Multivariate Approaches: Joint Modeling of Imaging & Genetic Data Giovanni Montana Statistics Section Department of Mathematics Imperial College London, UK 10 June, 2012 1 / 86 1. The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review 2. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS 3. Comparative Power Assessment 4. ADNI Case Study I 5. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS 6. ADNI Case Study II 7. Conclusions 2 / 86 The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review 1. The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review 2. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS 3. Comparative Power Assessment 4. ADNI Case Study I 5. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS 6. ADNI Case Study II 7. Conclusions 3 / 86 The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review Association Mapping with Unrelated Individuals Subject i (i = 1, . . . , n) (xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xip ) (yi1 , yi2 , . . . , yiq ) For instance, p = 600, 000 SNPs, and q = 2, 000, 000 vocels. The goal is to identify markers highly predictive of all or phenotypes 4 / 86 The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review Mass Univariate Linear Modelling (MULM) Genotypes . Fit all (p × q) linear regression models 1 yj = βjk xk + ϵ . Test all (p × q) null hypotheses x1 β1 = 0 x2 β2 = 0 yj 2 H0 : βjk = 0 . Correct for multiple testing, e.g. control FWER or FDR 4. Rank by p-values Univariate Phenotype x3 β3 x4 β4 = 0 j = 1, 2, . . . , q 3 xp βp 5 / 86 The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review MULM: Properties Genotypes x1 . Linear genotype-phenotype relationship 1 β1 = 0 . Ranks all possible genotype-phenotype pairs 2 x2 x3 x4 β2 = 0 Univariate Phenotype yj β3 j = 1, 2, . . . , q . Ignores dependences among genotypes 3 . Ignores dependences among phenotypes 4 β4 = 0 . Massive multiple testing problem which should account for dependence patterns 5 xp βp 6 / 86 The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review Example: APOE4 in Alzheimer’s Disease Filippini et al 2009 APOE4 SNP: Homozygote of minor allele is 2, heterozygote is 1 and homozygote of major allele is 0 n = 83 and q = 30k voxels (Gray Matter Volume in 15 ROIs) Mean GMV reduced by 14% in the red area for homozygotes compared to non-carriers 7 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS 1. The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review 2. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS 3. Comparative Power Assessment 4. ADNI Case Study I 5. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS 6. ADNI Case Study II 7. Conclusions 8 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS A Multivariate Regression Approach . For each univariate phenotype yj , fit the multiple linear regression model 1 yj = p ∑ βk xk + ϵ Genotypes x1 β1 = 0 x2 β2 = 0 yj k=1 . Solve the OLS problem after imposing a penalty 2 Univariate Phenotype x3 β3 x4 β4 = 0 j = 1, 2, . . . , q P(β) < c where β = (β1 , . . . , βp ) . Detect genetic factors influencing each one of the q univariate phenotypes 3 xp βp 9 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS Selected Penalties Lasso penalty: β̂ = argmin β ▶ ▶ { n ∑ (yi − i=1 p ∑ k=1 2 xik βk ) + λ p ∑ } |βk | k=1 The l1 penalty ensures that some coefficients will be exactly zero The λ parameter controls the number of non-zero coefficients Other penalties have been proposed to impose some structure while performing variable selection, e.g. ▶ ▶ Elastic net (l1 and l2 penalties) Group lasso 10 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS Lasso Regression: an Illustration p = 100 genotypes, y linearly depends only on (x1 , x2 ) 0.4 0.2 0.0 −0.2 Coefficients b 0.6 0.8 1 Phenotype 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Number of selected Xs 11 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS Fast Parameter Estimation Often no closed-form estimators are available When predictors are uncorrelated, use soft thresholding { } . Find the OLS estimates β̂ ols = β ols , β ols , . . . , β ols p 1 2 2. Cycle over the coefficients and apply a thresholding update: ) ( λ lasso ols ols β̂k = sign(β̂k ) |β̂k | − 2 + 1 { where (a)+ = a if a > 0 0 otherwise With correlated predictors, use coordinate descent ▶ ▶ Fast iterative algorithm also based on soft-thresholding Can be derived for a large class of penalties 12 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS Penalised Regression on Latent Factors For univariate phenotypes . High number of correlated predictive markers 1 Genotypes x1 x2 uh1 uh2 Phenotype th x3 . Assume the existence of latent factors, i.e. hidden factors that have high predictive power 2 yj h = 1, . . . , p . A latent factor is a linear combination of SNPs 3 . Estimate the contribution of each SNPs on each factor while enforcing that only a subset of SNPs have non-zero weights 4 uhp xp 13 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS Penalised Regression on Latent Factors For multivariate phenotypes Genotypes x1 Phenotypes y1 uh1 x2 y2 th sh vh2 h = 1, . . . , min(p, q) uhp yq xp 14 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS Reduced-Rank Regression If C is the (p × q) matrix of regression coefficients, then Y = X C + E When C has rank r < min(p, q), the model can be written as Y = X BA + E Each one of the r ranks captures a different causal effect 15 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS Sparse Reduced-Rank Regression (sRRR) Vounou et al. (2010, 2012) Simultaneous genotype and phenotype selection is achieved by imposing penalties on A and B 16 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS Rank-1 sRRR The rank-1 model is: Y = X b a + E (n × q) (n × p) (p × 1) (1 × q) (n × q) The sparse coefficients b and a are found by solving { [ ] } b̂, â = argmin Tr (Y − Xba) Γ (Y − Xba)′ + λa Pa (a) + λb Pa (b) b,a where Γ is a given q × q positive definite matrix, e.g. 1q Lasso penalties can be used for both genotypes and phenotypes Pa (a) = q ∑ j=1 |aj | Pb (b) = p ∑ |bj | j=1 but many other penalties are also possible to impose more structure 17 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS Coordinate Descent Algorithm for Rank-1 sRRR . Initialise 1 ▶ ▶ a0 such that a0 a′0 = 1 ′ b0 such that b0 b0 = 1 . Iterate until convergence 2 ▶ Update and normalise ( ) λb ′ 0′ b̂ = sign(X Ya ) |X Ya | − 2 + ′ ▶ 0′ Update and normalise ) ( λa ′ ′ â = sign(b0 X′ Y) |b0 X′ Y| − 2 + ▶ Set a0 = â and b0 = b̂ 18 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS SNP Ranking using k-fold Cross Validation For a given parameter λ 1 . . . . samples 1 n/k test n/k 2 K training test n/k training n/k training ................. training n/k test n Average Prediction Error . Repeat for all λ in [λmin , λmax ] 2. Select λ∗ corresponding the the smaller average prediction error 1 19 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS SNP Ranking using Data Resampling Resampling Without Replacement . . 0.4 λ 1 random random set random set random set random set random random set set training set SNP selection probabilities 0.3 2 B 0.2 1 . . . For a given parameter 0.1 samples 0.0 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . Repeat for all λ in [λmin , λmax ] 2. Select the SNPs having selection probability greater than threshold 9 10 1 20 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS Illustration: sRRR with Data Resampling Selected SNPs from Rank 1 1.0 100 Phenotypes, 5 selected 0.8 p = 100 genotypes 0.6 First signal: (y1 , y2 ) on (x1 , x2 ) 0.2 0.4 Second signal: (y3 , y4 ) on (x3 , x4 ) 0.0 Selection Probabilities q = 100 phenotypes 0 1 2 3 4 5 Number of selected Xs 21 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS Illustration: sRRR with Data Resampling Selected SNPs from Rank 2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Selection Probabilities 0.8 1.0 100 Phenotypes, 5 selected 0 1 2 3 4 5 Number of selected Xs 22 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS Illustration: sRRR with Data Resampling Selected SNPs from Rank 3 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Selection Probabilities 0.8 1.0 100 Phenotypes, 5 selected 0 1 2 3 4 5 Number of selected Xs 23 / 86 Comparative Power Assessment 1. The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review 2. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS 3. Comparative Power Assessment 4. ADNI Case Study I 5. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS 6. ADNI Case Study II 7. Conclusions 24 / 86 Comparative Power Assessment Power Studies . Simulation of genotypes in a human population 1 ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Forwards-in-time simulation with FREGENE (Hoggart et al, 2007) Data is simulated realistically - evolutionary parameters are controlled N = 10k individuals P = 40k SNPs . Repeated sampling from the population 2 ▶ Control study design ⋆ ⋆ ▶ Simulate phenotypes ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ▶ Sample size n Total number of design SNPs p q = 111 ROIs (GSK Brain Atlas) From each ROI, simulated a mean modulated GM value Simulations calibrated on ADNI data Induce genetic effects ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ Randomly select 10 causative SNPs Induce a reduction in mean GM in 6 ROIs Genetic effects explain 5% of phenotypic variance in the 6 ROIs 25 / 86 Comparative Power Assessment Simulated Genotypes Linkage disequilibrium patterns SNPLDCoef f i c i ent s 26 / 86 Comparative Power Assessment Simulated Phenotypes ROI correlation matrix ROICor r el at i onCoef f i c i ent s 27 / 86 Comparative Power Assessment Power to Detect Causative SNPs (n = 500) 28 / 86 Comparative Power Assessment Power to Detect Causative SNPs (n = 1000) 29 / 86 Comparative Power Assessment Relative Power in Large-scale GWA Studies Ratio of SNP sensitivities (sRRR/MULM) as a function of the total number of SNPs 30 / 86 Comparative Power Assessment Atlas-Guided sRRR K non-overlapping voxel groups (ROIs) g1 , . . . , gK Group k contain qk voxels It is common to take ROI averages z1 , . . . , zK as phenotypes However averaging may reduce the power to detect genetic effects 31 / 86 Comparative Power Assessment Two Atlas-guided sRRR Models Group and sparse group selection penalties . A model to select all voxels within one or more ROIs (Group Selection) 1 Voxel Group Selection . A model to select only subset of voxels within one or more ROI (Sparse Group Selection) 2 ROI k Sparse Voxel Group Selection 32 / 86 Comparative Power Assessment Penalties { [ ] } b̂, â = argmin Tr (Y − Xba) Γ (Y − Xba)′ + λa Pa (a) + λb Pb (b) b,a . Group lasso: select all voxels in a ROI 1 Pa (a) = K ∑ ∥agk ∥2 k=1 . Sparse group lasso: select a subset of voxels within a ROI 2 Pa (a) = m q ∑ j=1 |aj | + (1 − m) K ∑ ∥agk ∥2 k=1 33 / 86 Comparative Power Assessment Power to Detect Causative SNPs 34 / 86 Comparative Power Assessment Power to Detect Signal Voxels 35 / 86 ADNI Case Study I 1. The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review 2. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS 3. Comparative Power Assessment 4. ADNI Case Study I 5. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS 6. ADNI Case Study II 7. Conclusions 36 / 86 ADNI Case Study I ADNI: Genetic Data Samples available for AD’s and MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) patients and healthy controls (CN) ▶ ▶ Progressive MCI (P-MCI): those who converted to AD Stable MCI (S-MCI): those who did not convert to AD n is the sample size broken down by class (nH and nD ) p total SNPs that survived quality control Baseline and 24-month follow-up scans were available Three studies were performed: Comparison AD vs CN P-MCI vs CN P-MCI vs S-MCI n 254 260 221 nH 101 107 107 nD 153 153 114 p 322875 309730 304209 37 / 86 ADNI Case Study I ADNI: Imaging Data . Data preprocessing: 1 ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Baseline and 24 month follow-up MR images available (Oct 2010) Follow-up scans aligned with baseline scans using non-rigid registration Jacobian determinants were extracted from the resulting deformation fields and represent the expansion/contraction on a voxel basis After extracting Jacobian maps for all subjects, they were transformed to a template (using non-rigid registration) estimated for baseline scans q = 1, 650, 857 voxel intensities (Jacobian determinants) representing longitudinal changes corrected for age and sex . Disease imaging signature extraction (voxel selection): 2 ▶ ▶ ▶ For each comparison, we identified regions of highly discriminative voxels Penalised linear discriminant analysis (pLDA) with data resampling Predictive power of disease signature was assessed using SVMs 38 / 86 ADNI Case Study I Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) LDA finds a linear combination of the voxels intensities that best discriminates between classes - it finds a projection vector w such that Yw gives best linear discrimination We have two classes: H (Healthy) and D (Diseased) - the mean vectors for H and D, and the overall mean are, respectively 1 ∑ mH = yi· nH i∈H 1 ∑ mD = yi· nD i∈D 1∑ m= yi· n n i=1 The between-class scatter matrix is ΣB = (mH − mD )′ (mH − mD ) The within-class scatter matrix is ∑ ∑ (yi· − mD )′ (yi· − mD ) (yi· − mH )′ (yi· − mH ) + ΣW = i∈H i∈D 39 / 86 ADNI Case Study I LDA Solution The optimal direction vector w solves max w w ′ ΣB w w ′ ΣW w This is equivalent to max w′ ΣB w w subject to w ′ ΣW w = 1 This solution involves all the q voxels, but we want to filter non-informative voxels out 40 / 86 ADNI Case Study I Penalised LDA We assume a diagonal within-class scatter matrix, SW , where diag(SW ) = (s12 , . . . , sq2 ) and call SB the estimated between-group scatter matrix Impose w to be sparse by adding a penalty term, and carry out constrained maximisation q ∑ ′ max w SB w − λ sj |wj | w j=1 subject to w′ SW w = 1 Since the objective function is non-convace, standard convex optimization methods cannot be used, but we use a minorization-maximization algorithm ▶ ▶ find a concave function that minorizes the objective function then use convex maximisation 41 / 86 ADNI Case Study I Parameter Tuning and Image Classification Results Jasounova at al (2011) We use a data resampling strategy combined with a non-linear Support Vector Machine classifier to (a) select the optimal number of voxels, (b) obtain a sparse image classification vox is the number of selected voxels using sparse LDA 10-fold cross validated performance measures: accuracy (acc), sensitivity (sen) and specificity (spe) Experiment AD vs CN P-MCI vs CN P-MCI vs S-MCI vox 11394 12664 10593 acc 90.3 86.9 82.1 sen 87.5 81.2 81.5 spe 92.1 90.9 82.9 42 / 86 ADNI Case Study I AD Imaging Signature The selected voxels are in yellow (coronal, sagittal and axial view from left to right). 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Many informative voxels cluster in the hippocampus and lateral ventricles Also involved are the temporal lobe, amygdala and caudate nucleus 43 / 86 ADNI Case Study I P-MCI Imaging Signature The selected voxels are in yellow (coronal, sagittal and axial views from left to right). 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 44 / 86 ADNI Case Study I P-MCI/S-MCI Imaging Signature The selected voxels are in yellow (coronal, sagittal and axial views from left to right). 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 45 / 86 ADNI Case Study I Sample Proximity using 2D Projections MDS plots using the extracted imaging signatures 46 / 86 ADNI Case Study I Voxel-wide GWA Analysis Flowchart Vunou et al (2012) (a) Multivariate phenotype selection Penalised LDA with sub-sampling Full-brain Phenotype Matrix Ỹ Disease Status Indicator Vector z Phenotype Sub-matrix Indicator Sub-vector Ỹ (b) z(b) b = 1, . . . , B Cross-validated SVM Classification Disease Signature Matrix Y (b) Genetic association mapping Sparse RRR with sub-sampling Genotype Matrix X Genotype Sub-matrix Signature Sub-matrix X(b) Y (b) b = 1, . . . , B SNP Selection Probabilities & Ranking 47 / 86 ADNI Case Study I AD: SNP Selection Probabilities Figure: Ranks 1, 2 and 3 (from left to right). 48 / 86 ADNI Case Study I AD: Top Ranked Genes APOE-ϵ4 (∼ 1) - well know and replicated risk factor TOMM40 (0.96) - located in close proximity to the APOE gene, it has also been linked to AD in recent studies BZW1 (0.8) - no prior implication, but expressed in brain, differentially expressed in a microarray analysis on a mouse model related to a neurodegenerative disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) PDZD2 (0.65) - interact with CST3, which is suspected to be implicated YES1 (0.5) - Three SNPs in the genes have high selection probability, a possible link between this gene and AD suggested in the literature 49 / 86 ADNI Case Study I P-MCI: SNP Selection Probabilities Figure: Ranks 1, 2 and 3 (from left to right). 50 / 86 ADNI Case Study I P-MCI: Top Ranked Genes APOE-ϵ4 (∼ 1) TOMM40 (0.59) RBFOX1 (0.57) - associated to autism, bipolar disorder, mental retardation and epilepsy COX7A2L (0.53) - belongs in the AD KEGG pathway and physical interactions between the key AD risk factor TOMM40 and COX7A2L have been previously reported 51 / 86 ADNI Case Study I P-MCI/S-MCI: SNP Selection Probabilities Figure: Ranks 1, 2 and 3 (from left to right). 52 / 86 ADNI Case Study I P-MCI/S-MCI: Top Ranked Genes APOE-ϵ4 MGMT - using the Allen Brain Atlas, we confirmed that this gene is expressed in the brain regions where the selected voxels mostly lie Other previously unreported associations 53 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS 1. The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review 2. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS 3. Comparative Power Assessment 4. ADNI Case Study I 5. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS 6. ADNI Case Study II 7. Conclusions 54 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS From SNPs to Biological Pathways Genes act together in functionally related pathways Pathways GWAS can reveal aspects of a disease’s genetic architecture that would otherwise be missed when considering variants individually Increase power due to the detection of coordinated small signals within pathways Easier biological interpretation and comparisons across studies 55 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS The SNPs to Genes to Pathway Mapping Process Known genes are mapped to known pathways, e.g. KEGG Many genes do not map to any known pathway (unfilled circles), some genes may map to more than one pathway. Genes that map to a pathway are in turn mapped to genotyped SNPs within a specified distance. Many SNPs cannot be mapped to a pathway since they do not map to a mapped gene (unfilled squares). SNPs may map to more than one gene and some SNPs (orange squares) may map to more than one pathway. 56 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS Existing Methods for Pathways Selection Existing methods are fundamentally univariate ▶ SNPs are independently scored ▶ The individual genetic effects are then combined over pathways For instance, GenGen (Wang et al., 2007): ▶ ▶ Rank all genes by assigning the value of the highest-scoring SNP within 500kb of each gene Assess pathway significance by determining the degree to which high-ranking genes are over-represented or enriched in a given gene set, in comparison with genomic background No methods exist for multivariate quantitative traits 57 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS Pathways-based Sparse Regression Modelling We approach the problem differently: we include all the known pathways in a multivariate regression model so they can compete against each other The assumption is that, where causal SNPs are enriched in a pathway, a regression model that selects all SNPs grouped into pathways will have increased power ▶ ▶ Group all available SNPs into L pathways G1 , . . . , GL Adopt a group lasso penalty to force group selection, ∑ 1 Pb (b) = ||y − Xb||22 + λ wl ||bl ||2 2 L l=1 to select only most predictive pathways, b = {(0, . . . , 0), . . . , (0, . . . , bla , 0 . . . , blb , 0, . . . , 0), . . . , (0, . . . , 0)} | {z } | {z } | {z } G1 Gl GL 58 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS Challenges and Solutions Silver and Montana (2011) Challenges: . Pathways often overlap, since many SNPs map to multiple pathways 2. Selection bias due to pathways heterogeneity in size, LD distribution, etc. 1 . Sheer scale of datasets, efficient estimation is a necessity 3 Solutions: . Expanded design matrix by SNP duplication (non-orthogonal groups) 2. Adaptive pathway weights {w1 , . . . , wL } for bias correction 1 . A fast iterative estimation procedure: block-coordinate descent (BCD+) algorithm for non-orthogonal groups 3 59 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS SNPs Duplication in Overlapping Pathways Three pathways G1 , G2 , G2 and grouped regression coefficients β1 , β2 , β3 60 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS Pathways Group Lasso with Adaptive Weights . In order to control for group size the common choice is to use a weight √ wl = Sl 1 but other factors may bias the group selection process 2. In case of no association and no selection bias, a pathway G should be l selected according to a uniform distribution, that is with probability Πl 3. The empirical selection probability is called Π∗ l 4. We propose an adaptive strategy whereby the weights w = {w1 , . . . , wL } are tuned so that the distance D between Π and Π∗ is minimised, where D= ∑ l Π∗l (w) log Π∗l (w) Πl is taken to be the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence 61 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS Fast Parameter Estimation Algorithms . Block coordinate descent (BCD) has generally used for group lasso with orthogonal groups 1 . We propose a BCD+ algorithm for non-orthogonal groups due to the expanded design matrix 2 . The proposed BCD+ algorithm is particularly fast as it relies on a number of techniques: 3 ▶ Taylor approximation of the group lasso penalty ▶ Active sets strategy ▶ Efficient computation of block regression residuals 62 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS Simulation Studies: ADNI Data, Chromosome 1 Genotypes: ADNI Chr1 33,850 SNPs Genes: GRCh37.p3, Chr1 2,382 genes SNP to gene mapping 20,399 SNPs mapped to 2,096 genes within 10kbp Pathways: 880 Pathways containing 880 dis2nct genes SNP to pathway mapping 8,102 SNPs mapped to 778 pathways remove pathways with < 10 mapped SNPs (130 pathways) remove pathways with iden2cal SNPs (97 pathways) P = 8,078 SNPs mapped to 551 pathways overlap expansion P* = 66,085 SNPs mapped to 551 pathways 63 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS Number of Pathways per SNP Frequency distribution of ADNI SNPs by number of pathways they map to 100 90 SNPs are mapped to genes within 10kbp 8, 078 SNPs and 551 pathways percentage of SNPs 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 number of pathways per SNP 64 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS Genetic Effects Randomly chose a causative pathway GC Generate a set S of causal SNPs within GC Form the set C, of causal pathways that contain all the SNPs in S Simulate a univariate quantitative phenotype, ∑ y= ζk xk + ϵ k∈S ▶ ▶ ζk is the allelic effect per minor allele due to causal SNP k ϵ ∼ N (1, σϵ2 ) The effect size of each SNP k in S, that is δk = E(ζk xk )/E(y ) 65 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS Simulation Scenarios Given the real ADNI genotype data, phenotypes are simulated We control three design factors: ▶ ▶ ▶ The number of causative SNPs, |S| Where the causative SNPs are in the pathway The effect size, δk (same for all causative SNPs) scenario (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) |S| 10 3 3 10 3 3 δk 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.001 0.001 0.001 distribution random from random from random from random from random from random from GC1 GC1 single gene in GC1 GC1 GC1 single gene in GC1 description |S| large; δk |S| small; δk |S| small; δk |S| large; δk |S| small; δk |S| small; δk large; random distribn large; random distribn large; single gene small; random distribn small; random distribn small; single gene 66 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS BCD+ vs BCD: Computational Speed-ups BCD: block coordinate descent for non-orthogonal groups BCD+: improved BCD version with speed-ups We report on estimation times (seconds) Computations performed using multi-threading on a single machine with 8 3.2 GHz processors and 64GB RAM. sample size 371 (N/2) 743 (N) P ∗ = 4k BCD BCD+ 7.93 0.17 16.9 0.27 P ∗ = 66k BCD BCD+ 421 1.35 511 2.5 P ∗ = 647k BCD BCD+ 5490 16 6430 30.0 67 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS Adaptive Weights: Power Advantages Adaptive weighting scheme vs. standard pathway size weighting 1 |S| = 10; δk = 0.005 0.8 SNPs randomly distributed across causative pathway GC . 0.6 power ROC curves illustrating power to identify at least one causal pathway in the top 100. Power is average across 500 simulations. 0.4 0.2 GL − adapted weights GL − standard weights 0 0 0.05 0.1 false positive rate 0.15 68 / 86 Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS Power Comparisons to GenGen 0.6 0.6 0.6 power 1 0.8 power 1 0.8 power 1 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 GL GG 0 0 0.05 0.1 false positive rate GL GG 0 0 0.15 0.05 0.1 false positive rate GL GG 0 0 0.15 0.05 0.1 false positive rate 0.15 (a) |S| = 10; δk = 0.005; (b) |S| = 10; δk = 0.001; (c) |S| = 3; δk = 0.005; random random random 1 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 power power 1 0.8 power 1 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 GL GG 0 0 0.05 0.1 false positive rate 0.15 GL GG 0 0 0.05 0.1 false positive rate 0.15 GL GG 0 0 0.05 0.1 false positive rate 0.15 (d) |S| = 3; δk = 0.001; (e) |S| = 3; δk = 0.005; (f) |S| = 3; δk = 0.001; random single gene single gene 69 / 86 ADNI Case Study II 1. The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review 2. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS 3. Comparative Power Assessment 4. ADNI Case Study I 5. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS 6. ADNI Case Study II 7. Conclusions 70 / 86 ADNI Case Study II ADNI-1: Available Samples Serial brain MRI scans were analyzed from 200 probable AD patients and 232 healthy elderly controls (CN) Longitudinal scans available at three time points AD CN Total Group AD CN Screening 200 232 432 6Mo 165 214 379 12Mo 144 202 346 At screening: age (years) N male 75.7±7.7 103 76.0±5.0 120 24Mo 111 178 289 N female 97 112 71 / 86 ADNI Case Study II ADNI-1: Imaging Data Preprocessing and Voxel Filtering . Individual Jacobian maps were created to estimate 3D patterns of structural brain change over time - longitudinal maps of tissue change were spatially normalized across subjects by nonlinearly aligning all individual Jacobian maps to an average group template minimal deformation target (MDT) .2 For each one of the Q ∗ = 2, 153, 231 voxels, we obtain a single 1 real-value measurement that capture the temporal changes at that voxel by fitting a linear regression model with time as covariate and use estimated slope as the associated phenotype . All voxels where the difference in the slopes in AD vs CN is not significantly difference from zero are removed, while also controlling for sex and age as covariates - the family-wise error rate is controlled by using a Bonferroni correction, and Q = 148, 023 voxels are retained 3 72 / 86 ADNI Case Study II AD Imaging Signature Mean and Std Dev Maps of Slope Coefficients Increased expansion of ventricular volumes is clear in all subjects, but is most marked in AD patients, where ventricular volumes expand by an average 1.2% per year (whiter regions in left hand subplot). AD patients show the most variation in structural change over time 73 / 86 ADNI Case Study II AD Imaging Signature: P-values Map 0 8 16 24 32 P-values (− log10 scale) obtained from voxelwise ANOVA models The final set of Q = 148, 023 selected voxels with p-values exceeding a Bonferroni-corrected threshold αB = 0.05/2153231, (− log10 αB = 7.6) are highlighted in yellow. 74 / 86 ADNI Case Study II Sample Proximities using 3D Projections MDS plot illustrating the spread of imaging signatures across samples 1000 500 0 -500 AD CN -1000 -1500 1000 500 1000 0 -1000 -500 -1000 2000 0 -2000 -3000 75 / 86 ADNI Case Study II Mapping SNPs to Pathways 76 / 86 ADNI Case Study II Pathway Sizes and SNP Overlaps Pathway size (SNPs) 100 Overlapping pathways per SNP 50000 frequency (SNPs) frequency (pathways) 80 60 40 20 00 40000 30000 20000 10000 1000 2000 3000 4000 number of SNPs 5000 6000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 number of overlapping pathways 40 77 / 86 ADNI Case Study II Top 15 Pathways Ranked by the PsRRR Algorithm Selection Frequencies obtained from 1000 subsamples Rank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. KEGG pathway name π path Size Insulin signaling pathway Vascular smooth muscle contraction Melanogenesis Focal adhesion Gap junction Huntingtons disease Purine metabolism Pyruvate metabolism Propanoate metabolism Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis als Chemokine signaling pathway Phosphatidylinositol signaling system Citrate cycle tca cycle Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis globo series Alzheimers disease 0.524 0.456 0.331 0.232 0.180 0.155 0.154 0.153 0.152 0.151 0.145 0.138 0.137 0.135 0.127 1517 3236 1638 4009 2350 1980 2896 456 471 865 2769 2067 210 227 2500 78 / 86 ADNI Case Study II Top 15 SNPs and Genes Ranked by sRRR SNP and gene ranking performed on the highly-ranked pathways Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SNP rs4788426 rs11074601 rs263264 rs13189711 rs680545 rs4622543 rs9896483 rs1052610 APOϵ4 rs1254403 rs4730205 rs889130 rs6973616 rs9906543 rs2229611 SNP RANKING π SNP Mapped gene(s) 0.451 0.429 0.411 0.392 0.302 0.290 0.274 0.267 0.251 0.234 0.207 0.174 0.167 0.164 0.163 PRKCB PRKCB ADCY8 ADCY2 HK2 PRKCA PRKCA PIK3R3 TOMM40 APOE MYLK PIK3CG COL5A3 GNAI1 ACACA G6PC Gene GENE RANKING π gene # SNPs PRKCB ADCY8 ADCY2 HK2 PRKCA PIK3R3 MYLK PIK3CG COL5A3 GNAI1 ACACA G6PC DGKA CR1 TOMM40 0.451 0.411 0.392 0.302 0.290 0.267 0.234 0.207 0.174 0.167 0.164 0.163 0.160 0.154 0.152 73 69 106 28 99 9 24 9 14 22 23 6 3 21 6 79 / 86 ADNI Case Study II Known AD Genes Included in the Study 12 out of 30 known genes in Braskie, Ringman, and Thompson, 2011 These genes: (a) map to a KEGG pathway and (b) have a genotyped SNP within 10kbp. Implicated gene Mapped genes in study TOMM40 ACE EPHA4 CCR2 APOE FAS CHRNB2 EFNA5 LDLR CR1 GRIN2B IL8 TOMM40 APOE PVRL2 ACE EPHA4 CCR2 CCR5 TOMM40 APOE PVRL2 FAS ADAR CHRNB2 EFNA5 LDLR CR1 CR2 GRIN2B IL8 80 / 86 ADNI Case Study II AD Genes Enrichment Score in Top Pathways Distribution of AD gene enrichment scores obtained when permuting pathway rankings 100, 000 times. The AD gene enrichment score has p-value p = 0.0051. empirical enrichment score 14000 12000 frequency The vertical black line indicates the observed AD gene enrichment score using the true pathway rankings obtained in the study. 16000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 AD gene enrichment score 81 / 86 ADNI Case Study II Biological Relevance High-ranking, AD endophenotype-associated pathways include those describing insulin signalling, vascular smooth muscle contraction and focal adhesion- all known to be implicated in AD biology Other functions previously associated with AD biology among high-ranking pathways include those related to focal adhesion, gap junctions, chemokine signalling and phosphatidylinositol signalling High ranking genes include a number previously linked in gene expression studies to β-amyloid plaque formation in the AD brain (PIK3R3; PIK3CG; PRKCA and PRKCB), and to AD related changes in hippocampal gene expression (ADCY2, ACTN1, ACACA, GNAI1). Other high ranking previously validated AD endophenotype-related genes include CR1, TOMM40 and APOE. 82 / 86 Conclusions 1. The Univariate Approach: A Brief Review 2. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise GWAS 3. Comparative Power Assessment 4. ADNI Case Study I 5. Multivariate Models for Voxelwise Pathways GWAS 6. ADNI Case Study II 7. Conclusions 83 / 86 Conclusions Conclusions Sparse reduced-rank regression model combined with a data resampling scheme provides a strategy for SNP and phenotype prioritisation and ranking Different penalties induce different sparsity patterns and allow prior knowledge (e.g. about gene-gene interactions or phenotypic structures) to be easily included in the model Extensive realistic simulation results show that sRRR is more powerful than mass univariate linear modelling and other models for pathways selection Real studies on Alzheimer’s disease have confirmed known causal variants and pathways implicated with the AD biology Other studies on Multiple Sclerosis (not presented here) have also confirmed that sRRR is a valid approach for neuroimaging genetics 84 / 86 Conclusions References 1. Vounou M., Nichols T. and Montana G. (2010) Discovering genetic associations with high-dimensional neuroimaging phenotypes: a sparse reduced-rank regression approach. NeuroImage. 2. Vounou, M. al (2012) Sparse reduced-rank regression detects genetic associations with voxel-wise longitudinal phenotypes in Alzheimers disease. NeuroImage 3. Jasounova, E. et al (2012) Biomarker discovery for sparse classification of brain images in Alzheimers disease. Annals of Computer Vision Association. To appear 4. Silver, M. and Montana, G. (2012) Fast identification of biological pathways associated with a quantitative trait using group lasso with overlaps. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. 5. Silver et al (2012) Identification of gene pathways implicated in Alzheimer’s disease using longitudinal imaging phenotypes with sparse regression. Preprint 85 / 86 Conclusions Software Availability Coming up soon ... Open-source software will be released later this year R and Python libraries for sRRR model fitting and data resampling using CUDA for GPU computing Python library for P-sRRR fitting and resampling using Parallel Python Python Scripts for SNP-to-Pathways mapping Email me: 86 / 86