl.ainedthe the purpose of the tagging purpose of progran. program. o Fish Commission Comnissionpersonnel personnel regularly reaularly visited visited both buying Fish buying stations stations throughout season; at the season; at least Least twice twice aa week week in throughout the in 1972 rgTz and and 5s days days a week week oo in 1975. Workers in 1973. lforkers at at buying stations ruere alerted and and asked buying stations were alerted watch for asked to to lvatch for and return and return tags. tags. In 1973, In 1973, Fish Commission ernployeeS examined Commissionemp1oyee exanined striped striped bass at the the buying buying stations, bass at stations, counting counting fin-clipped fin-cLipped fish. fish. o Signs Signs htere were posted posted at at boat ramps ramps and marinas to and narinas to alert alert sport sport fishermen. fisherrnen. These signs signs showed showedaa picture picture of These of a tagged bass, briefly tagged bass, briefly outlined outlined the the reasons reasons for the the tagging tagging progran, for program, and and asked returned to askecl that that tags be returned to the Fish Fish o Connission. Commission. A was listed a-dd.resswas listed on A return return address on the the sign sign as as well well as aa note that that a a letter letter telling telling each each angler angler wheir when and and where where their their fish fish l'las tagged worrld tagged would be returned returned to to each each person person who be who mailed in in aa tag. teg. o A reLease was A news news release was carried carried by local, radio, television, tel.evision, and newspapers and newspapers .lescribing and asking ashi:rg anglers describing our our progran program and anglers to to watch for tagged watch for tagged fish. fish. One one ileltrspaPerran periodic summaries ran periodic sunmaries of of how how many newspaper nany striped bass had striped bass had been been tagged tagged o o a and returned to and to date. date. The Oregon 0regon State State Wildlife ltildlife The Commission Cornmissionconducted conductecl creel creel censuses censuses in in both 'the sport 1972 and and 1973 1973 and and collected collected tags 1972 tags when when encountered encormteTedin in the srrort catch. catch. [. 6. 6. SI,I\T,IARY OFTAGGED SUNHARY OF I?ND RECAPTURED FISH TAGGED A$IDRECAPTURED FISH t971. 1971 Fourteen striped Fourteen striped bass tagged on 6 nights bass were were tagged nights in July and in July and August of August of 1971. 1971. o Two sturgeon and green sturgeon were and six six green Two whlte white sturgeon were also also tagged. tagged. ,sturgeon hole." sturgeon were were all sturgeon tagged at all tagged at the "sturgeon hole." Ttre The The bass bass were The were tagged tagged at at three location5 (Table 1). three locatioM (Table f). Table 1. Table 1. Location and and Number Nurnberof Location of Fish Fish Tagged Taggedin smith and in Smith urEqua and Umpqua R i v e r s , 11971 97f Rivers, o . o Nunber Number - Locarlon Location Striped Bass Bass Striped Gardiner Channel Channel Gardiner Lower Clark's Lower Clarkts Butler Creek Creek Butler Sturgeon Sturgeon Hole Sturgeon Sturgeon 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Total Total 9 9 0 0 g 14 14 I 8 Four striped striped bass bass tags were returned tags were Four by sport returned by sport fishermen; fisherrneni one one in in 1971, 1971, two in 1972, and in 1972, two and one in 1973. one in One striped 1973. One striped bass bass was was recaptured recaptured and and released released o by the tagging tagging crew (Table 2). by the crew in in 1973 1973 (Table 2). None None of were of the tagged tagged sturgeon were recaptured. recaptured. Table 2. Table 2. Tag Recoveries Recoveries of of Striped Tag striped Bass Bass Tagged in the Tagged in the Smith smith and and Uupqua Umpqua Rivers, Rivers, 1971 1971 o Tag No. No.. o a o . Date Date Days Days teneth tength sex Length Sex Sex Tagged T?gged Rec.overed Ta Recovered at at Large Large 2723 2723 2736 2736 2737 2737 47 47 57 57 58 58 ---- 8/25/71 8/25/71 8/26/71 8/26/71 8/26/71 8/26/71 5/A9/73 5/09/73 7/27/72 7/27/72 4lA7/.73 4/07/73 336 336 590 590 2738 2738 2741 2741 66 66 62 62 --- Bl30/71 8/30/71 8/31/71 8/31/71 9/26/71 9/26/71 7/07/72 7/07/72 311 311 2/ SymboZs: Synbols: A 623 623 27 27 Area Tagged Area Taggqd Tagged Type Type '. Recovered Area Rg Recovered '1/ Z1_ tower Clark.ts Lower Clarks Providence Providence Creek Creek Butler Creek Butler Creek Smith Smith River River Brid Bridp Butler But1er Creek Creek Smith Snith River River at at North Fork Fork Butler Butler Creek creek Butter Creek Butler creek Butler Creek Butler creek Smith smith River g = Sport. I? = Recapture R Reeqture by bg tagging tagging crew., e?at), S Sport. R R S S S S sS s S o 7. 7. (Spring) 1972 (Spring) 1972 g, 1972, BetweenMarch l,tarch 99 and blay9, and May Between lg7l, 435 435 striped striped bass bass were were captured captured and and neasured, 430 430 of measured, of which which were were tagged tagged and released. and released. One white white sturgeon sturgeon and One and three green green sturgeon three sturgeon were also tagged (Table 3). tagged (Table were also 3). Table Table 3. 3. o Location and and Number lrlunberof of Fish Fish Tagged Location Taggedin the Smith in the Smith and and UrirpquaRivers, Rivers, March-May, !4atch-t4ay, 1972 Umpqua lgTZ Location Location o o Lower Clarkts Lower Clark's Otter Slough Otter Slough Noel.t s Ranch Ranch Noel's l4acey Sands Sands Macey Spruce Drift Drift Spruce I-linsdale's Hinsdale's Brandy Brandy Bar l"fil.1 Creek Mill Creek Total Total Number Striped Bass Sturpeon Sturgeon 5 5 6 699 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 t2t 121 ti5 115 84 84 2 2 I I 0 0 1 1 I1 g. 0 ?9 29 430 430 4 4 In 1972, 1972, iS In 18 tags were were returned returnecl by by commercial comnercial fishermen fisherrnen and and 40 40 tags tals o were returned returned by by sport were sport fishermen. fishernen. iiine tags and and 20 Nine tags 20 tags tags were were returned returned in in 1973 by by each 1973 each group, grotrp' respectively. respectively. Three tagged tagged bass bass were Three were found fognd dead; dead; 12, !2, 26' and 33 days 26, and 33 days after after being tagged. tagged. one fish fish was was recaptured recaptured in One in 1973 1973 by the the tagging tagging crew, given a a left left ventral ventral fin fin clip, cLip, released reLeased and and counted cognted as as a 1973 1973 release retease (Table (Table 4). a 4). o No tagged sturgeon were No tagged recaptured. were recaptured. 1972 (Summer) (Surnnerl 1972 o From From June June through septernber September 1972, tg7z, 19 t9 striped striped bass were were tagged tagged after after being being captured in in a a bag bag seine (Table 5). seine (Table 5). tured by the 1973 tured 1973 commercial comnercial fishery. fishery. O o o Three of of these Three these fish fish were were recaprecap_ One fish fish was r.r,asrecaptured recaptured in One in 1973 1973 by the the tagging tagging crew, given a left ventral fin clip" released, a left ventral finclip, and cor.urted counted as released, and as a 1973 1973 release (Table 6). release (Table a 6). c 8. Table 4. Table 4. t Tag Recoveries Recoveries of Bass Tagged Tag of Striped Striped Bass Tagged in the Smith in the Snith and Unpqua I'larch-lt{ay, L972 Umpqua Rivers, 1972 Rivers, March-May, S o Tag Tag No. No. o o o o o o 5 S a o Lensth Sex Length Sex Tagged 2749 2749 2 7SA 2750 2755 2755 2757 2757 2758 2758 2768 2768 2773 2773 2774 2 774 5t 51 5l 51 61 61 2831 2831 2834 2834 2835 2835 2837 2837 2844 2844 2845 2845 2850 2850 2852 2852 2853 2 853 2855 2855 2856 2856 2861 2861 2869 2869 2884 2BB4 3372 3372 3375 3375 3384 3384 3388 3388 3389 3389 3390 3390 3402 3402 3409 3409 3429 3429 ?896 2896 -- ------- 6 600 56 s6 65 65 65 65 57 57 2782 2782 tlo 110 2785 59 2785 59 2786 66 2786 66 2790 2790 46 46 2795 2795 60 60 2796 2796 2798 2798 2800 2800 2805 2805 2811 2811 2820 2820 2823 2823 2830 2830 2825 2B7S o Date Date 62 62 62 62 59 59 68 68 s555 97 97 65 6s 555 5 66 66 49 49 57 57 49 49 63 63 50 50 49 49 62 62 60 60 60 60 633 6 59 59 61 61 49 49 65 65 102 102 58 58 53 53 67 67 62 62 92 92 57 57 63 63 51 5l 53 53 ---I!tt --------- N M -It l''! N -- It N -- tt M ------ T -- t{ 11 ---- N iu -- N t{ It r'l N lil -- ;,1'.1 N slae/72 3/09/72 slos/72 3/09/72 3/10/72 slLal72 3/ro/72 3/10/72 slr0/72 3/10/72 3/to/72 3/10/72 slrL/72 3/11/72 Date Date Recovered Recovered Days Days At At Lar Large 6 /0 s/72 6/05/72 3/11/72 3/Lt/72 s/rsl72 5/13/72 7/0r/7s 7/01/73 7/15/73 7/rs/73 s/rs/72 5/15/72 6/27/72 6/27/72 3/2s/73 3/25/73 6/rt/72 6/11/72 88 88 65 65 478 478 492 492 66 66 109 109 379 379 92 92 slLL/72 3/11/72 slLr/72 3/11/72 3/Lt/ 72 3/11/72 slrr/72 3/11/72 3/14/72 3 1 1 4 /7 2 7/sr/72 7/31/72 s/2s/72 5/29/72 B/12/72 8/12/72 sl16/73 5/16/73 6lL7/72 6/17/72 142 142 3 /r4 /7 2 3/14/72 3/ L4/72 3/14/72 3/14/72 3/14/72 sl14/72 3/14/72 3/14/72 3/t4/72 3/14/72 3 /1 4 /7 2 3/ts/72 3/15/72 3 l L 5 /7 2 3/15/72 3 /L S l 7 2 3/15/72 4/os/72 4/09/72 7/rs/72 7/13/72 6 /2 9/72 6/29/72 sl 06/72 5/06/72 s/ 3a/72 5/30/72 4 /1 6172 4/16/7.2 sl 2 8/7s 3/28/73 7 7/13/73 /Lsl7s s/2 5/20/72 0/72 3/15/72 slts/72 s/1 3/72 5/13/72 3/15/72 slLs/72 6/27/72 6/27/ 72 3/15/72 slLs/72 5/03/73 s/0 3/73 3/15/72 3/ts/72 s/2e/72 5/29/72 3/15/72 3ltsl72 6/16/72 6/16/72 3ltsl72 3/15/72 6 l 0 7/7s 6/02/73 3/Ls/77 5/29/72 3/15/72 s/2e172 s/15172 3/15/72 7 7/15/73 /rs/73 3/15/72 3/ ts/ 72 s/a3/73 9/03/73 3/16/72 sl L6/72 s/2 0/72 5/20/72 3/16/72 3/16/72 s/1 4/72 5/14/72 3/16/72 sl 1 6 /7 2 sl28/73 3/28/73 3/16/72 sl 1 6 /7 2 s/1 5/13/72 3/72 3/18/72 3/tB/72 s/1 6/72 5/16/72 3/18/72 3/LB/72 e /1 2/72 9/12/72 3/18/72 6/28/ 72 sl rB l 7 2 6/28/72 3/18/72 3/18/72 s/rs/72 5/15/72 3/19/72 3 /re /7 2 6/A6/72 6/06/72 3/19/ 72 sl0s/72 3/rel72 9/05/72 3/19/72 3 l tsl 7 2 8/02/ 72 8 /A 2/72 slre/72 5/16/72 3/19/72 s/16/ 72 3/20/72 3/20/72 6 /0 s/72 6/09/72 sl sl 3r/72 3/20/72 zoltz 5/31/72 3/23/72 sl23172 sl sal72 5/30/72 79 79 154 154 431 431 95 95 26 26 l2l 121 107 107 53 53 77 77 33 33 378 378 485 485 66 66 59 59 104 104 414 414 75 75 93 93 458 458 755 7 487 487 537 537 65 65 59 59 377 377 588 5 59 59 178 178 102 102 58 58 79 79 170 l7A 136 136 58 58 81 Bl 72 72 68 68 Area Tagged T Area d Area Recovered Recoyered Area Ty?e Type 1/ 1/ Spruce Drift Spruce Drift Bend Big Bend S S Spruce Drift Spruce Drift UmpquaRiver tJmpqua River C C Spruce Drift Spruce Drift Reedsport Reedsport S S Spruce Drift Spruce Drift Gardiner Gardiner S S Spruce Drift Drift Spruce Unpqua River thTlpqua River C C Spruce Drift Spruce Drift Buoy 21 Buoy 21 S S Spruce Drift Drift Spruce laill 4i1l Creek Creek S S Spruce Drift liouth of Drift Spruce '1outh of Snith Smith S S River Spruce Drift Drift Bend Spruce Big Bend s S Spruce Drift Drift Urpqua River Spruce LJr!pqua River c C Spruce Drift tsuoy 20 Spruce Buoy Drift 20 s S Hinsdalers tlnpqua Hinsdale's River Umpqua River cC Spruce Drift l'louth of Spruce Mouth Drift of Smith Snith s S River River nf Spruce Drift I.Iorth Beach Drift Beach Spruce North N Spruce Drift Drift Bend Big Bend Spruce sl S Spruce Drift Drift Spruce S'cholfield Slough Slough Ss Scholfiold Spruce Big Bend Spruce Drift Bend Drift S S Spruce Drift Spruce Drift -C c Spruce Drift Big Bend Spruce Drift Bend M [{ Spruce Drift Spruce Drift l'{i11. Creek Mill Creek S S Spruce Spruce Drift Drift Buoy Buoy 20 20 S S e Hinsdaler s Hinsdale's Bend Big Bend S Hinsdaler s Hinsdale's UmpquaRiver Uinpqua River C c Hinsdaler Gardiner Hinsdale's s Gardiner Channel Channel Ss Hinsdalefs Hinsdale's PlaceySands Macey Sands S S llinsdale I s Hinsdale's Big Bend Bend S S Hinsdalers 1-linsdale's Umpqua Umpqua S S H insdalefs I-iinsdale's Unpqua River Umpqua River cC Hinsdalers Red Light Hinsdale's Red Light C c Hinsdalefs Hinsdale's Gardiner sS Hinsdalers Reedsport Hinsdale's Reedsport S S c Spruce Drift Drift Spruce Big Bend Bend S Spruce Drift Spruce Drift Unpqua River timpqua River C c llinsdale I s Itill Creek Hinsdale's Mill Creek S S H i n s d a L est Hinsdale's Umpqua UmpquaRiver River C c Hinsdalers Hinsdale's Linpqua River !Jmpqua River C c Spruce Spruce Drift Drift SchoLfield Slough Scholfield Slough Ss HinsdaLe's Gardiner Channel Hinsdale's Channel Ss Hinsdalet Hinsdale'ss UnrpquaRiver River Umpqua C c Spruce Drift Spruce Drift Big Bend Bend S s Spruce Drift Spruce Drift Buoy 20 Buoy 20 S s Spruce Drift Spruce Smith Drift Smith River River S S lvlaceySands Macey Sands Uinpqua Unpqua River River C c Spruce Drift Spruce Drift Dean Creek Dean Creek cC Hinsdalet Hinsdale'ss Umpqua UnpquaRiver River cC Lower Clark's Lower CLark's timpqua UmpquaRiver River c C . o 9. o o Table 4. Table 4. Tag Tag No. No. o o o o o o a . o o Continued Continued Date Date Length Sex Length Tagged .Sejx Tagged 3413 688 3413 6 3358 3 3 5 8 63 63 3416 34L6 59 59 61 61 2886 2886 2888 69 2 8 8 8 69 2889 104 104 2889 2891 2 8 9 1 67 67 2892 2892 50 50 3417 95 34t7 95 3431 56 343t 56 3457 60 s4s7 60 3460 64 3460 64 3462 3462 61 61 3464 55 3464 5s 3468 ss 3468 55 3471 60 347t 60 3489 3489 51 51 3501 3 5 0 1 101 101 3508 3 5 0 8 67 67 3604 59 3604 59 3514 3 5 1 4 67 67 3528 3 5 2 8 52 s2 3533 3 5 5 3 57 57 3537 3s37 57 57 3539 3559 42 42 3547 s9 3547 59 3548 35,{B 49 49 3550 433 3550 4 3554 35s4 46 46 3566 98 3566 9B 3570 3 5 7 0 57 57 3575 357s 103 103 49 3602 3()AZ 49 57. M 3606 3606 57 3584 3584 59 59 3597 3597 59 59 3621 362L 63 63 '1622 3622 57 57 3628 3628 62 62 3633 67 3633 67 3634 3634 98 98 3643 57 3643 57 3640 3640 69 6 3654 3654 81 Bl 3659 3659 59 59 1/ A Symbols: --- 3/26/72 3126/72 3/26/72 sl26/72 3/30/72 3/ 30/72 3/19/72 3 /L e /7 2 3/19/72 3 l L sl 7 2 3/19/72 3 /L e /7 2 s/Le/72 3/19/72 3/19/72 3 /re /7 2 4/03/72 4/osl72 4/03/72 4/ A3/72 4/06/72 4/ 06/72 4/ 06/72 4/06/72 4/06/22 4 /0 6 /2 2 4/06/72 4/a6/72 4/06/72 4 /a 6 /7 2 4/06/72 4/ 06/72 4/10/72 4 /7 0 /7 2 4/11/72 4/rt/72 4/14/72 4 /1 4 /7 2 4/17/72 4 /1 7 /7 2 4 /tB /7 2 4/18/72 4 /2 s/7 2 4/25/72 4/26/72 4/26/72 4/26/72 4 /2 6 /7 2 4/26/72 4/26/72 4/27/72 4/27/72 t, N 4/27/ 4 /2 7/7722 M fi -nt N I-{ --- ------ td N N t{ ------F F --- --- N N l't' --- N M N ------ -ill -- N l!l -- 4/28/72 4 /2 8 /7 2 5/01/72 s/ 0t/ 72 5/01/72 sl ot/72 5/01/72 sl oL/72 5/01/72 s/ aL/72 5/02/72 s/a 2 /7 2 s/ 02/72 5/02/72 5/02/72 sl a2/ 72 5/02/72 s/ 02/72 5/02/72 s/a 2 /7 2 5/02/72 s/a 2 1 7 2 sl a2/72 5/02/72 5/03/72 sl 0 3 /7 2 5/03/72 s/ 03/72 5/03/72 s/ a 3 /7 2 5/05/72 s/ os/ 72 5/08/72 s/0 8 /7 2 5/09/72 sl osl72 Days Days At Date At Date Recovered . Large Recovered Large 5/15/72 s/ts/72 7/30/72 7 / 3a/72 6/01/72 6 / Ar /72 6/04/72 6/ 04/72 5/09/72 s/os/72 9/24/72 e/ 24/72 3/03/73 s/03/73 7/-- /tz 7/--/72 s/ 3L/73 5/31/73 7/2s/7s 7/25/73 6/25/72 6/2s/72 5/06/72 s/06/72 8/15/72 8/ ls/ 72 7/13/72 7/t3/72 6/27/72 6 /2 7/72 6/14/72 6/ lr:/ 72 6/15/72 6 /L s/72 8/10/73 8 l L 0/7s sl 2 1/73 5/21/73 6 1 2A/73 6/20/ 73 s/1 4/72 5/14/72 s/2 8/72 5/28/72 1972 r972 7 /AL/72 7/01/72 3 /rsl 73 3/13/73 8/11/73 Bl tr/ 73 sl 1 6/7s 5/16/73 6/A4/72 6/04/72 6/04/73 6/A4/7s s5/15/ / r s /72 72 1973 I973 7/ 7/09/73 Ae/7s 5/18/73 5/L8/ 73 5/14/72 5/14/72 7/02/72 7/02/72 7/01/72 7/01/72 8/19/72 8/Le/72 6 /ABl73 6/08/73 5/31/73 sl 3L/73 3/11/73 3/ LL/ 73 4/a6/73 4/06/73 sl Le/73 5/19/73 s/ 5/01/73 01/73 5/19/72 s/rs/72 5/29/72 s/2e/72 50 50 126 t26 63 63 77 7? 51 51 189 189 410 410 423 423 478 478 80 B0 30 30 131 131 98 98 82 BZ 69 69 66 66 486 486 402 4OZ 429 429 26 26 33 33 66 66 321 32L 471 47L 384 584 37 37 399 399 14 14 434 434 377 377 12 L2 61 61 60 60 109 f09 402 402 394 394 312 3L2 338 338 381 381 361 361. 11 1l 20 20 Rgcovered Area Recovered Area Area Tagged Tagggd-,{lrea Type Type 2/ {,/ l{insdaLeI s 1-iinsdale's Umpqua River UmpquaRiver Gardiner Channel Spruce Sprucb Drift Drift Channel Mill Creek Mill Butler ButLer Creek Creek Cieek i.lacey Sands Nacey Red Light Light $ands Red Smith River 1!acey Sands tlacey Sands Smith Macey l{acey San4s Ranch Noelfs Ranch Sands Noel's I'{aceySands Buoy 21 21 Macey Sands Buoy !.lacey Sands Nacey Bend Sands Big 8end Otter Slough Otter Slough Smith Smith River Otter Slough Otter Buoy 20 20 SLough Buoy Otter Slough Otter Slough Gardiner Otter -Otter Slough Slough -Otter Otter Slough Slough Otter Otter Slough Reedsport Slough Reedsport Otter Otter Slough Buoy 21 21 Slough Buoy Otter Slough Gardiner Slough Gardiner Otter Otter Slough Slough Smith River River Noelts Ranch Buoy 20 Noel's Ranch Buoy 20 Spruce Drift Buoy Spruce Buoy 20 Drift ?0 Buoy Hinsdalets Buoy 20 20 Hinsdale's H i n s d a l e Is Hinsdaie's Gardiner Gardiner Channel Channel Miii Creek Big Bend t{ill Big_Bend Creek l'lil l Creek Mill -Creek l4ill Mill Creek Creek Smith River P.iver l,iill Nih Creek l,li11 Mill Creek Creek Creek Mill lt{iIl Creek Gardiner Creek l'{i11 Creek Mill River Upqua Creek UppquaRiver t Hinsdale s Hinsdale's Providence Providence Creek Creek liaeey Sands Macey Sands Umpqua Uupqua River River Macey ilacey Sands Sands Umpqua uruSyRiver River Macey l4acey Sands -Sands llacey Sands Macey Sands Buoy Buoy 20 20 Macey l,laceySands Sands Umpqua River UmpquaRiver l4aceySands Macey Sands Smith Snith River t.iacey Sands Flacey Sands Smith River River i.'tacdySands Macdy Sands -:: l4aceySands Macey Sands -l,,laceySands Macey Sands Umpqua UmpqqaRiver River llacel' Sands Macey River Sands Urnpqua Unpqua River l'lacey Sands Macey l"{i11.Creek Sands Mill Creek iliaceySands Nacey lloel I s Ranch Sands Noel's Ranch l'lacey Sands iacey Sands Umpqua UmpquaRiver River Miii i.'li11Creek Providence Providence Creek Creek Creek 'lacey Sands llacey Sands Smith Smith River i.{aceySands Macey River Sands tJmpqua Unpqua River C C= = C'ommercial, M = = i'loytaLity, CornnexeiaT.,M Mortality, R R = = Reeqture Recapture by tagging tagging crew, erstrJ, S = Sport. Sport. f C S S S C S S S S S S C S S S S S S S D S S S s c s s c s s s S: S: S S c S sS S s S S S S S S S S S C S s c s C c C S S S S cC M N{ S S s s c S S C C c S S S C s c R R s c S C o 10. 10. o Table Table 5. 5. o Location and and lJurnber Location Number of of Striped Striped Bass Bass Tagged Tagged in in the the Smith and l,Jmpqua and iiinpqua Smith Rivers, June-septernber, June-September, 1972 Rivers, W7Z Location Location o Nunber Number llorth Fork North Noel.I s Ranch Ranch Noel's Otter Slough Sl.ough Otter B l a c k t s Island Island Black's Scholfield Slough Slough Scholfield Spnrce Drift Drift Spruce I 1 3 3 I1 1 1 10 Total Total 19 3 3 o Table 6. Table 6. o Tag No. No. 3669 3669 3684 3684 3674 3674 3673 3673 Tag Tag Recoveries Recoveries of of Striped Striped Bass in the the Smith Bass Tagged Tagged in Snith and and LlmpquaRivers, Rivers, June-September, June-September,1972 Umpqua 1972 Date Date Len Length Sex Tagged Ta Sex 56 5 49 49 4 400 5 577 ----- Days Days Date Date At At Recovered Large Recovered sl20/73 3/20/73 8/A2/72 6 8/02/72 /04/73 6/04/73 8/as/72 5/19/73 8/09/72 slrel7s 8/ s0/72 6/11/73 8/30/72 6/tl./Zs 6/ 24/ 72 6/24/ 72 269 269 306 306 283 283 285 285 Area Tagged Spruce Beach Beach Spruce Otter Slough Otter Slough Black's Island Black's Island Scholfield Scholfield Slough Slough Area Recovered Recovered Area ltill Creek Creek Mill Snith River River Smith Smith Smith River Unpqua River River Umpqua = Recapture Syntbols.. R ff = Reeqtute by tagging tagging crew, !/2/ Symbols: creu, a C = commercial. Cormr,ereiaL. a 1973 L973 From March l'larch 55 to to May From 1973, 420 420 striped May9., 9., lg7s, striped bass bass were given a were tagged, given left ventral ventral fin fin clip, left clip, and and released, released, including including two two fish fish tagged tagged in previous in previous S a years that thlt wereiresapfuilt: vears recaptured, gl.ven a 'eft ventral rin.,{;'*,;; fin k"p, and 1eaed, giV*' "_ tele'qrel, i1*,G*trar Twowhite vrhite Two tt1rgeofl 6nd greensiurgeon Fturgeon stureegnwere rrerealso d one oe green ;agged (Tabl9 7) also'fugged fiaurg'zl. ' r-o.- o S fl S . a ' :-' : Type Type 1/ R c C c C e C o 11. 11. o a Table 7. Table 7. Location and and Number Nunber of Fish Tagged of Fish Taggedin Location in the the Smith Snith UnpquaRivers, and Umpqua and Rivers, 1973 1973 Number Location LOcation a O Spruce Drift Spruce Drift Hinsdale I s Hinsdale's I'lacey Sands Macey Sands i'iill Creek Creek Mill Otter Slough Otter Slough Luder Creek Luder Creek Providence Creek Creek Providence The The Cutoff Cutoff Red Light Red light Total Total e Striped-Bass Striped Bass SturBeon Sturgeon I I I 00 00 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 7 54 54 9 9 I1 272 272 56 56 3 3 1 1 t177 g 0 420 420 3 3 The 1973 1973 commercial cotunercial fishery fishery returned returned 33 plus one The 33 tags plus one tag that was was tagthat found tangled tangled in gill net. in aa gill found net. The sport sport fishery fishery returned returned 29 The 29 tags, tags, including including which was one which was removed tenoved from one from the the fish fish and and the the fish fish released. released. Three fish Three fish were recaptured recaptured by by the the tagging tagging crew (excluding those fish were crew (excluding fish recaptured recaptured on on the samenight the same night they were were tagged) (Table (Table 8). B). VALIDITY VALIDITY OF OF PETERSEN ESTIMATES PETERSEN ESTII,IATES a A Petersen popuJ.ation A Petersen population estinate estimate tnay may be nade made uihen when either either the the marked marked fish becone randonly distributed fish become randomly distributed in the population population before before the the second second sample in the sample Ij is taken, is taken, or, or, the second second sample sample is is selected selected at at random randornfrom population. from the the population. Ricker (1958) listed listed six six conditions" Ricker (1958) conditions, that that if met, should if net, should assure assure that that these these criteria criteria are are met. met. a Each condition, condition, as Each as related related to present study, to the present study, is is ,liscussed below. below. discussed I') Mwked 1) Marked fish suffep the the same sune natural natt*al mortality norta|itg tmmarked fish. the unmarked as fish suffer aa the fiah. There was was little Little evidence evidence to There to either either support support or or contradict contradict this this assumption. assumption. o o Three dead tagged tagged fish fish were were reported reported in Three dead in 1972 Ig72 and and one one in in 1973. Lg7S. The The dead dead fish fish in in 1973 1973 reportedly reportedly showed showed signs signs of of infection infection around around the the insertion insertion of the tag of the tag and had had severe severe abrasions abrasions where and where the the stub stub of of the the clipped clipped ventral ventral fin fin rubbed rubbed I against against the the abdomen. abdomen. t 12. 12. o t Striped Bass Taggedin Tag Recoveries of Striped Bass Tagged in the Smith Smith Recoveries of Tag L973 and Rivers, 1973 and Umpqua Umpqua Rivers, Table 8. 8. Table Tag Date Date Tag Date Date N o . Length Sex Tagged Tassed Recovered Recovered No. Length C o I oo a * I r le o 3743 3703 3704 3704 3705 3705 3708 3708 3727 3727 3690 3690 3695 3695 3699 3699 3744 3744 3746 3746 3754 3754 3757 3757 3769 3769 3776 3776 3782 3782 3787 3787 3788 3788 3793 3793 3795 3795 3797 3797 3807 3807 3309 3809 3 810 3810 3814 3814 3820 3820 3824 3824 3839 3839 3841 3841 3842 3842 3863 3863 3B65 3865 3866 3866 3867 3867 3853 3853 3872 3872 3883 3883 3893 3893 3894 3894 3895 3895 3911 59lr 3916 3 916 3 927 3927 3934 3934 3944 3944 3960 3960 3969 3969 60 60 76 76 69 69 5 577 6 633 55 55 69 69 7 733 58 58 59 59 57 57 56 56 5 58B 61 61 6 68B 5 588 56 56 65 65 6 622 7A 70 57 57 57 57 6 655 58B 5 75 75 5 599 60 60 599 5 599 5 66 66 5 533 67 67 62 62 5 58B 7B 78 54 54 5 599 60 60 58 58 67 67 78 78 64 64 61 61 6 633 62 62 6 600 -- ------- M M --l'.lt M ----t,f It M -----l.,t !i --- -- M !'! -tl M tr M tli ----i4 U --- -- ;U F 14 U ---- ."4 sla8/73 3/08/73 3/08n3 3/08/73 3/asl73 3/08/73 sl08/v3 3/08/73 3lo?/73 3/09/73 3/13/73 3/13/73 3/r3/73 3/13/73 s/t3/73 3/13/73 sl13/73 3/13/73 s/tsl73 3/13/73 3 /14/73 3/14/73 3/14/ 3/14/73 73 3/Ls/7s 3/15/73 3/t6l7s 3/16/73 3 /16/73 3/16/73 sl16173 3/16/73 3/76/73 3/16/73 slLe/73 3/19/73 3lLsl73 3/19/73 slts/73 3/19/73 3/Le/73 3/19/73 3/te/7s 3/19/73 slLe/73 3/19/73 3/20/73 3/20/73 3/20/73 3/20/73 3/2a/73 3/20/73 sl20/ 7s 3/20/73 3/20/73 3/2a/73 3/20/73 3 /2 A /7 s sl 2 1 /7 3 3/21/73 sl 2 L /7 3 3/21/73 3 /2 r/ 7 3 3/21/73 3/ 21/73 3/21/73 3 /2 2 /7 3 3/22/73 3/22/73 3/ 2?/73 3 /2 6 /7 s 3/26/73 3/27/73 3 / 2 7/ 7 3 s/2 7/7 3 3/27/73 3 /2 7/ 7 3 3/27/73 4 /A 2 /7 s 4/02/73 4 /0 s/7 s 4/03/73 4/ As/73 4/05/73 4 /A S /7 3 4/05/73 4/os/7s 4/05/73 4/06/73 4/06/73 4/10/73 4/ Lol 73 8 123/7s 8/23/73 t973 1973 4/ 0s/73 4/05/73 s/rgl7 s 5/18/73 s5/03/73 l03173 L973 1973 v/t4/7s 7/14/73 s/19/73 5/19/73 s5/18/73 lrsl73 sl2r/7s 5/21/73 7/t6/7s 7/16/73 s5/15/73 /Ls/7s 6/02/7s 6/02/73 6 / L 7/ 7 s 6/17/73 6/rgl 73 6/18/73 Bl2s/73 8/25/73 sltgl7s 5/18/73 4 /te/7s 4/19/73 5/27/73 s l 2 7/ 7 s s/asl7s 5/03/73 5/18/73 s/18/7s 7 /27/7s 7/27/73 5/16/73 sl 16/73 9/05/73 e/0s/7s t973 1973 5/18/73 s/LB/73 9/28/73 s/28/73 s5/17/73 i i 7/ 7 s 4 /2s/73 4/23/73 4/16/73 4/16/73 s5/19/73 /rs/73 4 4/05/ / a s 73 /73 Days Days At At targe Large 1 68 168 28 28 71 71 5 'S5 L23 123 67 67 66 66 . 669 9 L?4 124 62 62 79 79 93 93 94 94 162 L62 63 63 31 31 69 69 45 45 60 60 130 130 58 5B 169 169 59 59 192 192 5 588 34 34 26 26 59 59 15 l5 6 6/18/73 /rB/73 B9 89 c/2,2173 92 6/22/73 92 B l ) . 1 / 7 s 142 8/3.1/73 L42 s/LB/73 5/18/73 53 53 E l22/73 5/22/73 56 56 s/2s/73 1 80 9/23/73 180 6/ 30/73 6/30/73 95 95 6 /02/7s 6/02/73 61 61 5/21/73 sl2r/73 48 48 6/04/73 6/04/73 60 60 sl 2s/ 73 50 5/25/73 50 6/08/73 6/08/73 64 64 ., 4/08/7s 4/08/73 2 7/20/73 7 /20/73 101 101 Type Type Recovered Tagged Area Recovered Area Tagged Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Creek Luder ('reek Creek Luder Ludet Creek Creek Luder I"uder Creek Creek Luder Luder dreek Luder creek tuder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Creek Luder Li:der Creek Creek Ltder tuder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Creek Luder Creek Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Luder Creek Creek Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Creel< Luder Creek Creek Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Luder Creek Creelt Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Creek Ilinsdale I s Hinsdale's Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Luder Creek Luder Creek Creek Luder Creek Creek Luder Luder Creek Creek I'lacey Sands Sands Macey Reedsport Reedsport - Garcaner Gardiner Red-I,ight Red Light --- Buoy 18 18 Buoy Rivet' t{* Rivei Umpqua UmpquaRiver limpqua River 20 Buoy 20 Buoy Buoy 18 lB Buoy River Unpqua River Umpqua River Unpqua River Umpqua Buoy 21 21 Buoy UmpquaRiver thnpqua River i,{ac€I Sands r'acey Sands River Umpqua UnpquaRiver Slough Gardiner Slough 1/ 1/ S S S s M M c C S S S S S s c C (. C S S S C C S S C S S C s c c c c R R c UmpquaRiver thiipqua River C Buoy 21. Buoy 21 R.iver Umpqua UnpquaRiver Buoy 21 Buoy 2l UrnpquaRiver River Umpqua Ranch N o e l r s Ranch Noel's S'. S4. -- UrnpouaP.iver timpqua River Reicisport Reedsport River Umpqua UnrpquaRiver Providence Creek Creek Providence 0tter Slough Otter Slough River Umpqua Unpqua River Jimmy Jinny Creek Creek River Umpqua Umpqua River Umpqua Umpqua River River Buoy 12 Buoy 12 Snith River Smith River Umpqua UmpquaRiver River Reedsport Reedsport UnpquaRiver River Umpqua UmpquaRiver Umpqua River Buoy 20 Buoy 20 Brandy Bar Bar Brandy Smith River Snith Unpqua River River Umpqua Smith Snith River Joyce Joyce Creek Creek c C S S C C S S cq C S C R R R R C S S C C SS C C C c c c c S c c C C S S S S C c c C s S S S o 1 3. 13. o c Table 8. Table 8; Continued Continued Tag Tag No. No. Date Date Length Length Date Date Sex Tagged. Sex Tagged Recovered Recovered rd 3977 3977 3985 3985 3998 3998 3999 3999 3 987 3987 59 59 6 666 5 555 68 68 59 59 I 2904 2904 2917 2q17 2934 2934 2942 2942 53 53 93 93 95 95 58 58 6 611 61 61 7 777 I:l 1.7 t 2944 2944 2946 2946 2952 2952 2953 2953 297A 2970 297t 2971 c Ifl 4/La/73 4/10/73 4 /t7/73 4/17/73 4l18/ 7s 4/18/73 4/t8173 4/18/73 4 /19173 4/l/73 t973 1973 6 / Lsl7s 6/13/73 s l 1 7/ 7 3 5/17/73 7/tu7s 7/11/73 7/20/73 7/20/73 57 57 29 29 84 84 92 92 - 4 '/2 4 /7 3 4/20/73 4/26173 4/26/13 4 /2 7l 7 s 4/21/73 4 / 2 7/ 7 3 4/27/73 6 /2e/73 6/29/73 6/ 02/73 6/02/13 6/a6/73 6/06/13 6 /20/73 6/20/73 7A 70 37 37 40 40 54 54 -- 4 /2 7 /7 3 4/27/73 26 26 24 24 33 33 -- s/23/7s 5/23/73 4 /2 e /7 s 4/29/ 73 sl 23/73 5/23/ 73 4 /2 9 /7 3 6/01/73 6 /0r /73 4/29/73 4 /2 e /7 s 6/02/73 4/29/73 6 /A2/73 s/o 5/01/73 t/ 7 3 6/rs/7s 6/19/73 6 677 -- sl 0 L /7 s 5/01/73 sl22/7s 5/22/73 2l 21 2974 2974 7S 75 -- 5/ 01/73 s/22/73 5/22/73 21 2l 297s 2975 71 7L -- 3/01/73 sloL/ 7s 6/16/7s 6/16/73 46 46 2992 2992 2996 2996 2998 2998 0808 0808 0810 0810 62 62 --- 5/07/73 sl07/7s sla7/73 5/07/73 sl07/7s 5/07/73 s/ a8/73 5/08/73 s/08/73 5/08/73 5/24/ 73 s/24/73 17 L7 41 41 7 733 62 62 72 72 433 4 97 97 58 5B synbols: !/1/ Symbols: t Days Days At At Large Area Tagged Area Area Tagged Large Area Recovered Recovered 11 -* ri r.f 1' -- --- M ri I,i -- 74 I'i M M -- 's/or/73 6 /17/73 6/17/73 sl 30/73 5/30/73 e /08/73 9/08/73 s/23/73 5/23/73 34 34 49 49 23 23 123 L23 15 15 FlaceySands Sands Macey ir,.lacey Sands Macey Sands Ludef Creek Cieek Luder tuder Creek Luder Creek Providence Providence Creek Creek Sands Macey Sands Macey The Cutoff Cutoff The Macey Sands Sands Macey Providence Providence Creek Creek ltiiaceySands Sands Macey l.lacey Sands Ilacey Sands l"lill Creek Creek Mill l4ill Creek Creek Mill Providence Providence Creek Creek Providence Providence Creek Creek Providence Providence Creek Creek Providence Providence Creek Creek Macey lfacey Sands Sands Macey MaceySands Sands lJinsdaleI s Hjnsdale's Macey l4acey Sands Sands Red Red Light Light o o o n'laceySands Macey Sands Llnpqua Iimpqua River River River Unpqua UmpquaRiver Buoy 20 20 Buoy Buoy 16 16 Buoy S S C C C C S S S S Unpqua River Uripqua River C C UmpquaRiver River Umpqua C C Sctrolfield S Slough S Scholfiëld Slough River UmpquaRiver Umpqua C C Scholfield Slough SLough Scholfield River Snith Smith River Unpqua River River Umpqua LlrupquaRiver River Umpqua Buoy 20 Buoy 20 S S C C UmpquaRiver River Umpqua C&" e/ C C C C S S Scholfield Slough Slough S!/ Scholfield S/ q Reedsport Reedsport S Umpqua UnpquaRiver River Umpqua Unpqua River River Snith River Smith Buoy Buoy 21 21. t-laceySands Macey Sands C c c =" MM == Mortality, C = Commercial, MortaLiW" RR == Recapture Reeqtwe by tagging crew, by tagging erai, = Sport. 5 S = Sport. Tagwas aas tangled tcvtgled in 2/ Tag in sill g,iLLnet net with with no no fish. a fish. qnd the yeLeased. 3/ Tag remoued and Tag uas was removed was released. the fish a/ fish was Type Type 7/ 1/ cC C c D S C c a L4. 14, o a Fish Commission inspected rnany Comnission samplers samplers inspected the recaptured fish fish at at Fish many of of the buying stations conmercial buying 1972and 1973. stations in in 1972 and 1973. commercial Fish that that were were inspected showedno no abnormal abnornal external external signs signs of at the tag insertion. of infection infection at the tag showed insertion. In In fact, fact, once once a tag tag was was renoved removed from a fish; fish, it it vras was often often difficult difficult a to detect detect aa tagged tagged fish without close fish without close inspection. inspection. to (1.963)reported Chadwick (1963) reported Chadwick doughnut-shapedproliferations corinective tissue and considerable considerable necrosis doughnut-shaped proliferations of of coinective tissue and necrosis around the spaghetti tags rnade around the insertioni insertions of of spaghetti made of of Temflex lemflex tubing, tubing, after after 6 tl nonths. months. Such severe conditions were not observed presant study, conditions were during the the present study, Such severe observed during even on fish fish at year. at large large for for over over 1I year. even on Innediate tagging Immediate tagging mortality mortality rvas was nrininized minimized by holding holding fish until they fish until a were able able to to swim. st'tin. were when several fish were few occasions when On aa few several fish were captured captured ,On within aa short short time, tine, fish be released fish had had to to be released without without this precaution. within this precaution. Immediate 57 fish 35 of Immediate tagging tagging mortality mortality was was 37 fish in in the the spring spring of of 1972, of which 1972, 35 ,ro were captured Swere captured in in a single single school and exceeded the the crewfs crew's capacity capacity to to get get and exceeded fish gill net before they the gill they died, fish out out of of the died, and three fish aild three fish in tg71. in 1973. 2) 2) I lflarked Markedfish fishare areas as uulnerab\e vulnerabletoto the the fi.shing fishing being being carried caryied on on as as wmarked fish. the wirnarked fish. Tagging ceased ceased when when the the commercial conmercial fishery fishery began. began. Thus, differential of tagged Thus, differential capture rate rate of tagged fish not fully fully recovered fish that that had had not from the the stress stress of of tagging probably minimal. tagging was was probably from minimal.' t There was evidence There was no no evidence that fish fish tagged immediately prior to the opening that tagged immediately prior to commercial fishery opening of of the conr,nercial fishery were caught caugllt at at aa different different rate than fish were rate than fish tagged tagged in early spring. in early spring. There is is danger danger that that tagged There tagged fish gredter chance fish had had a greater chance of of becoming beconing t entangled gilL nets. in gill entangled in nets. (1961) and Lerrris (1959) showed Lewis (1961) and Davis (1959) that Petersen showedthat disc disc tag tag returns returns of of striped striped bass l*ere were sipgrificantly significantly greater selective greater in in selective gear (gill nets) jaw ring than were hrere streamer gear (gill nets) than streaner and and jaw ring tags. tags. petersen disc disc Petersen tags were were purposely purposely avoided present study avoideti in in the the present tags for this study for this reason. reason. o o 1 5. 15. o a One tag was was found found entangled entangLed in gill net in aa commercial commercial.gill One tag net in in 1973, 1973, apparapparently having been been torn torn loose loose from fron the ently having the fish. fish. tlhether the the fish fish tore tore away away Whether frorn the the tag tag or or the the fisherman fishernsR inadvertently from inadvertently ripped ripped the the tag loose while while tag loose renoving the the fish fish from frorn his his net net was was not known. If removing not known. If the the former fonner was was the the case, case, a then the fish fish had had to to be be reasonably then the reasonably free free of of the the net net and and became becane tangled tangled only only because the the tag tag became becane snagged. snagged. because 3) 3) a Irteked fish Lose their their mark. Mc,yked fish do do not not lose napk. To date, r3ate, tagged tagged striped striped bass bass To have have been been recovered rdcbvered up to 33 years after being being tagged taggeC with up to years after with spaghetti spaghetti tags. tags. Alperin (f966) recovered recovered striped Alperin (1966) striped bass tagged with with bpaghetti-dangler tags paghetti-dangler tags up to years after to 44 years up after tagging. tagging. t The tagS from from these these fish fish were The tags were still still securely attached. attached. To conrputePetersen Petersen population To compute population estinates estimates it it was was only onLy necessary necessary that that the fish fish retained retained the the tags for the for 3 to to 4 turtil, the end end of 4 nonths, months, until of the the commercial cornrnercial fishing season. season. fishing It was the tag tag loss was significant loss was It was unlikely unlikely the significant in in that that short short a time. time. a Samplers exanined 1,980 1,980 commercially comnercially landed Samplers examined landed fish (62%of the fish in in 1973 1973 (62% the O total catch) catch) and and counted counted 25 25 fish total fish with with a a left left ventral ventral fin fin clip. clip, these fish lacked lacked tags. these fish tags. Three of of Three There was was no no measure neasure of There whether these were of whether were real real tag tag losses losses as as they they could have have resulteC resulted fron from uncooperative fisherlnen fishermen maliciously removing renioving tags, tags, sport sport fishermen maliciously fishermen removing renoving the the tags tags and and releasing releasing tlte (this happened the fish fish (this happened on Least one at least on at one occasion), occasion), or or fishermen pulling pulling the tags tags and and returning the returning them thenr to to us at aa later Later date. date. us at ltrhenthe the latter Latter occurred, When occurred, the fisherman fisherman was was questioned the questioned as as to to when when the the fish fish was was caught; caught; anrd, and, if if a fin-clipped untagged rmtagged fish fish had had been been noted fin-clipped noted in in the the catch catch for for that that day, day, it was it was corrected and and counted counted as as aa tagged tagged fish. corrected fish. 0nly one one such such correction correction was was made. nade. Only Three fish out 25 fin-clipped Three untagged untagged fish out of of 25 fin-cl.ipped fish fish represented represented an an estimated estirnated tag loss of of 12%. tag loss LTeo. The The total total nurnber number of of tag returns returns in in 1973 1973 was corrected by was corrected this amourt to to correct correct for for tag this amount tag loss loss. o 16t 16 4) yutdpmlg mixed Matked become randomly Marked fish fish become with the mi,red with the unmarked; unmarked; or, the on, the dr,strLbution distribution of of fishing effont fishing effort subsequent sampling) 6nsubsequent (in is proportional sorpling) is pnopontionaL to to the nrrnber ofoffish the number fish present present in in different geogrqhieal areas. d|fferent geographical @eas. r tested I tested for random fandom mixing mixing of of tagged tagged fish fish by for by comparing cornparingsize size ranges of tagged ranges of tagged fish fish a witti fish fish captured captured in in the the commercial with conmerciat fishery. fishery. Randommixing mixing was assured Random was not not assured if fish from fron these two groups were if the the fish two groups of equal equal size, size, but groups were of but if if the two groups were of of unequal wrequal size, si?e, random randon mixing rnixing was wasless less likely were likeiy to to have haveoccurred. occurred. a In In 1972, the 1972, the rnean mean length length of of fish fish in in the the comrnercial commercial fishety fishery was grearer was 0.96 0.g6 cm cm greater than the the mean nean length length of the (Flgure 2). the tagged tagged fish than fish (Figure 2). This difference difference was was This ett-testrr with unequal testecl tested by by the the 't-test" with unequal saniple sample sizes (Snedecor, with a (snedecor, 1956), with a a resulting tt vaLue (p = 0.236) resulting value of of 1.20 120 (p 0.236). fu 1973 19ZSthe meanlength Length of fish In the mean fish in in the commercial cotnnercial landings landlngs was was 1.54 1.54 cm the Less than cm less than the the mean nean length length of tagged of tagged (Ftgure 3) fish = 0.012). 3) with (p = fish (Figure with a a tt value of of 2.54 2.54 (p 0.012). ro Thus, no no difference Thus, difference in nean lengths was apparent in in 1972; in mean lengths was apparent whereas, in lg72; whereas, in 1973 lg73 the Drean lengths mean lengths urere different. different. were The difference in The difference was apparently in 1973 L973 was apparently due due to to a nunber number of of (less than 50 cm) smaller fish fish (less smaller in the the commercial crn) in comrnercial fishery fishery which were were not o tagged. tagged. The striped striped bass bass in i:r the the commercial commercial catch in The in Coos Coos River in in April April are are predominantly (unreported Fish males (unreported predominantly males Fish Commission Commissiondata). data). o occurred on on the the Umpqua UnpquaRiver, River, a disproportionate occurred number of of nales males may disproportionate nunber may have have been tagged. tagged. been Deterrnination of sex was inpossible for Determination of sex was impossible most of of the for nost the fish fish that were were tagged. that tagged. O If the same If the sarnecondition condition If mostly rnales were were tagged, If mostly males tagged, Petersen Petersen estimates estimates were h/ere stilL if these fish fish randomly still valid valid if randomly mixed mixed with with females and were fenales and were equally equally recruited recruited to fishery. to the the comn'.ercial cornn',e:rcialfishery. 5) b o tlatks yeeouer7. Marksare are recognized recognized m.d and reported reported on on recovery. The bright bright orange The orange or yellol or yellow spaghetti spaghetti tags tags r^:ere were highly highly visibl.e and narked visible and marked fish were easily easily fish were recognized by both sport recognized sport anglers and and commercial comnercial fishermen. fishernen. Once Once commercially commercialLy 17. 17. o o ol . o (> FI q a (4 Ct EA -t (tt. {J S thF .r{ P oo mor 'c, r D . 1- €l e) r{ rd .r{ ( J c \ ol F|atMl L e at (.) c .o .r{ oo !a (\ o\r\o b6 b0il [ (rl F- €tX .r. g'sto El n rr (o) atx 1- +J b0 6 . a a h 0.) .p 0) o ctr x F{ a U a 4- a +) & a c) I- Fl (} J4 FI o C t\ gi OO c o Xounbti t2U3IOd ,{cuonbe.rg a'ricluacra d S the from Sampled and Tagged Bass Striped of Frequency Length Frequency of Stripod Bass Tagged and Sanpled fron the esnnerclal, Cateh, Unpqua and snith Rivers, L972 Length 2. 1972 Rivers, Smith and Unipqua Catch, Connercia1 ) Figure 2. Figure b ' C ') ' LI) .O N c.1 t) - LI) '0 N CO O 18. tB. a 0 . 0 0 0 a Lr +J a ((l (J >. a cI F. q q F.l 0) a (c aa d .dootQo UF li <f st 9-l\g tri Fil u 'c3cOr C9. 'IJ Ff L? O.(|\O I?1 I T90 bo b0 O it lr I (! o L' trtx 03 *, (l) gt E .Fl ..4 .lJ c it a) 0) (-) 0 E{ CrX a e _________________A ---t::ii 4 ri g .p b0 s: o hl j4 OO Fr o h - 0 c o CO N- 'O L J N- - o eEeluac.rad Xzuenbeij ,(cuenbarg 02B3U931Qd o o Figure 3. Figure 3. Length Frequency Frequerrcy of of Striped Length striped Bass Bass Tagged Tagged and and sanpled Sampled from fron the the Comrercial Catch, Unpqua Commercial Catch, Umpqua and and Smith Smith Rivers, Rivers, 1973 lg7{ Co 1 9. 19. caught caught bass bass reached the the buying buying station station they they were were repacked repacked and and iced iced down, down, the dealer nrould the dealer would easily easily notice notice tagged tagged fish fish as as the the catch catch was was packed. packed. The number nurnber of of reported reported tag The tag returns returns at at the the two two main buying stations main buying stations t';as checked checked against against the the number nunber of of fish fish landed landed at was at each each station station in in 1972 1972 and and t 1973. 1973. Striped lanclings were were reported Striped bass bass landings reported in pourds so in pounds so the nunbers numbers landed landed were g.4 lbs estinated by using an an average average rteight were estimated by using weight of of 8.4 (n = lbs in lgTz (n in 1972 = 370) 370) and 9.1 9.1 lbs lbs in (n == 1,705). in 1973 and 1973(n 1,70s). a The ratio ratio of of each each company's The companyfslandings randings to landings, nultiplied to the the total total landings, multiplied by the number of the total totaL nurnber of tag tag returns returns for for both cornpaniescombined, gave an both companies conbined, gave an "expected" number of of tag tag returns returns for "expectedrt nunber for each company fish were company if if tagged tagged fish were randornly randomly distributed distributed within within the the catch catch an<l and both both o conpanies companies reported reported all all tags tags processed processed through their their plants. plants. These expected expected These returns were compared with actual returns returns were compared with the the actual returns by aa chi-square chi-square test goodtest of of goodness of of fit, fit, adjusted g). adjusted for for continuity (snedecor, 1956) continuity (Snedecor, ness (Tabre9). 1956)(Table oc a The conputed chi-square chi-square value The computed value in (p == 0.033) Ln 1972 1972 was was 4.64 4.64 (p 0.035) and and in in 1973 was (p = 0.621). 1973 was 0.28 0.28 (p Thus in in 1972, 1972, tagged tagged fish Thus were not reported fish were equally by by both equally both companies. conpanies. This could have This could have been been due nonrandom due to to a nonrandon distribution of marks in of marks distribution in the the catch, catch, but but as as a practical practical matter matter I believe I believe that all commercially comnercially caught tags were that not not all were recovered recovered in in 1972. 1972. The The low low chi-square value value in in 1973 1973 suggested chi-square suggested that that both both companies companies reported tagged bass bass reported tagged o at the the same at sane rate. rate. This low low chi-square chi-square value value and and the fact This fact that that only only three three fin-clipped fish fisir were were examined exanined that fin-clipped that did did not not have have tags, tags, indicated indicated the tag return return rate rate in in the the 1973 1973 couunercial commercial fishery fishery was probabLy very was probably good. very good. ro 6) 6) Onl-g a a negligibZe Only negligible anrowt* amount of of neeruitment recruitment to to the the catchable catehabT.epopuT.aaioy population oecu?$ dt*ing the time time the occure during the recoveries reeoueyLes arc arc being being made. made. Growth of striped Growth of striped bass tine of (1,'rtarch-l{ay}and bass betr+een between the the time of tagging tagging (March-May) and the the time tine of recovery from of recovery from b o the commercial conmercial fishery (ivlay-June)is fi-shery (May-June) the negligible (based (based on unreported Fish is negligible Comnissiongrowth growth data). Commission data). Therefore, it is is unlikely Therefore, it unlikely that that any any significant significant 20. 0.28 0 o t/) frt'l 50 Cf 'Fl g)P l$ .!.t +, 21.02 c) 6t oo@ Fl C.r tA Oro\OodO Glcf,MtF{d F{ <l 0.18 oo 23 63.7 OOFta!.)i{() \oo\oGrc{ (\t c) 11.98 Company A >E o o t\OF{ o 0.10 33 33 3,152 r{) (\t Fl +) C! a v) 10 oc) oo c\l !4 36.3 th v) 2,007 O Eit o9i (JE Fl 1,145 t{ CB C6 ar) \0 18,268 ,r1 d 1973 Company B +rh c) b0> .r-'l tr oo 10,420 Striped Bass Landings, Tag Returns, and Computation of Chi-Square Values Comparing the Rates of Tag Returns of the Two Major Commercial Buying Stations on the Umpqua River, 1972 and 1973 a) € i 28,688 Total S c\l @({ (, q { to{, r x Eo) OE hl C( \O r.o O C\t o Number Landed Table 9. 18 1.81 10.96 2.83 7.04 tr'g|./l c!obo F:tl(s hEF{o q-{ (d o. +roo o&, Ft{ uto l+{ b0 ..o 'd \, ooo(llE Tr'OF"5 qtrq,Zc) (B(db0t+{tr *lbldO€r0 +rc)5 AFitrti.FrCf "o(t)q)(l)(J|d) C..oO,OOI i]EtrEa..,{ op0)Sx.c tuzo"zr$(J Pounds Landed w to r$ t-" 18 d .d k+rr- o 6 uI a0 +J (lJol V)&ea Ol (\lf\$l Fl ta F{ ' ( ' o9g{ . r , ocs o tO 12 F{q|61 \O \O r+ c'l (4 boF\ o CSOI cdF"r .r.l 60.9 3,066 !f, FIOOO Chi-Square o F{ r35 H+l r! 0) ,-t lo Expected Number of Tags Oi) t4 gtr .Ft \o F{ Number of Tags Reported 6O o rn (\ 39.1 G +.1 ' i+t [< F\\OO\OOF{ 6r \o \o \OO Percentage of Total Landings o bt.c Ol('r@ 1,969 a L') 25,627 |,)CE gE: 5r 50 +r3 O t-. 1972 F* Company B o() GI <it 00@sf o Company A t w \JE €(J ro }/) ()C) 5,035 5c) 91. Fl oo oc 42,088 +J F{ (d(B +J.Fi 4.64 r(r \o oco Total o .Ft 16,461 O o 2r. 21. gill net, to the number of the tagging net, became became of small fish, fish, unrecruited r,mrecruited to tagging gIll nurnber recruited recruited during season. There Theie was during the commercial connercial fishing fishing season. vras probably aa (frorn Figure snall small amount amount of of recruitnent recruitment in in 1973 1973 (from Figure 3) 3) but but not not enough enough to to significantly affect significantly the results. affect the resul.ts. t RECRUITED POPULATION ESTIMATES POPULATIOII{ RECRUITED ESTI}.{ATES Population estimates (1951)modificaPopulation estinates were Bail.eyfs (1951) were computed corputed using using Bailey's modification tion of of the the basic Petersen Petersen equation. equation. o Confidence were estinated estimated Confidence limits linrits were by the methods rnethodsdescribed (1948). by (1948). described by by Chapman Chapman fish I assumed that that all I assdned all fish landed by the commercial landed were checked even though connercial fishery fishery were checked for for tags even though Fish personnel did Corunissionpersonnel physically examine Commission did not not physically exanine each each fish fish for for aa tag. tag. o This assumption was This assumption was probably false based on unequal return faLse in in 1972, 1972, based the unequal. on the retum of of tags from frorn the the two two buying buying stations. stations. oo In 1972, 1972, 430 In 430 bass bass were were tagged, and and an estimated 5,035 were were landed landed in in comnercial fishery, the commercial fishery, including including 18 LB tag tag recoveries. recoveries. Based Based on on these these data, data, = 69,996 the estinated recruited the estimated population was was 113,973 with N N = recruited population IL3,973 fish, 69,996 and fish, with and o U fNr ' == 190,524. 1 9 0 , 5 2 4 . The T h e estimated e s t i n a t e d rate e x p l o i t a t i o n was w a s0.042. r a t e of o f exploitation A.042, In In 1973, 420 420 bass bass ruere were tagged, an estj.nated estimated 3,206 3,206 were were Landed landed by by the connercial fishery, fishery, and tags nrere the commercial were recovered from the ancl 33 33 tags cornnercial the commercial o fishery. fishery. The total total tag recovery was corrected The recovery was corrected for loss with rrrith aa resulting for tag tag loss resulting estimate of of 38 estimate 58 tags tags recovered. recovered. population was The estimated The estirnated recruited was recruited population = 24,816 34,537 fish, fish, rvith 34,537 with I'l N = 24,816 and F == 48,475. and N 48,475. o exploitation was was 0.090. exploitation 0.090. The 1972 1972 estimate was hrasrecomputed The the landings landings from recomputed using only the Company from Company (Table 9). A (Table A 9). to o The Tha estimated estirnated rate rate of believe that that Conpany Company A II believe A returned returned tags ata rate. ata reliable reliable rate. The 12 12 tags tags returned The were corrected L4 tags tags based based on returned by Company ConrpanyAA were corrected to to 14 on the 1973 1973 estimate estimate of 12%tag tag loss. loss. af 12% The corrected corrected estimate of the recruited The recruited o 22. 22. popuLationwas population was 56,473 tr02,447. The The corrected 56,473with Nry == 32,343 32t343and and ilN =* 102,447 corrected . estimated rate exploitation, asuniing of exploitation, estimated Company B have rate of assdning that that Company B should have returned, tags returned tags at the same sane rate rate as ConpanyAA was was 0.084. at the as Company 0.084. The corrected 1972 1972 exploitation exploitation rate The estimated 1973 rate of of 0.084, and and the estinated 1975 I e:gloitation rate exploitation 0.090 are rate of of 0.090 conparable. are comparable. population The The recruited recruited population decreased 56,473 fish fish in decreased from fron 56,473 in 1972 1972 to to 34,537 34,537fish ftsh in decrease in 1973. 1973. This decrease is is not not alarming alarming and and is is no no doubt doubt due due to to the the doslnant do1nant 1966 1966 brood brood year of striped of striped o being removed bass being population through natural and mortality renoved from the population through natural fron the and fishing fishing nortality along with with reCuced reduced recruitnent recruitment of of brood years years following following 1966. 1/ 1966, U (L973) estimated Aney (1973) population of Unpqua Aney estinated the striped bass bassinin the thetJmpqua the population of striped o River Ln'!,972, River in 1972, based based on tagged fish fish released in in the the spring spring and sumrer summer of of L972, and 15 L5 tags put 1972, and put out by the lTildlife Commission Comnissionduring the the Oregon Oregon wildlife during the summer. sunmer. He He used harvest of 41 tagged tagged used the estimated sport of 6,036 fish fish and sport harvest and 41. aS oo fish fish recovered in in the the sport sport catch to to conpute compute a recruited recruited population population of of 66,661. As 661661. As Aney was complicated by releasing Aney noted, noted, however, however, this estinate was this estimate releasing population throughout tagged fish fish into into the the population throughout much nuch of the sport fishing of the sport fishing o season. Recruitment season. Recruitment of new fish rluring of new fish into into the the catchable catchabl.e size size range range during the spert spc"t fishing fishing seascn the population size seascn could have have overestimated overestinated the real size real population at at the the time time of of tagging, tagging, while while the the capture capture and and subsequent subsequent release release of of fish fish o beyond the the bag (I bag limit lirnit could have beyond population (I have underestimated underestimated the real real population an am assuming assuming that that an angler angler would selectively selectively keep keep a tagged fish fish rmder under the the latter condition). latter condition). o l'4ypopulation population estimates My estimates were were restricted to fish to the restricted to recruited to the fish recruited corunercial fishery fishery while while Aney's Aney's were rrrerefor to the commercial for fish fish recruited the sport recruited to sport fishery. fishery. Both small small and Large members Both population are not not fully and large nernbers of the popul.ation of the to full.y recruited recruited to b y1/ The Ihe dominance dominozce of the 1966 broodyear year was wasbased basedononecale scale malysis analysis of of of the 1.966brood the age dLstrf.lsution the distribution of catch. of the con2mercrtal conrnereial ectch. l. 23. 23. the gear. the comnercial commercial gear The size size frequency frequency histogran fish in The histogram of of fish in the the sport sporr fishery (Figure (Figure 4) 4) shows shows relatively rel.atively high percentages percentages of fishery of small srnall and larg6 and large fish contribute more heavily to more heavily to the the sport fish which which contribute sport fishery fishery than than to to the the cOmconmercial fishery. mercial fishery. o . Considerlng the differences differences in in recruited populations to recruited populations Considering the to each fishery, each fishery, /ueyts estimate estimate of of 66,661 66,661 bass bass recruited recruited to to the sport Aney's sport fishery, fishery, and and ny my estimate of of 56,473 56,473 bass bass recruited recruited to to the estimate the commercial comnercia!.fishery, fishery, were were oof O comparable comparable magnitudel magnitude I,{IGRATION PATTERNS MIGRATION PATTERNS The small small number nunber of of striped st?iped bass bass that that were vrere tagged, The tagged, coupled cotryled with with the t lack specific recovery recovery area area data data for lack of of specific for most most of of the the commercial connercial tag tag returns, madeany any critical critical analysis analysis of of migration patterns impossible. returns, made migration patterns irnpossible. I. oo There several returns returns from Srnith River from Smith River of There were were several of fish fish tagged in in the the Unipqua, Urnpqua, and which suggested suggested that and vice vice versa, versa, which that striped striped bass bass in in the the two turo rivers rivers are not discrete discrete populations. populations. not o However, no no tags tags were were returned However, returned from fron any any areas areas outside of of the the Smith srnith and andiirnpqua unrpquarivers, outside rivers, indicating indicating the the population population is is confined to to the the basin. confined basin. ACISIOIIILEDGPIENTS ACKNOJLEDGNENTS o Neil Gary Hostich, Neil renEyck, TenEyck, Gary Hostick, and Hjort were and Randy Randy Hjort were the the primary prinary field field workers responsible responsible for for tagging tagging of of the fish fish and workers and monitoring nonitoring the the commercial comne:ncial return of of tags. return tags. o Other Other Fish Fish Comnrission Commission enployees employees who who participated participated in the in the tagging Dennis Isaac, Isaac, xlerlyn tagging work work lvere were Dennis Merlyn l{ough, Hough, Reese Reese Bender, and and Bill Bill l'{ttll.arkey. Mullarkey. Earl Morris, Morris, .a a co$urercial Earl commercial fisherrnan fisherman fron from the the Umpqua Umpqua River, River, assisted in in the the tagging operation assisted operation in in 1972. 1972. David David Anderson, Anderson, Oregon lrJildlife Oregon Wildlife comnission, collected collected tag tag return Commission, return information information from fron many nany of the the sportsport- 'S o caught striped striped bass. bass. caught o 24. 24. I a (n h O .P .rl *, tr 0) o) 4., o (-) U .o s.P o0 I t: 0 a o o -4 -4 -4 00 I!) J o Auonboi.j fcuanbo.rg ofu3uac.re6 t3U9OJ.d b Figure 4. Figure 4. Frequency of Sport Catch, Catch' Length length Frequency Bass from from the t]re Sport of Striped Striped Bass Aney, 1973) 1973) (based on data from Aney, fton data Umpqua Rivers , 1972 tlryqua and and Smith Srnith Rivers, 1972 25. 25. TI.TERATURE CITED LITERATURE CITED Alperin, I. 9. ll. 1966. Alperin, I. 1966. Dispersal, migration, and origins of and origins of striped bass Dispersal, migration, striped bass frorn Great from Great south South Bay, Bay, Long Long lblandr I1and. New NervYork York Fish Fish and and Game Jour., GaneJour., 1 3(1):79.Lt2. l3(1):79.l12. ltt. W. hey, W. l''r. 1973. 1973. Umpqua Aney, Umpquastriped striped bass basS sports fishery survey, sports fishery survey, 1972. ig7|. Oreg. State GaneComm. rYimeo. 35 p, Oreg. State Game Conn. Mimeo. 35 p. Bailey, Bailey, N. N J. J J. on J 195r. estinating the size 1951 slze of On estimating of rnobile mobile populations from recapture data. data. Biometrika, from recapture Biometrika, 38:293-306. 58:2gS-366. calhoun, J. 1953r A. J. Calhoun, A. Aquarium 1953 tests of tags tags on on striped striped bass. Aquarium tests bass. Fish and and Game, Garne,39(2):209-218. Fish 39tZ)2209-2L8. o o calif. Calif. chadwick, H. K. K. 1963. Chadwick, H. 1963. An finevaluation evaluationofof five fivetbg tagtypes typesused used in in a striped striped bass mortality nortality rate rate and and migration migration study. bass Fish and study. Calif. calif. Fish Gane, and Game, 6 4 -8 3 . 4 9( 2 ) ::64-83. 49(2) chapman, D. G. G. 1948. Chapman, D. A rnathematlcal 1948. of confidence limits A mathematical study of lirnits of of salmon calcul.ated by by sample salmon populations populations calculated tag ratios. sample tag ratios. Int. Pacific Pacific mt. salr.ronFish Fish Comm., conn., Bull. l,ld. 2, Bull. No. 2, pp. pp. 67-85. 6z-8s. New Salmon Newl'Jestninister, B.c. estminister, B.C. Davis, W. trf. S. s. 1959. Davis, 1959. Field Field tests tests of Petersen, streamer, of Petersen, streamer, and and spaghetti spaghetti tags on striped (inlalbaum). Trans. bass, Roccus Roccussaratilis saxatilis (Walbaum). tags on striped bass, Trans. Amer. Amer. F i s h . Soc., S o c . , 88(4):319-329. Fish. B B ( 4 ): S t 9 - 3 2 9 . OO Fish Commission Comrnissionof of Oregon OregonState Oregonand and Oregon State Game GameCommission. Fish Comnission. 1946. 1946. The The Unpqua River study. Umpqua River study, Mimeo. l-{imeo. 85 p. 85 p. R. N. 14. 1961. Lewis, R. 1961. cornparison of of three striped bass Comparison three tags on striped bass in in the the ChesapeqleBay Bay area. ChesapeaJe area. Chesapeake Chesapeake Sci . 2(l-2):3-8. 2(l-2):3-8. Sci. a O l,{ullen, E. L973, 1ulIen, R. E. Ecology 1973. of shad shad and and striped striped bass Ecology of bass in in coastal rivers coastal. rivers and estuaries. estuaries. Fish and Fi-sh Comm. Comrn.Oreg., Annual Annual Rept. July July 1, to l, 1972 LSZZto Jr-nre30, L973. Flirneo. June 30, 1973. 12 p, Mimeo. 12 p, Ricker, Itl. B. Ricker, W. E. 1958. 1958. Handbook Ilandbookof of computations computations for for biological biological statistics statistics populations. Fish. fish populations. of of fish Res. Bd. Bd. Can., Fish. Res. Can., Bull. Bull. 119. llg. Ottawa. Ottawa. 3 300p. 00 P. snedecor, C. G. W. I',1. 1956. Snedecor, 19t56. Statistical statistical l.iethods. Methods. Ames. 5 Ames. 3 4 p. p. 534 o b 'S o pless, Iowa State state Univ. Iowa univ. Press,