Minutes from MEC-CCA meeting (Michigan Engineering College-Community College Association) October 16, 2009

Minutes from MEC-CCA meeting
(Michigan Engineering College-Community College Association)
October 16, 2009
Welcome and opening remarks from:
Fred Z. Sitkins, President of MEC-CCA, Western Michigan University
Peter Klein, Associate Dean, Engineering Technology, MCC
Joseph Petrosky, Dean Engineering & Advanced Technology, MCC
Who drove the farthest? MTU- 500 miles
Alexandria Oakes is the Archivist for MEC/CCA
Visit website:http:/www.physics.emich.edu/meccclc/index.html for dates of missing minutes
Please email Alex at aoakes@emich.edu with any minutes you have to share.
Lori Gonko will be updating the membership list – please email her at gonkol@macomb.edu
with any new names, their contact information including email addresses for the list for next
years’ meeting, the 3rd Friday of October.
Presentation from Christine Karaptian, Valassis: “The Case for Internships”
Students need to be taught what attributes companies are seeking
Invite the company into the classroom
Internships benefits both the company and student
Interns that do work that benefit the company should be paid
Encourage students to share information on any internships/co-op they held in the past
InternInMichigan.com - Free Registration links employers and students
Presentation from Mike Latcha, Oakland University: “Senior Design Experience”
Students participate in “real life” scenarios
Students choose or are assigned projects, consisting of information from multi-discipline
Students are placed in design groups - work together
Students rely on research skills from each other, do not receive faculty help
Students give oral presentations and written reports
Competition at the end of the semester among the different design groups
Rules of competition are given to students, and many students find loop-holes
Those design groups often win the competition, promotes greater thinking among the group.
Judges consist of Advisory Board Members, Alumni, etc
Presentation by Bill Headley, Macomb Community College: Presentation on MACRAO
The Michigan Transfer Network: http:/www.macrao.org
Offers course-by-course equivalent
MACRAO Agreement components
6 credits in English Composition
8 credits in Science & Mathematics
6 credits in Social Science
8 credits in Humanities
Online courses are easier to transfer to far away colleges
At Macomb, Advising Plans interface with Student Transcripts
Albion College
Charles Moreau, Associate Professor Physics
Adding Pre-Med, Pre-Engineering programs
Discussion on reducing hurdles for students to go to a 4 year university
Looking to increase international enrollment
Central Michigan University
Marcie M. Otterman, Senior Associate Director of Admissions
2 EE Female Students and 11 ME female students
1 International student in EE and 1 in ME
EGR 120 enrollment maxed out at 120 students this fall, which is a strong sign
Some of the admissions & retention standards have changed for engineering.
EGR students required minimum overall GPA & Minimum pre-req GPA along
with minimum grades of C- in certain prereqs.
They must also maintain a minimum engineering GPA to remain in the program
Detail to appear in the CMU 2010-11 bulletin.
Name change to be finalized soon;
We will become the School of Engineering and Technology
Eastern Michigan University
Dr. Alexandria Oakes, Dept. Faculty & Advisor
The Engineering Physics program-established 1984
18 majors currently enrolled
Pre-Engineering Program, same curricula as first 2 yrs in Engineering Physics
32 students enrolled
½ of students of both programs transfer to engineering programs, such as:
U of M-Ann Arbor & Dearborn, OU, WSU, MSU, U of D Mercy
Others finish BA at EMU, seek employment
Masters Degree while working professionally
Advisors from schools with Engineering Degrees available
are encouraged to speak with EMU students.
Update on construction of the Mark Jefferson Science Complex, visit
Ferris State University
Thomas Hollen, PE, Director
University enrollment is up, College of Technology is down, Transfers are up
Largest college of Technology in the United States
1st in the number of graduates in Engineering Technology programs
3rd in the number of women in Engineering Technology programs
New building going up and new student housing
New program-Energy Systems Engineering Degree starting in Fall
Biggest drop in interest is in Auto
Grand Rapids Community College
Nancy Forrest, Math Professor
Fall 2009-5373 math students in 190 sections-enrollment up 13.1%
14 full-time faculty teaching 68 sections
56 adjunct teaching 122 sections
Total enrollment approx. 17,000
New college president, Steve Ender
Summer 2009 GRCC bought Davenport Campus in Grand Rapids,
providing needed classroom space
Grand Valley State University
Dr. Charles Standridge, Assistant Dean
School of Engineering Enrollment 648
School of Computing 542
Females college-wide: 10% overall
Several scholarships open to transfer students
Project Day in Dec. and April
Senior Design Conference 1st Friday in April
New: Computer Information Secuity Minor
Approved by the school: Biomedical Engineering Minor
Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Michael Tanoff, Assistant Professor
Enrollment up 6%, 20 international students
Engineering Technology Degree Fall 2009
Transfer to several WMU Engineering degrees
Kellogg Community College
Michael Houston, MA, Academic Advisor
Enrollment up-Fall figures are not in yet
30 students in Engineering
Signed an agreement with Western
KCC engineering students will also be enrolled in Western
Students take classes at both colleges at the same time
Kettering University
Roger Smith, Associate Director of Transfer
Enrollment, slight increase
Transfers down
49 International Students
16 Female Students
New programs: Bio Chem., Chemical Engineering, Pre-Med
Co-op 70% Students consider co-op out of state
Lake Michigan College
Mike Durren, Physics Instructor
Entering 3rd year of a 5 year Title III grant for the sciences
Nursing program updated facilities & increased capacity demand increased
for Biology, Anatomy, & Physiology
Physical Science, emphasis for 2009
Instructor for Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Geology & Physics will revise
curricula, purchase materials & assist in lab re-design.
Pilot courses will run in January
Facilities remodeled in Summer 2010
Full implementation of changes –Fall 2010
Transfer agreement with WMU.
WMU has a building on LMC campus
3rd & 4th year courses completed locally for B.S. degree in Manufacturing
Energy Production Technology has about 100 students
Program is in conjunction with local nuclear power plants
Engineering Physics enrollment 6-10 students per year
Physics enrollment 24 students in Fall, 6-10 continue with a 2nd semester
Lake Superior State University
Morrie Walworth, Dean, School of Engineering and Technology
175 Students
9% Women, 7.4% URM
22.3% Out-of -State
15.4% Foreign-mostly Canada, 6.9% Other States
New articulation with Canada
Sault College & Algoma University
New Programs
Electrical Engineering Technology (AS, BS)
Certificate in Manufacturing
Outreach programs
Summer Robotics Camp
Women in Technology
ATA Engineering Program, charter school in Dearborn, K-12
Lawrence Technological University
Lew Frasch, P.E., Associate Dean, College of Engineering
1595 Undergraduate, 433 Graduate
New Programs:
BS Industrial Operations Engineering
MS Architectural Engineering-5 yr program, accredited at Master’s level
BS Audio Engineering Technology
MS Industrial Engineering (in approval process)
Macomb Community College
Peter Klein, Associate Dean Engineering Technology
Fall 2009 Enrollment (Unduplicated Students/Total Credit Hours):
Architecture/Civil Technology/Land Surveying: 254 (1017 cr hrs)
Mechanical Technology/Electronics/Mechatronics/Technical Math:366 (2,136 cr hrs)
Media & Communication Arts: 717 (5800 cr hrs)
Pre-Engineering: 74 (228 cr hrs)
Product Development: 116 (910 cr hrs)
Quality Systems Technology: 85 (388 cr hrs)
Renewable Energy: 103 (542 cr hrs)
Total: 1715 Unduplicated Students, 11,021 Credit Hours
New Programs:
• The Renewable Energy program, which began in the Fall 2008 semester, has 103
students currently enrolled. The certificate program began with one class in 2008,
and has expanded to include five courses: Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Biomass
Technology, Geothermal Energy, and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology. Students can
now opt to earn a stand-alone certificate in Renewable Energy or incorporate the
certificate into a degree program.
Other News:
• Renewable Energy labs are currently under construction for Fall 2010.
• The Product Development area is currently working on a National Science
Foundation grant to infuse the Learning Factory into the curriculum. As a result, this
upgraded associate degree program will include the design, manufacture, assembly,
and test of a scale model wind turbine. (Project completion date September 2011.)
• An experimental course for Geospatial Technology will be offered during the Winter
2010 semester, as part of the Land Surveying Technology program.
Michigan Technological University
Mark Provoast, Associate Director of Admissions
Overall enrollment up to 4013 students
Engineering 134
Women 715
International 473
Transfer scholarship
3.5 GPA
New resident hall
Received a 250 million dollar grant for research lab
Fresh Water Research
Hybrid Electric Grant
Senior Design Enterprise Program
Go to website, then Enterprise
Michigan State University
Drew Kim, Assistant to the Dean
Fall 2009 enrollment 742, up 20% of incoming freshmen
Engaging freshmen
First time engineering students begin designing right away
Monroe County Community College
Peter Coomar, Dean of Industrial Technology
Vinnie Maltese, Dean of Science/Mathematics
Enrollment up
Thriving Industrial Technology Division
Department of Labor 3 year grant for Welding Technology
Agreement with DTE for a Nuclear Engineering Technology program
Articulation agreement with Lakeland Community College in Ohio
North Central Michigan College
Bob Marsh, Associate Dean of Occupational Programs
Enrollment is up about 10% credit hours
Influx is No Worker Left Behind
Pre-Engineering classes are steady
Introduced an alternative energy course
Oakland University
Dr. Michael Latcha, Associate Professor of Engineering
Carmen Etienne, Academic Adviser
Dr. Chamra, new dean from Mississippi State University
Enrollment up 3% for whole university
86% enrollment is male, 14% female (2009 stats not yet available)
Current enrollment for undergraduate SECS is 968, graduate student 294 and 122 PhD
Nuclear Engineering major being offered in Fall 2010
OU currently doesn’t have any fees for admission & registration
Carmen Etieene is available at Macomb’s University Center for students
Saginaw Valley State University
Dr. Altaf-Ur-Rahman, Career Advisor
Enrollment for the university has gone up from 9500 to 10,200 this Fall
Added a wing, an expansion of the old Engineering building cost 16 million
Added labs and equipment
150 Saudi Arabia students start ELS for 2 years, takes 6-61/2 years to complete
Engineering Degree
45 students come from Canada, these students come better prepared
HS requirements in Canada is 13 year compared to United States 12
Working toward an exchange program with Poland
Saginaw/Midland area has a large Polish community
Senior Design Projects are available at SVSU
Schoolcraft College
Cathie Ferman, Professor CAD/ENGR
Enrollment up 3.5% for Fall 2009
Enrollment for CAD program down, number of Engineering enrollees steady
Students enrolled in upper level Calc and Physics course does not correlate with
number of self-declared Engineering majors
Career program graduates are 60% of graduation class with transfer programs at 40%
St Clair County Community College
Steven L Fosgard, Associate Dean of Instruction
H.C. Snyder, Professor Physics
Enrollment up 10.9%
Alternate Energy Program in development
Fresh Water Quality Program
Southwestern Michigan College
Andrew Dohm, Math/Science Instructor
Enrollment up 14.4% at 2, 970
30 current engineering majors, 15 new freshmen, 2 women
Second year with new Pre-calculus sequence
5 credit courses-split into 4 cr Pre-calculus Algebra 3 cr Pre-calculus Trigonometry
Calc II and beyond courses are a struggle to run
First semester with on-campus student housing, each of 2 units houses 130 students
First unit filled before it opened
Second unit is under construction, opening next summer
Student Activity Center offers snack/coffee bar, gaming area, rock wall, event theater,
resistance training pools & updated fitness equipment
University of Detroit Mercy
Carolyn Rimle, Director Transfer Program
New Minors: Math, Applied Math, Bioinformatics, Entrepreneurship
New Master’s Concentration-Robotics Concentration in Master’s of Engineering
Enrollment: Freshmen 195, Transfer student 36, Undergrad 730, Graduate 137
Total UDM Enrollment: 5, 585
Many scholarships are available to transfer students
Co-op program required, students graduate with a resume and one year of work exp.
The College of Engineering & Science ran 5 summer camps
HS & middle school students
University of Michigan
Gary DeGuzman, Coordinator of Transfer Admissions
Enrollment over 1200 1st yr students & over 300 transfer students
Scholarships available for community college transfer students
Minimum of 3.5 GPA, 30 credit hours completed
Admissions requirement changed for Biomed & Chemical Engineering
Organic Chemistry not needed for admission but is needed for graduation
1 University to provide Segue tours for the College of Engineering
Not on the Michigan Transfer Network yet, possibly next year
Summer research in Paris - study optics
High achieving students will receive a stipend of $4500.00 for 8 weeks
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Jennifer Makas, Academic Advisor
CESC Enrollment Fall 2009
Women 15%
Minority 13% (underrepresented)
International Undergrad 3%, Grad 18%
Nine Undergraduate Programs, Eleven Graduate Masters Programs, two Ph.D.
Transfer agreements with:
OCC, Macomb Community College, HFCC, Monroe Community College,
Washtenaw Community College
Wayne State University
Karen Travis, Academic Services Officer
250 Engineering Tech students
Some Students from Canada
New Construction Management Program
New combined degree-Industrial/Mechanical/Education
Western Michigan University
Nicole Maggio, Career Advisor
Joseph Petro Jr, Master Faculty Specialist
Fred Sitkins, Professor & Director of Co-op
College of Engineering had an increase in enrollment
Overall enrollment down 1%
13% of enrollment is female
69% White population
6% African American
17.5% International
2% Hispanic
1.8% Asian
Senior Design conference held at the end of the year
Articulation agreements with every community college in the state of Michigan
Engineering Technology Degree and Industrial Technology Degree
West Shore Community College
Paul Drelles, Professor of Mathematics
New Academic VP - Robert Frost
New Administrative Services - Scott Ward
Enrollment 15.3% Increase
685 full time
898 part time
21 audits
19 pre-engineering
Credit Hours:14964 (17.1% increase)
New addition to Arts & Sciences Center
Offices, two classrooms, renovation art/music
Open Discussion:
Engineering Degree vs. Engineering Technology Degree
Students are confused about the two degrees
Students cannot receive Lic with Tech degree
Transfer and Articulation agreements
More communication needed between colleges and universities for student benefit
Next meeting: 10/21/10 University of Detroit Mercy (100th year of UDM engineering)
Notes for next year:
Suggestions for speakers-email Fred
Allow more time for reports
Executive Committee to meet late January 2010 to plan next years meeting
MEC-CCA Mission:
“The purpose of MECCCA is to provide a forum to share information among institutions of higher
education with a vested interest in engineering.”
Executive Committee:
President: Fred Z Sitkins, Western Michigan University (1st year of a three year term)
Vice President: Lisa Zaccone, Schoolcraft College
At Large member: Carolyn Rimle: U of D Mercy
Planning Committee: Sharon Burch, U of M, Ann Arbor
Conference chair: Peter Klein, Macomb Community College
Next year: Peter Klein will be At Large member & Carolyn Rimle will be Conference chair
Other people serving
Nominating committee: Wynn Wilson, Kettering
Archivist: Dr. Alexandria Oakes, Eastern Michigan University
Other Meeting Dates:
2011 St Clair Community College
2012 Western Michigan University
Recommended that 2 and 4-year institutions alternate hosting the meeting