3.46 PHOTONIC MATERIALS AND DEVICES Homework Assignment 1—February 8, 2006 Due: February 15, 2006 Si Ge LiNbO3 BaT1O3 ε (static) ε0 11.7 16 43 3600 1. What is the expected relationship between n (υ) 3.5 4 2.27 2.46 ε (dielectric constant) and n (index ε0 of refraction)? 2. Give an estimate of the frequency υ (Hz) for an optical wave in the near infrared? 3. Why do the elemental materials differ from the oxides in the observed ε (static) and n ( υ )? relationship between ε0 3.46 Photonic Materials and Devices Prof. Lionel C. Kimerling Homework 1 Page 1 of 1