Eastern Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences

Eastern Michigan University
College of Arts and Sciences
College Advisory Committee – Science Subcommittee
Thursday April 04, 2013 at 3:30 PM
545 Science Complex
Present: LoDuca (G&G), Dove (Psych), Angell (Bio), Rescorla (Math), Sambrook (DH),
Johnson (Chem), Moore (COSC)
Absent: Laporte (Dean’s Office), Wylo (P&A)
Approval of Minutes from the February 21, 2013 meeting
a. Move to approve (Rescorla, LoDuca second; motion passes 5-0-0)
Old Business: None
New Business
College of Arts and Sciences
PSY 433: Cognitive Neuroscience, new course proposal
Comment: Biology does not want this course to become a de facto
neuroanatomy prerequisite for other physio-related psychology courses
Motion to approve with comment: 5-0-0, motion passed
PSY 752 Intrapersonal Processes in Psychotherapy, new course proposal
Motion to approve (Moore, Angell second): 5-0-0, motion passed
Psychology major program prevision
Motion to approve (Rescorla, Moore second): 5-0-0, motion passed
College of Health and Human Services
DTC 108: Careers in Nutrition and Dietetics, course revision
DTC 155: Fundamentals of Healthy Lifestyle, course revision
DTC 203: Nutrition for Health Professionals, course revision
DTC 204: Sports Nutrition, course revision
DTC 251: Experimental Foods, course revision
DTC 302: Macronutrient Metabolism, course revision
DTC 330: Nutrition Therapy I, course revision
DTC 331: Nutrition Therapy I Experience, course revision
DTC 350: Food Systems Management I, course revision
DTC 351: Food Systems Management I Experience, course revision
DTC 371: Nutrition Therapy II, course revision
DTC 371L: Nutrition Therapy II Experience, course revision
DTC 372: Nutrition of the Life Cycle, course revision
DTC 422: Nutrient Metabolism: Micronutrients, course revision
DTC 430: Nutrition Therapy III, course revision
DTC 431W: Nutrition Therapy III Experience, course revision
DTC 450: Food Systems Management II, course revision
DTC 451: Food Systems Management II Experience, course revision
DTC 459: Development of Entrepreneurial Dietitian, course revision
DTC 470: Nutrition Therapy IV, course revision
DTC 471: Nutrition Therapy IV Experience, course revision
DTC 500: Research Designing and Methods, course revision
DTC 531: Nutrition Therapy I Experience, course revision
DTC 551: Food Systems Management I Experience, course revision
DTC 571: Nutrition Therapy II, course revision
DTC 608: Advanced Topics in Foods, course revision
DTC 631: Nutrition Therapy III Experience, course revision
DTC 651: Food Systems Management II Experience, course revision
DTC 659: Development of Entrepreneurial Dietitian, course revision
DTC 671: Nutrition Therapy IV Experience, course revision
DTC 668: Proteins, Lipids, and Carbohydrates, course revision
Motion to approve DTC 108-668 as a package (Rescorla, Dove second);
motion passes 5-0-0
HLAD 2xx: Introduction to Epidemiology, new course proposal
Comments: 1) Paperwork states that this is a required course, but no related
program was included; 2) We were wondering why there was no number yet
chosen for the course; 3) BIO 106 should be considered as a prerequisite
course; and 4) It was stated that a statement of support from those
associated with CLRA 501 was obtained, but it was not forwarded
Motion to approve with comments (Rescorla, Moore second); Motion passes
NURS 500: Advanced Pathophysiology, course revision
NURS 502: Advanced Health Assessment, course revision
NURS 510: Advanced Pharmacology, course revision
NURS 652: Advanced Adult Health for CNS I, course revision
NURS 662: Advanced Adult Health for CNS II, course revision
NURS 667: Practicum in Advanced Adult Health Nursing for CNS Track
course revision
Master of Science in Nursing – Adult Health Track program revision
Comments: 1) NURS 510 removed NURS 502 as a prerequisite, but no
rationale was provided for this change and 2) The number for NURS 652
changed but there was no indication of what was to happen to the old number
Motion to approve all of the Nursing course revisions and the above program
revision as a package, with comments (Moore, Angell second); Motion
passes 5-0-0
College of Technology
The CET major (program revision) and the addition of a CET minor has been
tabled because the revision is still in discussion with COSC department
TETP 100: Teaching Impact of Design, Engineering, and Technology, new
course proposal
TETP 340: Teaching Introduction to Engineering Design, new course
Comments: 1) New course required but number of credits required in the
program is not changing. It is unclear how this can be the case. 2) There are
some prefix ambiguities with these two courses. Moore had a conversation
with someone in the department who clarified some of these concerns before
our CAC-S meeting. It appears that the real prefix for these courses is to be
TEDU, not TETP. This clarification should be made officially before the
courses move to a further stage.
Motion to approve as a package with comments (Moore, Rescorla second);
Motion passes (5-0-0)
Respectfully submitted,
Natalie Dove (CAC-S Secretary for 2012-2013)