Czech Libraries and Librarianship: An Oregon Librarian's Perspective Richard Sapon-White September 23, 2005 1 Overview An Introduction to the Czech Republic Czech Libraries – A Brief History Teaching Cataloging A Prague Pictorial 2 The Czech Republic is NOT… Chechnya Part of the former Soviet Union Czechoslovakia (ceased to exist in 1993) It IS… The Czech Republic (aka just “Czech”) 3 4 5 Czech History in a Nutshell, Part 1 900s–1600s 1600s–1918 1918 – 1938 1938 – 1945 1948 – 1989 Czech Kingdom part of Habsburg Empire Czechoslovakia Czech and Moravian Protectorate Czechoslovak Socialist Republic governed by Communist Party 6 Czech History in a Nutshell, Part 2 1989 uprising initiated by student demonstrations toppled communist regime Slovakia broke away from Czechoslovakia 1993 1993-present: Czech Republic 7 Libraries under Communism Closed-stack libraries the norm Limited access for certain materials Acquisition of imprints from outside the communist bloc limited Libraries poorly funded, limited education of librarians Publication of books and periodicals tightly controlled by the government Underground publication of “samizdat” literature 8 Czech Libraries Today Increasing numbers of open stacks Establishment of continuing education programs for librarians (especially by Národní knihovna České republiky – National Library of the Czech Republic) Many homegrown subject heading and classification systems Lack of shelf listing procedures – use of accession numbers 9 20th Century Czech Cataloging History Prussian, German and Soviet Cataloging rules prior to 1983 ISBD adopted in 1983 ILS implemented in late 1980’s: CDS/ISIS (free from UNESCO) Developed own national exchange format in 1989: MAKS AACR2 and UNIMARC adopted 1994, translated into Czech in 1996 Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) in 1999 10 Czech Library Education Charles University, Prague – BA, MA, PhD Higher School of Information Services, Prague - BA Masaryk University, Brno – BA, MA Silesian U. of Opava - BA 11 Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictví (UISK) 476 students 15 faculty $1000 budget for supplies, computers, faculty development, etc. 12 Teaching at Charles 4 month Fulbright Fellowship to teach in English at Charles University Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship (UISK) 2 elective courses: Subject Analysis Metadata for Description and Retrieval Of Online Resources 13 weeks, one session per week, 90 minutes per session 13 The Classes (cont.) Initially 5 students per class Eventually, 3 students in Subject Analysis, 2 in Metadata A combination of lecture, discussion, inclass exercises, homework Demonstrations of Classification Plus and Cataloger’s Desktop Various digital collections and metadata 14 scheme home pages The Students Bright, eager to learn, attentive Excellent English skills Completed all assignments on time (mostly) 15 Subject Analysis Emphasis on U.S. methods and principles Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) – the most widely-known thesaurus in the world and the basis for numerous other thesauri Library of Congress Classification – instructive to look at a highly enumerative classification scheme (unlike Universal Decimal Classification, which has enumerative and synthetic elements) Subject authorities and cooperative cataloging, including SACO 16 What I learned from my Subject Analysis students Norms for US library culture are the exception in the Czech Republic Open stacks and browsing Classified collections Classified collections according to a widely used classification scheme Shelflisting of library resources based on main entry 17 What I learned from my Subject Analysis students (cont.) Be careful “translating” examples to the Czech Republic Good Example: Ticonderoga, Battle of, N.Y., 1758 changed to Austerlitz, Battle of, Czech Republic, 1805 Bad Example: “Assign subject headings for a regional archive in Ostrava” Answer: There is no regional archive in Ostrava. 18 What I learned from my Subject Analysis students (cont.) Aspects of American culture may be unknown in the Czech Republic Example: Classify a book that is a list of baby names from the Bible. Oops! Students classed in BS576 – Biblical names (should be CS2377 – forenames [including lists of children’s names]) Baby name books don’t exist in Czech Republic 19 Metadata for Description and Retrieval Of Online Resources Created course in line with report “Cataloging and Metadata Education” by Ingrid Hsieh-Yee Text: Metadata Fundamentals for All Librarians by Priscilla Caplan. Various metadata schemes (AACR2/MARC, DC, EAD, TEI headers) Issues: crosswalks and interoperability, authority control, administrative metadata, training Learning opportunity for me 20 What I learned from my students in Metadata Students will participate in class discussions if you are patient Students will read assigned articles and do homework if it becomes clear that they are expected to do so Students can perform well on written exams even if they have little experience with them 21 The Surprising Month of May Scheduled classes on May 4, 11, 18, 25 (final for Metadata) Cancelled class on May 4: conference in Liberec, family illness, study tour Cancelled class on May 25: Inforum conference, vacation 22 Other professional activities Weekly meetings with Dr. Barbora Drobikova Monthly UISK staff meetings Visits to Jewish Museum Library, National Archives, Protestant Theological Library, National Library, Strahov Monastery Library Project at Jewish Museum Library Lecture to professional librarians at UISK on the changing nature of catalogers’ work Lecture to US librarians/library students on teaching library science at Charles University 23 Other professional activities (cont.) Inforum Conference Multiculturalism and Libraries Conference Pamoja (international information flow simulation game) at the Multicultural Center of Prague 24 Interesting Observations on Life in the Czech Republic Sometimes “no” means “yes” Say “nashledanou” to others sitting in the ER waiting room A load of laundry takes 3½ hours and shrinks clothes while turning them blue The English-language video store also sells Skippy peanut butter, maple syrup and tortilla chips It is very hard to say goodbye to Prague 25 Charles University, Jinonice 26 My Office 27 Martin Soucek & Richard Papik, Colleagues and Friends 28 Café Louvre 29 30 31 Pamoja 32 33 34 Astronomical Clock 35 36 Děkuji za pozornost! (Thank you for your attention!) 37