Request for New Course EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS REQUEST FOR NEW COURSE DEPARTMENT/SCHOOL: __ART________________________________COLLEGE: ARTS AND SCIENCES CONTACT PERSON: _____BRIAN SPOLANS______________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT PHONE: 817-371-0990 CONTACT EMAIL: BSPOLANS@EMICH.EDU REQUESTED START DATE: TERM_____________YEAR___________ A. Rationale/Justification for the Course This request is accompanied with a Course Revision request for ARTS 311 Intaglio/Relief to be changed to Etching/Intaglio. The intention is to take the course content currently taught in the Intaglio/Relief class and split the processes covered in the course into two courses: Intalgio/Etching and Relief Printmaking. Separating the content into two courses would allow opportunity for students to gain a more complex knowledge of both processes. B. Course Information 1. Subject Code and Course Number: ARTS 313 2. Course Title: Relief Printmaking 3. Credit Hours: 3 4. Repeatable for Credit? Yes_______ No__x____ If “Yes”, how many total credits may be earned?_______ 5. Catalog Description (Limit to approximately 50 words.): An introductory course that covers relief printmaking processes. Processes to be covered are linoleum relief prints, color reduction, woodcut and multiple block printing. Students are expected to develop concepts and pursue a greater understanding of contemporary art. 6. Method of Delivery (Check all that apply.) a. Standard (lecture/lab) x On Campus x Off Campus b. Fully Online c. Hybrid/ Web Enhanced 7. Grading Mode: Normal (A-E) x Credit/No Credit 8. Prerequisites: Courses that MUST be completed before a student can take this course. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title.) ARTS 121, ARTS 122, ARTS 123, and foundations review 9. Concurrent Prerequisites: Code, Number and Title.) Courses listed in #5 that MAY also be taken at the same time as a student is taking this course. (List by Subject 10. Corequisites: Courses that MUST be taken at the same time as a student in taking this course. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title.) 11. Equivalent Courses. A student may not earn credit for both a course and its equivalent. A course will count as a repeat if an equivalent course has already been taken. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title) Miller, New Course Sept. 09 New Course Form 12. Course Restrictions: a. Restriction by College. Is admission to a specific College Required? College of Business Yes No x College of Education Yes No x b. Restriction by Major/Program. Will only students in certain majors/programs be allowed to take this course? Yes x No If “Yes”, list the majors/programs BFA in studio art BA VAEd BS in studio art c. Restriction by Class Level Check all those who will be allowed to take the course: Undergraduate Graduate All undergraduates_______ All graduate students____ Freshperson Certificate Sophomore x Masters Junior x Specialist Senior x Doctoral Second Bachelor____x____ UG Degree Pending_____ Post-Bac. Tchr. Cert.__x___ Low GPA Admit_______ Note: If this is a 400-level course to be offered for graduate credit, attach Approval Form for 400-level Course for Graduate Credit. Only “Approved for Graduate Credit” undergraduate courses may be included on graduate programs of study. Note: Only 500-level graduate courses can be taken by undergraduate students. Undergraduate students may not register for 600-level courses d. Restriction by Permission. Will Departmental Permission be required? Yes x No (Note: Department permission requires the department to enter authorization for every student registering.) 13. Will the course be offered as part of the General Education Program? Yes No x If “Yes”, attach Request for Inclusion of a Course in the General Education Program: Education for Participation in the Global Community form. Note: All new courses proposed for inclusion in this program will be reviewed by the General Education Advisory Committee. If this course is NOT approved for inclusion in the General Education program, will it still be offered? Yes No C. Relationship to Existing Courses Within the Department: 14. Will this course will be a requirement or restricted elective in any existing program(s)? Yes No x If “Yes”, list the programs and attach a copy of the programs that clearly shows the place the new course will have in the curriculum. Program Required Restricted Elective Program Required Restricted Elective 15. Will this course replace an existing course? Yes No x Page 2 of 6 New Course Form 16. (Complete only if the answer to #15 is “Yes.”) a. Subject Code, Number and Title of course to be replaced: b. Will the course to be replaced be deleted? Yes No 17. (Complete only if the answer #16b is “Yes.”) If the replaced course is to be deleted, it is not necessary to submit a Request for Graduate and Undergraduate Course Deletion. a. When is the last time it will be offered? Term Year b. Is the course to be deleted required by programs in other departments? Contact the Course and Program Development Office if necessary. Yes No c. If “Yes”, do the affected departments support this change? Yes No If “Yes”, attach letters of support. If “No”, attach letters from the affected department explaining the lack of support, if available. Outside the Department: The following information must be provided. Contact the Course and Program Development office for assistance if necessary. 18. Are there similar courses offered in other University Departments? If “Yes”, list courses by Subject Code, Number and Title Yes No x 19. If similar courses exist, do the departments in which they are offered support the proposed course? Yes No If “Yes”, attach letters of support from the affected departments. If “No”, attach letters from the affected department explaining the lack of support, if available. D. Course Requirements 20. Attach a detailed Sample Course Syllabus including: Sherzer Hall 107 313 Relief Printmaking TR 2-4:50 Eastern Michigan University Brian Spolans Office hours: Course Description An introductory printmaking course dealing with image, design, and concepts as they relate to the Relief printmaking process. Objectives Students will complete projects using processes unique to Relief and Intaglio Printing. Each process will contribute to building a visual vocabulary and technical skill through drawing, composition, and content. Conceptual and discussion skills are also a major component to the class. Students are encouraged to visit art openings, read art books/magazines, and research contemporary artists outside of class. Students should expect to: 1) Learn the basic process of relief printing 2) Become more familiar with integrating content with images 3) Couple content with visual approaches 4) Lean the reductive process 5) Learn how to mix color inks Page 3 of 6 New Course Form 6) Create a set of Monoprints Course Structure Students will be expected to: 1) Attend classes and take notes on the process and critiques. 2) Using these notes, complete a minimum of 5 portfolios. 3) Work on sketches outside of class. 4) Participate in all critiques. 5) Maintain a clean work environment, and perform weekly cleaning duties. 6) Be prepared to work everyday during class times. 7) Create thematic work. 8) Check emails and have access to a computer. Student Evaluation and Assessment Criteria used to grade your individual prints are: 1) Project- understanding of the project, participation in critique and class time effectiveness 2) Printing- the accomplishment of the printing and technique 3) Visual- the use of elements and principles of design in the composition 4) Concept- how image relates to your theme, the preparation of the image and execution Your grade will be determined in the following manner: Your final grade will be determined by taking the average of your projects. There are 6 projects, 2 of which are worth half points making each full project worth 20% of the final grade. 100- 95 A 90- 94 A87- 89 B+ 84- 86 B 80- 83 B77- 79 C+ 74- 76 C 70- 73 C67- 69 D+ 64- 66 D 60- 63 D00- 59 F Participation You are expected to participate in the critical discussions for the course. Please note the scale below and on your project sheets. Be considerate during the crits to allow opportunities for others to speak, but don’t see this as a means to edit or not include yourself in the discussion. Participation 5 4 3 2 1 0 Active participant in the conversation Added regular comments Commented on three peers Speaks occasionally Added a single comment Non-participant Attendance No “points” will be earned by simply showing up. Attendance is expected for all class periods and is critical for demonstrations and critique sessions. Because your understanding of print processes could affect other students, the attendance policy is extremely strict. Students are responsible for all material presented in class. -Each student is allowed to miss 4 classes during the semester without having any effect on the final grade. This includes excused or unexcused absences. -Four late arrivals constitute one unexcused absence. If the student has more than three late arrivals, or early departures than every late arrival, early departure following will also constitute an absence. -Each unexcused absence after the fourth will automatically drop the final grade by one half letter. -Attendance on shop clean up day is mandatory. Failure to do so will drop the final grade by one full letter. -There is an opportunity to make up one absence by working all day of the clean up. Page 4 of 6 New Course Form Late work will be accepted with the following project due date with a 10% deduction, so long as the project was completed outside of class time. Current University policy recognizes the rights of students to observe religious holidays without penalty to the student. Students are to provide advance notice to the instructor in order to make up work, including examinations that they miss as a result of their absence from class due to observance of religious holidays. If satisfactory arrangements cannot be made, the student may appeal to the head(s) of the department(s) in which the course(s) is/are offered.) If you wish to be accommodated for your disability, EMU Board of Regents Policy #8.3 requires that you first register with the Students with Disabilities Office (SDO) in 240 EMU Student Center. You may contact (SDO) by telephone at 734.487.2470. Students with disabilities are encouraged to register with the (SDO) promptly as you will only be accommodated from the date you register with them forward. No retroactive accommodations are possible. Classroom Safety: Students in this class will be informed of potential health hazards or bodily injury connected with the use of any materials and/or processes, and they will be instructed how to proceed safely. If a potentially harmful substance gets on your skin immediately rinse in the nearest sink; in your eye use the eyewash station; on your body use the shower station. Materials Most materials can be purchased at Home Depot/Lowes and Michigan Book and Supply Co in Ann Arbor. Some paper is available at the EMU bookstore. Unmounted Linoleum (~18x18) Rives BFK paper (~15 sheets) or Mulberry Newsprint Box of Rags donation (not shop-towels) Permanent marker Disposable gloves Solvent gloves Apron Brief Description of Projects Small Linoleum- practice creating textures and optical greys on a small linoleum block (worth ½ points) Large Linoleum- transfer the experiments from the small linoleum into a larger more thoughtful design, edition to 4 Reduction Linoleum—create a 5 color reduction, edition to 4. Monoprints- create unique prints using cut out linoleum images, 4 unique prints Possible projects for inclusion: Woodcut- learn the basics of carving a woodcut relief Steam roller- create a large scale woodcut relief that will need to be printed with a road compactor (have to asses the possible costs before inclusion) Multiple Blocks- combine multiple blocks to create a singular image Hand rubbed print- use a baren or spoon to apply the pressure for a print (worth 1/2 points) Photo transfer- use acetone to transfer a photographic image onto the block I’m also considering grading preparatory drawings. Since the process takes a long time to complete and is very labor intensive, this would allow an opportunity for structured feedback to the image before beginning. Similar Sample Grade Sheet 311 Intaglio/Relief Brian Spolans Student:____________________________Portfolio___________________ This grade sheet is a form grade sheet, where only underlined and written comments are applicable. Review your notes from the critique for further input. Printing Clean without fingerprints, smudges, stray ink, brayer marks, push or dirty borders. The pressure is appropriate. The edition is inconsistent. Orient the print on the page. The craftsmanship is distracting. Ink is applied evenly. The ink is wiped evenly. Leave value considerations for the plate over the printing. Wipe the bevel before printing. Visual Image could use a wider range of mark making, or texture. Push for a complex ranges of black or simulated grays. Vary the techniques used to create marks in the image. The image could benefit from a more complex sense of space, contrast, placement, scale, or economy. Page 5 of 6 New Course Form Image could benefit from further sketching/consideration. Push the composition to activate the picture plane. Image looks rushed, spend time ensuring that the image looks specific. Push your connection and relationship with the image to attain a more complex visual relationship. The image doesn’t look worked enough to communicate its’ import. Concept Theme does not correlate images together. Theme is too broad or unclear. Concept and image seem unrelated. Prints do not seem related to one another through a common theme. The theme would be clearer if the image were easier to discern. Consider complicating your concept to attain a more complex experience. The print could be more ambitious. Strengths Participation grade:__________/5 Portfolio grade:_________/100 0-60 unfinished. 61-79 minimal effort .80-84 meets expectations, fulfills the assignment. 85-89 exceeds expectations. 90-100 ambitious, professional effort. Participation: 0 Non-participant. 1 Added a single question. 2 Speaks occasionally. 3 Commented on three peers. 4 Added regular comments. 5 Active participant in the conversation. NOTE: COURSES BEING PROPOSED FOR INCLUSION IN THE EDUCATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY PROGRAM MUST USE THE SYLLABUS TEMPLATE PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. THE TEMPLATE IS ATTACHED TO THE REQUEST FOR INCLUSION OF A COURSE IN THE GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM: EDUCATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY FORM. E. Cost Analysis (Complete only if the course will require additional University resources. Fill in Estimated Resources for the sponsoring department(s). Attach separate estimates for other affected departments.) Estimated Resources: Year One Year Two Year Three Faculty / Staff $_________ $_________ $_________ SS&M $_________ $_________ $_________ Equipment $_________ $_________ $_________ Total $_________ $_________ $_________ F. Action of the Department/School and College 1. Department/School Vote of faculty: For ____20_____ Against __________ Abstentions __________ (Enter the number of votes cast in each category.) Colin Blakely Department Head/School Director Signature 4/30/12 Date 2. College/Graduate School A. College College Dean Signature Date B. Graduate School (if Graduate Course) Graduate Dean Signature Date G. Approval Associate Vice-President for Academic Programming Signature Date Page 6 of 6