Request for New Course EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS REQUEST FOR NEW COURSE DEPARTMENT/SCHOOL: BIOLOGY CONTACT PERSON: MICHAEL ANGELL CONTACT PHONE: 487-1004 COLLEGE: ARTS AND SCIENCES CONTACT EMAIL: MANGELL@EMICH.EDU REQUESTED START DATE: TERM____FA_________YEAR____2015_______ A. Rationale/Justification for the Course This course will be an undergraduate listing of the graduate course BIO 528 – General Virology. The purpose of creating a separate course listing is to facilitate access to the course for junior/senior undergraduates who have a strong interest in microbiology or microbial diseases. This option has been popular with undergraduate students taking similar graduate-designated courses (i.e. BIO 426/526 Immunobiology, BIO 443/543 Developmental Biology, BIO 429/529 Bacterial Pathogenesis). The primary distinction between the undergraduate and graduate versions of this course lies within the analysis and presentation of the primary scientific literature. Through more numerous (and open ended) assignments, graduate participants will serve as role models for the undergraduates in the presentation and discussion of discipline-specific literature. B. Course Information 1. Subject Code and Course Number: BIO 428 2. Course Title: General Virology 3. Credit Hours: 3 4. Repeatable for Credit? Yes_______ No__X____ If “Yes”, how many total credits may be earned?_______ 5. Catalog Description (Limit to approximately 50 words.): A lecture course presenting the molecular nature and replicative strategies of virus families infecting vertebrates. Aspects of virus-induced transformation (tumorigenesis), cell pathology and immune-responses will also be covered. 6. Method of Delivery (Check all that apply.) a. Standard (lecture/lab) X On Campus X Off Campus b. Fully Online c. Hybrid/ Web Enhanced 7. Grading Mode: X Normal (A-E) X Credit/No Credit 8. Prerequisites: Courses that MUST be completed before a student can take this course. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title.) BIO 425 – General Microbiology (C or better) Miller, New Course Sept. 09 New Course Form 9. Concurrent Prerequisites: Code, Number and Title.) Courses listed in #5 that MAY also be taken at the same time as a student is taking this course. (List by Subject 10. Corequisites: Courses that MUST be taken at the same time as a student in taking this course. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title.) 11. Equivalent Courses. A student may not earn credit for both a course and its equivalent. A course will count as a repeat if an equivalent course has already been taken. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title) BIO 528 – General Virology 12. Course Restrictions: a. Restriction by College. Is admission to a specific College Required? College of Business Yes No College of Education Yes No b. Restriction by Major/Program. Will only students in certain majors/programs be allowed to take this course? Yes No X If “Yes”, list the majors/programs c. Restriction by Class Level Check all those who will be allowed to take the course: Undergraduate Graduate All undergraduates_______ All graduate students____ Freshperson Certificate Sophomore Masters Junior X Specialist Senior X Doctoral Second Bachelor___X_____ UG Degree Pending_____ Post-Bac. Tchr. Cert._____ Low GPA Admit_______ Note: If this is a 400-level course to be offered for graduate credit, attach Approval Form for 400-level Course for Graduate Credit. Only “Approved for Graduate Credit” undergraduate courses may be included on graduate programs of study. Note: Only 500-level graduate courses can be taken by undergraduate students. Undergraduate students may not register for 600-level courses d. Restriction by Permission. Will Departmental Permission be required? Yes No (Note: Department permission requires the department to enter authorization for every student registering.) Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 X Page 2 of 5 New Course Form 13. Will the course be offered as part of the General Education Program? Yes No X If “Yes”, attach Request for Inclusion of a Course in the General Education Program: Education for Participation in the Global Community form. Note: All new courses proposed for inclusion in this program will be reviewed by the General Education Advisory Committee. If this course is NOT approved for inclusion in the General Education program, will it still be offered? Yes No C. Relationship to Existing Courses Within the Department: 14. Will this course will be a requirement or restricted elective in any existing program(s)? Yes X No If “Yes”, list the programs and attach a copy of the programs that clearly shows the place the new course will have in the curriculum. Program Biology Major Required Restricted Elective X Program Biology Minor Required Restricted Elective X 15. Will this course replace an existing course? Yes No X 16. (Complete only if the answer to #15 is “Yes.”) a. Subject Code, Number and Title of course to be replaced: b. Will the course to be replaced be deleted? Yes No 17. (Complete only if the answer #16b is “Yes.”) If the replaced course is to be deleted, it is not necessary to submit a Request for Graduate and Undergraduate Course Deletion. a. When is the last time it will be offered? Term Year b. Is the course to be deleted required by programs in other departments? Contact the Course and Program Development Office if necessary. Yes No c. If “Yes”, do the affected departments support this change? Yes No If “Yes”, attach letters of support. If “No”, attach letters from the affected department explaining the lack of support, if available. Outside the Department: The following information must be provided. Contact the Course and Program Development office for assistance if necessary. 18. Are there similar courses offered in other University Departments? If “Yes”, list courses by Subject Code, Number and Title Yes No X 19. If similar courses exist, do the departments in which they are offered support the proposed course? Yes No If “Yes”, attach letters of support from the affected departments. If “No”, attach letters from the affected department explaining the lack of support, if available. Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Page 3 of 5 New Course Form D. Course Requirements 20. Attach a detailed Sample Course Syllabus including: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Course goals, objectives and/or student learning outcomes Outline of the content to be covered Student assignments including presentations, research papers, exams, etc. Method of evaluation Grading scale (if a graduate course, include graduate grading scale) Special requirements Bibliography, supplemental reading list Other pertinent information. NOTE: COURSES BEING PROPOSED FOR INCLUSION IN THE EDUCATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY PROGRAM MUST USE THE SYLLABUS TEMPLATE PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. THE TEMPLATE IS ATTACHED TO THE REQUEST FOR INCLUSION OF A COURSE IN THE GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM: EDUCATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY FORM. E. Cost Analysis (Complete only if the course will require additional University resources. Fill in Estimated Resources for the sponsoring department(s). Attach separate estimates for other affected departments.) Estimated Resources: Year One Year Two Year Three Faculty / Staff $_________ $_________ $_________ SS&M $_________ $_________ $_________ Equipment $_________ $_________ $_________ Total $_________ $_________ $_________ F. Action of the Department/School and College 1. Department/School Vote of faculty: For __________ Against __________ Abstentions __________ (Enter the number of votes cast in each category.) Department Head/School Director Signature Date 2. College/Graduate School A. College College Dean Signature Date B. Graduate School (if Graduate Course) Graduate Dean Signature Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Date Page 4 of 5 New Course Form G. Approval Associate Vice-President for Academic Programming Signature Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Date Page 5 of 5 BIO 428 - GENERAL VIROLOGY FALL 2015 - 3 CREDIT HOURS Basic Information Professor Course Location Course Day/Time Office hours* Required Text Course Website Last Day to Drop Last Day to Withdraw Last Day of Class Final Exam Date/Time Michael G. Angell Ph.D. 401W Mark Jefferson, 487-1004 TBD TBD TBD Fundamentals of Molecular Virology - N. Acheson, 2nd ed. TBD TBD TBD TBD * Office hours are held in 401W Mark Jefferson on a first come/first serve basis. Students who have class or work obligations during scheduled office hours may arrange for individual appointments by email or in person after lecture. At a minimum, all students are encouraged to attend office hours after each exam to discuss areas of difficulty. Course Description A lecture course presenting the molecular nature and replicative strategies of virus families infecting vertebrates. Aspects of virus-induced transformation (tumorigenesis), cell pathology and immune-responses will also be covered. This class is combined with BIO 528 offered through the Biology Graduate program. BIO 428 cannot be applied to M.S. programs offered through the Biology department. Prerequisites: BIO 425 General Microbiology with a C or better grade Who should take this class: 1) Students who are interested in pursuing graduate work in the field or 2) Students with an interest in medicine, health-care, or public health. This course counts as a 3 credit restrictive elective for the Biology major or minor. Course Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course you will be able to, 1) Describe the history and milestones in the field of virology 2) Explain the basic components of viral structure and life cycle 3) Apply / interpret methodologies used in viral research 4) Explain how viruses can exert control over host cell protein synthesis functions 5) Explain different genome replication strategies of RNA and DNA viruses 6) Explain strategies used for genetic regulation and genetic compaction 7) Explain how the host immune system reacts to viral infection. 8) Read, interpret and present primary research in the virology field Student Responsibilities 1 Class Attendance: Although much of the base material for the course is contained within the text and required readings, students will benefit from participation in class discussions. Accordingly, class attendance is required. If there is a pressing need to miss a lecture, the instructor should be notified by email or phone prior to the class or within 24 hours after class. Unexcused class absences may be subject to a 10 course point reduction per occurrence. Class Preparation: Faithful attendance of lecture, although important, is not enough to ensure success in this course. Completion of reading assignments, before class, will enable you to ask informed questions during the lecture and allow you to more fully participate in class discussions. The formation of study groups is a very good way to assimilate the material and is strongly encouraged. Academic dishonesty (reprinted from online information): "Engaging in academic dishonesty in any form with respect to examinations, course assignments, research projects, grades, and/or academic records" is subject to university disciplinary action. For more information, please refer to Incidents of academic dishonesty in this class may result in actions ranging from i) failure of an assignment/exam, ii) failure of the course, to iii) university action. Student Evaluation Exams: Two formal exams (a midterm and final) will be given. Exam dates are indicated on the lecture schedule. The exams are mandatory. Assignments: Ten literature-based assignments will be given and each will be generally due the following week. Each assignment is worth 10 points. Literature Presentation: You will be responsible for a 15 minute presentation which compares a seminal paper in virology with a current relevant paper. This presentation will be scheduled during the last week of the course. You will have an opportunity to observe and participate in paper discussions with the graduate (BIO 528) students in the course, prior to your presentation. PSA poster: You will be responsible for producing a poster which describes the epidemiology, replication, vaccination (if applicable), treatment (if applicable), and pathogenesis of a viral species prevalent in the news or of interest to you. This poster will be evaluated by the instructor and the graduate students in the course. Posters of sufficient quality will be posted in Mark Jefferson. Course Grade: Course grades will be determined based on the percentage of total course points received. Students earning 60-63%, 70-73%, 80-83%, or 90-93% of total course points will receive a D-, C-, B-, or A-, respectively. Those that earn 64-66%, 74-76%, 8486%, or 94-96% will receive a D, C, B, or A, respectively. Those who earn 67-79%, 7779%, 87-89% will receive a D+, C+, or B+, respectively. Method Points per occurrence 2 Total Points % of Course Grade Examinations (Mid/Final) Assignments Literature Presentation PSA Poster 100 points each 100 points 50 points 50 points 200 points 100 points 50 points 50 points Tentative Course Schedule (Subject to change) Lecture Topic 1 2 3 4 Nature of viruses Cultivation and Assay Structural features & analysis DNA Transforming Viruses I 5 DNA Transforming Viruses II (Polyomavirus, Papillomavirus) (Adenovirus) 6 DNA Transforming Viruses III (Herpesviruses) 7 RNA Transforming Viruses 8 9 10 Retroviruses (HIV) Paper Day Respiratory Viruses I 11 Respiratory Viruses II 12 Respiratory Viruses III (Retroviruses) (Picornaviridae) (Paramyxoviridae) (Orthomyxoviridae) 13 Respiratory Viruses IV (Coronaviridae) 14 Hemorrhagic Viruses (Flavivirus, Filovirus) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Paper Day Midterm Exam Poxviridae Rhabodoviridae Parvo/Dependoviruses Bacteriophage Mega viruses (i.e. Mimivirus) Prions Paper Day Immunity I Immunity II Vaccines Antivirals Paper Day Literature Presentation & Poster reveal 3 50 % 25 % 12.5 % 12.5% * Paper Days are journal article presentations by 528 students. BIO 428 students are expected to attend and participate in the discussion. 4