AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Larnar'\,Villiam Coleman for the Ph. D. in (Name Date thesis Physic l5%"".7 ) is presented s (Major) JuIy 31, 1963 GAMMA- GAMMA DIRECTIONAL CORRELATION TitIe STUDY OF BARIUM-134 Abstract approved Redacted for Privacy ,/(Ivfajor professor) Gamma-gamma directional correlations were rneasured in Bal34 ^tten angles between !0 degrees and 180 degrees in ten degree increments using a scintillation spectrometer. The spec- trometer which used NaI crystals, differential energy selection, and standard coincidence techniques was tested by measuring the directional correlation of the two cascade gamrna rays i., Ni60 to be in satisfactory agreelrrent with published results and with theo- retical predictions. C"I34 decays by beta ernission to forrn several excited states below 2 Mev in Bal34 *hi"h subsequently decay to the ground state by the ernission of galrllrla rays. Two correlation measurements were performea i., g"134. The first, the 'toverall, correlation, consists of the 797 Kev-605 Kev, 559 Kev-797 802 Kev-563 Kev, Kev, and the 802 Kev-[S6l Xev] -605 Kev correlations. The second, the rrseparatedrr correlation, contains tt.e 7 97 Kev-505 Kev and the 802 Kev-[ 563 Kev] -505 Kev correlations. / The experimental correlation coefficients are consistent with angular rnornentum assignrnents of Z, Z, 4,4 to the 605 Kev, 1168 Kev, L401 Kev, and 1970 Kev excited states respectively. These states are assumed to have positive parity. An analysis of the data in terrns of the electric quadrupole to rnagnetic dipole rnixing ratios of the 569 Kev and the 553 Kev radiations reveals that, within the limits of experirnental error, each radiation contains at least a 50 percent magnetic dipole admixture. The other garrrrrra rays involved are assumed to be essentially pure electric quadrupole. This result contradicts the asyrnmetric rotor rnodel of the nucleus, which, aIthough it accurately predicts the measured energies of the states with these angular rrlorrenturn and parity assignments in B^L34, does not allow rnagnetic dipole transitions between the rotational state s. GAMMA - GAMMA DIRECTIONAL CORRELATION STUDY OF BARIUM-I34 by LAMAR WILLIAM COLEMAN A THESIS subrnitted to OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment of the r'equirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF' PHILOSOPHY August 1963 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Associate Professor of Physic s In Charge of Major Redacted for Privacy Chairrnan of the partrnent of Physrc s Redacted for Privacy Dean of the Graduate School Date thesis is presented JuIy 31, 1963 Typed by Jolene Hunter Wuest ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his gratitude to his research director, Dr. Larry Schecter, for proposing the problern, for many enlightening discussions concerning all aspects of this work, and for continued and conscientious help and encouragement while on leave in Europe. He would like to thank Dr. E. A. Yunker for his continued interest and support, Drs. Harry Easterday and David Nicodemus and Mr. Raymond Sornrnerfeldt for rnany heipful discussions about the work, Dr. George Trigg and Mr. Timothy Keliey for interesting conversations regarding the theory, Mr. Richard Siemens for his help in reducing the data and checking calculations, and Mr. Jack McKenzie of the staff of the Oregon State University cyclotron for his help in the production of calibra- tion and testing sources. This work was perforrned under the auspices of the United States Atornic Energy Cornrnission. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I INTRODUC TION SINGLE PARTICLE AND COLLECTIVE NUCLEAR MODELS l5 THEORY OF DIRECTIONAL CORRELATION 34 THE ANGULAR MOMENTUM OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIA TION 45 SOURCE PREPARATION 53 EXPERIMENTAL APPARAT EXPERIME NTA L 57 US MEASURE MENT S 63 CONCLUSIONS 7Z BIBLIOGRAPHY 83 APPENDIX I Geornetrical Correction Factors to W(+) 88 APPENDIX II Treatment of the Data Least Squares Analysis of the Data 93 97 LIST Or. FIGURES Page Figure I 2 LEVEL AND DECAY SCHEME Or 8a134 7 THE ASPECTS OF A DIRECTIONAL 36 CORRE LA TION E XPERI MENT PULSE HEIGHT SPECTRUM Or C"134 56 BLOCK DIAGRAM OT' THE SCINTILLATION SPEC TROMETER 59 PULSE HEIGHT SPECTRUM OF Cs134 TOR CHANNELS I AND 2 IN THE ''OVERALLII CORRELATION 67 PULSE HEIGHT SPECTRUM OT' C"134 FOR CHANNELS 1 AND 2 IN THE I'SEPARATEDII CORRELATION 67 7 g"l 34 "ovERALL" CoRRELATIoN 69 8 Brl 34 !'SEPARATED" CoRRELATIoN 70 EXPERIMENTALLY ALLOWED 6 -, . VERSUS EXPERIMENTALLY ALLOWED';;; 79 GEOMETRY OF THE CRYSTALS FOR THE FINITE DETECTOR SIZE CORRECTION 89 9 l0 LIST OF. TABLES Page TabIe OBSERVED GAMMA AND BETA RAYS IN THE DECAY or Csl34 4 MEASURED AND THEORETICAL CONVERSION COET'FICIENTS T'OR BAI34 GAMMA RAYS 8 THEORETICAL AND MEASURED GAMMA RAY INTENSITY RATIOS FROM ROTATIONAL STATES IN na134 33 DIREC TIONAL CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS AND ANISOTROPY OF 7 A-I A-3 7I CALCULATED COEFF'ICIENTS FOR THE ''SEPARATED" CORRELATION IN BaI34 74 CALCULATED COEFFICIENTS FOR THE IIOVERALL'I CORRELATION IN 8a134 75 THEORETICAL AND MEASURED GAMMA RAY INTENSITIES IN 8a134 8l SAMPLE CALCULATION OF *iRi(140), di, d? , and *. d? 96 1 A-Z BaI34 11 CALCULATION SHEET FOR THE LEAST SQUARES ANALYSM OT' THE EXPERIMENTAL FOR THE ''OVERALL'' CORRECOEFFICIENTS134 LATION OF Ba' r00 CALCULATION SHEET T'OR THE LEAST SOUARES ANALYSIS OF. THE EXPERIMENTAL COEI.FICIENTS F'OR THE I'SEPARATEDI' CORRELATION Or na134 104 GAMMA - GAMMA DIREC TIONAL CORRE LATION STUDY OT' BARIUM- I34 INTRODUC TION The atornic nucleus is a collection of nucleons which can exist in various discrete states. Each of these states can be de- scribedbya set of pararneters which includes the energy, angular momentum, parity, mean life, and electric and rnagnetic moments. A primary concern in low energy nuclear physics is the deterrnina- tion of these pararneters. The experirnentalist atternpts to measure these quantities to aid the theorist in constructing a useful rnathernatical description of nuclear levels and their properties, that is, a nuclear rnodel, which,agrees in its predictions with measured quantities and which can hopefully be used to predict in- formation about other pararrreters and other nuclei. The electric and magnetic rnornents of the ground states of many nuclei have been measured with high precision whereas the deterrnination of the mornents of excited states is rnore difficult. Knowledge of the angular morrrenta and parities of these states is necessary for the development of the theory of the structure of the states and their electric and rnagnetic properties or, for the testing of models. It is generally accepted that the ground states of even-even nuclei have zero angular lTrolrtenturn and even parity. The even parity is a definite consequence of the shell rnodel of nuclei in that Z an even number of nucleons in any state results in a configuration of even parity. The absence of measurable rnagnetic rnoments in the ground states of even-even nuclei can be considered as evidence of zero nuclear angular rnomenturrr. Ground state static electric quadrupole mornents have not been observed in even-even nuclei, a further consequence of zero angular momentum in the ground state. Four methods that have been used to determine the angular rnornenta and parities of excited nuclear states are indicated below: 1. A nucleus rrray de-excite by internal conversion or if sufficient energy is available by internal pair production. The rnagnitudes of the pair production and internal conversion coefficients depend upon the changes in angular mornentum (A J) and parity (A n') in the transition. The ground state of an even-even nucleus has spin zero and even parity so a careful measurernent of one or both of these coefficients allows a definite assignrnent of angular momentum and parity to each of the excited states. z. The angular rnornenta and parities of nuclear states can also be inferred frorn beta decay studies. The shape of the beta spectrum and its log ft value depend upon the angular rnornenturn and parity change in the decay. If the spin and parity of the decaying state of the parent nucleus is known, selection rules rnay be used to assign a possible angular rnomentum and parity to the resulting state of the daughter nucleus Produced by the transition. 3. If two or rnore gamrna rays are ernitted in cascade a rrreasurement of the directional correlation between thern deterrnines the rnultipolarities of the radiations and places restrictions on the possible values of the changes of angular mornenta between the nuclear states involved. 4. Polarization-correlation measurerrrents with the garrrrrra rays emitted during a nuclear de-excitation deterrnine the rnagnetic or electric nature of the radiation.. Together a directional correlation experiment this fixes the parity of the garnrna ray which in turn fixes the change in parity of the nuclear leveIs. 2.3 year C.134 decays by beta-ray ernission to forrn excited levels of the even-even a^I34 nucleus. Several Ievels exist below 2.0 Mev in g.i34 resulting in cornplicated beta"- and garn- rr,a-ray spectra which make the task of deterrnining the level scheme e:rgy difficult. Sorne of the gamrrra rays are very close in en- to one another creating an experirnental probl.ern in resolu- tion in atternpting to deterrnine what energies are present. A nurnber of workers have investigated the beta- and garnrna-tay spectrurn of C"134. Garnrn a-ray yield and energy deterrninations have been rnade frorn spectrographl.c studies of the internally and externally converted electrons and by scintillation techniques. The beta-ray spectrurn has been studied with rnagnetic spectro- rneters in atternpts to deterrnine the nurnber of branches, their end point energies and log ft values, and relative intensities. The results of a nurnber of these studies are presented in Table l. The references to the various investigators are listed across the top using the number by which they appear in the bibliography. The energies of the garnrna- and beta-ray branches that are TABLE 1. OBSERVED GAMMA AND BETA RAYS IN THE DECAY oF Cr134 Gamma Energy (Kev) 1r7) ( s1) ( 40) 473 ::; ) 60s 7e7 x1zo1 x(100) X(100) )x x x x x 802 )x ( 13) ( 30) ( 31) (s) 1168 1365 1570 20) (22) (3) x x x x x x x( 3. s) x{ 1. 8) x(4.0) x xtzt) x(e, 4) )Nznr ilf] x(100) xloo) x x x x xo.e) x(4.0) x{3.0) xs.3) x4.6) x( 1oo) x( 1o0) x( 12.8) xloo) xe1) x x x( 18) 960 1038 ( x x x x(1,3) x(72) \x,szl r x( tr) x(0.6) x( 1. s) x(s. o) x(3.0) x12.2) x(s.0) x(3.3) x(0. 12) Beta Energy 15"9----86 X(2s) x2s) x2s) x( 10) 2LO x(3) 4to x(6) 6s8 X(7s) x(7s) x(7s) x(81) 8.8 683 x32) 6.4 x\24',) 6.5 x(28) 6. 3 x(27) 6.2 x{3) 8.6 x(s) 9.0 x(so) 9.2 x( 13) 9.9 x\72) 8.9 ?( 1. O) 10.9 x(s) 9.3 x(s6) 9.0 ?( 6. 0) 9.9 x(3) 9.6 x(66) 8. 8 10) 18) x(100) x(103) x(8) x( x( x(1) x(2) x3) ( 48) x( 1. 4) x(10) x( 14) x(100) x(80) x(11) x( 1. s) x(1.6) x(l.s) x(3.4) x(0. oe) 5 believed to be present are listed in the left hand colurnn. An entry X indicates that a beta ray or garrrma ray of that energy was observed by the workers under whose reference nurnber the entry appears. A bracket connecting two or rnore energies indicates that the separate corrrponents were not resolved. The relative in- tensities when measured appear in parentheses after the entries. For the beta ray corrlponents the log ft values when rneasured appear just below the entries. The results indicate two principal beta ray branches and at least nine weII identified garrlrra ray ener gie s. On the basis of these rrreasurements together with coincidence studies and correlation data various leveI schernes have been proposed for Bul34. one of the earliest was suggested Elliott and Bell (I7, p. 1396 980) who placed excited levels by at794 Kev, Kev, and L964 Kev which de-excited by the ernission of four gamrna rays. Keister, Lee, and Schrnidt (31, p. 453) were able to set an upper lirnit of one percent for the decay of Crl34 by K- capture frorn the absence of rrreasurable Auger electrons. Bertolini (5, p. 280) arrived at the same conclusion frorn the absence of detectable Xenon X-rays. Further work on the de-excita- tion spectrurn of C"134 led to the proposal of other decay schernes (13, p. 4451, (30, p. l0ZZ), (5, p. 280l., (3I, p. 455l,, (20, p.855) 6 none of which was colrrpletely compatible with all of the experirnen- tal inforrnation. Most workers agree, however, on the rnain features of the decay by.placing levels at 605 Kev, I158 Kev, l40I Kev, and 1970 Kev. Bashilov et al. (3, p. 60) proposed a level sequence and decay scherne which was supported by the work of Girgis and van Lieshout (zz, p. 67zl with one additional level added at 1 570 Kev and also by the recent work of Segaert et al. (48, p. 761. It is this level scherne that is currently accepted as being the rnost satisfactory. Figure I displays the order of the levels and the proposed garruna ray transitions of interest in this work according to this scheme. The angular rnornenturn and parity assignrnents shown on the level diagrarn (Figure 1) have been made on the basis of garnrrla ray correlation rneasurernents, beta decay studies, and rneas- ured internal conversion coefficients. The ground state angular rnornenturn and even parity (.rr ) is taken to be 0* as g^134 is an even- nucleus" The internal conversion coefficient for a given gamrra ray energy' depends on the electric or rrragneti.c nature of the radiation and its rnultipolarity. Tab1e Z surnrnaxizes sorne of the rneasured internal conversion coefficients and the K/L ratios for Flul34 garruna rays. The garnrna ray energies are listed across the top of the table and the numbers listed in the left colurnn ICs 134 €1 = 86 Kev (27%) FZ= +tO Kev (9%l 1970 Kev (6t%l Q = osa Kev t77O Kev 1641 Kev 1570 Kev 4+ 1401 Kev e+) 1168 Kev 1<5x10-10 secl 605 Kev Stable Ba134 Figure I. LEVEL AND DECAY SCHEME Of g"134. 8 TASLE 2. Gamma Energy ( Kev) MEASURED AND THEORETICAL CO}TVERSION COEFFICIENTS FOR g"134 CAMMA RAYS 473 569 563 605 797 802 1038 1168 1365 o*x103 ss) 5.0 (40) (0. 1) 5.67 ( ( 31) 8.6 (3.6) 5.19 6.6 1.5 4.7 (0.3) (s) ( 1.0) o.62 (0.03) .s*# 2.5t 1.1 2.5 (0.7) 0.85 0. 55 (0. 18) (0. 10) o.77 (0.1) (0. 2) orx1o3 (3e) (3) (20) s.6 46 ( 1) 2.6 9.2 (t.2) 5.3 (0.s) 2.6 (0.s) ( 1) 10 o.49 2.4 (0.3) 7.2 2.6 ( -s -10 6.4 (0.8) 7.7 (0. 8) 31) (0. 6) (3) ( 1) -10 7.3 s (0.6) 1. 0.4s s.O KlL (13) 2 8.0 0.8 7.O 7.6 (0.s) (0.6) -10 (0.0s) t.4 (o.s) o.9o -10 8.4 10 (0.6) ( 0.4) K/L+M ( 6.6 3s) 7.8 Theorv oKx1o3 3.20 E1 9.85 E2 13. O M1 42.O M2 Assign- El,z) ment M( 1) 2.20 6.25 2.15 6. 10 1.85 5. 10 8. 50 8. 45 7.OO 26.O 2s. 5 Et2) M(1) M( 1) E(2) 20. 5 q2) 1. 04 1.01 o.62 2.60 3.60 2. 55 t.45 3.57 2.OO 9. 50 9.45 4.90 Et 2) F{,2) M1) E( 1) E( 2) M( 1) 0.48 1. 13 1.60 3.75 Etz) E( 1) M1) 0.39 0.85 t.20 2.60 El,z) E( 1) 9 refer to bibliography references. The nurnber in parenthesis below an entry is the experimental uncertainty in the entry. The theoretical a-, values given in the table are due to Rose (45, P. K and include the effects of finite nuclear size and 641 screening. Pos- sible rnultipole assignrnents on the basis of the conversion coefficients are given. The angular rnornenturn of the ground. state been rneasured to of C"134 h"" be J = 4 by an atornic bearn rnagnetic resonance experirnent by Bellarny and Srnith (4, p. 33) and by Jaccarino et al. (29, p. 6761. The angular rnornenturn and the rnagnitude of the dr/, proton-neu/Ztron configuration which predicts positive parity for the ground rnagnetic rnornent are consistent with a gl state of crl34 . The beta ray branches indicated in Figure I are the ones that are required frorn garnrra ray studies so that other apparently observed beta groups are not included. There is no rnechanisrn for including in the scherne the 683 Kev beta branch reported sorne workers. At the high energy end the by internal conversion lines rnask the character of the continuous spectrum. As indicated in Table I the 86 Kev branch has a 1og ft value of about 5.4 and in addition appears to have a linear Ferrni plot. This branch has an intensity of. Z7 percent and corresponds to an allowed transition 10 (AJ=0,+ 1, no) allowing an assignrnent of 3, 4, or 5 with positive parity to the 1970 Kev level in gul34. The other intense corrrponent, the 658 Kev branch, has a log ft value of 9 and an allowed shape permitting possible assignrnents of 3, 4, or 5 with either parity to the 1401 Kev level. The identification of other rnuch less intense beta branches depends on being able to rerrrove successive straight line cornponents frorn the Fermi plot. This is difficult in cases where rrlore than one weak corrrponent rnay be present and could be rnisleading if one or Irtore of the components did not have an allowed shape. On the basis of the reported log ft values alone, these components could be as much as second forbidden (A J=lZ, *3, no). Waggoner (55, p. 4Z5l has reported a slight deviation from allowed shape for the 658 Kev beta group. If the shape of the beta spectrurn is allowed theory predicts a syrrrmetric betagarrrrna correlation. Stevenson and Deutsch (53, P. no beta-garrrrra anisotropy 1203) found in Crl34 with the 658 Kev beta group. Further i.nforrnation about the angular rrlornentum of the levels and the rnultipolarity of the radiations is available frorn directional and polarization correlation experiments. Brady and Deutsch (10, p. 870), in an early experirnent, were unable to de- tect a non-isotropic directional correlation with the garnrna rays frorn CrL34. They were able to rneasure a correlation with Co60 l1 which has a sirnpler decay scherne. In a following experiment with scintillatiur counters Brady and Deutsch (11, P. l54I)detected a directional correlation at three angles. Using irnproved scintillation counters these workers (12, P. 558) rerneasured the correlation at seven angles and frorn the sirnilarity in the shape of the curve to that for Co60 suggested that the angular rtornenturn change in the rnain sequence (the 797 Kev-605 Kev cascade) may be 4, Z, 0, with both radiations being quadrupole. They were un- able to detect any change in the correlation using a solid or a liq- uid source with or without a 104 gauss rnagnetic field and. con- cluded that the life time of the interrnediate state of the cascade must be less than I0-8 sec. In a sirnilar experiment Beyster and Wiedenbeck (6, p. 4I1), again in cornparison with the Co60 curve, interpreted their data on the basis of a sirnple decay scheme containing just three garrrrla rays and suggested a quadrupole-quadrupole correlation for the 605 Kev-797 Kev cascade. The 569 Kev radiation was also assurned to be quadrupole allowing an angular mornenturn of 4, 5, or 6 for the 1970 Kev state. None of these experirnents ernployed energy discrirnination so that all garnrna rays were detected in each counter. Using NaI(Tl) scintillation counters and integral energy selection Robinson and Madansky (43, p. 604) rneasured the directional correlation by requiring a L2 coincidence between one of the garrrrra rays and a 660 Kev beta and found agreerrrent with a basic quadrupole-quadrupole correla- tion with an angular mornenturn sequence 4, Z, 0 in the 505 Kev797 Kev cascade. They assumed a decay scherne in which the 797 Kev radiation Ieads to the ground state. Frorn a measurernent of the rroverallrr correlation, that is, accepting aII gamrna ray ener- gies, they assign an angular mornenturn of five to the 1970 Kev level with the 569 Kev radiation being dipoie. Kloepper and Lennox (33, p. 696) also indicate a probable 4(Z\Z(Z)0 correlation for the rnain decay sequence of C"134, but it is not clear what garrrma ray energies were accepted in the experiment frorn which this conclusion was drawn. Klerna (32, p. 66) used differential energy discrimination to rneasure the J355 Kev-605 Kev directional cor- relation. Interpreting his data on the basis of a different scherne (3I, p. 4551, K1erna assigns 3 to the decay 1970 Kev level by allowing an El + MZ rnixture in the 1365 Kev gamma tay to fit his data. The rneasured correlation function however, agrees best with an assignrnent of J = 4 to that level with the I365 Kev garnma being quadrupole. Everett and Glaubman (18, p. 955) report rneasuring the 1 36 5 Kev-605 Kev , 802 Kev- I 168 Kev , ard 7 97 Kev,605 Kev correlations and find that they are all consistent with a quadrupole-quadrupole decay and allow assignrnents of 2t, Z*, l3 ++ 4', 4 ' to the 605 Kev, I168 Kev, 140I Kev, and 1970 Kev states respectively. It is pointed out that by allowing rnixed rnultipoles for the first radiation the data can also be interpreted as 3'?-0, 3-I-0, or 2-Z-0. The effects of t.]ne 569 Kev and the 563 Kev ra- diations which contribute to the 505 Kev photopeak are not rnentioned nor is the contribu'lion of the 797 Kev garrrrna ray to the 802 Kev range of the spectrurn. On the basis of sorne proposed decay schernes these energy overlaps would not contribute to the correlations. Stewart, Scharenberg, and Wiedenbeck (54' p. 69I) perforrned a detailed directional correlation experirnent with C"I34. They report no observable difference in the rneasured function for solid or Iiquid sources. They rneasured an rroverallrl correlation, the 797 Kev-605 Kev, the 570 Kev-605 Kev 1365 Kev-605 Kev, and the correlations. On the basis of their results they assign J = Z to the 505 Kev level, J = 4 to the 1402 Kev level and J = 4 to the I970 Kev leve1 and report that the 559 Kev radia- tion is 94 percent quadrupole and 5 percent dipole. These work- ers interpret their data on the basis of a sirnplified decay scheme which contains only the 569 Kev, 797 Kev, 605 Kev, and 1365 Kev garnrrra rays and ornits the level at 1168 Kev so that the effects of other cascades which contribute to each of their rneasurements and which rnay affect the interpretation have been neglected. l4 Wintersteiger (57, p. 79) has measured the life time of the first excited state in Bal'n ,obe < 5x10-I0 "u.. by the de}ayed coinci- dence rnethod. Metzger and Deutsch (38, p. 557) rneasured the polariza- tion-direction correlation in g^134 at the average garnrrra ray en- ergy. The results are of the forrn for an EZ-EZ cascade which rnay be characteristic of the intense 797 Kev-505 Kev cascade which contributes rnost heavily to the counting rate. Williams and Wiedenbeck (55, p. 8ZZ'1, frorn a similar experirnent, con- cluded that if both the 797 Kev and the 605 Kev radiations are quadrupole, one is EZ and the other is M2. Kloepper (33, p. 697), reported a polarization correlation result that supports the assignrnent of. EZ to both the 797 Kev and 605 Kev gamrna rays. In sumrnary, it is quite well established from previous work that the 605 Kev and 797 Kev radiations are electric quadrupole and that the angular rnornenta and parities of the 605 Kev and I401 Kev leve1s ^r" Z* and 4+ ""sp"ctively. The angular rnornenta and parities of the 1168 Kev and 1970 Kev levels and the rnultipo- larities of the 802 Kev, 569 Kev, and 563 Kev radiations are less certain although the 1970 Kev le.vel probably has angular mornentum 4. The conclusions drawn frorn ITrany previous correlation rneasurernents can be questioned because of the ornission of sorne 15 contributing cascades in the interpretation and because, in rnost cases, of large statistical errors. A nuclear model has been Proposed which explains sorne of the features of the g^L34 level scherne. It is felt that a reinvestigation of the gamrrra-gamma directional correlation and its interpretation on the basis of a rnore cornplete decay scherne will be useful in clarifying the un- certainties in angular momenturn and rnultipole assignrnents to the levels and radiations, and in strengthening some assignrnents. The cornparison of the experirnental results with those calculated on the basis of the decay scherne can be applied to test the Pre- dictions of the model. l6 SINGLE PARTICLE AND COLLECTIVE NUCLEAR MODELS A complete understanding of nuclear phenornena involves a description of the nucleus as a system of nucleons interacting with a corrrrrlon rneson field The nucleus and sofi)e of its ProPer- ties can, however, be rather well described in terrns of a system of well defined protons and neutrons with certain forces between thern. The meson origin of these forces does not play an essential part in the behavior of nuclei at low energy so that the theory of nuclear structure is not concerned with the theory of the force itself but accepts its existence and its properties as exPerirnental fact. Once an expression is given for the nuclear forces aII problerns of nuclear structure are those of solving a Schrddinger equa- tion for A particles. This equation cannot be solved in general so a resort to approxirnations, that is, to nuclear rnodels is necessary. Because of this lirnitation an attempt is rnade to use as little detailed inforrnation of the forces as Possible and to concentrate on qualitative features. This procedure introduces concepts such as radius, shape, and potential well which can be defined and rneasured and which are useful for a description of the observ- ed facts but whose connection with the fundarnental forces is vague. L7 This ernphasis brings about the introduction of rnany kinds of nu- clear models. A rnodel is sirnply a stressing of certain features which can account for the phenornenon under consideration. Frorn a model it rnust be possible without prohibitively lengthy calcula- tion to predict various observable properties of nuclides in a systernatic way. The sirnplest nuclear rnodels have their basis in trying to understand the experirnentally inferred shelI structure and mag- ic nurnbers in analogy with the structure of atorns. 'Whenever the nurnber of protons or neutrons reaches any of certain values called rnagic nurnbers the nucleons forrn a closed and exception- ally stable system. The extreme single particle model of nuclei describes the nucleus as a spherical potential well in which the nucleons rnove as noninteracting Particles and thus ignores any nucleon correlations. This potential is the average effect of all the other nucleons on a single one, has a certain size and depth, and includes a spin-orbit interaction. Such a potential with a suit- ably chosen forrn produces a shell structure and predicts the cor- rect location of the rnagic nurnbers. This rnodel describes the ground states of nuclei by specifying the nurnber of nucleons in each quanturn state assurning that the proton and neutron states fill independently. In the ground state the nucleons are thought of t8 as being paired off to zero ar,g:ular rnornenturn by a strong pairing force so that the values of the nuclear pararneters are deterrnined solely by a single unpaired nucleon in odd A nuclei. The nucleus can be irnagined then to be rnade up of a core which contains all the particles in closed she1ls and a cloud which consists of those nucleons in unfilled shells. The simplest case would be a nucleus in which the cloud consisted of a single particle. Then the rnodel allows a deterrnination of the nuclear angular rnomenturn and parity for nuclei with one odd particle as being those of the odd particle. The angular rnornentum of odd-odd nuclei cannot be predicted because it cannot be determined what coupling of the particlest angu- lar rnornenta gives the lowest energy state. This single particle approxirnation gives the Schmidt iirnits for the ground state nuclear rnagnetic rnornents. In general the experirnental values lie between these lirnits but differ greatly frorn them. The quadrupole rnornents predicted by this rnodel are corrrpletely erroneous (4 1, p.I45l. In atternpting to interpret the large arnount of data available on energies, angular rnornenta, parities, and transition probabiii- ties, it becornes clear that the extrerne single particle rnodel is inadequate. The next higher approxirnation, which will be terrned the shell model, is to consider a nucleus with a larger nurnber of 19 nucleons in the cloud" Low energy nuclear properties are attributed to the particles outside of closed she11s. The assumption of a strong pairing force is relaxed to allow recoupling of the angular rnornenta of the ntlcleons beyond closed shells. This is necessary in order to obtain a larger nurnber of states as required by experi* rnent than are available in the single particle rnodel. It is also assurned that those nucleons outside of closed sheIIs do not perturb each other very rnuch frorn single particle states. The interaction is strong enough to rernove degeneracy but not so strong (compared to the spin-orbit interaction) that j ceases to be a good quanturn nurnber. This assurnption can also be relaxed and a su- perposition of the wave functions of two or three pure single partic1e states taken to describe a state. This process is terrned con- figuration rnixing. In the few places where detailed calculations have been made the rnodel has been found to give an excellent de- scriptionof the spins and parities of low-lying excited states. In trying to understand the energies and angular rnornenta of these states it is necessary to stay in the vicinity of closed shells or else the nurnber of competing configurations is overwhekning. The interpretation of excited states by rneans of this type of coup- ling scherne has been tested only for cases involving two or three identical nucleons (or holes) outside of (or within) closed shells. 20 Adding rnore par:ticles presents a huge arnount of computational labor compounded by the fact that configuration mixing, including configuration i.nteractions between protons and neutrons, and with the core, has a strong effect on the quantitative spacing of the states and is not a feasible approach" The Bul34 nucleus with Z -- 56 and N = 78 has six protons outside of a closed shell and four holes in a closed neutron shell producing a fairly cornplicated systern. Proper configuration rnixing is able to bring the theoretical and experirnental rnagnetic mornents into agreernent. In general the rneasured quadrupole rnornents agree very poorly with the shell rnodel predictions. Near closed shells sorrle nuclear quadrupole rnornents can be accounted for with the aid of suitable configura- tion rnixing. In the rare earth region the quadrupole rnornents becorne as rnuch as 30 ti.rnes the single particle values. This is a difficul- ty which leads to the c:onclusion that collective effects are irnportant and that it is not a valid approxirnation to consider nucleons as moving independently in a spherically syrnrnetric potential. Nuclear rnornents are sensitive to configuration rnixing and collec- tive effects so that an independent particle rnodel does not give very good values for: garrrrra ray decay probabilities" The 2l formuLas for these single particle transition rates are simple, however, and are often used as reference values for cornparing experirnental data. The results apply quite well for low A. Elec- tric quadrupole transitions are usually strongly enhanced over the si.ngle particle values in both light and heavy nuclei which again leads to the collective notion and the large collective quadrupole rnornents. ltt is not possible then to attribute all nuclear properties to the nucleons in unfilled shells. It is necessary to consider correlations in nucleon rnotion as exernpl"j.fied by configuration rnixings, and an interaction with the cLosed-sheII configurations in the core rnay also be irnportant. The shell rnodel has its basis in an average static field generated collectively by all the particles but a rnore cornplete description rnust include the variations of the field associated with collective oscillations. Relatively srnall residual interactions introduce irnportant correl"ations in the rnotion of the particles outside of closed shells. The energy spectra of nuclei with rnany-particle configurations show features which -vary in a systematic way frorn nucleus to nucleus. These regularities are associated with the fact that a rnajor part of the correlations between particles rnay be des- cribed in terrns of ordered collective rnotion of the nucleons corresponding to variations in the shape of the nucleus, for exarnple. zz This leads to a generaltzation of the sheIl rnodel in which the bi.nding field is no longer considered as a static isotropic potential, bu.t rather as a variable field which rnay take shapes di"ffering from spherical syrnrnetry. The first problern is to detenrnine the nuclear equilibriurn shape. The equilibriurn shape and the character of the col.lective rnodes of rnotion of the nucleons firay be understood as the result of the cornpetition between the deformirrg tendency of the individual nucleons and the effect of the pairing forces. The forces tend to couple two eqr:.ivalent nucleons to a state cf zeto total an- gular rnornenturn, that is, a. spheri.caLly syrnrnetric state. In the region of closed shell,s these forces dorn'Lnate and the nu.clear equilibriurn shape is spherical. The addition of nue leons in un- filled shells j.ncreases the irnpcrtana;e of the tendency to deforrnation, a coherent effect of all these nucleons. The rir1cleus can ac- a nc,nspherical equilibrir:rrn shape and possesses a large quadrupole rnornent" The quadrupole rnornents are srnall in the region of closed shelis and becorne larger with the addition of more particles. These trends can be accounted for then in terrns of the tendency of the partic)"e stru,cture to produce coilective deformation of the nucl"eus. For suc:h nuclei the colk,ctive rnotion separates i.nto rot.ational and vib,rational parts. The fonrnr:r 23 corresponds to a rotation of th.e nuclear orientation at constant shape, while the la.tter corresponds to oscillations about the aniso- tropic equilibriurn shape. The rotational concept arises frorn the fact that the correlated particle motion rnay tre such that the pat- tern of particles changes slowly rnaintaining a fixed shape but with the orientation in space altering. Looked at fr"orn the outside, the nucleus of constant shape is rotating. It is natural to attribute kinetic energy and angular rnornenturn to this rotatirrg rnass and to consider the rest of the nuclear kinetic energy and angular rnornentum to be internal, The equilibrium shape of nuclei can be obtained by calculating the energy of the nucleons as a function of the shape of the field and finding the shape that gives rninirnurn energy. For the description of nuclear structure then, the dynamics of the nucleus is considered in terms of collective and intrinsic rnodes of excitation. The rnodes are a.ssociated with de- forrnations and the lowest rnodes clf this type correspond, in the case of nuclei with sufficiently many pa.rticles outside of closed shells, to rotations of th.e spheroidal shape. The states produced by coller:tive vibrati.ons are at a.n ener:gy' of 1 or 2 Mev in heavy strongly deforrned nuclei (A : 250) and increase in energy as A decreases. For nuclei ne-'.ar closed shells the e ollective rnotion 24 corresponds to vibrations about the spherical equilibriurn shape. Experirnental evidence indicates the absence of rotational states in spherical nu.clei at least for low excitations. The intrinsic rnodes represent the rnotion of the nr;.cleons in a fixed field corres- ponding to the nuclear equilibriurn shape and have an average spac- ing of -100 Kev. This rnotion is subjected to the influence of the pairing forces and in the case of odd-A nuclei the low lying intrin- sic states rnay often be described in terrns of excitations of the last unpaired nucleon. For configurations sufficiently far rernoved frorn closed shells the nucleus acquires a Iarge equilibriurn deforrnation resulting frorn the deforrning effects of rnany nucleons and an approxirnate solution is obtained by considering first the rela- tively fast rnotion of the particles with respect to the deforrned nuclear field considered as fixed in space, and then the relatively slow vibration and rotation of the entire systern. If the coupling of the intrinsic and collective rnotion is srnall, the problern is usually treated by perturbation theory. A considerable body of data reveals the existence of a rotational structure in the nuclear exci- tation spectrurn. The sirnple rotational motion is characteristic of the strongly deforrned nuclei and is thus especially well defined in regions far r:ernoved frorn closed shells. The rotational struc- ?5 distances between shell closings are great and where the deforrna- tions ar:e especially large. In this region this approach has rnet with good success in the low lying states of even-even nuclei. Mention will be rnade of three such rnodels which atternpt to describe the low lying states in even-even nuclei with the Parti- cular aim of fi.nding a suitable description of the excited states of gul34. One of the first collective rnodels of thip type useful inde- scribing nuclear structure was the Bohr-Mottelson rnodel (9, P. 1). This rnodel assurnes that rnost of the nuclear deforrnation resides in the cloud of nucleons outside of closed sheIls although its influence tends to deforrn the core slightly. In addition only nuclear shapes which axial syrnrnetry are considered. This ellip- soidal nucleus can then, in addi.tion to vibrating, also perforrn rotations producing rotational spectra. These collective rnotions produce excited states at energies lower than the particle excita- tion energies. The rnornents of inertia of the nucleus which apPear in the rotational Hamiltonian are calculated in terrns of one pararTteter assurning that the nucleus behaves as an incompressible rigid body. For two equi.valent particles both the particle forces and the coupling to the deforrnation forrn a ground state particle configuration of zero arrg:ular rnornenturn so that in even-even 26 nuclei the ground state particle configuration has angular rrlomenturn zero. If this configuration is not excited the low iying rota- tional leveIs of a syrnrnetric nucleus rotating about an axis perPen- dicular to the nuclear syrnrnetry axis are pure and are characterized by a rotational quanturn nurnber J. The possible rotational quanturn states of the nucleus are restricted by the reflection syrn- rnetry of the deforrnation which restricts the collective states to even parity and excludes odd values of J. Since the ground state particle configuration in even-even nuclei possesses even parity the collective states for this particle configuration will have even parity. For even-even nuclei the lowest rotational and I ' -1T parities J" = 0', I L Z' , 4' r , 6' , band has spins at energies of l'rZ Erot=7;--J(J+l) where I = (Z/5)MA(AR)Z is the rnornent of inertia for a spheroidal deforrnation of the incornpressible rnodel, M is the nucleon rrtass, A is the nuclear rnass nurnber, and AR is the difference between the rnajor and rninor serni-axes of the spheroid. Such a rotational band can be built on an excited particle state or a vibrational state. Very high excitations are thought of as vibrational excitations of the core. For highly deforrned nuclei which possess rotational states the garnrna ray transition probabilities to states of the sarne 27 family obey simple relations. For electromagnetic transitions of multipole order L the ratio of the reduced transition probabilities is the square of the ratio of two Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. These probabilities depend on the static mornents of the nuclear states. For low energy transitions on the particle rnodel MI radiation will strongly predorninate over the E2 when both are possible. The E2 transition probabitity depends upon the square of the quad- rupole rnoment so the collective deforrnation leads to an enhancernent of the E2 probability which rnay lead to an appreciable ad- mixture of E2 in laf l - I transitions. The E2 transition proba- bilities from the excited, ?* state to the ground state in some eveneven nuclei have been determined. The quadrupole rnoments cal- culated frorn these show the expected trend, decreasing regularly with the approach to closed shell configurations. This type of rotational description works weIl in the re- gion 160<A<185 and A>Z?5. Many even-even nuclei show evidence of a rotational structure but with a rrrore cornplicated col- lection of states than the simple 0*, Z*, 4*, 6+, quence predicted by Bohr and rotational se- Mottelson. For exarnple, there are r++ often two l ' states, two 4' states, excited 0' sta.tes, and states with odd J. These states can sornetirnes be fitted by building rotational band on a suitable vibrational or particle excitation. a 28 This can be done assurning a rotational band of an axially syrnme- tric nucleus built on a vibrational state if the ratio of the energy of the first 4t state to that of the first 2l state is greater than 3.27. In BaI34 tti" ratio is Z.3I and such a fit cannot be rnade. It would be convenient to develop these states naturally as rrrernbers of the g::ound state rotational band and also to be able to fit those states which cannot be explained with this model. Davydov and Filippov (14, p. 237) describe the energy lev- els of even-even nuclei in terms of rotations of a deforrned nucleus which do not involve changes of its internal state. The re- strictionof axial syrnrnetry is rernoved and it is found that this affects the rotational spectrum of the axial nucleus slightly although additional rotational states of 2+, 3*, 4+, appear. If the de- viations frorn axial syrnrnetry are srnall these leveIs lie very high but becorne lower as the deviations frorn syrnrnetry are increased. tr'or exarnple, two 2* states appear and the rati.o of their energies varies frorn infinity to two depending on this asymrnetry. The three rnornents of inertia are not independent but are deterrnined frorn two pararneters, one of which rneasures the deviation frorn axial syrnrnetry, and the other characterizes the deforrnation. For this reason the approach is sornetirnes referred to as the restrictedasyrnrnetric rotor rnodel. The positions of the energy 29 levels are also deterrnined in terrns of these parameters. The value of the pararneter describing the deviation frorn axial sym- rnetry is restricted to a certain range. In other language this re- striction all.ows fi.tting of energy levels with this rnodel only when the ratio of the energy of the first 4* state to that of the first 2* state is greater than 2.67 136, p. 553). When this condition is rnet the Davydov-Filippov rnodel explains the data on energy levels quite well for even-even nuclei far from closed shells with a few exceptions. In Ba"n ,n. above condition is not rnet, since the ratio is Z" 3L, so that a consistent set of pararneters cannot be found with to describe the known nuclear energy leve1s. Ratios of garnrna ray reduced transition probabilities for E2 and MI transitions between sorrre of these rotational states have been calculated in terrns of the pararneters of the rnodel. The agreernent with experirnental ratios of. EZ reduced transition probabili- ties is very good in a few eases. The general trends of the ratios of garnrna ray transition probabilities as a function of the ratio of the energies of the states are predicted correctly. The results predicted by thi-s model are, in general, in better agreelrlent with experirnental results for even-even nuclei than are those given by the Bohr - Mottelson rnodel. For not too strongly deforrned nuclei the rapid rotational 30 motion will tend to distort the shape of the nucleus, that is produce a centrifugal distortion. This effect is termed a rotation-vibration interaction. Such a rotation-vibration interaction has been intro- duced in the Davydov-Filippov model and results in improved agree- ment with experirnental data for nuclei far away frorn closed shells (36, p. fi61. An attempt to extend the validity of this rotational descrip- tion has been presented by Mallrnann (36, p. 535). In this rnodel aIso, rotational modes of excitation of the nucleus are considered. The nucleus is again considered to be asyrnmetric but in a more general way in that the three rnoments of inertia are treated as independent parameters to be determined by cornparison with experi- ment and no atternpt is rnade to determine them frorn first princi- ples. A rotation-vibration interaction is included in the Mallrnann rnodel as a perturbation. It is also assurned that the rotational rnotion of the even-even nucleus can be treated quasi-adiabatically. That is, it is assurned that the excited states due to other degrees of freedom have energies appreciably higher than the energies due to the rotational motion even though the particle structure will be perturbed because of the inability of the particles to follow the ro- tations completely adiabatically. The departure of actual nuclei from this behavior is assumed to be srnall and can be accounted 3l for in terrns of a srnall perturbation. This rnodel is then referred to as the quasi-adiabatic general asyrnrnetric rotor rnodel. A general asyrnrnetric rotor rnodel without the rotation-vibration correction has been considered but did not result in irnproved agreement with experirnent over the restricted asyrnrnetric rotor rnodel (36, p. 5361. The Mallrrann rnodel has as pararneters the three nuclear rnornents of inertia and the strength of the rotation- vibration perturbation which is added as a first order correction to the pure asyrnrnetric rotor energy leve1s. With this approach the cornparison of the predicted levels with experirnentally known energy leveIs in even-even nuclei in the range 40 < A < 250 shows very good agreernent, usually within experirnental error. It rnust be pointed out however that in alrnost every case other experirnental levels exist which do not fit well in this or other rotational schernes. This suggests that the general asyrnrnetric rotor Harniltonian is an essential part of a more cornplete Hamiltonian which includes other degrees of freedorn. The energies of the two excited,2* levels and the two 4* levels in BaI34 "ho*r, in Figure I are fitted very well as rotational levels with this rnodel. The 15?0 Kev, I641 Kev, and I770 Kev levels i.,8"134 cannot be unarnbiguously accounted for in the ground state rota- tional band. The garnrna ray transition probabilities are iz calculated by Mallmann with the rotation-vibration interaction omitted. The rotational states all have the sarne parity so that the norrna.l selection rules forbid El, E3, , jldz, M4, transitions. Additionally now the rnodel forbids MI transitions states. A survey of the experimental E2 I2 tt".r"ition in some even-even to MI rnixing ra.tio in the 'r* between the rotational nuclei (36, p. 559) Iends support to this selection rule except near closed shells. This leaves EZ, M3, 84, M5, transitions as possibilities of which only the EZ transitions are considered as the oth.ers are too slow to cornpete favorably. The calculated garnrrla ray transition probabilities and ratios of garnrna ray intensities between the rotational levels of even-even nuclei assuming pure E2 radiation are compared to experirnentally deterrnined values for 110 < A < 250 (36, p. 5661. The agreernent of the theory with experirnent is within experirnental error with a few exceptions. Although the energv Ieve1s of rr knownlt angular rnornenturn and parity are well described by the rnodel the calculated intensity 134 ratios in Ba--- do not, in general, agtee well with the experimen- ta1 values. Table 3 displays the cornparison. The notation 'r-, for exarnple, rneans the second state of angular rnornenturn Z reached rn order of ascending energy. It is observed that the two ratios the rnost frorn the rneasured values are both low and are those which contain the 559 Kev and 553 Kev radiations 33 Table 3. THEORETICAL AND MEASURED GAMMA RAY INTENSITY RATIOS FROM ROTATIONAL STATES tN gal34. Transition ratio z, m m *'z 24 ModeI prediction Measured 1.5 7.0 2.7 2.I 0.35 2.3 563 m8 24 *zZ 24 Energy ratio (Kev) 802 Bs s69 -r4 *lz TI_s each of which is a transition between states of the same angular momenturn. Of the various rnodels discussed it appears that the rnodel proposed by Mallrnann is the one best able to describe the states of known angu.Iar rnornentum and parity in the 8^134 nucleus and its predictions will be cornpared with the experirnental results of the directional correlation experirnents as a further test of its va- lidity for this nucleus, particularly with respect to the additional selection rule irnposed on garrrrna ray transitions. 34 THEORY OF DIRECTIONAL CORRELATION The probability of ernission of a particle or quanturn frorn a nucleus depends, in general, on the angle between the nuclear spin (angular rnornenturn) axis and the direction of ernission. Under ordinary circurnstances, however, the total radiation frorn a collection of radioactive nuclei is isotropic because the nuclei are randornly oriented in space. An anisotropic radiation pattern can be observed only frorn a collection of nuclei which are not ran- dornly oriented. The nuclei can be oriented in space by placing the sarnple at low ternperature in a strong rnagnetic field. As a result of the interaction between the rnagnetic field and the nuclear rnagnetic rnornent alignrnent will take place. The angular distribu- tion of the ernitted radi.ation is then rneasured with respect to the direction of the applied field. The interaction of an electric field gradient with the nuclear quadrupole rnornent can also be ernployed to produce an orientation of the nuclei in space. Another rnethod consists in picking out only those nuclei whose spins happen to lie in a preferred direction. This case can be realized experirnentally if the nuclei decay by successive ernission of two radiations , L arrd Z, through a sufficiently short lived interrnediate state. The observation of I in a specified direction 35 then selects an ensernble of nuclei which a nonisotropic distri- bution of spin orientations. The foll-owing radiation, Z, ther. shows, in the case, a directional correlation, or nonisotrop- ic radiation pattr:rn, with respect to radiation 1. This is the technique ernpi.oyed in the present experirnent. Figure 2 shows the aspects of a directional correlation experj.rnent. The angu1ar: correlation function W(+) is the proba.bility that if r:adiation I is ernitted in a direction R,I thrt radiation 2 wj11 be ernitted in a direction *-Z at an angle + with respect to R,. ,l Experirnentally the nurnber of coincidences be- tween radiations I and 2, N(e), is determined as a function of e, the angle included by the axes of the two counters. Because of the finite solid angles of the detectors these nurnbers N(0) are averages of the tr:ue correlation W(+) over a range of angles A0 distributed around 0. As a result N(0) rnust be properly corrected and norrnaLized to yreld W.*r(S). The cornparison of W"*O(Q) with the theory finally gives the desired inforrnation about the properties of the nuclear leveIs and the radiations. It is necessary to understand why there is a correlation at all, that is, why the coincidence rate depends on +. Irnagine a transition in which radiation is ernitted frorn a state characteri.zed by quanturn nu.rnbers j, rn leading to a state jt , 36 THE EXPERIMENT THE CASCADE Coincidence Circuit I N(e) THE THEORY THE RESULT L .2 i i r L + (D z I L = I L I 180 13s e Figure 2. 1 .o I 90 135 0 THE ASPECTS OF A DIRECTIONAL CORRELA TION EXPERIMENT 37 rnt " The radiation will have angular rnomenturn L, projection quanturn nurnber M = rn - rnl , and will or will not result in a parity change between the levels depending upon the type of radia- tion. The parity change is deterrnined by a factor (-1)L for elec- tric radiation carrying angular rnornenturn L, and (-1)L*I for rnagnetic radiation carrying angular rnornenturn L. Several L values ranging frorn l:-:' J to j+jt rnay be possible but the rnultiptricity of L values is of no irnportance for this argulnent so the discussion will be in terrns of a single value of L. In practice the rnag- netic substates of the level j are equally populated so that transitions are observed frorn all substates m to all substates rnl . The angular distribution of the ernitted radiation, for given M, depends on +, but the surnrnation over all substates (or surnrna- tion over M) is independent of +. Therefore, the radiation observed in a single transition frorn a non-oriented source is isotr opic. For the observation of the two radiations in coincidence the situation is changed. For a fixed M the radiation is not iso- tropic because a particular direction i.n space is being singled out' This is the quantization axis with reference to which M, as well as rn and rnr , is rneasured. If of all the radiation ernitted in aII directions only that proceeding in a specified direction is 38 observed, then this is equivalent to selecting a particular set of M values. Further, if the axis of quantizatirrn is chosen to lie along the direction of ernission of the first radiation, M will be +1 with M= 0 ornitted. This is a result of the fact that a transverse wave corresponds to a photon which can have intrinsic spin only parallel or antiparallel to the propagation direction and that only the zeto component of the n orbitalll angular rnornenturn is radiated in the z*direction. That the sarne conclusion can be reached frorn classical field theory is dernonstrated later on although the separation of the angular rnornenturn into an rr intrinsic spinrr and an n orbitaln part is not rnade. The result is then that not all values of M are surnrrred over and in the final state not all rnr values are equally populated. If this final state for the first transition is also the initial state for the next transition, then the ensuing radiation is anisotropic by virtue of the fact that it orig- inates frorn unequally populated substates. The general theory of angular correlation was established by Harniiton (26, p. IZZ). Further developrnent and refinernent of the theory has resulted rnainly frorn the work of Harnilton (?7, p. 7821, Lloyd (34, p. 716), Alder (2, p. 235), Racah (4?., p. Falkoff (1!, p" 98) and Goertzel lZ3, p. 897). Biedenharn and Rose have presented a detailed review article of the subject 910), 39 (7, p. 7 29l." The theory of directional correlation can be sumrnarized in the following way. Let the initial nuclear state be described by a state function (j, -11, the interrnediate state by (i *1, and the final state Uy (iZ^rl. The jrs are the angular rnornenta of the var- ious nuclear levels, and the rnrs are their projections on the quantization axis. It is assurned that the perturbation of the interrnediate state by extra nuclear fields is negligible. This will be true if the lifetirne of the interrnediate state is srnall cornpared to the nuclear precession period produced by an external coupling. An application of second-order perturbation theory (44, p. 168) gives the prob- abiiity that a nucleus decaying through the states I * i * ? will ernit radiation I in direction RI followed by radiation Z in the di- rection i.Z. This probability is the correlation function Wt*rEr) given by w(\K.) = s \- rn)(i rnlHr lir,r,r) l' lrr., L rlHzli *1*z- (r) is the interaction "t Harniltonian responsible for the ernission or absorption of radiation where constant factors have been ornitted. I and H^Z-is that for the ernission or absorption of radiation 2. The factor S indicates that a surnrnation is also rnade over unobserved quantities, for exarnple, the state of polarization of the radiation. 40 Equation (I) rnay be brought into a rnore usable forrn by carrying out sorne simplifying rnanipulations. First the rnatrix elernents are split into multi.pole cofilponents according to the L, M, and parity of the ::adiati.on. A transforrnation is then perforrned rotating the coordinate systern of quantization over into the coordinate systern of the radiation. fhe rnatrix elernents of distinct rnul- tipole orders are then split into geornetrical factors and reduced rnatrix elernents using the .Wigner-Ec.:kart theorern (44, P. 85). This gives the dependerrce on the rnagneti.c quanturn nurnbers and hence on geornetrical factcrs separately by rneans of Clebsch- Gordan coefficients. Finally, with the help of relations among the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients (44, p. 35) the total exPression can be reduced by rneans of Racah algebra (44, P. L73). The re- sult for the correlation functj.on for pure rnultipole transitions is t'ma* w(S) = tL A P (cos lzl Q) v=0 where v takes on only even values and t,,."* is given by s rnalle s t of. Zj, ZLL, ZLr. Pr.(cos Q) is the Legendre polynornial of order v. The coefficients A' are given by A v - Fv(LlilJ)Fv(Lzizi) the 4T where i,- j - I F (Ljlj) = (-) ' (zj +rf /zrrl+ r)c(LLv; l, -1)w(jjLL;vjr). C(LLv;1, -tr) is a Clebsch-Gordan coefficient with 7= i +iand jLL; coefficient r) is a Racah coefficient. The Racah W(abcd;ef) is zero unless each of the three triangle rules A(abe), \M(j vj A (cde), A(acf), and A(bdf) are satisfied. It is this fact that deter- rnines the restrictions on trrrr* in Equation (2). Tabulations of the functions ",. are available (7, p. 7461 f.or various j values. Thus, the constants Ar. in the expansion ", jI, and depend on five pararneters: Ll, LZ' iy j, ir, so that a comparison between the theoretical and experirnental correlation functions can give in- forrnation about these pararneter s. If one of the radiations in the cascade consists of a rnixture of different multipole orders, I if (Lf Li) i &Z) iZ] , the correlation function has the forrn (7, p. 747\ w(Q) = wr(+) + 62 wrr(Q) + zo wm(+). (3) 62 is the ratio of the total angle-integrated intensity of the Llpole to that of the Lr-pole radiation. In general, the real rnixing ratio 6 is defined as the rati.o of the reduced rnatrix elernents for the Lr pole to the L pole radiation, 42 (jllL'll:,1 O- ullL ll:,t wI(+) and w,,(+) are given by Equation wT(+) = ,; F,.(L.j rj) ) "rrt"ri ri) wrr(Q) = l'[ ),u (2). p.r(cos 0) j) r-rtr,rj rj) Prr(cos s) "rt"[j, Wm(+) is the contribution due to the interference between L, and Li and is given by wrrr(+) "- r LFvlLrLijri) Fv(Lzjrj) Pr.(cos s) v with 1,(\Hiri) = (*)i-ir-'[(.i + l)(2L+I)(zlr +r11r/z x G,.(L,Li itj) and G..(lLijij) = c(LtLlv; The 1, -I)w(jj "r"i; vjr). function Gv(LLt jlj) is tabulated by Biedenharn and Rose (7, p. 749) f.ox the case Lr - L + I. The expiicit forrn of W(+) for the case in which both radia- tions of the cascade are rnixtures of two rnultipoles is given by Rose 146, p. 477|" 43 It is possible, because of the finite energy resolution of the detecting sy'stern, that two or rnore correlations frorn different cascades consisting of radiations of nearly the same energy rnay contribute to the experirnentally measured function. The theoretical expression for such a comPosite correlation rnay be found by incoherently cornbining the separate contributing functions with proper weights. These weights will be deterrnined by the rel- ative garrurra ray intensities of the radiations involved. In the event of a cascade of the form jO(\)jt(LZ)j Z(.L3li3 a directional correlation between the first and third radiations, the I'cross overrt correlation, can be fileasured with the interrnediate radiation, LZ, unobserved. The correlation function is given by Equation (2) with Ar. = Frr(Ltioit)Fv(L3i ,rrrW, so that the coefficients depend upon the angular nlomenta of the states and upon the rnultipolarities of the radiations, including that of the unobserved radiation. If either of the observed radia- tions is rnixed, the correlation function is calculated as indicated above for the ordinary correlation, Equation (3). If the inter- rnediate unobserved radiation is rnixed the correlation function is 44 given by w(s) = w(Lz) +6zw(L:) where 62 is the ratio of the intensity of the Lt-pole to that of the L-pole in the interrnediate radiation. Another quantity often used in angular correlation work is the anisotropy A defined as A= ''r - w(I8o) -w(go) - wiE-- If the highest coefficient in the expansion for becorne s lzA z 8 - 4A + 5A4 z+ 3A4' 1M(+) is An this 45 THE ANGULAR MOMENTUM OF ELEC TROMAGNETIC RADIA TION In order to calculate the angular rnornenturn carried by the electrornagnetic field it is convenient to use the spherical wave solutions for the field (28, p. I13). The solution of the scalar wave equation (the Helrnholtz equation) in spherical coordinates can be wri.tten *(*) = I, trtr "j'J"f ')e"l + elra n(rz)(o,)l yr m(0, +) (r ) !- are spherical Hankel functions and k - ,/c. I The coefficients Orr., will be determined by the boundary condi- where the njt'z) tions. The Yl,,,(e, +) are the spherical harmonics which are solutions of the angular part of the wave equation in spherical coordi- nates. In operator notation this can be written ? L-y" lrrl = !(t + 1)y"ltTr where Lz = Lzxyz + Lz + LZ L= * a,,d L=-i(rxV). Defining xy+ iL , the following equations hold: L__ LY + lrn Yl rrr*, , (?) LY=rnY "z- lrn - "'tlrn' The orthogonality of the spherical harrnonics (- J "fu Yl'..,' & = 6l !.' 6*rrr" is expressed by (3) 46 In a source free region, assurning harrnonic fields, Maxwellrs equations are V x E=ikB + V 'E=0 vx ++ V + B=_ikE (4) B=o Frorn these equations it can be shown that E and B separately satisfy the vector Helrnholtz equation ? )- (v-+k")F=O. The spherical wave rnultipole solutions for 6 and E (5) "rn be ob- tained frorn Equation (5) which indicates that each rectangular cornponent ++ of E or B satisfies the scalar Helrnholtz equation, so each cornponent can be represented by an exPression of the forrn Equation (l). These can be cornbined to yield the vectorial result, for exarnple, for C. E = )L t rrtllnl')ru'l *Ila r',12)tt'll yrm(e, Q) !. (5) rrn In evaluating the coefficients frr.. the divergence condition on B rnust be satisfied. This leads to a condition that the E field is transverse to the radius vector, resulting in a special set of electrornagnetic fields, Er.r, = f, (kr) r tro, (e' +) * + i F x B ---V "lrn "lrn - k ' (7) 47 where r, (kr) = Af ')nlt)to"l + af z)r,f ')(o"). (8) These represent solutions in which the rnagnetic field is perpendic- ular to the radius vector and are called electrrc multipole fields. The calculation for E, instead of B, gives an alternative set of rnultipole fields in which E is perpendicular to the radius ve ctor. f lrn f, (kr) .i* -'V k B lm " "rrr, x E (0, +) (e) !.rn These are called rnagnetic rnultipole fields. These two sets of fields forrn a cornplete set of vector solutions to Maxwellrs equations (28, p. IZ0). The vector spherical harrnonics are defined by x, (e, +) L IITI Y" -YIYT (r 0) (e, +) with *O = 0 and the orthogonality property ('* + J*i"r,,,' Xrr, dQ = 6rr, 6rrrr.r, (t r) The general solution of Maxwellls equations will be a cornbination of the two types of fields. E= r+ LIa"(1, l, rn -f -- \-. i *)fl (k')*m - f a*(1, rn)v x g, (kr)irr,,] Lt f ""(1, !" ,rrt .. .=? rn)v x f, (kr)Xrr,, + a*(l (I2) , rr-lst lt"l*lr-l 48 The coefficients ar(l . rn) and a*(1, rn) specify the arnounts of the electric and rnagnetic fields, respectively, and will be deterrnined by the sources and boundary conditions. The radial func- tions f, (kr) and S, (kr) are of the forrn Equation (8). The rnultipole fields of a radiating source can be used to calculate the energy and angular mornenturn carried off by the radiation. For exarnple, consider an electric rnultipole field. From Equation (12), the fields which satisfy the boundary conditions of finiteness at the origin and outgoing waves at infinity are Errr, = arlt,r.)hlI)1t .)*rrr, .-i<''rt (ts1 i x *B Elrn - jv k lrn The tirne-averaged energy is Considering the radiation zone where the two terrns in the inte- grandare equal on the average u = and. using Equation (13) * Jl"",r,'n)l'lnl')(o")lt*r,ni;. av. for B, (L4al With the orthogonality relation for the vector spherical harrnonics, Equation ( I I ), thi s bec orne u = #Jl"rrr,") s l'lnl' )(r.") I z ,zd.r. (l4b) 49 The tirne-average of the Poynting vector, giving the energy flux in the field is -+ S = 8n ^: Re(E x B'k). ==) The average Erorrrenturn density is then S/.", so the time-averaged angular rnornenturn carried by the field is +lC_++ tul = ,ft J *"tr x (E x B'r')l dV. Expanding the triple vector product and recalling that ?'E = O for this electric rnultipole fieId, the integral becornes Substituting for E frorn Equation (13) this becornes +tf_++ M = :8no \ J n"[g,k(r x _iV).B Using the operator identity i I c 14 = i 8n rr.: J\ ++ dV. = -ii-V nuIn,:.1f,.e)] the integral can be written dV. Using the expression for E frorn Equation (13), fr = *- J 1"",r, *) I 'lnl')(o,) lzn.r*;;f ir,-lu,r. i'*" Frorn the definition of *,,TITT , (*:1. ,(M TM iY, IITT ), ) = (Y'i: ITr} so ft = # J lr",r, *) l21r,f l)tr.') l2n"(yi-;iyr.,y"zd"d Equations (2) and (3) show that only tine z-component of il n. exists. 50 Mz -- # J Iar(1, ") I 'lnl')(or)lzrnRe(Yf' YrJaorzar M, = # t lar(r,*)l'lnl')(r")lz,zd, For a rnagneti.c (1, rrr) (15) multipole, a"(1, rn) is replaced by ar(/, rn). Comparing Equation (I4b) for the energy with Equation (15), M z U rn m?r r., - tu,-r ' ^'rr-= -1, -l +1, ,! This is interpreted quanturn mechanically to rnean that radiation frorn a rnultipole of order (1, m) carries off corrrponent of angular rnornenturn t}:,e z- mtr per photon of energy ?ro. Furtherrnore, since according to this serniclassical calculation, only the z-cornponent of the angular momenturn exists, the ratio of the square of the total angular rnornenturn to the square of the energy is MZ ITT -= U -o) Z This result arises frorn the above calculation using classical fields. Quanturn rnechanically it rnight be expected that iZ = !.(!.+IlhZ, as is indeed the result given by a quanturn electrodynarnical calculation. A quantized field can be introduced by treating the amplitudes ar(l, rn) (or a*(1, rn)) as quanturn rnechanical operators 5I which create and destroy photons of type (1, rn) (41, p. 2971. The calculation is then perforrned in the same general way as in the classical case. DeWitt and Jensen (16, p. 268) have perforrned the calculation for a quantized rnultipole field containing N photons and find, L-z - Nmh, lz = {*'..,'+ N[l(t+l) - t,-\]hz and 2? Ui = (hN<,r)" rn - -!, -!.+L, ......, !. where I is the rnultipole order of the radiation. For large N (the classical case) this result gives lrrn -ZZ L m N*oo?= J agreeing with the classical calculation. For a single photon, however, the rigorous treatrnent shows that *)? L" = l(l + 1)h" L z =rnh for the square ar.d z-corrrponent of the angular rrlorrlenturn carried off by a photon of the rnultipole field (1, rn). The question to be answered in connection with a directional correlation experirnent concerns t}l.e z-cornponent of the angular rnornenturn carried off by the first garnrrra ray. From the forrn of the fields, Equation (I2), the angular dependence of the Poynting 5?. vector will be given by l*rrrte, +) I 2. The direction of propagation of the first radiation is definedas the z-axis, that is, the di- rection e - o. irrrtt,S) has the property thatir*t0,0) for all I. =6rn,* I Therefore, energy will be transmitted in the z-direction only when rrr = * I and will thus carry z-component of angular mornentum of *h and no other value. Therefore, even this sernicl.aseical argument shows clearly that the choice of the direction of propagation of the first radiation to be the z-axis fulfills the conditions which are reguired to see an anisotropy, namely, that the populations of the substates of the interrnediate state will not be equal. 53 SOURCE PREPARATION In order to obtain good statistics in the true coincidence rate, the chance coincidence rate should be kept as small as possible compared to the true coincidence rate. The counters rnust be positioned so as to subtend a large solid angle and a source of ap- propriate activity ernployed in order to rneet this condj.tion and stil1 get a sufficient nurnber of true coincidence counts in a reasonable tirne. Consider a source which ernits two garnrna rays in and whose strength cascade is No disintegrations per second. The nurn- ber of single counts recorded in each channel per second rnay be written as N.1 = N011 w.e. where w,1 is the solid angle subtended by counter i at the source and .i is the detection efficiency of chan- neI i for quanturn i. The nurnber of chance coincidence counts per second is given by ? N.h = ZTNrN2 = ZTNo-wr*Z"l"z where Z'I apparatus. is the experirnentally determined resolving tirne of the The nurnber of true coincidence counts per second is Nrr,r" = No*l*rw(S)"re, where W(0) is ttre correlation function. dences to chance coincidences is then The ratio of true coinci- 54 N true w(+) N_zTN cho Frorn this equation then, for a given ZT, No rnust be as srnall as possible (consistent with a sufficiently high coincidence countino rate) in order to rnake the true-to-chance ratio as large as possible. The size and surroundings of the source are very irnportant in angul"ar correlation work. If a quanturn is scattered in material near the source it rnay lose its original direction and srnear out the correlation function, an effect which rnay be reduced by decreasing the thickness of the source and of the walls of the source holder. If the source is not cylindrically syrnrnetric about the rotation axis of the rnovable counter the absorption can be angularly dependent. On the basis of expressions presented by Aeppli, et al. (1, p. 339) for a thin cylindrical source surrounded by scattering rnaterial, Frauenfelder (21, p. 149) gives the critical source and absorber thicknesses for various rnaterials. For a lucite container for 500 Kev garnrrra rays, the critical waIl thickness is about 2.00 rnrn. The walls of the lucite containers used in this experirnent were 0.79 rnrn thick. The critical source thickness is on the order of 1.00 rnrn. The thickness of the source used in this experiment was 0.79 rnrn. Scattering in sources of Iess than critical thickness reduces the ani.sotropy by less than a factor of 0. !$ (2], p. 150)' 55 The syrnrnetry of the source was confirrned by observing the sin- gles counting rates a.t r.arious angles. The 2.3 year CrI34 sources used in this experirnent were prepared frorn obtained from the Oak Ridge National Laboratorv. This was in the forrn of high specific activity CsCl dissolved in HCi. A srnaIl arnount of this rnaterial was dropped into a. srnal1 cavity in the lucite source holder, the liquid was al- lowed to evaporate and the process was repeated until a source of the desired activity was obtained. The cavity was then sealed with a lucite cap to contain the source rnaterial and to rninirnize evaporation. Figure 3 shows the garnrna ray pulse height distribution in the region of interest for the C "134. Cornrnercial sea-led Co60 sources of 0. I and I. I rnillicu- ries were used. fo:: testrng the spectrorneter by perforrning a directional corr elati on. Ni60 and 563 Kev Backscatter 80 /r05,569, peak 70 60 d50 0) a O 797 and 802 Kev Sno @ N o.r 30 d a -20 o k #0) .3 ro bo 0) +t r0 z0 30 40 50 60 70 Pulse Height (Volts) Figure 3. PULSE HEIGHT SPECTRUM OF C"t34. (n 6 57 EXPERIMENTA L A PPARA TUS The arrangernent of the electronic equiprnent used in this investigation was sirnilar to the conventional fast-slow delayed coincidence system in which the functions of tirning and energy selection were perforrned separately and then cornbined in a triple coincidence circuit. A pair of scintillation counters was used to detect the nu- clear garrlrrra rays. The voltage pulses generated by each counter were proportional to the energy of the garrrma rays detected in that counter. These output pulses were fed into pre-amplifiers and then into linear amplifiers, after which the signals were separated into tirning and energy selection channels. Constant arnplitude output pulses frorn each amplifier were generated by selected ampli- fied counter pulses and fed into a fast coincidence circuit. Addi- tionally, unselected arnpiified counter pulses were fed into single channel differential pulse height analyzers. Each pulse height anaLyzer generated a constant amplitude output pulse whenever the size of an input pulse fell between two voltage levels, V and V + dV, thus acting as an energy selector. The output pulses from the analyzers were fed into a slow coincidence circuit. The output of the fast coincidence circuit was delayed before being fed 58 to the triple coincidence stage. This was necessaryinorder to compensate for the delay introduced by the pulse height analyzers. By this technique only those triple coincidences were forrned corresponding to signals frorn detectors I and 2 whose amplitudes fell within the respective w[ndows of the analyzers. Figure 4 shows a block diagram of the scintillation spectrometer. The garnma-ray detectors consisted of NaI(Tl) crystals I.5 inches in diarneter and 1.0 inches thick optically coupled to Dumont K-1719 photornultiplier tubes. This assembly was positioned in a steel cylinder which acted as a rnechanical support and a partial electrornagnetic shield. Cylindrical rnu-meta1 magnetic shields were installed aroun{ the steel cylinders to elirninate ef- fects produced by the earthrs rnagnetic field. The preamplifiers were stacked cathode followers which provided a fast rising, negative output pu1se. The arnfli,fiers were R-C coupled non-overloading types des,igned for a rise tirne of.0.2 microsecond. The pulse height selector output pulse used for the fast coincidence was ,a 30 volt negative pulse of 0.7 rnicrosecond duration. Each differential pulse height analyzer was fed by a positive output pulse of I.5 rnicroseconds duration followed by negative undershoot with an exponential decay. The differential pulse height anaLyzers were of a a (Fixed) Linear Amp Scaler 1 Scaler D. P, H, Anal. E Figure 4. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE SCINTILLATION SPECTROMETER. 1 50 conventional design. Each unit produced a negative output pulse only when a positive input signal had an amplitude falling within two preset voltage levels. The instrurnent deterrnined whether or not the height of the input pulse exceeded the lower level of the channel and then whether or not the pulse size exceeded the upper level. When the input pulse size exceeded the lower level a nega- tive output pulse was generated which would then be vetoed by an anticoincidence circuit if the pulse also exceeded the upper level. In this way output pulses were generated only for those pulses whose sizes fe11 between the upper and lower levels set on the instrument. The coincidence circuit consisted of two fast and two slow channels. The fast pulse height selector pulses frorn the arnplifiers were fed directly to the fast coincidence circuit. If these two pulses arrived within the resolving tirne of the fast coincidence circuit, a coincidence occurred producing a large pulse at a corrrrrron plate junction. This pulse, after shaping, was fed to the triple coincidence bus after having been delayed about 5.5 rnicroseconds in order to cornpensate for the extra tirne needed to carry out the energy selection in the slow channel pulse height ar.aLyzexs. Output pulses frorn the analyzers were fed to the two slow channels of the coincidence circuit. The outputs of the two 6l fast and the two slow channels, all positive pulses, were fed to the junction of four diodes and a load resistor on the triple coincidence bus. The bias across each diode was set so that any one of the diodes could hold the voltage down on the load one resistor even though or rnore of the other diodes was cut off. This condition could be attained by applying a positive pulse to the cathode of the diode or by opening the circuit through the diode by a rnanual switch. When a triple coincidence occurred (fast and two slows) a positive pulse rvas generated on the triple coincidence bus" This pulse was fed to the output stage which in turn fed a scaler of the convention- aI type. The photornultiplier high voltage power supplies were designed to provide a very stable (0.02 percent per day) d-c voltage source for precision scintillation counting. The output voltage changes by less than 0.35 percent for a current increase frorn zero to rnaxirnurn load (1 rnilliarnpere) and by less than 0.00035 percent per volt change of line frorn 100-130 volts. The ripple was less than 0.01 percent of the output voltage. Each unit con- sisted of an input regulating transforrner followed by a high voltage transforrner., a rectifier, and an R-C filter network. The filtered d-c voltage was applied to a bank of 17 cold cathode tubes frorn which the stabilized output voltage was obtained. 6z One detector was fixed on the spectrorneter table while the other could be rotated about the central axis, on which the source was placed, and set at various angular positi.ons to within 0.25 de- gree. The distance of each detector frorn the central axis was adjustable. The alignrnent of the counters and the source was done with the aid of a telescope. 63 EXPERIMEN TAL MEASUREMENTS Before fiIeasurernents on Bul34 were begun an angular correlation rneasurement was perforrned with the ganuna rays of Ni60. The data were taken at five angles using a 0. I rnillicurie Co50 source. rr,. Ni50 correlation is weII known and serves as a convenient rneans of testing the experirnental rnethods and equip- rnent. The experirnent was done in the sarne way as is described below in the casd.of 8"134. rhe Ni60 rneasurerrrent yielded re- sults in agreernent with the published (50, p. 553) directional cor- relation coefficients for Ni60 and with the theory. With this assurance that the equipment was functioning properly and that the rnethod of data treatrnent was satisfactory the directional correla- tion rneasurernents with g^134 were undertaken. _ 134 The Cs - source was prepared as described in the section on source preparation and was rnounted in the source holder on the angular correlation table where it rernained for the duration of the entire experirnent. This served to eliminate fatigue effects in the photornultiplier tubes that are observed when the tubes are first exposed to a source. The source strength was about 80 rnicrocuries. This gave a ratio of true to chance coincidence of about two. A11 runs were rnade at a source to detector distance 64 of 7.0 crn. Two different angular correlations were measured in the gamrna decay of B.134. The decay scherne is quite cornplicated and includes sorne garrlrna rays of nearly the sarne energy. The energy resolution of the detecting system was rneasured to be about nine percent in the geornetry used, so that garrrrrra rays dif - fering in energy by less than this amount could not be resolved. The first correlation that was rneasured was an t'overallr' correla- tion which is the cornposite correlation rnade up of the 797-605 Kev, the 802-563 Kev, the 802-[ 569-7 97 Kev correlations, and the sfi] -605 Kev cross-over correlation. Because of the srnall energy differences the low energy photopeak will be cornposed of the 605 Kev, 569 Kev, and 563 Kev gamma rays. The higher energy photopeak will be rnade up of the 797 Kev and 802 Kev garnrna rays. For sirnplicity the lower peak will be terrned the 605 Kev peak and the upper one the 797 Kev peak. In order to measure the rroverallrr correlation the gains of the arnplifiers were adjusted so that the pulses in the 797 Kev gamrrra ray peak in channel 2 had the sarne arnplitude as the pulses frorn the 605 Kev garnma ray peak in channel 1. The arnplifier and analyzer discriminators of each channel were then set at point L in Figure 5. The windows of the analyzers were then 65 set so as to bracket the peaks. The discrirninator on arnplifier I was then varied slightly to optimize t}:.e delay and pulse shape and rnaxirnize the coincidence counting rate, The background level with no source in place was found to be negligible. The counting rates in each channel were kept to about I03 per second so that counting losses were negligible. In order to be able to correct the total coincidence counting rate for chance coincidences the effective resolving time of the fast-slow coincidence circuit had to be determined. It was rneasured by the incoherent source rnethod during which the set- tings of the electronic equiprnent were identical to those used in a run. The directional correlation source was left in position where it was viewed by the fixed detector and the rnovable detec- tor was rernoved frorn the table and inserted into a thick-walled lead cave. A second source of the rnaterial under investigation was placed in the cave and its distance frorn the counter was varied until the singles counting rate of that channel was identical to its rate during a correlation run. The two detectors and their sources were cornpletely shielded frorn one another so that the coincidences that were recorded were due only to chance. From this rneasurement the resolving time was given by 66 N zT- Nl ch *,aux .,r* "rr* where N aux', N-Z aux', and Nch, aux are the analyzed singles of I channels I and Z and the coincidence rate, respectively, of this auxilliary experirnent. The resolving time was rrleasured during each run and was found to be about lZx lO-8 ,u. rernaining essen- tially constant frorn run to run. The second correlation rneasurernent that was atternpted, the I'separatedt' correlation, was that cornposed of two cascades only; the 797-605 Kev and the 802-[sfi] -605 Kev correlations. With an energy resolution of nine percent the half widths at half rnaxirnurn of the photopeaks of the 569 Kev and 563 Kev gamrna rays would be about 25 Kev. The arnplifier gains were readjusted and the arnplifier and analyzer discrirninators were set as shown in Figure 6 at Lt with the an.alyzer windows, 'W, bracketing the peaks as shown. In this way, setting the discrirninator levels of channel I at about 605 Kev, the contributions of the 563 Kev and 559 Kev garrurla rays were largely elirninated. Frorn this point the sarne procedures were followed as in rneasuring the "overall" correlation. The triple coincidence and slow singles rates were deter- mined at 19 angles between t0 degrees and 270 degrees in ten L I40 67 605 Kev ,t, lz0 r00 80 Channel \r 60 0) +J d d 40 I bo H .a +) ZO U Channel 797 K ev d o 0 L6 i8 z0 zz 24 /z 26 z8 Pulse Height (Volts) 30 32 34 Figure 5. PULSE HETGHT SeECTRUM oF C"134 poR CHANNELS AND Z IN THE ''OVERALL" CORRELATION. LZO Lr 605 Kev {, 797 Kev 100 ,f Channel I 80 w 60 o H+o d h0 'i( z0 Channel 2 d o , uo 6z 64 66 68 70 7Z 74 76 78 80 Pulse Height (VoIts) Figure'6. PULSE HEIGHT SeECTRUM oF C"l34 l,.oR CHANNELs AND Z IN THE "SEPARATED'' CORRELATION. 68 degree incrernents for each correlation. The fast singles were observed as a stability rnonitor. In each case the data were col- lected in a series of half-hour runs at each angle alternating with half-hour runs at 90 degrees (or 270 degrees) for norrnalization purposes. In the overall correlation at least 105 true coincidence counts were accurnulated at each ang1e, except for 90 (or 270) de- grees, where approximately 106 were accurnulated. For the (797 + 802)-505 Kev (rrseparatedr') correlation about 4xI04 true coincidences were obtained at each angle except 90 (or 270) de- grees where approxirnately 4x105 counts were obtained. A slow electronic drift was apparent during an eight or ten hour run so the equiprnent was reset whenever the singles counting rate in either channel changed by rnore than one percent. The data were reduced according to the treatrnent given in the appendix. The re- sults for the two correlation rrreasurertents are given in Figures and 8 and 7 in Table 4. In the figures the solid curve is the theoret- ical directional correlation function for the case 4lzlzl2)0 rnodified to correct for the finite solid angles subtended by the two de- tectors. The experimental coefficients presented in Table 4 have been corrected for solid angle. The uncertainties indicated the experirnental points are due to statistical effects only. on 1.160 L. L4O t.120 1.100 o 6 1.080 1.060 (D F 1.040 t.o20 1.000 €l 0.9801 I 90 _-/L t 100 l I ' 110 ' 120 ' t40 130 e Figure z. 4"I34 "oVERALL" CoRRELATIoN. 150 160 180 o \o 1.160 n llllllrlf 1.140 I 1. t20 1.100 T 6./,/[ 1 150 160 ,/t E( r.oao F 9 ,/[, ,/f, I T,/ o I B 1.040 1. -L 020 1. OOO 0.980 90 100 110 t20 130 e Figure B. B"134 "SEeARATED" CoRRELATIoN. 140 t70 180 \t o 7l Table 4. DIRECTIONAL CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS AND ANISOTROPY Or 8a134. Ao Theory tL?-l?!?l-o- I O+ oz + 0' 10 20 + 0' 0091 Anisotropy +0' 1667 8"134 least -:gYlI:: "Overall" correlation I +0.0904 +.0026 +0.0097 +.0052 'rseparatedrr l correlation +o.o96g +0,L478 +.0061 +.0043 +0.0142 *.00g6 +0.r6ro +.orr4 72 CONCLUSIONS The results of the garnma ray directional correlation rneasurements in g^134 are surnrn arized. in Figures ? and 8 and in Table 4. In the decay of a state with angular rnornenturn j to a state with angular rnornenturn jt by the emission of radiation with angular rnornentum L, the possible values of L are deterrnined by the conservation law l: - :'J < L S j + j', so that angular rnornentum sequences colnmensurate with this selection rule rnust be considered. Any garnrna ray to the ground state in Bal34 *rr"t b. a pure rnultipole since the ground state angular rnornenturn On the basis of reported work the 505 Kev and taken to be 2* and 4+ is zero. l40l Kev states are with the 797 Kev and 605 Kev "."puctively radiations both electric quadrupole. The "separatedil correlation will be cornposed of two components, the 797 Kev-505 Kev cascade, and the 802 Kev-[S6: Xev] 505 Kev cascaile in which the interrnediate 563 Kev radiation is un- observed. The expected correlation function can be calculated on the basis of the decay scheme by weighting the contributions ac- cording to the garrurra ray intensities. On the basis of lifetirne considerations and reported internal conversion coefficients some 73 combinations of angular rnornenta for the 1970 Kev and Il68 Kev levels can be ruled out. The remaining reasonable pairs of values of the angular rnornenta of the 1970 Kev and 1168 Kev states, re- spectivelyr ?r€ 3 and l, 3 and 2, and 4 and 2. Table 5 contains the calculated directional correlation coefficients for the 'rseparatedrr correlation for the possible pure rnultipole orders of the radiations for these angular rnornenta. The contributions have been weighted using the experirnentally observed gamrra ray inten- sities given in Figure I and the weights are 72.5/81.7 and 9. ?./8L.7 respectively in the order in which the contributions appear in Table 5. None of these possibilities can be ruled out on the basis of the experimental coefficients, particularly since rnultipole rnixing is possible and suitable rnixing can bring the calculations into agreernent with the experirnent within the experirnental error. The rroverall" correlation is a composite of four cascades, the ?97 Kev-605 Kev 172.5/LoZ.4l, the 802 Kev-563 Kev (9. z/toa.4\ the 569 Kev-797 Kev lll.5/102.4l', and the 802 Kev-[S5: fev] -605 Kev (9. Z/lOZ.4) in which the 553 Kev radiation is again unobserved. Expected coefficients have again been calculated for the possible angular rnornenta and multipolarities and are shown in Table 6 where rneasured intensities have again been used to deterrnine the weights of the contributions. The weight of each cascade is given TABLE 5. CALCULATED COEFFICIENTS FOR TtlE "SEPARATED" CORRELATION IN ge134 I T 1970 1 Kev Kev 168 Combined E2t2(2lo 412)2(2)0 +. oo91 +.0091 \ A4 o 0 +.0945 +. 0865 +. oo81 +. oo81 o +.0865 +.0081 1020 0 +.05,14 3(212D) 2(2lo +.0437 -.0233 +.@22 +.0790 +.0954 +. oo81 +. Ot42 +. oo55 4142lLl 2l2lo +.0510 -.0060 -.o2t9 +. 0026 +. 0963 +. 0880 +.OO74 E2)2tA 42ro 3(2)L w z?)o +. 0357 3Q)LA a?)o -.0357 3<tl2 [1] 42to -. 0357 +. 0153 \[rzLA z(2)o 3G)2.r1) 2(2'to 412)421O rr -. Separatedrr Expe rimental Coefficients A2 A4 +.0084 = +0.0968 + 0.0043 = +0. 0142 + 0. m86 -t A TABLE 6. CALCULq,TED COEFFICIENTS FOR THE .OVERALL', CORRELATION IN Ba134 II 1970 Kev 1168 Combined 569-797 Kev 3<2lt(tlz 3<4t t1)42!o 3lLl412l2 3l2lL(212 3(2ltL2) 42',,o 3(1141212 3(2lt(tlz 312lL(2)2 3{tlz(L)2 312)2(L)2 3ltl2(212 3{212(2)2 3{\Lt41r2 34212(t'tz 3lt)2(2r2 342)2(2t2 E2)41)2 412)2(2)2 41212(tlz 41212(2)2 -.0500 -.t429 +.0153 +.0437 -.0500 -.t429 +.0153 +.0437 +.O7L4 -.O2L9 +.0714 -.o2t9 0 0 O -.0233 3{2ltlt) 42lo 3{zllLd 42lo 312)41212 3(L)2 U) 2(2lo 3(1141212 342t2IlJ 42to 3(Ll2 L2) 2(2lo 3<1141212 3(2t2L2l42p Lrl42lf. 3{.2)412)2 3{L)2D) 42ri0. 3{21412)2 3(2)2L2142yo 312)412)2 qzv A)2Q)o 411)412)2 E2)2L2)4210 411)412)2 412)2lL) 42)o 412)2t2) 42)o \21412)2 O -.0233 O +. 0026 O +.0026 312't2 rr 412)E2)2 OveralIr Experimental Az A4 +.0590 +.O064 +.O500 +.0064 +.O77O -.0144 +. O68O -.OLu 3{1144212 42',,o 3(rl2w A+ 312144212 3tLlEzlz q2tqz12 0 0 A2 C O -;1403 -.1403 -O... 0 -.1403 t&3 0 -. +.020O -. 1853 +. O2OO -. 1853 +. O20O -. 1853 +.O2OO -.1853 +.0488 +.0345 +.0592 +.0643 +. O668 +.0525 +.0772 +. 0823 +.0O64 +. 0113 +.1964 +. t964 -. Lt84 -. lt84 +.1053 +.0903 +.0699 +.0550 +.0059 oef fic ients 0 0 +. 1516 +. 1516 Az= 44= +.0064 +. O@3 -.0144 -. OO95 -.0144 -.0186 +. O069 +.0229 +.0239 + o. m26 +O.O@7 + 0.0052 +0.0904 {' (rl 76 above in parentheses after the cascade. The constant contribution of the 797 Kev-505 Kev 4(ZlZl2)0 cascade has been ornitted frorn the table for simplicity but its effect is included in the calculated coefficients. The coefficients for the cascade have not been listed 802 Kev-[S5: Xev] -605 Kev explicitly since they are the same as those given in Table 5. In this case rnultipole rnixing is possible in at least two of the radiations for each pair of angular rnomenta and by the choice of proper mixing ratios the calculations in each case can be brought into agreement with the experirnental data within their errors. None of the three possible angular rnornentum sequences can be ruled out on the basis of these experirnental results alone. Since it is possible to include rnixing in at least two radiations the values of the mixing ratios cannot be assigned unarnbiguously. The interpretation of the results of directional correlation measurements between the 1365 Kev and the 605 Kev radiations are not cornplicated by interfering radiations on a more cornplete decay scherne and indicate the assignment of angular rnomenturn 4 to the 1970 Kev level l3Z, p, 66l', (I8, p. 9551, (54, p. 691). Taking the 1970 Kev leveI to have angular rnornentum 4 and, from the allowed nature of the beta branch, to have positive parity leaves angular rnomenturn Z as the probable assignrnent for the 77 I158 Kev Ievel. This angular momenturn sequence is supported by the recent work of Segaert, et aI. (48, this state is taken to p. 87). The parity be positive so that the 802 Kev garnma of ray is electric quadrupole. Otherwise the 802 Kev radiation would be rnagnetic quadrupole, electric octupole, or a higher order rnulti- pole and would be very weak. Cornparing Tables 5 and 5 for these angular rnornenta it appears that the experirnental O, of the rrseparatedil correlation is best fitted by taking the 563 Kev radia- tion to be rnagnetic dipole whereas the coefficient for the "overall'l correlation is best fitted by taking the 563 Kev radiation to be electric quadrupole and the 569 Kev gamma ray to be rnagnetic dipole. This apparent inconsistency can be rernoved by considering both the 563 Kev and the 569 Kev radiations to be magnetic dipole-electric quadrupole rnixtures. The other possible rnixtures would involve rnagnetic octupole or higher order rnultipoles and can be neglected. Figure 9 is a plot of the experirnentally allowed versus those of 6-,^, where the rnixing ratio values of 6-,^ - 563 569' 6 is, in each case, the ratio of the electric quadrupole to rnagnetic dipole intensity in the radiation. In the 'rseparatedrr correlation only 6S5: appears. By requiring the theoretical rnixed O, for this case to equal the experirnental O, within its standard error, the restriction 0 . IUUO, I a 0.9? is obtained. The horizontal 78 lines labeled I at 6553 = + 0. 92 then define the boundaries of the allowed values of the mixing ratio to fit the separated correlation. The experimental On for the rrseparatedrr case places no restric- tions on 6S5r. The same procedure was applied to the overall correlation in which both mixing ratios appear. The solid rrverti- cal" lines labeled 2 in Figure t represent the boundaries of the region of allowed rnixing in order for the theoretical rnixed On of the rroverall'r correlation to agree with the experirnental rrover- all'r An within its standard error. Finally, the areas within the pairs of curves labeled 3 and 4 represent the allowed values of mixing so that the theoretical mixed OZ for the I'overallrr correlation agrees with the experimental rroverall" O, within its standard error. The areas of overlap of these three regions are shaded of 6S5g and 6 S6g on the basis of these experiments, The arrow at 65b3 = 0, 6559= -0.38 and represent the allowed range of values indicates the closest fit to the rrseparatedrr and I'overaIl'r experimen- tal Ars. At this point the calculated 'rseparatedtr O, is *0. 0963 and the calculated rroverall'r O, is *0.0904. tr-rom these curves it is seen that either or both of the 563 Kev or 569 Kev radiations can be at most 50 percent electric quadrupole, corresponding to 6 = t 1. This is in disagreernent with the results reported by Stewart et al. 154, p. 694) who report the 559 Kev radiation to be +o <^ "/ ?^ \ --- _A /1 -2.O -1.6 -1.2 -0.8 -O.4 0 +0.4 +0.8 +L.2 + 6sog Figure 9. EXPERIMENTALLY ALLO\MED 6553 VERSUS EXPERIMENTA LLY ALLO1ME D 6 s6g' 1.6 +2.0 80 t4 percent electric quadrupole. If the condition on the rroverall An (curves 2l is ignored in Figure 9r however, it is seen that large positive 6 569, a corresponding to that radiation being pre- dominantly electric quadrupole in agreement with Stewart et al. , is not in disagreement with the Or'r of the present work provided that the 553 Kev radiation is taken to be a nearly pure mag- netic dipole. Generally, the results of the present experiment support the assignment of large rnagnetic dipole admixtures to both the 569 Kev and the 553 Kev garnrna rays. If the angular momenta and parities of the leveIs being considered are assumed to be 2+, zl, 4*, 4* in order of ascending energy then the asymmetric rotor rnodel of Mallmann is able to correctly predict the energies of these levels. One result of the rnodel is that magnetic dipole transitions are forbidden. Tables of reduced electric quadrupole transition probabilities have been prepared by Day and Mallrnann (15, p. t). Assurning the experirnental beta branching ratios and neglecting the presence of the three etates of unknown angular momenta, the garnma ray intensi- ties were calculated using these reduced transition probabilities. The probability per unit tirne for an electric quadrupole transition is proportional to E5 (E is the gamrna ray energy) tirnes the reduced transition probability. The results are given in Table 7. 8I Table 7. THEORETICAL AND MEASURED GAMMA RAY INTENSITIES IN Ba134. Arymmetric Rotor Gamma Energy Reduced Transition (Kev) Probability Gamma Rays per 100 Decays of cr134 Model 563 s69 505 797 802 r 158 1365 0.3196 0.0780 0.2553 0.3535 0. 1145 0.0r08 0.0029 Measured 8.6 14. z.z 11.5 0 78.6 98. 63. z 72.5 18.2 11.1 6.6 I0. 0 5 2.0 5.0 The comparison for the radiations frorn the 1970 Kev level is most meaningful and is not good. On the basis of the model all these radiations must be electric quadrupole or higher order rnul- tipoles so rnixing can be neglected. Using this fact and the calculated intensities, the expected correlation coefficients were corrr- puted. The predictions for the rrseparatedil correlation are A^ - +0.0882, A. - +0.0078, and those for the 'roverall'r correla2-'4 tion are A^Z+ = *0. 0718, A. - +0.0I17. These coefficients are not in agreement with the experimental results. 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APPENDICES 88 APPENDIX I Geornetrical Correction Factors to W(Q) The results of an angular correlation experiment are rnost conveniently expressed in terrns of an expansion in Legendre poly- nornials. That is, the corrected true coincidence counting rate per unit solid angle is proportional to \w(e) = ) a P (cosO) 'exPLnn (l) n where n takes the values 0, Z, and 4, and the frorn a least-squares fit to the data. W(e)^___ exP "r, are determined is related to the theo- retical correlation function W(+). Since the scintillation crystals subtend finite solid angles at the source, the theoretical correlation function rnust be rnodified. This srneared (or averaged) correlation function W(6I is then compared with the W(0)e*p deterrnined from the measurements (47, p. 610). The object here is to find the relationship between Wiil and W(e)-___. The geornetry under considexp eration is shown in Figure I0, where *(p, '1 0.1 ) are the interaction paths for the garnrrra rays in the crystals, are the azimuth angles of the radiations measured with respect to the crystal axes, is the angle between the crystal axes, 89 T t ll r _>r kr .L Figure 10. GEOMETRY Or" THE CRYSTALS FOR THE FINITE DETEC TOR STZE CORREC TION. 90 + is the angle between the directions of propagation of the cascade garnma rays, is the angle between the axis of crystal I and the propagation direction of radiation Z, is the distance frorn the source to the face of either crystal, is the thickness of each crystal, and is the radius of each crystal. The crystals are identical right circular cylinders with the bases oriented toward the source. The source is situated at the origin of the coordinate systern at the intersection of the crystal axes. In this case, as will be seen, each coefficient in the expansion will be multiplied by an easily determined attenuation factor. =(pi) is the interaction path of garnma i at an angle p., so that ' -r.(E.)x(9.) ' 1 I the absorption is proportional to (l - e ' ), where ,r(Ei) is the energy-dependent absorption coefficient. The srneared out, or measured, correlation function is given by -.-'t*(Pt',,, - "-'z*(92,.)dw, dw, J*,*,(t wfol = ^ ^)(t-" u ')dwrdw, J{t-" where the theoretical function is given by W(0) = \- )o,.",.,cosg) with v = 0, Z, 4. Substituting this into Equation (2) it can be (zl 91 seen that the integrals of irrterest are of the forrn -rr*(Pr) -rz*(!t) (,,r=JPr.(cos0)(I-e ' ')(I-" o 'l"irrpldpld+l x sin PZilPZig.Z (3) with -(pi) = tsec p. _l for 0$iS tan - r/(tr+t1 = p' and *(pi) = tcscP.-h secp. for p' .Pi <tan' I r/h = y The evaluation of Equation (3) is accornplished by using the addi- tion theorem for spherical harmonics p--(cos +r it v' 4' = ?v+l \ * ,.**'(pl+r) yf(a+z). \ A double application of this theorern and the realization that *(0t) and *(pZ) are independent of +l and QZ, respectively, and that 0 is independent of +I and +Z so that the integration over these angles can be perforrned easily leads to Prr(cos +) = Pv(co" 9l)Prr(cos c) c) = Pr.(cos Pr)P,.(cos 0). and P,.(cos Recalling Equation (2), the use of these expressions in Equation (3) gives _w(0) = r Jv(r) J L ouru(cos 0) rya (2) (4) 9Z where -rt*(p;) r.Y Pr.(cos Fi)(I - e ^' J,.(i) = ) sin PidP, J o and again v - 0,2,4. Since Equations (I)and (4) are supposed to represent the sarrle thing, then J (r) J (2\ (1) J vJoo (zl a=-A-v-v n relates the experirnental a and the theoretical A coefficients. nv The Jv integrals have been evaluated by Stanford and Rivers for crystals of various r and t for values of h frorn 7 to 50 crn. using the absorption coefficients for NaI corresponding to energies frorn 0.05 Mev to 5.0 Mev (52, p. 719!.. The Jv(i) integrals can be approximated by rY pi) €(pi) sin p. dp. = v-o \ P,.(cos .1."(i) where € (pi) is the experirnentally deterrnined angular resolution, J0, J Z, and Jn can then be evaluated by graphical integration of this integral. The Jr. values have been experirnentally deterrnined in this way for the detectors used in this experirnent by Glasgow et aI. (25, p. 68:) and by Mansfield and Schecter (37, p. 574). The results support the use of Stanford and Riversr calculated values for the correction factors. 93 APPENDIX II Treatment of the Data The dependence of the coincidence counting rate on the an- gular position of the movable detector corresponds to the theoret- ical correlation function only under assurrrptions of point detectors, centered point sources, and the absence of scattered or disturbing radiations. The cornparison of the experirnental and theo- retical results then follows after corrections have been rnade to the experirnental data for deviations from such an ideal arrange- rnent. The source and its container were rnade srnall (active source volume about 7x10-n so that no corrections were nec- "*') essary for the source size or scattering in the source or its container. The experirnents were performed with a scintillation spectrorneter with its energy selection protection against scattered and other disturbing radiations. In addition the sides of the scintillation crystals were shielded with lead for further protection against radiation scattered frorn one crystal into the other. The true coincidence rate Ni,(et ) of the ith run at the angle 0X was deterrnined in each case by subtracting the chance (or accidental) coincidence rate = ZT Nr,(OO)NiZ(et ) from the total coincidence rate Nrror(0U). NiI (0k) and *rr(rO) 94 are the ar,alyzed singles rates of channels one and two and 2T is the resolving tirne of the systern. The true coincidence rate was then divided by the product of the slow singles rates of channels one and two. Ttriis division by the singles rates will correct to first order srnall errors in the centering of the source (50, p. 597), and should also be independ- ent, to first order, of any changes in the efficiencies of the two channels. The result is the true coincidence ratio Nir(eo) D. (0O) = - Nir (er.)Niz(er) *r.or(ao) - zTN. r (or.)Ni z(er.) Nii (er.)Ntz(er.) The standard error in a function tr.(x.) due to errors in 1 the variables x. is siven bv t" or{*r) t/z = (8, p. 313). Then the standard error associated with Di(et ) i.s 1r 'o.{eu) -= D'(e')l- wi where N.cfr aux P N-2 itot(0t ) + nteo) I + negligibie terrns ch aux t/z I J isthe coincidence - rate of the auxiliary two source experiment. The true coincidence ratio at 0U was divided by the true coincidence ratio at 90 degrees to give a norrnalized ratio R.(ek) = D.(ek)/D.(90) independent to first of instrurnental 95 drift. The error associated with this norrnalized ratio is t/z r-Z hteur =R(ok) Lfi* + "'"ry oitgot The average weighted ratio for aII the i runs at angle tO will be ) KI* R(0.)-l *.*.,ro, 11 i1 where the weigh, *i associated with the ith run is the ratio of a norrnalizing factor b, chosen for convenience, and the square of 1a' with the ith ratio, R.(ek). The the standard. error associated standard error of the weighted .g1 average)rratio is given by \, / ar/z Fl* and t/z -L L*rd, 11 (n-1) for internal and external consistency respectively. n is the nurnber of pieces of data and each. d, is the deviation of each R.(ek) frorn R(ek). No data were rejected. Th-ese two expressions were found to give nearly the sarne value for the standard error On{eU) of R(ek), though the larger of the two values was used in each case. The weight assigned to R(ek) in the least- squares analysis was taken as the ratio of the factor br and. OilaOl. 96 ? Table A-I shows a sarnple calculation of w.R.(0O), di, d.-, and -Z As an exarnple, at 0k = I40 degrees, I4 experirnental de*idi-. terrninations of R.(140) were made for the case of the "overa11" correlation, yielding a weighted rnean value of 1.0693 +0.0059. Table A-1. Sarnple calculation of *iRi(140), di, d?, and oi R (r40)+ oR. w. 1 1 1 b =-=-- uz RR. .Z w. d. 11 t0-?- w.R.(I40) oz 11 d.11= R( 140) -R. ( I 40) z.30Lt 2. r645 .000462 1.063I+0.0215 -2 w. d. 11 d? 1 . 0062. 00008 2 0000 38 The total reduction of the 14 pieces of data gave2 t. The rnean weighted norrnalized ratio ) R(140) *.*. = noy 31.07r6 ?% ) i Z. t, oi7 = l' 0693+o' 0059 w. 1 The standard error associated with R(140) O.= 1n J/z l. t6axto-2 ___=_= (zt. oof / z P-1,,' = 0. 0059 97 O= ex H t/z t/z 10973xi0-6 3. The I east- square s weight of I 0-4 0.0000348 br i l. s. - o Z = 0.0054 13x29.06 R(140) = 2.87 Z7 in The identical procedure was carried ou.t at each angle. Least Squares Analysis of the Data A least-squares analysis was perforrned to deterrnine the coefficients describing W(0)e*p. A series of Legendre polynornials was used to fit the R(ek) as closely as possible (47, p. 613): 4 w(0, ) = R(0. ) = t a.P.(cos 0, ) = f".a, . Kexp r( L J KJ K lr J J j ,'"'3. The rnost probable coefficients "j for the given data were ob- tained by rninirniztng the function \[\1'. *" * F,ro, ! ^i "r.: J yielding the norrnal equations \lLu*o L*,ro, - \ ! I . ^,oo: Jou, -- o 98 A symmetric square matrix is now defined so that c=AwA with elements \. C.. - ) w.A..A.. - C..rJ I KJ l(1 lJ JI k where W is a diagonal rnatrix with elerrrents *k, A is a rnatrix of Legendre polynomials, and A is its transpose. Now define g=AwR where R is a matrix with elements R(ek). From the normal equations it follows that Ca = B, or multiplying by the inverse of C, a = C-t-8. In detail, ..JLJlI = Tcl.te. i gives the desired coefficients. a is a linear homogenous function of the counting rates R(ek). Hence, due to the existence of a variation in R(OO) ex- 2 pressed by 0-n1eO) there will be corresponding rrrean square de- viations in the coefficients. Writing out the expression for f-r ^j = LwnR(oo)clj Ar.l k,I and g?= a. J I,F'; ^,.')' *kzz unleo) ^i, 99 This can be written t, =lr,,"u' "u'ArrAmrl : ,,,! "u' ";,' = Now let i =j o'I ";t !ri oi.leol oi"reol on, Aki *k "u' "r, and the sum 0z = blC.. a. JJ I br over !. and j is perforrned giving t J The square of the standard error in the coefficients is given by the diagonal elernents of C-1 rnultiplied by b'. After I deterrnining the coefficients and their errors they were corrected for the finite size of the detectors using the JO, J r: ar.d Jn discussed in Appendixl, assurning that the errors in the Jr swere negligible. Tatrles A-2 and A-3 show the calculation of the ,j, their errors, and \tr(0).*p for the two cases rneasured- TABLE A-2. ot CALCULATION SIiEET FOR THE TEAST SQUARES ANALY$S OF TIiE EXIERIMENTAL COEITFICIENTS FOR THE "O\iIERALL" CORRELATION OF 8a134 R(ek) k 90 o.9998 39.0625 1@ o.9979 3.4294 110 120 1.0164 2.0,rc8 1. 0230 130 140 150 160 170 180 *tAt4 +t4.il84 + 0.9119 - 0.0078 0.5899 1.3633 o.9165 + O.O538 + O.9693 + 2.37Ot + 2.1626 *kAkz Axz w "1, -19. 5313 - 1.5596 2.0,()8 -o. so@o -o.45478 -o.32453 -0.12500 0542 3. 1888 +O.11977 + 1. 0693 +O.38O23 0889 2.8727 2.2957 1.1139 2.O&8 +O.82453 t.1270 1.14t6 2.7778 2. t626 +O.95418 + 2.6522 + 2.1626 +O.91161 +1. O000O 1. 1. "?n +0.14063 +O.O7O7l +0. Ofi)O15 +O.08356 +O. t8278 *ooin +5.4932 +4.2425 +O. OO0O3 +1. Ofi)OO *tAt zAt+ O.3819 +O. O1435 + l.@23 + 1.4348 + 1.6827 +O. 14458 0.6623 wnR(eo) -o.4147 +0.(X25 + +0. fiD55 +0.0O13 +O.0336 +0.22558 +0.4604 +2.0222 +2.1626 +O.7992 +2.26?9 +1. finOO o.2551 +O.7@3 +O.2149 +0.0319 +O.0457 +0.4153 +0.8968 +39.0547 +O.0737 +O.728OO +9.7656 -7.3242 +0. 1705 +0.5829 +O.2924 +O.lOl79 Z50OO +O.20683 +O.10532 +O.01563 - +0.625O0 -0.1633 -o- 3485 +2.1626 .z *k^kz 3.4222 + 2.0743 + 2.0878 + 3.3616 + 3.4718 + 2.4998 + 2.2733 + 3.1306 + 2.4589 +0. +0.39O63 +0.67985 -I9.5773 + + + 1. ft6EO L.5624 L,8744 + 2.989O + 2.4589 +0,37500 +0.26592 -0. 00383 -0. 28906 -o.42753 -o. 31904 +O.02344 +O.47495 +0. 85323 +1.3874 +2.5322 +2.1626 *totzR(ot) - 1.5563 - 0.6732 - o.26to - o.&x oon +1. fiXX)O *rAraR(or) + 14. + 6455 O.91OO - o.oo79 - 0.9800 + 0. 0586 + 1.0797 0.6035 t.4372 + 2.67L| + 2.4689 c() t0l Table A- 2 (Continued) I ) *- \ = *5I. eIIe ! \ /,-l(Kw. R(0, ) *ooo, = -rz.6ot7 p *ooi, - +18. k \ I6re f \ p*uoon = *18.2385 \2 f *ooin - \ ?*u cl= )* o r kkz ! a ^z ^4 f = +63. 4448 *ut r*,ru) = -tr. 5526 *o\n*(0k) = +18.805I *xoxz p \? *ooi, I *oou \ f +0.0343 +0. 0l +0. -0. 0507 2. 9L 6r ! f *ooo n 01 56 - +l I .4?.80 T \ *oourAk4 = ,zAk *ooo.oon 55 -uoon \? f *uoi '-4 63. +448 -0. 0507 + +0.0545 -0.0085 -1i. 5526 0085 +0. I 663 +i8. 80 51 - 0. TAZ Table A-2 (Continued) a rs norrnalized to n aoo=L.0402 a =I.0000 aZZ= 0.0869 a =0.0076 44 a- = 0.0835 a =0.0073 Error in the a n oZ to = btC.l= r o-4 * 3. 4Z'?xLO-Z iJ Oa = 0.0019 = 0.0025 Ou4 = 0.0041 o O ^z Error in the an norrnalized Oa and cornpounded. = 0.0026 = 0.0024 = 0.0039 o O ^z O ^4 Solid angle correction of the .., Jo(l )Jo(z) o. 0835 AZ=^2ry=ffi=0.0904 A - Ooz = 0.0025 n 1 103 Table A-2 (Continued) Jo(i )Jo(z) n4- d.4ffi A_ oo ,,4 = w(0)exp = I* =m o. oo?3 o' 0052 (0.0904 +0.0026)Pr(cos 0) +(0- 0097 +0.0052)Pn(cos 0) Aexp= Y-(I89=l;=Y(90) W(90) = 0. I 4tB +0. 0067 = 0.0097 TABLE A-3. CALCULATION SHEET FOR THE IEAST SQUARES ANALYSIS OF TT{E EXPERIMSNTAL COEFFICIENTS FOR THE IISEPARAIED'' CoRRELATION OF 8a134. ot R(e. ) w K 90 o.9992 100 0.9939 110 1.0011 16.0000 t. t3L7 0.9070 r20 1.0265 1. 1080 130 150 t, o46t t. 07 t4 r. rt25 1.0000 1.1815 o.7432 160 L. L2t2 t70 1. 1256 1. 1450 140 180 wA kk4 Atz k -0. s0000 -o.45478 -o.32453 -8.0m0 +4.0000 +O.2341 +0. 1198 +0.38023 +0.62500 +O.4492 +O, 14458 +0. 1708 -0.31904 +0.4645 +0. 2903 +O.O23M 1. 1080 +0. 82453 +0.7533 +O,47495 L, L3L7 +O.95478 +0. 9 116 +L, O3L7 +0. 85323 0.5102 + 1. OOOOO +O.9 136 + 1. 0806 +O.5102 +0.39063 +0.67985 +O + 1. OOOOO -0. 12500 +O. L1977 .z *k^k4 "Ln *tAtzAt4 +1 L5,9872 -7.9936 -o.5116 -o.2947 +0. 1,top3 +2.2500 -3. OOOO + +O. O7O7 +0.0800 -0. 1369 + L.t248 -0.0035 -0. 3203 +0. -0.4275 -o.3769 +O. L8278 +O. LOUg +O. Ot74 +0.00055 +0. 22558 +O.72800 OOOO15 +O. O8356 + 1. OO0OO +0.0OOO1 +O. OO11 + +O,@26 +0. 1828 +0. 1203 +O. O4OO + + + +0. 0OO4 +O,2499 +0. O1O9 +O.4339 +0. 8239 +0.5102 +O.9220 +0.51o2 -0.0512 -0. 1433 0.9080 L.1374 -0. 28906 -o.42753 S1O2 *tAtzR(ot 3O1O +0. 37500 +O.26592 -0. 00383 +0. 0955 +O. Ot73 +0. 0143 woR (0u) OOO0 L 1 - OOOOO +0. +0.9656 +0.5102 ooa +0.25000 +0.20683 +0. 10532 +0.01563 +0.01435 -o.5147 -o.2944 -0.1385 +6. +0. 5263 *ooi, of,, *kAkz ) *tAt+R(or.) +5.9952 +O,2991 -0. 0035 -0. 3288 -0.4472 1.2658 -o.1422 +0, 1253 +0. 4813 + 0.8268 +O,5t67 +0.0194 + L,2423 + 1.2852 +L. 0243 +1.227 L +0. 5842 +0. 5900 + 1, o461 O.5842 -o. 4039 +1.0966 +0. 5842 A 105 Table A-3 (Continued) ) * kk \' | \2 ! \ f = *24.82t4 = *7.117 '= - L " 4t33 p *o*,ru) = *25. 407 g *xAxz = -5.4097 *ooi, *oourAk4 | 6 *oourR(ek) ) \ *ooon = t7. r9zz = -4. ea3r *ooonR(ek) = t7. ! 4011 \, ( *ooin = t4. 3I o l t \ Lw, kK lc \ Q *oou, a a o z 4 | \2 p *ooorou* *oAi, \, \ *'rorzoo+ ! *uoin f !*ooun a !**.Axz ! \ *ooon 0402 +0.0876 +0. +0.0402 +0. I 687 _0. r3zg -0. 01 17 -0. I3z9 +25"407 9 -0. - 01 1 7 +0. 4500 4.9831 + 7"4011 r06 Table A-3 (Continued) an rs norrnalized to I ao = 1. 0407 ao = 1. 0000 a^Z = 0.0931 aZ = 0.0894 a4 = 0.0IIi a = 0.0I05 4 Error in the a n 2_1-4-? o"AJJ = brc..^=10 ^x9.756xi0 o Oa Oa = 0.0030 o = 0.004I z O = 0.0067 ^4 Error in the a norrnalized and cornpounded. n Oa = 0.004I o O = 0.0039 ^z Ou4 = 0.0064 Solid angle correction of Jo(r)rolz) . "Z the *zJ^(1)J^(2) Z'Z O. A = Z 0.0043 a n 0.0894 0.9610x0"9614 107 Table A-3 (Continued) o+=u4ffi=#=o.or4z Oo4 = W(0)u*p = I* 0.0085 (0. 0958+ 0. 0043)Pr(cos 0) + (0. 01 o"*o = Yg%,@ 42*0.0085)Pn(cos 0) = o' 1510 *o' oI14