Political Science 308 POLITICAL VIOLENCE AND REVOLUTIONS Fall 2015 T TH 2-3:15 419 Pray Harrold Instructor: Nevena Trajkov Office: 601F Pray Harrold Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday 12:30-1:30 Office Telephone: 734.487.7786 E-Mail: ntrajkov@emich.edu Course Description (from EMU’s catalogue) Examines political violence and revolutions in comparative and international perspective. Considers theories and cases of structural violence rooted in social injustice, diverse forms and motives of political violence (such as war, rebellion, terrorism, ethnic conflict, national liberation); patterns and cycles of violence and non-violent alternatives; and the dynamics of revolution. Course Requirements The course grade will comprise of three exams, participation and a paper. Grading breaks down as follows: Assignments Exam I 8-Oct Exam II 10-Nov Final Exam 15-Dec Paper 24-Nov Participation All Semester TOTAL GRADING SCALE 25% 25% 25% 15% 10% A AB+ B BC+ 92+ 89-91 86-88 82-85 79-81 76-78 C CD+ D DF 69-75 67-68 64-66 60-63 55-59 <55 100% Exams 75% It is expected that you will be present for exams. Make-up exams will be considered only for extreme circumstances, determined by the instructor. Tardiness to an exam is unacceptable. If you are more than 15 minutes late to an exam, you will not be allowed to take it. All exams will be multiple choice/short answer essay. Due to the amount of information presented in this course, the exams will not be cumulative but rather cover the material presented for the appropriate period. The final exam is required. Students who chose not to take the final will receive a failing grade for the course. The final for this course will be 15 December from 1:30-3:00. Paper 15% Students are to write a 10-12 page case analysis in accordance with the one of the topics presented in class. You should address the following: 1. Why the need to further explore this topic (PROBLEM) 2. What is the central QUESTION your paper focuses on? 3. What is/are your HYPOTHOSIS/HYPOTHESES? 4. What does the literature have to say about your question(s)? (LITERATURE REVIEW) 5. What are your VARIABLES? 6. Presentation of your selected cases 7. What are your FINDINGS? 8 What CONCLUSIONS can you make? In order to assure that you are heading in the right direction, you must turn in your term paper worksheet (attached) to me by 13 October. Failure to do so will result in a 5% deduction on your paper grade. The purpose of this worksheet is to tell me about the case you are analyzing and how you will approach the organization and research of this paper. Please note that the paper requires a minimum of 10 scholarly sources (e.g., websites, especially Wikipedia are not considered scholarly sources…yes, you will have to go to the library or work from their website! http://www.emich.edu/library/) The assignment should be in Times New Roman 12 font, double-spaced with 1inch margins. Grammar is extremely important in your college career, so it will be a factor in your grade. When referencing other material, it is required that you use appropriate APA citations. Here are a couple of excellent websites to ensure a flawless reference list and avoid plagiarism: http://www.emich.edu/library/help/citing.php www.owl.english.purdue.edu In addition, you may find it beneficial to take advantage of the EMU’s Writing Center. It has helpful information posted online as well as the opportunity to meet with someone for a one-on-one session. Drop in, one-to-one consulting on writing, research, and technology is available at the Academic Projects Center , 104 Halle Library. The APC is open 11-5 Monday-Thursday. http://www.emich.edu/english/writing-center/ The assignment can be handed in throughout the semester (please!), but has a deadline of 24 November 2015. Papers should be handed in as hard copies (electronic submissions will not be accepted), stapled, and are due at the beginning of class. Late papers will not be accepted! Attendance Policy/Participation 10% There is quite a bit of information to be covered and attendance to lecture is the best way to absorb and retain the material presented. However, understanding life can sometimes bring disruptive events, you are each allowed 3 absences. More than three absences will result in a deduction of 1/3 a letter grade (e.g., you could have had an “A” but it is now reduced to an “A-“). Each additional accumulation of 3 absences further reduces the grade (e.g., 6 absences results in a B+ for participation and so on) Any absences due to religious holidays should be made known to me at the beginning of the semester and will not count. Tardiness Tardiness in excess of 15 minutes will be regarded as an absence. If you have special circumstances or a situation, please discuss them with me. Participation is a portion of your grade and discussion is highly encouraged. That being said, there are a few “rules” I would like to implement: 1. Arrive on time or endure the above mentioned consequences 2. Do not depart prior to the end of the discussion. Your attendance will not be honored. 3. Be respectful and open minded to other opinions (in political discussions, this can be a struggle!) In other words, please behave civilized. 4. Side “chatter” is prohibited. This includes cell phone use and “texting”. Please have cellular phones turned off. Access to Course Material All course material, including the syllabus, PowerPoint slides and reviews, are posted on EMU Canvas. Eastern Michigan University Code of Conduct/Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any sort (cheating, plagiarism, etc.) is strictly prohibited and is not tolerated. Violators will be reprimanded appropriately. Please reference the University Academic Integrity website for unacceptable behavior. http://www.emich.edu/campuslife/myfy/academics/academicintegrity.php. Special Needs/Accessibility If you are registered with the EAS office and require special accommodations, please see me so that we can set up appropriate arrangements. CLASS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 DATE ASSIGNMENT Introduction/Syllabus 8 Sept UNIT I: State Violence: “Legal” Violence: Introduction 10 Sept Colonialism, Repression, and Independence Movements 15 Sept Minority Repression 17 Sept Political Repression: Communism 22 Sept Political Repression: Authoritarian Governments 24 Sept UNIT II: Society Violence: Revolution Basics 29 Sept Types of Revolutions 1 Oct Civil Wars: They’re different 6 Oct EXAM I 8 Oct 13 Oct Resistance Movements: Violent/Non-Violent; WORKSHEET DUE Rebellions 15 Oct UNIT III: Intra-Societal Violence: Introduction 20 Oct Class Violence 22 Oct Ethnic Violence, Genocide 27 Oct Documentary 29 Oct Documentary 3 Nov Religious Violence 5 Nov EXAM II 10 Nov LIBRARY: MEET AT HALLE 12 Nov UNIT IV: Other Violence: Introduction, Coup d’état 17 Nov Domestic Terrorism 19 Nov TERM PAPER DUE, HARD COPY – NO CLASS 24 Nov International Violence: Main Causes of War 1 Dec Resource Wars 3 Dec International Terrorism/Counter Terrorism 8 Dec 10 Dec Wrap-Up FINAL EXAM IS 15 DECEMBER 1:30 p.m. Please be advised that the syllabi dates, topics, readings, and related activities, may be subject to change and readjustment at my discretion Please note these important dates: 17 September: Last date to withdraw with 100% refund 16 November: Last date for individual class withdrawal with a "W" grade (no refund)