Program Revision Guidelines EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OUTLINE FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS TO REVISE PROGRAMS Use this outline to prepare proposals to revise existing programs, including undergraduate majors and minors and graduate degree programs and certificates. Proposals for revising programs should be submitted in narrative form, using the following outline. Guidelines are on the following page. PROGRAM NAME AND SUBJECT CODE: HUMAN BIOLOGY MINOR (BIOH) REVISED PROGRAM NAME AND SUBJECT CODE (IF APPLICABLE): DEGREE: B.S. DEPARTMENT(S)/SCHOOL(S): CONTACT PERSON: BIOLOGY MARIANNE LAPORTE REQUESTED START DATE: TERM WINTER COLLEGE(S): ARTS & SCIENCES CONTACT PHONE: 7-4242 CONTACT EMAIL: MLAPORTE@EMICH.EDU YEAR 2011 I. Rationale We have found that students would like to include BIO328 Introductory Microbiology and BIO330 Neuroanatomy in their Human Biology minor programs. Both courses deal extensively with human biology and are appropriate for inclusion on the minor. We have been routinely substituting these courses on the minor and are now bringing the official program in line with practice. The course description for BIO328 is: Introduction to the biology of bacteria and other microbes; transmission of infectious diseases; and principles of, control of, and immunity to infectious diseases. A lecture/lab course. Credit Hours: 3 hrs Prerequisite: BIO105 and CHEM121; or BIO251; or SPMD 202; or BIO120 and all prerequisites require a C- or better grade The course description for BIO330 is: A lecture/laboratory course concerned with the study of the human nervous system, lesions and resulting disabilities. Credit Hours: 3 hrs Prerequisite: BIO252 or BIO326 II. Description of Current Program Required Courses: 4-5 hours One course from the following: • BIO 105 - Introductory Biology for Non-majors Credit Hours: 4 hrs • BIO 110 - Introductory Biology I Credit Hours: 5 hrs Elective Courses: 15-16 hours 15 to 16 hours of the following: Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 Program Revision Guidelines • • • • • BIO 251 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credit Hours: 4 hrs BIO 255 - Human Genetics Credit Hours: 3 hrs BIO 256 - The Biology of Cancer Credit Hours: 2 hrs BIO 257 - Human Embryonic Development Credit Hours: 3 hrs BIO 258 - Germs, Plagues and Human Infections Credit Hours: 3 hrs BIO 259 - Biology of Aging Credit Hours: 2 hrs • BIO 269 - Biology of Sex and Gender Credit Hours: 3 hrs No more than one course from the following: • • * BIO 252 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credit Hours: 4 hrs * BIO 326 - Human Physiology Credit Hours: 3 hrs Minor Total: 20 hours • Note: Minors should start with either BIO105 or BIO110. *For students choosing to take an additional course in human physiology after completing BIO251, they may choose either BIO252 or BIO326, but not both. The Human Biology Minor is open to the biology major, however these students will not be able to apply BIO110 toward the Human Biology Minor because it must be applied to the biology major. Instead, these students are required to make up 4 credit hours from the above electives or consult with an adviser for details. III. Proposed Revision Required Courses: 4-5 hours One course from the following: • BIO 105 - Introductory Biology for Non-majors Credit Hours: 4 hrs • BIO 110 - Introductory Biology I Credit Hours: 5 hrs Elective Courses: 15-16 hours 15 to 16 hours of the following: • BIO 251 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credit Hours: 4 hrs • BIO 255 - Human Genetics Credit Hours: 3 hrs • BIO 256 - The Biology of Cancer Credit Hours: 2 hrs • • BIO 257 - Human Embryonic Development Credit Hours: 3 hrs BIO 258 - Germs, Plagues and Human Infections Credit Hours: 3 hrs Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 Program Revision Guidelines • • • BIO 259 - Biology of Aging Credit Hours: 2 hrs BIO 269 - Biology of Sex and Gender Credit Hours: 3 hrs BIO 328 – Introductory Microbiology Credit Hours: 3 hrs BIO 330 – Neuroanatomy Credit Hours: 3 hrs No more than one course from the following: • • * BIO 252 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credit Hours: 4 hrs * BIO 326 - Human Physiology Credit Hours: 3 hrs Minor Total: 20 hours • Note: Minors should start with either BIO105 or BIO110. *For students choosing to take an additional course in human physiology after completing BIO251, they may choose either BIO252 or BIO326, but not both. The Human Biology Minor is open to the biology major, however these students will not be able to apply BIO110 toward the Human Biology Minor because it must be applied to the biology major. Instead, these students are required to make up 4 credit hours from the above electives or consult with an adviser for details. IV. Impact This change will allow more of our students to graduate without course substitution forms. V. Budget This change will not have any budgetary impact. VI. Action of the Department/College 1. Department/School: Vote of faculty: For 15 Against 0 Abstentions (Enter the number of votes cast in each category.) I support this proposal. The proposed revision can be implemented within the affected Department(s)/School(s) without additional College or University resources. Department Head/School Director Signature 2. College/Graduate School: Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 Date 0 Program Revision Guidelines A. College I support this proposal. The proposed program can cannot the affected College without additional University resources. College Dean Signature be implemented within Date B. Graduate School (Graduate Program Revisions ONLY) Graduate Dean Signature Date VII. Approval Associate Vice-President for Academic Programming Signature Date VIII. Appendices A. Market Analysis/Needs Assessment B. Mandates C. Request for New/Revised Course Forms D. Letters of Support from Impacted Departments E. Cost Analysis (Complete only if the revision cannot be implemented without additional University resources. Fill in Estimated Resources for the sponsoring department(s). Attach separate estimates for other affected departments.) Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09