Eastern Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences

Eastern Michigan University
College of Arts and Sciences
College Advisory Committee – Science Subcommittee
Thursday December 12, 2013 at 3:30 PM
545 MJ Science Complex
Approval of Minutes from the November 07, 2013 meeting
Old Business
New Business
Elect committee vice chairperson, per recently modified and adopted CAC Policies and Bylaws
College of Arts and Sciences
BIO 110: Introductory Biology I credit hours and description revision
BIO 111: Introductory Biology I Laboratory new course proposal
BIO 120: Introductory Biology II credit hours and description revision
BIO 121: Introductory Biology II Laboratory new course proposal
BIO 417: Conservation Biology new course proposal
GEOG 333: Settlement Geography course title and description revision
GEOG 446: Heritage Interpretation and Tourism course number/subject code, title, and
prereq/coreq revision
GEOG 531: American Cultural Landscapes, GEOG 548: American Vernacular Architecture,
GEOG 549: Cultural Landscape Interpretation course number/subject code revision
GEOG 541: Material Culture Studies: A Disciplinary Overview course number/subject code,
title, and description revision
GHPR 475: Architectural Nomenclature course description revision
GHPR 529: Introduction to Museums: History, Theory, Practice new course proposal
GHPR 540: People and Houses new course proposal
GHPR 546: International Preservation: Historic Applications course title and description
GHPR 547: Problems in Architectural Interpretation course description revision
GHPR 550: Digital Cultural Heritage new course proposal
GHPR 630: Documenting Historic Places course title and description revision
GHPR 663: Museum Experience Development new course proposal
GHPR 690, 691, 692: Historic Preservation Project course title and description revision
HPRS MS program revision
MATH 097: Pre-College Mathematical Concepts credit hour revision
MATH 579: Probability and Statistics for Teachers new course proposal
MATH 585: Algebra for Middle and Secondary School Teachers new course proposal