AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION OF Smita Biswas for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Economics, presented on June 2, 2011 Title: The Economics of Forest-Dependent Regions Abstract approved: ____________________________________________________ Andrew J. Plantinga This dissertation explores two economic phenomena involving forest-dependent areas: wage distribution and migration pattern of individuals. Are forest-dependent rural areas less desirable for workers from the standpoint of labor market returns? Are different skills (e.g. education, experience) rewarded differently in these areas? If there are interregional wage differences, would that influence a working-age individual‘s migration decision and residential location choice? These questions are examined here with data from Public Use Microdata Survey (PUMS) of the United States 2000 decennial census. I focus my inquiry on the socio-economic characteristics of forest and non forest-dependent areas, the interregional difference in labor market outcomes, and the influence of wage differential and other factors on the migration decisions and residential location choice of working-age individuals. Reduced form log wage equations are estimated for individuals, which incorporate explanatory variables related to both skill factors (such as years of schooling and potential experience) and to non-skill factors (such as minority status) potentially influencing wage. Variations in the interregional wage distribution resulting from differences in skill mix of workers are removed by using a standardized skill distribution. The results indicate that average wages and variation in wage distribution are lower in the forest-dependent areas than other areas. For migration analysis, a Partially Degenerate Nested Logit (PDNL) model is used to model migration decisions and location choice of individuals in the Northwest between 1995 and 2000. Migration decision is modelled as a two stage process: first an individual decides whether to move or stay in his/her original location. Conditional on migration, the individual next chooses his/her destination location from a set of alternative areas. Empirical results indicate that educational attainment and labor market outcomes influence individual‘s migration decision. Conditional on moving, non-forest dependent areas are more attractive to individuals as residential destinations. ©Copyright by Smita Biswas June 2, 2011 All Rights Reserved The Economics of Forest-Dependent Regions by Smita Biswas A DISSERTATION submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Presented June 2, 2011 Commencement June 2012 Doctor of Philosophy dissertation of Smita Biswas presented on June 2, 2011 APPROVED: ________________________________________________________________________ Major Professor, representing Applied Economics ________________________________________________________________________ Director of the Applied Economics Graduate Program ________________________________________________________________________ Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my dissertation will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University Libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my dissertation to any reader upon request. ________________________________________________________________________ Smita Biswas, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the many individuals who contributed to my experience at Oregon State University. First and foremost, I would like to thank my major professor, Dr. Andrew J. Plantinga, for his advice, patience, and support throughout my graduate program. I am grateful for the opportunity to pursue my doctoral degree under his guidance, and for his help in preparing this manuscript. I would like to express gratitude to Dr. Munisamy Gopinath, Dr. Jeffery Reimer, Dr. Bruce Weber, and Dr. Russell E. Ingham for serving in my graduate committee, and kindly offering their valuable time and advice. Gratitude is extended to the faculty, staff and students of the Applied Economics Graduate Program for their support and collegial atmosphere. I am thankful to my fellow classmates for their help and companionship during my years at Oregon State University. Lastly, very special thanks to my family and friends, near and far, for being there in good and bad times, and for their affection and understanding. To my brother, Bunty thank you for always encouraging me, and without your inspiration, I would have not undertaken this endeavor. To my best friend, Pralay - thank you for always standing by my side and for your unending love. CONTRIBUTION OF AUTHORS Dr. Andrew J. Plantinga contributed to the writing and preparation of this dissertation. His direction was instrumental in developing the methodology, interpreting results, and polishing the manuscript. In particular, Dr. Plantinga contributed to the writing of Chapter 3, βWages and Returns to Skills in Forest-Dependent United Statesβ. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter 1 - General Introduction ........................................................................................ 1 Chapter 2 - Forest-Dependent Areas in the United States .................................................. 6 2.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 6 2.2. Data .......................................................................................................................... 7 2.3. Identifying Forest-Dependent Areas ........................................................................ 7 2.4. Comparison of Forest and Non Forest-Dependent Areas ...................................... 11 2.5. Discussion .............................................................................................................. 15 Appendix 2A ................................................................................................................. 17 Chapter 3 - Wages and Returns to Skills in Forest-Dependent United States .................. 26 3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 26 3.2. Conceptual Basis .................................................................................................... 27 3.3. Empirical Methodology.......................................................................................... 29 3.3.1. Estimating Area Mean Log Wage ................................................................... 32 3.3.2. Estimating Area Returns to Skills ................................................................... 33 3.4. Data ....................................................................................................................... 37 3.5. Results .................................................................................................................... 38 3.6. Discussion .............................................................................................................. 43 Appendix 3A ................................................................................................................. 46 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Chapter 4 - Migration Decision and Location Choice in the Northwest .......................... 59 4.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 59 4.2. Model Framework .................................................................................................. 61 4.3. Data ........................................................................................................................ 65 4.4. Results .................................................................................................................... 68 4.5. Discussion .............................................................................................................. 72 Appendix 4A ................................................................................................................. 74 Chapter 5 - Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 77 Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 81 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1. U.S. Areas with Five Percent or More Income from Forest Sectors .......................... 9 2.2. U.S. Areas with Five Percent or More Employment from Forest Sectors .................. 9 3.1. Forest-Dependency and Estimated Area Wage, Males............................................. 40 3.2. Forest-Dependency and Estimated Area Wage, Females ......................................... 40 4.1. Structure of Partially Degenerate Nested Logit (PDNL) Model .............................. 62 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 2.1. Socioeconomic Measures, 2000................................................................................ 12 2.A.1. NAICS Industries in Forestry and Wood Sector ................................................... 17 2.A.2. MIGPUMAs with 5% or More Income and Employment from Forestry .............. 18 2.A.3. MIGPUMAs and Counties of Northern California ................................................ 21 2.A.4. MIGPUMAs and Counties of Idaho ...................................................................... 22 2.A.5. MIGPUMAs and Counties of Oregon ................................................................... 23 2.A.6. MIGPUMAs and Counties of Washington ............................................................ 24 2.A.7. MIGPUMAs and Counties of Maine .................................................................... 25 2.A.8. MIGPUMAs and Counties of New Hampshire .................................................... 25 3.1. Mean Wages, and Index of Returns to Skills, Education and Experience ............... 41 3.A.1. Variable Definitions ............................................................................................... 46 3.A.2. Selected Summary Statistics, Males ...................................................................... 47 3.A.3. Selected Summary Statistics, Females ................................................................... 48 3.A.4. Estimates of Wage Equation, Males ...................................................................... 49 3.A.5. Estimates of Wage Equation, Females ................................................................... 50 3.A.6. Estimates of Area Mean Log Wage, Males ........................................................... 51 3.A.7. Estimates of Area Mean Log Wage, Females ........................................................ 53 3.A.8. Estimates of Returns to Skills, Education and Experience, Males ........................ 55 3.A.9. Estimates of Returns to Skills, Education and Experience, Females ..................... 57 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table Page 4.1.Maximum Likelihood Estimates of PDNL Model...................................................... 69 4.A.1. Variables Used in the Migration Model ................................................................. 74 4.A.2. Summary Statistics for the Migration Model, Males ............................................. 75 4.A.3. Summary Statistics for the Migration Model, Females ......................................... 76 THE ECONOMICS OF FOREST-DEPENDENT REGIONS Chapter 1 – General Introduction The United States has about 737 million acres of forest land, with approximately two-thirds of the forest land used for the production of wood products. With a timberland base of 490 million acres, the forest products industry harvested about 19 billion cubic feet of softwood and hardwood timber in 1998 (Miller Freeman, 1998). The United States is a world leader in producing lumber and wood products, and also a leader in the pulp and paper industry, producing about 34 percent of the world's pulp and 29 percent of total world output of paper and paperboard (Miller Freeman, 1998). The U.S. forest products industry is a strong contributor to the nation's economy, producing 1.2 percent of the U.S. GDP. The industry employed almost 1.3 million people in all regions of the country in 1997, and ranks among the top 10 manufacturing industries in 46 states (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1997). Yet, in recent decades, forest products industries have experienced challenges that have had profound effects on regional employment and earnings. During the 1990s there were significant structural changes in the Pacific Northwest timber industries. Previously, the old-growth forests of the Northwest had served as the northern spotted owl‘s habitat. Over time, these forests had also become primary sources of timber for forest based industries. As a result of heavy logging, the old forests have dwindled and so has the number of spotted owls. In June 1990, the northern spotted owl was declared a threatened 2 species, and the issue of habitat protection for the northern spotted owl came to the forefront. Under the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) adopted in 1994, large areas of oldgrowth forest were set aside to protect the spotted owl and other species. This policy affected federal lands on the west side of the Cascades in Oregon and Washington, and in portions of Northern California. Less logging in the Northwest region affected communities that were dependent on the resource for economic stability (Dumont, 1996). A recent retrospective study (Eichman et al, 2010) found employment reductions from the NWFP of about 80,000 jobs over the period of 1994 to 2003. While the timber and timberland markets of the Southeast and Northwest comprise a major portion of the forest products capacity in U.S., the Northeast continues to be a region of importance. Despite a large forest resource base and extensive timber cutting, wood markets in the Northeast, and especially in Northern Maine, are depressed. Many mills have closed down or reduced production. These economic conditions have affected employment across the entire industry. According to USDA Forest Service research, the Northeast region – which includes Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and New York – has experienced a 24 percent decline in softwood lumber capacity between 2000 and 2005. Timber industry employment accounts for 3.4 percent of Maine jobs, but employment in the industry is shrinking. Despite the challenges faced by the Northwest and the Northeast forest industry over the last few years, forest products sector remains a major employer in these two regions. Past studies (Kaufman and Kaufman, 1990; Machlis and Force, 1988; Machlis, Force and Balice, 1990) have showed that some key issues encountered in forest- 3 dependent areas include poverty, lack of economic development and loss of population. This dissertation explores the indicators that tell of the different economic struggles faced by the forest-dependent areas of the Northwest and the Northeast. These two regions are natural areas to study because of the different challenges faced by them. I focus my inquiry on two economic phenomena involving forest-dependent areas: wage distribution and migration pattern of individuals. Chapter 2 uses United States census data for the year 2000 to identify areas which can be considered as forest-dependent. I define forest-dependent areas as those which in 2000 had at least 5 percent of income from forest-based industries. Results of statistical analysis reveal that forest-dependent areas are concentrated in the Pacific Northwest, the Northeast, the upper Midwest, and parts of the Southeast United States. Not all forestdependent regions in United States have undergone similar changes over the years. There is a difference in ownership pattern of forests in the Northwest and the Northeast. In the Northwest, a large portion of the forest resources is under federal ownership and subject to federal management, whereas forests in the Northeast are mostly under private management. Because the experiences of the forest-dependent areas in the Northwest may differ in interesting ways from experiences of their Northeast counterpart, this study examines the socioeconomic characteristics of these two regions. A descriptive analysis was conducted to provide for a regional comparison of the Northwest and the Northeast. The general finding is that forest-dependent areas in the Northeast and the Northwest do not vary significantly in socioeconomic characteristics, but the non forest-dependent areas in both regions are overall better off than the forest-dependent areas. 4 Chapter 3 investigates the interregional differences in wage distribution in forest and non forest-dependent areas. A Mincerian-style log wage equation is estimated at the individual level, which incorporates explanatory variables related to both skill factors (such as years of schooling and potential experience) and to non-skill factors (such as minority status) potentially influencing wage. Separate wage equations are estimated for forest and non forest-dependent areas, reflecting the idea that skills are rewarded differently in different labor markets. Wages vary greatly by gender, and hence separate wage equations are estimated for males and females. Variations in the interregional wage distribution resulting from differences in skill mix of workers are removed by using a standardized skill distribution. The standardized skills distribution controls for the skill level of individuals across areas by normalizing each individual‘s skill to equal the mean skill level of all other individuals in the sample. Wages earned by individuals depend on their skills, and particular skills such as education and experience may be more highly valued in some labor markets. This study investigates whether overall skills, as well as particular skills such as education and experience, are rewarded differently in the forest and non forest-dependent areas. The analysis produced area mean wages and returns to skills indices1 for forest and non forest-dependent areas. The results indicate that average wages and returns to skills indices are lower in the forest-dependent areas than other areas. 1 An index that reflects the log wage variance in the jth area relative to the log wage variance in all areas. 5 Chapter 4 examines the factors that influence migration decisions and location choice of individuals in the Northwest. There are 47 MIGPUMAs 2 in the Northwest region, and between 1995 and 2000, an individual may choose to stay in his/her origin location or move to any of the remaining 46 MIGPUMAs. Each area (MIGPUMA) is characterized by a number of features that will contribute to an individual‘s well-being. A migration model is constructed that hypothesizes that individuals seek to maximize their utility and can do so by choosing to live in any of 47 MIGPUMAs in the Northwest. The appropriate model for the empirical analysis of discrete choice among one origin area and 46 alternative non-origin destination areas is a Partially Degenerate Nested Logit (PDNL) model (Hunt, 2000; Hunt and Mueller, 2004). The model encompasses both area and individual characteristics that are found to be important in migration decision-making. The individual characteristics include data on age, race, marital status, and educational attainment. The area attributes include data on population density, employment growth, amenity features, wages, and migration cost factors. Results of the empirical model indicate that higher educational attainment and higher expected wages in non-origin areas increase an individual‘s probability to migrate. Conditional on migration, individuals prefer non forest-dependent areas as destination. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of forest and non forestdependent areas by investigating regional wage distributions, and work-age individuals‘ migration and residential location choice. 2 MIGPUMA is the geographic unit of analysis, and is discussed in section 2.2 (Data) on page 7 6 Chapter 2 – Forest-Dependent Areas in the United States 2.1. Introduction About 33 percent of U.S. land area, or 737 million acres, is forest land. Of this forest land, about 490 million acres (67 percent of all forest land) is classified as timberland—forest land capable of producing in excess of 20 cubic feet per acre per year and not legally withdrawn from timber utilization. Within the U.S., there are regional differences in the proportion of land in forest and the ownership patterns of forestlands. About 94 percent of forests in the East, 80 percent of forests in the Pacific Northwest sub region, 50 percent of the forests in Rocky Mountain region, and 10 percent of forests in Alaska are classified as timberland (Smith, 2000). While most of the forests in the Northwest are public lands, forests in the Northeast are largely owned by the private sector. In this chapter, I perform a descriptive analysis to identify regions in the United State that can be considered forest-dependent. Then, a comparison is made between the socioeconomic characteristics of forest-dependent areas in the Northwest (northern California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington) and the Northeast (Maine and parts of New Hampshire). The purpose of this research is to (1) identify forest-dependent areas of the United States, and (2) examine whether or not the Northeast and the Northwest exhibit interregional differences. 7 2.2. Data The data for this study were obtained from the Public Use Microdata Survey (PUMS) of the United States 2000 decennial census. The 2000 PUMS data were accessed via the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) website 3 . PUMS provide detailed demographic and socioeconomic information on individuals and households. To preserve confidentiality, the Census Bureau reports the residence of respondents at the level of Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA). PUMAs are geographic areas with a population of at least 100,000 people. MIGPUMAs are agglomerations of one or more PUMAs. This research defines forest-dependent areas as MIGPUMAs with 5 percent or more of the total income from forest based industries. The forest industry is represented in the following four categories of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): 113 forestry and logging, 1153 forestry support activities, 321 wood product manufacturing and 322 paper and allied products. The specific industries encompassing the forestry sector in this paper are consistent with those outlined by previous research and are delineated in appendix table 2.A.1 along with their NAICS codes. 2.3. Identifying Forest-Dependent Areas Machlis and Force (1988) note that while forest dependency has been measured in a number of different ways, economic measures dominate the literature. Following this trend, forest dependency in this study may be defined as percent of income or 3 IPUMS website: 8 employment in forest-based industries. Both income and employment definition have been used in previous studies to identify forest-dependent areas (Elo and Beale, 1985; Fortmann et al., 1991; Weber, 1995). Here, a preliminary analysis is conducted taking account of both income and employment in forest sectors. The income definition gives a larger number of areas as forest-dependent than the employment definition. With 5 percent cut off level, the U.S. has 104 forest-dependent MIGPUMAs using the income definition and 62 forest-dependent MIGPUMAs using the employment definition. Figures 2.1 and 2.2 indicate the forest-dependent areas in United States, based on income and employment definitions respectively. Considering 5 percent income cut off, there are 22 MIGPUMAs in the Northwest and 5 MIGPUMAs in the Northeast which are forestdependent. With 5 percent employment cut off, there are 18 MIGPUMAs in the Northwest and 3 MIGPUMAs in the Northeast which are forest-dependent (appendix table 2.A.2). The location of the forest-dependent areas reflects the geographical distribution of forest resource in the United States. The forest-dependent areas are concentrated in the Pacific Northwest, the Northeast, the upper Midwest, and parts of the Southeast. Figures 2.1 and 2.2 graphically represent the areas in United States which can be considered as forest-dependent, based on a 5 percent cut off level of income and employment respectively. 9 Figure 2.1. U.S. Areas with Five Percent or More Income from Forest Sectors Figure 2.2. U.S. Areas with Five Percent or More Employment from Forest Sectors 10 Previous studies have used different cut offs to define forest-dependency. Elo and Beale (1985) used 20 percent employment as the cut off for high levels of forest dependence. Other studies (Weber, 1995; Fortmann et al., 1991) have used less restrictive cut off criteria, because the 20 percent cut off criterion results in fewer cases. Fortmann et al. (1991) defined forest-dependent counties as counties with 3 percent or greater wages in forest-related industries. I define timber dependent MIGPUMAs as those with 5 percent or more of the total income from forest-based industries. The whole United States sample has 1.11 percent income and 1.08 percent employment from forestry sector, and a choice of 5 percent cut off level for forest dependence seems very reasonable. Also previous studies considered counties as the geographic unit of analysis, whereas here MIGPUMAs (which in most cases are agglomerations of counties) are the geographic unit of analysis. Considering a larger geographic unit such as MIGPUMA, a 5 percent cut off would still indicate a high level of forestry activity. If the cut-off is set higher, say at 10 or 15 percent, the total number of MIGPUMAs identifiable as forest-dependent is reduced considerably. I chose a 5 percent cut-off level as a compromise that indicates dependence on the forest sector and at the same time ensures enough MIGPUMAs for analysis. There are 47 MIGPUMAs in the Northwest, out of which 22 are forest-dependent. In the Northeast, there are 11 MIGPUMAs out of which 5 are forest-dependent. Appendix table 2.A.3 - 2.A.8 lists the MIGPUMAs in the Northwest and the Northeast, along with the names of counties that comprise the MIGPUMAs. 11 After identifying the forest-dependent regions, the Northwest and the Northeast regions were selected for further study. Forest-based industries are important to both regions, but each has faced different challenges in recent times. Both regions constitute an important part of the local economy, and because of the recent challenges faced by them, these two regions make compelling cases for further study. 2.4. Comparisons of Forest and Non Forest-Dependent Areas An interregional descriptive analysis is conducted to determine whether forestdependent areas in the Northwest and the Northeast are similar in terms of socioeconomic characteristics. The measures of socioeconomic characteristics have been grouped into five sub-categories: demographic, economic, educational, health, and housing measures. The findings are reported in Table 2.1. 12 Table 2.1. Socioeconomic Measures, 2000 Selected Variables Northwest Forest Nonforest Northeast Forest Nonforest A. Demographic measures Population density (person per sq. mile) Percent change in population, 1990-2000 White population (percentage) Black population (percentage) Median age (years) Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 22.6 17.4 93.8 0.8 39.3 102.2 135.6 20.7 93.2 1.2 34.8 100.3 32.9 -1.4 97.2 0.4 39.5 95.8 141.6 8.3 97.4 0.7 39.4 96.1 B. Economic measures Per capita income (dollar) Median household income (dollar) Person in poverty (percentage) Unemployment rate 21785 34005 13.9 6.9 24368 38402 11.8 5.03 23187 32639 11.9 4.2 26549 38830 9.3 3.0 High school diploma or more (percent) Bachelors degree or more (percent) 81.4 16.5 83.3 21.4 82.1 17.7 86.5 24.8 D. Health measures Births per 1000 population Deaths per 1000 population Infant mortality rate 11.6 9.9 6.7 14.3 7.9 6.1 10.1 10.5 4.4 10.5 9.8 3.6 109970 124586 77200 110588 C. Educational attainment E. Housing measures Median value of owner occupied housing units (dollar) A. Demographic Measures Table 2.1 contains the findings for demographic measures. The population density in the forest-dependent Northeast region is higher than in the Northwest, with 33 persons per square mile compared to 23, respectively. In additional to differences in settlement patterns, this difference may be due to the forest ownership patterns seen in the two 13 regions. Since the Northwest region has more public forestland, fewer people inhabit the forest-dependent areas. The Northeast region is largely private owned, providing more opportunities for people to live in the forest-dependent regions. Also for both regions, population density is much higher in non forest-dependent areas as compared to the forest-dependent areas. The percent change in population between 1990 and 2000 in the forest-dependent areas in the Northwest was higher (17.4 percent) than in the Northeast. In fact, the Northeast forest-dependent areas experienced a decrease in population (1.4 percent) from 1990 to 2000. Although the non forest-dependent areas in both regions had increases in population, the increase was higher in the Northwest (20.7 percent) than in the Northeast (8.3 percent). With regard to race, there is little difference in the composition of whites and blacks in both regions. The Northwest has slightly fewer whites and more blacks than in the Northeast. There is also not much regional difference in the male to female sex ratio. The average sex ratio for forest-dependent areas is higher in the Northwest (102.2) than in the Northeast (95.8). While the mean sex ratio for the Northwest exceeds 100 males per 100 females, there are about 96 males for every 100 females in the Northeast. Generally, a low sex ratio may indicate a poor economy. Women are less likely to work due to their responsibilities of raising children and caring for other members of the family, while men are more likely than women to find employment. 14 There is no difference in median age in the Northwest and the Northeast forestdependent areas. On average, the median age in the forest-dependent areas of the two regions is about 39.5 years. The non forest-dependent areas in the Northwest have a younger population (34.8 years) than in the Northeast (39.4 years). B. Economic Measures Table 2.1 reports the regional differences in economic measures. Non forestdependent areas in both the Northwest and the Northeast are economically better off than those in the forest-dependent areas. The forest-dependent areas in the Northwest and the Northeast have lower per capita income and median household income than their non forest-dependent counterparts. Also the forest-dependent areas have higher percentage of individuals in poverty, as well as higher unemployment rates. C. Educational Attainment Table 2.1 shows that on average, forest-dependent areas in both the Northeast and Northwest have lower educational attainment at high school and college levels. The average percentage of people who completed high school and college degree is slightly higher in the Northeast than in the Northwest. D. Health Measures The data on health measures are presented in Table 2.1. There is not much regional difference in the Northeast and the Northwest. The indicators of health measures, in general, are slightly better in the non forest-dependent areas than in the forest-dependent areas in both regions. 15 E. Housing Measures Housing indicators are also reported on Table 2.1. For both forest-dependent and non forest-dependent areas, the median value of owner occupied housing units in the Northwest is higher than that in the Northeast. In both regions, the median owner occupied house value is lower in the forest-dependent areas. 2.5. Discussion The descriptive analysis shows that there is some variation in the socioeconomic characteristics associated with forest-dependent areas in the Northeast and in the Northwest, but the differences are not very large, at least when one examines average characteristics. But, in both regions, the forest-dependent areas display socioeconomic characteristics more indicative of poor economic conditions compared to the non forestdependent areas. For example in both the Northwest and the Northeast, population density and population growth is lower in the forest-dependent areas. Per capita income and median household income are also lower in the forest-dependent areas. More people are unemployed, are in poverty, and have lower educational attainment in the forestdependent areas than their non-forest counterparts. In the Northwest, a major problem for forest-dependent areas has been the reduction in public timber harvests that once supported wood products industries. With loss in employment in timber dependent jobs, many families had to suffer economic distress. The challenge is to devise alternative economic development strategies to minimize the negative consequences of challenges undergone in this region. 16 Forestlands of the Northeast are primarily privately owned lands, and forest management practices for public lands cannot be upheld on private owned lands (Drielsma, Miller and Burch, 1990). Here, the supply of timber is not the real issue, and yet jobs have disappeared from timber industry in recent years. The forest-dependent areas in the Northeast are poorer, less educated and have undergone worse socioeconomic changes than the non forest-dependent areas. Forest-based industries are important to the region and future economic development efforts have to be made to improve the level of rewards for employment in this sector. 17 Appendix 2A Table 2.A.1. NAICS Industries in Forestry and Wood Sector Industry Number Industry Name 113 11311 11321 11331 Forestry and logging Timber tract operations Forest nurseries and gathering of forest products Logging 1153 Support activities for forestry 3211 Sawmills and wood preservation 3212 Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood product manufacturing 3219 Other wood product manufacturing 3221 Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills 3222 Converted paper product manufacturing 18 Table 2.A.2. MIGPUMAs with 5% or More Income and Employment from Forestry State Total Number of MIGPUMAs Alabama 23 Arkansas 18 California 41 Florida Georgia 39 42 Idaho 8 Indiana 34 Kentucky Louisiana 25 23 Income from Forestry Employment from Forestry MIGPUMA Percentage MIGPUMA Percentage Number Number 21 15 7 11 18 17 18 19 16 14 15 12 2 1 5 4 3 14 38 41 37 39 40 33 22 36 25 2 1 4 8 7 6 3 5 6 4 8 21.44 12.77 9.9 6.11 5.94 20.37 12.17 10.38 7.26 6.66 5.94 5.25 11.79 9.26 8.44 5.95 5.3 7.08 8.84 6.91 6.25 6.18 5.85 5.66 5.51 5.32 5.14 16.62 8.16 7.13 5.39 5.14 5.12 12.4 10.61 8.1 6.31 5.35 21 15 7 12.05 8.3 8.28 17 18 19 14 10.35 8.89 6.77 5.2 2 1 5 7.4 6.78 6.18 --38 41 39 ---6.15 5.68 5.05 2 1 4 --- 8.7 6.47 5.32 --- --3 5 6 --7.3 6.67 5.23 19 State Total Number of MIGPUMAs Maine 10 Maryland Michigan 16 32 Minnesota 23 Mississippi 22 Missouri Montana 23 7 New Hampshire New York North Carolina 11 Ohio 44 Oregon 13 39 42 Income from Forestry Employment from Forestry MIGPUMA Percentage MIGPUMA Percentage Number Number 8 10 9 6 1 3 1 2 3 5 20 18 12 8 17 10 --1 7 1 17.81 17.63 9.95 5.77 6.05 9.31 8.87 5.9 13.24 5.77 8.6 8.24 7.99 7.27 5.81 5.15 --11.28 8.6 5.47 8 10 9 12.88 9.19 6.41 --3 1 --5.53 5.31 3 7.71 18 20 12 8 6.14 5.96 5.31 5.18 23 1 7 --- 5.15 7.76 5.23 --- 3 35 47 1 41 25 37 34 26 10 3 5 2 8 6 1 9 4 7 5.45 9.23 6.78 5.42 5.32 5.15 9.47 7.49 6.49 22.62 11.84 10.81 10.34 8.8 8.43 8.31 6.39 6.15 6.10 --35 --5.36 34 37 26 10 3 2 5 8 1 6 9 4 7.07 6.1 5.74 14.14 8.09 7.6 6.5 6.19 6.18 6.03 5.36 5.24 20 State Total Number of MIGPUMAs Pennsylvania 40 South Carolina Tennessee 21 28 Texas 63 Virginia 35 Washington 17 West Virginia Wisconsin 12 20 Total number of MIGPUMAs Income from Forestry Employment from Forestry MIGPUMA Percentage MIGPUMA Percentage Number Number 12 4 5 26 12 23 28 27 11 17 7 16 17 32 33 11 11 15 16 4 5 9 15 6 16 2 1 13 7.8 6.36 6.20 5.29 9.31 5.9 6.38 5.88 5.42 5.39 5.1 13.6 7.6 7.94 7.25 5.29 20.61 12.81 9.39 5.65 7.98 5.78 14.17 13.21 9.97 8.93 7.65 6.29 104 12 4 5 5.53 5.06 5.01 14 5.81 --- --- 16 17 33 32 8.9 5.15 5.7 5.35 11 15 16 11.53 9.23 6.49 5 6.39 15 6 16 1 2 9.11 8.78 7.19 6.66 6.62 62 21 Table 2.A.3. MIGPUMAs and Counties of Northern California MIGPUMA Number County Names Percentage of Forest Income 1 Del Norte Lassen Modoc Siskiyou Humboldt Shasta Lake Mendocino Colusa Glenn Tehama Trinity Butte Nevada Plumas Sierra Sutter Yuba Yolo 9.3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11.8 5.3 5.9 8.4 non-forest non-forest non-forest non-forest 22 Table 2.A.4. MIGPUMAs and Counties of Idaho MIGPUMA Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 County Names Benewah Bonner Boundary Kootenai Shoshone Clearwater Idaho Latah Lewis Nez Perce Bonneville Butte Clark Custer Fremont Jefferson Lemhi Madison Teton Adams Boise Elmore Gem Owyhee Payette Valley Washington Canyon Ada Blaine Camas Cassia Gooding Jerome Lincoln Minidoka Twin Falls Bannock Bear Lake Bingham Caribou Franklin Oneida Power Percentage of Forest Income 8.2 16.6 non-forest 7.1 non-forest non-forest non-forest non-forest 23 Table 2.A.5. MIGPUMAs and Counties of Oregon MIGPUMA Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 County Names Baker Umatilla Union Wallowa Crook Gilliam Grant Hood River Jefferson Morrow Sherman Wasco Wheeler Harney Klamath Lake Malheur Deschutes Clatsop Columbia Lincoln Tillamook Benton Linn Lane Coos Curry Josephine Jackson Douglas Marion Polk Yamhill Multnomah Clackamas Washington Percentage of Forest Income 8.3 10.3 11.8 6.2 10.8 8.4 6.1 8.8 6.4 22.6 non-forest non-forest non-forest 24 Table 2.A.6. MIGPUMAs and Counties of Washington MIGPUMA Number 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 21 County Names Whatcom Island San Juan Skagit Chelan Douglas Kittitas Okanogan Adams Ferry Grant Lincoln Pend Oreille Stevens Spokane Asotin Columbia Garfield Walla Walla Whitman Benton Franklin Yakima Snohomish Cowlitz Klickitat Skamania Wahkiakum Thurston Pierce Grays Harbor Lewis Pacific Clallam Jefferson Mason Kitsap King Clark Percentage of Forest Income non-forest non-forest non-forest 5.6 non-forest non-forest non-forest non-forest non-forest 20.6 non-forest non-forest 12.8 9.4 non-forest non-forest non-forest 25 Table 2.A.7. MIGPUMAs and Counties of Maine MIGPUMA Number 1, 2, 3 & 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 County Names York County Cumberland County Lincoln Sagadahoc Hancock County Knox County Waldo County Kennebec County Androscoggin County Franklin County Oxford County Somerset County Penobscot County Piscataquis County Aroostook County Washington County Percentage of Forest Income non-forest non-forest 5.8 non-forest 17.8 9.9 17.6 Table 2.A.8. MIGPUMA and Counties of New Hampshire (included in analysis) MIGPUMA Number 1 County Names Coos Grafton Percentage of Forest Income 5.5 26 Chapter 3 – Wages and Returns to Skills in Forest-Dependent United States 3.1. Introduction Forest-dependent areas in both the Northwest and the Northeast display socioeconomic characteristics more indicative of poor economic conditions compared to the non forest-dependent areas. Wages earned by individuals in an area may be a good indicator of community well-being in that place, and hence wage analysis of the forest and non forest-dependent areas may indicate how these regions compare relative to each other and to the rest of the United States. Past studies have found that wages vary across regions in the United States because of differences in local amenities as well differences in the skill composition of people residing there (Roback, 1982; Dickie and Gerking, 1987; Blomquist et al, 1988). Most of these studies estimate log wage equations on individual data and investigate regional wage distributions. I use this basic approach to estimate log wage equations using individual data, and produce area mean wages and returns to skills indices for forest and non forest-dependent areas. If the skills of workers in non forest-dependent areas are in general higher than workers in forest-dependent areas, then this may result in higher wages in the non forestdependent areas. If one can control for differences in the skill composition of workers in forest and non forest-dependent areas, would there still be difference in wages between these areas? Also, are different types of skills (e.g. education and experience) rewarded differently in forest-dependent areas? This study addresses the question: are forest- 27 dependent rural areas less desirable for workers from the standpoint of labor market returns? I focus my analysis on the Northwest and the Northeast United States because of the recent upheavals in forest-based industries there. This study allows me to determine whether the regional labor markets have adjusted, or failed to adjust, in the wake of such changes. Although the present study relies on methods developed in Hunt and Mueller (2002), it contributes to the literature in two ways. First, this study examines the interregional differences in wages between forest and non forest-dependent areas, and indicates that forest-dependent areas offer lower labor market returns. The study also reports returns to particular skills, such as education and experience in the different areas. Second, this study estimates area mean wages and returns to skills for smaller geographic areas than previous studies, most of which considered states as the geographic unit of study. This analysis facilitates a closer inspection of labor markets in forest and non forest-dependent areas. 3.2. Conceptual Basis The theoretical basis for this study is Hunt and Mueller (2002) and Borjas et al‘s (1992) similar work. Consider that there are j distinct geographic regions. The natural logarithm of individual i‘s wage in region j is written as: (3.1) ln(wij) = μj + Ι³ij where μj is the mean income that would be observed in region j and Ι³ij is a random component that measures person-specific deviations from mean income. The mean 28 income μj vary across regions, and the random component Ι³ij depends on factors related to areas, as well as individual skill levels of workers. The goal of this chapter is to compare wage distributions in forest-dependent and non forest-dependent regions. To remove interregional differences in the composition of skills, a standardized skill distribution is developed. The global mean skill level (i.e., mean skill level for all individuals in all regions) is denoted by υ and the variance of skills is denoted by σ2. Thus, in expectation individual i‘s skill υi is equal to the global mean skill level, i.e. E(υi) =υ, and the variance of individual i‘s skill in this distribution has a constant value of σ2, i.e. Var (υi) = σ2. The standardized skill distribution implies that individual earnings are perfectly correlated across regions, so that Corr (υij, υik) = 1, j≠k, where j and k index regions. In other words, individual skills are independent of area, and hence skills need not be indexed by area. Then, from equation (3.1) individual i‘s log wage in region j can be written as: (3.2) ln(wij) = μj + φj(υi - υ) where μj is the mean log wage in area j, φj is the index of return to skills in area j, υi is individual‘s skill level, and υ is the global mean skill level. To investigate interregional variations, I estimated the values of μj and φj for forest and non forest-dependent areas. Assuming a standardized skills distribution, let the log wage of individual i in region j be denoted by ln(wij)*. From equation (3.2), the expected value and variance of the standardized log wage distribution for area j are: (3.3) E[ln(wij)*] = μj + φj [E(υi)- υ] 29 = μj + φj [υ- υ] = μj (3.4) Var[ln(wij)*] = φ2j Var(υi) = φ2j σ2 Rearranging (3.4) yields: ππ = πππ ln π€ππ ∗ π2 , where φj is an index that reflects the returns to skills variance in the jth area relative to the returns to skills variance for the standardized skill distribution over all regions. If φj is >1 (<1), then the jth area returns to skills variance is greater than (less than) the global returns to skills variance (σ2). 3.3. Empirical Methodology Past studies have applied reduced form hedonic wage equations to explain transactions in labor markets (Rosen, 1974; Smith, 1983). Hedonic wage functions are considered to be equilibrium relationships, representing a double envelope – the lower boundary of the individual worker‘s wage acceptance functions and the upper frontier of firms‘ wage offer function. Consequently, the specification of a hedonic wage function reflects both the demand and supply determinants of transactions in labor markets. As hedonic functions describe the market equilibrium, it can be used to estimate individual‘s equilibrium wage in the labor market. A reduced form hedonic wage equation is used to estimate the area mean log wage (μj) and area returns to skills index (φj) for the forest and non forest-dependent areas. The reduced form wage equation is specified in terms of hypothesized correlates of 30 wages following Mincer (1974). A Mincerian-type log wage equation4 for individuals is specified in terms of skill variables (e.g. educational attainment and potential experience) and non-skill variables (e.g. minority status and part-time work status). For individual i, the equation is specified: (3.5) ln(wi) = α + β1PXi + β2 (PX)i 2 + β3HHi + β4ENGi + ∑mβmEAmi + ∑nβnMSni + γ1 PTi + ∑r γr RCri + ∑s γs INDsi + εi where: ln(w) ≡ natural logarithm of average weekly wage PX ≡ potential experience5 (i.e., age in years – years of schooling – 5) HH ≡ household head (two categories: household head, non-household head) ENG ≡ English language ability (two categories: speak English, do not speak English) EA ≡ educational attainment (four categories: less than high school, high school, some college, more than college) MS ≡ marital status (three categories: single, married, separated) PT ≡ part-time work status (two categories: works part-time, full-time) RC ≡ race (three categories: white, black, other) 4 The human capital model of income determination, as developed by Becker (1975) and Mincer (1974) has gained theoretical and empirical prominence within labor economics. Mincer's model of earnings (1974) is a cornerstone of labor economics, and the Mincerian wage equation plays a central part in the literature devoted to the returns to education as well as in the literature on wage inequality. In a standard form of the Mincer earnings model, log earnings are regressed on a constant term, a linear term for years of schooling, and linear and quadratic terms for years of labor market experience. 5 Potential experience is calculated using the Mincerian proxy. Potential experience is defined as the difference between a worker‘s age and years of schooling completed, less the age when the worker began school, usually assumed to be 5 years old (Mincer, 1974). 31 IND ≡ industry of employment (eleven categories: agriculture, mining, utility, construction, manufacturing, trade, transport, information, finance, service, administration) ε ≡ classical stochastic error term The independent variables of the log wage function are classified as either skill variables or non-skill variables. The skill variables, associated with β- parameters, are potential experience, household head, English language ability, educational attainment and marital status. These variables indicate the level of skill individuals possess, and an individual can influence or change these variables to affect his/her productivity or contribution to employment. The non-skill variables, associated with γ- parameters, are part-time work status, race and industry of employment. These variables relate to characteristics that may affect an individual‘s earning capacity, but do not reflect the skill possessed by a worker. Unlike the skill variables, an individual may not be able to influence these variables, although these factors affect their wages. Wages vary by gender6, hence log wage distributions for males and females are estimated separately. Below is a description of the estimation procedure applied to the male sample. Estimation for the female sample was done using a similar approach. In this study, I analyze 59 regions (or areas), including 58 MIGPUMAs in the Northwest and the Northeast region, as well as a single region representing the rest of the United States. 6 The human capital approach recognized that the incentive to invest in human capital specific to a particular activity is positively related to the time spent at that activity (Becker 1964). This recognition was used to explain empirically why the average wage rate of men is higher than that of women, since women have participated in the labor force much less than married men (Mincer and Polachek, 1974). 32 3.3.1. Estimating Area Mean Log Wage Males in two areas can have different mean log wages due to different skill levels as well as differences in returns to skills. Here the mean skills characteristics for all males in the sample along with the area-specific skill parameter estimates are used to arrive at the predicted mean log wage for each area (μj). In deriving this estimate, the skill mix is held constant, thus allowing only the returns to skills to vary between the areas. To explain the methodology, first assume that there are N individuals in the male sample residing in j areas (j=1,…,59). A sub-sample of n individuals (n<N) resides in the jth area. Equation (3.5) is separately estimated with sub-samples of males for each of the 59 areas using ordinary least squares (OLS). The parameter estimates of equation (3.6) below, capture area specific effects for area j. That is, the parameter estimates α , βs and γs capture both demand and supply side effects on log wage, specific to area j. In total, 59 sets of parameters are estimated, one for each area. (3.6) ln(wij) = απ + β1π PXi + β2π (PX)i 2 + β3π HHi + β4π ENGi + ∑mβππ EAmi + ∑nβππ MSni + γ1π PTi + ∑r γππ RCri + ∑s γπ π INDsi Next, the mean of each of the right-hand side variables specified in equation (3.5) is calculated using data from the entire male sample (N observations). For jth area, the independent variables in equation (3.6) are replaced with these sample means, as follows: (3.7) ln(π€ππ ) = απ + β1π ππ + β2π (ππ)2 + β3π π»π» + β4π πΈππΊ + ∑mβππ πΈπ΄m + ∑nβππ ππn + γ1π ππ + ∑r γππ π πΆ r + ∑s γπ π πΌππ·s From (3.7), I obtain the predicted mean log wage for the for jth area (μj*). 33 In total, 59 values of μj* are estimated, one for each study area. By using the mean of the entire sample of males versus the parameters obtained using only individuals within jth area, the interregional differences in skills-mix was controlled. If predicted mean log wages are higher in area j than another area, it is not because of higher level of skills (such as education or experience) of males in area j. Differences may be due to higher returns to skills in area j or to differences in area characteristics. Such areaspecific factors are measures by the constant terms in the wage model. 3.3.2. Estimating Area Returns to Skills Here the motivation is to estimate the regional variance in log wages which occurs due the differences among areas, and not because of any difference in skill composition of workers in those areas. (a) Area-specific variance of the standardized log wage distribution, Var[ln(wij)*] As the first step in estimating the variance of the standardized wage distribution, I control for the effects of non-skill variables on wages. Specifically, I substitute the sample means of non-skill variables (i.e., variables with a corresponding γ- parameter) into equation (3.6) as follows: (3.9) ln(wij) = απ + β1π PXi + β2π (PX)i 2 + β3π HHi + β4π ENGi + ∑mβππ EAmi + ∑nβππ MSni + γ1π ππ + ∑r γππ π πΆ r + ∑s γπ π πΌππ·s = απ + β1π PXi + β2π (PX)i 2 + β3π HHi + β4π ENGi + ∑mβππ EAmi + ∑nβππ MSni where απ = απ + γ1π ππ + ∑r γππ π πΆ r + ∑s γπ π πΌππ·s 34 απ is defined as a constant effect on male log wages for the jth area, and captures interregional variation in wages due to area-specific amenities and average non-skill factors. For area j, απ has the same value for every individual and only the differences in skill levels of individuals‘ results in wage differences. Thus, the constant effect απ will not play a role in wage variation, Var[ln(wij)*]. The second step is to use the entire male sample (N individuals) along with the area-specific estimated parameters to compute the effect of skill variables on individual‘s area log wages. For the jth area, I substitute the N values of the skill variables into equation (3.9), resulting in N log wage values, one for each individual. For example, the value for the first individual in the sample is computed as: (3.10) ln(π€1π ) = α1π + β1π PX1 + β2π (PX)1 2 + β3π HH1 + β4π ENG1 + ∑mβππ EAm1 + ∑nβππ MSn1 The resulting log wages are the area-specific returns to skill effect for each individual; i.e., how much would each individual receive in log wages as a return to his skills in area j. By using the area-specific estimated parameters and skill related variables for the entire sample of N individuals, I control for the skill mix and obtain a prediction for each male‘s log wage due to only skill-related terms in area j. For each area j, I then calculate the variance of log wages using the N values of log wage obtained above. This estimated variance is the area-specific variance of the standardized log wage distribution, Var[ln(wij)*]. There are in total 59 variance estimates, one for each area of study. 35 (b) Variance of the standardized skill distribution, σ2 The variance of the standardized skill distribution, σ2, indicates how returns to skills vary across all 59 areas. To estimate this variance, I begin by introducing a dummy variable for areas (AREA) in equation (3.5): (3.11) ln(wij) = α + ∑j γj AREAij + β1PXij + β2(PX)ij 2 + β3HHij + β4 ENGij + ∑mβmEAmij + ∑nβnMSnij + γ1 PTij + ∑r γr RCrij + ∑s γs INDsij + ηij where ηij is a classical stochastic error term. Equation (3.11) is estimated with OLS using entire male sample (N observations). The estimation produces a single set of parameters that capture both demand and supply side effects on log wages across all areas. As above, the sample means of non-skill related variables (i.e., variables with a corresponding γ- parameter) are introduced in equation (3.11) to obtain: (3.12) ln(wij) = πΌ + ∑j γπ π΄π πΈπ΄j + β1 PXij + β2 (PX)ij 2 + β3 HHij + β4 ENGij + ∑mβπ EAmij + ∑nβπ MSnij + γ1 ππ + ∑r γπ π πΆ r + ∑s γπ πΌππ· = πΌ + β1 PXij + β2 (PX)ij 2 + β3 HHij + β4 ENGij + ∑mβπ EAmij + ∑nβπ MSnij where πΌ = πΌ +∑j γπ π΄π πΈπ΄j + γ1 ππ + ∑r γπ π πΆ r + ∑s γπ πΌππ· πΌ is a constant effect on male log wages across all areas, capturing the average effect of non-skill factors on wages. Because πΌ takes the same value for every individual in the sample, it does not influence the variance, σ2. As in equation (3.10), each individual‘s skill-related variables are substituted into equation (3.12). The resulting prediction of log wage varies only because of differences in the skill related variables of workers. I obtain N individual specific results. An estimate of σ2 is obtained by computing the variance of these N log wages. 36 An estimate of the returns to skills index for the jth area can then be computed as: φj = {Var[ln(wij)*] / σ2 }1/2 Here φj denotes the variance in returns to skills in area j relative to all areas (i.e., the entire U.S.). If φj is >1 (<1), then jth area returns to skills variance is greater than (less than) the U.S. returns to skills variance (σ2). In other words, this indicates that jth area has a return to skills distribution more (less) dispersed than that in the entire county. Since both Var[ln(wij)*] and σ2 are computed with the entire sample of individuals (N observations), the skill mix is controlled in each term. Therefore the ratio of the terms reflects differences solely in returns to skill in the different areas, and not interregional differences in skill mix. Estimating Area Returns to Education and Experience A similar methodology is used to estimate returns to specific skills, such as education and experience. This analysis helps us to understand if different skills are rewarded differently across areas. For the returns to education calculation, the explanatory variables in the wage equation are classified into two groups: an education related variable (denoted by educational attainment) and non-education related variables. For the returns to experience calculation the explanatory variables are also classified into two groups: work experience related variables (denoted by potential experience) and nonexperience related variables. The parameter estimates of returns to education and returns to experience have a similar interpretation as that of the returns to skills parameters. 37 3.4. Data The data for this study is obtained from the Public Use Microdata Survey (PUMS) of the United States 2000 decennial census. I restrict the sample to non-institutionalized individuals between the age of 25 and 64 years, and who earned at least $1000 in wage and salary income in 2000. Appendix table 3.A.1 provides precise definitions of the variables used in this study. The wage variable is the natural logarithm of average weekly salary wage, ln(w). The weekly average salary and wage (w) is calculated by dividing the individual‘s yearly wage and salary income by the number of weeks worked. Potential experience PX is calculated using the Mincerian proxy (i.e., age in years – years of schooling – 5). The variables MS, HH, ENG and RC are dummy variables that are set to equal unity if the individual is married, is the household head, speaks English, and is not white/black respectively, and zero otherwise. PT is a dummy variable set to equal unity if the respondent worked part time (i.e., less than 30 hours per week), and zero otherwise. The variable IND is the industry variable indicating the individual‘s sector of employment. The male sample contains 2,874,576 observations and the female sample contains 2,588,733 observations. Appendix tables 3.A.2 and 3.A.3 present summary statistics for the male and female samples, respectively. Mean weekly wage for males ($697) is higher than those for females ($455). Males have slightly higher mean years of experience. Approximately 99 percent of both males and females speak English. For the male sample, 80 percent are white, 69 percent are married, 78 percent are household heads and 4 percent work part-time. For the female sample, 78 percent are white, 63 percent are 38 married, 34 percent are household heads and 14 percent work part time. Most males work in the service sector (27 percent), followed by manufacturing (21 percent), trade (14 percent) and construction (11 percent). For females, the highest employment is in service sector (53 percent), followed by trade (13 percent) and manufacturing (11 percent). 3.5. Results Although separate wage equations are estimated for each of the 59 study areas, estimates produced with the entire male and female samples are presented in appendix table 3.A.4 and 3.A.5 to indicate the general nature of the result. The estimates are consistent with expectations. Wages increase with experience, but at a decreasing rate. Wages also increase with educational attainment, which indicates that higher levels of education are positively rewarded in the labor market. Wages earned by married people are higher than unmarried people. Part-time work is found to impact an individual‘s wage negatively, lowering per hour earnings from a job. Language difficulties can affect an individual‘s ability to participate in the workforce, and English speaking ability affects wage positively. Area Mean Log Wage The estimates of the mean log wage (μj) for the 59 study areas are reported in appendix tables 3.A.6 and 3.A.7. The results are divided into two categories: forestdependent and non forest-dependent areas. The results suggest that, even after controlling for composition of skills across areas, forest-dependent areas tend to generate lower wages than their non forest-dependent counterparts. This is illustrated graphically in 39 figures 3.1 and 3.2 for the male and female samples respectively. The figures plot area mean weekly wages (in dollars) against the percentage of forest income in those areas. For both male and female samples, generally areas with higher percentage of income from forestry tend to have lower expected wages. 40 Figure 3.1. Forest-Dependency and Estimated Area Wage, Males 800 750 Wage (dollars) 700 650 600 550 500 0 5 10 15 20 25 Forest Income (percentage) Figure 3.2. Forest-Dependency and Estimated Area Wage, Females 550 Wage (dollars) 500 450 400 350 300 0 5 10 15 Forest Income (percentage) 20 25 41 Area Returns to Skills The estimates of area returns to skills indices φj(S), returns to education indices φj(E) and returns to experience indices φj(X) are reported in appendix tables 3.A.8 and 3.A.9. In general, values of φj are lower in the forest-dependent areas than in the non forest-dependent areas. This indicates that variations in wage distribution are less dispersed in the forest-dependent areas relative to other areas. The μj and φj values for the 47 MIGPUMAs in the Northwest and 11 MIGPUMAs in the Northeast (appendix tables 3.A.6 - 3.A.9) are averaged to produce table 3.1. Table 3.1 reports the regional mean weekly wages and index of returns to skills, education and experience for the male and female samples. Table 3.1 Mean Wages and Index of Returns to Skills, Education and Experience Male Sample Mean log wage (dollar value) Index of : Returns to Skills Returns to Education Returns to Experience Female sample Mean log wage (dollar value) Index of : Returns to Skills Returns to Education Returns to Experience Northwest Forest Non forest Northeast Forest Non forest Rest of U.S. 6.418 (613) 6.555 (703) 6.377 (588) 6.452 (634) 6.548 (698) 0.7438 0.6321 0.7023 0.8664 0.7409 0.8549 0.7537 0.6618 0.7134 0.8558 0.7547 0.8300 1.0073 1.0107 1.0042 Northwest Forest Non forest Northeast Forest Non forest Rest of U.S. 6.008 (407) 6.145 (466) 5.901 (366) 6.027 (414) 6.123 (456) 0.7334 0.7068 0.6944 0.8264 0.7693 0.8247 0.7122 0.6992 0.7072 0.8442 0.7380 0.8242 1.0088 1.0098 1.003 42 There is statistically significant difference in the expected mean wages of forest and non-forest areas for male and female samples7. For the male sample, the Northwest and the Northeast forest-dependent areas have lower average wages ($613 and $588 respectively) than the non forest-dependent areas ($703 and $634 respectively) and rest of the United States ($698). Similar results are obtained for the female sample: average wages in the Northwest and Northeast forest-dependent areas are $407 and $366 respectively, compared to $466 and $414 in the non forest-dependent areas, and $456 in the rest of the United States. For both males and females, the average wages are lower in the Northeast than in the Northwest. For male sample, the Northwest and Northeast returns to skills index in the forestdependent areas are lower (0.7438 and 0.7537 respectively) than in the non forestdependent areas (0.8664 and 0.8558 respectively), and the rest of the United States (1.0073). The returns to education and returns to experience are also lower in the forestdependent areas, than other areas. Similar results hold for the female subsample. The result of this paper suggests that the expected mean wage is lower in the forest-dependent areas. Also, variations in wage distribution are less in these areas. The following example will illustrate this point. Let us consider two areas from Oregon: MIGPUMA 10 (comprising Douglas county) and MIGPUMA 13 (comprising of Multinomah, Clackamas and Washington counties). MIGPUMA 10 is highly forest- 7 The t-test assesses whether the area mean wages are statistically different from each other. I performed a two-tail t-test to find whether the difference between the area mean wages is not likely to have been a chance finding. To test the significance, I set the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the area mean wages. Given a 5% significance level, the null hypothesis was rejected which indicates that there is significant difference between the forest and non-forest area mean wages. 43 dependent with about 22.6 percent of income from forestry, whereas MIGPUMA 13 is non forest-dependent with only about 1.4 percent income from forestry. For males, the estimated average weekly wages in MIGPUMA 10 and MIGPUMA 13 are $640 and $709 respectively. For females, the estimated average weekly wages in MIGPUMA 10 and MIGPUMA 13 are $399 and $482 respectively. Also for both male and female samples, the returns to skills, education and experience is higher in MIGPUMA 13 than in MIGPUMA 10 (appendix table 3.A.8 and 3.A.9). The methodology used in this analysis standardizes the skill distribution across areas, yet interregional differences in wage distribution are observed. That is, this analysis controls for any differences in the skill composition of people residing in MIGPUMA 10 and MIGPUMA 13, yet the average expected wage and variation in wage distribution are higher in MIGPUMA 13 than in MIGPUMA10. 3.6. Discussion The empirical approach used in this study controls the skill composition of people across areas, and therefore differences in interregional wage distributions are not due to differences in the skill composition of people residing in these areas. What, then, can explain differences in mean wages and returns to skill between forest and non forestdependent areas? One explanation for this can be the reduced economic opportunities in the forestdependent areas. Less economic activity in forest-dependent areas may cause these areas to lack the agglomeration economies of larger areas. Economics literature on spatial 44 location or economic geography (Krugman, 1991) points out that economic activity might exhibit increasing returns to scale and increased welfare due to agglomeration effect. The mechanism underlying agglomeration economies is that by locating close to one another, firms can produce at a lower cost (O‘Sullivan, 2000). Locating a firm in an area where other similar types of firms (or suppliers/demanders) are in close proximity may lead to enhanced productivity and economic growth of an area. The forest-dependent areas may be lacking in spatial and industrial agglomeration, as compared to other areas, and therefore do not have the advantage of agglomeration efficiency. Another explanation for lower mean wages in forest-dependent areas might be the nature of jobs in these areas. While manufacturing jobs are more prevalent in forestdependent areas, jobs in manufacturing have been declining over time. Between 1969 and 1992, rural manufacturing employment fell from 20 percent to 17 percent of total employment (Parker, 1995). In addition, literature on forest sector employment suggests that jobs in logging and forestry face the challenges of low durability (Freudenburg and Gramling, 1994; Mann, 2001; Moseley, 2006). The forest-based jobs may be seasonal or part-time, involving work in only certain times of the year. Some jobs could be full time, but the industry may be structured in such a way that people tend to leave the industry after short periods. A competitive equilibrium is assumed to prevail in the labor markets in forest-dependent areas, but the nature of jobs in these areas may set the equilibrium value of wages at a lower level, compared to the equilibrium wages in other areas. The difference in cost of living between forest and non forest-dependent areas may have some influence on the area mean wage. Lower cost of living in forest- 45 dependent areas could account for lower mean wages in these areas (but do not account for lower returns to skills). If the cost of living is significantly lower in rural forestdependent areas, then even with lower wages, a family's purchasing power may nearly be the same. This perception is both supported and refuted by studies. A paper estimates that the cost of living in non-metro counties across United States was about 16 percent less than in metro counties - although in the west, the non-metro advantage was only 9 percent (Nord, 2000). Another paper analyzed different cost factors associated with residence in different counties in Kentucky, including housing cost, driving costs and food cost, and found that rural areas were not less expensive than urban areas, and that the costs were highly variable by the type of non-urban county (Zimmerman, 2008). 46 Appendix 3A Table 3.A.1. Variable Definitions Variable Name Wage White Black Other Married Separated/divorced Single English No English Household Less than high school High school Some college College or more Part-time work Full-time work Household head Agriculture & Forestry Mining Utilities Construction Manufacturing Trade Transportation Communications Finance Services Administration Description Log of annual salary divided by number of weeks worked Indicator variable for white race Indicator variable for black race Indicator variable for other race Indicator variable for married Indicator variable for separated or divorced Indicator variable for single Indicator variable for English fluency Indicator variable for lack of English fluency Indicator variable for head of household Educational attainment is less than high school Educational attainment is high school Educational attainment is 1-3 years of college Educational attainment is 4 years college or more Worked part time (less than 30 hours per week) Worked full time (at least 30 hours per week) Indicator variable for head of household Indicator variable for employment in agriculture and forestry Indicator variable for employment in mining sector Indicator variable for employment in utilities sector Indicator variable for employment in construction sector Indicator variable for employment in manufacturing sector Indicator variable for employment in trade sector Indicator variable for employment in transportation sector Indicator variable for employment in communication sector Indicator variable for employment in finance sector Indicator variable for employment in services sector Indicator variable for employment in administration sector 47 Table 3.A.2. Selected Summary Statistics, Males (n = 2,874,576) Variable name Natural log of weekly wage [ln(w)] Potential experience White Black Other Married Separated/divorced Single English No English Less than high school High school Some College College or more Part-time work Full-time work Household head Non-household head Agriculture and Forestry Mining Utilities Construction Manufacturing Trade Transportation Communications Finance/Insurance Services Administration Mean 6.54651 ($696.81) 23.51654 0.79622 0.08791 0.11587 0.68775 0.12698 0.18527 0.98904 0.01096 0.11218 0.31772 0.28976 0.28034 0.03626 0.96374 0.77508 0.22492 0.02028 0.00863 0.01647 0.11336 0.21145 0.14166 0.06551 0.03046 0.04989 0.27413 0.06817 Standard Deviation 0.75431 10.52099 0.40281 0.28317 0.32007 0.46341 0.33295 0.38851 0.10412 0.10412 0.31559 0.46559 0.45365 0.44917 0.18694 0.18694 0.41753 0.41753 0.14096 0.09248 0.12729 0.31703 0.40834 0.34870 0.24742 0.17184 0.21771 0.44607 0.25205 Min Max 2.95651 ($19.23) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.77705 ($354000) 59 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 Table 3.A.3. Selected Summary Statistics, Females (n = 2,588,733) Variable name Natural log of weekly wage [ln(w)] Potential experience White Black Other Married Separated/divorced Single English No English Less than high school High school Some College College or more Part-time work Full-time work Household head Non-household head Agriculture and Forestry Mining Utilities Construction Manufacturing Trade Transportation Communications Finance/Insurance Services Administration Mean 6.12083 ($455.24) 23.42662 0.78193 0.11486 0.10321 0.62548 0.19014 0.18438 0.99156 0.00844 0.07743 0.30512 0.33508 0.28237 0.13546 0.86454 0.34305 0.65696 0.00617 0.00136 0.00523 0.01522 0.11467 0.13322 0.02688 0.02964 0.08492 0.52777 0.05492 Standard Deviation 0.75099 10.5896 0.41294 0.31886 0.30423 0.48399 0.39241 0.38779 0.09147 0.09147 0.26728 0.46046 0.47202 0.45015 0.34221 0.34221 0.47473 0.47473 0.07828 0.03681 0.07215 0.12245 0.31862 0.33982 0.16173 0.16958 0.27876 0.49923 0.22783 Min Max 2.95651 ($19.23) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.68231 ($322001) 59 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 49 Table 3.A.4. Estimates of Wage Equation, Males Variable Coefficient Standard error t- statistic Intercept 5.64410 0.00440 1281.53 Potential experience 0.02872 0.00016389 175.25 Potential experience squared -0.00043 0.00000316 -136.57 White 0.10565 0.00124 85.52 Black -0.02643 0.00173 -15.26 Married 0.18010 0.00110 164.21 Separated/divorced 0.04407 0.00145 30.44 English 0.24109 0.00379 63.67 Less than high school -0.19510 0.00139 -140.67 Some College 0.17345 0.00099232 174.79 College or more 0.60691 0.00106 571.45 Part-time work -0.86324 0.00206 -418.78 Non-household head -0.15447 0.00098883 -156.21 Agriculture & Forestry -0.34597 0.00282 -122.62 Mining 0.11844 0.00419 28.30 Utilities 0.08784 0.00309 28.47 Construction -0.03371 0.00141 -23.89 Trade -0.11853 0.00131 -90.39 Transportation -0.00367 0.00171 -2.15 Communications 0.07643 0.00235 32.50 Finance/Insurance 0.06551 0.00193 34.02 Services -0.15770 0.00113 -139.11 Administration -0.09101 0.00170 -53.63 Dependent variable: Log of weekly wage Omitted categories: other race, single, no English, high school, full-time work, household head, manufacturing Number of observations: 2,874,576 Adj. R-squared: 0.2671 50 Table 3.A.5. Estimates of Wage Equation, Females Variable Coefficient Standard error t- statistic Intercept 5.66029 0.00491 1152.98 Potential experience 0.02078 0.00016271 127.71 Potential experience squared -0.00030596 0.00000319 -95.88 White 0.01278 0.00131 9.78 Black -0.00711 0.00169 -4.21 Married 0.03456 0.00118 29.17 Separated/divorced -0.01027 0.00131 -7.85 English 0.17377 0.00437 39.73 Less than high school -0.18023 0.00162 -111.32 Some College 0.21421 0.00097904 218.79 College or more 0.65917 0.00107 615.22 Part-time work -0.85031 0.00114 -742.88 Non-household head -0.09942 0.00102 -97.44 Agriculture & Forestry -0.27502 0.00506 -54.36 Mining 0.09607 0.01052 9.13 Utilities 0.14545 0.00545 26.68 Construction -0.01186 0.00333 -3.56 Trade -0.18096 0.00156 -115.87 Transportation 0.06636 0.00262 25.33 Communications 0.07553 0.00253 29.83 Finance/Insurance 0.04820 0.00176 27.31 Services -0.13687 0.00129 -106.34 Administration 0.01034 0.00202 5.11 Dependent variable: Log of weekly wage Omitted categories: other race, single, no English, high school, full-time work, household head, manufacturing Number of observations: 2,588,733 Adj. R-squared: 0.319 51 Table 3.A.6. Estimates of Area Mean Log Wage, Males MIGPUMAs Area mean wage Number of Percent of observations forest income Log value (μj) Dollar value Forest Dependent Areas CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 ID1 ID2 ID4 OR1 OR2 OR3 OR4 OR5 OR6 OR7 OR8 OR9 OR10 WA4 WA11 WA15 WA16 ME6 ME8 ME9 ME10 NH1 1620 1605 1616 1292 1431 1917 1243 1305 1597 1651 1305 939 1918 1996 2930 1272 1535 1124 2472 1654 2075 1538 1013 1820 2007 1533 1829 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 ID3 ID5 ID6 ID8 ID9 1783 1112 1483 1582 1603 1109 2455 1692 1552 9.3 11.8 5.3 5.9 8.4 8.2 16.6 7.1 8.3 10.3 11.8 6.2 10.8 8.4 6.1 8.8 6.4 22.6 5.6 20.6 12.8 9.4 5.8 17.8 9.9 17.6 5.5 6.349 6.386 6.449 6.477 6.481 6.434 6.348 6.342 6.381 6.417 6.284 6.349 6.442 6.440 6.470 6.437 6.395 6.461 6.400 6.532 6.394 6.522 6.384 6.380 6.330 6.323 6.466 572 594 632 650 653 623 571 568 591 612 536 572 628 627 646 625 599 640 602 687 598 680 592 590 561 557 643 Non-forest Dependent Areas 1.6 6.465 4.8 6.499 2.2 6.436 0.81 6.554 1.7 6.346 2.9 6.319 2.1 6.515 2.04 6.390 0.69 6.880 642 664 624 702 570 555 675 596 973 52 MIGPUMAs OR11 OR12 OR13 WA1 WA2 WA3 WA5 WA7 WA8 WA9 WA10 WA12 WA13 WA17 WA18 WA21 ME1 ME2 ME3 ME4 ME5 ME7 Rest US Number of observations 3006 1652 15125 1584 1936 2202 4063 1500 1968 2029 6346 2046 7933 2673 18813 3586 1400 731 906 979 1689 858 2732943 Percent of forest income 3.5 4.8 1.4 4.1 2.3 3.3 1.4 3.8 1.2 3.3 1.4 1.9 2.4 0.25 0.7 3.8 1.14 2.6 2.4 0.79 4.2 3.4 Area mean wage Log value (μj) Dollar value 6.458 638 6.417 612 6.936 1028 6.523 680 6.508 671 6.434 622 6.892 984 6.434 623 6.533 688 6.459 639 6.892 984 6.551 700 6.580 720 6.563 709 6.682 798 6.613 745 6.480 652 6.489 658 6.500 665 6.423 616 6.351 573 6.471 646 Rest of United States 1.8 6.5483 698 53 Table 3.A.7. Estimates of Area Mean Log Wage, Females MIGPUMAs CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 ID1 ID2 ID4 OR1 OR2 OR3 OR4 OR5 OR6 OR7 OR8 OR9 OR10 WA4 WA11 WA15 WA16 ME6 ME8 ME9 ME10 NH1 Area mean wage Number of Percent of observations forest income Log value (μj) Dollar value Forest Dependent Areas 1403 1574 1511 1222 1214 1621 1041 1033 1422 1437 1127 844 1697 1721 2590 1209 1426 987 2059 1283 1833 1334 993 1694 1815 1410 1794 9.3 11.8 5.3 5.9 8.4 8.2 16.6 7.1 8.3 10.3 11.8 6.2 10.8 8.4 6.1 8.8 6.4 22.6 5.6 20.6 12.8 9.4 5.8 17.8 9.9 17.6 5.5 5.965 5.992 6.079 6.032 6.040 5.924 5.982 5.911 5.974 5.980 5.994 6.050 6.036 5.985 6.001 5.944 6.068 5.989 5.975 6.067 6.106 6.080 5.957 5.739 5.973 5.854 5.985 389 400 437 416 420 374 396 369 393 395 401 424 418 397 404 381 432 399 394 431 449 437 386 311 393 349 397 Non-forest Dependent Areas CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 ID3 ID5 ID6 ID8 ID9 1614 1089 1213 1447 1341 945 2010 1453 1275 1.6 4.8 2.2 0.81 1.7 2.9 2.1 2.04 0.69 6.050 6.233 6.120 6.172 6.169 6.167 6.081 6.039 6.298 424 509 455 479 478 477 438 419 543 54 MIGPUMAs Number of observations Percent of forest income OR11 OR12 OR13 WA1 WA2 WA3 WA5 WA7 WA8 WA9 WA10 WA12 WA13 WA17 WA18 WA21 ME1 ME2 ME3 ME4 ME5 ME7 2546 1371 12894 1376 1584 2008 3605 1305 1557 1684 5346 1924 6617 2059 16269 2999 1400 764 864 989 1747 835 3.5 4.8 1.4 4.1 2.3 3.3 1.4 3.8 1.2 3.3 1.4 1.9 2.4 0.25 0.7 3.8 1.14 2.6 2.4 0.79 4.2 3.4 Rest US 2465309 Area mean wage Log value (μj) Dollar value Rest of United States 1.8 6.181 6.258 6.278 6.032 6.071 6.017 6.052 6.179 6.110 6.045 6.228 6.125 6.165 6.125 6.251 6.181 6.071 6.062 6.045 5.997 5.957 6.028 484 522 533 417 433 410 425 483 450 422 507 457 476 457 519 484 433 429 422 402 386 415 6.1227 456 55 Table 3.A.8. Estimates of Returns to Skills, Education and Experience, Males Area MIGPUMAs Number of observations Percent Returns to of forest Skills income φj(S) Forest Dependent Areas CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 ID1 ID2 ID4 OR1 OR2 OR3 OR4 OR5 OR6 OR7 OR8 OR9 OR10 WA4 WA11 WA15 WA16 ME6 ME8 ME9 ME10 NH1 1620 1605 1616 1292 1431 1917 1243 1305 1597 1651 1305 939 1918 1996 2930 1272 1535 1124 2472 1654 2075 1538 1013 1820 2007 1533 1829 9.3 11.8 5.3 5.9 8.4 8.2 16.6 7.1 8.3 10.3 11.8 6.2 10.8 8.4 6.1 8.8 6.4 22.6 5.6 20.6 12.8 9.4 5.8 17.8 9.9 17.6 5.5 0.6530 0.7717 0.7645 0.7417 0.6482 0.6709 0.6129 0.7844 0.6826 0.6358 0.7274 0.8940 0.7654 0.8409 0.8208 0.8267 0.8298 0.7289 0.7134 0.8219 0.7010 0.7282 0.8013 0.6933 0.8214 0.6392 0.8134 Returns to Education φj(E) Returns to Experience φj(X) 0.6063 0.6270 0.6990 0.6627 0.4874 0.5825 0.3987 0.6276 0.6612 0.6298 0.7006 0.6849 0.6276 0.8309 0.5898 0.7781 0.7420 0.6282 0.6172 0.6712 0.4856 0.5653 0.7347 0.6702 0.6371 0.5751 0.6920 0.5085 0.7336 0.7341 0.5437 0.5313 0.7678 0.7548 0.6505 0.5716 0.5904 0.8646 0.7285 0.6950 0.6805 0.7239 0.7453 0.8030 0.8948 0.8052 0.7197 0.7354 0.6690 0.5296 0.8610 0.8365 0.4909 0.8492 0.7283 0.7342 0.7711 0.9500 0.7869 0.5877 0.8170 0.8567 0.8018 0.8234 0.8123 0.7893 0.8493 0.7994 Non-forest Dependent Areas CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 ID3 ID5 ID6 1783 1112 1483 1582 1603 1109 2455 1.6 4.8 2.2 0.81 1.7 2.9 2.1 0.8878 0.8818 0.8687 0.9042 0.9187 0.7719 0.9328 56 Area MIGPUMAs Number of observations Percent of forest income Returns to Skills φj(S) Returns to Education φj(E) Returns to Experience φj(X) ID8 ID9 OR11 OR12 OR13 WA1 WA2 WA3 WA5 WA7 WA8 WA9 WA10 WA12 WA13 WA17 WA18 WA21 ME1 ME2 ME3 ME4 ME5 ME7 1692 1552 3006 1652 15125 1584 1936 2202 4063 1500 1968 2029 6346 2046 7933 2673 18813 3586 1400 731 906 979 1689 858 2.04 0.69 3.5 4.8 1.4 4.1 2.3 3.3 1.4 3.8 1.2 3.3 1.4 1.9 2.4 0.25 0.7 3.8 1.14 2.6 2.4 0.79 4.2 3.4 0.8214 0.8166 1.0142 0.8523 1.2999 0.7396 0.8554 0.8677 0.9192 0.8033 0.7239 0.7743 0.8992 0.7998 0.7843 0.8056 0.8237 0.8719 0.8219 0.8195 1.0078 0.8101 0.8548 0.8206 0.6839 0.7244 0.8627 0.5482 0.9001 0.5301 0.6746 0.7316 0.7640 0.7295 0.9415 0.9603 0.5085 0.6383 0.6417 0.6677 0.8699 0.7696 0.7255 0.7352 0.8093 0.7802 0.6983 0.7795 0.7945 0.8093 0.7892 0.7447 1.1473 0.8446 0.7593 0.8348 0.8187 0.7728 0.7564 0.8976 0.9192 0.8629 0.8345 1.0569 0.9345 1.0622 0.8623 0.7863 0.8932 0.7693 0.8006 0.8684 Rest of United States 1.8 1.0073 1.0107 1.0042 Rest US 2732943 57 Table 3.A.9. Estimates of Returns to Skills, Education and Experience, Females Area MIGPUMAs Number of observations Percent Returns to of forest Skills income φj(S) Forest Dependent Areas CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 ID1 ID2 ID4 OR1 OR2 OR3 OR4 OR5 OR6 OR7 OR8 OR9 OR10 WA4 WA11 WA15 WA16 ME6 ME8 ME9 ME10 NH1 1403 1574 1511 1222 1214 1621 1041 1033 1422 1437 1127 844 1697 1721 2590 1209 1426 987 2059 1283 1833 1334 993 1694 1815 1410 1794 9.3 11.8 5.3 5.9 8.4 8.2 16.6 7.1 8.3 10.3 11.8 6.2 10.8 8.4 6.1 8.8 6.4 22.6 5.6 20.6 12.8 9.4 5.8 17.8 9.9 17.6 5.5 0.7818 0.7977 0.6751 0.6980 0.7283 0.6574 0.7641 0.6911 0.7388 0.8237 0.7796 0.6924 0.6765 0.8379 0.7015 0.6732 0.8294 0.7963 0.6777 0.7341 0.6978 0.6835 0.6871 0.7210 0.7136 0.6814 0.7581 Returns to Education φj(E) Returns to Experience φj(X) 0.7085 0.7097 0.6962 0.7533 0.6693 0.7308 0.7624 0.6886 0.7071 0.7328 0.7853 0.6727 0.6691 0.7261 0.6788 0.6510 0.8530 0.6574 0.6857 0.6907 0.6760 0.6456 0.6744 0.6900 0.6919 0.7117 0.7281 0.7085 0.6859 0.7314 0.7474 0.7207 0.6313 0.6067 0.6419 0.6663 0.7381 0.6945 0.6173 0.6987 0.7839 0.7853 0.6593 0.7856 0.6488 0.6738 0.7292 0.6419 0.6793 0.7124 0.7049 0.6933 0.7068 0.7186 0.8266 0.8091 0.8753 0.8394 0.8793 0.5683 0.8390 0.7603 0.7593 0.8371 0.7785 0.6557 0.6260 0.7721 Non-forest Dependent Areas CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 ID3 ID5 ID6 1614 1089 1213 1447 1341 945 2010 1.6 4.8 2.2 0.81 1.7 2.9 2.1 1.0354 0.9558 0.9223 0.9873 0.9125 0.6033 0.8611 58 Area MIGPUMAs Number of observations Percent of forest income Returns to Skills φj(S) Returns to Education φj(E) Returns to Experience φj(X) ID8 ID9 OR11 OR12 OR13 WA1 WA2 WA3 WA5 WA7 WA8 WA9 WA10 WA12 WA13 WA17 WA18 WA21 ME1 ME2 ME3 ME4 ME5 ME7 1453 1275 2546 1371 12894 1376 1584 2008 3605 1305 1557 1684 5346 1924 6617 2059 16269 2999 1400 764 864 989 1747 835 2.04 0.69 3.5 4.8 1.4 4.1 2.3 3.3 1.4 3.8 1.2 3.3 1.4 1.9 2.4 0.25 0.7 3.8 1.14 2.6 2.4 0.79 4.2 3.4 0.7607 0.9116 0.8760 0.8108 0.8363 0.6657 0.7753 0.7354 0.8201 0.7715 0.8232 0.8388 0.7312 0.8680 0.8005 0.8156 0.7887 0.7533 0.8716 0.8396 0.8788 0.8565 0.7677 0.8509 0.7310 0.8751 0.8074 0.7070 0.7950 0.6225 0.7261 0.6689 0.7767 0.7246 0.7899 0.8315 0.7103 0.7925 0.7738 0.7731 0.7567 0.7337 0.6894 0.7240 0.7160 0.8057 0.7517 0.7409 0.6255 0.7306 0.9643 0.8374 1.0425 0.9358 0.8738 0.8661 0.9101 0.7918 0.8721 0.6223 0.8758 0.8263 0.8614 0.9631 0.9279 0.9025 0.8637 0.8005 0.8205 0.7919 0.8482 0.8202 Rest of United States 1.8 1.0088 1.0098 1.003 Rest US 2465309 59 Chapter 4 – Migration Decision and Location Choice in the Northwest 4.1. Introduction Past studies have documented that economic incentives play a significant role in migration decisions (Greenwood, 1975). While income differentials are important for individuals‘ migration decision, there are other factors such as employment opportunities, regional amenities and socioeconomic characteristics of individuals that can influence migration decisions (Roback, 1982; Mueser and Graves, 1995; McLeman and Smit, 2006). Greenwood (1997) summarizes the theoretical approaches to migration in the economics literature and categorizes them into two theories: the disequilibrium theory and the equilibrium theory. Both theories assume that workers respond to regional wage differentials, but give different explanations for interregional differences in wages. The disequilibrium perspective of migration assumes that migration decisions are made in response to differences in wages. If a worker expects a higher wage in a different area, he or she will move to that area in order to obtain higher wage, and the higher utility this implies. Spatial heterogeneity arising from amenities can also influence individual‘s migration decision. The equilibrium perspective assumes that the spatial location of individuals is in equilibrium, and that any differences in wages are compensated by amenities. So although there may be differences in wages across regions, such differences are compensated by amenities. Any uncompensated differences influence the migration decision, which again sorts individuals back to equilibrium. 60 Results from chapter 3 indicate that the expected wage and variation in wage distribution are lower in the forest-dependent areas than other areas. This interregional wage differential may push individuals away from existing forest-dependent locations, and may pull migrants towards non forest-dependent areas. This study draws on the disequilibrium theory of migration (Becker, 1962; Sjaastad, 1962), which assumes that potential migrants seek to maximize their utility resulting from location change (Nakosteen and Zimmer, 1980; Polachek and Horvath, 1977), and investigates the determinants of migration and location choice in the Northwest. The Northwest sample for 2000 has 235,987 working-age residents (considering both males and females), representing approximately 4.7 million individuals. Of these, 205,696 individuals were living in the Northwest in 1995 as well. That is, between 1995 and 2000, about 87 percent of 2000‘s Northwest residents remained within the region. Modeling the behavior of individuals who moved into the Northwest from elsewhere, and individuals who moved out of the Northwest to other areas would require modeling a large number of potential locations and destinations, and that is beyond the scope of this study. Since 87 percent is a large share of individuals, I model the migration and location choice decisions of only those who remained within the Northwest region between 1995 and 2000. This chapter is organized as follows: section 4.2 discusses the conceptual and empirical framework used in this analysis. Section 4.3 presents the set of independent variables used to model migration and discusses the dataset. Section 4.4 presents the results and a final section summarizes the findings. 61 4.2. Model Framework This section formulates the migration decision-making process in which an individual chooses a destination from a set of available locations to maximize his utility. Consistent with the disequilibrium theory of migration, a discrete choice model based on random utility maximization is used, which assumes that individuals migrate in response to utility differentials between locations. The utility function is specified following McFadden (1974), and the migration model is empirically estimated using a nested-logit formulation (Train, 2003). The Northwest region is comprised of 47 MIGPUMAs8, and between 1995 and 2000, an individual is faced with a choice of whether to stay in his/her original area (the 1995 MIGPUMA), or to migrate to a non-origin area (one of the 46 non-origin MIGPUMAs). The migration decision can be thought of as a two-stage process: the decision of moving versus staying in the origin location, followed by the decision of which of the 46 areas to move to, conditional on the decision to migrate having been made. The structure of this migration decision problem gives rise to a Partially Degenerate Nested Logit (PDNL) model, where the origin and destination choices form two separate nests. The model is partially degenerate because the nest associated with the stay decision contains only one location choice: the origin. However, if an individual chooses to move, the area choice set is not degenerate; the individual has a set of 46 location choices. The following diagram illustrates the structure of the PDNL model. The 8 Locations of individuals are reported at the level of MIGPUMAs. There are in total 47 MIGPUMAs in the Northwest states of northern California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. I have discussed MIGPUMAs in details in chapter 2. 62 two upper-level branches represent the stay and move choices. The lower-level nests contain the origin and non-origin areas, respectively. Figure 4.1 Structure of Partially Degenerate Nested Logit (PDNL) Model Stay Move Origin area Non-origin areas Formally, I consider an individual i who is faced with the choice in 1995 of staying in his/her origin area or moving to a non-origin area. The choice is observed in 2000 and I assume that no intermediate location decisions are made. The origin is denoted j=0 and the 46 alternative area choices are denoted j = 1, 2,…, 46. Each area choice provides utility to individual i, expressed as: (4.1) Uij = πΌ0 ππ + π½ππ + πΎπππ + πππ πΌ1 ππ + π½ππ + πΎπππ + πππ π=0 π = 1, 2, . . . , 46 where α0, α1, β, and γ are parameter vectors, and εij is a random disturbance with a Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution, following Train (2003). The Yi‘s are individual attributes that do not vary with areas and are used to explain the decision to stay or move. The parameters on the Yi variables ( ο‘ 0 , ο‘1 ) differ to capture utility differences associated with staying or moving. The Xj‘s measure area attributes that do not vary across individuals and the πππ ‘s are variables that vary both by individuals and areas. 63 Denoting the two nests by m=0 (stay) and m=1 (move), the probability that individual i chooses area j is: (4.2) πππ = πππ . πππ β π where πππ is the marginal probability of choosing stay or move, and πππ β π is the conditional probability of choosing area j given that the nest m is chosen. The marginal probability (stay or move decision) corresponds to the upper model in Figure 4.1 and the conditional probability (choice of area j within the nest m) corresponds to the lower model. The lower level utility depends on characteristics that vary across areas, and the upper level utility depends on individual characteristics that vary with the choice of staying or moving. The maximum utility attainable in non-origin areas as well as the utility attained in the origin also influences the upper level choice of staying or moving. These utilities are captured in nested logit models by the nest-specific inclusive value variables. The inclusive value Iim enters as an explanatory variable in the upper model, and links the upper and lower models by bringing information about utilities from lower-level choices into the upper model. The marginal probability that individual i chooses stay (m=0) or move (m=1) is denoted: (4.3) πππ = π πΌ π π π + π π πΌ ππ πΌ π π π + π π πΌ ππ 1 π =0 π where λm is a parameter measuring the degree of substitutability among the alternatives in nest m. For stay (m=0), the origin (j=0) is the only area choice and, thus: πΌππ = ln j=0 π π½ π0 +πΎπ€ π0 π0 64 = π½π0 + πΎπ€π0 π0 For move (m=1), the area choices are the non-origin destinations (j = 1, 2,…, 46), yielding: π½ π½π π +πΎπ€ ππ π =1 π πΌπ1 = ln π1 The probability that individual i chooses area j, conditional on the stay (m=0) or move (m=1) decision is: (4.4) πππ βπ = π π½ π π + πΎ π€ ππ π π π½ π π +πΎ π€ ππ ππ ππ Conditional on staying (m=0), the probability that individual i selects the origin (j=0) is: π π½ π 0 +πΎ π€ π0 π 0 ππ0 βπ =0 = π =0 π π½ π 0 +πΎ π€ π0 π 0 π π½ π 0 +πΎ π€ π0 π 0 = π π½ π 0 +πΎ π€ π0 π 0 = 1 Conditional on moving (m=1), the probability that individual i selects area j (j=1,2,..,46) is: πππ βπ =1 = π 46 π =1 π½ π π + πΎ π€ ππ π π1 π½ π π +πΎ π€ ππ π1 There are two alternative forms that can be specified for a nested logit model: (1) the non-normalized form developed by Ben-Akiva (1973), and (2) the utility maximizing form developed by McFadden (1978, 1981). This study follows McFadden‘s form because of its consistency with the utility maximization principle. McFadden (1978, 1981) showed that the estimates of the nested logit model will be consistent with utility 65 maximization behavior if the value of λk is within the interval (0, 1). The PDNL model is analyzed in detail by Hunt (2000). To estimate the model parameters, I apply the normalization λ0 = 1, and check whether λ1 lies in the interval (0, 1) for the model to be consistent with utility maximization. 4.3. Data The migration model is estimated with a sample of working-age (between 25 and 64 years), non-institutionalized individuals who earned at least $1000 in wage and salary income in 2000. I focus on this sample given my interest in the role that wages and other labor market outcomes play in influencing migration decisions. Because labor market outcomes differ for males and females (Hunt and Mueller, 2002), the migration model is estimated separately for males and females. The sample includes 109474 and 96026 working age males and females, respectively, who lived in the 47 Northwest MIGPUMAs during 1995 and 2000. The empirical model encompasses a number of individual and area characteristics that are found to be important in migration research (Hunt and Mueller, 2004). As noted above, the three types of variables used are individual variables, area variables, and individual-area variables. Individual variables include measures of age (Age), race (White), marital status (Married) and educational attainment (Education). Definitions for all variables are given in Appendix Table 4.A.1 Area variables capture interregional variations in amenities and other area attributes. The area variables used in this study include measures of population 66 (Population density), economic opportunity (Employment growth), crime rate (Crime), climate (January temperature, July temperature, Rainfall), forest dependency (Nonforest) and housing price (Housing). The Non-forest variable indicates whether a location is forest dependent or not, and this variable is expected to indicate whether forest dependency increases or decreases the attractiveness of an area as destination. Population density indicates the number of individuals present per square mile, and the Employment growth variable is lagged for the period 1990-1995. The housing price variable used is the median value of owner-occupied housing units in 1990 (used in previous migration studies such as Clark and Hunter, 1992). The individual-area variables differ across individuals and areas, and include expected wage and distance between an individual‘s origin and possible destinations. Distance is calculated as the radial distance between the origin and destination MIGPUMAs, and is used as a proxy for the economic and psychological costs of moving. Although most of the data in this study are obtained from secondary sources, the Wage variable is calculated. This variable had to be estimated since we do not observe an individual‘s wage in the non-selected areas. Here an individual‘s expected wages in different areas are generated according to the methodology laid out in the previous chapter9. For every male and female in the sample, I estimate the log wages he or she can expect to receive in each of the 47 possible destination areas. 9 The reduced form log wage equation (3.5) is estimated for individual i in each of the j areas (j= 1,…, 47). Using area specific parameters and individual variable values, I estimate the log wage individual i can expect to receive if he or she was living in the jth area. ln(π€ππ ) = αj + β1j PXij + β2j (PX)ij 2 + β3j HHij + β4j ENGij + ∑mβmj EAmij + ∑nβnjMSnij + γ1j PTij + ∑r γrj RCrij + ∑s γsj INDsij + εij 67 Area wage variance may be another factor influencing individual‘s utility and location choice. Individual characteristics as well as area attributes will interact to determine how area wage variation may influence utility. If individual skill is higher than the average skill level, then he or she may prefer an area with higher mean wage and wider wage distribution. If individual skill is lower than the average, he or she may still prefer an area with higher mean wage, but a tighter wage distribution. Thus, how area wage variance influences individuals location choice depends on individuals skill level and the area mean wage. Introducing a variable for area wage variance in the model leads to non-convergence of maximum likelihood estimates. Hence in this study, I limit my analysis to only area mean wage as an explanatory variable for location choice. Future research may investigate how area wage variance influences individual‘s location choice. Individual data are obtained from the Public Use Microdata Survey (PUMS) of the United States 2000 decennial census. PUMS is not a longitudinal data set, however, it can be used to model point-to-point migration decisions between 1995 and 2000, because respondents in 2000 are asked where they lived five years ago (i.e., in 1995). Thus, the data reveal whether individuals stayed in the origin area or moved to another area. Data sources for the area variables are State and Metropolitan Area Data Book 1997-98 (U.S. Bureau of the Census), County and City Data Book 1994 (U.S. Bureau of the Census) and McGranahan (1999). Because MIGPUMAs are agglomerations of counties, I computed MIGPUMA-level area variables as averages of corresponding county-level observations. 68 Summary statistics for the male and female samples are reported in appendix tables A.4.2 and A.4.3. The average age of males and females, residing in the Northwest in 1995 and 2000, is 42.68 and 42.81 years respectively. For both males and females, about 87 percent are white. 69 percent of males are married, while 64 percent of females are married. 23 percent of males and 27 percent of females have four or more years of college education. In the Northwest, the average population density is about 60 persons per square miles and annual employment growth between 1990 and 1995 was about 2.6 percent. On average, there were approximately 4,000 serious crimes per 100,000 persons in 1991. About 53 percent of Northwest MIGPUMAs are non forest-dependent. Averaged over areas and individuals, the average weekly wage is $660 for males and $440 for females. The average distance between origin and all potential destinations for both males and females is approximately 290 miles. 4.4. Results The maximum likelihood estimates of the PDNL model for males and females are presented in Table 4.1. Overall, the estimated parameters presented in Table 4.1 have signs that are consistent with expectations for whether a variable should increase or decrease the likelihood of migration and location choice. In addition, most of the estimated parameters are statistically significant. The results have same signs for the male and female samples, and therefore a general discussion for the migration decision and location choice is presented below. 69 Table 4.1. Maximum Likelihood Estimates of PDNL Model Males Coefficient Standard Error 1 Upper Level: Stay – Move Decision Age 0.0415** 0.0058 White 0.1784 0.076 Married 0.1656** 0.0732 Education -0.3453** 0.0702 Lower Level: Area (MIGPUMA) Choice Population density 0.00086** 0.00000077 Employment growth 0.091* 0.041 Crime -0.00007** 0.0000048 Housing cost -0.000073* 0.000031 January temperature 0.0006 0.000058 July temperature -0.0000672* 0.0000292 Rainfall -0.00020 0.000190 Non-forest dependent area 0.00041* 0.00017 Wage 0.0303** 0.0015364 Distance -0.0003** 0.0001 Inclusive Value λ1 0.016 0.0005 Variables Females Coefficient Standard Error 0.0726** 0.1307 0.2068** -0.2551** 0.0072 0.0566 0.1104 0.0626 0.00106** 0.0057* -0.00015** -0.0002* 0.0004 -0.00019* -0.0001 0.0006* 0.01859** -0.0004** 0.0000042 0.0029 0.000001 0.00009 0.00041 0.0000803 0.00012 0.0012 0.0069 0.0001 0.022 0.0006 a. 1Normalized on the decision to stay in origin (λ0 = 1) b. **: Significant at 1%; * : Significant at 5% First, let us consider the coefficient estimates for the individual variables. These coefficients are normalized with respect to the decision to stay in the origin area, and hence a positive (negative) estimate indicates an increased (decreased) probability of staying. The positive and statistically significant coefficient estimate on age implies that as age increases the probability also increases that a worker stays in his/her origin area. This negative effect of aging on migration propensity is consistent with other studies (Rogers and Castro, 1984; Lucas, 1997; de Haan, 1999). The likelihood of migration among workers has been found to decrease with age, because the expected future benefits 70 of migration decreases as a worker ages. Individuals who are married have higher probabilities of staying in the origin (i.e., they have lower probabilities of migrating), ceteris paribus. The probability of remaining in the origin declines as education increases, implying that mobility are positively related to educational attainment. This is consistent with the literature on geographic mobility and educational attainment. Economic theory predicts that education is an investment that makes a worker more productive and thereby able to earn more (Becker, 1975), and there is empirical evidence in support of this theory (Buchmann and Hannum, 2001; Psacharopoulos, 1981; Lau, Jamison and Loua, 1991). Education increases the probability of migration because it induces workers to migrate in search of jobs that match their skill levels (de Haan, 1999; Narman, 1995). The area and individual-area interaction variables influence the choice of a nonorigin area conditional on the decision to move. . The signs of coefficient estimates on these variables indicate whether a change in the corresponding variable increases or decreases the likelihood that a location will be chosen. Higher population density and employment growth positively affect the probability that an area is selected as a destination by migrants. The negative estimate for crime rate indicates that crime is a repulsive factor in the area choice decision. The negative coefficient estimate on house value indicates that migrants are more likely to select areas with lower housing cost, all else equal. July temperature, which is used as a proxy for hot summers, has a negative coefficient estimate, indicating that areas with cooler summers are more attractive to migrants. January temperature has a positive estimated coefficient, implying that 71 individuals prefer warmer winters. Areas with less annual precipitation are more desirable to migrants. Lower forest dependency increases the attractiveness of an area, and migrants are more likely to choose non forest-dependent areas as destinations. Forest-dependent areas tend to be relatively remote, and these areas may attract fewer working-age individuals as they lack economic opportunities. Working-age individuals moving to forest-dependent areas may have to sacrifice income and access to services. For some, moving to forestdependent areas may mean returning to family and friends. But without a hometown or family connection, working-age individuals generally are not drawn to rural forestdependent areas. Non forest-dependent areas might be more attractive to working-age individuals, and location choice of forest-dependent areas as destination might be more of psychology driven than jobs-driven. Utility-maximizing behavior of individuals encourages them to choose locations which offer higher wages. The positive and significant coefficient on wages indicates that higher wages increase the likelihood that an area is chosen, all else equal. Distance has a negative sign which suggests that higher moving costs tend to discourage migration. Areas that are at a greater distance from the origin are less likely to be chosen. The inclusive value (λ) variable represents an aggregate index of the utility obtained from residing in non-origin areas. As utility in the non-origin areas (relative to origin area) increases, the non-origin areas become more attractive, and this increases the probability of moving as opposed to staying. Therefore, the correct a priori sign on the inclusive value is positive. In addition to being positive, the inclusive value parameter 72 must lie in the interval (0, 1) for the model to be consistent with utility maximization for all possible values of the explanatory variables (McFadden, 1978, 1981; Train, 2003). The PDNL model is normalized on the decision to stay in origin (i.e., λ0 = 1), and the estimated values of λ1 for both the male and female models are positive and lie in the interval (0, 1). 4.5. Discussion The human capital theory of migration posits that working-age individuals contemplating a move consider the present value of benefits minus costs of moving (Sjaastad, 1962). Benefits of migration include, for example, higher expected wages or a more favorable social, cultural, or physical environment at the destination location. Moving costs may include both economic costs such as information gathering and relocation, and psychic costs associated with moving away from family, friends, and familiar surroundings. This study examined the factors that influence the migration decisions of working-age individuals in the Northwest. Migrants appear to value amenities, as results show that they are less likely to move into areas that have extreme climate (hot and humid summers, and cold winters) and high annual precipitation. The results indicate that the migrants are less likely to move into areas which are further away from their origins, which I interpret as evidence that migration costs reduce mobility. Two important results of this study are the effects of educational attainment and expected wages on migration and location choice. 73 The result suggests a positive association between education attainment and migration. Higher educated workers have greater incentives to move because the size of a worker‘s relevant labor market increases with education level, and this makes it easier to find better employment suited to their skills in a new location. However, low educational attainment may deter the ability of lower educated people to find new jobs, and people with lower educational attainment may be unable to finance moving costs. The human capital theory views migration as an investment in human capital that yields future monetary returns (Sjaastad, 1962). The result that working-age Northwest migrants are more likely to choose non forest-dependent areas as destinations (as these areas offer greater economic opportunities) conforms to the theory. In summary, migrants in the Northwest tend to be young, educated and unmarried. Conditional on migration, individuals prefer areas with high population density and employment growth rates. High crime rate and housing cost are expected to decrease the attractiveness of an area. Finally, areas with moderate climates, higher mean wages, and geographic proximity to the origin are more attractive to migrants. 74 Appendix 4A Table 4.A.1. Variables Used in the Migration Model Variable Individual-variables Description Age White Married Education Age in years Indicator for white: =1 if white and =0 otherwise Indicator for married: =1 if married and =0 otherwise Indicator for education: =1 if four years of college or more and=0 otherwise Area-variables Population density Employment growth Crime Housing January temperature July temperature Rainfall Non-forest MIGPUMA area population in 1995 divided by land area Average annual growth in employment, 1990-1995 Serious crimes per 100,000 population in 1995 Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 1990 Mean temperature for January, 1941-1970 Mean temperature for July, 1941-1970 Annual precipitation in inches Indicator variable for non-forest areas: =1 if non-forest and =0 otherwise Individual-area variables Wage Distance Individual‘s expected weekly dollar wage in different areas Distance in miles from individual‘s origin to destination MIGPUMAs 75 Table 4.A.2. Summary Statistics for Migration Model, Males Variables Mean Standard Deviation Individual variables: 109518 observations Age 42.683 10.095 White 0.868 0.338 Married 0.692 0.461 Education 0.239 0.443 Area variables: 47 observations Population density 61.804 166.2 Employment growth 0.026 0.013 Crime 3964 1657 Housing 82942 31767 January temperature 31.436 8.063 July temperature 67.943 5.090 Rainfall 25.022 18.433 Non-forest dependent area 0.532 0.498 Individual-area variables: 5147346 observations Wage 663.23 228.71 Distance 289.05 169.3 Each of the 109,474 males has 47 area choices, so that the number of observations for the individual/area variables is 109,474 × 47 = 5,145,278. 76 Table 4.A.3. Summary Statistics for Migration Model, Females Variables Mean Standard Deviation Individual variables: 96178 observations Age 42.807 9.904 White 0.873 0.333 Married 0.636 0.478 Education 0.271 0.444 Area variables: 47 observations Population density 61.804 166.2 Employment growth 0.026 0.013 Crime 3964 1657 Housing 82942 31767 January temperature 31.436 8.063 July temperature 67.943 5.090 Rainfall 25.022 18.433 Non-forest dependent area 0.532 0.498 Individual-area variables: 4520366 observations Wage 448.6 170.88 Distance 289.5 169.42 Each of the 96,026 females has 47 area choices, so that the number of observations for the individual/area variables is 96,026 × 47 = 4,513,222. 77 Chapter 5 – Conclusion This dissertation contributes to the understanding of forest and non forestdependent areas by investigating regional wage distributions, and working-age individuals‘ migration and residential location choices. Forest-dependent areas in the Northwest and the Northeast displayed socioeconomic characteristics more indicative of poor economic conditions compared to other areas. Results from chapter 2 indicate that population density, per capita income, median household income, and educational attainment are lower in the forest-dependent areas. Also, poverty and unemployment rates are higher in these areas. This conforms to previous studies (Drielsma, 1984; Fortmann et al., 1991; Overdevest, 1992) in that areas with more timberland characteristically have lower well-being. One important aspect for future research might be to consider non-economic indicators of well-being associated with forest-dependence. Past studies on quality of life indicate that compensation for interregional differences in amenities yield differences in both labor and housing markets (Roback, 1982; Gyourko and Tracy, 1991; Blomquist et al., 1988). What non-economic values do forest-dependent areas provide? Does recreational and other environmental quality values associated with forest-dependent areas outweigh the lack of relatively low economic returns? Further advances in the conceptual modeling of well-being and forest dependence will assist in this line of inquiry. One of the main findings of this dissertation is that expected mean wages are typically lower in the forest-dependent areas. Also, the wage distribution is less dispersed 78 in the forest-dependent areas than in other areas. The empirical approach in this study controls the skill composition of people across areas, and therefore differences in interregional wage distributions are not due to differences in the skill composition of people residing in these areas. Other factors10 prevailing in the forest-dependent areas, such as lack the agglomeration economies and nature of jobs may explain this interregional wage difference. The interregional wage differences in forest and non forest-dependent areas may influence individuals‘ migration decision and residential location choice. Neoclassical economic theory predicts that workers are responsive to spatial wage differences and they move to areas where wage levels are relatively high (Smith, 1975). In chapter 4, educational attainment was found to be a significant determinant of the migration decision, and higher educational attainment predicted a higher likelihood of outmigration to areas with higher monetary returns. Well-educated workers may have improved access to information about employment opportunities outside their local labor market, and may be more efficient at researching new job opportunities (Borjas, 2000). Highly educated workers may also have greater incentives to move because the size of a worker‘s relevant labor market increases with education level, and chances of finding a job and improved matches are higher compared to lower educated workers (Costa and Kahn, 2000). It is unlikely that the population in any area is completely mobile, because of the costs associated with migration. In the economics literature on migration (Sjaastad, 1962), a large component of migration costs is psychological costs - the personal costs of 10 Discussed in details in section 3.6, page 43 79 leaving family and friends and familiar surroundings. Such personal connections increase the mobility cost, and may explain why some people choose to accept lower wages and reside in rural, forest-dependent areas. The Northwest sample for 2000 has 235987 working-age residents, of which 67623 individuals (that is, about 29%) live in the forestdependent areas. This indicates that a fairly large share of individuals chose to live in forest-dependent areas, even though these areas may not be the most rewarding in terms of labor market returns. Hummon (1992) reported that irrespective of the social and economic characteristics of the community, residents of smaller, more rural, places express greater satisfaction with their communities than residents of more densely populated areas. Factors other than economic incentives, such as how deeply a person is rooted to his/her community, may influence migration decisions (Loveridge et al., 2009). Other studies have also found attachment to place to be associated with migration decisions (Elder, 1996; Herting, 1997; Goudy, 1990). People may build up social and place based ties over time, and become psychologically rooted to a community. Social ties such as presence of friends and family in their neighborhood is often highly valued by individuals (Brehm et al., 2004). A limitation of this study is that it is based on cross-sectional data (U.S. 2000 census data). Determinants and effects of migration may differ in important ways with time, and a time-series analysis11 would be ideal for studying such relationships. Future research using a data set that includes information on the characteristics of explanatory variables across years can better assess the patterns observed in the current study. 11 A recent study (Bishop, 2008) of dynamic location decisions of individuals used panel data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79). 80 There are two additional issues that could also be investigated in future research. The first concerns the relationship between migration and poverty. Higher expected mean wages in non forest-dependent areas might attract workers to move out of forestdependent rural areas, but this does not mean that the migration decision will make the workers better-off. In fact, Fitchen's (1995) work on short-term rural movers shows that migration from rural to urban areas substantially increased the probability of being poor. Fitchen finds that many rural poor people move to urban areas not because of better job opportunities, but rather due to the loss of a job or other major changes in their lives. Many rural-to-urban migrants struggle to find employment, housing and stability in new locations, and experience losses in the process. Additional research on what happens after the migration decision has been made will bring new perspective to the migration problem. Also, research on long-term effects of migration may help to investigate whether migration decision is beneficial or not over a broad time horizon. Analysis of long-term effects of migration would provide a better understanding of the lifetime tradeoffs between residing in forest and non forest-dependent areas. 81 BIBLIOGRAPHY Becker, G. S. (1962). 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