



3 February 2011, 15:30, Room 310, King

Present: Monteiro-Ferreira (AAS), Sacksteder (ART), Hammill (CMTA), Lucy (ENGL), Dieterle (HIST/PHIL), Peavler (MAD),

Ensor (SAC), Vosteen (WL), Coykendall (WGST)

Ex-Officio: Winder (CAS Dean’s Office)

Guests: Carol Freedman-Doan, Stephen Jefferson, Pamela Landau, Tamara Loverich (PSY)

I. Call to Order : 15:30

II. Minutes of the Meeting of 6 January 2011 : Approved Unanimously

III. Old Business:

College of Arts and Sciences


Proposal for New Degree Program: Minor in Human Sexuality (tabled 1-6-11, 11-11-10, and 10-14-10)

There was a long, acrid debate on the proposal between WGST and the guests from PSY. This meeting’s debate focused on three major concerns raised repeatedly by WGST. First , WGST argued that the structure of the proposed minor makes it possible for students to take only

PSY courses: thus limiting the interdisciplinary potential and resulting only in a PSY-disciplinary perspective. Second , WGST argued that the subject of human sexuality is overseen by WGST and that only WGST should house an interdisciplinary minor on this subject. Furthermore,

WGST argued that it has close relations to the LGBT community and should therefore oversee a sexuality minor. WGST claimed that the PSY proposal has a science bias (that PSY wants a PSY-sexuality minor) and that WGST could include both science and humanities perspectives.

WGST also claimed it did not give permission to use WGST courses in the PSY minor. Third , WGST argued that because it worked on a sexuality minor proposal of its own 10 years ago - with recently renewed interest and a recently acquired a faculty member specializing in sexuality to develop that minor - that the subject should be overseen by WGST and not PSY. The first concern was on structure and content, which echoed prior CAC concerns (see minutes). The second and third concerns emphasized disciplinary territoriality.

The PSY guests stated (and demonstrated with a memo from WGST) that they originally had WGST support with recommended revisions and that PSY had acted on those recommendations, which included adding WGST courses. The PSY guests argued there were sufficient non-

PSY courses, and that many of these were cross-listed with WGST (as previously requested by WGST). The PSY guests stated they removed courses with low-sexuality content, as requested by WGST. They also claimed that when WGST requests more non-PSY courses, they include them only to be criticized later by WGST for having too broad a scope; and that WGST then argues they should pursue a focused PSY minor, for which they are also criticized by WGST. The PSY guests argued that WGST does not have exclusive domain over human sexuality. The PSY guests argued that the minor not yet proposed by WGST, and the new faculty hired to develop that minor, only emphasize LGBT studies.

After the guests departed, WGST and other CAC Arts Subcommittee members continued debating. Some argued that PSY had actively met with units from the outset and later to resolve concerns, that the concerns should have been worked out between WGST and PSY previously, and that the proposed minor went through enough tablings, discussions, and revisions already. When asked about the planned proposal for a WGST minor on sexuality, WGST revealed it will be a specific LGBT-focused minor. Other members maintained a concern over the structure and some courses’ content. The question was called at 16:25 and there was a motion to approve the proposal: 5 For, 1 Against, 3 Abstentions.

IV. New Business

Separating the SAC proposal for a New Graduate Certificate, there was a motion to approve/pass all other following proposals with the comment to CMTA on the CTAR513 and CTAR517 proposals: remove the statement that departmental or instructor permission is required from B.8 and change item B.12.d from “no” to “yes”: Approved Unanimously

A. College of Arts and Sciences


1. Request for Course Revision

CTAO411 Advanced Problems in Interpretation (title,


1. Request for New Course

ANTH430/530 Museum Anthropology

2. Proposal for New Graduate Certificate description, pre-/corequisite)

2. Requests for New Courses

CTAR313 Contemporary Issues in Arts Management

CTAR317 Case Studies in Arts Management

CTAR513 Contemporary Issues in Arts Administration

CTAR517 Case Studies in Arts Administration


Requests for Course Revisions

ECON536 Advanced Health Economics (description, pre-

Interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Museum Studies

Motion to Table for discussion with ART and CMTA

(Art Management) to explore inclusion of their courses to achieve the interdisciplinary scope suggested by the title or for a title change: 8 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstention

B. College of Business

1. Request for New Course

MGMT617 Social Entrepreneurship

2. Requests for Program Revisions


ECON537 Statistical Methods for Medical Economics


Request for Course Revision

HIST441 The Far East to 1800

Respectfully Submitted,

Bradley E. Ensor, Recording Secretary

International Business—MBA Specialization

Marketing Management—MBA Specialization

V. Chair’s Remarks : None

VI. Adjournment : 17:00
