Eastern Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences College Advisory Committee – Science Subcommittee Thursday December 11, 2014 at 3:30 PM 545 MJ Science Complex Present: Johnson (Chem), Jacobs (Physics), Laporte (AD), Dumitrascu (Math), Angell (Bio), Moore (COSC), Xie (G&G) Guests: Mast (Bio), Lajiness-O’neill (Psy), Pernecky (Chem) – representing Neuroscience program Absent: Sambrook (DH) I. Approval of Minutes from the November 06, 2014 meeting – Motion to approve the minutes passed by a vote of 7-0-0 II. Old Business III. New Business Representatives from the Neuroscience program came to answer the committee’s questions on the new course proposals and the new program proposal in the Neuroscience area. There was a concern about the lack of required or recommended Physics courses in the proposal. There was also some question about this program being a dual admit program and whether this is necessary. There was then some discussion regarding the research requirements in this program. Lastly, there was some discussion about where the funds will come from in order to sustain this program. Questions were answered and then the neuroscience representatives left so we could vote on these new courses and program proposal. College of Arts and Sciences NSCI 301 - Introduction to Neuroscience new course proposal NSCI 302 - Introduction to Neuroscience Laboratory new course proposal NSCI 330 - Neuroscience Seminar I new course proposal NSCI 397/398/399 - Individual Readings in Neuroscience new course proposal NSCI 401 - Advanced Neuroscience new course proposal NSCI 440 - Neuroscience Seminar II new course proposal NSCI 497/498/499 - Individual Research in Neuroscience new course proposal NSCI Neuroscience Interdisciplinary Program new program proposal Motion to table these new course proposals and program proposal until the next meeting, pending further information such as the program input document, any market research that has been done, and a written justification of second admit program status passed by a vote of 7-0-0. Secondary Integrated Science Comprehensive Group Major-Secondary Teacher Certification Program Revision Motion to take this program off of the agenda because it was already approved at the November meeting passed by a vote of 6-0-0. College of Education (January 23, 2015 review date) HMSV 300* - Interviewing, Intervention and Case Management Skills in Human Services new course proposal HMSV 400* - Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Human Services new course proposal HMSV 499* - Field Experience in Human Services new course proposal Human Services Minor new program proposal *Proposals included in the Human Services Minor proposal Motion to table the new course proposals and minor proposal until we consider the comments from the psychology department regarding these proposals passed by a vote of 6-0-0. College of Health and Human Services (February 10, 2015 review date) SWRK 442 – Contemporary Child Welfare SWRK 454 – Psychoeducational Groups in Social Work new course proposal SWRK 473 – Child Welfare, Substance Abuse and Addiction new course proposal THRC 280 – Understanding Drug Classifications for Therapeutic Recreation new course proposal **All CHHS proposals are shared through Google Drive College of Technology (February 10, 2015 review date) MET 450 – Mechanics of Composite Materials new course proposal MET 455 – Composites Design and Processes new course proposal Motion to table the CHHS and CoT proposals until the January meeting passed by a vote of 6-0-0. Meeting was adjourned at 5:09pm by Chair Amy Johnson Respectfully submitted by Natalie Dove, CAC-­‐S secretary 2014-­‐2015