Multivariate Approaches: Joint Modeling of Imaging and Genetic Data Bertrand Thirion,

Multivariate Approaches: Joint
Modeling of Imaging and Genetic Data
Bertrand Thirion,
INRIA Saclay-Île-de-France, Parietal team
CEA, DSV, I2BM, Neurospin
June 25th, 2011
HBM Imaging genetics educational course
Introduction: Multivariate methods
Neuroimaging genetics
Limitations of mass univariate models
Penalized multiple regression
Multivariate multiple regression
Examples on simulated and real data
June 25th, 2011
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Introduction: Multivariate methods
Two main families: supervised and unsupervised
Unsupervised: clustering, PCA, ICA
Generic form: X = AD + E, where only X is known
Try to model/understand some data – its distribution
p(X)– without trying to fit any target
Supervised: regularized regression, kernel
machines, discriminant analysis, PLS
Generic form: Y = XB + E, where Y and X are known
Try to fit the target data Y given X
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Introduction: Multivariate methods
Supervised methods
Unsupervised methods
Using unsupervised techniques to solve supervised
problems is simply inefficient
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Neuroimaging Genetics: problem
Subject s=1..S
Brain image data
Genetic data
Q response variables:
Y = {y1,..,yq}
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P predictor variables:
X = {x1,.., xp}
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Genetic-Neuroimaging studies
Small q, small p
Small q, large p
[Potkin et al. 2009] q = 1 mean BOLD signal; p = 317, 503
Large q, small p
[Joyner et al. 2009] q = 4 brain size measures, p = 11 SNPs
[Filippini et al. 2009] q = 29, 812 voxels; p = 1 SNP
Large q, large p
[Stein et al. 2010] q = 31, 622 voxels; p = 448, 293 SNPs
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Mass Univariate Linear Models (MULM)
A commonly used approach is to model one genotype and
one phenotype at a time:
1. Fit all univariate linear regression models
yj = βjk xk + ε, j = 1, . . . , q, k = 1, . . . , p
2 possibilities:
● Allelic dosage
● categorical model
2. Search for a subset of p significant genotypes with indices
{k1 , k2 , . . . , kp' }  {1,..,p} with p'≪ p
by testing all (p × q) null hypotheses of no association H0 : β jk = 0
3. Correct for multiple testing – control experiment-wise FWER or
Possible dependence patterns among genotypes and
phenotypes are ignored at the modeling stage
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Problems with MULM
If we test for each (voxel, SNP) pair (up
to 1012 pairs)
Power issue: (peak statistic)
to detect an effect with a power of 80%,
based on n=1000 subjects, the
standardized effect needs to be greater
than .26 (.19 with n=2000 subjects).
Reproducibility issue: is directly related
to the small power
→ false negatives hamper the
reproducibility of the analysis
this is known to be one of the major
issues in GWAS.
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Multivariate predictive modelling
Why modeling multiple genotypes and multiple phenotypes?
A weak effect may be more apparent when other causal effects are already
accounted for
A false signal may be weakened by inclusion in the model of a stronger signal
from a true causal association
A weak effect may be more apparent if multiple phenotypes are affected
Basic strategy: build a linear regression model that includes all
genotypes (predictors) and all phenotypes (responses) and then perform
variable selection
The models covered here are:
Penalized multiple linear regression (any p and q = 1)
Penalized sparse canonical correlation analysis (any p and q)
Penalized reduced-rank regression (any p and q)
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Multiple genotypes (p > 1) and one
phenotype (q = 1): multiple regression
The multiple linear regression model with univariate
Fit the multiple linear regression model
by solving
Equivalently, minimize the error function (loss)
When n > p, the OLS solution is given by
June 25th, 2011
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Penalized multivariate regression for
genotype selection
One step-approach: fit the multiple linear regression model while
finding a subset of p important predictors with indices
{k1 , k2 , . . . , kp' }  {1, 2, . . . , p} with p'≪p
all having non-zero regression coefficients.
This is achieved by fitting a penalized regression model:
The penalization ψ(β) imposes a constraint on β. We use convex
functions to have unique optimum
The coupling parameter λ controls the trade-off between the OLS
(unpenalized) solution and the penalized solution.
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Ridge regression
The problem can be rewritten as
or more compactly
λ controls the amount of shrinkage
Some properties are:
Closed-form solution
Useful when the data matrix X is singular and X T X non invertible
Bias-variance trade-off – better predictions
Grouping effect – correlated variables get similar coefficients
No variable selection
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LASSO regression
Lasso regression finds β subject to
Performs both continuous shrinkage and variable selection
λ controls the amount of sparsity
For instance, with p = 2:
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Example of Lasso regularization path
The higher the regularization, the sparser the solution
Run it yourself
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Elastic net regression: convex
combination of L1 and L2 penalties
Elastic net regression solves
It retains the benefits of both individual penalties
the penalty simplifies to
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Solving the penalized regression
Convex but non-smooth problem: a unique optimal solution
can always be found, though not through simple techniques
(gradient descent etc.)
3 families of methods:
Homotopy methods: Lars algorithm [Efron et al. 2004]
Proximal methods [Nesterov 2004]
Coordinate descent [Friedmann et al. 2009]
Implementations available in R/python
Glmnet R package,
Scikit learn,
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Variable selection in practice: λ
A common procedure is nested cross validation (CV)
For each value of λ within a given range:
1. Leave m samples out for testing
2. Use the remaining n − m samples for training– fit the model
3. Compute the prediction error using the test sample
4. Repeat for all n/m folds and take the average prediction error
→ The optimal λ minimizes the cross-validated prediction error
Various search strategies can be used to explore the space Λ
No optimal solution guaranteed: the Global problem (that
includes optimizing λ) is NOT convex
Cost = n/m * |Λ|
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Variable selection in practice: caveat
Learning the parameter is different from evaluating the performance
of the predictive model !
You need two have two cross-validation loops
Test set
(Xt, yt)
Data set
(X, y)
(Xl, yl)
Set Λ
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ŷt =Xt β
Test set
(Xa, ya)
learning set
(Xb, yb)
For all λ in Λ
Fit on (Xb, yb)
Predict on (Xa, ya)
λ* in Λ
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Compute β
Variable selection in practice
Stability selection is an alternative approach which avoids searching for an optimal
regularization parameter [Meinshausen and Buhlmann, 2009]
The procedure works as follow
1. Extract B subsamples (e.g. of size n/2) from the training data set
2. For each subsample, fit the sparse regression model
3. Estimate the probability of each predictor being selected
4. Select all those predictors whose selection probability is above a pre-determined threshold
Under some assumptions, this procedure controls the expected number of false
Unlike CV, it does not heavily depend upon the regularization parameter λ
See [Brunea et al. 2011]
But assumes a very sparse solution
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Example: Lasso regression, stability path
Lasso path
vitamin geneexpression dataset.
The paths of the 6
nonpermuted genes are
plotted as solid, red
lines, while the paths
of the 4082 permuted
genes are shown
as broken, black lines.
[Meinshausen and
Buhlmann, 2009]
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stability path of
Summary on multiple regression
Latent variable models
for one phenotype
reduction and variable
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Modeling multiple genotypes and
Multivariate multiple linear regression: Y = XC + E
If n were greater than p, C could be estimated by least squares or with
adequate penalization columnwise
C(R) would be full rank, R = min (p, q)
Same solutions as with q regression models
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Reduced Rank Regression / PLS
Alternative approach: impose a rank condition on the
regression coefficient matrix so that rank(C) ≤ min(p, q)
If C has rank r , it can be written as a product of a (p × r )
matrix B and (r × q) matrix A, both of full rank
The RRR model is written Y = XBA + E,
For a fixed rank r , the matrices A and B are obtained by
minimizing the weighted least squares criterion
M = Tr {(Y − XBA) Γ (Y − XBA)'}
for a given (q × q) positive definite matrix Γ
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Reduced Rank Regression/ PLS
Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) can be used to remove
the variance confound, but requires regularization
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RRR/PLS Solution
The optimal A and B are obtained as
H is the (q × r ) matrix whose columns are the first r
normalized eigenvectors associated with the r largest
eigenvalues of the (q × q) matrix
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Sparse reduced rank regression (sRRR)
Vounou et al. (2010), le Floch et al. (2011)
Add penalties to induce sparsity on A and/or B
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Interpretation of PLS/RRR/CCA
Latent variable
models for
Find latent
variable pairs
(tr , sr )
satisfying some
[Hoggart et al. (2008) Wu et al. (2009) Vounou et al. (2010) Le Floch et al. (2011)]
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Statistical power comparison
Monte Carlo simulation framework [Vounou et al., 2010]
Generate an entire population P of 10k individuals
Use a forwards-in-time simulation approach (FREGENE)
Reproduce features observed in real human populations
Genotypes coded as minor allele SNP-dosage
Generate B Monte Carlo data sets of sample size n each:
1. Randomly sample n genotypes x from the population P
2. Simulate the n phenotypes y from a multivariate normal distribution
calibrated on real data (ADNI data base)
3. Induce an association according to an additive genetic model
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p between 1000 to 40, 000
10 predictive SNPs with small marginal effects
q = 111 with 6 true responses
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Simulations results
SNP sensitivity with n = 500
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SNP sensitivity with n = 1000
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Simulations results (ctd)
Large p:
Ratio of SNP
as a function of
the total number
of SNPs
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More experiments: MULM vs elastic net
Comparison of
the performance
of MULM and
elastic net to
predict one
generated as
Varying the SNR
Top: using hybrid simulation
(real snps)
Bottom: using i.i.d. Data
(simulated snps)
Also: better support
recovery with elastic net
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Varying the sparsity
Real data
asymmetries in
Q=19 ROIs
P=1083 snps in
12 genetic
Localizer dataset
[Pinel et al. Subm.]
One significant
detected using
[Thirion et al. in
June 25th, 2011
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Many thanks to
Vincent Frouin, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Edouard
Duchesnay, Edith le Floch and the genim group at
Gaël Varoquaux, Fabian Pedregosa, Alexandre
Gramfort, Vincent Michel and scikit learn
Giovanni Montana for providing most of this
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Filippini, N., Rao, A., Wetten, S., et al. (2009). Anatomically-distinct genetic associations
of APOE epsilon4 allele load with regional cortical atrophy in Alzheimer's disease.
NeuroImage, 44(3):724--8.
Hoggart, C., Whittaker, J., De Iorio, M., and Balding, D. (2008). Simultaneous Analysis
of All SNPs in Genome-Wide and Re-Sequencing Association Studies. PLoS Genet, 4(7).
Joyner, A. H., Roddey, J. C., Bloss, C. S., et al. (2009). A common MECP2 haplotype
associates with reduced cortical surface area in humans in two independent populations.
PNAS, 106(36):15475--80.
Meinshausen, N. and Buhlmann, P. (2009). Stability selection. Annnals of Statistics.
Potkin, S. G., Turner, J. a., Guanti, G., et al. (2009). A genome-wide association study of
schizophrenia using brain activation as a quantitative phenotype. Schizophrenia bulletin,
Shen, L., Kim, S., Risacher, S. L., Nho, K., et al. (2010). Whole genome association
study of brain-wide imaging phenotypes for identifying quantitative trait loci in MCI and
AD: A study of the ADNI cohort. NeuroImage, pages 1--13.
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Stein, J. L., Hua, X., Lee, S., et al. (2010). Voxelwise genome-wide association
study (vGWAS). NeuroImage.
Vounou, M., Nichols, T., and Montana, G. (2010). Discovering genetic associations
with high-dimensional neuroimaging phenotypes: a sparse reduced-rank regression
approach. NeuroImage 2010.
Witten, D., Tibshirani, R., and Hastie, T. (2009). A penalized matrix decomposition,
with applications to sparse principal components and canonical correlation analysis.
Biostatistics, 10(3):515.
Wu, T., Chen, Y., Hastie, T., Sobel, E., and Lange, K. (2009). Genomewideassociation analysis by lasso penalized logistic regression. Bioinformatics,
June 25th, 2011
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