February Newsletter Eastern Michigan University SHRM Student Chapter Student Transition Membership Etiquette Dining Event In a highly competitive work world, proper business etiquette skills are extremely important. "Interview meals" are becoming very popular among employers; and beyond the interview, business is often conducted during lunches, receptions and formal dinners. If you've ever sat down to a formal meal and wondered "What are all of those forks for?" or "Is this topic appropriate to bring up?" The EMU SHRM Etiquette Dinner will put you at ease. Presented by an experienced professional etiquette trainer, this event is a fun, nonthreatening way to learn business etiquette skills. Our speaker will not only discuss table manners, but also how to have proper introductions and dress for success! Tickets are $20 a piece and pre-paid reservations are required. Tickets can be purchased at the MGMT Dept. room 466 College of Business. Event Information Day/Date : Monday/ March 16th 2015 Time : 06.00 PM- 08.00 PM Location : Student Center Room 310 A Register today! Availability is limited! Good news for all of you students! If you are a SHRM student membership holder and you are graduating, you are eligible for discounted professional membership! You can continue receiving your member benefits after graduation at a discounted price, including but not limited to mail delivery of the print version of HR Magazine, a listing in the SHRM Member Directory online networking tool, and access to more than 575 professional chapters across the country. Total savings of $220 for the first 2 years of your professional membership! Save now! Learn more at: http://www.shrm.org/Communities/StudentPrograms /pages/student-membership-benefits.aspx Want to enhance your resume? EMU SHRM is currently looking for new student officers for 2015-2016! EMU SHRM Winter 2015 Events Date February 10th February 18th March 6th @ 12 March 11th March 16th Student Center 6-8pm Topic Employer Branding Alumni Panel HR Metrics Speaker Allison Gacek, Dominos Pizza Ford Motor Company, Varroc Lighting, Systems in Motion Company Tour at Jiffy Chontae Sylvertooth, SPHR, Compensation & Benefits Analyst , Eastern Michigan University HR Business Etiquette Dining Event EMU SHRM Student Officers 2015 - 2016 President Rachel Morrissey Rmorriss@emich.edu VP of Communication Michelle Putri mputri@emich.edu 5 cover letter clichés that make employers cringe An employer gave you quite a gift when requesting a cover letter: the chance to show off. And so many job seekers blow it. Instead of taking the time to write an original, compelling case for themselves about why they should be hired, they get lazy. You can do better. The job candidates you're competing against may use these cover letter clichés below, but their letters will be thrown in the "eh" file. You, on the other hand, will make the time and effort to avoid these blunders. 1. "Dear Sir or Madam." Here's one way to annoy a potential employer from the get-go: Begin your letter with this boring greeting, "Dear Hiring Manager" or — shudder — "To Whom It May Concern." The generalized opener is simply lazy, which is not a trait companies seek in their new hires. 2. "I'd like to apply for a job at ..." Hope you mail your letter with an alarm clock, because you're sending the reader to sleep. 3. "I think I'm the perfect candidate for this position." This is a two-fold offense: "'Thinking,' 'feeling' and 'believing' are wishy-washy for the business environment”, and you really aren't in a position to judge if you're a perfect fit or not." 4. "I'm a detail-oriented team player." Nix these general buzz-word traits. Fill your letter with measurable items or accomplishments 5. "I'm such a huge fan of this company." Job candidates will often go to the other extreme and use the bulk of their cover letters to gush about how much they love the prospective company. Read more: http://money.usnews.com/money/careers/articles/2015/01/21/5-cover-lettercliches-that-make-employers-cringe#ixzz3RH7FH0VN VP of Programs Shante Jackson sjacks31@emich.edu VP of Mentoring Juan Quirindongo juan_quirindongo@yahoo.com Janaki Thekkepat jthekkep@emich.edu VP of Membership Alana Dennis Adennis9@emich.edu VP of Community Outreach Helena Bardakjian Hbardakj@emich.edu Matthew Kauffman matthewkauffman1@gmail.com VP of Social Media Maria Santana-Mendoza msantana@emich.edu VP of Merit Award Laurial Ross Lross11@emich.edu SHRM Advisors for 2013-2014 Dr. Fraya Wagner-Marsh GPHR, SPHR, SHRM-SCP fwagnerm@emich.edu Dr. Anushri Rawat SPHR, SHRM-SCP arawat@emich.edu Website: www.emushrm.com Twitter or Facebook Search: emushrm