Finger Detection and Tracking Gurpreet Nanda Introduction ● Detect fingers in video from a normal camera in real time ● Many possible applications for humancomputer interaction ● Applications in augmented reality Assumptions ● ● ● ● ● Rigid model of hand A single raised finger Hand is the only body part in view Hand is ~1ft from camera Stationary Camera ○ This assumption will need to be revised Tasks ● Hand Segmentation ○ Extracting the hand cleanly ● Finger Detection ○ Determining the location of the finger given the segmented hand Previous Work - Hand Segmentation ● Color Segmentation ○ Can be done in the HSV or YCbCr color space ○ Problems: ■ Range of skin colors ■ Background object colors in range ● Foreground Segmentation ○ Frame Differencing ○ Background Subtraction ○ Problems: ■ Requires stationary camera Previous Work - Hand Segmentation ● Active Contours ○ Deformable Models ○ Gradient Descent ○ Problem: ■ Clutter ○ Mean Shift? ■ Restrictive Previous Work - Finger Detection ● Von Hardenberg and Berard method ○ Look at square around locations in region of interest ■ Percentage of filled pixels ■ Number of connected pixels along boundary ● Normalize the hand position ○ Center of gravity of “hand” and direction of slant ○ Search for finger in the normalized position Implementation ● Hand Segmentation ● Foreground Segmentation ○ Background Subtraction ● Combined with color segmentation ● Morphological operations to clean the image Hand Segmentation Finger Detection ● Normalize hand position ○ Vector endpoints: ■ Midpoint of hand intersection with bounding box ■ Centroid of hand ○ Project hand image based on the angle of this vector Finger Detection Finger Detection ● Construct a template image of a rectangle topped with a hemisphere ● Use normalized cross-correlation to find best match in normalized Image ● Project location back to find finger location Finger Detection Results Results See videos. Discussion ● Achievements ○ Functional finger tracking given the assumptions ● Limitations ○ Stationary Camera ○ Distance to the camera/size of finger in frame ○ Stationary Background Future Work ● Replace foreground segmentation with active contours segmentation using meanshift ● Avoid large changes in the vector position to prevent mismatches ● Detect multiple fingers ● Convert code for use on a mobile platform