College of Arts and Sciences College Advisory Committee: Science Subcommittee Meeting

College of Arts and Sciences
College Advisory Committee: Science Subcommittee Meeting
June 2, 2011 3:30 pm
521 Mark Jefferson
Present: Clark (G&G), Emal (Chem), Behringer (P&A), Haynes (COSC), Knapp
(Psych), Nord (DH-Chem), Tornquist (Dean).
Absent: Math, Bio
Guests: Longworth (Provost Office), Cardon (COT: School of Technology Studies),
Shay (COT: School of Engineering Technology), Lin (COT: School of Engineering
I. Call to order 3:30 pm by Chair John Knapp.
II. Minutes of May 5, 2011
Motion (Clark, Emal) to approve passes unanimously.
III. Old Business
A. College of Technology, School of Engineering Technology
1. CET 251 Engineering Software Applications, Course Revision
The proposers agree to the following changes:
- New catalog description:
This course introduces a variety of software tools and techniques used by engineers.
Development of simple computer applications will be included with selected examples
from engineering technology disciplines.
- New title:
Introduction to Computing Engineering Technology
Motion (Emal, Clark) approve with changes. 3 - 1 - 0 (aye - nay - abstain).
2. MS Computer Aided Engineering, Program Revision and Multiple Courses
We had extensive, productive discussion with proposers of our several concerns as
documented in previous minutes.
We note:
New courses are specified in REE track, but need to be added as electives to Design and
Analysis track.
We understand:
(1) the admission requirement is understood by the proposers to comprise
standard bachelors degrees in engineering.
(2) some proposed courses may require prerequisites in addition to the
admissions requirements. We understand the proposers suggest that remedial (nominally
prerequisite) material be included in the course content, however, we remain
uncomfortable with this for a technical, advanced program.
(3) the Renewable Energy (REE) program is housed in the Computer Aided
Engineering (CAE) program because:
- the CAE program is the best fit for an REE track due to significant
course overlap,
- the CAE program is largely a mechanical engineering program, which is
a common home for renewable energy technology programs,
- the proposers do not desire to increase program count, in accordance
with EMU policy.
(3) there are actually ten faculty available to teach REE courses (and not two as
stated in the proposal).
Motion (Behringer Clark) to remove our disapproval of May 2011 passes (2 - 1 - 1).
The committee engaged in protracted, though respectful, discussion after the
representatives of the proposing school (School of Engineering Technology)
We note the following points:
(1) some proposed new courses are in rudimentary state, both in terms of content
and prerequisite. The proposers had suggested during the earlier part of the meeting that
they would welcome CAS faculty participation in developing and delivering some of
those courses (especially any outside of STS faculty's current areas of expertise).
(2) we believe a more specific requirement list of admissions standards would be
helpful to program advisors, instruction committee and, especially, student applicants.
We are concerned that the student body be appropriately prepared for this graduate level,
high quality program.
Motion (Haynes, Emal) to meet with proposers ASAP to resolve further concerns
passes unanimously.
Note: there are no constraints placed on the numbers of CAC-S representatives;
Behringer has volunteered to participate; Emal and Clark expressed interest in
participating. If possible, the subcommittee will take an email vote on the program and
course proposals after follow-up meetings.
B. College of Technology, School of Technology Studies
TEDU 118 Energy and Transportation Technology Course Revision
After discussion, we have these agreements with the proposer:
(1) the proposed title is awkward needs rewording,
(2) a prerequisite of PHY 222 (Electricity and Light) should be added,
(3) content on teaching methods will be included in the syllabus.
Motion (Clark, Behringer) to approve with the above agreements passes unanimously.
C. College of Health and Human Services
HLAD Courses
HLAD 402 Health Policy New Course
HLAD 419 Legal and Regulatory Issues in Health Care New Course
Our concern regarding the duplicated catalog description has been fixed.
We note that HLAD 402 is a 400-level course with no prerequisites.
Motion (Emal, Clark) to forward to CAC-Arts for their evaluation. After our review, we
no longer have concerns with these courses. The motion passes unanimously.
D. College of Education
COUN 692 Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in College Counseling
Course Revision
Master of Arts in College Counseling Program Revision
BMMT 360 Methods of Teaching General Business and Office Education New
The committee agrees to attempt to form a quorum before the next full CAC meeting to
address the above two courses and program revision. (See motion in Minutes item V.)
E. College of Arts and Sciences
Chemistry - Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) - Secondary Chemistry
Concentration Program Revision
The committee agrees to attempt to form a quorum before the next full CAC meeting to
address the above program revision. (See motion in Minutes item V.)
IV. New Business
A. College of Technology
1. HRM 485 Beverage Management New Course
2. TEDU 125 Global Impacts of Technology, Design, and Innovation New Course
3. TM 565 Technology and Training Course Revision
4. TM 615 Planning and Implementing Technological Change
The committee agrees to attempt to form a quorum before the next full CAC meeting to
address the above four courses. (See motion in Minutes item V.)
B. College of Business
1. IMC 616 Search Engine Marketing New Course
The committee agrees to attempt to form a quorum before the next full CAC meeting to
address the above course. (See motion in Minutes item V.)
C. College of Arts and Sciences
1. CHEM 281 Quantitative Analysis Course Revision
2. CHEM 282 Honors Quantitative Analysis Course Revision
The committee agrees to attempt to act on the above two courses via email before the
next full CAC meeting. (See motion in Minutes item V.)
3. GEOG 376
4. GEOG 476
5. GEOG 586
6. GEOG 670
7. GEOG 678
The committee agrees to not act on G & G course proposals until FALL 2011 (See
motion in Minutes item V.)
8. PHYS BS Integrated Science Program Revision
9. PHYS MAT Integrated Science Program Revision
The committee agrees to attempt to form a quorum before the next full CAC meeting to
address the above two program revisions. (See motion in Minutes item V.)
V. Agenda items that were not acted on
Note, the committee's intention regarding each item is documented above.
Motion (Haynes, Emal) to handle the outstanding agenda items as follows:
(1) attempt to act on in college business (except integrated science and G&G) over
(2) attempt to form a quorum before the next CAC meeting to act on items from outside
the college and the MAT-Chemistry program revision,
(3) delay G&G proposals to FALL 2011.
The motion passes unanimously.
VI. Brief discussion with Rhonda Longworth-Kinney:
(1) There is no need to submit a program revision if there is a simple trade-in/trade-out of
(2) A simple prerequisite change does not have to go through the program review
process. To initiate the request, submit it to Academic Programs. The request will be
reviewed by the dean and the department head of the affected department.
(3) Longworth-Kinney has offered to attend the first meeting of FALL 2011, though it
was not made explicit as to whether this is for CAC, CAC-S, or both.
VII. Meeting adjourned 5:45 pm.