Resources for Making Posters Templates for Scientific Posters Templates, Websites, Bibliography

Academic Media Studio
Resources for Making Posters
Templates, Websites, Bibliography
Templates for Scientific Posters
₪ Canterbury Media Services -- Free Poster Templates:
free_poster_templates.html This site has a number of useful templates. Be careful that you do not
select one that exceeds the 42” by 56” limits of the AMS printer.
₪ UC Davis: Poster Example Files: You’ll see 5
samples, all of which could work. Remember to preserve the 1 inch boarder (area without text or
Websites: Good Advice on Creating a Scientific Poster
₪ From Swathmore: There are
templates here too which could work. Just check the “Page Layout” to make sure that the size is
within our limits (42” x 56”). The best reason to look at this website is the excellent advice.
₪ University of Washington, School of Public Health: “Creating a Poster Using MS PowerPoint”
₪ Briscoe, M.H. 1996. Preparing Scientific Illustrations: A Guide to Better Posters, Presentations,
and Publications. 2nd ed. Springer-Verlag, New York. [On Google Books]
₪ Gosling, Peter J. Scientist’s Guide To Poster Presentations. New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Pub., c1999. [Cole Library 808.066 G693s 1999]
₪ Nicol, Adelheid A. M. and Pexman, Penny M. Displaying Your Findings : A Practical Guide For
Creating Figures, Posters, And Presentations. Washington, DC : American Psychological Association,
2003 [Cole Library 150.72 N541d 2003]
₪ Tufte, E.R. 1983. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Graphics Press, Connecticut.
[Cole Library: 310 T816v]
March 2008