DEC-05-2008 10:43 FROM:BOROUGH OF RINGWOOD 973-962-6028 TO:908 \~re rc;fEn ~l ~ \nil J-\l \~ By DEC05 2008 ~l\ 879 4205 P.004/005 Resolution Number 2008.384 ~I I RESOLUTION SEEKING AN EXTENSION OF THE DEADLINE TO PETITION FOR SUBSTANTIVE CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO EXECUTIVE ORDER 114 AND THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE lflGHLANDS COUNCIL AND THE COUNCIL ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING WHEREA.S, on September 5, 2008, Governor. Corzine signed Executive Otdcr 114 which requi:r.cs tllC Council 00, Afford:tble Housing (COAH) ~.nd the New Jeney Highlands Council (HJghb.nds) to eoter into a Memo,a:andwn of Undetsmnding (MOU) designee! to coordinate the regulllrions of both ~gcncies by m:ucimi7jog affordable h.ousing opportUoities while pr.esc.r:v;ng critical eo.vir.onmcnt2l re~ou.tccs; a.nd \VHEREAS, COAH and the H.ighlands have prepaJ:ed such an MOU, which "\vas:I,dopted by COAH 00 October 29, 2005 ~nd by the Higlili.nd~ COlUlCilon Octoba: 30, 2008~ D.o.d WHEREAS, confoanance with the H.ighhnds Regjon~l Ma!'lter Plan (plm Confoanance) requ.ire~ J:evi~ions to muntcipnl aod county ma$tet p]~ns and devclopmen.t. ~rions 11$:applicable to the devel°pJncm and use of 1a.ndto align them with thc goQI!l,rcqu.iremeo.t~"> and provisions of the Regional Master Plan.: and WHEREAS, COAH regulations e~l)\bJish a Decembe.t 31.. 2008 deadlinc for. municipalities C\1.rt'endy under the juri~djct:ion of COAH to ~ubmil: third round petitions for. f;ubst2orivc certification of 9 municipal housing clc.m.ent and fair share pla.n; :and WHEREAS, the MOD esmblic;hes a pr.ocedUJ:Cthar municipalities uodu the jw:it'diction of both COAH and the New Jersey HjghJAnd5 Water Protection and Pla.nning Acttnay follow to seek An extension to the December 31, 2008 deadlto,c ! COAH for. the submission of third ,:ound pentioQ,$ fOJ:subsmntive certification of a m.unicipil hOU&l.O.g elancnt and fair share pkn: and WHEREAS, the MOV provides for :JJ1extcn~ion of the December 31, 2008 to December 8, 2009 for. any Hightands 1J1,unicipality W1der COAH'sjurisdiction r.b2t~ before December 31, 2008: 1) !lubmirs a duly adopted Noti.ce of Intent to Pennon in accordance with the HigbJ$l.nd!'lCouncil's Plan ConfQt:n1ancc Guidelines; 1I..nd2) 9ubtnits 3. duly adopted re50lu.t:ion notifying COAH. of it!>intent to petition COAH no later than Deccmba: 8, 2009; :utd WHEREAS, on Novembct 13, 2008 the govem\og body of the Borough of Ringwood adopted a resolution ,GorifyW.gthe Highlands that tbe Borough of Ringwood has set Decembc'( B, 2009 SI.~tbe ~t date for subm.i~~ion of a Petition for Plan Conformance. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Borough of Ringwood hereby 2gtcC!'l its deadline for the ~ubtrli5S.ionof a Housing,t.sandFair Plan pur.~wnt to N\J.A.C. 5:96-1.6 i:; cxtended from DecembeJ: 31, 2008 to Decdnber 8,.2009; and DEC-05-2008 10:43 FROM:BOROUGH OF RINGWOOD 973-962-6028 TO:908 879 4205 P.005/005 BE IT flJRTHER RESOLVED that the governing body of the Bor.ough of Ringwood hetcby directs the Acring Borough M~nagcr ro immediately transmit a ~,ign,cdand sealed copy of this resolution to COAH: and BE IT FURTH,ER Rr~OL VED t.hsa.r.the govetning body of the Bm;ough of Ringwood hcteby direct<!the Acting Botougb Manager to ,u:nmcdiately ~igned wd scaled copy of t.he Novembe.r 13, 2008 duly adopted Nor:tee of Inrent to Petition in accordance with the High]ands Cou:flcil's Plan Conforma.nce Guiddine5 to COAH; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tbar the govcwng body of the Bor.ough of RIDgwood intends t.o ~ubmit a peti,rionfor substantive ccrti,fiCJtionof a thir.drouod Housing Elcm,cnt and F~;J: Share Plan to COAH nor latet"than December 8, 2009. I hereby certify that the above Rcsohltion was ad.opted by the Municipal Council of the Borough of Ringwood at the Business Meeting of December 4. 2008. COttllcil Member Da,vison Andn Conley M1\""313 Schilder SDccr Tenlol Mm10n Second X X Ayc X X X X X X Nn Ab<rtDin Absent X. 2