TWG-SIO4 Poultry House By H. R. Sinnard W. L. Griebeler N. L. Bennion Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Oregon State College, Corvallis Station Circular 174 May 1948 OREGON STATE COLLEGE Poultry House W!RLG.R hs NC,, T' ppd I RE I 2,RE b!d$ Tb!It.-1y pIty hI!th PI. If dl II If IRS S di dSpld SIIgtI f Lflt S hi 5®b,d ith IllS Nil ±5015 it lit 11 flitititig) ihuitid hit 12 titIhil hAiti lttilIlt&tdi gilillil liii 5th liii 15uSd hi bid Sight, fligliu,thiithi huh, if hi Nitfug A Si lip If hi 1111 lhuttu,gi .14-thiS it, I-it, 8-itlib 111±1,111 hluiku,uttti liii 'liii iuuittii bitlli fit, tlpitllhup.l.i,uti hit 40 Iiiltkiiplhipiill,iihii, c0000, 000o To p00000O 00100iog of No 000o oo f000do000 fl000 ff000 th 00000f&0!oo oNto 000 to o1000 000oofl 000001 too doptfl of Of ioot000 0000tflo0000001tfl100fl0000000000000 00200 thiok00000000oto f000 000doo ho o00000000000 Tootp .0,000 (0000 (ho F0S0000 Otto otoo( ho t0000d (00(000 Otto S000 to p00000 To o0100hokot0004 oohoototd0000ag00000oth0000o000100000tt000d p000 (ho 0000000to 0000 0(00 og000000( It to 0(00 dootoob(o to p(000 0 (oyOO of ooptoo(t 00(00 p00000g OOPOO 00000 (Ito g0000I bO000 tot0000tO 0 W0000at 00(004 000000000 pottotoot000t 0000t 00000o 2000 opp000ttoototy 04 ot000000toto000 000(00 000tOO. Tho ot000 Oto oIl 2 foot 000 0000000 to 0100000000(0 h0000 of 0(020. Soppoot (ho otod Soot 00,10 0002o4 obftofl (Lodgoo) opikoa0000001y10000floOo2 Sot t t&t (0 otto oott001 00 loot-I 100tt ((0gS) Soto 00,0 hot000tt (to- 000tkltog oot( oh000 (ho doopptog p00 oo Otto ot2o 00 otto dootot000tho (op too ot00000too 0000j(Ot000. C0000 (ho 00(0120 of too 0(oOt0000ttO2O Tl000pottog0000ttlototooa000flo(t(000000kt(ot- (Ojothollto001ootthoott 000000000 hO 000;000foopoottttgootooy fto000hototototd000 pooko( to 2ooigoo2 jo(toiotoo(O 000tOO a0000d. 00 Otto g0000 to 000000(02 tottoo (ho 0004 to 0000 botog too000 S'.' CCUL.S 174 th,t SWN thjN N h 5!Idi!g NthN fLtf3d tpldNty83tth Ngth*f,flbWldNg (N kd fl Thy flNd!g N O v[! d Nh 3 4 Na N h!pf5, N5.3d Nh U 3tflUd U. DUtjUtUtt1U (h(,,thU UUIUg. TN bNId,UgIUidU,,UNUI UIUIydtfldU!NUfbUltUII;pUUhN TN AUphUlt ,h..g (btttU MS 40pttttUtI d t,y N ttIt,Ud t tfli,tgN. (F dto S.C. 1TNtts,t, ISPIUtU 540 UN C S Ag!iUUIIUU IttttUt? BUISIN 1743) UUItt]g tttMUt3UN hUIhU&dUhU, U U!tUU P &tttttI UI tOls UUUIUUtUUUUUPU (IOU ho,tto UUIh sit ily Ut shp flUtt plot. IN tiNts ittglt IyBtttstgtdU4Ittt btht0N0ItthStlOhptt. ttshlo hUOpUIItStgg-gUIhpUUgUtUIU rd, gftfl tp1b ,S&!!d Ih,g ptk&pthS dkS. pSd ±,,lJJ hlf pOI@gt (h ;d th S gg S t hIk *d Aid At. Sh C(AIt]Il II A 88,152 fr' gd I II. A 25 tSOIyg gtII 8-I @1 IAI lh liLly A I Ad h8-A I! th 8-AlL 881115,885,55885 tI,, pdlty S s 8-SIll, IA 6 EXPERIMENT STATION CIRCULAR 174 Electric wiring Electric outlets and switches are shown on the drawings. Vaporproof fixtures and conduit are required where the walls and ceilings are to be hosed down. Nonmetallic sheathed cable may be used if care is taken when the house is cleaned and washed. For complete information on regulations for poultry house electrical wiring, confer with a licensed electrician or the State Electrical Inspector, Bureau of Labor, Salem. A master control switch to control all the lights in the house should be provided in the feed room area on the first floor. Ordinarily, lights are used on laying hens for either a few hours in the morning or a few hours in the evening. Such lighting may be accomplished by use of an automatic time switch in conjunction with the master switch. Evening lights should be dimmed in some way in order to warn the hens to go to roost before the lights are turned off completely. In. general, dimming is accomplished by placing special resistance in the lighting circuit. Many dimming devices are on the market. Space the lights as indicated in the drawing and use the watt size specified with reflectors. Reflectors should be adjusted to provide direct light on the hens. Control of wet litter Litter moisture in well constructed houses comes mainly from the droppings and from condensation of water vapor. When drinking fountains are placed over the dropping pits near the back of the nests as shown in the plan, one major source of moisture is eliminated. Whenever the temperature of a poultry house floor falls below the air temperature in the house and the air is damp (high relative humidity) water condenses on the litter. Many methods of control through floor heating have been used but each Fire and rodent control are both difficult problems especially in frame houses. Special equipment and proper design are required for each type. Hot air circulated between double floors or under a house between the ground and the floor or in tile or ducts under the floor have been used. Hot water circulated through pipes or copper tubing in concrete or with wooden floors is has its limitations. satisfactory but more costly to install and difficult to obtain. Heating by means of special electric cable placed in the floor is now in the experimental stage. WINDWARD ELEVATION (NORMALLY NORTHWEST) SCALE 0 10 5 5 2 OPTIOIIAL DELIVERY PLAFUfiM SECTION CPOS ,RETAININS WALL RO)Nfl LIIE T (EARTH FILL) I I (OPTIONAL SIDEHILL LOCATION) SOUTHWEST ELEVATION NORTHEAST ELEVATION (OPTIONAL RAMP FOR LEVEL SITE) As 5-' II?'- 48O" I II I 1111 7' 75W....2X3RJOSTS (FLAT) \ FOObT IN H1__1 j_36 75W REMOVABLE FLOOR PANELS .,........ -- FOR CLEANOUT 500 HENS 500 HENS ESWITC ON :k1AIL 'jOOW = '. IOOW S CELEONVENIENCEO FLOO (., 5 -, (6O / -- 8-0 IOOW ' LITTER 0 STORAGE,< 8'- 0" S - 01W ' 40-0" U " UARD : 48-0 4-0" 0 8 SW 8 SECTIONS r : 80 IIIIIFi: BIN -. = j 36 jQ WATER - 80 80 a II - - .." 48-0" WALL 2X4 STUDS U 2-0 O.C. 48'('" 40-0" 0" 8 I I SECOND FLOOR PLAN 112-0 FIj niHuimmuiHiniuildiHiHHhiiIiH :'.a s-a' - - - 4Q '-0 48-0" A '" 8-3" ROOST. IN 8 SECTIONS 5 ------------8X8 5 POST SWI ,,' - II / -5 4-2X8 GIRDER-7 : s 100W U ALL WALLS 2X4 S UDS 2-0' O.C. - ' 5 ! INSULATED :'_." ;I_ i :_a' 4) - -X8 POST EGGSTORAG. -- s.a' s_a' 4-2X8GIRDR' ""' IOOW U U LOUVER 1Z-dQi A 4_o-' 1 I-Id t "H: '-10' IU' 5 FAN + ....80 2(4 4 _____ -0-0 WORK AREA -- WORKARE.''IIU , ?dI?OI - I U ,..UDUCTS H: --- 5 5 500 HENS 5 W U:; FEED STORAGE DRIVEWAY s_a' , 500 HENS IOOW - TIME :..a' .U. 75W W 75W s. I IIIUIIIIIIII1HIII1IUIUIJUIUH!1iiII 75W ' DRIVEWAY -Ia 111111 HuIflHIH0fl FEED EjIN IIHILINhIIIIIIIIPIIIIIIIIHIIIUUII !011 2 X 3 R.OSTS FL_(&L() . - H: HB TROUGH Uo 84) EGG STORAGE IjIjT__. I Pjb.! ALTERNATE STORAGE (FIRST FLOOR) FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE 0 5' 0' 5 DOOR LOCATION IF OUTSIDE DELIVERY I RAMP TO 2ND FLOOR STORAGE IS USED MESH NETTING ON OUTSIDE OF STUDS (OPTIONAL SET BET I-lOX 3-5" BARN SASH FEN STUDS DOWNSPOUT COOPERATIVE RESEARCH B EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE & HOME ECONOMICS OREGON STATE COLLEGE CORV,ALLIS, OREGON DEPTS. OF AGRI. ENG. B POULTRY HUSBANDRY U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE COOPERATING TWO STORY POULTRY HOUSE LEEWARD ELEVATION (NORMALLY SOUTHEAST) SHEET I OF 3 PLAN NO. 2.89 DESIGNED BY H. ft SINNARD,R.A., W. L GRIEBELER OREGON W. L.G. N. L. BENNION1 J. E. PARKER 1*3 - 3%" 0 20d NAIL 4'/" B)LTS 2 x 4 RAFTER S - 2 0" 0. C. NO. I-I6"-/2 SHINGLES COLLAR BEAM- 2-0" 0 2*6 JOISTS-2'-O"O.C. 3%" EXPOSURE 2" REVOLVING VENTILATOR HOOD 2*4 RAFTERS GUTT ER 2*6 BLOCKS-2'OC 1*6 HINGED FLAP 12 18-0" LONG 2-0' O.C. 4' BOL S '8 WITH WASH AS 5' G. I. PULLEY 2" O.D. VENT. SHAFT WITH DAMPER 4-0" LONG SASH WALLBOARD DOUBLE PLATE CORD / I x 6 VERTICAL I E - 2-0" O.C. SASH 1*3 STOP 4'* %' OX 4*' BOLT BOLT OPTIONAL VENTILATING SYSTEMS CORNICE DETAIL Ix42O" 0.0. 4" BOLTS SHEATHING 4-20d NAILS BOLTS /8 x 4 BOLTS ." 20d NAILS= 2*6 SPLICE PLATE 6' LONG I BOLTS o - 16"- 5/2 SHINGLES - 34" EXPOSURE SEE EXT. BULLETIN NO. 540 OR EB. NQ 1751 5" G.I. GUTTER *4 FINISH CEILING- 4* BLOCK BRIDGING FOR WALLBOARD SHEETS *6 ' WALLBOARD SH.E STOCK I'-IO"x 3'-S" SASH OPTIONAL TO FIT IN FRAMED OPENING WITH I" NETTING ON OUTSIDE OF STUDS 2*6 KNEE BRACE 8' 'I *6-8 0.0. BETWEEN W'tNDOW BAYS BUTT JOINT WITH METAL FRAMING ANCHOR ID" x 2- 5" SASH STOCK 2x6 SILL 2* 4 CONTINUOUS SILL WINDOW STORAGE SPACE STRAP HINGES 4APART 7'- 0" 3-0" 4'-O" 2*3 ROOSTS LAID FLAT APPROX. iiII 6 GA. - 2" MESH NETTING 2"O.C. -2' 0.0. FINISH FLOOR OR 2x REMOVABLE FLOOR PANEL SELECT STRUCTURAL N N CROSS BRIDGING NO.1-2* 8 JOISTS - r4'NLON *8 JOISTS - 6' LONG- 2-0" 0.0.-" NN 4-2x8 GIRDER-LAMP REFLECTOR WINDOW GUARD FOR N 2*4 LEDGER8 x8 POST 8 OCJ N . DELIVERY PLATFORM (IF RAMP IS USED) BLOCK BRIDGING 2-0' O.C.-z--- /4* 2" STEPPING ' TIP-IN SASH- USE SIMILAR GUARD ON SECOND FLOOR ASPHALT' /2 / 1DIAGONAL SUB-FLOOR - 2-0' 0.0. JOIST TIES- 2' I0I BLOCK VBR IDGING 2*4 RIBBON *4 I 1*12- 8O" LONG OR GALV. WIRE 2 0" --WALLBOARD - INN 2*4 RIBBON 1-10" x 3L5" SASH OPTIONAL TO FIT IN FRAMED OPENING WITH I' NETTING ON OUTSIDE OF STUDS STOCK HANDRAIL N N \ N 3-2*10 STRINGERS-V'' N" N-.. 2*4 REINORCING- -IO" x 3-5" SASH 2*6 SILL STOCK CONCRETE RETAINING WALL IN N N- I WINDOW STORAGESPACE I , I I WALLBOARD WALLBOARD N STRAP HINGES 4' APART 7'- 0" 2*3 ROOSTS APPROX. LAID FLAT '-2" 0.0. 2" SEE FARMERS' BULLETIN NO. 4"TLE -, 0 SEE FARMERS' BULLETIN NO. 1772 3'8 CONCRETE 4 SLOPE OPTIONAL BOLTS- 8O" 0.0. EARTH FILL TRUCK RAMP 2x4 KICKBLOCK MAY BE ON EITHER OR BOTH SIDES OF BUILDING IF USED. N i- 'xI2" ANCHOR R Ix 12- 8'-0" LONG GRAVEL BACKFILL 5/B'xI2"ANCHOR N N -- 5'/z" GRAVEL FILL 4"AG. TILE 1-6" .4" SQU RE 869 4'- 6'- 0" COOPERATIVE RESEARCH & EXTENSION WORK IN 30'- 0" AGRICULTURE & HOME ECONOMICS CROSS SECTION A-A' (BALLOON OREGON STATE COLLEGE FRAMING) CORVALLIS, OREGON SCALE 2" S 0 2 3' 4' 5' POULTRY HUSBANDRY DEPTS. OF AGRI. ENG. & U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE COOPERATING 6' TWO STORY POULTRY HOUSE OREGON w. L.G PLAN NO. 2.89 SHEET 2 OF 3 DESIGNED BY' H. R. SINNARD,R.A., W. L.GRIEBELER N. L. BENNION, J. E. PARKER