Example V(φ): Rotational conformations of n-butane CH3CH2CH2CH3 Potential energy of a n-butane molecule as a function of the angle φ of bond rotation. V(φ) Potential energy/kJ mol-1 20 eclipse eclipse 15 eclipse eclipse gauche planar trans gauche Planar trans conformer is lowest energy 10 5 0 - 180o - 120o - 60o 60 φ o 120 o H3C CH3 H CH3 H H H CH3 0 o Views along the C2-C3 bond H CH3 H H H H 180 High energy states CH3 H H H V(φ) eclipsed conformations CH3 CH3 CH3 H3C H H H H H H H H H CH3 H H CH3 H Gauche Planar Gauche Low energy states Figure by MIT OCW. Conformers: Rotational Isomeric State Model • Rotational Potential – • V(φ) Probability of rotation angle phi Rotational Isomeric State (RIS) Model e.g. Typical 3 state model : g-, t, g+ with weighted probabilities Again need to evaluate li ⋅ l j +1 taking into account probability of a φ rotation between adjacent bonds – – • P(φ) ~ exp(-V(φ)/kT) This results in a bond angle rotation factor of combining r where 2 1+ cos φ 1− cos φ ⎛⎛ 1− cosθ ⎞⎛ 1+ cos φ ⎞⎞ ⎟⎟⎟⎟ = nl 2C∞ = nl ⎜⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎝⎝ 1+ cosθ ⎠⎝ 1− cos φ ⎠⎠ 2 ⎛ ⎛ 1 − cosθ ⎞⎛ 1 + cos φ ⎞ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎜ C∞ = ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ 1 + cosθ ⎠⎜⎝ 1 − cos φ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠⎠ ⎝⎝ cos φ = ∫ cos(φ )P(φ )dφ ∫ P(φ )dφ The so called “Characteristic ratio” and is compiled for various polymers with P(φ) = exp(-V(φ)/kT) The Chemist’s Real Chain • Preferred bond angles and rotation angles: – • • θ, φ. Specific bond angle θ between mainchain atoms (e.g. C-C bonds) with rotation angle chosen to avoid short range intra-chain interferences. In general, this is called “steric hindrance” and depends strongly on size/shape of set of pendant atoms to the main backbone (F, CH3, phenyl etc). Excluded volume: self-crossing of chain is prohibited (unlike in diffusion or in the mathematician’s chain model): Such excluded volume contacts tend to occur between more remote segments of the chain. The set of allowed conformations thus excludes those where the path crosses and this forces <rl,n2 >1/2 to increase. Solvent quality: competition between the interactions of chain segments (monomers) with each other vs. solvent-solvent interactions vs. the interaction between the chain segments with solvent. Chain can expand or contract. • monomer - monomer • solvent - solvent • monomer - solvent εM-M vs. εS-S vs. εM-S Excluded Volume • The excluded volume of a particle is that volume for which the center of mass of a 2nd particle is excluded from entering. • Example: interacting hard spheres of radius a – volume of region denied to sphere A due to presence of sphere B – V= 4/3π(2a)3 = 8 Vsphere but the excluded volume is shared by 2 spheres so Vexcluded = 4 Vsphere Solvent Quality and Chain Dimensions Theta θ Solvent Solvent quality factor α Local Picture Global Picture Solvent quality factor Good solvent Good Solvent ent Solv Solv In ent θ − Solvent α2 = < r2 > < r2 >θ 20 Out 20 10 10 10 20 10 10 Poor Solvent 10 10 20 10 Poor solvent Figure by MIT OCW. • Solvent quality: – M-M, S-S, M-S interactions: εM-M, εS-S, εM-S Physicist’s Universal Chain • Recover random walk relation for real chain at theta condition (or in melt state!) by redefining a coarse grained model of N Kuhn steps r 2 1/ 2 =N 1/ 2 b Scaling law b rn Fewer, larger steps r1 N steps of length b, b = Kuhn step with N = n , C∞ b = C∞ ⋅ l Manipulating {r } 1n To increase end to end distance • Excluded Volume (bigger, bulkier monomers) • Large bond angle and strong steric interactions tend to favor all trans conformation => C∞ large To increase or decrease end to end distance • Solvent quality • Temperature (affects solvent quality and relative interaction energies) • Deformation (stretch the coil: rubber elastic behavior) Characteristic Ratio Experimentally measure MW and hence chain dimensions (technique: laser light scattering: Zimm plot) in a theta solvent for high MW sample Influence of steric interactions on characteristic ratio H3C n * C∞ = nl 2 H3C * O r2 n * O O * θ H3C n * * O O O H2C C∞ = 10 C∞ = 14 C∞ = 20.3 Summary: Flexible Coil Chain Dimensions Model <r2> Mathematician’s Ideal RW <r2> = nl2 Freely jointed chain, n bonds each of length 1. ⎛⎛ 1− cosθ ⎞⎛1+ cos φ ⎞⎞ r = nl ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ ⎟⎜ ⎠ 1+ cos θ 1− cos φ ⎝ ⎠⎠ ⎝⎝ Allow preferred bond angles and preferred rotation angles about main chain bonds 2 Chemist’s Real Chain θ fixed , 2 r 2 = nl 2C∞ θ V(φ)-RIS Real Chain θ, V(φ) – and solvent quality and excluded volume <r2> = nl2C∞α2 Comments Characteristic ratio takes into account all local steric interactions Factor α takes into account solvent quality and long range chain self-intersections (excluded volume) r2 2 α = 2 r θ : α = 1 for two states: (i) Theta condition - particular solvent and temperature (ii) Melt state Physicist’s Universal Chain (α = 1 conditions) <r2> = Nb2 where N = # of statistical segments, b = statistical segment length, b = C∞l C∞ is incorporated into Kuhn length b. Thermodynamics of Polymer Solutions • Bragg-Williams Lattice Theory for Phase Behavior of Binary Alloys W. L. Bragg and E. J. Williams, Proc. Roy. Soc. A145, 699 (1934); ibid A151, 540 (1935). • Generalize to polymer-polymer and polymer-solvent phase behavior. P. J. Flory, J. Chem Phys. 10, 51 (1942), M. L. Huggins, J. Phys. Chem. 46, 151 (1942). Chapter 3, Young and Lovell G = H − TS Δ G = G1 ,2 − (G1 + G 2 ) 1 2 MIX STATE 1 1,2 STATE 2 Binary Component System in State 2 Binary Component System in State 2 solvent-solvent solvent-polymer Materials scientists already familiar with B-W Lattice Theory ! Figure by MIT OCW. polymer-polymer new situations Thermodynamics of Polymer Sol’n cont’d G= H −TS Δ G = G1,2 − (G1 + G2 ) 1 2 STATE 1 • 1,2 STATE 2 State 1 – 2 pure phases comprised of ni moles of component i If component is a polymer, it has xi segments and each segment has volume vi V1 = n1 x1v1 • MIX State 2 – mixed phase, assume V2 = n 2 x 2v 2 V = n1 x1 v1 + n2 x 2 v2 ΔV1,2 = 0 Note if system is comprised of a solvent and a polymer, the convention is to name the solvent component 1 and the polymer component 2 Thermodynamics cont’d – Entropy 1. 2. Translational - (sometimes called combinatorial or configurational) due to the number of distinguishable spatial arrangements Conformational - due to number of distinguishable shapes of a given molecule keeping center of mass fixed. We will assume that there are no differences in molecular conformations in the unmixed vs. mixed state. 3. 4. ΔS= k ln Ω1,2 − k(ln Ω1 + lnΩ 2 ) Recall S =k lnΩ Ω1 =1, Ω 2 =1 since there is only 1 way to arrange a pure • The increase in translational entropy is due to the increased total volume available to the molecules in the mixed state. The statistical mechanics is standard for mixing of 2 gases: component in its volume ΔSm = k ln Ω1,2 − 0 ΔSm = k(n1 ln V / V1 + n2 ln V / V2 ) Mean Field Lattice Theory • Mean field: the interactions between molecules are assumed to be due to the interaction of a given molecule and an average field due to all the other molecules in the system. To aid in modeling, the solution is imagined to be divided into a set of cells within which molecules or parts of molecules can be placed (lattice theory). • The total volume, V, is divided into a lattice of No cells, each cell of volume v. The molecules occupy the sites randomly according to a probability based on their respective volume fractions. To model a polymer chain, one occupies xi adjacent cells. N o = N1 + N 2 = n1 x1 + n 2 x 2 • V = N ov Following the standard treatment for small molecules (x1 = x2 = 1) Ω1,2 = using Stirling’s approximation: N 0! N1!N 2! lnM ! = M ln M − M for M >> 1 ΔSm = k(−N1 ln φ1 − N 2 ln φ 2 ) φ1 = ? Entropy Change on Mixing ΔSm is : ΔSm = + k(−φ1 ln φ1 − φ 2 ln φ 2 ) No Remember this is for small molecules x1 = x2 = 1 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Note the symmetry 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 φ2 The entropic contribution to ΔGm is thus seen to always favor mixing if the random mixing approximation is used. Enthalpy of Mixing ΔHm • Assume lattice has z nearest-neighbor cells. • To calculate the enthalpic interactions we consider the number of pairwise interactions. The probability of finding adjacent cells filled by component i, and j is given by assuming the probability that a given cell is occupied by species i is equal to the volume fraction of that species: φi. ΔHm cont’d Mixed state enthalpic interactions Pure state enthalpic interactions recall Some math υij = # of i,j interactions υ12 = N1 z φ2 υ11 = N1 z φ1 / 2 υ 22 = N2 z φ 2 / 2 H1,2 = υ12 ε12 + υ11 ε11 + υ22 ε 22 z z H1,2 = z N1 φ 2 ε12 + N1 φ1 ε11 + N2 φ2 ε 22 2 2 z N1 z N2 H1 = ε11 H2 = ε 22 2 2 ⎡ ⎤ Nε Nε ΔH M = z ⎢N1φ 2ε12 + 1 11 (φ1 −1) + 2 22 (φ 2 −1)⎥ ⎣ ⎦ 2 2 N1 + N2 = N 0 1 ⎡ ⎤ ΔH M = z N 0 ⎢ε12 − (ε11 + ε 22 ) ⎥φ1φ2 2 ⎣ ⎦ Note the symmetry χ Parameter • Define χ: χ= z kT 1 ⎡ ⎤ ( ) − + ε ε ε ⎢⎣ 12 2 11 22 ⎥⎦ χ represents the chemical interaction between the components ΔH M = k T χ φ1 φ 2 N0 • ΔGM : ΔGM = ΔH M −T ΔSM ΔGM = kT χφ1φ2 − kT [− φ1 ln φ1 − φ2 ln φ2 ] N0 ΔGM = kT [χφ1φ2 + φ1 ln φ1 + φ 2 ln φ 2 ] N0 Note: ΔGM is symmetric in φ1 and φ2. This is the Bragg-Williams result for the change in free energy for the mixing of binary metal alloys. ΔGM(T, φ, χ) • • Flory showed how to pack chains onto a lattice and correctly evaluate Ω1,2 for polymer-solvent and polymer-polymer systems. Flory made a complex derivation but got a very simple and intuitive result, namely that ΔSM is decreased by factor (1/x) due to connectivity of x segments into a single molecule: ⎡ φ1 ⎤ φ2 ΔS M = − k ⎢ ln φ1 + ln φ2 ⎥ N0 x2 ⎣ x1 ⎦ Systems of Interest - solvent – solvent - solvent – polymer - polymer – polymer x1 = x2 = 1 x1 = 1 x1 = large, For polymers x2 = large x2 = large ⎡ ⎤ ΔG M φ1 φ2 ln φ 2 ⎥ = kT ⎢ χφ1φ 2 + ln φ1 + N0 x1 x2 ⎣ ⎦ χ= z kT 1 ⎡ ⎤ ( ) ε ε ε − + ⎢ 12 2 11 22 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ Need to examine variation of ΔGM with T, χ, φi, and xi to determine phase behavior. Note possible huge asymmetry in x1, x2