State of New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council CHRIS CHRISTIE 100 North Road (Route 513) Chester, New Jersey 07930-2322 (908) 879-6737 (908) 879-4205 (fax) JIM RILEE Chairman Governor EILEEN SWAN Executive Director KIM GUADAGNO Lt. Governor INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE INTO HIGHLANDS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2011-25 ADOPTED AUGUST 3, 2011 FINAL CONSISTENCY REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT PETITION FOR PLAN CONFORMANCE: TOWN OF HACKETTSTOWN, WARREN COUNTY Prepared by the State of New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council in Support of the Highlands Regional Master Plan JUNE 8, 2011 FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report INTRODUCTION This Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report (“Report”) has been prepared by the Staff of the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council (“Highlands Council”). It provides review and recommendations for consideration by the Highlands Council as to the consistency of the Petition for Plan Conformance of the Town of Hackettstown, with the Highlands Regional Master Plan (RMP). The Report provides review and discussion of each component of the Petition for Plan Conformance, in the order in which they are set forth under submission guidelines provided to municipalities by the Highlands Council. It begins with a brief summary of Staff findings, displayed in a table format, to provide an at-a-glance overview of the results of Staff review. -1- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report REPORT SUMMARY Municipality: Town of Hackettstown Date of Petition Submission: December 7, 2009 Date Deemed Complete: March 31, 2010 (Resolution for Planning Area received 1/26/11) Conformance Area: Planning Area & Preservation Area Staff Recommendation: Approve Petition with Conditions Administrative Submittals 1. Resolution or Ordinance 2. Record of Public Involvement 3. List of Current Planning and Regulatory Documents Petition Components 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Modules 1-2 Build-Out Report* Module 3 Housing Element/Plan Module 4 ERI Module 5 Highlands Element Module 6 Land Use Ordinance Module 7 Petition a. Self-Assessment Report b. Implementation Plan/Schedule Meets Requirements Conditions of Approval X None Consistent Conditions of Approval X X None None X X X X X None See Section D.1 See Section D.1 Follow-Up Required per Section B.4; D.1 Follow-Up Required per Section B.5; D.1 X X None Follow-Up Required per Section B.6; D.1 Submission Date Status/Recommendation *Completed by the Highlands Council in collaboration with the municipality prior to substantive review of the Petition. Optional Submission Items 1. RMP Updates 2. Map Adjustments 12/7/09 N/A 3. Highlands Center Designation Requests 2/16/11 4. Highlands Redevelopment Area Designation Requests * -2- Processed Requests not qualifying as RMP Updates may be proposed as Map Adjustments Highlands Center designation planning is ongoing; staff recommends preliminary approval with conditions (see Appendix B). Redevelopment Areas may be designated as a result of planning associated with Highlands Center designation, or incorporated into it. FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report A. REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE SUBMITTALS 1. Resolution. Two Resolutions petitioning the Highlands Council for Plan Conformance were adopted by the municipal Governing Body at noticed public meetings held on November 9, 2009 for the Preservation Area, and January 10, 2011 for the resolution to amend the Petition to include the Planning Area. The documents submitted are appropriately signed and certified by the Municipal Clerk to verify authenticity. The language of the Resolutions relies upon that of the models provided by the Highlands Council. The Resolutions clearly petition the Highlands Council for Plan Conformance; conformance being proposed with respect to municipal lands located in both the Preservation Area (203 acres, 8.6%) and the Planning Area (2,171 acres, 91.4%) of the municipality. 2. Record of Public Involvement. The Petition includes appropriate documentation of the public process engaged in by the municipality with regard to the development of Petition materials and adoption of the Resolutions petitioning the Highlands Council for Plan Conformance. The submission includes the following: a. Copy of meeting agenda and adopted meeting minutes associated with a Planning Board meeting held on August 25, 2009 to discuss Plan Conformance and the Petition components, specifically the draft Master Plan Highlands Element. b. Adopted Resolutions, as noted above, indicating formal action taken on Plan Conformance at the November 11, 2009 and January 10, 2011 public meetings of the Town Council. 3. List of Current Planning Documents. The list of current municipal planning and regulatory documents is satisfactory and includes required dates of adoption, as applicable. Pursuant to Highlands Council Module 7 Municipal Plan Conformance Petition instructions, all such documents should be available in the offices of the Highlands Council in Adobe pdf format. To complete this Plan Conformance requirement, the most recent Town of Hackettstown Master Plan and any amendments applicable thereto, must be provided in Adobe pdf format. -3- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report B. REVIEW OF PLAN CONFORMANCE PETITION COMPONENTS 1. Highlands Municipal Build-Out Report (Modules 1-2). The Highlands Municipal Build-Out Report was completed by the Highlands Council in collaboration with the municipality prior to a finding of Administrative Completeness of the Petition. The date of the Highlands Municipal Build-Out Report is July 2009. 2. Housing Element & Fair Share Plan (Module 3). Both the RMP and Highlands Council instructions concerning submission of Master Plan Housing Elements and Fair Share Plans, sought municipal participation in a three-step process, intended to culminate in the submission of fully developed affordable housing plans to both the Highlands Council and the Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) (or alternatively the Highlands Council and the Superior Court). This process was designed to assist municipalities in developing plans to address fair share housing obligations that are consistent with the RMP. For most Highlands municipalities, the deadline for submission to COAH was extended to June 8, 2010. The extended time allowance was intended to provide for completion of Highlands Municipal Build-Out Reports (see Modules 1-2, above) and incorporation of resulting information into fully developed affordable housing plans in accordance with Executive Order #114 (2008) and COAH’s Guidance for Highlands Municipalities that Conform to the Highlands Regional Master Plan. This process also allows for Highlands Council review of as yet unconstructed projects in municipal housing plans, for consistency with the RMP. The Town of Hackettstown provided all components required by the Highlands Council. The first submission was included as requested within the municipality’s Petition for Plan Conformance, while the remaining items were provided in accordance with the revised submission deadlines. Review of the final Housing Element and Fair Share Plan submission, adopted by the Planning Board on April 27, 2010 and endorsed by the Town Council on May 24, 2010, follows. These findings constitute a preliminary analysis of the Draft Housing Element and Fair Share Plan by the Highlands Council. Formal review will be conducted by COAH. These documents were filed with COAH on June 3, 2010. The final Housing Element and Fair Share Plan appear to address the municipality’s Fair Share Obligation. As to consistency with the requirements of the RMP, the Plan is satisfactory. a. Summary of Municipal Obligation. The Municipal Obligation appears to be correctly calculated and includes the components listed below. • Rehabilitation Share: 76 • Prior Round Obligation: 62 • Growth Share Obligation: 241 (projected growth share exceeds COAH’s projection). b. Municipal Growth Projections. Municipal Growth Projections, used to determine the Growth Share Obligation (above) were correctly indicated in the -4- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report COAH Workbook D form or other submittals provided by the municipality. The final figures are listed below. Note: Highlands Full Build-Out Projections apply in the case of conformance for the full municipality (i.e., for split municipalities, including both the Planning and Preservation Area) in accordance with COAH’s instructional document, Guidance for Highlands Municipalities that Conform to the Highlands Regional Master Plan; COAH Growth Projections apply in all cases where the municipality is not petitioning for conformance for the whole of the municipality, until or unless modified by COAH consistent with the Guidance or as applicable, the Superior Court. The municipality’s Housing Element relies upon municipal growth projections that exceeded both the Highlands Full Build-Out Projections and COAH Growth Projections through 2018, providing for 241 growth share units as discussed below. i. Highlands Full Build-Out Projections • Residential Growth (housing units): 181 • Non-Residential Growth (jobs): 767 • Total Growth Share, after exclusions (units): 84 ii. COAH Growth Projections through 2018 Residential Growth (housing units): 80 Non-Residential Growth (jobs): 1850 Total Growth Share, after exclusions (units): 132 c. Summary of Proposed Fair Share Plan. The Fair Share Plan proposes to address the municipal obligation by use of the mechanisms and/or development projects listed below. Where Affordable Housing Sites were included that have not yet been constructed, each was reviewed for consistency with the RMP using the on-line Highlands Council RMP Consistency Review Report tool. Affordable Housing Sites were proposed. A brief summary of the results for each is included below. • Rehabilitation Program: Five (5) units completed through the Warren County Housing Program. The Town can apply new construction credits towards its rehabilitation obligation as per NJAC 5:97-6.2(b)7, so long as those units meet the criteria in NJAC 5:97-4.3. Therefore, credits in excess of the third round obligation can be applied towards the rehabilitation obligation. This totals to 60 new construction credits, reducing the rehabilitation obligation to 11 outstanding rehabilitations. The Town will apply for a Small Cities/CBDG grant now available through the Department of Community Affairs. The grant’s purpose is to -5- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report rehabilitate homes and encourage the construction of affordable housing. Hackettstown will apply for at least a $100,000 grant to be used for housing rehabilitation. The Town anticipates that 6 to 10 additional homeowners will make use of the Warren County Housing Program to make eligible improvements to their homes. Finally, the Town will earmark funds from its total development fees projected to be collected over the next ten years for rehabilitation to supplement the existing rehabilitation mechanisms in case of a shortfall of rehabilitation credits. Total Anticipated Rehabilitation Credits: 76 • Total Prior Round Credits: 62 • Prior Round Site: Heritage House. An age-restricted rental facility that was constructed in 1985. The project fulfills prior cycle credits and is eligible for one credit per unit, for a total of 62 credits. Credits in excess of the Prior Round Obligation can be applied to the third round obligation as per NJAC 5:97-4.2(c), if the controls on affordability are in place through December 31, 2018. Heritage House meets the rule requirements because it has a 40-year mortgage that extends to 2025 and 19 credits are applied to the Growth Share Obligation. • Total Growth Share Credits: 241 • Growth Share Sites: i. Brook Hollow Estates. An inclusionary development completed in 1998. The development contains 21 family affordable for-sale units of a total 187 units. 21 Growth Share credits (completed). ii. Van Paftinos I. Block 127, Lot 7. An inclusionary development that contains 14 age-restricted affordable rental units of a total 76 units. The units received a Certificate of Occupancy in 1995 and are deed restricted for 30 years. 14 Growth Share credits (completed). iii. The Center for Humanistic Change of New Jersey. 101105 Christopher Street. Existing 5-bedroom group home. 5 Growth Share credits (completed). iv. Van Paftinos II. 620 Willow Grove Street. Inclusionary development with 21 age-restricted affordable rentals of 100 total units. 21 Growth Share credits (completed). v. B&W Associates, LLP and Gordon MAB Hackettstown, LLC entered into agreements with Robert Russell, owner -6- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report vi. vii. viii. ix. x. of 103 Valentine Street, Unit 1 and 105 Valentine Street, Units 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 to provide six family rental units. 6 Growth Share credits (completed). Jane Paftinos, LLC (Block 129, Lot 26) - A proposed inclusionary development located at 21 Route 57 will include 104 housing units with 21 age-restricted affordable units. The project will be eligible for 21 Growth Share credits. The site is within one mile of the train station and is served by sewer and water. An existing house is currently located on the site. Located in the Planning Area - Existing Community Zone Environmentally-Constrained Sub-Zone. The project has received local approvals and has been issued water and wastewater permits. As such it presents a reasonable potential for development based upon prior approvals. An RMP Update was requested, but it was determined that a Map Adjustment would be necessary to change the area to Existing Community Zone. Subsequent to project completion, an RMP Update may be processed. Hunter’s Brook Subdivision - An existing subdivision which has contributed $275,000 to the Town’s Affordable Housing Trust as Payment-in-Lieu. Lion Gate at Musconetcong, LLC (Block 125, Lot 9.01) – Inclusionary development anticipating 180 housing units, with 31 affordable rental units. This development will contribute 31 Growth Share credits. Planning Area – Existing Community Zone. The project has been approved. Van Paftinos III (Bilby Road, Block 45, Lots 1.01 & 2) – Development on Bilby Road will produce 80 affordable rental units. This project may yield an additional 53 bonus credits, thus totaling 133 Growth Share credits. Currently located in the Planning Area – Protection Zone and Existing Community Environmentally-Constrained Subzone. However, this site is cleared and an RMP Update is being processed for this property to change the designation to Existing Community Zone (see Appendix A) at which point the project will be consistent with the RMP. Bergen Tool Redevelopment (Block 21, Lot 18) – Redevelopment project anticipated to contribute 23 affordable family rentals. The project would yield an additional 7 bonus credits, for a total of 30 Growth Share -7- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report credits. Planning Area – Existing Community Zone. The project will likely be consistent with the RMP. ii. Goals & Objectives. Consistent with Plan Conformance requirements, goals and objectives have been incorporated reflecting those provided in the Highlands Council model Housing Element, from the Module 3 Instructions document. d. Findings/Recommendations. The Plan appears to address the municipality’s Fair Share Obligation (final determination in that regard under jurisdiction of COAH) while providing for consistency with the Regional Master Plan. Goals and objectives consistent with the goals and objectives found in the Model Housing Element appended to the Module 3 instructions should be incorporated into the municipality’s Housing Element. As an alternative, the goals and objectives have been inserted as revisions to the Town’s proposed Master Plan Highlands Element. (See Housing Plan section.) 3. Environmental Resource Inventory (Module 4). The proposed Town of Hackettstown Highlands Environmental Resource Inventory (ERI) is based on the Highlands Model ERI provided to municipalities by the Highlands Council. The document has undergone previous revisions under a collaborative process between the municipality and the Highlands Council to address and incorporate the input and concerns of all parties. The Town of Hackettstown Highlands ERI as now proposed (including modifications by the Highlands Council), contains all required Highlands ERI language and all applicable maps/exhibits, as necessary, to fully describe the Highlands Resources, Resource Areas, and Special Protection Areas located within the municipality. As such, the Highlands ERI is consistent with the RMP and the immediate mandatory requirements of Plan Conformance. a. Deleted Sections. The following sections of the model Highlands ERI are not relevant to the municipality and have thus been deleted, along with associated figures, from the municipal submission: Special Environmental Zone, Significant Natural Areas, Lake Management Areas, Agricultural Resource Area, and Agricultural Priority Area. 4. Master Plan Highlands Element (Module 5). The proposed Town of Hackettstown Master Plan Highlands Element is based on the model Highlands Element provided to municipalities by the Highlands Council. The document as now proposed (including modifications by the Highlands Council), contains all required Highlands Element language and all applicable maps/exhibits, with the exception of those noted below, to fully address the immediate mandatory requirements of Plan Conformance. The specific components of the model Highlands Element are listed below. Where each is consistent with the Highlands Council model or otherwise satisfactorily addresses all RMP requirements for Plan Conformance, the heading or sub-heading indicates “Consistent.” Where any section of the model Highlands Element has been appropriately deleted due to -8- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report non-applicability, the heading or sub-heading indicates “Not Applicable – Deleted.” Where minor modifications are required to complete the document for purposes of adoption by the Planning Board, the heading or sub-heading indicates, “Minor Modifications Required for Completion.” If needed, explanatory discussion is provided. a. Policies, Goals & Objectives. Consistent i. Preservation Area Goals. Consistent ii. Planning Area Goals. Consistent iii. General Purposes of Zoning. Consistent iv. Relationship Between Highlands Act & MLUL. Consistent b. Land Use Plan Element. Consistent i. Highlands Zones and Sub-Zones. Consistent, however the municipality will address/incorporate the minor items in text (highlighted), for completion of the section. (Note: Conservation Zone, Conservation Zone – Environmentally-Constrained Sub-Zone, Existing Community Zone – Lake Community Sub-Zone all Not Applicable – Deleted.) ii. Land Uses. Consistent iii. Density and Intensity of Development. Consistent. iv. Cluster Development. Not Applicable – Deleted v. Land Use Inventory. Consistent. vi. Redevelopment Planning. Consistent. vii. Highlands Center Designation. Consistent. The municipality will address/incorporate the Highlands Council insertion of a new section to discuss the proposed designation of a Highlands Center in Hackettstown. The language provided incorporates the initial concepts developed in the Highlands Center Designation Study completed by Maser Consulting, PA for the Town and remains subject to further modification. The insertion is intended as a placeholder, to be further developed later, once plans and details on the proposed Highlands Center are fully determined. c. Housing Plan Element. Consistent. The municipality will incorporate the Highlands Council insertion acknowledging Planning Board adoption of the Town Housing Element and Fair Share Plan and its inclusion of all required goals and objectives for Plan Conformance. Review and recommendations concerning the Housing Plan Element appear at item #2 above, Housing Element & Fair Share Plan. -9- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report d. Conservation Plan Element. Consistent i. Forest Resources. Consistent ii. Highlands Open Waters and Riparian Areas. Consistent. The municipality will incorporate the minor modification provided by the Highlands Council. Please see revised document text. iii. Steep Slopes. Consistent iv. Critical Habitat. Consistent v. Carbonate Rock. Consistent vi. Lake Management. Not Applicable – Deleted vii. Water Resources Availability. Consistent viii. Prime Ground Water Recharge Areas. Consistent ix. Water Quality. Consistent x. Wellhead Protection. Consistent xi. Low Impact Development. Consistent e. Utility Services Plan Element. Consistent i. Preservation Area. Consistent ii. Planning Area. Consistent iii. Planning & Preservation Areas. Consistent f. Circulation Plan Element. Consistent. The Town will update the section to include transportation improvements for Planning Area lands, as applicable, in particular for lands within the proposed Highlands Center. g. Land Preservation/Stewardship Plan Element. Consistent. The Town will provide the minor modification required for completion regarding preserved acreage. h. Agriculture Retention/Farmland Preservation Plan Element. Not Applicable – Deleted i. Community Facilities Plan Element. Consistent j. Sustainable Economic Development Plan Element. Consistent k. Historic Preservation Plan Element. Consistent -10- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report i. Historic, Cultural, and Archaeological Resources. Consistent. The municipality will address the alternative language that has been inserted into the document by the Highlands Council. It provides for the case where a municipality chooses not to regulate historic resources, which the Highlands Council has determined is an optional component of Plan Conformance, not mandatory. ii. Scenic Resources. Consistent l. Development Transfer Plan Element. Inclusion of this Section is optional and the municipality has elected not to incorporate it at this time. m. Relationship of Master Plan to Other Plans. Consistent n. Exhibits. The list of Exhibits includes all that apply to the municipality. The applicable Exhibits are located in a separate document. The Town will address/incorporate the following modifications, to achieve consistency with the requirements of Plan Conformance: i. Exhibit X, “Septic System Yield Map” has been determined unnecessary and has been deleted. Septic System Yield will be determined on a sitespecific basis, using the Nitrate Dilution Model discussed in text. ii. The following exhibits do not apply to the Hackettstown Highlands Area and have been deleted: Significant Natural Areas, Special Environmental Zone, Lake Management Area, Agricultural Resource Area, and Agricultural Priority Area. 5. Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance (Module 6). The proposed Town of Hackettstown Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance is based on the model Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance provided to municipalities by the Highlands Council. Since the time of issuance of the Model, the Highlands Council, with input from municipal professionals, has made certain revisions to the document to refine and simplify it for purposes of municipal implementation. The Town of Hackettstown Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance as proposed (including modifications by the Highlands Council), contains all required Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance language and all applicable maps/exhibits, as necessary, to fully address the immediate mandatory requirements of Plan Conformance. The specific components of the model Highlands Land Use Ordinance are listed below. Where each is consistent with the Highlands Council model or otherwise satisfactorily addresses all RMP requirements for Plan Conformance, the heading or sub-heading indicates “Consistent.” Where any section of the model Highlands Land Use Ordinance has been appropriately deleted due to non-applicability, the heading or sub-heading indicates “Not Applicable – Deleted.” Where minor modifications are required to complete the document -11- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report for purposes of adoption, the heading or sub-heading indicates, “Minor Modifications Required for Completion.” If needed, explanatory discussion is provided. a. Article 1. Title, Purpose, Scope. Consistent. The municipality will address the minor modifications made by the Highlands Council. Please see revised document text. b. Article 2. Applicability. Consistent. The municipality will address the modifications made by the Highlands Council. Please see revised document text. c. Article 3. Definitions. Consistent. The municipality will address the minor modifications made by the Highlands Council. Please see revised document text. d. Article 4. Establishment of Highlands Area Districts. Consistent. The municipality will address the modifications made by the Highlands Council, inclusive of new map titles at Section 4.4. Please see revised document text. (Note: Conservation Zone, Conservation Zone – Environmentally-Constrained Sub-Zone, Existing Community Zone – Lake Community Sub-Zone Not Applicable – Deleted.) e. Article 5. Highlands Area Zone District Regulations. Consistent. The municipality will address the significant modifications made to the section by the Highlands Council. Please see revised document text. Municipal selections will also be provided to complete Section 5.3.5 – please see highlighted portions of text. f. Article 6. Highlands Area Resource Regulations. Consistent. The Town will address the modifications provided by the Highlands Council. See revised document text. i. Forest Resources. Consistent ii. Highlands Open Waters & Riparian Resources. Consistent iii. Steep Slopes. Consistent iv. Critical Habitat. Consistent v. Carbonate Rock. Consistent vi. Lake Management Area. Not Applicable – Deleted vii. Water Conservation & Deficit Mitigation. Consistent viii. Prime Ground Water Recharge Areas. Consistent ix. Wellhead Protection. Consistent x. Agricultural Resources. Consistent -12- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report xi. Historic, Cultural & Archaeological Resources. Consistent. The municipality will address the modifications made by the Highlands Council. Please see revised document text. These regulatory provisions have been made optional, and thus the municipality will need to make a determination regarding the preferred approach to this issue. xii. Scenic Resources. Consistent g. Article 7. Highlands Area General Regulations. Consistent i. Affordable Housing. Consistent ii. Low Impact Development. Consistent iii. Conservation Restrictions. Consistent. The municipality will address the modifications made by the Highlands Council. Please see revised document text. iv. Stormwater Management. Consistent v. Special Environmental Zone. Not Applicable – Deleted vi. Septic System Design and Maintenance. Consistent vii. Public Water Systems. Consistent viii. Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems. Consistent h. Article 8. Planned Development Regulations. Not Applicable – Deleted i. The municipality had marked this section for deletion when the Petition was for just the Preservation Area, however, may choose to retain it for use in the Planning Area. The Town will review and confirm preference. i. Article 9. Application Review Procedures & Requirements. Consistent. The municipality will address the significant modifications made by the Highlands Council. Please see revised document text. j. Article 10. Appeals, Waivers, Exceptions. Consistent. The municipality will address the modifications made by the Highlands Council. Please see revised document text. k. Article 11. Enforcement, Violations, Penalties. Consistent l. Appendices. Consistent. The municipality will incorporate the Highlands Council insertion of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes in Appendix D, replacing SIC Codes, for Major Potential Pollutant Sources. -13- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report m. Exhibits. The Exhibits, including the List of Exhibits and all in-text document references to Exhibits have been updated by the Highlands Council to include Highlands Council parcel-based maps, which indicate the locations and boundaries of each Highlands Area, Zone, Resource, Resource Area, and Special Protection Area. These Exhibits were not available when the Model Land Use Ordinance was initially provided by the Highlands Council for use in preparing Petitions, but are crucial to the regulatory function of the Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance. Please note that the revised maps have been provided in Adobe® pdf format, and in this case, should not be converted for insertion directly in the MSWord® version of the Ordinance. After adoption, they should accompany the Ordinance at all times, however, as an integral component of it – whether made available to the public in paper or electronic format. As provided currently, the maps are at a scale suited to printing on large plotters, for purposes of municipal reproduction and display (ensuring high-resolution detail). 6. Petition Submission Documents (Module 7). a. Municipal Self-Assessment Report. The Municipal Self-Assessment Report consists of two components as listed herein. The Report accurately describes the status of municipal Plan Conformance to date, indicating both municipal accomplishments and the items that remain to be completed to achieve Plan Conformance. i. Narrative Portion. The Narrative Portion has been completed accurately for purposes of Plan Conformance. ii. Spreadsheet Portion. The Spreadsheet Portion has been completed accurately for purposes of Plan Conformance. b. Highlands Implementation Plan & Schedule. The Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule provides a template for future Plan Conformance activities. It is intended to indicate all outstanding items, both required and discretionary, along with estimated costs and timeframes for completion, for the municipality to achieve or exceed Plan Conformance with the Regional Master Plan. As proposed by the municipality, the Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule: a) included all mandatory components required to achieve full Plan Conformance; and b) incorporated timeframe estimates associated with each mandatory element. The Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule has been modified since first issued by the Highlands Council however, and the municipality’s document has been updated accordingly. The revised document includes cost estimates for each activity and prioritizes implementation tasks with a particular focus on the first few months after Highlands Council approval of Petitions, including the 2011 and 2012 State fiscal years. -14- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report In addition, the proposed Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule includes non-mandatory Plan Conformance activities, the estimated costs and timeframes for completion of which, the municipality has considered. These activities have been incorporated into the revised Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule. Recommended Highlands Council edits tailoring the revised document to the municipality (based on the Petition submittals) have been considered and included in the final version. -15- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report C. REVIEW OF OPTIONAL SUBMISSION COMPONENTS 1. RMP Updates. The Petition for Plan Conformance was accompanied by requests for certain RMP Updates. These requests are listed and described in the attachment at Appendix A, with a summary of the final results of review and processing, as follows. The Town submitted a request for 18 RMP Updates. Of those, 14 have been determined to contain sufficient information in order to process the request and incorporate the changes into the Highlands spatial database. The information for the remaining four requests was found to be consistent with the Highlands information on current and existing land uses, and thus not in need of an RMP Update. These four requests may be pursued by alternate means however, such as via Map Adjustment, Highlands Redevelopment Area designation, or as part of the proposed Highlands Center designation. 2. Map Adjustments. The Petition for Plan Conformance was not accompanied by any requests for Map Adjustments. 3. Highlands Center Designation Requests. The Petition for Plan Conformance was accompanied by a request for Highlands Center Designation. This request is described in detail in the attachments at Appendix B, inclusive of the Staff recommendations. The proposal focuses on a 740+ acre core area of the Hackettstown community (fully within the Planning Area), and includes a variety of existing uses and areas of potential development/redevelopment, all with access to suitable transportation, including passenger rail, and served by water and sewer utility infrastructure. In sum, Highlands Council staff recommends inclusion of the Highlands Center designation in any Highlands Council approval of Hackettstown’s Petition for Plan Conformance. Such approval would be accompanied by conditions, as noted in Appendix B, including significant further efforts to fully define the Hackettstown Highlands Center, specify all existing and intended land uses and resource protections that would apply therein, and develop the needed master plan provisions and development regulations that would govern it in the future. These provisions would be included within the Hackettstown Master Plan Highlands Element and Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance, and would override the Planning Area provisions otherwise applicable to the Planning Area with respect to the Highlands Center, unless specifically indicated otherwise. 4. Highlands Redevelopment Area Designation Requests. The Petition for Plan Conformance was not accompanied by any requests for Highlands Redevelopment Area Designation. However, the Town has included within its Highlands Center proposal several sites within the Planning Area that are appropriate for redevelopment. 5. Other. The Petition for Plan Conformance was not accompanied by any other requests for approvals, not listed above. -16- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report D. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS On the basis of the comprehensive review completed and discussed in detail as described in the preceding Sections, which examined both sufficiency of administrative submittals and consistency of all substantive materials with the Highlands Regional Master Plan, Highlands Council Staff recommends that the Petition for Plan Conformance of the Town of Hackettstown, as currently proposed by the municipality, be approved with conditions as outlined below. 1. Approval with Conditions. Highlands Council Staff recommend that this Petition for Plan Conformance be approved by the Highlands Council. This finding specifically includes a recommendation that the proposed Highlands Center for the Hackettstown Central Business District be approved by the Highlands Council, subject to conditions as discussed below and in Appendix B. The approval should be conditioned upon satisfactory completion of all items noted within Sections A through C of this Report (including all items addressed in the herein-referenced Highlands Council Staff-provided MSWord “Track-Changes” versions of the various Petition documents), and in addition, satisfaction of the below-listed requirements.. a. Adoption of Approved Planning Area Petition Ordinance. The municipality shall prepare and submit to the Highlands Council a draft municipal ordinance petitioning the Highlands Council for Plan Conformance with respect to the municipality’s Planning Area lands (based upon or consistent with the model provided by the Highlands Council). Upon receipt of Highlands Council approval, the Ordinance shall be prepared for purposes of public review and adoption by the municipal Governing Body. The Governing Body shall provide for and complete the adoption process, at the conclusion of which, a certified copy of the adopted Planning Area Petition Ordinance shall be provided to the Highlands Council with notice of its effective date. The process of Ordinance adoption shall be guided by the timeframes set forth in the Highlands Council-approved Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule. Should this process lead to proposed modifications to any portion of the Ordinance, the proposed changes shall be submitted for review by the Highlands Council prior to adoption by the Governing Body. In the event the Highlands Council determines that any proposed modification is of a substantive nature, Highlands Council approval shall be required prior to adoption at the municipal level. b. Adoption of Approved Checklist Ordinance. The municipality shall prepare and submit to the Highlands Council a draft “Checklist Ordinance” (model available) requiring that Development Applications be deemed incomplete by the reviewing board or applicable municipal authority, until or unless accompanied by: a) for applications under Highlands Council jurisdiction, a Highlands Council Consistency Determination indicating that the application is consistent, or can and will be made consistent with the Regional Master Plan; or b) an NJDEP Highlands Preservation -17- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report Area Approval, waiver, or Highlands Applicability Determination indicating nonapplicability. With respect to lands within the proposed Hackettstown Highlands Center, the Highlands Council would also seek consistency with the parameters of the Petition approval, to the extent defined and applicable to the designated Center. Upon receipt of Highlands Council approval, the Ordinance shall be prepared for purposes of public review and adoption by the municipal Governing Body. The Governing Body shall provide for and complete the adoption process, at the conclusion of which, a certified copy of the adopted Checklist Ordinance shall be provided to the Highlands Council with notice of its effective date. The process of ordinance adoption shall be conducted in accordance with all legal requirements and protocols pursuant to the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.), and shall be guided by the timeframes set forth in the Highlands Councilapproved Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule. Should this process lead to proposed modifications to any portion of the Checklist Ordinance, the proposed changes shall be submitted for review by the Highlands Council prior to adoption by the Governing Body. In the event the Highlands Council determines that any proposed modification is of a substantive nature, Highlands Council approval shall be required prior to adoption at the municipal level. Note: The Checklist Ordinance is intended as an interim protection measure only, and should be repealed at the time of adoption of an approved Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance (completion and adoption of which is set forth at 1.d., below). c. Adoption of Approved Highlands ERI. The Highlands Environmental Resource Inventory (ERI) shall be prepared in a clean, final document format for purposes of public review and adoption. A copy shall be provided to the Highlands Council. The municipal Environmental Commission (or Planning Board in the absence of an Environmental Commission) shall provide for and complete the required process of formal adoption of the ERI by the local Commission or Board. At the conclusion of the process, a certified copy of the adopted ERI shall be provided to the Highlands Council. The process of ERI adoption shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable legal requirements and protocols, and shall be guided by the timeframes set forth in the Highlands Council-approved Implementation Plan and Schedule. Should this process lead to proposed modifications to any portion of the ERI, the proposed changes shall be submitted to the Highlands Council for review. In the event the Highlands Council determines that any proposed modification is of a substantive nature, Highlands Council approval shall be required prior to adoption by the local Commission or Board. d. Adoption of Approved Master Plan Highlands Element. The Master Plan Highlands Element shall be completed in accordance with the requirements of Section B4 of this Report, and submitted to the Highlands Council for final approval. Upon receipt of final Highlands Council approval, the Highlands Element shall be prepared in a clean, final document format for purposes of public review -18- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report and adoption. A copy shall be provided to the Highlands Council. The municipal Planning Board shall arrange for the required process of scheduling, notice, public hearing, consideration, and formal adoption of the Highlands Element by the municipal Planning Board. At the conclusion of the process, a certified copy of the adopted Highlands Element shall be provided to the Highlands Council. The process of Highlands Element adoption shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable legal requirements and protocols, and shall be guided by the timeframes set forth in the Highlands Council-approved Implementation Plan and Schedule. Should this process lead to proposed modifications to any portion of the Highlands Element, the proposed changes shall be submitted to the Highlands Council for review. In the event the Highlands Council determines that any proposed modification is of a substantive nature, Highlands Council approval shall be required prior to adoption by the local Planning Board. e. Adoption of Approved Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance. The Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance shall be completed in accordance with the requirements of Section B5 of this Report, and submitted to the Highlands Council for final approval. Upon receipt of final Highlands Council approval, the Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance shall be prepared in a clean, final document format for purposes of public review and adoption. A copy shall be provided to the Highlands Council. After the municipal Planning Board has adopted the Master Plan Highlands Element, the municipal Governing Body shall arrange for the required process of scheduling, notice, public hearing, consideration, and formal adoption of the Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance by the municipal Governing Body. At the conclusion of the process, a certified copy of the adopted Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance shall be provided to the Highlands Council with notice of its effective date. The process of Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance adoption shall be conducted in accordance with all legal requirements and protocols pursuant to the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.), and shall be guided by the timeframes set forth in the Highlands Council-approved Implementation Plan and Schedule. Should this process lead to proposed modifications to any portion of the Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance, the proposed changes shall be submitted to the Highlands Council for review. In the event the Highlands Council determines that any proposed modification is of a substantive nature, Highlands Council approval shall be required prior to adoption by the Governing Body. i. Municipal Exemption Determinations. As a component of the Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance, the Town shall provide for “Municipal Exemption Determinations” in accordance with Highlands Council delegation of such authority to the municipality in the Planning Area, or NJDEP delegation in the Preservation Area. (NOTE: NJDEP currently does not have a delegation program; the provisions in the Highlands Land Use Ordinance are provisional.) Such determinations -19- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report (detailed within the current draft Ordinance) refer to the process of reviewing and making determinations concerning exemptions from the Highlands Act, which in turn, represent exemptions from the provisions of the Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance. The effective date of such provisions shall occur only after the municipality indicates readiness to proceed and receives written authorization from the Highlands Council or the NJDEP, respectively, granting it the authority to do so. ii. Highlands Council Information and Training Sessions. Prior to the effective date of the Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance, municipal representatives (e.g., Land Use Administrators, Zoning Officials, Planners) shall attend information and training session(s) to be provided by the Highlands Council on the implementation and administrative procedures set forth within the Ordinance. Such sessions will provide detailed instruction on application processes and procedures, notice requirements, Highlands Council referrals and call-up provisions, decision-making and formal action, variances, waivers, exceptions, and enforcement activities. Prior to the effective date of the Municipal Exemption Determination provisions, moreover, municipal representatives (in particular, Exemption Designee(s)) shall attend an information and training session on the exercise of Municipal Exemption Determination authority. f. Adoption of Updated Zoning Map. The Town shall prepare an updated Municipal Zoning Map which shall be adopted immediately following or at the time of adoption of the Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance, to reflect the new overlay Highlands Zones and Sub-Zones. The Zoning Map should also include the delineation of the Hackettstown Highlands Center, as soon as its limits are finalized and approved by the Highlands Council. The adoption process shall mirror that outlined above for the Highlands Area Land Use Ordinance. g. COAH Approval of Housing Element & Fair Share Plan. The Highlands Council shall be copied on all COAH-related correspondence and kept apprised of the approval process as it unfolds. Any subsequent revision to the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan shall be provided to the Highlands Council for review and approval prior to implementation by the municipality. Until and unless the municipality secures final approval of a Highlands Council-approved (as RMP consistent) Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, this Plan Conformance component shall remain a conditionally approved item. (In recognition of potential changes in the applicable COAH Rules and State laws pertaining to the provision of affordable housing in the state of New Jersey, these requirements shall be considered subject to modification, with the intent being only to ensure that the municipality remains in compliance with all applicable statutes, rules, regulations and requirements, at any given time, and maintains consistency with the RMP, so as to protect the municipality from legal challenge.) -20- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report h. Adoption of Ordinances Implementing Fair Share Plan. Governing Body adoption of Ordinances required to implement the Fair Share Plan shall follow approval of the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, in accordance with all requirements of the Superior Court or COAH, as applicable, and all legal requirements and protocols pertaining thereto. Plan implementation and continued compliance with the final Court- or COAH-approved Fair Share Plan moreover, shall be a condition of continued Plan Conformance approval, subject to Highlands Council review and monitoring. i. Wastewater Management Plan (WMP). The municipality shall prepare a Wastewater Management Plan working with the Highlands Council under Plan Conformance, for approval by the NJDEP. This plan will be recognized as a chapter of the County WMP in accordance with NJDEP Administrative Order 2010-03 and all applicable NJDEP rules and requirements. Development of the WMP will occur on a schedule based on Plan Conformance approval. The Highlands Council will draft the WMP using information from the Town, and collaborate with the Town to finalize the WMP for NJDEP consideration and approval. j. Adherence to Approved Highlands Implementation Plan & Schedule. The municipality shall undertake to complete all remaining mandatory Plan Conformance activities listed in the Highlands Council-approved Highlands Implementation Plan & Schedule, in accordance with: a) the timeframes set forth therein, to the maximum extent feasible and practicable, or with such adjusted timeframes as may be authorized by the Highlands Council or otherwise mutually agreed by the municipality and the Highlands Council; and b) the availability of funding from the Highlands Council or, on a voluntary basis, by the municipality or other party, to ensure the satisfactory completion of each project or activity, or each phase of such project or activity, as appropriate. Non-mandatory Plan Conformance activities shall neither take precedence over nor shall impede the completion of mandatory items and shall be undertaken only as time and resources are available to support them. i. Development/Approval of Implementation Plan Components. Within the constraints above, all planning, regulatory, and resource management documents shall be prepared and provided to the Highlands Council for review and approval prior to formal adoption by the applicable municipal board, commission, or governing body. ii. Adoption of Regulations Implementing Plan Components. All ordinances, rules, and regulations shall be prepared and provided to the Highlands Council for review and approval prior to formal adoption by the applicable municipal board, commission, or governing body. -21- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report iii. Mandatory Components. Specific mandatory components include development and implementation of the plans/programs/ordinances herein listed (once models have been provided by the Highlands Council, if applicable, and funding provided), all intended as municipal-wide, long-term initiatives unless specifically noted otherwise. Where applicable and appropriate, these will build upon any such plans, programs, or ordinances that have already been developed or adopted by the municipality. It is the explicit intention of the Highlands Council that such plans/programs be developed in a manner to ensure that implementation is both feasible and practicable, potentially involving assistance of outside agencies/organizations, working cooperatively for and with the municipality. In each case where the municipality will serve as lead, release of funds is contingent upon approval of a scope of work by the Highlands Council Executive Director. • Water Use & Conservation Management Plan. The Highlands Implementation Plan & Schedule includes an authorization for the Town of Hackettstown to work cooperatively with the Hackettstown Municipal Utilities Authority, affected municipalities and the Highlands Council to prepare a Water Use and Conservation Management Plan for the Musconetcong R (Hances Bk. thru Trout Bk.) subwatershed [HUC14 02040105160010]. The Highlands Council will serve as lead for this project. • Habitat Conservation & Management Plan. The Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule includes an allocation toward development of a municipal-wide Habitat Conservation & Management Plan. This Plan will identify species at risk, options for restoration of habitat, and standards for mitigation of unavoidable impacts of public and private projects. Funds to be released upon approval of scope of work. • Sustainable Economic Development Planning (Master Plan Element). This master plan element will include an overview of economic development opportunities within Hackettstown, including an investigation of potential redevelopment sites and economic advantages associated with the historic character of the Town. The Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule has been modified to include an allocation to accomplish this task, with linkage to the planning discussed below regarding Highlands Center designation, redevelopment areas, and historic preservation. • Stormwater Management Plan (Updates Only) • Land Preservation and Stewardship Program -22- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report • Septic System Management/Maintenance Plan • Implementing ordinances associated with each of the above (longterm, as applicable), as well as a Right to Farm ordinance (adoption of which is anticipated earlier in the Plan Conformance phase without need for a prior planning/program document). iv. Non-Mandatory Components: The Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule also provides for certain non-mandatory components, including development and implementation of the plans herein listed, all intended as municipal-wide, long-term initiatives unless specifically noted otherwise. Where applicable and appropriate, these will build upon any such plans, programs, or ordinances that have already been developed or adopted by the municipality. It is the explicit intention of the Highlands Council that such plans be developed in a manner to ensure that implementation is both feasible and practicable, potentially involving assistance of outside agencies/organizations, working cooperatively for and with the municipality. In each case where the municipality will serve as lead, release of funds is contingent upon approval of a scope of work by the Highlands Council Executive Director. • Stream Corridor Restoration/Protection Plan. Funding has been allocated for development of plans to protect/restore streams in the Town, mitigate the impacts of future land uses on such water resources, and investigate the potential for a recreational greenway within these corridors. • Historic Preservation Plan (Master Plan Element). Funding has been allocated for the preparation of an update to the Historic Preservation Plan element to support the development of a sustainable economic development strategy and to provide for the incorporation of the Town’s historic districts into Center Designation. • Highlands Center Designation Planning. The Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule includes an allocation for the preparation of a Highlands Center designation. Planning for the Center will be linked with the work accomplished through the Sustainable Economic Development Plan and the Historic Preservation Plan elements described above. The Town desires to utilize form-based code as a tool to achieve the goals and objectives of the Highlands Center, therefore, this work will also be reflected in Center planning. The Center will also incorporate redevelopment opportunities, as investigated through the Highlands Redevelopment Area Planning, described below. -23- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report • Highlands Redevelopment Area Planning. The Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule includes an allocation under Highlands Center Designation Planning for the purpose of identifying redevelopment opportunities within the Town and, if applicable, developing planning support for Highlands Redevelopment Area designation. k. Revisions/Amendments Subject to Highlands Council Approval. Any proposed revision or amendment to any of the aforementioned documents, or to any other document, plan, or other item approved by the Highlands Council as a component of Plan Conformance, shall be provided to the Highlands Council for review. In the event the Highlands Council staff determines that any proposed modification is of a substantive nature, Highlands Council approval shall be required prior to adoption by the applicable municipal board, commission, or governing body. Any revision or amendment adopted without the approval of the Highlands Council may subject the municipality to revocation of Plan Conformance approval. 2. Optional Petition Requests. The findings below apply to the Optional Petition Requests discussed at Section C of this Report. a. RMP Update(s). The RMP Updates requested in connection with this Petition for Plan Conformance that were either reclassified or processed but did not result in the outcome sought by the municipality, should be addressed through Center Designation or as a Map Adjustment. b. Highlands Center Designation(s). The Highlands Center Designation requested in connection with this Petition for Plan Conformance should be approved subject to the conditions listed and discussed in detail at Appendix B. -24- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report E. MUNICIPAL RESPONSE PERIOD The Highlands Council provided a Draft Consistency Review and Recommendations Report dated May 6, 2011 (sent to the municipality on May 16, 2011). Prior to expiration of the allocated Municipal Response period, the Town of Hackettstown indicated that it would not be submitting revised or supplemental materials at this time, but reserved the option to provide further input during the public comment period. The Town retains that prerogative and moreover, may seek modifications to any of the documents, as needed, even after Petition approval by the Highlands Council. Provided such modifications are consistent with the RMP and the Highlands Council approval, they may be authorized upon review by Highlands Council staff. F. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC The Final Draft Consistency Review and Recommendations Report was posted to the Highlands Council website and made available (in paper format) at the Highlands Council offices in Chester, NJ, for review and comment by the general public. One comment was received during the period established by the Highlands Council for receipt of written public comments (May 20, 2011 – June 6, 2011) as follows. The comment/response document is attached to this document, at Appendix C. 1. Erica Van Auken, New Jersey Highlands Coalition. -25- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report G. FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the comments received, the recommendations of Highlands Council Staff concerning the Petition for Plan Conformance of the Town of Hackettstown remain unchanged from the Preliminary Recommendations. In conclusion, the Highlands Council Staff recommends that the Petition for Plan Conformance of the Town of Hackettstown be approved with conditions; with all applicable conditions being those listed and discussed in Section D, above. -26- FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report APPENDIX A HIGHLANDS COUNCIL REVIEW REQUESTS FOR RMP UPDATES Town of Hackettstown, Warren County Summary of Municipal Requests and Highlands Council Staff Findings A-1 FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report Summary of Municipal Requests and Highlands Council Staff Findings 1. Municipal Request: (Block 44 Lot 2) US Army National Guard property from Protection Zone (PZ) to Existing Community Zone (ECZ). Portion of site that is developed should be shown as developed and within the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #1: This request does not constitute an RMP Update. The developed portion of the property covers a small percentage of the parcel and is surrounded by regional forest features. However, the property is within the Preservation Area and may be entitled to exercise a Highlands Act exemption to address any further development needs as a federal facility under Exemption #16. 2. Municipal Request: (Block 44 Lot 3) Intercounty Paving Associate property from PZ to ECZ. The entire site should be shown as developed and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #2: The developed portion of the parcel has been changed to Existing Community Zone with a small area along the west, north, and east border, which is forested, retaining the Protection Zone and Existing Community Zone – Environmentally Constrained designation. 3. Municipal Request: (Block 44 Lot 3.01) Parks Edge Commercial Development property from PZ to ECZ. The entire site should be shown as developed and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #3: The developed portion of the parcel has been changed to Existing Community Zone with a small area in the southern section retaining the Protection Zone designation. 4. Municipal Request: (Block 44 Lot 4.01) 717 Willow Grove Street property from PZ to ECZ. Because the site was previously disturbed and is crossed by public utilities, the site should be shown as developed and incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #4: This request does not constitute an RMP Update, however, the parcel is part of the proposed Highlands Center and the requested zone change may be addressed as part of the center designation process. 5. Municipal Request: (Block 44 Lot 4.02) Stormwater Management Facilities on property from PZ to ECZ. Because the site was previously disturbed and is crossed by public utilities, the site should be shown as developed and incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #5: Community Zone. The entire parcel has been changed to Existing 6. Municipal Request: (Block 44 Lot 4.05) Hampshire Companies Commercial Development property from PZ to ECZ. The entire site should be shown as developed and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #6: The parcel has been changed to Existing Community Zone, with a small section along the southern border designated Existing Community Zone – Environmentally Constrained. A-2 FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report 7. Municipal Request: (Block 44 Lot 9) Compac (light manufacturing) property from PZ to ECZ. The entire site should be shown as developed and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #7: The parcel has been changed to Existing Community Zone, with a small section along the southeastern corner designated Existing Community Zone – Environmentally Constrained. 8. Municipal Request: (Block 45 Lot 1) Gordon MAB Hackettstown Medical Office Building property from PZ to ECZ. The entire site should be shown as developed and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #8: Community Zone. The entire parcel has been changed to Existing 9. Municipal Request: (Block 45 Lot 1.01) Bilby Road property from PZ to ECZ. Because the site is already disturbed, is adjacent to public utility lines, and is surrounded by developed/disturbed lands, the property should be shown as developed and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #9: Community Zone. The entire parcel has been changed to Existing 10. Municipal Request: (Block 45 Lot 2) 104 Bilby Road property from PZ to ECZ. Because the site is already disturbed, is adjacent to public utility lines, and is surrounded by developed/disturbed lands, the property should be shown as developed and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #10: The parcel has been changed to Existing Community Zone, with a small section along the southeastern corner designated Existing Community Zone – Environmentally Constrained. 11. Municipal Request: (Block 45 Lot 2.01) Garden State Asphalt Material property from PZ to ECZ. The entire site should be shown as developed and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #11: The parcel has been changed to Existing Community Zone, with a small section along the southern edge designated Existing Community Zone – Environmentally Constrained. 12. Municipal Request: (Block 45 Lot 4) Hackettstown Regional Medical Center Office Building property from PZ to ECZ. The entire site should be shown as developed as a result of the 2004/2005 hospital expansion project and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #12: Community Zone. The entire parcel has been changed to Existing 13. Municipal Request: (Block 45 Lot 4.01) JCP&L substation property from PZ to ECZ. Because the site is already substantially disturbed and regraded, contains a JCP&L substation, and is surrounded by developed/disturbed parcels, the site should be shown as developed and incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #13: The disturbed portion of the parcel has been changed to Existing Community Zone. The undeveloped section remains Existing Community Zone – A-3 FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report Environmentally Constrained and a small section along the western border remains Protection Zone. 14. Municipal Request: (Block 45 Lot 6.01) Hackettstown Regional Medical Center Office Building property from Existing Community Zone Environmentally Constrained (ECZEC) to ECZ. The entire site should be shown as developed as a result of the 2004/2005 hospital expansion project and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #14: Community Zone. The entire parcel is now designated Existing 15. Municipal Request: (Block 45 Lot 7) Mars Snackfood Solar Panel Facility property PZ to ECZ. The entire site should be shown as developed and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #15: A portion of the parcel that had been designated Protection Zone has been changed to Existing Community Zone, while another portion has been designated Existing Community Zone – Environmentally Constrained. A small portion along the northern tip of the parcel remains designated Protection Zone. The remaining sections have been unchanged and are Existing Community Zone and Existing Community Zone – Environmentally Constrained. 16. Municipal Request: (Hunter's Brook Subdivision property) from PZ to ECZ. All building lots and road right-of-ways should be shown as developed and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #16: The majority of the parcel (formerly Block 119 Lot 1) has been changed to Existing Community Zone. A small section in the southeastern corner remains Protection Zone and several undeveloped edges remain Existing Community Zone – Environmentally Constrained. 17. Municipal Request: (Block 127 Lot 15) from ECZEC to ECZ. Because there is an approved development related to what currently exists, the site is served by public utilities, and the site is surrounded by developed sites, the site should be shown in its entirety as being developed and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. 18. Municipal Request: (Block 129 Lot 26) from ECZEC to ECZ. Because the site is partially developed, contains an approved development, is served by public utilities, is surrounded by other developed sites, and there are no critical environmental features on-site, the site should be shown as developed and be incorporated into the Existing Community Zone. Highlands Council Findings for #17 & 18: These requests do not constitute RMP Updates, however, the parcels are part of the proposed Highlands Center and the requested zone changes may be addressed as part of the center designation process. A-4 FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report APPENDIX B HIGHLANDS COUNCIL REVIEW REQUEST FOR HIGHLANDS CENTER DESIGNATION Town of Hackettstown, Warren County B-1 FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report Highlands Council Staff Recommendation Report Proposed Highlands Center Designation Town of Hackettstown, Warren County Application Type: Proposed Highlands Center Designation Name: Hackettstown Highlands Center Municipality: Town of Hackettstown County: Warren County Highlands Act Area: Planning Area Proposed: Highlands Regional Center Designation for the Town of Hackettstown ______________________________________________________________________________ Executive Summary Incorporated in 1853, the Town of Hackettstown has functioned as a regional center for decades. Located on the northeastern edge of Warren County along the Musconetcong River, Hackettstown is home to Centenary College, M&M/Mars, Hackettstown Regional Medical Center, diverse residential neighborhoods, and a thriving downtown business district. Hackettstown is accessible from a well-developed road and transit network. Several major roadways traverse the Town – State Routes 57, 46, 182, and County Routes 517 and 604. The Town is served by the NJ Transit Montclair-Boonton train line, as well as multiple bus routes. Although Hackettstown is almost completely developed, it has been experiencing a surge in development and redevelopment initiatives. The Town adopted the Stiger Street Redevelopment Area in 1999, which encompasses the area around the Hackettstown Train Station, including the Bergen Tool Site. Proposals have also been made for development associated with Hackettstown Regional Medical Center, including affordable housing projects. M&M/Mars recently installed a solar facility on land adjacent to its industrial facilities to supply energy for their operations. Hackettstown’s Highlands Center proposal encompasses the central business district, the Hackettstown Historic District, the Centenary College Campus, the Stiger Street Redevelopment Area, the Hackettstown Regional Medical Center and adjacent affordable housing projects, M&M/Mars, and commercial/residential development near the border with Mansfield Township (see Figure1). The total area of the proposed Highlands Center includes approximately 743 acres, all of which is in the Planning Area and is served by both water and sewer service. The intent of Center Designation is to support Hackettstown’s efforts to redevelop and revitalize the core of the municipality. The Town’s overall purpose for their Regional Center is to facilitate development/redevelopment of a mix of land uses, where appropriate; compact design; walkable neighborhoods; distinctive and attractive residential neighborhoods; a thriving downtown business area; enhanced parks and open space; future development/redevelopment, where infrastructure is available; and efficient transportation options. Coordination of roadway improvements, downtown enhancement and redevelopment, context sensitive design, form-based zoning, and low impact development techniques will all serve to strengthen the economic well-being and long-term health of the community and support the goals of the Town of Hackettstown. B-2 FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report Having reviewed all aspects of the municipality’s proposal, the Highlands Council staff concludes that designation of Hackettstown’s proposed Highlands Regional Center would advance the intents and purposes of both the Highlands Act and the Highlands Regional Master Plan (RMP). Highlands Center Designation would have no negative impact upon the public good nor be detrimental to the RMP or the local master plan. Designation would confer substantial benefits upon each, the municipality, the sub-region in which the municipality is located, and the Highlands Region as a whole. Highlands Council staff recommends approval of this Highlands Center by the Highlands Council as a component of Plan Conformance for the Town of Hackettstown. Rationale for Approval of Highlands Center Designation 1. Highlands Center designation directly addresses the goals of the Highlands Act for the Planning Area and supports RMP Future Land Use Programs associated with the identification of suitable locations within the Planning Area in which to permit and encourage appropriate, sustainable growth and development. 2. The Hackettstown Highlands Center addresses the principles of smart growth, both locally and within the larger Highlands Region, and is supportive of Highlands Regional Master Plan Policy 6F6, Objective 6F6a, and Policies 6O2 and 9A3. 3. The Hackettstown Highlands Center focuses future development and redevelopment into the core of the Town and provides for appropriate sustainable growth and economic development opportunities. 4. Incorporation of Center-specific provisions within the municipal Water Use and Conservation Management Plan (WUCMP) will provide opportunity for enhanced water resource protections and conservation measures to improve recharge and help mitigate the water deficit situation which exists in the source HUC14 subwatersheds. 5. The proposed Hackettstown Highlands Center incorporates smart growth principles espoused by the RMP Future Land Use Programs and incorporates the Fair Share Plan affordable housing obligations for the municipality in accordance with the RMP. 6. The Hackettstown Highlands Center is uniquely situated with convenient access to infrastructure and multi-modal transportation opportunities. Development and redevelopment projects will incorporate pedestrian and bicycle access, providing connections to shopping, jobs, recreation, community facilities, stream corridor greenway areas, and historic sites. 7. The Hackettstown Highlands Center will incorporate Low Impact Development techniques and strategies wherever feasible. 8. The Hackettstown Highlands Center offers opportunity for sustainable economic development, providing needed commercial goods and services to the community and surrounding areas and making efficient use of existing transportation and infrastructure. Conditions of Highlands Center Designation 1. Adoption of an ordinance petitioning for Plan Conformance with respect to all Planning Area lands. B-3 FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report 2. Pending both funding and technical assistance from the Highlands Council, the Town will prepare a municipal-wide Stream Corridor Protection and Restoration Plan that investigates the potential for a recreational greenway along the Musconetcong River and tributaries within the municipality. Planning for Hackettstown’s Highlands Center shall identify environmental resource lands that may support the spine of a greenway, particularly along the less-developed edges of the Town – Stephen’s State Park in the north; the Trout Brook stream corridor and associated wetlands, adjacent to the Rockport Game Farm along the southwestern border with Independence Township; the preserved lands associated with the Hatchery, south of Centenary College and adjacent to Mansfield Township; and the Hackettstown Riverfront Park and the river edge adjacent to the Loews Shopping Center along the southeast border with Mount Olive Township. 3. All Plan Conformance municipalities are required to adopt a Water Use and Conservation Management Plan (WUCMP), however in support of Highlands Center designation, the Town of Hackettstown will work cooperatively with the Hackettstown Municipal Utilities Authority, affected municipalities and the Highlands Council to prepare Water Use and Conservation Management Plans for the two HUC14 subwatersheds which serve the Town’s water supply and are currently in a deficit situation. The Town is located primarily within the Musconetcong River (Hances Brook thru Trout Brook) subwatershed [HUC14 02040105160010]. The Highlands Council will serve as lead for this work. 4. Full development and adoption (after Highlands Council approval) of supporting provisions for Hackettstown’s Master Plan Highlands Element in support of the designated Highlands Center, specifying goals and objectives, and setting forth intended land uses, allowances as to the density/intensity of development/redevelopment activities, and as needed, protections for any Highlands resources that exist therein. 5. Development and adoption (after Highlands Council approval) of ordinance provisions governing the Hackettstown Highlands Center that include the relevant development and redevelopment conditions required by the RMP Water Resources and Water Utilities Program, and the Future Land Use Program - Low Impact Development, Redevelopment and Housing and Community Facilities components. 6. Preparation of an updated Historic Preservation Master Plan element to address some of the concerns raised in the January 2008 Reexamination Report, such as development of architectural guidelines or revisions to the existing Historic Preservation Ordinance. The update of this element shall include development of a strategy plan for incorporating the Historic Districts and other historic resources into the Hackettstown Highlands Center and associated economic development planning. 7. The Town of Hackettstown shall comply with the conditions and requirements identified by the Highlands Council as necessary to achieve Highlands Plan Conformance, as specifically set forth within the final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report, Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule, and final, adopted Highlands Council Resolution granting such approval. B-4 LIN G R D WA RR 4 614 4 56 656 COUN CRERoad Local ST 654 T 4 A R RR E O EN R PINE ST T EAST PLANE ST R ROLL KY R E IDG ING R XT AP DR ON ID S CT DR ST EP T AT E SEYMOU R RD LL M EE SE I R LE ST ST PL KEMPLE L A CT S CT VI CT O R ER R RT HU AR T DR MINE HILL M I N E H I LL RD AV E £ ¤ 46 MO UN TA IN TER RD E DR LAURIE L LA HE T AR HS NE TO DR £ ¤ 46 W a s h i n g t o n To w n s h i p ¬ « 57 N C H E S TE R AV H ER AY DRAKESTOWN RD W DR E ON RO U P E G AS 0 250 500 STE TE 51 7 EP L 517 RD ION MISS EC H AS 4 US PL 1,000 NOTE: THIS MAP CONTAINS DATA FROM THE NJDEP AND WARREN COUNTY GIS DATABASES. THIS SECONDARY PRODUCT HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED BY NJDEP AND IS NOT STATE OR COUNTY AUTHORIZED. 1,500 2,000 Feet 1 inch = 500 feet ± SAND SHORE RD PROPOSED CENTER BOUNDARIES TOWN OF HACKETTSTOWN May 2011 WARREN COUNTY NEW JERSEY CT S R TE R \\Hqgis1\GISPROJECTS\Municipal\E-H\HKL\HKL024\Module7\Proposed Center Map 30x42.mxd E DR N HERBER T LN P RD NN OW N PARKWAY DE R PL EAST AV AKET UN Y WA 182 ILL DR TAN ATA R LA RE NCE D OU MINE H SA M o u n t O l i v e To w n s h i p T AW SH EL LY ¬ « C JAY SE YM E IE IAN LN NN HN JO IND M JA N IC O TT RA ST RD C JE RI A S LA ST S PAC HO MA N VI RD N TA AHO POC WH PO R W TO ES AK TE WA RD M a n s f i e l d To w n s h i p Figure 1 SS RD LIT T E VIEW D R R HIG H VIE W TE WI H EN RK US MAPLE AV MAIN ST AR PA WASHINGTON ST 604 CT MADISON ST MONROE ST YD ST JEFFERSON ST LE W A T CH H ALLEN LN 4 4 JA EL L CH MIT Y 60 WARREN ST TO M ON Y IC EN SC R HU E BELLS LN HA R U NT LN R CEDA DR IS TER NT VIEW U LO Y CIND ST ER ER CENTER ST AV COOK ST Hackettstown W L MIL ST PLEASA TE AR D ST T YE FA CO K O LA ST DR LE G ST LD O OL P RIC H E DR R IDG EST ST SH CO E AV C K ST IN E 1ST AV 5TH RR I S PL AV 665 LN Y NK E AV AVE E AV D DR 4 ST A FR TY ST 1ST 2ND E AV 4TH CT L RFIE 5 O ST B T ER H G HI MOORE ST INS MT VIEW DR FE DE E TY 66 4 RK PA PLANE ST O UN ST AVE B RO 4 629 NC 517 INE ST CHURCH ST RE E ER STIG ST GEN BER LES BEAT D 3R GRAND TE ID S RO R 7 51 A T TS PEC B LI VALENT RY S UNT CO R ED P ST EA 65 U RO WA SID RY NT ST T ST R CHA LN ER STIG S RO IN S ST IA VAIL ST P ST EA TN TS PEC DW 6TH ST D ST AVE IEW YV LLE 1ST ST A WV IC TR PA AY AL W CAN R IEW YV LLE AL 5TH A EV WEST BALD W IN S T ST RD 4TH ST ND LT B ST EA ST IRD TH O SEC EVE EY RV HA R OOS DR 7TH HA N TO MIL Y NT NC U CO OU 4 HIGHLAND RD FOR I n d e p e n d e n c e To w n s h i p A DC WA T ERLOO VALLEY RD 4 W OO T Y 61 W Y RD Y6 ILB NT LD B OU RD County Route C REN W AR IT E ON L IM State Highway SA EN R D Municipal Boundaries Roadway Network A l l a m u c h y To w n s h i p MT R RUS S NICHOLAS DR Proposed Center ASCAL R D Legend FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report APPENDIX C PUBLIC COMMENTS/HIGHLANDS COUNCIL RESPONSES Petition for Plan Conformance Town of Hackettstown, Warren County D-1 FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED Written comments regarding the Town of Hackettstown’s Petition for Plan Conformance were accepted by the Highlands Council through the close of the Public Comment period on June 6, 2011. Comments were provided by the following individuals/entities: 1. Erica Van Auken, New Jersey Highlands Coalition. Comment: conformance. The Highlands Coalition supports the Town of Hackettstown’s petition for plan Response: The Highlands Council acknowledges the overall support for the Petition for Plan Conformance. Comment: The Highlands Coalition supports the implementation of a Highlands Redevelopment Designation and Stream Corridor Protection and Restoration Plan as long as they are fully consistent with the Regional Master Plan. Specifically noted was redevelopment of the Bergen Tool Site, which is located within the proposed Highlands Center. Response: The Highlands Council acknowledges support for these two components of Plan Conformance implementation. Redevelopment of the Bergen Tool Site, and potentially other sites identified during the Highlands Center designation process, will be in accordance with the goals, policies and objectives of the Regional Master Plan, notably, Policy 6H4 - To promote compatible growth opportunities that include in-fill development, adaptive re-use, redevelopment, and brownfields redevelopment in existing developed areas; and Policy 6H5 - To promote land uses which create a sense of place with attractive, walkable neighborhoods that support community connectivity of developed lands and community facilities. The Draft Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule includes an allocation for the development of a Stream Corridor Protection and Restoration Plan which will be designed to both protect and restore stream corridors and plan for use of these stream corridors as a recreational greenway within the Town. A healthy stream system is expected to benefit flora and fauna, as well as the human population which enjoys these resources. The work associated with the Stream Corridor Protection and Restoration Plan will be fully consistent with the Regional Master Plan. Comment: The Highlands Coalition is concerned that future development will strain existing water resources unless water use and conservation measures are aggressively implemented throughout all subwatersheds. Response: Water Use and Conservation Management Plans will be developed over time for subwatersheds within the Highlands Region for the purpose of reducing and, where possible, eliminating Net Water Availability deficits, as a requirement of Plan Conformance. The Draft Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule includes an allocation of funds for the Town of Hackettstown in collaboration with the Hackettstown Municipal Utilities Authority (HMUA), other affected municipalities, and the Highlands Council to develop a Water Use and Conservation Management Plan for the purpose of reducing and, where possible, eliminating Net Water Availability deficits, which plans will include ongoing activities of the HMUA, such as conservation rate structures and asset management. D-2 FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE AUGUST 3, 2011 MEETING OF THE NEW JERSEY HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL Petition for Plan Conformance – Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report In a separate application, the HMUA is working with the Highlands Council to decommission reservoirs which will likely improve water quality as the temperature, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient impairments that accompany deep, still water are eliminated. Additionally, aquatic ecology is likely to improve in these stream reaches as the flow regimes are restored to natural flows and the stream corridor is returned to a riparian habitat. Comment: The Highlands Coalition questions the ability of the Town of Hackettstown to accommodate the affordable housing projections they have included in their Housing Element and Fair Share Plan without undue stress on the natural environment. The Coalition suggests that affordable housing needs be sensitive to the historic character of the Town and that an Historic Preservation Plan element be developed to accomplish this intention. Response: The Town of Hackettstown, in their Housing Element and Fair Share Plan (HE&FSP), developed projections of growth and consequent growth share obligations in accordance with the requirements of the Council on Affordable Housing (COAH). The Town’s projections are based on actual development from 2004 through 2008 and anticipated growth beyond to 2018. The HE&FSP anticipates infill and redevelopment within the Town and endorses a policy to encourage development that maintains the character of the Town. The Draft Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule includes, among other initiatives aimed at supporting Hackettstown’s Highlands Center, an allocation to update the Town’s Historic Preservation Plan element, with emphasis on incorporating the existing Historic District into the overall plans for the Center and considering appropriate architectural guidelines for use within the Historic District. Comment: The Highlands Coalition would like to have an historic survey conducted as part of the Historic Preservation Plan element for the Town of Hackettstown. Response: The Town of Hackettstown 1988 Master Plan includes a Historic Resource Inventory for the Hackettstown Historic District. The Highlands Historic, Cultural, and Archaeological Resource Inventory also includes all resources listed on the National and State Register of Historic Places, as well as though resources considered eligible for listing. As noted above, the Draft Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule includes an allocation to update the Town’s Historic Preservation Plan element, however, this does not anticipate completion of a new historic survey of the Town. Comment: The Highlands Coalition is concerned that the affordable housing site known as Van Paftinos III will place additional strain on the existing traffic patterns within the Town. Response: The Van Paftinos III affordable housing project is expected to include 80 affordable housing units. The sites are located within one mile of the Hackettstown Train Station and within approximately ½ mile of the Hackettstown Regional Medical Center. This inclusionary development is consistent with the Regional Master Plan goals, policies and objectives encouraging compact development, proximity to alternative modes of transportation and the creation of a range of housing types. D-3