Prosci CM Pilot – CM Manager Checklist CM Manager Checklist Project name: Project manager: Title: Organization: Email: Work phone: Cell phone: Primary Sponsor: Title: Organization: Email: Work phone: Cell phone: Change Management Team members: Member: Email: Phone: Projects: IMPORTANT NOTE: The change management checklist on the next page follows the change management process in Prosci’s CM Pilot tool. You can use the checklist to track your progress and to help you understand the larger framework for managing change. For more information, go to © 2004 Prosci Version 4.05.1 1 Prosci CM Pilot – CM Manager Checklist Change Management Checklist Phase 1 checklist – Preparing for change 1 2 3 Identified change Assessed the readiness of Developed a change Identified change Assessed team Trained change management Identified sponsors and Assessed sponsor Provided required training for characteristics (assessed the size and nature of the change) management team members stakeholders the organization for change competencies capabilities to manage change management strategy including team model and sponsor model team sponsors Phase 2 checklist – Managing change 1 2 3 Developed Developed coaching plan Developed sponsor roadmap Developed training plan Developed resistance Developed overall change Integrated change Implemented plans Tracked progress and communications plan management plan with project activities management plan management plan addressed implementation issues Phase 3 checklist – Reinforcing change 1 2 3 Gathered feedback from Audited compliance with Analyzed feedback and Identified root causes of Developed corrective Enabled sponsors and Implement corrective Celebrated successes and Conducted after-action review employees resistance actions © 2004 Prosci Version 4.05.1 the change actions early wins 2 compliance data coaches to manage resistance of overall change management program Prosci CM Pilot – CM Manager Checklist Phase 1 – Preparing for change Rank each level based on their overall position in the ADKAR model. Use a scale of 1 (i.e., no awareness) to 5 (i.e. complete awareness). This exercise can be repeated throughout the change to guide your activities and plans. A D K A Executive level Mid-level managers Employees Change characteristics profile Completed: X By: Date: Score/Notes: Organizational attributes profile Completed: X By: Date: Score/Notes: Team assessment Completed: X Date: By: Score/Notes: Sponsor assessment Completed: X Date: By: Score/Notes: Change management strategy Completed: X By: Start date: Notes: End date: File location: © 2004 Prosci Version 4.05.1 3 Date: R Prosci CM Pilot – CM Manager Checklist Phase 2 – Managing change Rank each level based on their overall position in the ADKAR model. Use a scale of 1 (i.e., no awareness) to 5 (i.e. complete awareness). This exercise can be repeated throughout the change to guide your activities and plans. A D K A Executive level Mid-level managers Employees Communications plan Completed: X Start date: End date: By: Notes: File location: Sponsor roadmap Completed: X Start date: End date: By: Notes: File location: Training plan Completed: X Start date: End date: By: Notes: File location: Resistance management plan Completed: X By: Start date: Notes: End date: File location: © 2004 Prosci Version 4.05.1 4 Date: R Prosci CM Pilot – CM Manager Checklist Coaching plan Completed: X Start date: End date: By: Notes: File location: Master change management plan Completed: X By: Start date: Notes: End date: File location: © 2004 Prosci Version 4.05.1 5 Prosci CM Pilot – CM Manager Checklist Phase 3 – Reinforcing change Rank each level based on their overall position in the ADKAR model. Use a scale of 1 (i.e., no awareness) to 5 (i.e. complete awareness). This exercise can be repeated throughout the change to guide your activities and plans. A D K A Executive level Mid-level managers Employees Employee data gathering and auditing compliance Completed: X By: Start date: Notes: End date: File location: Corrective action plan Completed: X Start date: End date: By: Notes: File location: After action review Completed: X Start date: End date: By: Notes: File location: © 2004 Prosci Version 4.05.1 6 Date: R