AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Abdellaziz Ben-Thlija for the degree of Master of Science in Rangeland Resources Title: presented on December 18, 1986. Nutritional Value of Several Opuntia Species Redacted for Privacy Abstract approved: Williap/C. Krieger Little proportions these in cactus qualities nutrients, their different species and the variability on Opuntia species, published been about proportions with season. available been known is In the scant no systematic to document and compare of different species. the Also, literature survey Past has nutritional no studies have done to determine the seasonal variability of nutrients. of work on cactus has been mostly these concen- trated on Opuntia ficus-indica. This study was designed to determine major pad nutrient content in five Opuntia assess the seasonal variability in one of fragilis (from John Day Fossil Beds, and compare species, them: Central and Opuntia Oregon). The other species included in the analyses were: 0. engelmannii, and O. polyacantha, O. filipendula and O. versicolor, were collected from different regions in western United States. the South- Differences in nutrient content were detected between the species group included in the analyses, but no single of species was consistently low or high in all components crude analyzed. fiber 0. components: engelmannii was the 31.18% cell wall 7.9% cellulose and 2.89% lignin. the lowest in constituents, Consequently, this spe- cies had the highest In vivo crude protein vivo and In vitro dry matter digestibility 59.22 %, respectively). or (51.80%), In and (57.22% The energy measurements indicated that, this species, 0. engelmannii had the highest digestible energy (2098.54 kcal/kg). the unique cylindropuntia included in the study, highest crude fiber content: Fiber residue, 13,73% (second highest). ty, Conversely, 0. versicolor, this 48.30% levels. species 39.85% as Neutral was among the group of species, 0. versicolor, lowest In rates: vitro had the highest and the second highest digestible energy (1927.15 kcal/kg) phosphorus concentration (0.08%). in but it was the lowest 0. polyacantha had the highest lignin content (4.79%) and the lowest In dry lignin With regard to dry matter digestibili- crude protein content (6.83%), in Detergent as cellulose and 3.86% as and 53.62 % respectively as In vivo and This had the matter and crude protein degradability rates: vivo 44.61% and 36.61%, respectively. The mineral analyses resulted in a highest calcium level for 0. filipendula (6.83%) and a highest phosphorus content in the case of 0. fragilis (0.29%). ses With regard to the seasonal variability, the analy- indicated fiber calcium content nutrients fall. a general trend of increase in from spring to summer. Nearly, was primarily due to the fact that growth has reached maturity during this period. More these maintained constant proportions from summer This decline and of fiber content occurred from fall to spring A slight to winter: soluble components have been synthesized during this period. Phosphorus ferent content was not between seasons. protein content. (3.73%) This significantly Spring samples had highest crude and digestible energy (1922.33 was dif- mainly due to rapid kcal/kg) growth of the plant, considerable quantity of young pads was included in the spring collection. The Moreover, seasonal variability was not highly significant. content differences between seasons were not very high and a large part of these statistical variability could be inherent to the sampling procedure used. a nutritional stand point, these small differences not be taken into consideration in feeding 0. From should fragilis to livestock through the year. All lower protein the five Opuntia species analyzed resulted in crude fiber content and higher dry matter and crude digestibility than grass hay samples (Agropyron cristatum tions. and Bromus spp.) analyzed under the same condi- When compared to alfalfa (Medicago sativa), cactus pads appeared the cactus to be intermediate in forage quality. samples had higher calcium samples reference. matter and crude lower concluded protein digestibility rates the dry close to Its digestible energy was only than that of alfalfa. that than In addition, O. engelmannii had those of alfalfa samples. 20% levels All From this it could be fit in the Opuntia species analyzed can livestock rations with attention given to their low phosphorus and protein content. during any season but are These Opuntias could be fed needed, the most, as a summer and fall supplement and during droughts when forages are scarce or expensive to feed. late other Nutritional Value of Several Opuntia Species by Abdellaziz BEN-THLIJA A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed December 18, 1986 Commencement June 1987 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Professor of Rangeland:Resolices in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Head of the Departmpfit of Ritngeland Resources Redacted for Privacy Dean of the Grate Schoo34 Date thesis is presented December 18, 1986 DEDICATION This respect BENT thesis to my is dedicated, parents, my love AMMAR BEN-THLIJA and MOHAMMEM THLIJA as a recognition for and precious sacrifices. Also with love and respect to my wife, THLIJA with all and my beloved daughters and MABROUKA their support this thesis is dedicated HAYET DJELASSI IBTISAM for their long patience and helpful sacrifices. and BEN- SALWA ACKNOWLEDGMENT express I appreciation to my Major William Krueger, Professor, Dr. for his thoughtful guidance and precious assistance during this study. I Paul extend my appreciation to committee Doescher, Howard Meyer and Neil Forsberg for constructive criticism and valuable advice. professors in members Rangeland Resources and Drs. their Thanks to ALL Animal Science Departments for their guidance. Thanks their tory also, to Karen Robinson and Patty Happe for well-timed assistance in the completion of analyses. In graduate student, addition, thanks go to my laborafellow Ed Korpela for his interest and helpful suggestions throughout my project. I wish friends, Rangeland to fellow express my sincere appreciation graduate and faculty students Resources Department for their good moral support during the numerous to my of the humor and critical situations. Appreciation is also given to Office de 1' Elevage et des Paturages - Ministere de 1' Agriculture - Tunisia for the financial support of my studies. Appreciation extended to Office of International Agriculture staff their thoughtful guidance and good humor. Finally, All Praise be to GOD, Lord of the Worlds. is for TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Historic 2. Use of Opuntias as a Feedstuff for Humans and livestock Opuntias as a Livestock Feedstuff Opuntias as a food source for humans 3. Botanical Considerations 4. Day/night and Seasonal Variation in Cacti Metabolism General Water Effects Temperature Effects Explanations of the processes 5. Growth and Yield Growth Yield 6. Major Opuntia Pad Constituents 7. Opuntia Pad Digestibility 8. Trials to Increase Feed Value of 0. Species VEGETATIVE MATERIAL AND EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 1. Vegetative Material 2. Sampling 3. Methods Fiber Content Neutral Detergent Fiber Acid Detergent Fiber Hemicellulose Lignin and Cellulose Crude Protein Minerals: Phosphorus and Calcium Gross Energy The Two-stage In Vitro Dry Matter Fermentation In Vivo Dry Matter and Crude Protein Digestibility RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SECTION: I - NUTRIENT COMPARISON 1. Crude Fiber Neutral and Acid Detergent Fiber Neutral Detergent Fiber Acid Detergent Fiber Hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin 1 6 6 8 9 10 12 12 14 15 17 18 18 19 19 25 26 30 30 32 32 32 33 34 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 41 42 42 42 42 44 44 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hemicellulose Cellulose Lignin Conclusion Crude Protein Minerals: Phosphorus and Calcium Phosphorus Calcium Conclusion Total ash Energy Digestibility Dry Matter Digestibility In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility In Vivo Dry Matter Digestibility In Vivo versus In Vitro Crude Protein Digestibility Summary 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 50 51 52 52 54 54 54 56 59 60 62 SECTION: II - SEASONAL COMPARABILITY 1. Collection Site Description 2. Crude Fiber 3. Crude Protein 4. Minerals: Phosphorus and Calcium 5. Energy 6. In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility 7. Summary 67 68 60 71 72 73 74 77 REFERENCES 81 APPENDICES 86 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page SECTION I 1. 2. argiiability of the In vivo and In vitro dry matter Opuntia samples. 59a In vitro (two-stage) and In vivo (nylon bag technique) dry matter digestibility and In vivo crude protein digestibility (12 hours) as related to ADF content. 61a SECTION II 3. Seasonal variability of In vitro dry matter digestibility as related to Aci Detergent Fiber content (%) in Opuntia fragilis. 75 LIST OF TABLES Table Page LITERATURE REVIEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Percent chemical composition (average) of 0. engelmannii and O. Lindhermeri. 20 Percent chemical composition of prickly pear, alfalfa hay and pelleted grass hay. 21 Pad composition (%, Green Matter basis) of O. ficus-indica inermis grown in Tunisia. 22 Nutrient composition of O. ficus-indica inermis (Green and Dry Matter bases). 23 Major prickly pear content (%) (Green and Dry Matter bases). 24 Mineral composition (%) of O. ficusindica pads (Dry Matter basis). 25 Total yield and amount of digestible nutrients (as fed) of some nutrients. 25 In vivo (NBDMD) and In vitro (IVDMD) Dry Matter digestibility (%) of singed prickly pear, grass hay and alfalfa. 26 Proximate analysis (Dry Matter basis) of O. ficus-indica (thornless prickly pear) using some additives. 28 Consumption and In vivo dry matter digestibility of O. ficus-indica using some additives. 28 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SECTION: I 11. Average Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) and Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) proportions (%, Dry Matter basis) of O. species. 42 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Average Percent hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin content (%, Dry Matter basis) of 0. species. 45 Average crude protein content (%, Dry Matter basis) of 0. species. 49 Phosphorus and calcium levels (%, Dry Matter basis) in pads of 0. species (means). 50 Percent total ash (Dry Matter basis) resulting from combustion of 0. species samples. 52 Average gross and digestible energy content (kcal/g, Dry Matter basis) of O. species. 53 Average In vitro dry matter digestibility (%, Dry Matter basis) of O. species. 55 Average In vivo dry matter disappearance (Dry Matter basis) of O. species. 57 Average In vivo crude protein degradability (%, Dry Matter basis) of O. species. 60 Recapitulative table of major nutrients in Opuntia samples and their digestibility rates (%, Dry Matter basis). 65 SECTION II 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Monthly average precipitation, maximum, minimum, and mean temperatures of John Day Fossil Beds region for the last 33 years. 68 Crude fiber seasonal variability in 0. fragilis (%, Dry Matter basis). 69 Crude protein seasonal variability in 0. fragilis (%, Dry Matter basis). 71 Seasonal variability of phosphorus and calcium content in 0. fragilis (%, Dry Matter basis). 72 Season variability of gross and digestible energy in 0. fragilis (%, Dry Matter basis). 73 26. 27. In vitro Dry Matter digestibility (%) of 0. fragilis following the seasons. 76 Recapitulation of major nutrients in 0. fragilis and their seasonal variability (% - DM basis). 78 NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF SEVERAL OPUNTIA SPECIES INTRODUCTION Farmers the in central and southern Tunisia as well as in southwestern United States and other world are places frequently confronted with periods in of the drought which endanger the well-being, if not the actual existence, of their livestock. Under such circumstances these farmers are forced to, either buy feeds, or move their animals to other regions where grazing is available. tives are expensive and not permanent. is Both alterna- Another alternative that the rancher sells a certain number (usually signi- ficant) of his animals to save the stock from starvation. This approach to solving the problem is disadvantageous several ways, particularly with low market price dictated by drought conditions, in usually and the difficulties asso- ciated with rebuilding the herd when the situation becomes better. It cient is possible to find other durable and effi- remedies to such periods of forage shortage by using drought-resistant this more plants as a feed category of plants climatic conditions and source. are cacti. Included Cacti endure provide a valuable forage in severe that could be used as a supplement or even fed alone to maintain livestock over relatively long periods. 2 PHYLOGENY, DISTRIBUTION AND USE OF CACTUS Cactus is a common name for tree-like plants of the Cactaceae family (genus: and shrubby Opuntia). From the litera ture, it appears that very little is known about the phylogeny of this family. According to Lofgreen (Teles, 1978) the family Cactaceae is found isolated in the taxo- nomic system. This is probably due to any of several simultaneous or isolated causes including; the cactaceae do not appear in the fossil flora because of anatomical structures that prevent their preservation, or it could be that this family is not old enough for paleontological study. Most of the Cactaceae family representatives known today can be traced back to the American continent. (1978) from The indicated that cactus species undoubtly Teles originated the tropical and subtropical areas of the New author species thinks that, found in Mexico, because of the great World. number that cacti had spread from of that region to the other parts of the world. From parts Middle its of the world, East, basin Australia, New of many Zealand, countries. Benson and Walkington reported that the cultivation of the prickly an Opuntia subgenus, arrival including cacti have spread to South and North Africa and most of the other Mediterranean (1965) site of origin, pear, in the United States started with the the Fransciscan fathers who established the 3 series of missions throughout the coast California during the eighteenth century. brought with them, from Mexico and of Southern These missions Spain, fruit-bearing plants including 2 Opuntia species:, 0. ficus indica and 0. megacantha. The genus Platyopuntia pads, pads Opuntia (prickly is represented pear) characterized flattened and Cylindropuntia (cholla cactus) having cylindric species, some of which are pads consumption Central have Opuntia cactus includes many fed to animals or are eaten by Certain species are used for ornamental purposes. Cactus human subgenera: 2 by as the name indicates. humans. by for centuries. and South Americans, used staple and fruits have been used prickly pear pear pads food for Mexicans, and North and South Africans pads) and some of these still do at the present time. prickly Indians, (fruits and young food in their diet; as as populations Teles (1978) reported are sold fresh throughout border cities of the United States. a Mexico that and According to him, pads are also found preserved in cans and jars. Opuntia species used dant for animal nutrition (within their zone of spread), to grow, highly nutritious, easy and palatable prolonged droughts (Shoop et al., 1977). tics make supplement these species a for livestock, potentially are abuninexpensive and can withstand Such characterisimportant particularly during periods feed of 4 drought and seasons of low feed availability. of Opuntia fruits. plant biomass Because of this, is pad or rather than from Opuntias are widely sheep (Shoop et al., 1977) and camels (per- sonal observation). forage material livestock feed is derived cactus pads whose spines are removed. fed to cattle, The majority Cactus is served to livestock as fresh stored as silage for later feeding (Castra et al., 1977). Besides its use for ornamentation and feed, used for other purposes, too. Natives of desert areas use the strong fiber to make baskets and matting. can be used as fish hooks, needles or pins. by fastening which cactus is combs, The tooth picks spines and as Leather and cloth are sometimes repaired a slit together by means of cactus are then held fast by winding twine around spines, them in herringbone fashion (Teles, 1978). Generally, Platyopuntias (prickly pear) are used as food plants while Cylindropuntias (cholla cactus) are grown for ornamental purposes. However, livestock will eat both types of Opuntias. content, Past Little is known about cactus nutrients their proportions and their seasonal variability. work on the use of Opuntia species for livestock feeding has concentrated on the subgenus Platyopuntia with little attention given to Cylindropuntias. Less information is available concerning the nutritional quality of the pad than is available for the fruit. Moreover, no systematic 5 survey has been published to document and compare the nutritional qualities of different Opuntia species. The purpose of this study was to determine the nutri- tional value of Opuntia pads as forage for livestock and to assess the variability in nutrient content among some North American Opuntia species. to determine constituents fragilis). the of A second goal of this study was seasonal variability of the a species from Central major pad Oregon (Opuntia 6 LITERATURE REVIEW HISTORIC 1. Cacti originated from central America and particularly from Mexico. prickly Teles (1978) suggested that the presence of a pear on the Mexican flag undoubtly indicates significance of cactus for the citizens of Mexico. the Curtin (Teles, 1978) mentioned that some five centuries before the arrival of Cortez about 1325 A.D., the Aztecs ventured into the the region of the present Valley of Mexico where were defeated by the native inhabitants. ing a they While the remain- Aztec invaders were in a marshy spot on the border they lake, water, saw, on a giant rock that rose above of the a prickly pear upon which was perched a great eagle holding in its beak a struggling snake. expedition believing regarded in omens, Tenochtitlan - or The leader of the it as a sign of divine immediately began wisdom, the the place of the prickly and, building of pear - where Hesse (1973) the two tribes of Indians the Mexican capitol is now located. According which were Southwest These and to known to have used United States the prickly were the Papagos and people were removing the thorns, either until people in the the Pima. slicing the pads, boiling them in water or frying tender. pear them in oil The author insisted on the fact that these were eating the prickly pear pads, prepared this 7 way, long before the arrival of Europeans to the American continent. Griffiths (1905) indicated that it is impossible tell where and when the feeding of Opuntia cactus to stock began in the Southwestern United States. is certain before that the practice was the civil war. this war, there was of cactus (pads) common to live- However he several years He mentioned that before and after very extensive freight transportation between some regions in Texas such as Brownsville, Indianola, San Antonio and Eagle Pass. 2. USE OF OPUNTIAS AS A FEEDSTUFF FOR HUMAN AND LIVESTOCK Opuntia plants have been subject to both praise and condemnation when considered as an alternative feed source. Teles (1978) illustrated this antagonism: While the Mexican was praying bloom crop; so there may be no rain when the plants that the fruit may set well and produce the legislative assemblies in some colonies were passing laws directed toward the of Opuntias growing reported that in 1890, in that country. The are a in good Australian eradication author also while some people in southern Texas were imploring the government to investigate prickly pear eradication, shrewd cattlemen and ingenious machinists were devising means to divest it of its objectionable characteristics at small expense and turn it to a profitable use. 8 Opuntias as a livestock feedstuff Opuntias and have been cultivated for long time semi-arid hardiness, ease of estab- lishment and production costs, tial yield make systems (Brutsch, Shoop et highly al. it worthy of featuring 1979). cultivation, and high potenin agricultural (1977) indicated that cactus pads were a provided the spines are singed off first (usually through the use of a were crop. The work which has been done by nutritious feed for livestock, weed burner). arid regions as a drought tolerant fodder Their nutritional value, low in propane Other practices than burning off the spines discussed by Griffiths (1905). Steaming to moisten the spines and chopping of the big pads were and are, until very now, maximize author efficient practices the also to facilitate the use amount of cactus eaten by and livestock. indicated that tools and machines The have been built for these purposes. Opuntias are widely fed to camels, sheep and cattle. Singing off the spines is necessary before serving them the animals, and cattle. particularly Camels in the case when fed to can consume the pads with the intact (personal observation). forage or conducted Fort Collins, 1977). the Central Plains Experimental Colorado, Shoop sheep spines Cactus can be used as fresh as silage (Castra et al., at to et al.(1977) In a study Range near found that prickly pear intake depended on the degree of pad burn (to singe off the spines). observed Properly singed prickly pear to be a highly palatable forage. was They also sug- gested that prickly pear may have value as an addition to the normal winter feed for short grass ranges in Great Plains. In the same region (near Nunn, Colorado), it was found that heifers fed singed prickly pear pads (0. acantha) as a supplement to hay, pounds daily compared to gained an average of less than a heifers receiving hay alone (USDA, pointed out fodders or creased; poly- pound 1976). that when prickly pear was 1.5 gained Woodward (1915) fed with cured with grains the digestibility of both was and when fed to dairy cattle, by milk in- yield was increased without lowering the percentage of solids in the milk or affecting its flavor. Opuntias as a food source for humans Opuntia various cactus names indicated that Australian, over its distribution zone. the prickly pear of the of the Frenchman, the higos the tuna of the known American various names of fruit and the Barbary Spanish chumbos of the Spaniards and the nopal are by Teles (1978) the Indian fig of the Englishman, fig Mexican has several uses and it is obtained American, of the from the platyopuntias growing in these countries. Most cies studies of the nutritional value of Opuntia spe- have emphasized the use of Opuntia fruits as a food 10 for human populations. largest use (over The subgenus platyopuntia has the cylindropuntias) and one of the its species 0. ficus-indica has, as a result, probably been the most extensively studied Opuntia (Teles et al., time immemorial, the fig-shaped favorite This (Weimer, reported that large quantities of fruits were eaten fresh, made Sahuaro fruits have been a food for Indian and White alike author 1984). From into preserves. but for the most part, 1934). the seedy they were The pulp of the fruit was dried in the sun and packed into solid cakes to be stored for winter use. Even the seeds were utilized, being ground and made into nutritive meal cakes. Opuntias use as a fresh (Flath and Takahashi, 1978) or cooked fruit (Teles, 1978), as as well its potential for processing into products such as jam (Sawaya et al., 1983 a) have, also, been reported. After an analysis of the chemical composition of O. ficus-indica seeds, Sawaya and his collaborators (1983 b) suggested that oil meal could be extracted from them. 3. BOTANICAL CONSIDERATIONS According to Wettstein (Teles, 1978) the classification of Opuntia cactus is as follow: PHYLUM DIVISION SUBDIVISION CLASS SUBCLASS ORDER FAMILY = = = = = = = Cormophyta Anthophyta Angiosperma Dicotyledones Choripetalae Centrosperma Cactaceae botanical 11 GENUS SUBGENERA = Opuntia = Platyopuntia & Cylindropuntia Cacti are succulent green-stemmed perennial plants of xeric habitats. Their stems are a series of flattened or cylindroid joints (pads). leaves. Leaves groups at detached ephemeral which have been reduced to spines occur in cushionlike areoles where two types spines are found, stout spines. O. Stems are fleshy with small of short soft glochids easily and long Some spineless varieties of 0. basilaris and ficus-indica are available. The flowers are showy, per- fect, the regular and diurnal. They are born on the areoles of previous year's growth. pink, Flowers have greenish-yellow, red or white petals joined together in a hypanthium. They have inserted inferior, several sepals and on the hypanthium tube. with numerous stamens The ovary is one-celled, several fused stigmata. The fruit is fleshy or dry berry (depending on the species), The genus Opuntia is represented by two subgenera: Platyopuntia known as prickly pear and characterized by flattened pads with or without spines. - Cylindropuntia commonly called cholla cactus and characterized by spiny or spineless cylindric joints. a with many seeds (Marten and Hutchins, 1981). - also 12 In both subgenera, number and size joints are arranged of the pads give on the stems. The morphological appearance of the Opuntia cactus varying from tiny plants to shrubs and even to being tree-like (personal observation). Skilman (1981) pointed out that there are over 250 species in the genus Opuntia. According hybridization creased Some the a rapid and has systematic in- taxonomy. studies in California (Benson and indicated that cacti are adapted to slopes. extensive among the various Opuntia species and shallow soils, tion Teles (1978), difficulties of their field 1965), to Walkington dry climates and are usually found on low lands and The authors also indicated that the cacti popula- studied was commonly composed of plants varying characteristics from those of a possible first in generation (F1) to those of native species. 4. DAY/NIGHT AND SEASONAL VARIATION IN CACTI METABOLISM General Cacti, zones, as possess other plants of tropical and subtropical several ways to adapt themselves to the environment of these regions which is characterized by low rainfall, extreme durnal temperature and high evaportranspiration. end of Szarek and Ting (1975) pointed out that by the the 1800's a variety of succulent plants were 13 described as demonstrating nocturnal coupled with diurnal acid catabolism. acid synthesis, This unique type of organic acid metabolism became known as Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM), named after the members of the family Crassulaceae in which the metabolism was studied most extensively.In (1969) in a study conducted by Patten and it was stressed that CAM in cacti was ways: 2 allowed First, metabolic droughts the succulent nature processes using water secondly, cacti to interesting of continue the in stored in mucilagenous exhibited a form of acid Dinger plant times cells or of and non-auto- trophic CO2 fixation. Nisbet Opuntias and Patten permits night-time dioxide (CO2) to malate, malate to CO2. (1974) showed that the carboxylation of considered in carbon and day-time decarboxylation of These researchers found that CO2 exchange rates varied seasonally with the temperature and availability. CAM According to Joshi et al. moisture (1965) CAM was a significant adaptative mechanism for pine- apple and other xerophyte plants allowing them endure the harsh environment indicated mitted under which they that the CAM pathway of CO2 grow. The assimilation atmospheric gas exchange at night when the pirational water loss was lowest. authors per- trans- 14 Water effects Acid metabolism and gas exchange studies using different Opuntia species in (O. erinacea and O. basilaris) two different areas (Washington State and showed a significant and gas exchange, rainfall which potential, metabolism and that this pattern was controlled by significantly influenced the plant organic acid synthesis (Littlejohn et al., water and nocturnal 1983 Szarek ; These researchers indicated that in winter and early spring, when plant water stress was mild, matal and mesophyll resistances remained enhanced California) seasonal pattern in acid total gas transfer resistances, et al., 1974). nocturnal CO 2 low, assimilation. sto- permitting The day/night accumulation of acids was large during these seasons. summer and fall, when plant stress was moderate, nocturnal two assimilation of CO 2 was very low, In the and the day/ night fluctuation in acidity was reduced. Later work, on the daily trends in CO 2 and H2O exchange, done using ficus indica inermis led to the conclusion that the O. water by Osmond and his content of the cladode collaborators influenced opening and consequently CO2 transfer. was high, stantial the night. (1979) stomatal When water content nocturnal stomatal opening resulted in a sub- uptake of CO2 and synthesis of malic acid during Under water stress, nocturnal stomatal opening 15 was confined to the latter part of the night and the synthesis lusions was reduced by one-third. The acid same conc- were drawn by Hanscom and Ting (1978) from their comparative studies done on irrigated and nonirrigated 0. basilaris plants: Irrigation magnified CAM photosynthesis while non irrigated Opuntias had maximum acid accumulation after precipitations. In a study conducted by Szarek and Ting (1975) day/night variation of titratable acidity in stem was low preceding rainfall, micron eq/cm2. reached a At the 5th ranging from 5.5 the tissue to 12.5 day after rainfall the acidity maximum of 30.6 micron eq/cm2, making an in- crease of 170%. It was also concluded from this study that CO followed the same pattern with nocturnal CO assimi2 2 lation averages of 8.8 mg/dm2.h and 10.6 mg/dm2.h tively before and after precipitation. respec- Another conclusion was that water stress suppressed gas exchange in the light to a greater extent than in the dark (Neales et al., 1968). Temperature effects Most either from rainfall or irrigation, influencing acid and of the studies encountered agreed Opuntia water, was the major factor pad gas exchange and metabolism but they did not agree on the specific effects of that temperature on these crassulacean importance processes. 16 Nisbet and Patten (1974) found that greatest CO2 influx rates were at low temperatures while efflux rates were low at higher temperatures. They also indicated that a shift in season caused any one modifications in CO temperature. February 2 The months of exchange rates November had the greatest potential for a large through net influx while the summer months exhibited a small net loss. Under a 35/15 degrees C (day/night) well-watered Opuntia plants at CO2 CO 2 thermoperiod, supported the fixation of atmospheric CO2 during the night, afternoon. However, under a 20/15 degrees C thermoperiod the CO 2 (Gerwick fixation occurred et 1978). al., early morning and late only during the afternoon In another study conducted by Hanscom and Ting (1978) it was concluded that maximum acid accumulation in irrigated cacti occurred when there was maximum difference between .day and night temperatures (about 16 degrees C) and when nighttime temperatures moderate cated (above 14 degrees C). a These researchers were indi- that nocturnal acid levels decreased when nighttime temperatures were high (33 degrees C in August) or (below 12 Osmond (1979) pointed out that nighttime temperature degrees in December - February). cool However, had little effect on gas exchange and acid synthesis. Parallel show ducted to seasonal trends in metabolism, seasonal dry matter variability. in the short grass region of cacti In research conthe Great Plains, 17 Shoop et al. (1977) indicated that the dry matter content of prickly pear was lowest in June (14.6%) and highest in February (45.8%). Explanations of the processes As vapor an explanation of the phenomenon of CO2 and water fluxes control and their consequences in and mesophyte plants, low xerophyte Neales et al. (1968) indicated that transpiration rates of xerophytes in light could be caused by either a low and varying water vapor pressure in their leaves or by a higher diffusive resistance than one of the mesophyte leaves. These researchers indicated that control of stomatal aperture in both secculents and was affected by variations of internal CO2 nonsucculents concentration in the leaf. of stomatal aperture could be related to secculents that Szarek et al., concerning day/night tained the the does A difference in the rhythm between these two kinds of plants dark carboxylation mechanism not exist in the of nonsecculents. (1973) formulated the following hypothesis the metabolic regimes of dry/wet periods cycles: The endogenously produced CO2 was and recycled through dark fixation, organic and re- acid transformations, photosynthesis and respiration. We can summarize the above results with a conclusion drawn from a global study of these processes conducted by Nobel (1977) on 0. basilaris: The enhanced stomatal 18 opening during cool nights, water loss, efficiency and dark CO of 2 the reduced transpirational fixation combine to maximize the water use (mass CO2 fixed/mass H2O trans- pired) for Opuntias and other CAM plants These physiologic and metabolic prossesses are an important adaptative strategy for arid and semi-arid habitats. 5. GROWTH AND YIELD Growth Analyzing the growth form aspects of 0. a function of canopy cover and soil type, Rubinstein compressa as Abrahamson and (1976) showed that the former factor was important in Clustered plants were significantly taller than the determining the growth form of the more plant. ones found in open areas, and individuals growing clustered had fewer pads than those grown in the open, independently of soil type. At Collins, the Central Colorado, Plains Bement grazing intensity, Experimental Range, Fort (1968) studied the effects of using cattle, on prickly pear growth and yield. He reported that the increase was largest under no grazing, intermediate under moderate use and least under heavy grazing. Another factor that might influence growth is CAM, as discussed above. of secculents According to Neales et al. could be an important factor (1978), CAM influencing 19 their the growth: The restriction of transpiration limited potential influx of carbon dioxide (CO2) into leaves, thus reduced the acid synthesis and growth. However, collaborators the consequently plant CAM was viewed by Osmond and his (1979) only as a photosynthetic pathway and not noted for high productivity but rather for persistance in arid habitats. Yield Woodward cactus in relation to et al., (inermis) the tonnage produced. rainfall to tons/ha/ The author related in regions where production was (1976), this amount measured. Fresh yields ported of Ac- yields ranging from 10 30 tons/ha/year of green fodder have been obtained Mediterranean 6. ficus- 0. differences in soil types and cording to Shankar et al. growing Le Houerou ranging from 15 to 100 metric were obtained in Tunisia. variability to of (1965) indicated that green yields of indica year (1915) emphasized the low cost areas and 12.5 tons/ha in Southern of 50 and 93 metric tons/ha/year in India. were re- from Tunisia and Brazil (Acevedo et al., 1983). MAJOR OPUNTIA PAD CONSTITUENTS Opuntia species have been analyzed for nutrient tent as early as 1912. were at that time, Ranchers as well as as now, con- researchers interested in the use of 20 Opuntias as an alternative feed. tigations done by Results of early inves- Hoffman and Walker (1912) into the nutritive quality of cactus are presented in table 1. The more recent findings are shown in tables 2, 3, 4 and 5. Table - 1: Percent Chemical Composition (average - DM basis) of 0. engelmannii and O. Lindhermeri (Hoffman & Walker, 1912) Water Crude protein Nitro. Free Extr Fat Crude fiber One of : : . : : : 85 1.4-4.4 7.85 1.55 8.65 these early that spiny same chemical - Phosphoric acid 0.33 Potash : 3.04 Magnesium : 1.6 Calcium 2.84-13.85 : : investigations and spineless Opuntias have composition and are of also indicated practically equal the value for feeding purposes (Woodward, 1915). In a comparative study (table 2) between prickly pear (O. polyacantha), oven-dried sun-cured grass Agropyron elongatum and Bromus inermis (over sun-cured hay of Medicago sativa (early bloom), hay ripe), of and Shoop et al. (1977) found that the prickly pear contained only 3.4% digestible grass-hay hay. protein which is about equal to that the pellets but only one third that of the alfalfa They concluded also that a ration including prickly pear might benefit from protein supplements. hand, of the On the other analysis indicated that prickly pear had high levels of soluble carbohydrates making it a readily available source of energy (2.6 Mcal of digestible energy kilogram dry matter in O. polyacantha). per 21 Table 2 : Percent Chemical Composition (1) of Prickly Alfalfa Hay and Pelleted Grass Hay (Shoop pear, et al., 1977) alfalfa hay Constituents prickly pear prickly pear compared to alfalfa grass-hay pellets (2) Total ash NDF ADF Lignin Soluble portion Hemicellulose Cellulose Soluble carbohydrates 7.5b 39.6b 32.6b 9.5a 60.5b 7.0c 15.6b 13.5a 34.0c 23.3c 7.8b 66.0a 10.7b 2.0c 80% 14% 30% 20% 10% 53% 85% more less less less more more less 7.5b 63.1c 41.6a 8.1b 36.9c 21.5a 26.1a 43.7b 60.6a 38% more 31.2c Means in the same line followed by different letters differ significantly at 5% level. Comparison made from the data given by Shoop et al. (1) (2) (1977) Le Houerou and his collaborators (1965) 4) indicated thought to that Opuntia pad, be as a an unbalanced feed for feed (tables 3 and source, are livestock. They stated that Opuntia pads are low in protein and fats, high in water, carbohydrates and vitamins, with a very high calcium/phosphorus ratio. These authors reported that the proportions fat and nitrogen of protein, free extract decreased with the age of the plant inversely to cellulose and about lignin contents which increased. prickly Some other pear content are presented in table reported by Teles (1978). data 6 as 22 Table 3 Pad Composition (%, on Green Matter Basis) of 0. ficus-indica inermis Grown in Tunisia (Le Houerou et al., 1965). : Age Dry Matter (Years) <1 Crude Fiber 11.04 9.83 12.32 14.91 15.30 11.75 1 2 3 4 5 * NFE ments. the working phosphorus 1.03 1.10 1.66 2.29 3.17 2.64 0.52 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.44 0.40 NFE * 0.17 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.14 mineral composition, on 0. content Calcium polyacantha, 8.10 5.48 7.89 8.80 8.20 6.00 levels seemed to be ratio, optimum livestock performance. source, the other Shoop et al. indicated that the was below livestock dietary calcium-phosphorus magnesium Ether Extract = Nitrogen Free Extract Concerning (1977), Crude Protein adequate require- but the of about 36/1 was too high for minerals According (manganese, to the copper, and iron) had concentrations within same zinc, the range generally suggested to be acceptable in ruminant diets. An exception (.02%). was However, deficiency mineral sodium content which would could was relatively low these researchers indicated that sodium not be an important problem since be routinely provided in a salt that supple- ment. Le ducted Houerou some and his collaborators (1965) mineral analyses on prickly pear results obtained are presented in table 6. also pads. con- The 23 Table 4: Nutrient Content of 0. ficus-indica inermis on Green and Dry Matter (Le Houerou et al., 1965). MOISTURE * De Cock Theriez Monjauze Lozano (1965) (1958) (1957) 92.05 87.40 0.52 0.90 6.96 0.90 0.40 9.30 0.09 0.40 3.10 5.61 7.80 60.29 1.08 2.60 20.15 89.56 CRUDE PROTEIN Green Dry CRUDE FIBER Green Dry TOTAL LIPIDS Green Dry 0.16 N. FREE EXTRACT Green Dry 6.62 ASH Green Dry 2.03 (1965) (1964) 90.20 0.38 _ -i.50 7 .87 _ _ 14.50 13.25 _ _ fii - _ _ 2.00 .00 -f 56.70 17.80 _ Mourisson All the studies were done on plants of 1 to 2 years old. 24 Table 5: Major Prickly Pear Content (%) on Green and Dry Matter basis (Teles, 1978). Teles Church & McDowell Church (1978) MOISTURE INCPA USDA (1975) (1974) (1961) (1920) 95.26 85.00 83.00 88.90 89.40 CRUDE PROTEIN Green Dry 0.87 4.82 0.50 3.33 0.66 3.88 1.10 10.00 0.35 3.30 CRUDE FIBER Green Dry 1.61 8.94 1.60 10.60 1.33 7.82 2.60 23.26 1.22 11.51 TOTAL LIPIDS Green Dry 0.42 2.48 0.10 0.67 1.11 6.53 0.40 3.64 0.23 2.17 CARBOGreen 11.86 HYDRATES Dry 65.88 10.90 72.67 10.02 64.82 11.02 64.82 7.21 68.06 0.90 8.18 1.60 15.10 2.89 17.00 MINERAL ASH Green 1.12 Dry 23.53 25 Table 6: Mineral composition (% - DM basis) of pads of 0. ficus-indica inermis (Le Houerou et al., 1965) - Manganese - Calcium - Magnesium - Sulfur - Chloride 7. : : : : : 0.43 27.40 5.33 0.52 1.84 - Potash Phosphorus Iron Silicon Actinium : : : : : 9.70 0.40 0.30 0.58 0.23 OPUNTIA PAD DIGESTIBILITY A report of US Department of Agriculture 1976) indicated that feeding tests, (Anonymous, using heifers, rated cactus as more readily and more completely digestible than grass-hay (Agropyron cristatum and Bromus study conducted by De W. yield spp.). In Rossouw (1961) a comparison, and amount of digestible portion, a of between prickly pear and some other fodders is summarized in table 7. Table 7: Total Yield and Amount (as fed) of Digestible Nutrients of Some Fodders (De W. Rossouw, 1961) Crop Yield (t./ha) Prickly pear Maize (silage) Mangelwrizel Lucerne hay 80 25 25 curred 5 (1977) 80% of Great Plains prickly pear (0. % 6.25 16.80 14.80 50.00 4.2 3.7 2.5 5 According to Shoop et al. tion Amount of digestible nutrients (t./ha) of the total digespolyacantha) during the first 16 hours of a 48-hour oc- incubation period whereas only 73% and 71% of total digestion for hay pellets and alfalfa hay, respectively, occurred during the 26 initial 16 hours. (In Comparative dry matter digestibilities vivo - nylon bag - and In vitro) of the three forages are shown in table 8. Table 8 : Dry Matter Digestibility (%) In vivo (NBDMD) and In vitro (IVDMD) of Singed Prickly pear, Grass-hay Pellets and Alfalfa (Shoop et al., 1977) NBDMD Feed Prickly pear Grass-hay pellets Alfalfa hay N.B. A IVDMD 16 hour incubation 48 hour incubation 52.9 a 39.3 c 44.5 b 66.4 a 54.1 c 62.9 b 96 hour incubation 63.8 a 53.0 b 63.7 a Means in the same column followed by different letters differ significantly at 5% level. rapid rate of digestion means a faster passage of material through the digestive tract. increased proved This could lead to feed intake by the animal and consequently rate the of live weight gain (particularly when im- the ration is balanced). 8. TRIALS TO INCREASE FEED VALUE OF OPUNTIA SPECIES Opuntia cactus can be stored for a later use the dry season. ment to Castra et al. (1977) conducted an experi- determine the feasibility of preserving pear using some additives. during prickly Cactus silage was evaluated in 27 terms of its nutritive value, odor, color and acceptabil- ity by lambs. Cactus was chopped and equal amounts were hand-mixed stored in plastic bags for 45 and each of the additives. urea-molasses sorghum The additives (5% urea + 3% cane were: days 5% Urea, molasses), grain or 15% dried poultry waste. with 15% 8% ground The best addi- tives for reducing losses during storage and for maintaining the palatability of silage urea-molasses. the odor silage Both of were sorghum-grain Dried poultry waste affected the color and the silage whereas the urea mass (only the coarse fichers were liquified left silage to lambs. In a subsequent the intact). of these additives reduced the acceptability of resulting and the experiment Castra and his collaborators (1977) tried to determine the nutritive value of prickly pear silage and assess the possibility of increasing dry matter and Cactus pads (200 Kg per treatment) each, stored 8% urea-molasses, and 15% sunflower meal. in metal containers for 60 content. were ensiled using for one of the following additives: 15% sorghum grain, protein days. Mixtures were All additives significantly (P < 0.05) increased the dry matter and the protein content of the silages. The results of the analy- ses Gross energy was signifi- are presented in table 9. cantly not increased by sorghum-grain and sunflower meal by urea-molasses compared to silage made additive. without but an 28 Table 9: Proximate Analysis (Dry Matter Basis) of 0. ficus-indica (Thornless Prickly pear) silages using some additives (Castra et al., 1977) Item Control (%) Additive Treatments Sorghum dry matter organic mat. crude protein ether extract crude fiber N F E 8.2 86.8 5.2 1.9 15.5 57.9 d b d b b b 16.8 93.2 9.1 3.6 15.5 64.9 b a c a b a Sunflower Urea-molas. 19.5 a 91.3 a 25.7 a 1.3 b 26.5 a 37.7 d 11.4 87.7 21.4 1.8 17.0 47.4 Means on the same line with different are significantly different at 5% level. c b b b b c subscript The acceptability of the silage was tested by feeding it to 12 lambs for 7 days. The prickly pear-sunflower was the most palatable but the least digestible of the different mixtures studied (table 10). Table 10: Consumption and In vivo Digestibility of 0. ficus indica Silages Using Some Additives (Castra et al., 1977) Item Control Sorghum 1.404 2.575 Sunflower Urea-molas dry matter intake (Kg) D.M. digestibil -ity (%) Weight change (Kg) From these concluded 70.40 77.50 -3.400 -1.600 3.097 65.10 81.20 -.900 series of experiments Castra that 2.002 -2.100 et prickly pear silage could be al. a (1977) valuable 29 feed resource for animal producers in arid or semi arid regions, particularly during the dry season. In a work on prickly pear, 'white' variety, done by Belasco et al. (1958), urea was used as a foliar treat- ment in the range and in the laboratory. tory, uniform In the labora- pads were dipped for 5 seconds in a urea solution composed of 200 lb. of urea, and a combination of wetting and adhesive agents control period 150 of water. The pads were dipped in distilled water for the same of time. acre The pads were then dried in an degrees F for 24 hours prior to field test, as per 100 gal. of urea per 40 gal. spreader-sticker was used). received no urea. days later. the nitrogen but not In the urea was spread on stands of the same variety above using 160 lb. (a analysis. oven at The of water per control area Samples for analyses were collected 7 For both trials (in the laboratory and field) content of the prickly pear pads significantly (at 5% level). matter and cellulose digestibility rates ficantly (at 5% level). increased The In vitro dry increased signi- The authors also indicated that these treatments did not affect the morphological state of the pads. 30 VEGETATIVE MATERIAL AND EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 1. VEGETATIVE MATERIAL The study had two major goals, the first was content analysis to document the nutrient of several different characteristics Opuntia species (from the western United States) as a feed for domestic The second goal was a survey of tions of a species: pad South- livestock. nutrient seasonal varia- Opuntia fragilis from Central Oregon (John Day National Fossil Beds - Mitchell, Prineville). For the species nutritive content comparison, four platyopuntia (prickly pear) and one cylindropuntia (cholla cactus) species were studied. analyzed were: 0. fragilis, The platyopuntia O. polyacantha, O. filipen- dula, O. engelmannii (also called O. phaecantha prickly pear). was versicolor. O. species or Common The cylindropuntia included in the test Cactus pads were solicited from col- leagues around the western United States: - Central Oregon - New Mexico Arizona 1 - Colorado In fragilis filipendula O. engelmannii O. versicolor 0. polyacantha O. O. (collected (collected (collected (same time (collected on 5/15/86) on 06/8/86) on 6/30/86) and site) on 6/20/86) an attempt to reduce seasonal effects among species it was requested that all material would be collected the same period of time (May-June 1986). during 31 Opuntia fragilis samples were collected by Several plants were included in each collection. to minimize samples son. variability between seasonal myself. In order collections, were collected from the same plants in each The sea- collections took place on the following dates: February 7th, May 15th, August 19th and November 5th of 1986. Each species Fiber (NDF), lose, ash, was analyzed for Acid Detergent Fiber (NDF), hemicellulose, phosphorus, calcium, gross crude protein disappearance. hay and Detergent lignin, acid insoluble ash, Matter Digestibility (IVDMD), purposes, Neutral energy, cellu- crude protein, In vitro Dry and In vivo dry matter and For reference and comparison parallel analyses of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) grass (Agzopyron cristatum and Bromus spp.) hay samples were included in each run. The only on analyses. comparison the between the Opuntia results as obtained from species the laboratory This was due to: - The growing conditions of the plant species in relied the analyses and their relative age included at the time of collection were not known. - Limited time allocated to the present work that made a deep physiological study of cactus impossible. 32 SAMPLING 2. Opuntia pads, the analyses, reception from the different species included in were received fresh. Immediately the plant vegetative material was dried at upon 50 degrees C. in a forced air oven to a constant final weight (dry); of This temperature was chosen to avoid organic samples matter and chemical destruction transformations. were then ground to pass through a 1 mm. The screen (30 mesh) and stored in sealed plastic bags. 3. METHODS FIBER CONTENT The to crude fiber components were analyzed according the methods described by Goering and Van Soest (1970) in the Agricultural Hand Book No. 379 (Forage Fiber Analy- modified sis) metallic by Waldern (1971) through the use of block for refluxing, besides the reduction the in sample size (0.35 g) and reagents quantities. Four subsamples from each species were used in the fiber components determination. In order to minimize variability were all the samples analyzed in the same time and under the same tions. by inherent to experimental design, condi- The analyses were done sequentially as recommended Van Soest (1981). This and Robertson (1977, sequential extraction 1980) and technique Marten removed 33 the interference of pectin, tannins, and silica allowing a more accurate estimate, particularly, of hemicellulose and lignin. The analysis was performed in this manner because the neutral detergent solution dissolves tannins and sometimes silica whereas acid detergent not dissolve all the pectins, or the silica. However, Thus, does the tannin-protein complex, cell wall proteins were largely dissolved by acid detergent solution. pectin, and not by neutral detergent in order to obtain a purified ADF, the neutral-detergent extraction preceded that of acid detergent fiber. Neutral Detergent Fiber The Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) is the insoluble portion left after action of a neutral detergent solution on sample the method Queen (0.35 g) of Opuntia pads following of Goering and Van Soest (1970) as modified by and (enzyme Nicholson (1979) through the prepared use of from Bacillus subtilus type III the Mc amylase A) to eliminate starch from the remaining NDF and thus determine the proportion of the latter more accurately. After alternate and followed by repeated washings with hot water overnight drying at 100 degrees remaining NDF was reported as tuents. percent and acetone Celsius, the cell wall consti- 34 Acid Detergent Fiber The to ADF extraction used the remaining NDF according the Goering and Van Soest procedure (1970). The rea- gents added to the NDF residue were the solution followed grade). After by the acid detergent decahydronaphthalene filtration, (reagent washing with hot water then acetone and oven drying at 100 degrees Celsius for 8 hours the residual material was reported as the ADF content. Hemicellulose The hemicellulose portion of plants is estimated the difference between the cell wall (NDF) and ADF as compo- nents as was recommended by Goering and Van Soest (1970). Lignin and cellulose For the lignin extraction two experimental procedures were described by Goering and Van Soest (1970): Permanga- nate lignin and Acid-detergent Lignin (using 72 % sulfuric acid). The several advantages over the 72% particularly lulose through a sequential Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) tory step. using procedure extraction. served as a The prepara- The lignin portion was oxidized with an excess acetic acid-buffered potassium (2:1) Sulfuric Acid has by making possible the determination of cel- content residual of permanganate method was used because it trivalent iron and permanganate monovalent solution silver as 35 catalysts. Lignin content was determined as the loss of weight from the initial weight of ADF. An overnight ashing of the residual yielded cellulose content as the weight loss. CRUDE PROTEIN The crude protein was analyzed following the Catalyst Kjeldahl Micro Method (A.O.A.C., were Samples run duplicate and under the same experimental condi- tions. using gen 1984). Copper These samples were digested with sulfuric copper sulfate as a catalyst. was converted to ammonia acid Plant sample nitro- that was distilled and titrated. MINERALS: PHOSPHORUS AND CALCIUM Analysis of phosphorus and calcium was carried-out because of their importance in animal feeding. ses were accomplished according to the (1975). were Samples were run in duplicate. ashed predigested N). at a temperature of 500 The analy- A.O.A.C. methods One gram-samples degrees C then with concentrated hydrochloric acid (Hcl 5 A final digestion occurred using 0.1 N of hydrochlor- ic acid. mined regular On this aliquot, following phosphorus content was deter- the Vanadomolybdate spectrophotometer and Atomic Absorption spectroscopy. procedure using calcium portion using a the 36 GROSS ENERGY Gross meter. energy The was determined using the bomb analysis was accomplished according operating instructions prepared by M. in April ignited 1986. and chamber. transferred temperature, heat from this the surrounding water, in were the bomb combustion of known was initial through the metal of the bomb chamber. water temperature rise, the revised Oven dried samples of Opuntia pads resulting to to Goeger and allowed to combust completely The calori- The net weight of the sample (on a DM basis), the length of the portion of fuse wire burned, the quantity of acid used for titration and the energy equivalent of the calorimeter (constant for the whole were used analysis) to calculate the gross energy content of the samples. THE TWO-STAGE IN VITRO DRY MATTER FERMENTATION The procedure applied was essentially that of Tilly and Terry (1963) modified by a direct acidification at the end of the first stage for pH adjustment and a filtration at the end of the second stage as suggested by and McGowan (1966). - Stage 1: Alexander The two stages were: Incubation with rumen liquor. A rumen digesta was provided by a rumen-fistulated cow (one of the cows used to test the In vivo dry matter and crude protein 37 digestibility). cheese The filtration of the digesta through cloth gave the liquor that was added, a with a syn- thetic saliva (McDougall's buffer solution), to the cactus samples. The whole was incubated, temperature of during 48 hours, 38 degrees C and in an at a anaerobic state using the carbon dioxyde. - Stage 2: pepsin was After the Addition of pepsin. intended to remove the The introduction of undigested addition of pepsin solution to the protein. digesta, another incubation for the same period and under the same conditions as in stage 1 started. At the end of this second stage the digesta was filtered and the residue was dried overnight. The results were used to calculate the percent In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (% IVDMD) as the weight loss due to digestion of Opuntias dry matter. IN VIVO DRY MATTER AND CRUDE PROTEIN DIGESTIBILITY The analyses were designed according to the procedure described by Mehrez and Orskov (1977) and recommendations (1985). taining The 5 lated steer. feed of Stern and Sater following (1984) and technique used small bags (17 x 9 cm) gram-samples placed in the rumen of a the Nocek con- fistu- This technique measured the disappearance of constituents, in this case Dry Matter (DM) and Crude Protein (CP), from the bags suspended in the rumen for predetermined length of time. a The procedure was the same 38 for the determination of DM and CP digestibilities with 2 exceptions: - The incubation period of bags in the rumen was 24 and 48 hours in the case of DM and only 6 and 12 hours in the case of CP. - In the case of DM digestibility determination, residue was weight dried determine on a Dry Matter basis (this step was after initial the rumen). this "first crude the content of the residue bags disappearance drying" was followed by an analysis protein Copper In the case of Nitrogen its accomplished drying following the removal of from 1984) at a 100 degrees C to the according Catalyst Kjeldahl Micro Method (A.O.A.C. of the to the Journal, . Five rumen fistulated cows were used in the experi- These cows were maintained on medium quality mentation. grass hay with mineral supplements (ad libitum) preadjustment period of 10 days and during the tation. for a experimen- The 2 types of analyses for determination of DM and CP digestibilities were done separately. Three cows were used to determine CP disappearance and five cows in the case of Dry Matter. The 53 digestion bags were made from a nylon cloth of a microns-pore Carpenter (1976), size as was (personal Stern recommended communication), and Sater (1984), by Mehrez Dr. and and Nocek (1985). James Orskov The 39 bags on were double sewn and a water proof-glue was the sewing lines to seal the needle holes mended by Van Dyne (1962). x 17 and cm, 9 as Mehrez and containing a 5 g Orskov recom- The nylon bags, of dimensions: sample, each, suspended in the cow rumen through the fistula. to applied (1976) a bag of the were According dimensions indicated above was adequate for incubation of 5 g air dry The feed. bags were tied separately with (length = 40 cm). a wire string The other end of the string was tied to hooked to the top of the cannula (each bags was hooked separately). g nylon block An anchor weighing about 15 was tied to the bottom of each bag to prevent it floating. min. the After being of from soaked in the water for about bags were embedded in the rumen digesta. 1 In order to reduce the variability between the 48 hours group of bags and the one for 24 hours, the 2 groups were put at different times and removed in the same time. The group of bags to be incubated for 48 hours were put in the first then the group of succession digestibility: to stay only 24 hours. The same plan was applied in the case of the rumen crude 12 hours group of bags protein were placed first followed by the 6 hours group. order to under the same conditions as was recommended by Van have the bags, from the same (1962) and Mehrez and Orskov (1976). under running tap water, This was done animal, After being in washed Dyne washed the bags and their contents were 40 allowed to dry at 50 degrees C to a constant weight. step was followed by determination of cribed above. DM and CP as This des- 41 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This tion of United several States nutrients ported, study was oriented toward the nutrient composi- and in 0. were cactus species the seasonal fragilis. from the Southwestern variability The comparisons, of herein based only on the results as obtained the laboratory analyses. All these re- from calculations were done on a Dry Matter basis. The mination first part of this chapter focuses on the deterof differences between nutrient content species included in the analyses. of the The second part reports the seasonal variability of these components in one of the species,O. fragilis. 42 SECTION I: SPECIES COMPARISON CRUDE FIBER 1. NEUTRAL AND ACID DETERGENT FIBER Forage tors of (lignin, intake is mainly controlled by physical the feed particularly cellulose retention time. ing its fibrous and hemicellulose), components and their rumen Marten (1981) reported that new hay grad- standards proposed by the American Forage and land Grass- Council depend upon use of the acid detergent for estimation fiber fac- of digestibility, and neutral for estimation of potential intake of fiber detergent legumes and grasses. Table 11: Average Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) and Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) Proportions (%, DM basis) of the Opuntia Species. Species Alfalfa (ref. sp) 0. engelmannii O. filipendula O. versicolor O. polyacantha O. fragilis NDF 45.15 31.18 33.30 39.85 31.16 35.08 ADF 29.91 11.29 15.31 18.98 18.42 15.47 Neutral Detergent Fiber The to Neutral Detergent Fiber procedure (NDF) was used separate the samples the dry matter into the readily- available soluble constituents (soluble portion) and those 43 that are incompletely available and are dependent on a microbial fermentation (Neutral Detergent Fiber portion or Cell Wall Components). The results of this NDF analysis are presented in table 11. Similar proportions were found by Shoop et al. (1977). Because of the sticky character of lage, Neutral cactus pad Detergent Fiber (NDF) filtration mucithrough crucibles (pore size = 50 microns), was very difficult and lasted longer than that of alfalfa samples used as reference. This phenomenon was particularly experienced with 0. fragilis, O. versicolor and O. polyacantha samples. Pigden problems that of tends (1980) indicated that one of the filtering Neutral Detergent Fiber is to form viscous solutions in hot main starch neutral- detergent. From table 11 it appears that the proportion of Wall Constituents (NDF) in Opuntia samples was relatively low when compared to that of would be fragilis, The significantly if alfalfa. lower, This proportion particularly the spines were removed before for O. analysis. presence of spines increases crude fiber content and, consequently, reduces of cactus pads. without spines. would Cell intake and dry matter digestibility Livestock, usually, eats Opuntias with or Singing off these spines, increase both intake and digestibility higher livestock performance. when present, leading to 44 Acid Detergent Fiber The Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) portion of the sample was determined by a sequential procedure using the Neutral Detergent Fiber residue in order to obtain more accurate estimates of ADF, lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. This approch avoided interference of pectins an tannins in ADF analysis, as Robertson (1980). NDF It was recommended by Van formed be of and The mucilagenous problem encountered in extraction did not interfere with the could Soest concluded that the pad tannins, ADF mucilage analysis. might pectins and certain types of starch that were dissolved by the neutral detergent solution amylase used in the Neutral Detergent Fiber traction. be and residue ex- The ADF proportions are presented in table 11. From table 11 it appears that the ADF residue of Opuntias was low comparatively to that of alfalfa samples, particularly pendula. them in the case of 0. This engelmannii andO. fili- relatively low ADF proportion should give an appreciable digestibility level especially when spines are singed off. HEMICELLULOSE, CELLULOSE AND LIGNIN Hemicellulose, cellulose through sequential extractions. the and lignin were determined This procedure increased accuracy of proportions determination mainly taining in ob- a ligno-cellulosic residue free from tannins and 45 pectins. Table 12 summarizes the content of the above components in Opuntia samples. Table 12: Average Percent Hemicellulose Cellulose and Lignin Content (DM basis) of the Opuntia species Analyzed. Species Hemicellulose Alfalfa (ref. sp) 0. engelmannii O. filipendula O. versicolor O. polyacantha O. fragilis Cellulose Lignin 21.49 7.95 10.49 13.73 12.69 10.97 7.93 2.89 3.97 3.86 4.79 3.91 15.24 19.88 17.99 20.87 12.74 19.61 Hemicellulose The hemicellulose portion was obtained by subtracting the Acid Detergent Fiber residue from the Neutral Deter- gent Fiber portion in the sample as recommended by Goering and Van Soest (1970), Marten table (1981). 12. O. (20.87%) and O. Van Soest and Robrtson (1980) Hemicellulose versicolor had content is the highest ible fiber and lignin These two nutrients being the least digestcomponents, would affect considerably digestibility level of that species, O. appears nutrient from The content but the hemicellulose and thus high cellulose proportions. in proportion polyacantha had the lowest (12.74%). latter species, having the second highest lowest presented and table 12 that the polyacantha. eliminated by the acid solution (hemicellulose, the It quantities cell wall 46 proteins and others) were relatively important and could contain high tannins and pectins proportions. Cellulose Opuntia content if compared (table 12). two-third than samples showed a relatively lower of the reference ADF proportions (lignins counted because, digestible. show the samples In all cases the cellulose content was one-third). level to that of cellulose This should raise compared The In to lignin, to for less digestibility cellulose more is vitro and In vivo analyses did expected rates in the case comparatively the about that of alfalfa if only on fiber content. of cactus not samples expectations based Cellulose proportions as obtained from the analysis are presented in table 12. Lignin The extent, lignin content of feeds determines, their nutritive to a large values because it is the least indigestible nutrients particularly when large of silica Soest, 1982). proteins 1980). is present in the feed The (Marten, proportion 1981 ; Van association of lignin with cell wall lowers drastically their digestibility (Pigden, Even though O. polyacantha was the second highest in ADF and cellulose contents, it was the least digestible among the Opuntia samples (In vitro and In vivo DM 47 digestibility) certainly because of its higher lignin content (table 12). Conclusion From the Opuntias parison above tables (11 and 12) it appears that have a relatively reduced fiber content in com- to alfalfa. portion in Opuntias, This characteristic of low fibrous as in other high moisture-containing plants, has Houerou et 1977). The analyses indicated that alfalfa samples had a higher been al., ADF, species documented in other literature (Le 1965; 1978 and Shoop et al., cellulose Teles, and lignin content than which were higher in Neutral and Acid Fiber soluble portions. cactus Detergent Further analyses are needed to be done in order to determine the components of these soluble portions and their concentrations. species, 0. versicolor and O. polyacantha had the highest Among the Opuntia fiber proportions, and 0. engelmannii had the lowest. In vitro results. and In vivo analyses showed 44.61% in the case of O. 57.22% for O. were engelmannii. higher components, rates. inverse The digestibility rates were respectively 50.48% (In vitro) and 48.44% (In vivo) for O. and logical The than versicolor, 44.48% versicolor, and 59.22% and Even though alfalfa those of cactus in different samples fiber they were higher in dry matter disappearance Thus, the digestibility was not only related to 48 fiber content but other factors, individual samples, basis, these character, the species fiber might interfered. factors might be or the high proportions of tannins speaking, the low mucilagenous besides and fiber content makes them fit in rations on Concerning Opuntia the acidity of Opuntias cell content, possible Generally acting together pectins. of including Opuntia other high feeds which might increase the ration digestibility level. In addition, livestock, in cactus high moisture content allows arid and semi aride regions, to extract from it a large part of their water requirements. 2. CRUDE PROTEIN Nitrogen important of content of feedstuff is one forages the Atalyst the criteria used to determine the nutritive and the expected weight forages are fed to livestock. of of Opuntia species , gain as determined by Kjeldahl Micro Method (A.O.A.C., value when The crude protein the 1984), most these content Copper was as shown in Table 13. Table 13 shows that species relative contents are very different from that of alfalfa and grass hay samples. This could Cacti grow, 1978). be related to growing usually, Physiological site characteristics: on slopes and poor soils (Kinraide, and genetic differences taken into consideration also. might be 49 Table 13: Average Crude Protein content (%,DM basis) of the Opuntia Species Included in the comparative study. Species Mean Alfalfa (ref. sp) Grass hay (ref.) 0. engelmannii O. filipendula O. versicolor O. polyacantha O. fragilis As his was reported in the literature by Le Houerou collaborators (1965), (1977) and Teles (1978), study 18.29 8.84 4.16 2.95 6.83 3.61 3.44 showed that protein content. Castra (1977), Shoop et al. the samples analyzed during this Opuntia samples were low According to Shoop et al. in (1977), crude protein concentration of prickly pear was less 1/3 that of alfalfa hay, and crude the than but about equal to that of grass hay. This taken low crude protein content of Opuntias should be into livestock consideration when feeding. A ration formulating rations for which includes an appreci- able proportion of cactus pads should be supplemented with a feed relatively high in protein content. 3. MINERALS: Analyses because of PHOSPHORUS AND CALCIUM of phosphorus and calcium their importance in animal was carried-out feeding. The 50 analyses were (1975). run according to the A.O.A.C. procedures The results are presented in table 14. Table 14: Phosphorus and Calcium Levels (% - DM basis) in Pads of the Opuntia Species (means). Species Phosphorus Alfalfa (ref. sp) 0. engelmannii O. filipendula O. versicolor O. polyacantha O. fragilis Calcium 0.19 0.16 0.17 0.08 0.16 0.29 Ca/P 1.68 5.79 9.71 6.21 6.77 6.33 9 30 64 77 42 29 Phosphorus Spectroscopy analysis indicated that, fragilis, cactus This mainly due to phosphorus was soils except for samples were low in phosphorus content. where Opuntias usually grow. deficiencies of cattle 1984). had phosphorus levels below growing requirements This ranging phosphorus the The analysis results (table 14) show that most of the Opuntias included in study O. from 0.17 deficiency in to and breeding 0.59% Opuntia the (NRC, species should be taken into considerations when formulating livestock rations including important quantity of cactus. Calcium Generally, arid and semi-arid soils contain important quantities of calcium compounds and thus the atomic 51 absorption spectroscopy concentration in resulted in hay (reference). calcium content, growing high calcium Opuntia samples as compared to that alfalfa plants very In addition to this high the water deficiency pushes the under these conditions to of soil cactus accumulate in their pads the highest possible quantity of solutes, mainly calcium. This process allows the plant through osmosis, In the ranging the requirements of from extract, as much water as possible from the soil. studied cactus species, exceeded to calcium levels largely growing and breeding cattle 0.17 to 1.59% of Dry Matter content (NRC, 1984) . Conclusion Similar trend of Opuntias, as having low content and high calcium levels, literature his stated that (1977), working on the phosphorus content was dietary requirements. the was reported in the found on mineral content of cacti. collaborators 0. polyacantha, below Opuntia livestock These authors, also, indicated that of about 36/1, livestock performance. few Shoop and calcium level seemed to be adequate but the Phosphorus ratio, phosphorus Calcium/ was too low for optimum The mineral analyses of the five species included in this study resulted in ratios ranging from 30/1 to 77/1 (table 14). 52 4. TOTAL ASH Table 15: Percent Total Ash (DM basis) Resulting from Combustion of Opuntia Samples Included in the Comparative Study. Species Mean Alfalfa (ref. sp) 0. engelmannii O. filipendula O. versicolor O. polyacantha O. fragilis 10.75 15.43 19.60 13.90 13.70 11.58 The ashing of Opuntia samples resulted in high ash residue (table 15) if fa samples poses. calcium, Opuntia compared to that of alfal- analyzed for comparison and Explanation cellulose samples. of and Reduced relatively reference pur- this might be based on the high hemicellulose proportions volatile substances might in be included in the assumptions, too. 5. ENERGY The gestible determine. energy content of a feed, and net All portions, Digestible digestible is of great importance dito functions and biochemical processes of a living organism require energy. the particularly its Energy (DE) According to NRC (1984), attempts energy (in weight units). to The measure the Metabolisable Energy (ME) estimates the remaining digested energy after 53 losses in Energy determines the actually available urines and gases (chiefly methane). The dietary Net energy for maintenance and production needs of the animal. Table 16: Average Gross and Digestible Energy (kcal/kg, DM basis) of the analyzed Opuntia Species. Species Average GE(1) Alfalfa (ref. sp) 0. engelmannii O. filipendula O. versicolor O. polyacantha O. fragilis energy Opuntia pads Combusted O. was Average DE 20.86 41.18 14.11 34.21 25.07 16.41 3024.55 2098.54 1763.07 1927.15 1687.30 1946.76 b c a a a Means followed by the same letter are significantly different at the level 1%. (1) Gross 4439.38 3543.64 3288.09 3817.65 3762.94 3895.08 S E Content determination led to the conclusion encompass a fairly high amount fragilis of that energy. samples gave 3895.08 kcal/kg which only 20% lower than that of alfalfa samples kcal/kg). not (4439.38 Digestible Energy (DE) as calculated following Fulgham (1978) estimate equation: DE = Gross Energy x IVDMD (%) appears to be quite important given the relatively high In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (IVDMD) of most In the case of O. DE = Opuntias. fragilis (the highest in Gross Energy), 1946.76 kcal/kg and in the case of O. engelmannii (the highest in IVDMD), DE = 2091.54 kcal/kg. The Digest- ible Energy requirements for domestic livestock, through 54 use of Metabolisable Energy (ME), could be estimated following the NRC (1984) equation: DE = ME x 1.22 Using this equation, third of energy. a dry pregnant mature cow pregnancy) requires 2.14 Mcal/kg of Thus, Opuntia species analyzed are (middle digestible relatively close to provide the required Digestible Energy for cattle nutrition. Shoop et al., cantha (prickly energy per kilogram, higher than (1977) found that pear) contained 2.6 Mcal of polya- 0. digestible the same amount as alfalfa hay that of grama grasses (Bouteloua spp.) taining only 1.6 Mcal/kg. This con- energy level of Opuntias could make them a valuable component to include in stock rations. and live- Moreover, cacti are cheap and easy to grow besides being abundant in the zone of frequent droughts. 6. DIGESTIBILITY DRY MATTER DIGESTIBILITY In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility In tion order to reduce the variability due to the diges- environment, digestibility the In vitro and In vivo analyses were run during the dry matter same period. Rumen fluid for the Tow-stage In vitro Dry Matter Digestibility being (IVDMD) used analysis was taken from one of for the In vivo trials. the Under these cows condi- 55 tions, be it may be assumed that the microbial action similar for the two types of digestion. The would results obtained from the IVDMD are presented in table 17. Table 17: Average In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (% DM basis) of the Opuntia Species. Species Mean Alfalfa (ref. sp) Grass hay (ref.sp) 0. engelmannii O. fragilis O. filipendula O. versicolor O. polyacantha The 68.13 29.35 59.22 49.98 53.62 50.48 44.84 analysis of the above results (table 17) indicates a relatively high digestibility for Opuntias particularly 0. engelmannii (59.22%) and O. filipendula (53.62%). IVDMD proportions were close to that of alfalfa. analyzed Their All the Opuntia samples showed a higher percent digesti- bility than the result obtained in the case of grass hay. Similar col- conclusions were reported by Shoop and his laborators (1977). Marten (1981) suggested that the Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) could be used to estimate the (inversely correlated). showed that O. In the work, versicolor and O. feed digestibility the fiber analyses polyacantha samples had the highest ADF content (18.98% and 18.72%, respectively) and consequently were among the least digestible species. 56 Their respective IVDMD rates were 50.48 and 53.48%. versely, 0. engelmannii was lowest in ADF Con- (11.29%) 4and highest in dry matter degradability (59.22%). As occurred during Neutral Detergent Fiber filtra- tion, some difficulties were, again, encountered at the In vitro filtration agenous detected character. related The samples. less intense of NDF This was due to cactus phenomenon in the beakers containing 0. polyacantha was stage. particularly versicolor and The interference of the in the case filtration. was mucil- 0. mucilage of the IVDMD than in that This difference in intensity could be to the filter pore size or to the reagents used in the two cases. In Vivo Dry Matter Digestibility During the In vivo digestibility trials the fistu- lated cows were fed a medium quality grass hay composed of Agropyron cristatum and Bromus spp. because it is the feed most Grass hay frequently cactus when formulating livestock rations in In studies conducting In vivo Dry Matter using the nylon bag technique, was chosen combined with Tunisia. Digestibility (Van Dyne (1962), Mehrez and Orskov (1976), Hellen and Ellis (1977), Cummins et al., (1983), Stern and Satter (1984) and Nocek (1985) emphasized the importance of pore size, and sample and bag sizes. In this study a pore size of 53 microns was 57 chosen, were, 1 g of ground plant material and 17x9 cm bag size also, chosen in agreement with the literature cited above. The analyses results were as follow (table 18): Table 18: Average In vivo Dry Matter Disappearance (% - DM basis) of the Opuntia Species Included in the Comparative Study. Average Disappearance Species After 24 hours Alfalfa (ref.) grass hay (ref.) 0. engelmannii O. filipendula O. versicolor O. polyacantha O. fragilis After 48 hours 58.40 27.48 53.09 52.24 43.45 42.21 43.15 59.41 32.47 57.22 55.39 48.30 44.61 47.47 In vivo Dry Matter Disappearance (In Vivo DMD) were determined For after two incubation both periods 0. periods, 24 and 48 hours. engelmannii had the highest digestibility (53.09% and 57.22%, 48 periods), and 0. polyacantha DMD (42.21 and 44.61). percent respectively for 24 and showed the lowest In vivo The results obtained indicate that Opuntias showed a compared to that of grass and alfalfa included as ences. All the relatively high DM digestibility cactus samples resulted in a when refer- higher digestibility rates than that of grass hay. 0. engelmannii DM Disappearance samples (59.41%). (57.22%) was close to that of alfalfa 58 Differences in Dry Matter Digestibility among of groups bags incubated in different cows were detected in the results of the two incubation periods of 24 and 48 hours. Similar observations were reported by Van Dyne (1962) and Mehrez analysing mixed range forage and Solka floc, and Orskov (1976) using grass hay. found that between no significant (P<0.05) differences cottonseed meal samples incubated, hours, in For bility a given cow, for 24 and 48 analyses the Nylon Bag Dry Matter resulted in The slow (lignin and cellulose) content. and in the cases of 0. color and O. fragilis, might be related to their the ex- versi- high ADF Diverse conclusions have regarding the incubation period effects on the significance of DM disappearance rates. (1976), (P<0.05) between levels of DM disappearance after digestibility process, been drawn Digesti- insignificant and 48 hours incubation periods. tended existed 4 rumen fistulated cows. differences 24 However, Nocek (1985) Mehrez and Orskov analysing rolled barley on rumen-fistulated sheep maintained on increased grass hay, indicated that with time of incubation up to DM digestibility 15 hours. The increases were small when the incubation time was extended to 18 hours. significant According to these researchers their was no disappearance incubation period. seed at the end of the 24 hours However, Nocek (1985) studying cotton- meal digestibility in rumen-fistulated cows observed 59 that the rates of DM Degradability rates were significantly (P<0.05) different at 24 and hours 48 incubation periods. In Vivo versus In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility The In slightly vivo Dry Matter Disappearance lower IVDMD method. than were reported by Shoop et al. (63.8%) ing (1977). The nylon bag DM of 66.4% (after 48 hours) and the In Also, Menson and his collaborators vitro level of (1969), compar- the In vivo DMD and IVDMD of Costal Bermudagrass hay, obtained (r the concerning 0. phaecantha, were not significantly different at 5% error. were the proportions obtained with Similar results, degradability results a high correlation between the = 0.92). two techniques The authors indicated that the IVDMD of low quality bermudagrass hay was consistently higher than the nylon bag DMD. However the latter was slightly higher for a better quality. As Fiber was could indicated by Marten (1981), be used to estimate the Acid feed Detergent digestibility (inversely correlated). The Opuntias analyses showed a low Acid Detergent content. Fiber residue along with low lignin Both components, together or separately, usually estimate digestibility of feeds. tic, a The cactus characteris- mentioned frequently in literature, of being readily digestible could be proposed as an explanation to the MESA OPFM 0 PFI OPPO OPVE species MESA - alfalfa OPFR Q, !retains Figure 1. rZan Invivo 4e Invivo 24 OPEN OPVE Q, pnaelmannii Q, varalcolor OPFI OPPO OPEN Invitro Q filipandula Q, Qolvacantha In vivo and In vitro dry matter digestibility of the Opuntia samples. 60 concentrated tion period. microbial activity during the first incuba- The few available nutrients are degraded at the beginnig of the first incubation period (of 24 hours). No significant nutrient extraction could be operated later in the incubation period. versicolor and O. The analyses showed that 0. polyacantha had the highest ADF content (18.98% and 18.72%, respectively) bility. The IVDMD analysis resulted in 50.48% and 44.84%, respectively for O. and the lowest versicolor and O. polyacantha. respective rates as determined by the Nylon Bag were 48.30% analyses case digesti- and 44.61%. Conversely, the Their technique crude fiber resulted in the lowest proportion of ADF in of O. engelmannii with a highest DM the degradability (IVDMD 59.22% and In vivo DMD 57.22%). CRUDE PROTEIN DIGESTIBILITY Table 19: Average In vivo Crude Protein Degradability (%, DM basis) of the Opuntia Species. Average Disappearance Species Alfalfa (ref.) grass hay (ref.) 0.engelmannii 0. filipendula O. versicolor 0. polyacantha O. fragilis After 6 hours After 12 hours 52.54 33.12 49.20 32.40 45.00 36.06 39.69 59.49 36.90 51.80 37.11 46.81 36.61 40.70 61 The hours Nylon and after 12 hours incubation periods resulted in differences More Bag Crude Protein Disappearance between variability the Opuntias hours-incubation period. large digestibility appeared to dominate data 6 rates. from the 6 0. engelmannii showed the high- est crude protein degradability levels (49.20% and 51.80%, respectively for the 6 and 12 hours incubation These were rates 59.49%). The close to that of alfalfa lowest (52.54% nitrogen disappearance rates obtained in the case of the O. cantha samples. periods). filipendula and 0. and were polya- Losses in crude protein content of 32.40% and 36.06% were calculated respectively for O. filipendula and O. polyacantha after the 6 hours incubation The 12 hours period ended with 37.11% and Compared 36.61%, to disappearance respectively for the grass hay samples, two period. rates of species. all the Opuntia species showed higher crude protein digestibility. From table 18 it appears that most of the activities These slowly. occurred during the first incubation activities continued during the second Mehrez and digestion period. period but Orskov (1976) studying In vivo CP digestibility of rolled barly using rumen fistulated sheep indicated that mated Similar from the nitrogen disappearance could be data obtained after 12 hours of esti- incubation. conclusions were reported by Nocek (1985) working on cotton seed meal. ,o eo N,,..- N , N -e- . ,...,.//z ,'---v- -,,%.> ,N, -s, ,, -. 14 414 N. No' IIM IIIJAI hailli ..-.- ^C. -.- -. .., , I Pli I, OgINAUN 01111b110A. OPPP, 0 Plrl E54 ADF NOW species 77,A Invivo 48 11014S00%. OPPO diNt41%. idb. 41.... OPVE OPEN In vi voCP 12 OPEN * Q, engelnannii OPFI MESA - alfalfa Q. filinendula Q, golvacantha. OPPO OPFR Q. fraoilis OPVE * Q. versicolor IVDMD = In vitro Dry Matter Digestibility ADF = Acid Detergent Fiber In viva Crude Protein Digestibility InvivoCP Figure 2. In vitro (two-stage) and In vivo (nylon bag technique) dry matter digestibility and In vivo crude protein digestibility (12 hours) as related to ADF content. 62 The protein Nocek effect of rumen microbial nitrogen on the degradation was not determined by this study (1985) ferences rates crude stated that no significance were detected between (P<0.05) nitrogen with or without correction for but dif- disappearance microbial protein. The author indicated that the rate of contamination and/or attachment proceeded at a slower rate until 12 hours, declined plained more rapidly after then. This researcher these characteristics through the attachment and ex- limitation of sites for continual digestion and/or substrate availability. 7. SUMMARY All The the Opuntias analyzed for this work were density and size of spines were different species. spiny. among the Spines of 0. fragilis pads were the longest and the more dense. in the conditions under which they are Intending to study the Opuntia species frequently con- sumed by cattle and camels, no treatments (singing off the spines) have been operated on the cactus samples before oven drying and grinding. the The analyses showed relatively low fiber content for Opuntia hay samples when compared to that of and/or alfalfa hay. 0. grass versicolor was the highest in all fiber components and O. engelmannii had the lowest proportions. As a consequence of this low fiber content, 63 Opuntias soluble portion resulting from Neutral solution Further are action nutritional all was higher than that species analyses the components of this necessary the Detergent soluble to have an over-all view of value. The crude species was very low. fiber 0. reference. the portion Opuntias proportion versicolor, of was the highest (6.83%) and O. filipendula was the lowest (2.95%). In vivo crude protein digestibility, nylon bag techniques, through the use of showed that less than the half of this protein content was available to the rumen The In other arid portion could be under ligno-proteic and semi arid region, where cactus is microbes. complex. a basic component of livestock feeding particularly during periods of drought, the supplementatation with a protein source is necessary. The and, in ments. had O. was most require- of the cases less than livestock fragilis was the highest in and O. the lowest phosphorus concentration. calcium very phosphorus content of Opuntias samples levels, highest in calcium content, versicolor With regard to the analyses showed that high concentrations. low Opuntias have filipendula samples, the contained about 5 folds the O. calcium proportion of alfalfa samples. Among the Opuntia species, calcium-phosphorus ratio (Ca/P) varied from 30 to 77. This Opuntias nonequilibrated mineral (Ca and P) content enables livestock to reach their of optimum 64 performance. cy of In order to correct the phosphorus deficien- cactus a mineral supplement particularly high in phosphorus is needed. Gross energy determination led to the conclusion that Opuntia pads encompass a fairly high amount of energy. fragilis ,the highest in Gross Energy, has an Digestible Energy of 1.85 Mcal/kg and O. highest in 0. estimated engelmannii, the In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility, measured a Digestible Energy of 2.02 Mcal/kg. Opuntias tively high when reference. tent. Dry Matter Digestibility rates were This However, compared to the species rela- included was mainly due to their low fiber these rates were lower than as con- expected because of the very low protein content of cactus. Finally, in nutrients However, species. no it could be concluded that, content between species significant. clear separation appeared between groups Also, consistently were the difference their was no one or maintained more species the highest (or lowest) of that results through all analyses. - 0. engelmannii consequently, had was lowest in fiber the highest content and, Dry Matter and Crude Pro- tein digestibility (In vitro and In Vivo). - 0. in tein versicolor (the unique cylindropuntia included the study) had the highest crude fiber and crude proportions and was the second highest at the progross 65 Table 20. Recapitulative Table of Major Opuntia Samples Nutrients and Digestibility Rates (%, DM basis). .---= Alfalfa Hay Grass Hay Hemic. Cellu. Lignin 45.15 29.91 15.24 21.48 7.93 _ _ _ _ _ C PROTEIN 18.29 PHOS (P)* Calcium * 0.19 1.68 Total Ash 10.75 C. FIBER NDF ADF 8.84 Gr. Ener. 4439.38 Dig. Ene. 3024.55 == = Opuntia Opuntia Opuntia Opuntia Opuntia engelm filipen. versicol.polyacan. fragil. 31.18 11.29 19.88 7.95 2.89 33.30 15.31 17.99 10.49 3.97 39.85 18.98 20.87 13.73 3.86 31.16 18.42 12.74 12.69 4.79 35.08 15.47 19.61 10.37 3.91 4.16 2.95 6.83 3.61 3.44 0.16 5.79 0.17 9.71 0.08 6.21 0.16 6.77 0.29 6.33 15.43 19.60 13.90 13.70 11.58 3543.64 2098.54 3288.09 1763.07 3817.65 1927.15 3762.94 3895.08 1687.30 1946.76 IVDMD 68.13 29.35 59.22 49.98 53.62 50.48 44.48 InvivoDMl InvivoDM2 58.40 59.41 27.48 32.47 53.09 57.22 52.24 55.39 43.45 48.30 42.21 44.61 43.15 47.47 InvivoCP3 InvivoCP4 52.54 59.49 33.12 36.90 49.20 51.80 32.40 37.11 45.00 46.81 36.06 36.61 39.69 40.70 _ Gr. Ener. _ Dig. Ene. _ IVDMD InvivoDMl InvivoDM2 InvivoCP3 InvivoCP4 = = = = = = Gross Energy (kcal/kg) Digestible Energy (kcal/kg) In vitro two-stage Dry Matter Digestibility In vivo Dry Matter Digestibility after 24 hrs. In vivo Dry Matter Digestibility after 48 hrs. In vivo crude protein digestibility after 6 hrs. In vivo crude protein digestibility after 12 hrs. 66 energy level but was the lowest in Dry Matter and Crude Protein digestibility besides phosphorus concentration. - 0. fiber polyacantha was among the group having content and second lowest DM and CP highest disappearance. It had the second highest calcium proportion. - O. filipendula was among the group of highest fiber content, the highest in total ash and calcium concentra- tions. - O. fragilis had the highest gross energy and phos- phorus contents. In conclusion, Opuntia species appear to be tively low crude fiber content with considerably high Dry Matter and Crude Protein digestibility rates. Opuntias levels. ance had appreciable gross rela- and Also, most digestible energy This added to their high moisture content, abund- in arid and semi arid regions (without cultivation), easy and cheap to grow (if needed to be cultivated), resistance Opuntias an to droughts. appreciable high All of these factors make feed to livestock include in the rations with attention given to their low and incompletely available crude protein besides the low phosphorus levels. As was clearly stated in literature, not could be maintained on cactus only, livestock should but this type of fit easily in a ration based on grasses. feed Rations could be based on Opuntias but, as stated above, a protein and mineral source should be provided. 67 SECTION II: NUTRIENT SEASONAL VARIABILITY Opuntia fragilis was analyzed for seasonal variability of its major components. The samples were collected from the John Day region in Central Oregon, 7th, May 15th, August 18th and November 5th of 1986. vegetative dried and material was collected from on February several plants, and ground as was described in Vegetative Experimental analyzed Fiber, for Methods Neutral hemicellulose, chapter. Detergent cellulose, The Fiber, Material samples Acid The were Detergent lignin, crude protein, calcium, phosphorus, and gross energy content, in addition to In spring vitro Dry Matter and Digestibility summer samples, were analyzed in quadruplate tests. Winter, along with that of alfalfa, for fiber components duplicate for the other nutrients. lection of Fall samples, matter digestibility. of results, with The Due to the late they were not analyzed for were rerun with the Fall close to those obtained previously. in the comparisons. dry spring and summer along samples. results found for these reanalyzed samples were results from winter, col- For comparison and for verification samples from winter, that of alfalfa, and in Thus, very the preceeding spring and summer analyses were used 68 COLLECTION SITE DESCRIPTION 1. The near samples were collected from a west facing the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Oregon. John Day zone climatological data, was provided by the Climatic Research Institute in November 1986 (table B1). to annual inches The source, and Central of 33 years, State University, this precipitation Oregon According averaged was primarily received in winter and lowest temperatures were reached in winter has the lowest average: slope 20.8 degrees F). ( 12.432 spring. January Summer is the warmest season with July having the highest average temperature (88.4 (Evenden, degrees 1983), soils F). According to a USDA report are stony primarily a clay loam belonging to the Simas series. Table 21: Monthly Average Precipitation, Maximum, Minimum and Mean Temperatures of the John Day Fossil Beds region (33 years). Average Precip. Months (inches) January February March April May June July August September October November December 1.22 0.82 1.09 1.21 1.66 1.45 0.84 0.90 0.85 1.03 1.36 1.81 Average Maximum Average Minimum Temp. Temp. (F) 40.1 46.8 52.1 59.2 68.7 77.6 88.4 87.0 77.8 65.4 50.3 42.7 (F) 20.8 25.3 27.8 32.1 38.5 44.7 48.6 47.3 40.5 33.4 27.8 23.0 Average Temp. (F) 30.4 36.1 40.0 45.6 53.6 61.2 68.5 67.2 59.2 49.4 39.1 32.6 69 2. CRUDE FIBER Table 22: Crude Fiber Seasonal Variability in 0. fragilis (%, Dry Matter Basis). Alfalfa Opuntia (ref.) Component spring Seasons summer fall winter Neutral Detergent Fiber Acid Detergent Fiber Hemicellulose 47.14 36.23 38.10 37.97 35.19 31.33 17.26 19.37 18.96 17.51 15.81 18.97 18.73 19.01 17.68 Cellulose 19.78 12.18 12.31 10.02 11.16 7.10 4.08 6.52 8.13 5.61 Lignin Generally speaking, that the results in table 22 crude fiber content in Fall samples that found for that summer collection. was indicate close Also, this table shows fiber content increased from spring to summer, stabilized, in level, through the fall. then Winter collection resulted in slightly lower fiber proportions than that Fall samples. Crude fiber content, plant nutrients, growth process and growing season patterns. is closely related to the plant Dart (1981) indicated that the pattern of growing season in Oregon along the coast and becomes shorter as the tance in land and the local elevation increase. to this author, ern of as well as the other cactus longest to is dis- According the interior valleys of Central and East- Oregon have a growing season that ranges from 50 to 70 150 days depending on the elevation and topography. The author also indicated that these regions are characterized by an early frost and late spring. climatic conditions, the spring. ponents were described plant (cactus) growth starts late in The newly formed result of growth, Under the vegetative material, as a contains significantly lower fiber com- than the old cactus pads. Since Spring samples collected during the second half of the season 15th) it would included some of the young quently the fiber content report for Conse- analyses resulted in low components spring (Evenden, pads. (May samples. As was stated in USDA a 1983) the John Day region receives its most important rainfall fraction during winter and spring. Due to this available moisture and warm synthetical activities continued in more fiber weather, summer. Thus, tative material already synthesized in the analyses cate that fiber components maintained, lignin. that as Fall Conse- results almost, increase in lignin proportion in indi- the increase same in indicates spring growth reached maturity and no more young pad formation had occurred during late summer and almost of vege- spring. in summer samples with a slight This to showed a higher fiber content summer samples than that of spring. content some was formed during this season in addition the quantity resulting from the 'lignification', quently, cactus stabilization fall. of fiber components from summer The to 71 fall was followed by a slight decline during the This could be related to the cactus plant winter. physiological activity which was more oriented toward synthesis of other nutrients, rather such than as soluble carbohydrates and fiber components. For example minerals, phosphorus levels increased from fall to winter (table 24) and crude protein content was higher in Fall samples than in that of summer (table 25). CRUDE PROTEIN 3. Protein is the in animal tissue. or component of highest concentration All cells synthesize protein for part all of their functioning cycles, and without protein synthesis life could not exist (Church and Pond, 1978). Table 23: Crude Protein Seasonal Variability in 0. fragilis (%, Dry Matter Basis). Alfalfa Opuntia (ref.) Component spring C. Protein 18.26 3.73 3.55 As was indicated in section I, fragilis like conclusion Seasons summer fall other Opuntias, 3.59 3.24 crude protein levels in 0. were very low. The was drawn from the seasonal analyses in crude protein maintained an almost constant level spring, winter summer and fall. same which through Winter collection resulted in 72 the lowest protein proportions. decrease This could be due to in nitrogen absorption by the cactus sulting plant a re- from losses of nitrogenous compounds through ero- sion or percolation. In a USDA soil survey of Prineville region (1966) it was indicated that the churning series soil type tends to move organic material downward, and subsoil material 4. MINERALS: of towards the surface. PHOSPHORUS AND CALCIUM All animals require minerals in certain amounts for maintenance and production purposes. in certain certain quantities most important minerals required ratio and both They are needed and must also be available ratio to each other (Yates, phosphorus Day calcium. of these two minerals Two of 1985). a the in livestock rations are According to NRC , in in cattle (1984) diets, the should never be higher than 7 parts calcium to 1 part phosphorus. Table 24: Seasonal Variability of Phosphorus and Calcium Content in 0. fragilis (%, Dry Matter Basis). Alfalfa Opuntia (ref.) Component spring Seasons summer fall winter Phosphorus 0.23 0.27 0.30 0.25 0.29 Calcium 1.47 6.28 6.53 6.31 6.10 73 As was found in section I, lis has in mineral analyses, 0. fragi- a high calcium concentration content and phosphorus a within the range of livestock requirements. The phosphorus proportions maintained an almost constant level through the seasons. levels 24, calcium increased from spring through summer (highest pro- portions). as As appears from table This increase seems to follow a similar trend fiber components. late spring, activities It might be suggested that summer and early fall, were Opuntia during synthetical oriented more toward structural matter. After reaching maturity these activities were concentrated on the synthesis of cell soluble nutrients such as carbo- hydrates. 5. ENERGY Energy is, quatitatively, the most important item in an animal diet, and all animal feeding standards are based on energy needs (Church and Pond, 1978). Table 25: Seasonal Variability of Gross and Digestible Energy (kcal/kg, Dry Matter Basis) in 0. fragilis. Alfalfa Opuntia spring Seasons summer fall winter 3895.8 1922.3 3800.9 1655.7 3682.0 1737.9 (ref.) Energy Gross Energy Digestible Energy (1) 4392.6 2992.7 3690.7 (1) Digestible Energy was not estimated (see text). 74 Digestible Energy (DE) was estimated using the equation suggested by Fulgham (1978): DE = Gross Energy x IVDMD (%) Since was the variability in dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) not very high through the seasons, the Energy estimate followed almost the same tion as digestibility: trend of varia- Spring and winter had close levels (slightly higher in spring), est Digestible Energy. was Digestible summer samples had the low- Digestible Energy of Fall sample not estimated because of unavailability of dry matter digestibility rates for these samples (late collection). Warm and moist spring induced cactus plant deposited their joints Energy considerable and amounts consequently, the of growth. nutrients stored in these nutrients was relatively high. The in Digestible The young pads were highly digestible thus, increased the Digestible Energy levels in Spring samples. 6. IN VITRO DRY MATTER DIGESTIBILITY Digestibility evaluation of feeds is very helpful estimating mulate in their nutritive value and is necessary to for- adequate digestibility rations rates for livestock of a plant vary with feeding. its age, season, and the way of forage use (fresh or air-dried). The the SPR SUM p-71 Now FALL WIN Season rz.Nq ADP' IVDMD WIN = Winter FALL = Fall SUM = Summer SPR = Spring AOF = Acid Detergent Fiber NDF = Neutral Detergent Fiber IVDMD = In vitro Dry Matter Digestibility Figure 3. Seasonal variability of In vitro dry matter digestibility as related to Aci Detergent Fiber conent (%) in Opuntia fragilis. 76 Table 26: In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (%) of 0. fragilis Following the Seasons. Alfalfa Opuntia (ref.) spring IVDMD (%) 68.13 49.98 Seasons summer fall (1) 43.56 winter 47.20 _ Fall samples were not analyzed for In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (IVDMD) variability with seasons because of late collection. (1) From the results presented in table B6 and those of B2, it appears that the In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (IVDMD) rates varied inversely to the crude fiber (Neutral and Acid Detergent Fiber residues). matter lignin degradation and cellulose. is crude fiber, levels This seems to be logical since the most important factor dry table determining particularly Marten (1981) indicated that Acid Detergent Fiber content of forages determine their digestibility rates. highest. young This pads. structural their The Digestibility of spring cactus samples was may be due to limited In summer, lignification young pads became older, more fiber (cellulose and lignin) was deposited cells thus reduced the dry matter of in digestibility. same proposal could be applicable to fall and winter samples. Even matter though crude fiber content was digestibility of 0. fragilis low, samples the dry (for all 77 seasons) the was lower than expected. mucilagenous This could be due to character of cactus that rendered dry matter degradation difficult to salivary enzymes and rumen microbes (brought through the innoculum). 7. SUMMARY 0. its fragilis was analyzed for seasonal variability in major components. through These the year, Four pad samples were collected, from the John Day Fossil Beds region. samples were analyzed for Neutral Detergent Acid Detergent Fiber, crude protein, tent, in phosphorus, addition to (IVDMD). hemicellulose, Fiber, cellulose, lignin, calcium and gross energy con- In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility The following table (27) summarizes the content of these nutrients and their seasonal variability. An increase in the proportions of the components was observed from spring to summer an fiber followed by almost stabilization from summer to fall then a slight decline in same crude winter samples. Calcium levels followed the trend but the differences were only the 5% level. significant significant at With regard to phosphorus concentration, no variations were detected through the seasons. Crude protein content was highest in spring then slightly through out the seasons. The declined In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility rates were almost equal in spring and winter samples and lower in the case of summer collection. Fall 78 Table 27: Recapitulation of major nutrients in 0. fragilis and their Seasonal variability (%, Dry Matter Basis). === == Alfalfa Opuntia (ref.) Component spring Seasons summer fall winter Neutral Detergent Fiber Acid Detergent Fiber Hemicellulose 47.14 36.23 38.10 37.97 35.19 31.33 17.26 19.37 18.96 17.51 15.81 18.97 18.73 19.01 17.68 Cellulose 19.78 12.18 12.31 10.02 11.16 7.10 4.08 6.52 8.13 5.61 18.26 3.73 3.55 3.59 3.24 Phosphorus 0.23 0.27 0.30 0.25 0.29 Calcium 1.47 6.28 6.53 6.31 6.10 Gross Energy 4392.6 3895.8 3800.9 Digestible Energy 2992.7 1922.3 1655.7 Lignin Crude protein In vitro Dry Matter Digest. samples were 68.13 not 49.98 analyzed for 3690.7 - 1737.9 - 47.20 matter degradation 43.56 dry 3682.0 because of unavailable time (late collection). This seasonal variability in Opuntia fragilis compo- nents is related to plant synthetical processes as enced by the growing season patterns. Rapid growth spring resulting in less lignified thus highly plant material. proportions of influin digestible Because spring samples included certain these young and highly digestible pads, 79 their energy content was higher than that of other collections. Fiber primarily cells content stabilized from summer to fall because spring growth reached maturity and had completed the synthesis of their the structural material (fiber). The differences in all components through the seasons were small. A part of this variation was due the sampling procedure. much Thus, this variability should not be given too importance Cactus pads when planning to feed Opuntia could fed to livestock during fragilis. any season. Attention should be given to their high Calcium/Phosphorus ratio. 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FILIPE. 32.29 31.37 33.96 35.59 33.30 14.23 14.68 16.93 15.41 15.31 18.06 16.69 17.03 20.18 17.99 O. VERSIC. 42.47 38.41 39.80 38.71 39.85 19.82 19.14 18.96 17.99 18.98 22.65 19.27 20.84 20.72 20.87 O. POLYAC. 31.03 29.40 30.47 33.73 31.16 18.27 19.06 18.04 18.31 18.42 12.76 10.34 12.43 15.42 12.74 0. FRAGIL. 34.16 32.50 35.02 38.63 35.08 14.73 12.79 15.84 18.52 15.47 19.43 19.71 19.18 20.11 19.61 87 Crude Fiber (Continued) = SPECIES Lignin ( % ) Mean Cellu Mean ( % ) ( % ) ( % ) A I Ash ( % ) Mean ( % ) ALFALFA 7.98 8.74 7.55 7.46 7.93 22.21 20.04 21.93 21.76 21.48 0.40 0.54 0.60 0.45 0.50 0. ENGELM. 2.76 2.73 3.16 2.93 2.89 7.07 7.40 8.35 8.97 7.95 0.93 0.89 0.80 0.82 0.86 0. FILIPE. 4.05 3.98 4.14 3.65 3.96 9.35 10.97 11.10 10.54 10.49 0.77 0.63 0.72 0.82 0.73 0. VERSIC. 4.55 3.46 3.58 3.85 3.86 14.24 12.59 14.31 13.78 13.73 0.03 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.06 O. POLYAC, 4.69 4.72 4.84 4.91 4.79 11.34 12.02 12.98 14.42 12.69 0.53 0.51 0.62 0.58 0.56 0. FRAGIL, 4.39 3.92 3.69 3.62 3.91 8.98 10.37 0.24 0.26 0.21 0.30 0.25 11.93 9.75 10.84 88 APPENDIX B Crude Protein as Analyzed Following the Copper Catalyst Kjeldahl Micro Method. Size of the Sample is 1 g. % Species % CP Crude (mean by Protein species) Alfalfa 17.98 18.59 18.28 8.83 8.84 8.83 4.07 4.24 4.16 6.49 7.17 6.83 3.87 3.35 3.61 3.00 2.89 2.95 Spring 3.53 3.35 3.44 Summer 4.79 4.45 4.62 Fall 3.24 3.94 3.59 Winter 3.30 3.36 3.33 Grass Hay 0. engelm. 0. versicolor 0. Polyacantha 0. filipendula 0. fragili s 89 APPENDIX C Dry Matter Content Determined on Oven Dried Samples at 100%, Followed by An Ashing at 500°C to Determine the Total Ash Content on 1 g. Samples. DRY MATTER TOTAL ASH Species In Mean Samples (species) In Mean Samples (species) Alfalfa 95.43 95.41 95.42 10.72 10.77 10.74 O. fraqilis 95.39 95.54 95.47 11.46 11.70 11.58 O. enqelm. 95.68 95.68 95.68 15.37 15.49 15.43 O. versicolor 95.68 95.23 95.46 13.94 13.86 13.90 0. polyacantha 95.10 95.51 95.31 13.81 13.58 13.70 O. filipendula 92.71 93.08 92.90 19.30 19.90 19.60 90 APPENDIX D Phosphorus Content Determined Following the Vanadomolybdate Procedure Using a Regular Spectrophotometer and Calcium Portion Using the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. The size of the sample is 1 g. = PHOSPHORUS Species Samples (%) Average (%) CALCIUM Samples (%0 Average (%) Alfalfa 0.19 0.19 0.19 1.76 1.59 1.67 0.17 0.14 0.16 5.11 6.47 5.79 0.09 0.07 0.08 6.96 5.47 6.21 0.15 0.18 0.17 7.75 5.79 6.77 0.19 0.14 0.16 10.68 8.75 9.71 Spring 0.22 0.17 0.20 6.22 6.45 6.34 Summer 0.24 0.21 0.23 5.20 4.76 4.98 Fall 0.26 0.24 0.25 6.12 6.49 6.31 Winter 0.22 0.20 0.21 5.51 4.93 0. engelmannii O. versicolor O. polyacantha O. filipendula O. fragili s 4.35 91 APPENDIX E Gross Energy Determined Using the Bomb Calorimeter on 1 g Samples, and Digestible Energy Estimated Using the In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility Data. Gross Energy (kcal/kg) Species Sample Average Alfalfa 4480.2978 4411.8970 4425.9439 4439.3796 0. filpendula 3304.5209 3260.0058 3299.7449 3304.5209 0. versicolor 3790.1848 3777.1075 3885.6548 3790.1848 0. polyacantha 3670.3705 3911.5896 3706.8703 3670.3705 0. engelmannii 3500.2676 3504.6977 3625.9652 3500.2676 3871.0513 3887.7387 3926.4404 3895.0768 Summer 3838.3002 3832.2948 3732.0957 3800.8969 Fall 3657.4996 3712.4468 3702.1123 3690.6862 Winter 3703.4042 3686.2241 3659.0061 3682.8781 0. fragilis Spring 92 APPENDIX F The Two-stage In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility Using the Procedure of Tilly and Terry as Modified by Alexander and McGowan. The size of the sample is 1 g. Blk Res. = Filt. DM = 0.070034 g 97.76 % In Vitro DM Digestibility Species Samples Average Alfalfa 65.82 69.53 69.04 68.13 Grass hay 30.90 28.07 29.09 29.35 0. engelmannii 59.35 60.89 57.43 59.22 0. versicolor 52.45 48.08 52.00 50.84 0. filipendula 54.87 51.70 54.30 53.62 0. polyacantha 46.52 43.41 44.58 44.84 0. fragilis winter 45.48 46.85 43.66 45.33 spring 51.50 49.69 48.75 49.98 summer 54.85 50.36 53.17 52.80 93 APPENDIX G In Vivo Dry Matter Digestibility Determined on Five Rumen Fistulated Steers Fed Grass Hay. The size of the sample is 5 g. =====.......=====..= =.-.'.=-...-'... In Vivo Dry Matter Digestibility Species ALFALFA after 48 h Sample 57.48 61.35 Average 59.40 18 after 24 h GRASS HAY after 48h after 24h O. ENGELM. after 48h after 24h 58.44 58.58 58.83 56.43 57.85 59.62 59.25 33.25 32.12 31.06 33.27 32.66 28.77 26.54 29.54 27.54 25.03 58.44 56.83 59.43 57.63 53.78 53.71 50.75 58.39 Species O. POLYACAN. after 48h 43.53 45.33 47.55 45.99 40.66 after 24h 45.20 41.46 40.87 43.64 39.88 32.47 0. VERSICOLOR after 48h 27.48 after 24h 57.22 53.09 Sample O. FILIPENDULA after 48h after 24h 46.40 49.76 51.43 48.32 45.57 46.40 45.33 43.22 41.33 40.99 55.47 50.44 57.85 58.85 54.33 50.99 53.29 Average 44.61 42.21 48.30 43.45 55.39 52.23 94 In Vivo Dry Matter Digestibility (Continued) = In Vivo Dry Matter Digestibility Species 0. FRAGILIS Sp. afer 48h S after 24h W after 48h W after 24h Su 48h Su after24h Sample 45.99 47.70 48.10 49.57 45.99 41.75 43.76 40.82 44.10 44.77 43.54 41.86 49.47 47.35 30.58 32.32 35.29 38.51 39.23 36.17 39.65 37.71 41.11 43.65 33.58 35.65 32.79 37.32 38.12 Average 47.47 42.61 45.398 35.186 39.658 35.492 95 APPENDIX H In Vivo Crude Protein Disappearance Using 3 Rumen Fistulated Steers Fed Grass Hay. Size of the sample is 5 g. Species CP % CP Digesti- Digesti. bility (mean ( % ) Alfalfa after 6 h Species by Species) by ( % ) 55.76 49.04 52.82 52.54 0. filpendula after 6 h 59.61 56.32 62.54 59.49 after 12 h 35.03 31.63 32.7 33.12 39.05 37.01 34.64 36.90 after 12 h after 6 h 42.81 39.03 37.22 39.69 0. versicolor after 6 h after 12 h 43.74 38.01 40.36 40.70 after 12 h after 12 h Grass Hay after 6 h after 12 h 0. fraqil is CP % CP Digesti- Digesti. bility (mean 0. polyacantha after 6 h 0. enqelmannii after 6 h after 12 h Species) 33.64 30.1 33.45 32.40 36.82 39.03 35.47 37.11 34.89 37.51 35.78 36.06 38.52 35.22 36.08 36.61 47.63 44.38 42.99 45.00 45.86 48.25 46.31 46.81 46.84 51.91 48.84 49.20 54.84 49.53 51.04 51.80