487 RESEARCH Lt I IRS Mass Mortalityof the West-Indian EchinoidDiademaantillarum (Echinodermata:Echinoidea):A Natural Experimentin Taphonomy BENJAMINJ. GREENSTEIN Departmentof Geology Universityof Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013 PALAIOS,1989, V. 4, 487-492 During1983, populationsof thecommon long-spinedechinoidDiademaantillarum weredecimatedbydiseasethroughoutthe Caribbeanand asfar northas Bermuda. The sudden incorporationof tests and spines of large numbersof urchins into surficialreefsedimentssuggeststhatsediment compositionmay be altered with respectto the amountof echinodermmaterialpresent.Thehypothesisthata clear recordof the mass mortalitymight be preservedin the reef sedimentaryrecord was testedat Bonaire, NetherlandsAntilles, wherethemortalitywas reportedto haveoccurredin November,1983. Samples taken along a series of reefprofiles and at specificdepthswithinsurficialreef sedimentswereanalyzedfor totalechinoderm content and the proportionof the echinoderm fractioncomposedof skeletal elementsof D. antillarum.The echinoderm fraction is virtually unchanged from pre-mortalitylevels as reportedby otherworkers.Echinodermsoverallare minorcontributorsto reefsediments,and skeletalelementsof Diademaaccountfor a large proportionof the echinoderm fraction. The lack of a strongsignal of the eventdemonstratesthe inadequacyof the reef sedimentaryrecordto preserve this short-term,ecologicallysignificant event. INTRODUCTION Prior to 1983, the long-spinedechinoid Diadema antillarum Philippiwas often the dominantherbivorein tropical Western Atlantic reef environments, reachingdensities of 71 individualsper square meter (Sammarco,1980; Hawkins and Lewis, 1982). As such, it was responsiblefor large amountsof bioerosion while grazingalgae from reef surfaces (Scoffin et al., 1980; Hunter, 1977). Diademaalso prey on livingcoral (Bak and van Eys, 1975; Carpenter, 1981); thus they contributed to the controlof the coralcommunityas predators on coral recruits (Sammarco, 1980, 1982). Beginningin January,1983, Diadema suffered a widespread mass mortality that was first observed at GaletaPoint, Panama, and by January, 1984, had spread to most of the Caribbeanand to Bermuda (Lessios et al., 1984). The causative agent is suspected to have been a species-specific pathogen because the mortalityspread over such a wide area withoutany dissipationof its severity, and no other species of sea urchin was affected (Lessios et al., 1984). Whateverthe exact natureof the disease, its effect was catastrophicon Diadema populations, with mortality rates of 98-100% in Curagao(Bak et al., 1984), 94-99% in Panama(Lessios et al., 1984) and 99% in Jamaica (Hughes et al., 1985). Sharpincreases in bottom cover by noncrustose algae subsequentto the loss of Diademapopulationshave been documentedin Curagao (de Ruyter van Steveninck and Bak, 1986), St. Croix (Carpenter, 1985) andJamaica(Hugheset al., 1985; Liddelland Ohlhorst,1986). The mass mortality occurred along the fringingreefs of Bonaire, NetherlandsAntilles,in November, 1983 (Lessios, 1984). By August, 1984, only broken, disarticulatedspines and test plates were evident in surficial reef sediments. The sudden incorporationof innumerable urchins into reef sediments suggests that sediment composition may be altered by an increase in the amountof echinodermmaterialpresent. Frankel(1978) reported that mass outbreaksandsubsequentmass mortalities of the Crown-of-ThornsstarfishAcanthasterplanci were preserved as layers of sedimentenrichedin their ossicles on the Great Barrier Reef. However, Moranet al. (1986) demonstratedthat Frankel'sdatawere insufficientto draw that conclusion.The mass mortalityof Diadema serves as a natural experiment in taphonomy;it provides an opportunity to assess the preservation potentialof an event that continues to have a profoundecological impact on coral reef ecosystems in the Caribbean and tropicalWestern Atlantic. Here, I documentthe effect of Diademamass mortalityon sediment composition along the fringingreefs adjacent to Bonaire. Constituent particle analyses of samples collected from a series of reef slope profiles, and from distinct intervals within surficial reef sediments, reveal that the echinoderm fraction shows no substantial enrichment above the pre-mortalitylevels as reported by Kobluk and Lysenko (1984). Although skeletal elements of Diadema accountfor a large proportion of the echinoderm fraction, no premortalitydata concerningthe percentage of Diadema skeletal elements in reef sediments exist for comparison. The lack of signatureof the mass mortality illustrates the inadequacyof the near-reef sedimentary record to preserve the event. STUDY SITE AND SAMPLINGMETHODS Samples were obtainedfrom four localities on the leeward side of Bonaire, an island in the La Blanquilla-Aruba chainthat parallelsthe South American coastline (Fig. 1A). The profile of the leeward fringing reef around Bonaire consists of a narrowshelf from shore to 7-12 m depth, where the slope changes abruptlyto a drop-offof 20-45 degrees (KoblukandLysenko, 1984). The slope again changes at 30-38 m depth, coral diversity drops off and a sandy plain slopes seawardat 5-15 degrees reach- Copyright? 1989, The Society of EconomicPaleontologistsand Mineralogists 0883-1351/89/0004-0487/$1.50 488 GREENSTEIN FIGURE--Area of study. Localities 1, 3 and 4 are reef slope profiles: locality2 is a sand channel. ing a maximumdepth between Bonaire andKleinBonaireof 200 m (Bak, 1975). In most places, the reef profileoccurs as a series of buttresses separatedby sand channels. Surficialsediment samples were obtainedat 6 m depth intervalsdown the reef slope at three localitiesanddowna sand channel at one locality by a SCUBA diver (Fig. 1B). Samples from distinct horizons below the sedimentwater interfacewere obtainedfromtwo adjacentareas at locality1 by means of hole encasement with a calibrated length of PVC pipe and use of an air lift microscope to determine total echinoderm content and the proportionof the echinodermfractioncomposed of skeletal elements of D. antillarum.Echinoderm grains can be recognized on the basis of characteristicstructures (Fig. 2). For each sample, additionalquantities of the 500-1000 Ix size fraction were impregnated with epoxy and ground into standard thin sections, which were point-countedon a 1 mm x 1 mm grid following the method of Ginsburg(1956). By evaluatingboth individualgrains and thin sections, it was possible to identifynot only distinctivefragments, but also echinodermskeletal elements that had been mechanically,chemically or biologicallyreducedto grainsof highMg calcite lacking any characteristic shape features. As a result, thinsection point counts revealed consistently higher echinoderm percentages than graincounts because of the more accurate identificationof echinodermskeletal elements in polarizedlight. Diadema skeletal elements have characteristicmorphologiesthat permit recognitionof spines, tubercles, teeth and componentsof the Aristotle's Lantern and their distinctionfrom skeletal elements of other echinoids (see Durham and Melville, 1957; Philip, 1965 and Smith, 1984 for illustrations). Because these morphologiesare rarely present in thin section, only the echinoderm fractionsisolated by grain counting were analyzedfor the definitepresence of Diadema skeletal elements. RESULTS device similar to that described by Shinn(1968) to remove sedimentdown to specificdepths. To alleviatethe problem of mixingsediments from different depth intervals, samples were obtained from the encased hole at each specific depth, rather than from the air lift device itself. Samples were air-dried, sieved through a stack of A.S.T.M. standard sieves, and the 500-1000 ,L size fraction of each was split on an Otto microsplitter until sample sizes of 400-800 grains were obtained. The samples were then analyzed with a binocular Echinodermmaterialwas present in the 500-1000 ,u sediment fraction as completely disarticulatedskeletal elements. Overall, this material represented only a minor fraction of reef sediments, composingfrom 0 to 7% of the constituentsin each sample(Fig. 3). Recognitionof trends is difficult,owing to the exceedingly slight variation within and between stations and low overall percentages of echinodermmaterial. Thin section point counts yield consistently higher values of echinoderm percentages than graincounts (Fig. 3). At locality 1, the echinodermfraction increases between 6 and 12 m depth, TAPHONOMY ECHINOID 489 causes the coronato disarticulatealong plate sutures. These findings, along with those of Schafer (1972), suggest that scavengers can greatly accelerate disarticulationonce decay sets in. Lessios et al. (1984) reportedthat loss and breakage of spines accompanied the onset of the disease presumed to have causedthe mass mortality.Additionally, sick Diademaabandonedtheir day-time cryptic habits and were consequently attackedby fishes that do not normally prey upon healthy individuals.Thus, it is to be expected that individualsdying during the mass mortality would be incorporatedinto the reef sediments as fragmentedremains. Recognitionof the Mass Mortality No echinodermenrichmentin surface sediments occurred as a consequence of the mass mortality.A comparisonof FIGURE 2-Examples of characteristicmorphologieswith which echinoid skeletal elements the results of this study with pre-morcan be recognized by analyzing individual grains. A) Skeletal elements of Diadema. B) tality values obtained using similar Skeletal elements of Echinometra, another common regular echinoid in Bonaire. methods by Kobluk and Mielczarek (1984) indicatesthat a slight increase in the echinodermfractionhas occurredin collected at the adjacent12 m excava4 out of 7 depth intervals (Fig. 5A). declines at 18 m and increases to its tionbut not by pointcounts (Fig. 4B). It However, the overall percentages are highest value at a depth of 36 m: the should be emphasizedthat, as in reef low and do not vary substantiallybebase of the reef slope (Fig. 3A). This slope sediments, the echinodermfracdoes not occur at locality 2, the sand tween the two studies. Skeletal eletion is quite small. ments of Diadema compose a large channel,where the echinodermfraction Skeletal elements of Diadema acis highest at 18 m depth (Fig. 3B). proportionof the echinodermfraction. countfor a large proportionof the echiHowever, no dataexist concerningpreAverage percentages of echinoderm noderm fractions isolated by grain mortality materialare slightlyhigherin the chanproportionsof Diademain the counting, averaging 32% and ranging sediment, nel than at any reef slope locality. makingit impossible to defrom 0 to 80%. Other echinodermretermine what effect, if any, the mortalPoint counts and graincounts reveal mains include additionalregular echiity hadon their contribution.The lackof conflictingvariationat locality 3 (Fig. noids, crinoidsand ophiuroids. an increase in the echinodermfraction 3C). The echinodermfractionincreases overall indicates that no substantialinsteadily with depth in grain counts DISCUSSION crease in the amountof Diademamatewhereas it decreases to a depthof 24 m rial could have occurred. and then increases at 30 m in samples BiostratinomicProcesses Thus, it is highly unlikely that the analyzedin thinsection. In thinsection, The conditionof echinodermdebrisin the amount of echinoderm material slight increase in echinodermmaterial reef sedimentsindicatesthat decay and will constitute a recognizablesignature present alongthe reef slope adjacentto took place quicklyon the disarticulation of the mortalityin the reef sedimentary KleinBonaire(locality4) decreases to a sediment surface with subsequent inrecord. Rather, it may be the length of depthof 18 m andthen increases at the time before populationlevels return to base of the reef slope (Fig. 3D). Grain corporationinto the sediment. Field normalthat does so. Liddelland Ohlcounts reveal variationof 1%or less at experiments with freshly killed Diadema specimens indicatedisarticulation horst (1986) suggested that the rate of this locality. of the test withindays in the absence of recovery of Diadema populationswill Analyses of sediments collected at dictatethe impactof the mass mortality specific intervals below the sediment- rapid burial (Greenstein and Meyer, on the reef biota. This has been corrobwater interface suggest that whatever 1985). Moreover, I have observed that Diademain aquariadisarticulaterapidly orated by various workers who have variationthere may be in the amountof as decay sets it. Spines fall off and the documented a new coral-algalequilibechinodermmaterialis minor.Percentlanternand apicalsystem collapse into riumthat is likely to remainas a result ages increase slightlywith depth in the the corona within a few days. In this of the generally slow recovery of Dia10 m excavation (Fig. 4A). This was also revealedby graincountsof samples condition, the slightest disturbance dema populationsand the urchin'slow 490 GREENSTEIN A S a1) o0 B 4 5 i4 0c -U- GrainCounts -+- Point Counts 6 0 3 C! -H .i -HI v 4 U 2 (AO 0\? 2 - 0 ? ? 0 10 20 Water Depth, 30 0 10 M Water ? I 20 Depth, I ? 30 M D C 4 - -0- GrainCounts 5 - -+- Point Counts a) -0 0 4 - 3a) 3 - "o 0 -- ,.c 0 dS 1 - [! 1 - . 0 2- . . . . 10 Water [ . . 30 20 Depth, M I. 0 10 Water 20 Depth, 30 M FIGURE 3-Percentage of echinoderm materialversus depth at localities 1 through 4 (A through D, respectively) as determined by grain counts and point counts. Locality 2 (B) is the sand channel locality. larvalrecruitmentrate (Bak, 1985; de Ruyter van Steveninckand Bak, 1986; Lessios, 1988). These observations also applyto the signatureof the event in coral reef sediments. The net effect of the slow Diadema recovery may be the depositionof an intervalessentially barrenof theirremains(andthereforea lower overall echinoderm fraction). Thus, it may ultimatelybe the case that a decrease, rather than an increase, in Diadema content records the event in reef sediments. However, both bioturbation and storm processes may well obliterateany such signature. The latter point emphasizesthe inadequacyof the reef environmentto preserve an event that continuesto have a profound impacton coral reef ecosystems in the Caribbeanand tropicalWestern Atlantic. Distributionof EchinodermMaterial The distributionof live echinoids at regular depth intervals along the reef slope was determined by Kobluk and Lysenko (1984) priorto the mass mortality. Live echinoid abundance decreased consistently with depth (Fig. 5B). The amountof echinodermmaterial in the sediment generallydoes not reflect the distributionof live echinoids, particularlyat the base of the reef slope, where live echinoidabundanceis lowest and the percent contributionof echinodermsto the sediment increases [Fig. 3A, C and D (delineatedby point count data only)]. This suggests that echinoderm skeletal elements are undergoinglimitedtransportand accumulatingat the base of the reef slope. The channel sediment represents an amalgam of shelf and reef slope material. Moreover, the echinoderm fraction is composed of other common reef echinoderms and wouldnot be expected to mirrorthe distributionof a single echinodermgroup. Figure 4 suggests that no "echinoderm spike" exists within surficialreef sediments; if such an enrichmentwas ever present, it probablydisappeared quicklyas a consequence of the bioturbationthat occurs along the reef profile (Koblukand Lysenko, 1984). Implicationsfor EchinoidFossil Record The lackof a clearmortalitysignature in reef sediments underscores the rapidity with which populationsof Diadema have been reduced to essentially unrecognizablecarbonate sand grains. Although less than one year elapsed between the time of mortality(November, 1983) and the time of sampling (August, 1984), the potentialrecord of the event has been lost. However, wellpreserved diadematoidechinoids have been described. Aslin (1968) demonstrated that well preserved specimens of the regular salenioid Acrosalenia from the Middle Jurassic were preserved because of a rapidburialevent. Rosenkranz(1971) invoked rapidsedimentationand the differingabilities to escape it as responsible for producing echinoidlagerstatten.Bloos (1973) suggested that rapidburialentombed individualsof the MiddleJurassic pedinoid Diademopsis.This emphasizes the likelihoodthat well-preserved fossil diadematoid assemblages probably reflect truly extraordinarytaphonomicevents. CONCLUSIONS 1. The mass mortality has not resulted in an echinoderm-richhorizon in surficialreef sediments, nor is the amountof echinodermmaterial in the sediment markedly greater than that reported by Kobluk and Lysenko (1984) prior to the mortality. ECHINOID TAPHONOMY 491 B A Geology, University of Cincinnati.Eric Newton and the staff of the Karpata EcologicalCenter of the Marine Park, Bonaire made this study possible by providing excellent facilities and services. I thank Dave Meyer for assistance in the field and for reviewing the manuscript,Arnie Miller for reviewing several draftsof the manuscript,Wayne Pryor for assistance with sedimentologic analyses, and Janet Lauroesch for assistance in preparingthe manuscript and illustrations. 3 -*(U 2 2- '0 o C -,c C 0 Grain Counts Point Counts U 1- do 1 0 20 30 Sediment, cm 10 Depth in I 10 0 I in Depth I 20 Sediment, REFERENCES cm of echinoderm material versus depth at specific horizons within FIGURE4-Percentage surficial sediments. A) Excavation in 10 m of water. B) Excavation in 12 m of water. Note that both excavations occurred adjacent to locality 1. A B 5 4 - 3 -o- This Study -4- Kobluk & Mielczarek, 1984 '0 a) o0 -C --4 0 3 - BAK,R.P.M., CARPAY, M.J.E., and DERUYTER VANSTEVENINCK,1984, Densities of the sea 2 - 0 r. C 2 - u4 1- 1. 0 . 10 Water . . . 20 Depth, . 30 M n 10 20 Water 30 Depth, M FIGURE5-A) Comparison of the results of this study with those obtained by Kobluk and Mielczarek (1984) prior to the mass mortality. Both curves were generated using average percent echinoderm determined from three reef slope localities. Values in both studies were obtained by point counting. B) Distribution of living echinoids versus depth (Kobluk and Lysenko, 1984). 2. Preservationof the mass mortality may be contingenton the slow rate of recovery of Diadema populations, although it is unlikely that slightincreases or decreases in the echinodermfraction could be observed in a stratigraphicsuccession. 3. Once dead, individualsof Diadema disarticulaterapidlyas a result of biostratinomicprocesses. They are then incorporatedinto surficialreef sediments as fragmentedremains. 4. Echinoderm material undergoes ASLIN, C.J., 1968,Echinoidpreservationin the Upper EstuarineLimestoneof Bilsworth, Northamptonshire: GeologicalMagazine, v.105, p.506-518. BAK,R.P.M., 1975, Ecologicalaspects of the distribution of reefcoralsinthe Netherlands Antilles:Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde,v. 45, p. 181-190. BAK,R.P.M., 1985, Recruitment patternsand mass mortalitiesin the sea urchinDiadema antillarum:Proceedingsof the FifthInternationalCoralReef Congress,Tahiti,v. 5, p. 267-272. limited transportalong sand channels to the base of the reef slope; the distributionof echinodermskeletal elements does not reflect that of the livingechinoidfauna. 5. An "echinodermspike"in the fossil record may well record highly unusual mass mortalities and rapid coincidentor subsequentburial. 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