1 Eastern Michigan University Honors College Honors Checklist Please use the following checklist to help determine your Honors progress. It is helpful to bring this with you to Honors advising appointments. Name: University Honors (at least 24 Honors credit hours, including 18 hours in Gen Ed. and 3 hours in major/minor) Honors General Education Courses (at least 18 hours) Course l Credit Hours l Semester taken 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Honors in Department of Major/Minor (at least 3 hours) 1. 2. Honors Experience (1 Leadership, 1 Intellectual/Cultural) L I/C Community Service (40 hours) l Final Grade l Cumulative Honors Credits 2 Eastern Michigan University Honors College Honors Checklist Please use the following checklist to help determine your Honors progress. It is helpful to bring this with you to Honors advising appointments. Name: Departmental Honors (at least 12 credit hours in major/minor, and completion of approved Senior Thesis) Departmental Honors Courses (at least 12 hours, 6 of which can be counted from University Honors major/minor courses) Course l Credit Hours l Semester taken l Final Grade l Cumulative Honors Credits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Attendance of Workshops (UG Research, Senior Thesis) Undergraduate Research [ ] l Date Attended: Senior Thesis l Date Attended: [ ] Senior Thesis Proposal (see handbook for guidelines) Date Submitted: l Date Approved: Senior Thesis (see handbook for guidelines) Independent Study/Course Completed Thesis signed by: Thesis Advisor [ l CRN Number: ] Dept. Honors Advisor [ l Professor: ] Dept. Head [ ] Honors Director [ ]