PLSC 385-1 [21683] Judicial Process & Behavior MW 9:30-10:45 419 Pray Harrold Dr. Henschen Office: 601Q Pray Harrold Phone: 734.487.3113; 734.487.1398 Hours: MW 8:30-9:00; 11:00-11:45; 2:00-3:00, and by appointment This course will focus on the role that courts play in the American political system. We will compare federal and state court organization as well as methods of judicial selection. We will also explore the behavior of lawyers and litigants in the judicial system. After examining trial court processes in criminal and civil cases, we will turn our attention to decision making in appellate courts, with special emphasis on the U.S. Supreme Court. Finally, we will consider the relationships between courts and public opinion, interest groups, and the media, and we will examine the interaction that occurs between courts and other governmental actors in the implementation and impact of judicial policy. Books (required): Miller, Mark C. 2015. Judicial Politics in the United States. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Phillips, Steven. 1978. No Heroes, No Villains: The Story of a Murder Trial. New York: Vintage Books/Random House. In addition to a directed research paper, there will be three exams this semester. Reading and Exam Schedule January 5 Courts as Political and Legal Institutions Functions of Courts Sources of Law Miller, chapter 1 January 7-12 Court Organization Federal and State Court Systems Miller, chapter 2 January 14-21 Judicial Selection Miller, chapter 3 The Politics of Federal Judicial Selection State Judicial Selection Methods January 26-28 The Last Campaign DVD February 2-4 The Legal Profession Miller, chapter 4 February 9 Exam I 75 points February 11-27 Read No Heroes, No Villains: The Story of a Murder Trial February 11-18 Trial Courts: Criminal Cases Criminal Court Processes Courtroom Workgroups February 23-25 Winter Break March 2-9 Trial Courts: Civil Cases Litigation Decisions Civil Case Processes Miller, chapter 6 March 11 Exam II 125 points March 16-25 Appellate Court Processes Miller, chapters 7-8 The Business of Appellate Courts Screening Cases and Decision Making Processes Studying Appellate Courts March 30 Courts and Public Opinion Courts and Interest Groups Courts and the Media Miller, chapter 9 April 1-6 Legislative-Judicial Interaction Miller, chapter 10 April 8-13 Executive-Judicial Interaction Courts and Government Agencies Miller, chapter 11 Miller, chapter 12 April 15 directed research paper due 75 points April 20 Courts Beyond the United States Miller, chapter 13 April 27 Exam III 125 points Grading scale 375-400 359-374 347-358 331-346 319-330 307-318 291-306 279-290 267-278 251-266 239-250 < 239 A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF [94-100%] [90-93] [87-89] [83-86] [80-82] [77-79] [73-76] [70-72] [67-69] [63-66] [60-62] [<60%] 9:00 to 10:30 Miller, chapter 5 Summary of Graded Exercises: 02/09/15 Exam I (covering the material in Miller, chapters 1-4, and class lectures) 75 pts. 03/11/15 Exam II (covering the material in Miller, chapters 5-6; Phillips, all; and class lectures) 125 points 04/15/15 Paper (information regarding the paper will be distributed separately) 75 points 04/27/15 Exam III (covering material in Miller, chapters 7-13, and class lectures) 125 points Class attendance, good note taking, and careful reading are essential to doing well in this course. BE AWARE OF THE UNIVERSITY’S POLICY ON ACADEMIC DISHONESTY—GO TO WWW.EMICH.EDU/STUDENTCONDUCT/INDEX.PHP Additional information regarding classroom matters will be discussed in class. Check your university e-mail frequently for announcements related to class. If you need help with your writing, use the services of the writing center. UNIVERSITY WRITING CENTER 115 Halle Library 734-487-0694 WINTER 2015 SYLLABUS TEXT The University Writing Center (115 Halle Library; 487-0694) offers one-to-one writing consulting for both undergraduate and graduate students. Students can make appointments or drop in between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays. The UWC opens for the Winter 2015 semester on Monday, January 12 and will close on Monday, April 20. The UWC also has several satellite locations across campus (in Owen, Marshall, PrayHarrold, Sill, and Mark Jefferson). These satellites provide writing support to students in various colleges and programs across campus. The Pray-Harrold satellite (rm. 211) is open Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Other satellite locations and hours can be found on the UWC web site: The Academic Projects Center (116 Halle Library) also offers one-to-one writing consulting for students, in addition to consulting on research and technology-related issues. The APC is open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays for drop-in consultations. Additional information about the APC can be found at Students seeking writing support at any location of the University Writing Center should bring with them a draft of what they are working on and their assignment sheet. Important Dates Related to Course Registration Part of Term 1: 1/5/15 - 4/27/15 (15 weeks) 1/9/15 Last date to add courses via the web (a) 3/5/15 Last date to add courses with departmental authorization 1/14/15 Last date for 100% tuition refund (individual or total withdraw from term) 3/23/15 Last date for individual class withdrawal (with W grades) - No Refund 1/30/15 (b) Last date for 50% tuition refund (total withdrawal only) with W grades 3/5/15 (b) Last date for 25% tuition refund (total withdrawal only) with W grades 4/20/15 (b) Last date for total withdrawal from term (with W grades) -No Refund 1/14/15 Last date to declare pass/fail grading option or select to audit a course 4/20/15 Last date to remove pass/fail grading option and receive letter grade Codes (a) Initial registration occurring on or after the Part of Term start date will incur a onetime $140 late registration fee (b) Date applicable only if student's classes are ALL within the same Part of Term and/or a later starting Part of Term (**) A written request must be faxed to the Office of Records and Registration at 734.487.6808 before midnight