Arts Committee
10 October 2013
15:30, Room 219, Pray Harrold
Present: Peters (AAAS), Stevens (ART), Kindred (CMTA), Saunoris (ECON), Dionne (ENGL), Ramsey (DH-ENGL), Egge
(HIST/PHIL), Merrill (MAD), Singh (PLSC), Ensor (SAC), Higgins (WGST), Vosteen (chair-WL)
Ex-Officio: Mehuron (CAS Dean’s Office)
Guests: Nancy Harbour (COT, Paralegal Studies Program) and Wade Tornquist (COT); Guey-Meei Yang (ART); Heather Shouldice
and Diane Winder (MAD)
I. Call to Order: 15:35
II. Minutes of the Meeting of 19 September 2013: Approved Unanimously with correction to committee chair votes
III. Old Business
College of Technology
Request for Course Revision: LEGL211 Introduction to Paralegalism and Legal Terminology (title, description)
From CAC Arts, 19 September 2013: Not Passed: A motion to Pass was unanimously defeated: “the subject change is too great, requiring a
new course proposal, and COT should discuss with PLSC potential impacts to the Public Law Major and Minor.”
From CAC, 26 September 2013: A motion to separate LEGL211 from the Arts Report (unanimously approved) over concerns that the
proposed title is too broad although PLSC withdrew its concern that the course content changed and might impact its program. There was
a motion to send the course proposal back to the Arts Committee (11 for, 0 against, 3 abstentions).
The Paralegal Studies Program guest discussed the proposed title change to “Introduction to the Legal System” indicating it
should be acceptable after PLSC withdrew its concern. When asked about the need to exclude “paralegal” or “paraprofessional”
in the title, the guest claimed those words distract students from taking the course. During the committee’s discussion there
remained a concern that the title was too broad (without distinguishing a paralegal disciplinary perspective on the legal system)
when the course content hasn’t changed from a paralegal perspective, along with doubts about the argument that students in the
Paralegal Studies Program would not want to take a course on paralegal studies if the word paralegal or paraprofessional were
in its title. These concerns were presented as a separate issue from PLSC’s withdrawn concern over impacts to its program.
Not Passed. There was a motion to pass with the suggestion that the catalog description be modified to indicate a paralegal or
paraprofessional course: a change to “An overview of the study of law for the legal paraprofessional with a look at the roles,
opportunities, responsibilities, and problems encountered by the legal paraprofessional. The student is also introduced to areas
of law in which the paralegal may work. Ethical considerations are addressed and legal terminology will be introduced and
emphasized.” The motion was defeated (4 for, 7 against, 0 abstentions). There was a motion to inform the Paralegal Studies
Program that the course revision proposal would have been passed if the title was disciplinary-specific (i.e., containing
“paralegal” or “paraprofessional”) (10 for, 0 against, 1 abstention).
IV. New Business
A. College of Arts and Sciences
Request for New Course: HIST2xx Global History of Islam Approved Unanimously
B. College of Education
Teacher Education
Proposal to Revise Program: Liberal Arts Major for Elementary Education
The three ART and MAD guests discussed the proposed replacement of ARTE220 Visual Arts for Elementary Teachers and
MUSC220 Music for Elementary Teachers with “any gened approved Visual Arts course” and “any gened approved Music
course”, and the proposed removal of DANC220 Dance for Elementary Teachers. COE wishes to make it easier for students
to meet requirements through general education courses and to reduce the total credits from these courses from 9 to 6. The
common concern was that these courses are designed specifically for teacher educational needs whereas their general
education courses lack such content. Counter proposals were distributed with alternative suggestions for COE to consider.
Not Passed Unanimously: COE must discuss this issue with ART and MAD.
C. College of Health and Human Services
School of Health Sciences
Request for New Course: DTC360 Global Sustainability of Food and Health
Not Passed Unanimously: the rationale should show how this course fits in its program and should discuss with PHIL
concerns over impacts to that program’s courses (PHIL224, PHIL229, and PHIL524).
V. Chair’s Remarks: none
VI. Adjournment: 16:59
Respectfully submitted,
Bradley Ensor, recording secretary