Seasonal water relations in native and reconstructed mine soils : implications for ponderosa pine establishment by Karin Marie Jennings A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Soils Montana State University © Copyright by Karin Marie Jennings (1998) Abstract: Reclamation at the Rosebud Mine in Colstrip, Montana is generally considered to be successful based on the establishment and high productivity of cool season grasses. However, survival of ponderosa pine in pine reclamation sites varies between zero and 80 percent, with overall pine survival only 20 to 25 percent. Ponderosa pine frequently die shortly after planting, generally during the first two years. Competition with grasses for limited soil water is believed to reduce pine survival during this period. This thesis focuses on available soil water and competition for available soil water among plant species at the Rosebud Mine. Seasonal soil water status and soil physical and hydrologic properties of six native sites and six reclamation sites are quantified and compared. Secondary objectives were to evaluate whether a more suitable substrate for establishment and survival of ponderosa pine could be created, and if so, to recommend one or more soil profiles. Soil water was measured in the field during parts of the 1996 and 1997 growing seasons with a neutron moisture meter (NMM). Field descriptions of soil profiles and site characteristics were completed. Soil water retention was characterized using a pressure plate apparatus. The ERHYM-It computer simulation model was modified and used to extrapolate beyond the measured seasonal soil water data, using the measured soil physical and hydrologic properties in combination with 34 years of climate data from Colstrip, Montana. Differences in soil physical and hydrologic properties were measured between native and reclamation sites, including higher mean soil bulk density (greater than 1.4 g cm-3) for reclamation sites, which is consistent with the effects of reconstruction practices and the sandier soils. Reclamation sites contained more soil water, especially early in the growing season, than native sites. Despite lower plant available water holding capacity, reclamation sites experienced greater soil water depletion, with more than twice as much as native sites. Grass productivity appeared to be greater on reclamation sites, perhaps related to greater measured soil water contents. Based on the results of this study and relevant literature, several strategies are suggested to create more favorable conditions for survival of ponderosa pines. Establishment and productivity of grasses immediately surrounding ponderosa pine seedlings should be reduced to decrease competition for limited soil water. A soil profile which promotes deeper storage of soil water is generally expected to favor pines rather than grasses. Continued management to control grasses is recommended even for apparently established saplings, especially during periods of lower than average precipitation. Planting ponderosa pine into soil conditions better suited to the production of cool season grasses may hot be the best use of available resources. Adjustment of final bond release criteria may be reasonable, in some instances, to allow species that support an approved post-mine land use to take precedent. SEASONAL WATER RELATIONS IN NATIVE AND RECONSTRUCTED MINE SOILS: IMPLICATIONS FOR PONDEROSA PINE ESTABLISHMENT by Karin Marie Jennings A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment o f the requirements for the degree of Master o f Science > Soils MONTANA STATE UNTVERSITY-BOZEMAN Bozeman, Montana May 1998 CVV447 APPROVAL o f a thesis submitted by Karin Marie Jennings This thesis has been read by each member o f the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College o f Graduate Studies. sr-/9~?x Jon M. Wraith Committee Chair Date Approved for the Department o f Plant, Soil and Environmental Science Jeff Jacobsen Interim Department Head ?) i Lih r Date Approved for the College o f Graduate Studies Joseph J Fedock Graduate Dean Date iii STATEMENT OF PERM ISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment o f the requirements for a master’s degree at Montana State University-Bozeman, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules o f the Library. I f I have indicated my intention to copyright this thesis by including a copyright notice page, copying is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with “fair use” as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction o f this thesis in whole or in parts may be granted only by the copyright holder. Signature Date ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to acknowledge the assistance o f my committee members. Dr. Jon Wraith, Dr. Paul Hook, Dr. Tom Keck and Dr. Roger Sheley, for their technical support and guidance. Special thanks to my major advisor, Dr. Jon Wraith, whose general good nature and availability to answer questions was greatly appreciated. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Bhabani Das for his assistance with laboratory methods, Mike Mullin for assistance with some especially ugly field work, Greg Millhollin for providing information about the Rosebud Mine and their reclamation practices, and my husband, Stuart Jennings, for his love and encouragement throughout this adventure. Thank you. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. IN TRO D U CTIO N...................... I 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................. 4 vo t" Land Reclamation at the Rosebud Mine...................... ........... Previous Research on Pondero$a Pine at the Rosebud Mine Distribution o f Ponderosa Pine on Western Landscapes . . . Site Characteristics ......... 8 Root Distribution o f Ponderosa Pine ........................................................................... 9 Soil Physical Properties and Soil W a t e r ................................................................... 12 Competition Between Pondetosa Pine and Grass for Below Ground R esources............................................................................. 16 3. O B JE C T IV ES.................... 21 4. MATERIALS AND M E T H O D S .................................................................................... 23 Field Measurement Sites . . . ......................................... ......................................... Neutron Moisture M eter Cahbration and Bulk Density M easurem ents........................................................................................ Soil W ater Retention and Plant Available W a te r...................................................... Computer Simulation Modeling o f Long Term Seasonal Soil W ater Status ............................................................................... Recommendations for Soil Profile Design ................................i ............................. 23 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................... 41 Field Measurement Sites ................. Neutron Moisture M eter CaUbration and Bulk Density M easurem ents........................................................................................ Soil W ater Retention and Plant Available W a te r...................................................... Soil W ater S ta tu s..................... Computer Simulation Modeling o f Long Term Seasonal Soil W ater Status ......................... ............... ............... Model Sensitivity A nalysis............................. ...........- .......... ........................ RunoflT Curve Number ........................... Soil Initial A bstraction........................... Effective P rec ip ita tio n ............................................................................... 41 28 30 32 40 43 48 52 70 70 70 71 72 vi Transpiration C oefficien t........................................................................... 72 Root Depth D istributions......... ........................................................ 73 Model Simulation Results ................................................................................. 74 Model I n p u t................................................................................................. 74 Model Output ............................................................................................. 77 Recommendations for Soil Profile Design ...................................................... 106 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................... 109 7. LITERATURE C IT E D .............................................................................. APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................... 114 121 Appendix A— Site Description Forms ........................................................................ 122 Appendix B—Model Predicted Soil W ater Contents During the Growing Season o f ' Selected Years, for Native and Reclamation Sites (Figures I SE through I SE) .................................................................. 147 Appendix C—Model Predicted Soil W ater Status by Wetness Class • (Tables 14A though 1 4 F ).................................................................................... 156 vii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Summary o f site characteristics ........................................................................ 26 2. Soil order and soil series designation for each study s i t e ............................................................................................... 27 Summary o f dominant grass species o f Native and reclamation site s ............................................................................... 44 4. Site groupings for neutron moisture meter calibration ........... ...................... 45 5. Mean profile (0 to 90 cm) soil bulk density for each study s i t e .................................................. 46 Laboratory measured plant available water holding capacity (PAWHC) for native and reclamation s ite s ...................................... 49 Percent effective overwinter precipitation during October I, 1996 to April I, 1997 for each Site, calculated from neutron moisture meter and daily precipitation d a ta ...................................................................... 54 Selected site characteristics used in Computer simulation modeling ........................................................................ 74 Computer simulation modeling site input File values for native sites .................................. ............................................... 75 Computer simulation modeling site input File values for reclamation s i t e s .................................................... .................... 76 IOA Soil water retention results used in native site Input files obtained by fitting measured water retention data to van Genuchten’s (1980) equation ...................................... 78 I OB. Soil water retention results used in reclamation Site input files obtained by fitting measured water retention data to van Genuchten’s (1980) equation ...................................... 79 3. 6. 7. 8. 9A. 9B. viii 11. Correlation o f measured and model predicted soil water contents for 1996 and 1997 ............................................................. 12. 81 Summary o f thickness, field capacity water content and wilting point water content based on pressure plate measurements for each soil layer modeled ............................................................................... 87 13. 34-year precipitation summary for Colsttip, MT weather station (no. 1 9 0 5 )................................................................................. 88 14A-F. Model predicted 34 year mean (standard error) number o f days per month within each soil wetness c la s s ........................... ............................................. Appendix C X ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Field study site location map, Colstrip, Montana ........................................... 24 2. Example o f differences in grass productivity on native and reclamation sites, May 1 1 ,1997 ................................................... 42 3. Mean measured soil bulk density by d e p t h ...................................................... 47 4. Pressure plate results: measured depth equivalent plant available soil water holding capacity by depth for each s i t e ............................................................. 50 Distribution o f 1996 and 1997 overwinter and growing season precipitation,Colstrip, M o n ta n a ............................................ 53 Mean field-measured soil water content for all native and reclamation s ite s ........................................................................... 56 Mean incremental soil water depletion o f near surface soil horizons (0 to 70 cm) .................................................................... 57 8A. Soil profile (0 to 90 cm) starting w ater content based on 1996 neutron moisture meter measurements .................................. 59 SB. Soil profile (0 to 90 cm) starting water content based on 1997 neutron moisture meter measurements .................................. 60 9A. Soil profile (0 to 90 cm) starting plant available water based on 1996 neutron moisture meter measurements as a percent o f plant available water bolding capacity . . . ; ............................................................................... 62 9B. Soil profile (0 to 90 cm) starting plant available water based on 1997 neutron moisture meter measurements as a percent o f plant available water holding cap acity ........................................................................................ 63 5. 6. 7. X I GA. Comparison o f soil profile (0 to 90 cm) water depletion from native and reclamation sites based on 1996 neutron moisture meter m easurem ents............................................. 65 Comparison o f soil profile (0 to 90 cm) water depletion from native and reclamation sites based on 1997 neutron moisture meter m easurem ents.................................... 66 Comparison o f soil profile (0 to 90 cm) water depletion from vegetated and non-vegetated reclamation sites based on 1996 neutron moisture meter measurements ........................................................................... 68 Comparison o f soil profile (0 to 90 cm) water depletion from vegetated and non-vegetated reclamation sites based on 1997 neutron moisture meter measurements .......................................................................... 69 Measured and model predicted soil water content o f native sites during 1996 to 1997 NM M measurement p e rio d ............................................................................. 82 Measured and model predicted soil water content o f reclamation sites during 1996 to 1997 NMM measurement period ............................................................................... 83 13. Daily precipitation recorded at the Colstrip, MT weather station (no. 1905) during 1996 and 1997 NM M measurement p e rio d s.................................................... 85 14. Distribution of monthly precipitation for selected years, and mean daily precipitation o f 34-year re c o rd ........................................................................................ 89 I OB. I I A. I IB. 12A. 12B. 15A. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season o f selected years, for native site 493D-A with pine r o o ts ......................................................................90 15B. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season o f selected years, for native site 493D-A with grass r o o t s ............................... v • 91 Xl I SC. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season o f selected years, for reclamation site 4901-C with pine r o o t s ......... ................................................92 15D. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season o f selected years, for reclamation site 4901-C with grass r o o t s ...........................................................93 I SE-L. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season o f selected years for native and reclamation sites ..................................................................Appendix B 16 A. Relative root depth distribution o f pine and grass for native site input v alu es........................................................................ 96 16B. Relative root depth distribution o f pine and grass for reclamation site input values ............................................................. 97 17A. Model predicted mean monthly number o f days soil water content was equal to or greater than a given matric potential during the growing season (34-year record): native site 121E-C with pine or grass roots......................................................... 99 17B. Model predicted mean monthly number o f days soil water content was equal to or greater than a given matric potential during the growing season (34-year record): native site 183E-C with pine or grass r o o ts ..................................................... 100 17C. Model predicted mean monthly number o f days soil water content was equal to or greater than a given matric potential during the growing season (34-year record): native site 493D-A with pine or grass roots.................................... ................. 101 I TB. Model predicted mean monthly number o f days soil water content was equal to or greater than a given matric potential during the growing season (34-year record): reclamation site 4888-A with pine or grass roots................................................................... 102 Xll I TE. Model predicted mean monthly number o f days soil water content was equal to or greater than a given matric potential during the growing season (34-year record): reclamation site 3915-C with pine or grass roots................................................................... 103 17F. Model predicted mean monthly number o f days soil water content was equal to or greater than a given matric potential during the growing season (34-year record): reclamation site 4901-C with pine or grass roots................................................................... 104 xiii ABSTRACT Reclamation at the Rosebud Mine in Colstrip, Montana is generally considered to be successful based on the establishment and high productivity o f cool season grasses. However, survival o f ponderosa pine in pine reclamation sites varies between zero and 80 percent, with overall pine survival only 20 to 25 percent. Ponderosa pine frequently die shortly after planting, generally during the first two years. Competition with grasses for limited soil water is believed to reduce pine survival during this period. This thesis focuses on available soil w ater and competition for available soil water among plant species at the Rosebud Mine. Seasonal soil water status and soil physical and hydrologic properties o f six native sites and six reclamation sites are quantified and compared. Secondary objectives were to evaluate whether a more suitable substrate for establishment and survival o f ponderosa pine could be created, and if so, to recommend one or more soil profiles. Soil water was measured in the field during parts o f the 1996 and 1997 growing seasons with a neutron moisture meter (NMM). Field descriptions o f soil profiles and site characteristics were completed. Soil w ater retention was characterized using a pressure plate apparatus. The ERHYM-H com puter simulation model was modified and used to extrapolate beyond the measured seasonal soil water data, using the measured soil physical and hydrologic properties in combination with 34 years o f climate data from Colstrip, Montana. Differences in soil physical and hydrologic properties were measured between native and reclamation sites, including higher mean soil bulk density (greater than 1.4 g cm'3) for reclamation sites, which is consistent with the effects o f reconstruction practices and the sandier soils. Reclamation sites contained more soil water, especially early in the growing season, than native sites. Despite lower plant available water holding capacity, reclamation sites experienced greater soil water depletion, with more than twice as much as native sites. Grass productivity appeared to be greater on reclamation sites, perhaps related to greater measured soil water contents. Based on the results o f this study and relevant literature, several strategies are suggested to create more favorable conditions for survival o f ponderosa pines. Establishment and productivity o f grasses immediately surrounding ponderosa pine seedlings should be reduced to decrease competition for limited soil water. A soil profile which promotes deeper storage o f soil water is generally expected to favor pines rather than grasses. Continued management to control grasses is recommended even for apparently established saplings, especially during periods o f lower than average precipitation. Planting ponderosa pine into soil conditions better suited to the production o f cool season grasses may hot be the best use o f available resources. Adjustment o f final bond release criteria may be reasonable, in some instances, to allow species that support an approved post-mine land use to take precedent. I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Regulations governing coal mining in the United States require that mined lands be “reclaimed”, or revegetated to a condition as productive or more productive than pre-mine conditions. Federal regulations require the establishment o f “diverse, effective, and permanent vegetative cover o f the same seasonal variety native to the area, or species that support the approved post mining land use” (Section 515.19 SMCRA, 1977). Montana revegetation regulations require that productivity, cover and diversity be similar to the native vegetation (Coenenberg, 1982). The Rosebud Coal Mine, operated by W estern Energy Company, is located near Colstrip, located in the eastern Montana ponderosa pine savanna vegetation type (Payne, 1973). Native vegetation surrounding the mine is a mosaic o f mixed prairie grassland and pine woodland with Idealized areas o f riparian vegetation. Native landscape is characterized by sandstone ridges and rolling prairies. Sandstone ridges are frequently capped by hard, erosion-resistant porcelanite (heat-fused shale and clay from the ro o f and floor o f burned out coal seams) and are dominated by ponderosa pine (Firmsponderosa Laws. var. scopulorum) trees. 2 Since 1968, Western Energy Company has disturbed about 4,300 hectares (10,500 acres) o f land mining coal at the Rosebud Mine (Montana Power Company, 1995). About 1,750 hectares (4,200 acres) have been revegetated. The majority o f mined lands at the Rosebud Mine will be returned to “multipurpose native vegetation”, including areas o f ponderosa pine. Most o f the mined land was native rangeland, providing forage for livestock and wildlife (Coenenberg, 1982). Although final bond release has not yet been sought for any o f the reclamation sites where ponderosa pine establishment is required, reclamation at the Rosebud Mine has generally been considered successful based on the establishment and high production o f cool season grasses and forbs (Keck et al., 1993). Amaximum o f 920 permitted hectares (2,272 acres) o f ponderosa pine habitat may be disturbed by the Rosebud Mine (Martin, 1990). While reestablishment o f ponderosa pine is occurring in a few areas o f the mine, mortality is high. Pine survival varies between zero and 80 percent at sites planted with ponderosa pine. The overall average survival rate o f ponderosa pine on sites requiring pine is approximately 20 to 25% (personal communication: Pete Martin, Western Energy Company, 1997). High mortality has resulted in five tree densities far below the 40 trees per hectare (100 trees per acre) expected to be required for final, phase HI bond release on most sites (Martin, 1990). Y oung pine trees in reclamation areas frequently die during the first two years after planting (Martin, 1990; Richardson, 1981). It is during this time when competition for limited resources, primarily soil water, is high and most detrimental (Larson and Schubert, 1969). However, trees may also die when eight to ten years old and thought to be established. 3 Establishing woody species is generally difficult in arid climates. Competition with grasses for limited soil water is believed to limit survival o f ponderosa pine seedlings (Baumbauer and Blake, 1984; Larson and Schubert, 1969; Potter and Green, 1964; Richardson, 1981). Competition decreases when the pines reach sapling stage, apparently due to differences in the spatial distribution o f pine and grass root systems (Lee and Lauenroth, 1994; Potter and Green, 1964). Despite competition with grasses, native stands o f ponderosa pine are expanding away from sandstone/pprcelanite outcrops as individual pines successfully establish, survive and reproduce in areas o f deeper soil that are dominated by grasses. The Rosebud Mine has experienced continued difficulty with establishment o f ponderosa pines in reclamation areas. Poor pine establishment is a great concern to operators o f the Rosebud Mine for several reasons, including repercussions for the overall success o f the reclamation program, economic effects because o f the expense o f repeated plantings, and possible difficulty in obtaining final bond release for a potentially large area o f the mine. The problem o f ponderosa pine establishment at the Rosebud Mine is the subject o f this thesis. 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Land Reclamation at the Rosebud Mine One o f the fundamental objectives in land reclamation is the rapid establishment o f vegetative cover to stabilize surface soils. Another objective is that this cover be diverse, effective, permanent, and similar to the pre-mine community or a different, but approved post­ mining land use. To achieve these general goals. Western Energy Company currently applies a two-phase seeding sequence at the Rosebud Mine, as outlined by Coenenberg (1982) and summarized in the following paragraphs. The first step in reclamation is redistribution o f the salvaged soil materials, which are primarily stripped and directly hauled to recontoured spoil areas (reclamation sites) or occasionally stockpiled in separate topsoil or subsoil storage areas. Replacement o f soil in a reclamation site occurs either as “ single-lift” or “ double-lift” . Single-lift refers to the placement o f one layer of topsoil over spoil material (replaced geologic material from below the soil resource and above the coal seam). In contrast, double-lift refers to two layers, subsoil then topsoil, placed over spoil material. The replaced soil materials are then chisel plowed to reduce compaction, break up soil clods, and prepare the surface for seeding. 5 The next step is seeding. Four main seed mixes are used for reclamation at the Rosebud Mine: upland, supplemental, conifer and lowland. “Upland” contains primarily cool-season grasses and forbs. “ Supplemental” contains primarily warm-season grasses and forbs. “Conifer” is also comprised o f warm-season grasses and forbs, although a slightly different mixture than the supplemental mix. The conifer mix is only seeded in areas planned for ponderosa pine. Rocky Mountain juniper and/or skunkbush sumac. “Lowland” contains perennial grass species adapted to more mesic environments. Seeding is followed by planting o f shrub or tree species on designated reclamation sites. Seeding occurs in multiple phases depending on the community desired for the site. Efforts are made to seed and plant during early spring when natural moisture is most dependable (April to June) or late fall when seeds or plants are considered dormant. “Upland” and “supplemental” seed mixes are seeded at the same time. “Conifer” and “lowland” seed mixes are seeded alone. Sites with slopes near the maximum (20 percent) are mulched with native grass hay, which helps to temporarily protect the surface from erosion. Ponderosa pine and Rocky Mountain juniper are planted as tubeling or bare root stock with a Vermeer tree spade. These seedlings are propagated by a contracted nursery from locally collected seeds. Various strategies for establishment o f ponderosa pine have been tested by W estern Energy Company. These include: planting o f bare root and containerized stock in single-lift and double-lift soils; planting in areas with different seed mixes, in both newly seeded areas and locations where herbaceous vegetation was already established; chemical spraying to reduce competition from grass and forb species; protection from mammal depredation with 6 plastic tubing; and protection from moisture loss due to excess radiation with shade cards and “Terra-Mats” (Martin, 1990). Despite these strategies mortality o f young trees remains high. M artin (1990) summarized Western Energy Company’s preferred strategy for the establishment o f ponderosa pine in reclamation areas as “planting 1-0 containerized pine seedlings grown from locally gathered seeds, with a treeplanter..., into shallow soil (or subsoil) newly seeded with the “conifer” seed mix, followed by an application o f simazine (herbicide) the following spring and cattle grazing tw o to three years after planting.” The numbers “ 1-0” indicate the age o f the seedling in years since germination, then the number o f times the seedling has been transplanted. In this case, the seedlings are one year old and have never been previously transplanted. Previous Research on Ponderosa Pine at the Rosebud Mine Establishment o f ponderosa pine at the Rosebud Mine was evaluated between 1979 and 1987 by personnel o f the University o f M ontana’s School o f Forestry (Martin, 1990). This research, performed at the Rosebud Mine, focused on the following topics: o ponderosa pine ecology, including native stand structure and regeneration (Richardson, 1981) o summer climatic influences (Vance and Running, 1985) o establishment and early growth o f seedlings on mine soil (Danielson, 1986) o effect o f grass control on ponderosa pine seedlings (Baumbauer and Blake, 1984) 0 root distribution and shodtroot characteristics on mine soil (Thamams, 1987b), and observations o f root egression o f container stock (Thamams and Blake, 1984) 7 6 heritability o f drought resistance (Riley, 1984) o effects o f seed stratification (Woods and Blake, 1981) ° local genetic variation (Woods, 1982; Woods et al., 1983) and the application o f genetic analysis to select seed for reclamation (Woods et al., 1984). According to Martin (1990), the most important discoveries from this research include the occurrence o f inherited drought resistance in ponderosa pines o f the Colstrip area (Riley, 1984), the ability to identify specific pine trees with superior survival qualities (Woods, 1982), and the documentation o f extensive root development unimpeded by planting technique, materials used or reconstructed minesoils (Thamarus, 1987b). Distribution o f Ponderosa Pine on Western Landscapes Throughout the western United States ponderosa pine grows under a wide variety o f ecological conditions (Schubert, 1974). However, in southeastern M ontana and in N orth Dakota, ponderosa pine occurs almost exclusively on the top o f knolls or exposed sandstone or porcelanite (Potter and Green, 1964). These landscape features are interrupted by valleys o f deeper, finer textured soils. Although sandstone or porcelanite outcrops are the primary locations o f ponderosa pine, pine are slowly encroaching into areas o f deeper soil, away from outcrops in locations with a constant nearby seed source (Potter and Green, 1964; Richardson, 1981). Historically, periodic fires probably confined the pines to outcrops. Among other factors, the relatively recent practice o f fire suppression may contribute to the observed encroachment and apparent shift in the position o f ponderosa pine on the landscape. 8 Site Characteristics Ponderosa pine in the Colstrip area are mostly found on coarse textured soils or rocky substrates. The majority o f ponderosa pine trees on native sites at the Rosebud Mine grow in areas w ith 50% or more rock in the substrate (Stout, 1980). Blake and Running (1986) also stated that most native pine stands are found on coarse textured soils, ofteii with large rock fragments. Richardson (1981) found native ponderosa pine near Colstrip to be “largely associated with Entisols and to a lesser extent Aridisols” (Aridisols in this area have since been reclassified as Inceptisols). Entisols and Inceptisols are generally weakly developed, rocky or skeletal and often erosive. Potter and Green (1964) observed that a sandy soil, with deeper and more rapid penetration o f rainfall, favors the establishment o f pine Seedlings over that in heavier silts and clays. In a study at the Rosebud Mine, Stark (1985) found no significant soil texture differences between reclamation areas and undisturbed forest soils. Stark found that percent clay o f replaced topsoil and subsoil in reclamation areas was highly variable, averaging 28% clay, 44% sand and 28% silt. Native forest areas averaged 25% clay, 40% sand and 35% silt. In comparison. Keck and Wraith (1996) found reconstructed soils at the Rosebud Mine to have lower mean percent clay, ranging from 23 to 25 percent. Topsoil, subsoil and spoil horizons had mean clay contents o f 23%, 24% and 25%, respectively. These clay contents are most similar to the percent clay o f native soil found by Stark (1985). Differences in results for percent clay o f reconstructed soils may relate to the area sampled, number o f samples taken and method o f analysis. Keck and Wraith (1996) analyzed 174 samples from 9 a 30 hectare (75 acre) portion o f Area E o f the Rosebud Mine, whereas Stark (1985) took 240 samples from the much wider, and unspecified, “Colstrip area.” In summary, the overall range o f textures in reconstructed soils at the Rosebud Mine is not different than in native soils from which they were constructed, though there are abrupt textural changes between horizons in reconstructed soils compared to native soils (Keck, 1993). Root Distribution o f Ponderosa Pine The distribution o f ponderosa pine roots varies with substrate. Cox (1959) compared the distribution o f 51- to 78-year old ponderosa pine tree roots growing in three soil types having different textures. H e found the greatest number o f roots in a medium-textured (silt and clay loam) soil and the smallest number in a fine-textured (clayey) soil. Over 70% o f the measured roots were in the upper 61 cm (24 in) o f soil for all textures. In all soils, roots penetrated at least 1.2 m (4 ft) deep, which was the extent of excavation. A larger component o f understory vegetation present at a site resulted in lower density o f pine roots within the Ahorizon(Cox, 1959). Studies o f 30- to 70-year old ponderosa pine tree roots on native sites near the Rosebud Mine also indicated that the majority o f fine and lateral roots are located within the upper 46 cm (18 in) o f the substrate (Stout, 1980). He further observed that roots tend to grow deeper where the substrate is fractured rock or coarse to medium textured soils. Curtis (1964) also observed many roots o f a 60 year old pine in the central Idaho area within cracks and crevices in the bedrock or hardpan. Zwieniecki and Newton (1994) found at least one quarter to one 10 third o f the total root length o f 12 year old ponderosa pine roots located within the metasedimentary rock layer in southwest Oregon. P o tter and Green (1964) observed differences in the distribution o f ponderosa pine (predominantly 20 to 50 years old) roots on sandstone or porcelanite outcrops and downslope areas in southwestern North Dakota. Pine roots on outcrops were confined to the horizontal and vertical cracks in the platy porcelanite, extending to great depths (observed to 7.6 m [25 ft] below the surface). On downslope positions, where the amount o f fine soil material increased, root systems were more extensive and widespread but not as deep. Even further from the outcrops the depth o f fine soil exceeded the depth o f penetration o f moisture. This resulted in a permanently dry subsoil lacking roots. Fibrous grass roots dominated the top 20 cm (8 in) o f soil in these areas. Thamarus (1987b) excavated six-year-old pine seedlings from reclamation areas at the Rosebud Mine and found most fine roots, laterals, and mycorrhizal associations were within the topsoil, which varied in depth from 20 to 30 cm. Lateral roots were observed to extend up to one meter from seedling stems. Taproots o f the seedlings had grown through the subsoil into the spoil to depths greater than one meter (39 in). Based on measurements o f several thousand 1-0 and 2-0 ponderosa pine seedlings obtained from nurseries, the average extent (depth) o f the root system before transplanting was 22.5 cm (9 in) and 27.7 cm (I I in), respectively (McDonald and Fiddler, 1989). Therefore, during a six year period the roots o f ponderosa pine seedlings may extend more than 70 cm (28 in) in length, depending on conditions. 11 Comparison o f root distribution o f one to three year old ponderosa pine seedlings in soils derived from metamorphic and limestone (sedimentary) parent materials indicated deeper root penetration on the coarser textured metamorphic soil (van Haverbeke, 1963). Average penetration for one, two and three year old seedlings on metamoiphic soil was 29 cm, 3 1 cm and 34 cm, respectively. Average root penetration for seedlings on the limestone soil was 26 cm for all three ages. Van Haverbeke (1963) attributed much o f the difference in rooting depth in the two soils to a denser subsoil (no soil bulk density provided) and more abundant grass cover for the limestone soil Soil texture and bulk density have been shown to affect root growth arid development o f pine seedlings. In soils with high percentages o f silt and clay lateral and vertical root development as well as growth o f pine seedlings was restricted (Potter and Green, 1964; van Haverbeke, 1963). Seedling growth at the Rosebud Mine was observed to be most rapid on soils with greater than 50% sand, haying a compacted horizon at 60 cm (24 in) depth (Stark, 1985). Increased soil bulk density (1.12 g cm"3 compared with 0.80 g cm"3 within the upper 30 cm [12 in] o f soil) reduced young ponderosa pine stand volume and reduced annual shoot grow th by 43% in two year old seedlings and 13% in 15 year old trees (Helms, 1983). Thamarus (1987b) observed that soil layer interfaces and localized areas o f soil compaction in reclamation areas at the Rosebud Mine did not impede growth or development o f pine seedling roots. This review indicates substantial pine root plasticity and the importance o f soil structure and density. 12 Soil Physical Properties and Soil Water It is well documented that plant available soil water is a primary factor limiting the establishment and growth o f ponderosa pine in many locations (Heidmann and King, 1992; McDonald and Fiddler, 1989; Richardson, 198.1; Riegel et al., 1992; Running and Danielson, 1984; Schubert, 1974; Shainsky and Radosevich, 1986; Stark, 1982, 1985). Competition for soil w ater is apparently most detrimental when ponderosa pine trees are young and an extensive root system has not developed. The highest tree mortality typically occurs during the first one to two years after planting (Larson and Schubert, 1969; Martin, 1990; Richardson, 1981; van Haverbeke, 1963). One of the more important variables related to the distribution o f soil water, in addition to texture, is soil structure. The original structure o f disturbed soil, which had generally developed over hundreds or thousands o f years, may be altered or destroyed (Schafer et al., 1979). Disturbance o f soil structure can affect aeration and soil water retention and movement and therefore plant growth. Potter et al. (1988) stated that soil structural units and the associated interaggregate pore spaces are among the most important soil properties disrupted during mining and reclamation because o f their importance for root penetration and growth. Soil bulk density is closely related to soil structure, texture, porosity, aeration and water­ holding capacity. Bulk density can indicate the relative degree p f soil compaction, the resulting changes in ability o f a soil to transmit water and gases to plant roots, and the ability o f roots to penetrate the soil. In natural soils, bulk density generally increases with depth as 13 organic matter content, root and biotic activity, and porosity decrease (Sutton, 1991). A soil may naturally possess high bulk density, depending on the soil texture (e.g., bulk density o f sand is about 1.6 g cm'3) and particle arrangement. Presence o f rocks and sand in soil favors high bulk densities, whereas the content o f fine fractions favors relatively low bulk density and high total porosity. Reconstructed soils generally have an artificially higher bulk density than the native soil material because o f compaction due to the size and weight o f equipment used for soil salvage and redistribution. Reconstructed soils also generally lack large pore spaces, such as those between peds. The bulk densities o f native soils o f the Colstrip area are not well characterized. Stark (1985) reports a native soil bulk density o f 1.03 g cm"3, but this value seems too low for the types o f weakly developed, often rocky soils (Entisols and Inceptisols), around Colstrip. M ean bulk density for reconstructed topsoil, subsoil, and spoil materials in Area E o f the Rosebud Mine has been reported as 1.54, 1.67 and 1.79 g cm'3, respectively (Keck and Wraith, 1996). Also at the Rosebud Mine, Keck (1993) determined that bulk density o f spoil material in Area A ranged from 1.6 to 1.95 g cm"3 after reclamation was complete. At a given soil texture, higher soil bulk density generally results in lower soil water holding capacity and also lower plant available water. Penn et al. (1987) measured soil water content and matric potential on a restored mine and an undisturbed site. They found significantly lower plant available water in both topsoil and subsoil layers on the reclaimed site compared to the undisturbed site. They attributed this result to the loss o f soil structure, specifically the reduced volume o f mesopores, and suggested that drought is more likely to occur on the reclaimed than undisturbed site. Sharma and Carter (1993) observed that matrix 14 and preferential water flow rates o f pre-mine compacted soils and post-mine reclaimed soils were about one to two orders o f magnitude lower than those o f undisturbed pre-mine soils. In addition, they noted that the redistribution o f soil and spoil materials results in discontinuity o f pores at soil layer interfaces. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) is a measure o f water flow rate in soil under watersaturated conditions, and is strongly influenced by pore size distribution and pore continuity. Mean Ks was determined to be 25 to 50 percent less for reconstructed soils than for native soils at the Rosebud Mine (Hepfher et al., 1996). Saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased with soil depth in reconstructed soils. Hepfher et al. (1996) stated that decreased Ks was likely due to higher measured bulk density in these lower layers. Measured Ks at the Glenharold Mine in N orth Dakota indicated similar results, with Ks o f the reconstructed topsoil material 25 percent lower than that o f the undisturbed A horizon. Saturated hydraulic conductivity o f the reconstructed subsoil materials was less than 10 percent that o f an undisturbed B horizon (Potter et al., 1988). Reconstructed topsoil and subsoil layers at the Rosebud Mine had a narrower pore size distribution than native soils (Hepfher et al., 1996). The narrower pore size distribution V indicates lack o f structural development in the reclaimed sites, and was consistent with bulk density measurements. Furthermore, the mean effective water transmitting pore size was greater for native than reclaimed topsoil layers (Hepfher et al., 1996). Potter et al. (1988) likewise found significant differences in pore volume distribution between undisturbed and reconstructed soils, with the greatest difference observed in pores having radii >15 pm, and most evident at lower profile depths. 15 The effects on soil water of variable topsoil and subsoil thicknesses over spoil materials have been studied in reclaimed mine lands. Other factors being equal, thicker topsoil and subsoil replacement depths will store more water than shallower replacement depths (Power et al., 1981; Stark and Redente, 1985). However, Schroeder (1995) found no significant difference in soil water content between native and reclaimed sites in N orth Dakota, even though native sites had uneven depths and reclaimed sites had uniform depths o f topsoil and subsoil replaced. The amount of water in a given soil was site specific, depending on climate, soil textural and structural attributes, and reclamation practices. Topography is another important factor that influences soil water content. Wollenhaupt and Richardson (1982) found that concave slopes accumulated more soil water than convex sites. Greater Soil water was also found at downslope positions (Schroeder, 1995). Greater plant-available soil water holding capacity was measured at top and middle slope positions in native soils in the Colstrip area than for the bottom slope position (Hepfiier et al., 1996), based on the “m” parameter o f the van Genuchten (1980) soil w ater retention model. The “m” parameter is related to the width o f the pore size distribution, and potentially to soil structural development. Although this result might appear to be counter to expectations, it was hypothesized that the result o f erosive deposition o f soil particles from up slope positions cduld fill in larger pore spaces in bottom slope positions. This results in narrower pore size distribution which influences soil water retention and availability to plants. Rock materials can also influence water availability. Numerous studies have concluded that various types o f underlying weathered rock are an important source o f plant-available water for ponderosa pine and other species when surface soils are dry (Arkley, 1981; Jones 16 and Graham, 1993; Stark, 1983; Wang et al.„ 1995; Zwieniecki and Newton, 1994). Wang et al. (1995) determined that bedrock and dispersed rock fragments o f slightly metamorphosed sandstone, siltstone, and shale provided an important storage reservoir. B edrock in their study held 71 to 80% o f all w ater stored at >-2.0 M pa (-20 bar) matric potential between the surface and 3.0 m depth. Competition Between Ponderosa Pine and Grass for Below Ground Resources Cofnpetitive success is often determined by early resource capture and the capacity o f a species to maintain productivity in a competitive environment (Shainsky and Radosevich, 1986). W ater is required for most plant physiological processes. Soil water is one o f the most frequent controls o f plant growth and community structure, especially in arid or semiarid environments (Coffin and Lauenroth, 1991). Soil water has been repeatedly identified as a primary factor limiting the establishment and growth of ponderosa pine (Richardson, 1981; Riegel et al., 1995; Running and Danielson, 1984; Schubert, 1974; Shainsky and Radosevich, 1986; Stark, 1982, 1985). Competition for available soil water is most critical during the first one to two years after planting (Larson and Schubert, 1969; Martin, 1990; Richardson, 1981; van Haverbeke, 1963). During this period the root systems o f pine seedlings are not well developed, and most photosynthate produced is used for taproot growth and extension (Richardson, 1981). Significant development o f lateral roots generally does not occur until the vertical roots reach a zone o f available soil water (McDonald and Fiddler, 1989). Usually, this is not until the second or third growing season, when lateral roots may double or triple in length (van Haverbeke, 1963). 17 Limited root growth o f ponderosa pine was observed where interspecific competition, especially from grasses, was heavy (vanHaverbeke, 1963). Interspecific competition was also attributed to a decrease in secondary lateral roots within the top 46 cm (18 in) (Curtis, 1964). Baumbauer and Blake (1984) observed significantly greater seedling growth rates after competing vegetation, primarily grasses, was removed by chemical application at the Rosebud Mine. This observation has been supported by many others (McDonald and Fiddler, 1989; Riegel et al., 1992; Riegel et al., 1995; Sands and Nambiar, 1984). Potter and Green (1964) noted that once ponderosa pines reached the sapling stage interspecific competition with grasses was significantly reduced. The shifr in competitive advantage from grasses to pines near the sapling stage is largely attributed to greater development o f root systems by this stage. The extensively branching root systems o f woody plants, including ponderosa pine, allows nearly exclusive access to the deeper soil layers compared to grasses (Lee and Lauenroth, 1994). The intensive root systems o f grasses are more adapted to exploiting resources concentrated in smaller volumes nearer the soil surface. A comparison o f the spatial distribution o f grass roots and roots o f woody species provides an explanation for the dominance o f grass in the shortgrass steppe ecosystem. Limited and variable water availability in this ecosystem and the concentration o f precipitation in the summer lead to the majority o f water remaining in upper soil horizons (Lee and Lauenroth, 1994). W oody plants in semiarid regions are favored by conditions that promote storage o f water deep in the soil. Grasses are generally favored by water being available mainly in upper soil layers during the growing season. 18 Soil depth pan affect inter- and intraspecific competition. For example, Sheley and Larson (1995) observed that unrestricted soil depth permitted resource partitioning between species, with intraspecific competition having the most significant influence on each species. Yellow starthistle (Centcmrea solstitialis L.) had an advantage over cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) in deep soils because its taproot morphology enabled continued resource uptake When adequate deep moisture was available and surface soils had dried. However, under conditions o f restricted soil depth, interspecific competition was more significant. Apparently the relatively shallow, fibrous rooting system o f cheatgrass was better suited for resource capture in shallow soil. In addition to spatial partitioning o f resources, temporal partitioning is also an important aspect o f inter-plant competition. Zwieniecki and Newton (1994) noted temporal and spatial differences in root function o f conifers. Shallow roots absorbed water only during the wet season. After the surface soil dried to the wilting point, the deeper roots became the main source o f water and nutrients. Cool season and warm season grasses are known to have different periods o f growth, which result in different levels o f competition between ponderosa pine and each grass type (Larson and Shubert, 1969). Western Energy Company is taking advantage o f this strategy by seeding warm season grasses before cool season grasses to encourage successful establishment o f the warm season grasses, and also by only seeding a variety o f warm season grasses and forbs into areas to be planted with ponderosa pine (Coenenberg, 1982; Martin, 1990). Despite the well-documented interspecific competition between ponderosa pine and grasses, native stands o f ponderosa pine are successfully moving into areas o f deeper soils 19 dominated by grasses, away from the sandstone/porcelanite outcrops in the Colstrip area (Potter and Green, 1964; Richardson, 1981). Although many situational distinctions exist between pines locally expanding from areas o f high pine density onto deep soils and planting pines in reclamation sites, the above observations suggest a potential for establishment o f ponderosa pine in reclamation areas at the Rosebud Mine. However, pine mortality continues to be high and if it continues will be detrimental to the overall success o f reclamation efforts. Specifically a problem exists in obtaining final bond release for acreage designated for ponderosa pine establishment. What factors may allow the expansion o f native stands o f ponderosa pine, yet still restrict the establishment o f ponderosa pine in similarly deep reconstructed minesoils? According to Archer (1989), “quantitative and historical assessments suggest that woody-plant abundance has increased substantially in arid and semiarid grasslands over the last 50 to 300 years in many parts o f the world.” Partial explanations for the conversion o f savannas to woodlands within the past century are fire suppression, overgrazing, and climatic changes, which have interacted in complex ways (Archer, 1989). The expansion o f native ponderosa pine stands is greatly enabled by the presence o f mature trees which provide a nearby and constant seed source, a canopy for shading, and other benefits to seedlings, including root/mycorrhizal interactions (Richardson, 1981). Nearby trees may also improve the nutrient conditions in their immediate surroundings, providing more suitable conditions for the establishment o f ponderosa pine seedlings (Skarpe, 1992). The balance between grasses and woody vegetation may be regulated by the ratio o f topsoil to subsoil wetness (Archer, 1989). Factors reducing the ratios o f topsoil to subsoil 20 water could cause savannas to develop into woodlands (i.e., reducing topsoil wetness an d /o r. increasing subsoil wetness). Climatic influences which could increase topsoil/subsoil water ratio include an increase in annual rainfall, shifts from small, frequent precipitation events to large, infrequent events, and/or a shift toward increased winter precipitation (Archer, 1989). In addition, grazing limits the ability o f grasses to competitively exclude the invasion and establishment o f woody vegetation by decreasing the transpiring leaf area and root initiation and extension o f grasses, which subsequently decreases their ability to take up water. Grazing o f grasses may therefore enhance percolation o f water to the subsoil (Archer, 1989; Skarpe, 1992), increasing the availability o f soil water for the more extensive pine roots. Grazing can also increase surface soil wetness, enhancing woody seedling establishment and growth (Skarpe, 1992). 21 CHAPTERS OBJECTIVES At the Rosebud Mine, a maximum o f 920 permitted hectares (2,272 acres) o f pine habitat may eventually be disturbed (Martin, 1990). Western Energy Company is required by federal and state laws to reestablish ponderosa pine over some portion o f this disturbed area. Much effort has gone toward pine establishment, yet mortality rates continue to be high, resulting in tree densities far below the 40 trees per hectare (100 trees per acre) expected to be required for final (phase HI) bond release (Martin, 1990). A variety o f factors appear to affect the successful establishment o f pines, including: I) available soil water and competition for available soil water among plant species; 2) site suitability (slope, aspect, soil physical and chemical characteristics, etc.); 3) handling o f seedlings; 4) planting technique and timing; and 5) animal and insect predation. This study is focused on the first, and to lesser extent, the second factors listed. The objectives o f the study were to: I) quantify and compare soil physical and hydrologic properties o f selected reclamation and native sites at the Rosebud Mine; 2) compare seasonal soil water status in reconstructed soil profiles to that o f selected native sites supporting ponderosa pines; 3) evaluate whether a more suitable soil substrate for ponderosa pine tree establishment might be reasonably constructed (i.e., considering economics and the 22 current regulatory laws), I f the outcome o f this objective is positive, one or more reconstructed soil profiles having' physical and hydrologic properties potentially more conducive to the establishment and survival o f ponderosa pines will be recommended, using materials and resources reasonably available to the Rosebud Mine. I hypothesized that seasonal soil water status and soil physical and hydrologic properties are different for reconstructed mine soil and native soil. Furthermore, my intentions were to provide suggestions for at least one reconstructed soil profile that could be reasonably implemented at the Rosebud Mine to improve establishment and survival o f ponderosa pines. 23 CHAPTER 4 MATERIALS AND METHODS Field Measurement Sites Native and reclamation sites were selected based on pre- and post-mine soil surveys, air photograph's, and mine planning maps. Native and reclamation sites were located within or immediately outside Areas A, B and C o f the Rosebud Mine (Figure I). The objectives o f site selection were to: I) encompass a range o f soil textures present in the area both naturally and following mining and reclamation; 2) include some reclamation sites in which pine establishment appears successful; 3) select reclamation sites that were greater than three years old; and 4) select sites with reasonable access. A total o f 12 sites were selected; 6 in native areas, and 6 in reclamation areas. The term ‘native’ as used here means undisturbed by mining activities. All o f the native sites supported ponderosa pine trees. Half o f the reclamation sites supported ponderosa pine regeneration. Numerical references given native sites are those o f the soil map units identified in the Rosebud Soil Survey for these sites (Soil Survey Staff, draft manuscript), followed by a letter designation for the area o f the mine it is located in or adjacent to, then a direction to differentiate sites within similar soil series. For reclamation sites, references are those used Figure I . Field study sites located at Colstrip, Montana. 25 by the Rosebud Mine to identify specific fields, similarly followed by a letter designation for the area o f the mine in which it is located. The Rosebud Mine’s numbering system tracks when and where reclamation occurred. The first digit indicates the quarter-year and the second and third digits indicate the year o f reclamation. The fourth digit sequentially identifies all the fields reclaimed during that quarter. The native sites were purposely not located on sandstone/porcelanite outcrops because o f the difficulty o f installing neutron access tubes in this rock substrate and the lack o f a comparable substrate in reclamation areas, both currently and in the future. Sampling native sites focused on substrates supporting ponderosa pines that were more similar to substrates that are and could potentially be reconstructed following mining. Soil and landscape features at each site Were characterized through direct sampling following the standard soil profile description and classification process used by the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). Observations o f soil properties included horizon thickness, color, texture, structure, soil consistence (workability), lime (calcium carbonate), root and pOre distributions, rock fragments, and soil pH. Profile descriptions were accomplished by excavating one 90 cm soil pit at each site, and using a bucket auger to sample an additional 90 cm to a total depth o f 180 cm where possible. Soils were classified to the subgroup level based on criteria in Keys to Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1994). Landscape was characterized by identifying the dominant plant species at each site, determining canopy coverage classes by species from ocular estimates, and measurement o f slope steepness and slope direction (aspect). Table I summarizes some o f the main characteristics o f the selected sites. Table 2 Table I. Summary o f site characteristics. Site Name/ Reference Number Site Type Location Dominant Land Use Year Reclaimed Pine Trees Present Dominant Soil Texture o f Profile (weighted average) %Hard Coarse Fragments (70-90 cm) 121E-C(s) Native Area C Pine Woodland N/A Yes Loam 15 121E-C(n) Native N: of Area C Pine Woodland N/A Yes gravely Loam 30 183E-C(s) Native Area C Pine Woodland N/A Yes Loam/Silt Loam 20 I83E-C(n) Native N. of Area C Pine Woodland N/A Yes Silt Loam 2 493D-A(e) Native Area A .Rangeland/Open Pine Woodland N/A Yes Clay Loam/ Silty Clay Loam trace 493I>-A(w) Native Area A Rangeland/Open Pine Woodland N/A Yes Silty Clay/Soft Sandy Shale trace 4888-A Reclamation Area A Pine Reclamation/ Rangeland 1988 Yes Silty Clay Loam/ Sandy Clay Loam 28 4822-B Reclamation Area B Reclamation Rangeland 1982 No Sandy Clay Loam 30 2856-B Reclamation AreaB Reclamation Rangeland 1985 No Sandy Clay Loamvaried: SL, LS1SCL1 SiCL 40 4881-C Reclamation Area C Reclamation Rangeland 1988 No Loam 40 4901-C Reclamation Area C Pine Reclamation/ Rmigeland 1990 Yes Clay Loam/ Sandy Loam 30 3915-C Reclamation Area C Pine Reclamation/ Rangeland 1991 Yes Loam/Sandy Loam 20 27 presents the soil classification for profiles sampled to the family level. Appendix A provides site description forms with riiore specific information for each site, including landscape and vegetation information and detailed soil descriptions. Table 2. Soil order and family designation for each study site. Site Reference Soil Order Family Designation Native Sites 12IE-C (s) Inceptisol fine loamy, mixed, frigid Aridic Ustochrept 121E-C (n) Inceptisol fine loamy, mixed, fiigid Aridic Ustochrept 183E-C (s) Inceptisol fine loamy, mixed, frigid Aridic Ustochrept 183E-C (n) Inceptisol fine loamy, mixed, Aridic Ustochrept 493D-A (e) Inceptisol fine, montmorillonitic, fiigid Aridic Ustochept 493D-A (w) Entisol fine, montmorillonitic (calc.), fiigid, shallow Aridic Ustorthent 4888-A Entisol fine loamy, mixed (calc.), fiigid Aridic Ustorthent 4822-B Mollisol fine loamy, mixed Aridic Haploboroll 2856-B Mollisol fine loamy, mixed Aridic Haploboroll 4881-C Entisol fine loamy, mixed (calc.), fiigid Aridic Ustorthent 4901-C Entisol fine loamy, mixed (calc.), frigid Aridic Ustorthent 3915-C Entisol coarse loamy, mixed (calc.), fiigid Aridic Ustorthent Reclamation Sites Based on qualitative descriptions, the most distinct site characteristic is land use (Table I). All native sites selected have ponderosa pine trees present and are considered woodlands or open woodlands. None are grazed by cattle, but they do experience grazing by deer, elk and antelope. Reclamation sites are all classified as rangeland, with those sites havitig 28 ponderosa pine trees present classified additionally as pine reclamation. All reclamation sites experience periodic grazing by cattle, with grazing leases overseen by Western Energy Company. Neutron Moisture M eter Calibration and Bulk Density Measurements Following site selection, twb neutron moisture meter access tubes were established at each site to measure seasonal soil water status. Access tubes were installed May 14 and 15, 1996 to a depth o f tw o meters, wherever possible. Shallower installation depths, were sometimes required because o f hard bedrock material. Five-cm (2 in) diameter, thin-walled polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe was used for access tubing. Soil water content was measured in the field using a neutron moisture meter (NMM) (CPN Model 503DR), every 20 cm (8 in) to a depth o f up to 2 m (6.5 ft). Neutron count ratios were taken at tw o week intervals (except for one three week interval) during May 15 through September 12,1996, and at three week intervals during M arch 30 through May 1 1 ,1997. A total of 12 NMM access tubes were installed in the six native sites and 12 tubes in the six reclamation sites, with two tubes ‘paired’ a few meters apart at each site. Within each o f the six reclamation sites, soil water status was also assessed without live vegetation. To accomplish this, two additional access tubes were installed at each reclamation site followed by repeated spraying with Roundup® (Glycophosphate, N-[phosphonomethyl] glycine) to remove live vegetation within an approximate 1.5 m radius o f the access tubes. The purpose was to determine the seasonal soil water status in reconstructed soil profiles without the influence o f established vegetation, primarily grasses. 29 The neutron moisture meter was calibrated by collecting soil samples for gravimetric analysis o f volumetric water content. NMM count ratios were measured at depths o f 20, 40, 60, and 80 cm just prior to collecting soil samples at the same depths adjacent to the access tubes. Measured soil water content was then related to the field count ratio collected by the NM M to derive the tube-specific calibration. Soil samples were collected June 24 and 25, 1996 for calibration at the.“wet” end, and again September 12 to 14, 1996 for calibration at the “dry” end o f the soil water content range. Soil samples were collected by pressing or carefully pounding an aluminum ring o f known volume (152 cm3) into the soil. The ring was carefully removed to obtain the soil sample. It was occasionally necessary to chisel away soil surrounding the ring in order to remove the ring with an intact core. Soil cores were placed in labeled plastic Ziplock® bags, stored in a cooler containing ice and weighed within 12 hours. W et soil mass was obtained with a Sartorius B3100P balance, The soil was later oven-dried for at least 24 hours at 105° C, and dry soil mass obtained from the same samples. Volumetric water content (6) was calculated as the volume o f water per bulk volume o f soil. Volume o f water was obtained as mass of moist soil minus mass o f oven-dry soil, divided by density o f water. Soil bulk density was calculated as the ratio o f the mass o f oven-dry soil to its bulk volume, which assumes a core having dimensions equal to the sampling ring. Calibration o f the NM M to each soil material was accomplished by linear regression o f measured volumetric soil water content against field measured count ratios. The coefficient o f determination (r2) was used as the goodness o f fit criterion. In order to obtain optimal palibratipn, readings and samples were separated into eight groups based on soil horizon 30 (topsoil and subsoil, and spoil if frorii reclamation sites) then soil texture class where appropriate. The resulting Hnear caUbrations were used to convert NM M count ratios measured during 1996 and 1997 to 0. Field soil water contents measured by NM M were compared based on soil horizons, textures, depths, and sites. The characteristics o f seasonal soil water status that were compared include total soil profile water content, and soil water depletion at each site. Soil water status over time was determined by comparing soil water changes between each NMM reading (incremental soil w ater depletion). Comparison o f beginning and ending soil water content for each NMM measurement interval (May 15 to September 12, 1996 and March 30 to May 1 1 ,1997) provided cumulative soil water depletion for each site. The purpose o f the above comparisons was to determine if relationships exist between seasonal soil water content and soil physical properties or site characteristics, with particular emphasis on differences between native and reclaimed sites. Soil W ater Retention and Plant Available W ater Soil cores collected in June and September, 1996 for caHbration o f the neutron moisture meter were also used for laboratory measurement o f soil water retention. W ater retention at one-third bar and 15 bar pressure was measured using a pressure plate apparatus. Disturbed samples were repacked to initial soil bulk density, as described by KJute (1986). Each soil sample was individually sieved through a 2 mm screen to remove coarse fragments and repacked to the initial bulk density (previously measured from the field core samples) by pressing a specific mass o f soil into rigid 7.3 cm (2.9 in) inside diameter PVC segments (rings) 31 to attain a standard volume o f 23 cm3, with a sample height o f I cm. By packing a variable mass o f soil into a consistent volume, the previously measured bulk densities were replicated and all samples had uniform dimensions, To obtain a representative soil sample, soil was redistributed and sampled using the cone method prior to weighing and packing. Repacked soil within the rings was saturated with 3 pM calcium sulfate (CaSO4) solution on the pressure plate for at least 24 hours. Paired samples for each o f four depths at each site were prepared for 15 bar soil w ater measurements (total o f 72 samples). Four samples o f each depth for each site were prepared for one-third bar measurements (total o f 144 samples). A greater number o f samples were analyzed for the one-third bar pressure because retention results at this low pressure are sensitive to differences in soil pore size distribution. It was recognized that any original soil structure was destroyed by sampling, crushing and sieving dried samples. Thus, samples at one-third bar are expected to be different (wetter) than for the field condition. Fifteen bar samples were allowed to equilibrate at the applied pressure for I days. One-third bar samples equilibrated for 2 to 3 days. These relatively short equilibration times were possible because the sample height was only I cm (Klute, 1986). Plant-available soil water holding capacity was calculated for each soil horizon at each site based on soil w ater retention data, by taking the difference between measured volumetric soil water contents at one-third bar and 15 bar pressures. The value obtained was corrected for percent coarse fragments and converted to equivalent depth o f water based on the soil horizon depth (Marshall et al., 1996). Percent coarse fragments and horizon depths were obtained from soil profile descriptions for each site. 32 Computer Simulation Modeling o f Long Term Seasonal Soil W ater Status Computer simulation modeling was used to extrapolate beyond the measured seasonal soil water data using the measured soil physical and hydrologic properties in combination with 34 years o f climate data from Colstrip, MT. The intent o f the model exercise was to: I) estimate seasonal soil water within the soil profile relative to the anticipated location and demands o f ponderosa pine root systems relative to grass root systems; and 2) determine whether a more suitable soil substrate might be reasonably created that would promote a more favorable time- and depth-dependent soil water status for pines. Finally, if the outcome o f Objective tw o were positive, to recommend one or more reconstructed soil profile designs. The computer simulation model used was an upgraded version o f Ekalaka Rangeland Hydrology and Yield Model (ERHYM), known as ERHYM-II (Wight, 1987). TheERHYMII model was selected because it is a fairly simplified “tipping bucket” soil water model, based on the water balance equation and thus requires minimal input data. Conceptually, with a “tipping bucket” model, soil water is redistributed from one soil layer to the next when the water content o f a particular soil layer exceeds its plant available water holding capacity. In this manner, any soil water in excess o f field capacity (one-third bar pressure) is redistributed, or “tipped”, to the adjacent and lower soil layer(s). Or “bucket(s)” . Some salient characteristics o f a “tipping bucket” model include: I) it does not allow upward flow o f soil water; and 2) water additions, depletions and redistributions are instantaneous (daily time step) rather than gradual, as would actually occur in the field. The ERHYM-II model was developed specifically for application to rangeland 33 environments. It incorporates a rangeland crop coefficient curve that was developed using lysimeter data from a mixed prairie range site in southeastern Montana (Wight, 1987). Weltz and Blackburn’s (1993) analysis o f the ERHYM-II model on south Texas rangelands determined that the model has the potential to simulate the annual water balance o f semiarid rangeland plant communities where runoff and deep drainage are limited components o f the water balance. ERHYM -II is a climatically-driven water balance model that functions on the plant community level (Weltz and Blackburn, 1993). Components o f the water balance are associated with changes in precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, runoff and soil water routing, occurring on a daily time-step basis. A primary advantage o f a “tipping bucket” model is limited input information requirements, or more specifically, that required input data is limited in scope and generally readily available. This was critical to application to the Rosebud Mine, where only basic climatic and soil hydrologic data are available, ruling out use o f more complex, mechanistic models. Disadvantages o f a “tipping bucket” model are associated with its assumptions and simplifications, and therefore the caution required in applying resulting interpretations to the natural system. The ERHYM-II model code was modified for input o f actual climate data instead o f using the model’s ability to generate stochastic climate data. Thirty-four years (January 1964 through May 1997) o f climate data from the Colstrip weather station were acquired from Climatedata Summary o f the Day, Western, a computerized database (National Climatic Data 34 Center, 1997) and via electronic mail from the Western Regional Climate Center in Reno, NY. Climate data from the Colstrip station included daily maximum and minimum air temperatures and daily precipitation totals. Pan evaporation data were obtained for the Yellowtail Dam weather station, located approximately 75 miles southwest o f Colstrip. This is one o f the closest weather stations collecting this information and was considered most ecologically similar to the Colstrip station. Daily maximum and minimum temperature records were also collected from the Yellowtail Dam weather station and compared to daily temperature records from the Colstrip station to confirm the applicability o f Yellowtail Dam evaporation data to the Colstrip area. Climate data were reformatted for use as input files to the ERHYM-II model. Where daily temperature data were missing from the climate record, a value was provided by averaging the temperature o f the preceding and following days. I f greater than 2 days in a row were missing (for example no records were available for the entire year o f 1975), daily temperatures from a year determined to have average temperature closest to the year with missing data was substituted. Data were substituted in whole or part depending on the number o f days missing. For air temperature, values from 1970 were substituted for missing information in 1973 and 1974; 1977 data were substituted for missing data for years 1975, 1980 and 1981; and 1995 data were substituted for missing data during 1997. A similar method was used for substitution o f missing precipitation data, however, only for years or periods missing several days in a row. For precipitation data, 1970 was 35 substituted for 1973 and 1974; and 1995 was substituted for 1997, in whole or in part. The 34-year average was substituted entirely for 1975 (which had no climatic record). The root water uptake algorithms in ERHYM-II were modified from the original version in an attempt to more closely simulate what is known about water uptake by plant root systems. Plant available water is defined in ERHYM-II as soil water held between 1/3 (field capacity) and 15 bar (permanent wilting point) tensions. The model was altered such that soil water was considered to be freely available to plants above 60 percent (0.6) plant available water, but water availability decreased linearly below this point until zero at the permanent wilting point. This concept follows that o f Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) and is commonly used in computer simulation models. A second modification was to constrain the proportional amount o f daily transpirational demand met from a given soil layer based on the proportional root system density in that layer. A natural growth function, y = l-exp(-bx), was incorporated into the model. In this equation, “y” is proportional daily transpirational water that a given layer could provide, and “x” is the proportional root density in that layer (ROOTF variable in ERHYMrII). A value o f 5 for “b” was selected as providing reasonable constraints to soil water uptake. This modification prevented an unreasonably large amount o f water being removed from a soil layer having very few roots present. The constraint on water uptake is small until relative root density decreases to about 0.4 or less, and increases in severity as ROOTF approaches zero. Simulation models based on more deterministic principles generally calculate depthdependent root water uptake as proportional to its availability (i.e., soil water potential) and 36 the root density at that location. Hence, we surmised this to be an appropriate modification for our purposes. A final modification to ERHYM-II was to allow multiple iterations within the soil water uptake module. The algorithm cycled through the four soil depths, in order from top to bottom , until either daily transpirational demand had been met or no plant available water remained in soil layers haying roots present. Calculations in this algorithm were constrained by the modifications noted above. Three native sites and three reclamation sites were selected for computer simulation modeling. Sites were selected to encompass the range o f measured profile water holding capacity and plant available water holding capacity. The range o f dominant soil texture was represented. Site-specific information regarding soil properties and soil water content were organized into the input format for the model. Site specific information collected or measured during field and laboratory investigations, and used in the ERHYM-H model for each soil horizon, included horizon thickness, bulk density, percent rock fragments, soil w ater content at field capacity, and soil water content at wilting point. Because the model required mass (kg/kg) soil w ater content, volumetric measurements were converted to mass equivalents using measured soil bulk density (Marshall et al., 1996). Horizon thickness for each o f four soil layers was input as measured during profile description. The only exception was that the top layer could not exceed 30.5 cm in the model and was therefore divided and entered as two equal soil layers if greater than this limit. 37 Site specific input data that were derived or estimated included air-dry soil water content and a runoff curve number (RCN)- The amount o f w ater below permanent wilting point, but above air-dry water content which can be evaporated from the upper soil layer, was estimated from Table 4 o f the ERHYM-II model description and user guide (Wight, 1987). This is based on measured water content at -15 bar and the soil.texture o f the top 30 cm (12 in) o f each site. Site specific runoff curve numbers were derived using NRCS methodology (Chapter 2 o f the Engineering Field Manual), which takes into account the soil hydrologic group. Cultural practice, and vegetation cover and condition. The soil hydrologic group for each site was determined based on field descriptions and criteria in the National Soil Survey Interpretations Handbook (Soil Survey Staff, 1992). Due to its structure, the model could not simulate two different root systems at one time. In order to predict seasonal soil water distribution with pine and grass roots on the same site the model was run twice for each site with the same soil and climatic input values, changing only the relative root density within each soil horizon (ROOTF value). This allowed comparison but did not simulate competition. Another important consideration is that the model was unable to reasonably simulate potential temporal differences in pine and grass root ‘activity’. Temporal niche separation may be a critical aspect o f below ground interactions o f these plants. Relative root density with depth for tw o year old pine seedlings was estimated from studies in the literature that were conducted at the Rosebud Mine (Richardson, 1981; Thamarus, 1987a and b) and North Dakota (van Haverbeke, 1963). Relative root depth density for grasses was estimated from root abundance recorded during profile description 38 work using the specific native and reclamation sites selected for modeling. The ROOTF input values for each soil layer at a site were dependent on the characteristics o f each root system (pine or grass) and the horizon thicknesses specific to the native or reconstructed soils being modeled. Several input and output modifications were made to the model. Input parameters CROPCO, TRANCO, STRGRO and ENDGRO were disengaged. An evaporation pan coefficient was applied to the climate input data, which made a crop coefficient (CROPCO) unnecessary. Evaporation pan coefficient for the Yellowtail Dam weather station was estimated to be 0.55, based on photographs o f the immediate surroundings o f the weather Station (Jensen, 1973). The transpiration coefficient (TRANCO) was modified as an input variable in order to test its affect on model results. Similarly, decimal fractions to estimate effective Overwinter precipitation (that portion o f total ovenyinter precipitation that remained in the soil by April I) was set Up as a model variable to test model sensitivity to its estimated ( value. 1 The model was altered to accept climate input files including daily precipitation, potential evaporation, and total overwinter precipitation in addition to daily maximum and minimum temperatures. Overwinter precipitation was added to climate input files because simulations were only conducted during the growing seasons (April I through September 30) for 34 years. The model is not designed or suitable for use during winter months in Montana. Four new lines were added at the end o f each site input file to provide measured and/or predicted water retention data for matric potentials o f 0, -1/3, -I, -2, -5 and -15 bar [Q ^0 _1/3 -i,-2 ,-sand-isbar)] f°r each o f the four soil layers. Measured water retention data were O ^ 173 39 -is bar), using the pressure plate apparatus. W ater retention data at B0jf0j _1( .2 amj _5 baf) were predicted using nonlinear optimisation (Wraith and Or, 1998) o f the parametric model developed by van Genuchten (1980), The purpose o f adding this information to the input files was to more clearly define model-predicted seasonal soil water status between field capacity and wilting point, by providing soil wetness classes to summarize model output. Monthly summaries o f the total number o f days within each soil water retention class, as predicted by the model over the 34-year simulation period, were added as output. Several assumptions were made regarding model input information. Climate data recorded at the Colstrip weather station was assumed to be the same for all field sites. The value used for FURCAP (surface water storage capacity) was input as zero because it was assumed to be taken into account in the runoff curve number. SIA (soil initial abstraction coefficient for runoff curve number) was input for all sites as 0.2 in (0.5 c m ), as suggested by the ERHYM-H user manual (Wight, 1987) and based on model sensitivity analyses. Input values which relate to the seasonal relative plant growth curve were selected based on obtaining a shape with dates o f “green-up” and senescence that corresponded with qualitative observations from staff at the Rosebud Mine (personal communication: Greg Millhollin, Western Energy Company) and those during 1996 and 1997 field work. Model sensitivity analyses were performed for the following model parameters: runoff curve number (RCN), soil initial abstraction (SIA), effective overwinter precipitation, transpiration coefficient (TRANCO), and relative root depth distribution (ROOTF). Model runs for the sensitivity analysis were conducted using selected site input files and changing only one input value at a time for each o f these parameters, then comparing the results to 40 determine how Sensitive the model was to a particular input. This was used to help determine the most reasonable values to input in some cases. Each native and reclamation site Was also simulated separately for only 1996 and 1997, corresponding to field NM M measurement periods. Running these years separately allowed the model simulation to begin with measured 0, rather than the predicted 0 resulting from the previous 32 or 33 year simulations. The purpose o f simulating 1996 and 1997 separately was to evaluate agreement o f model-predicted and field measured soil w ater contents. Because NMM measurement depths were different from modeled soil horizons, the NMM measured 0 for each soil layer was conformed to the modeled soil layer thicknesses by c|epth-weighted average to allow Comparison o f measured and predicted 0 for each site. Recommendations for Soil Profile Design The ERHYM-II computer simulation model used to extrapolate beyond the field measured data was determined to be unsuitable for evaluating the potential seasonal soil water status o f various “designed” soil profiles. Therefore, recommendations for creation o f soil profiles at the Rosebud Mine are based on information obtained from literature and on observations from the 1996 and 1997 field studies. 41 CHAPTERS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Field Measurement Sites The most distinct soil physical characteristic differences between native and reclamation sites were soil texture and percent hard coarse fragments o f the lower horizons (70 to 90 cm depth). O f the sites investigated, native soils were, in general, finer textured with greater percent silt than reconstructed soils (refer to “Dominant Soil Texture o f Profile” in Table I). Reconstructed soils overall tended to be more coarse textured than the native soils sampled. In addition, reconstructed soils had greater percent hard coarse fragments in the. lower horizons than native soils (refer to “Percent Coarse Fragments” in Table I). Another difference observed between native and reconstructed soils was the abrupt textural changes frequently encountered between soil horizons (topsoil, subsoil and spoil) in reclamation sites (see site description forms in Appendix A). Although not quantified, reclamation sites had substantially greater grass biomass production than native sites (Figure 2). The most common dominant grass species in native sites is bluebunch wheatgrass (Elymus spicatus (Pursh) Gould), followed by green needlegrass (Stipa viridula Trin.) and little bluestem (Andropogon scoparius Michx.), as 42 Native site 493D-A(w) (top photo) Reclamation site 3915-C (bottom photo) Figure 2. Example o f differences in grass productivity on native and reclamation sites. May 11, 1997. 43 indicated on the site description forms in Appendix A and summarized in Table 3. Prairie sandreed (Calamovilfa longifolia (Hook.) Scribn.) is the most common dominant grass species in reclamation sites, followed by bluebunch wheatgrass and thickspike wheatgra?s (Elyrtms lanceolatus (Schribn. & Smith) Gould). Bluebunch wheatgrass is a cool-season, native, perennial range grass which is valuable for forage. Prairie sandreed is a warm-season, native perennial o f little value for forage, but is strongly rhizomatous making it useful for erosion control. Table 3 summarizes some characteristics o f the other dominant grass species, as provided by Lovell (1992). Neutron Moisture M eter Calibration and Bulk Density Measurements Neutron moisture meter (NMM) calibration results are presented in Table 4, which also outlines the site numbers, soil horizon(s) and dominant soil texture(s) that were grouped together as having similar calibration relationships. R2 values obtained from NMM calibration for the sites sampled range from 0.61 to 0.94, with a mean value o f 0,85±0.04. The highest possible r2 value is 1.0, indicating 1:1 correlation o f measured and predicted values. R2 values from calibration o f reconstructed subsoil horizon readings were all below the mean r2. All other site/horizon/soil texture groups were above mean. The low r2 values which were obtained for reconstructed subsoil likely result from the variety o f soil textures present in these horizons within and between reclamation sites. The measured data collected were considered insufficient to do reliable location-specific calibrations for each site. Table 3. Summary o f dominant grass species o f native and reclamation sites. Native Sites Dominant Grass Species Common Name Latin Name Type m e­ e ts) 121Ec # 183EC (S ) 183EC(n) X X X X bluebunch wheatgrass E ly m u s s p ic a tu s C, N, P prairie sandreed C a la m o v ilfa lo n g ifo lia W, N, P green needlegrass S tip a v ir id u la C,N,P little bluestem A ndropogon s c o p a r iu s W,N,P thickspike wheatgrass E ly m u s la n c e o la tu s C,N,P crested wheatgrass A gropyron c r is ta tu m QkP sideoat grama B o u te lo u a c u r tip e n d u la W,N,P cheatgrass B ro m u s te c to r u m C,I,A Reclamation Sites 493DA(e) 493DA(w) 4888A X X X 4822B 2856B X 4901C 3915C X X X X X 4881C X X X X X X X X X X X X Type: A=annual, C=cool season, I=Introductd, N=native, P=perennial, W=warm season (Lovell, 1992). Dominant grass species based cm ranking from Site Description Forms located in Appendix A. This table includes only those grass species ranked as dominant on more than one site.______________ X X X 45 Table 4. Site groupings for neutron moisture meter calibration. Site Type Site Number(s) Horizon Dominant Soil Texture(s) Linear Regression I2 Value Native 121E-C(s), 183E-C(s), 493D-A(e) Topsoil CL, SiL, L 0.89 Native 121E-C(s), 493D-A(e) Subsoil SiCL, SiL 0.89 Native 183E-C(s) Subsoil L 0.94 Reclamation 4888-A, 4822-B, 2856-B. 4881-C, 4901-C, 3915-C Topsoil fSCL, fSL, SiCL, L 0.89 Reclamation 4822-B, 4881-C, 4901-C ,3915-C Subsoil L/SCL, SL, CL, L 0.82 Reclamation 2856-B Subsoil LfS, fSCL 0.61 Reclamation 4888-A Subsoil SiCL 0.84 Reclamation 4888-A, 4822-B, 2856-B, 4881-C, 4901-C, 3915-C Spoil SL, SiCL, grSCL, SL 0.94 Statistics: range 0.61 to 0.94; mean 0.85; std. error mean 0.04. The mean measured soil profile bulk density for each site is presented in Table 5. Mean profile soil bulk density o f native sites is lower than reclamation sites, with native sites having a range o f 1.15 g cm"3 to 1.37 g cm"3 and reclamation sites ranging from 1.45 g cm"3 to 1.61 g cm"3. Thus, mean profile soil bulk density for all native soil horizons was less than 1.4 g cm"3, whereas mean profile soil bulk density for all reconstructed soil horizons was greater than 1.4 g cm"3 Increased soil bulk density is expected to constrain root growth and reduce shoot growth in pines (Helms, 1983; Potter and Green, 1964, van Haverbeke, 1963). 46 Table 5. Mean profile (0 to 90 cm) soil bulk density for each study site. Native Sites Mean Soil Bulk Density (g/cm3) 121E-C(s) 1.15 183E-C(s) 1.16 493D-A(e) 1.37 Reclamation Sites 4888-A 1.49 4822-B 1.45 2856-B 1.45 4881-C 1.55 4901-C 1.61 3915-C 1.61 Statistics: Native Sites mean 1.23, std. dev. 0.10; Reclamation Sites mean 1.53, std. dev. 0.07. Figure 3 illustrates mean measured soil bulk density by depth for native and reclamation sites. Mean soil bulk density o f native sites 121E-C(s) and 183E-C(s) were similar to one another at all depths and consistently lower than that measured for site 493D-A(e). Mean bulk density for reclamation sites in Area C (4881-C, 4 9 0 1-C and 3915-C) is higher than the other reclamation sites sampled in Areas A and B (4888-A, 4822-B and 2856-B) at all depths except 0 to 30 cm, where 4822-B has higher bulk density than 4881-C. For most reclamation sites, soil bulk density increases with depth. However, soil bulk density decreases consistently with depth for 4822-B. Sites 4 9 0 1-C and 3915-C increase in bulk density to 70 cm depth, then decrease. The higher soil bulk densities measured for reconstructed soils are consistent with expectations because o f soil disturbance, reconstruction and use o f heavy equipment that is 47 Figure 3. Mean measured soil bulk density by depth. Native Sites S I 1.2 t 1.0 C 0) 1'4 Q 0.8 m 0.6 I 0.4 0.0 0-30 30-50 50-70 70-90 Soil Depth (cm) Q 121 E-C(S) ■ 183E-C(s) D 493D-A(e) Reclamation Sites i C 1.0 <D Q 0.8 m 0.6 I 0.4 0.0 Soil Depth (cm) □ 4888-A ■ 4822-B □ 2856-B D 4881-C * 4 9 0 1 -C []3915-C 48 required to move large quantities o f earthen material, The higher bulk densities observed in Area C sites (4881-C, 4901-C, 3915-C) are apparently unrelated to soil texture. The dominant soil textures o f these sites are finer (tending toward clay loam, loam, or sandy loam) than at the other reclamation sites sampled in Areas A and B (predominantly sandy clay loam). The relatively higher bulk density measured for. native site 493DrA(e) is somewhat surprising given the finer textured soil (clay loam/silty clay loam) o f that site compared with the other native sites sampled (loam and silt loam). Soil W ater Retention and Plant Available Water Plant available water holding capacity (PAWHC) is conventionally calculated as the difference between field capacity and wilting point. On a volume water content basis (expressed as percent), mean plant available w ater for native and reconstructed soils was determined to be very similar; 16±0.00 percent for native sites and 15±0.01 percent for reclamation sites (Table 6). The range o f PAWHC for native soils was narrower than for reconstructed soils; 15 to 20 percent for native compared with 9 to 19 percent for reconstructed soils. Plant available water holding capacity by soil depth, in terms o f equivalent depth o f water, for native and reconstructed soils is presented in Figure 4. The greatest PAWHC occurs in the 0 to 30 cm soil depth for native sites, with a mean o f 4.7±0.15 cm. All other soil depths within native sites have less PAWHC, ranging from 3.1±0.32 cm to 3.4=1=0.28 cm. However, it should be noted that Figure 4 compares PAWHC within 30 cm soil depth for the 0 to 30 cm range (consistent with NM M calculations) with 20 cm depth increment for all 49 Table 6. Laboratory measured plant available water holding capacity (PAWHC) for native and reclamation sites. Native Sites Mean Measured Water Retention (0) Reclamation Sites Plant Available Water Mean Measured Water Retention (0) Plant Available Water Depth (cm) SiteID 1/3 Bar 15 Bar 0 SiteID 1/3 Bar 15 Bar 0 0-30 121E-C(s) 0.29 0.12 0.17 4888-A 0.34 0.16 0.17 30-50 0.29 0.12 0.17 0.37 0.18 0.19 50-70 0.29 0.13 0.16 0.33 0.16 0.17 70-90 0.29 0.13 0.16 0.26 0.09 0.17 0.28 0.12 0.15 0.25 0.13 0.12 30-50 0.27 0.12 0.15 0.23 0.11 0.12 50-70 0.34 0.14 0.20 0.22 0.10 0.12 70-90 0.32 0.13 0.19 0.18 0.08 0.10 0.31 0.16 0.15 0.18 0.09 0.09 30-50 0.31 0.15 0.16 0.20 0.09 0.10 50-70 0.29 0.14 0.15 0.23 0.11 0.12 70-90 0.31 0.15 0.16 0.27 0.13 0.15 0.27 0.12 0.15 30-50 0.30 0.13 0.17 50-70 0.27 0.11 0.16 70-90 0.30 0.15 0.15 0.32 0.14 0.18 30-50 0.31 0.14 0.18 50-70 0.30 0.13 0.17 70-90 0.25 0.11 0.14 0.30 0.15 0.14 30-50 0.31 0:15 0.16 50-70 0.24 0.10 0.14 70-90 0.21 0:07 0.14 0-30 0-30 0-30 0-30 0-30 183E-C(s) 493D-A(e) 4822-B 2856-B 4881-C 4901-C 3915-C . Native Sites: PAWHC mean 0.16±0.00 (0.15-0.20); 1/3 bar mean 0.30±0.01, (0.27-0.34); 15 bar mean 0 .14±0.00, (0.12-0.16). 1 Reclamation Sites: PAWHC ihean 0.15±0.01 (0.09-0.19); 1/3 bar mean 0.27±0.01, (0.18-0.37); 15 bar mean 0.12±0.01, (0:07-0.18). 50 Figure 4. Pressure plate results: measured depth equivalent plant available soil water holding capacity by depth for each site. Native Sites 0-30 30-50 50-70 70-90 Soil Depth (cm) Q121E-C(s) HlSSE-C(S) □493D-A(e) Reclamation Sites 0-30 30-50 50-70 70-90 Soil Depth (cm) □ 4888-A ■ 4822-B D2856-B □4881-C ■ 4901-C 0 3915-C 51 other depths. Scaling the mean PAWHC o f the top horizon o f native sites to 20 cm o f soil results in 3.1 cm water. Mean PAWHC is, therefore, fairly uniform throughout the profile for native sites. Pressure plate results for reclamation sites also indicate the greatest PAWHC within the 0 to 30 cm soil depth (for 30 cm o f soil). The average depth equivalent PAWHC at this depth (4.3±0.40 cm) was similar to that for native soils (4.7±0.15 cm). Scaling the mean PAWHC to 20 cm soil depth results in 2.8 cm water for reclamation site surface layers. Below 70 cm, the mean PAWHC o f reclamation sites decreases significantly to 1.9±0.14 cm, which is 1.2 cm per 20 cm soil less than measured for the same depth in native sites. The lower PAWHC o f the 70 to 90 cm soil depth o f reclamation sites is related to spoil material, which is encountered at approximately 75 cm in most o f the reclamation sites, and has greater percentage o f coarse fragments and higher soil bulk density than other horizons. The sum o f the mean measured depth equivalent PAWHC over soil depths provides the mean PAWHC for the profile (0 to 90 cm). For native sites, the mean PAWHC for the profile was calculated as 14.4±1.5 cm, compared to 12.0±0.4 cm for reclamation sites. Native sites thus had 2.4 cm (20 percent) greater mean plant available water storage capacity within the upper 90 cm soil profile. The range o f measured plant available water holding capacity for native sites was 13.8 to 15.3 cm; and 9.0 to 14.3 cm for reclamation sites. Lower plant available water holding capacity in reclamation sites is consistent with measured soil bulk density. Generally, greater soil bulk density results in lower PAWHC, for a given soil texture, due to decreased total pore space and smaller range o f pore sizes. 52 Soil W ater Status Neutron moisture meter (NMM) measurements were taken during parts o f the growing seasons in 1996 and 1997. Therefore, comparison o f the early growing season measurements (March 30 through May 11, 1997) with the later growing season measurements (May 15 through September 12, 1996) must be done with the knowledge that each set o f NM M readings will likely be different because o f different preceding climatic conditions. Figure 5 presents the distributions o f overwinter and growing season precipitation for 1996 and 1997. Monthly precipitation for 1997 only extends through May because NM M field measurement's only occurred to that time. Total overwinter precipitation (October 1995 through March 1996) preceding the 1996 growing season was 10.95 cm, compared to 12.90 cm for October 1996 through March 1997. 1996 had total overwinter precipitation nearly identical to the 34-year average, whereas 1997 had above-average total overwinter precipitation (difference o f 1.92 cm; 34 year mean is 10.98±0.69 cm). Figure 5 indicates the distribution o f total monthly overwinter precipitation during each year was slightly different, w ith a greater amount o f the 1997 overwinter precipitation occurring October through December, whereas 1996 overwinter precipitation had greater monthly fluctuations. Also o f interest is the difference between March and April precipitation patterns for 1996 and 1997. Effective overwinter precipitation was estimated based on field measured soil water contents (NMM readings) and corresponding precipitation records from the Colstrip weather station for the period during which soil water measurements Were taken, Effective overwinter prCCjill^lfoifWas calculated as the measured gain in depth equivalent soil water content (cm) 53 Figure 5. Distribution o f 1996 and 1997 overwinter and growing season precipitation, ________ Colstrip, Montana. 10 E 8 - CL 4 -- 2 Overwinter: October - March - - Growing Season: April - September — OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT Month ■ 1996 - W - 1997 between September 12, 1996 and March 30, 1997 NMM readings, divided by the total overwinter precipitation (cm) from October 1996 through March 1997 measured at the Colstrip station. Overwinter precipitation was determined to be 21 percent more effective for reclamation sites than native sites, with 61 percent (0.61±0.031) mean effective precipitation calculated for reclamation sites and 40 percent (0.40±0.049) mean effective precipitation for native sites. The calculated effective overwinter precipitation for each site is presented in Table 7. Note the variability shown between all sites, especially for native sites, which had 54 a standard error o f 4.87 percent, compared to 3.07 percent standard error for reclamation sites. Table 7. Percent effective overwinter precipitation during October I, 1996 to April I, 1997 for each site, calculated from neutron moisture meter and daily precipitation data. Site Reference Site Type Effective Precipitation (%) 121E-C(s) Native 43.8 121E-C(n) Native 61.2 183E-C(s) Native 26.6 183E-C(n) Native 36.1 493D-A(w) Native 41.7 493D-A(e) Native 32.8 4888-A Reclamation 69.5 4822-B Reclamation 62.4 2856-B Reclamation 55.8 4881-C Reclamation 61.7 4901-C Reclamation 66.1 3915-C Reclamation 48.6 Statistics for Native Sites: mean=40.4%, std. error mean=4.87%, n = ll. Statistics for Reclamation Sites: mean=60.7%, std. error mean=3.07%, n=10. Many o f the comparisons among native and reclamation sites assume the same amount o f precipitation occurred over the entire area encompassing all sites sampled. This assumption is a questionable but necessary simplification, given a lack o f location-specific climatic information. Differences related to calculated effective precipitation at a given site may be from any, or a combination o f the following: I) differences in actual precipitation 55 which fell at a given Ideation; 2) site-specific infiltration differences, potentially caused by topography, surface conditions or soil properties; 3) precipitation interception and evaporation before reaching the soil; 4) site-specific differences in evaporative influences and evaporative loss; and 5) temporal and spatial differences in vegetation in ternis o f soil water use during October through March, i:e., conifers generally transpire during this period whereas grasses and forbs do not. The most obvious difference between native and reclamation sites which may influence the amount o f effective precipitation is the presence o f the tree canopy over native sites, even though native sites consist o f open woods rather than dense forest. Figure 6 presents mean measured soil water content for native and reclamation sites for the 1996 and 1997 NMM measurement periods. Measurements indicate reclamation sites had greater mean volumetric soil water content than native sites for all sample dates prior to midJuly both years, which is likely related to greater effective precipitation for reclamation sites. The greatest differences in mean measured soil water content o f native and reclamation sites occurred between the middle o f May (May 15) through beginning o f July (July 2), 1996. During this period reclamation sites had up to 0.05 cm3 cm"3 ( 5 percent) greater measured volumetric soil water content (6) than native sites. This result further implicates differences in effective precipitation between native and reclamation sites, because the greater measured soil water content on reclamation sites during this period correspond to the high amount o f total precipitation that occurred during May, 1996. Furthermore, mean measured 6 o f reclamation sites was less than native sites toward the end o f the 1996 growing season, yet began the 1997 growing season with greater mean measured 0 than native sites. 56 Figure 6. Mean field-measured profile soil water content for all native and reclamation sites. 0.24 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 - — - 5/15 5/29 6/19 7/2 7/16 7/30 8/14 9/12 3/30 4/20 5/11 NMM Sample Date — A --N a tiv e Sites - * - Reclamation Sites Mean incremental soil water depletion of near surface horizons (0 to 70 cm) is presented in Figure 7 for native and reclamation sites. Incremental soil water depletion was calculated as the change in measured soil water content between each consecutive NMM reading during 1996 and 1997, multiplied by the corresponding soil depth. The results presented for incremental depletion indicate the greatest depletion in both native and reclamation sites occurred from the 0 to 30 cm soil depth during the period May 29 to June 19, 1996, corresponding to a period of active plant growth, and therefore plant water uptake. Negative depletion, or an increase in soil water content, was measured during May 15 to May 29, 1996 and March 30 to April 20, 1997 in all near surface soil horizons (0 to 70 cm) for both native 57 Figure 7. Mean incremental soil water depletion o f near surface soil horizons (0 to 70 cm). Native Sites I 0-30 cm I I 30-50 cm Reclamation Sites c 0 is 1 c $ z 50-70 cm 58 and reclamation sites. These periods correspond to increased precipitation (Figure 5), which occurred relatively early in the growing season before significant plant growth. Depletion from near surface horizons was consistently greater from reclamation sites than native sites. The differences in incremental depletion were greater for reclamation sites during May 29 through July 16, 1996, which corresponds to the period where reclamation sites had greater mean measured 0 than native sites (Figure 6). However, greater incremental depletion from reclamation sites also occurred during July 16 through September 12,1996, even though mean measured 0 o f reclamation sites was less than native sites for this same period (Figure 6). Starting profile (0 to 90 cm) depth equivalent o f water, or the depth equivalent o f water at the beginning o f each NMM measurement period (May 15,1996 and March 30, 1997) for native and reclamation sites is presented in Figures 8A and SB. M ean measured profile starting water on May 15, 1996 was measured as 14.4±1.4 cm for native sites and 18.4±0.9 cm for reclamation sites (Figure 8A). On March 30, 1997 mean profile starting water was measured as 15.5±1.3 cm for native sites and 17.6±0,9 cm for reclamation sites (Figure SB). Reclamation sites began the 1996 NMM measurement period with an average o f 4.0 cm m ore mean soil water than native sites, and the 1997 NM M measurement period with 2.1 cm more mean soil water than native sites. Greater variability in starting water content is observed for native sites during both measurement periods. This result may be related to greater variability of native sites, including topography and site specific differences in water use and interception o f precipitation. 59 Figure 8A. Soil profile (0 to 90 cm) starting water content based on 1996 neutron moisture meter measurements. Native Sites May 15, 1996 30 -I-------------------------------------------------------------- mean: 14.4 cm sem: 1.4 cm 1 Z Z E -C (S ) 1 8 3 E -C (s ) 1 2 2 E -C (n ) J 1 8 3 E -C (n ) J 4 9 3 D -A (e ) 4 9 3 D -A ( w ) Reclamation Sites May 15, 1996 I 4888-A m 4822-B J 2856-B 4881-C |22] 4901-C 3915-C 60 Figure SB. Soil profile (0 to 90 cm) starting water content based on 1997 neutron moisture meter measurements. Native Sites March 30, 1997 30 E mean: 15.5 cm sem: 1.3 cm r 25 I O 20 L 0) 1 10 3 cr LU f0) 5 Q 0 1 2 2 E -C (S ) 1 2 2 E -C (n ) ] 1 8 3 E -C (s ) J 1 8 3 E -C (n ) 4 9 3 D -A (e ) 4 9 3 D -A (w ) Reclamation Sites March 30, 1997 I 4888-A [ H 4822-B 2856-B 4881-C | 4901-C 3915-C 61 Variability in starting water content is more evident when calculated as a percent o f plant available water holding capacity. Figures 9A and 9B present the relationship between field measured profile (0 to 90 cm) starting water content and laboratory measured profile (0 to 90 cm) plant available water holding capacity for native and reclamation sites. As depicted, there is significant variability among native sites compared to reclamation sites. Among native sites, one or both NM M access tubes within several sites was calculated as starting the growing season without plant available water in the prqfile (negative plant available water) for both the May 15, 1996 and March 30, 1997 measurements. Note that these results are / calculated using measured water content averaged over the entire (0 to 90 cm) soil profile, thus any plant available water at specific depths is not represented in the mean value. Calculated starting soil water content as a percentage o f plant available water indicated that all NM M access tubes in both native and reclamation sites had less than 70 percent o f potential (maximum) plant available water when NM M measurements were initiated each year. However, reclamation sites began each NM M measurement period for each year with more than twice the mean percent plant available water than native sites. Reclamation sites were calculated to have 36.8±4.1 mean percent plant available water on May 15, 1996, compared to 15.3±7.0 mean percent for native sites (Figure 9A). On March 30, 1997, reclamation sites were calculated to begin the NMM measurement period with 47.2±4.6 mean percent plant available water compared to 21.8±7.0 mean percent for native sites (Figure 9B). Total soil water depletion during the growing season was calculated as the sum (over depths) of the difference between measured beginning and ending soil w ater content for each NMM measurement period (May 15 to September 12,1996 and March 30 to May 1 1 ,1997), 62 Figure 9A. Soil profile (0 to 90 cm) starting plant available water based on 1996 neutron moisture meter measurements as a percent of plant available water holding capacity. Native Sites May 15, 1996 mean: 15.3% sem: 7.0% 1 2 2 E -C (s) m 1 2 2 E -C (n ) 0 1 8 3 E -C (s) I 1 8 3 E -C (n ) 4 9 3 D -A (e ) 1 j 4 9 3 D -A ( w ) Reclamation Sites May 15, 1996 100 80 £ I 60 0) jQ 40 ro I 20 C JS Cl 0 -20 J 4888-A [ ] 4822-B [ j 2856-B 4881-C |2 2 ] 4801-C 3915-C 63 Figure 9B. Soil profile (0 to 90 cm) starting plant available water based on 1997 neutron moisture meter measurements as a percent of plant available water holding capacity. Native Sites March 30, 1997 100 mean: 21.8% sem: 7.0% 80 -20 1 Z Z E -C (S ) 1 Z Z E -C (n ) ___ 1 8 3 E -C (s) J 1 8 3 E -C (n ) | | 4 9 3 D -A (e ) 4 9 3 D -A (w ) Reclamation Sites March 30, 1997 100 mean: 47.2% sem: 4.6% 80 SE -20 I 4888-A 4822-B | 2856-B 4881-C I | 4901-C ■' 3915-C 64 multiplied by corresponding NM M measurement depth increments. Negative depletion indicates net gain o f soil water (profile redharge). Soil water depletion from native and reclamation sites for each period is presented in Figures IOA and I OB. Results indicate greater depletion from reclamation sites compared to native sites during 1996. Mean measured depletion from reclamation sites is more than twice the depletion from native sites, with 10.8±0.46 cm mean depletion calculated from reclamation sites and 5.0±0.51 cm mean depletion calculated from native sites between May 15 and September 12, 1996. Native and reclamation sites were calculated as having similar soil water recharge during the M arch 30 to May 11, 1997 measurement period. Native sites were calculated to have -1.6±0.53 cm mean soil water depletion, compared to -1.5±0.37 cm mean soil water depletion for reclamation sites (Figure I OB). Negative depletion (soil water gain) was calculated for all native sites except 121E-C(s) and all reclamation sites except 3915-C. Negative depletion during this measurement period is not surprising as it is early in the growing season, corresponding to a period o f high measured precipitation and relatively little plant water up tak e. The greater soil water depletion from reclamation sites during the 1996 measurement period is consistent with reclamation sites having more total and more plant available soil w ater to use. Reclamation sites started the 1996 growing season with greater 0 and were measured throughout much o f the growing Season as having greater 0 than native sites. Higher depletion was also expected from reclamation sites given the greater grass and forb vegetative production compared with native sites. 65 Figure I GA. Comparison o f soil profile (0 to 90 cm) water depletion from native and reclamation sites based on 1996 neutron moisture meter measurements. Native Sites May 15 through September 12, 1996 I 121 E -C (S ) | 2 2 | 1 2 1 E - C ( Ii) I 1M E -C (S ) 2 2 1 8 3 E -C (n ) 4 9 3 D -A ( w ) 4 9 3 D -A ( e ) Reclamation Sites - Vegetated May 15 through September 12, 1996 16 14 12 I 10 c 0 8 JD CL 0) Q 6 4 1 2 o 0 (/) -2 -4 -6 ] 4888-A U 4822-B j^jj] 2856-B 0 4881-C 4901-C 3915-C 66 Figure I OB. Comparison o f soil profile (0 to 90 cm) water depletion from native and reclamation sites based on 1997 neutron moisture meter measurements. Native Sites March 30 through May 11,1997 16 14 12 mean: -1.6 cm sem: 0.53 cm I 10 0 8 I e ? 4 1 2 1S 0 V) -2 __ -4 -6 I 121 E-C(S) |2 2 ] 121E -C (n) I 1 8 3 E -C (s) H U j 183E-C (n) I 493D -A (w ) 493D -A(e) Reclamation Sites - Vegetated March 30 through May 11, 1997 16 14 12 H 10 I 8 I 2 o 0 q. mean: -1.5 cm sem: 0.37 cm a> 6 a 4 V) -2 EH fiW 5U -4 -6 ---------------------------------------------------- 1---------------------------------------------------J 4888-A J | 4822-B - 2856-B 0 4881-C 4901-C 3915-C 67 Comparison o f profile depletion for reclamation sites with and without vegetation is presented in Figures I lA and I IB. NMM measurements from areas where vegetation had been killed within an approximate 1.5 m radius around the access tube showed less mean profile depletion than from areas within the same sites with vegetation, as expected. Later in the growing Season (May 15 to September 12, 1996), significantly higher depletion from vegetated reclamation sites than non-vegetated sites was observed; 10.8±0.46 cm mean depletion for vegetated compared to 2.6±0.97 cm mean depletion for non-vegetated (Figure 11 A). Early season measurements (March 30 to May 11, 1997) indicated slightly less soil w ater depletion from Vegetated reclamation sites than non-vegetated reclamation sites; -1.5±0.37 cm from vegetated reclamation sites compared to -0.9±0.32 cm mean profile depletion from non-vegetated reclamation sites. This result is likely related to greater evaporation from sprayed plots, especially during sunny and/or windy conditions, as a result o f lower surface cover. \ 68 Figure 11 A. Comparison o f soil profile (0 to 90 cm) water depletion from vegetated and non-vegetated reclamation sites based on 1996 neutron moisture meter measurements. Reclamation Sites - Vegetated May 15 through September 12, 1996 16 14 12 E 10 O C O 8 a> 6 | Q OT 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 ^ 4888-A U 4822-B 2856-B 4881-C 4901-C |___ 3915-C Reclamation Sites - Non-Vegetated May 15 through September 12,1996 mean: 2.6 cm sem: 0.97 cm 4888-A 4822-B 2856-B 4881-C 4901-C 3915-C 69 Figure I IB. Comparison o f soil profile (0 to 90 cm) water depletion from vegetated and non-vegetated reclamation sites based on 1997 neutron moisture meter measurements. Reclamation Sites - Vegetated March 30 through May 11,1997 mean: -1.5 cm sem: 0.37 cm 4888-A 4822-B 2856-B 4881-c [ J eoi-c Qaeis-C Reclamation Sites - Non-Vegetated March 30 through May 11,1997 16 14 mean: -0.9 cm sem: 0.32 cm 12 I 10 C 0 8 JD 0) 6 Q. Q 1 4 2 0 y/jm -2 -4 -6 4888-A I H 4822-B I 2856-B | % | 4881-C 4901-C 391S-C 70 Computer Simulation Modeling o f Long Term Seasonal Soil W ater Status Model Sensitivity Analyses R unoff Curve Number. The runoff curve number (RCN) represents a site specific relationship between rainfall and runoff, based on soil type, land use and management practices, and takes into account previous precipitation and therefore antecedent soil moisture (Wight, 1987). Several 34-year model runs were conducted using the native pine 3 (NP3) and native pine 5 (NP5) input files, altering only the runoff curve number. The RCN predicted by the NRCS methodology was 89 for NP3 and 60 for NP5. The RCN predicted using Table I o f the ERHYM-E model description and user guide (Wight, 1987) was 75 for NP3 and 65 for NP5. The model proved to be quite sensitive to differences in RCN, with a higher RCN value resulting in greater predicted runoff, as expected. For NP3, model sensitivity analysis runs were conducted using RCN o f 89, 85, 80 and 75, with 15, 13, 9 and 5 the corresponding average number o f predicted runoff events per year. For site NP5, simulations were conducted using RCN o f 65 and 60, with 2 and I average predicted runoff events per year, respectively. All RCN sensitivity simulations were conducted using a soil initial abstraction value o f 0.2 in, which is discussed below. Runoffcurve number also affected the simulated distribution o f plant available soil water in the profile. For NP3, a higher RCN (89 compared to 80), which produced more runoff events, resulted in soil layer I having less soil water, a 34-year mean o f 6 more days per growing season within water retention class Och^ 15 bar) and 8 less days per growing season 71 within water retention class 0(h>_2bar)- A similar result occurred for soil layer 2, but RCN had little to no affect on soil layers 3 and 4. For NP5, the varied RCN resulted in no noticeable affect on the distribution o f predicted soil water in the profile. This result is likely due to the small affect RCN had on runoff for this site. The RCN generated by the NRCS methodology was used for each site instead o f the m ore simplified approach o f ERHYM-II. The NRCS method is more site specific and produced more reasonable numbers o f predicted runoff events based on expectations for arid rangeland sites in eastern Montana and on observations o f the number o f runoff events observed at the Rosebud Mine (personal communication: Greg Millhollin, Western Energy Company). Soil Initial Abstraction. The model was tested by varying only the Soil Initial Abstraction (SIA) value during several different 34-year runs. SIA is an estimate o f surface soil water detention before runoff begins, including water retained in surface depressions and intercepted by vegetation. The NRCS methodology produces a different SIA value for each RCN, with a lower RCN having a higher SIA value. For example, site NP5 was determined to have a RCN o f 60 and an SIA o f 1.33 in, based on NRCS criteria. Running the model using these values resulted in no predicted runoff. The model description (Wight, 1987) recommends using an SIA value o f 0.20 in. R unoff was predicted for site NP5 when using RCN of 60 and SlA of 0.2 in, with an average o f I runoff event per year, as discussed above. SIA predicted from the NRCS methodology were 0.25 in for several other sites. Based 72 on results from the SlA sensitivity analysis and the similarity o f the SIA for several other sites, a value o f 0.2 in was used for all native and reclamation sites modeled, regardless o f the RCN value used. Effective Precipitation. The model was modified to allow input o f an effective precipitation coefficient (0 to 1.0) for each site. This value was used to scale total October through March precipitation to that amount estimated to remain in the soil as o f April I, the beginning o f each annual simulation period. A range o f effective precipitation values from 0.2 to 0.6 were input for 34-year runs on sites NP3 and NP5. The model output was not sensitive to these values. Output from various effective precipitation inputs did not have any effect on the number o f runoff events or seasonal distribution o f plant available water in the profile. The effective precipitation based on calculated soil water balance during the winter o f 19961997 were thus used for all model runs. For native sites an effective precipitation o f 0.4 (40 percent) was used. For reclamation sites an effective precipitation o f 0.6 (60 percent) was used. Transpiration Coefficient. A transpiration coefficient is an estimate o f the fraction o f total potential evapotranspiration attributed to plant water uptake, or transpiration. The model output was only slightly sensitive to changes in the transpiration coefficient (TRANCO). Comparison o f TRANCO o f 0.9,0.8 and 0.6 for NP3 and NP5 showed slightly more runoff with a lower TRANCO value. TRANCO also affected soil water distribution throughout the profile, with a higher TRANCO resulting in soil layfer I having greater water content, soil layer 2 having less water content and no changes to soil layers 3 and 4. 73 Presumably this result is from relatively less direct evaporative water loss from the upper soil layer (layer I) associated with the higher TRANCO value. The different TRANCO resulted in imperceptible differences in the ratio o f predicted actual transpiration to predicted potential transpiration. Based on the sensitivity analysis and a review o f relevant literature (e.g., Ham et al., 1990), a TRANCO o f 0.7 was used for native sites and 0.8 for reclamation sites. Root Depth Distributions. The ERHYM-II model appears to be very sensitive to root depth distribution. This observation is supported by Weltz and Blackburn (1993), who stated that accurate estimates o f root density as a function o f depth are critical to estimate transpiration using ERHYM-II. Results from the sensitivity analysis indicated that soil water distribution was highly correlated to the relative proportion o f roots present in each soil horizon, with lower soil water content in a given horizon resulting from greater proportion o f roots present. This result was true even after the addition to the model o f a relative soil water availability curve. The model was modified to input the fractional root distribution for each soil layer, which gum to 1.0 for the soil profile, rather than relativize the proportion o f roots in each soil layer to the top horizon, which is normally entered as 1.0 (Wight, 1987). Sensitivity analyses for root depth distribution before modification resulted in significantly more soil water being removed from the top horizon. Weltz and Blackburn (1993) provided a good description o f the original root density function: “root density is a means o f restricting water uptake from each soil layer. Soil water extraction through transpiration proceeds one layer at a time, beginning with the surface layer. Ifthe surface layer cannot supply the full potential ET, then 74 the model extracts water from the second layer, and so on, until the full potential ET has been satisfied or until all soil layers have been sampled.” Model Simulation Results Model Input. Table 8 presents the dominant soil textures and w ater holding capacities represented by the three native and three reclamation sites selected for computer simulations. Site-specific input values are presented in Tables 9A (native sites) and 9B (reclamation sites), which also identify the contents o f each input fine. The Only differences in input values between “pine” and “grass” model runs for each site were the descriptive comment (line I) and relative root distribution (ROOTF) for each soil layer (line 11), which is dependent on characteristics o f each root system and the horizon thicknesses for each site. Therefore, lines I and 11 are the only input lines listed for model runs with grass roots in Tables 9A and 9B. Table 8. Selected site characteristics used in computer simulation modeling. Site Type Site Reference Number Profile Water Holding Capacity (cm) ProfilePlant Available Water (cm) Dominant Soil Texture* Native 12IE-C 29.8 15.9 L Native 183E-C 30.7 17.1 L/SiL Native 493D-A 29.6 .15.4 CL/SiCL Reclamation 4888-A 29.6 15.8 SiCL/SCL Reclamation 4901-C 26.4 14.9 CL/SL Reclamation 3915-C 24.9 9.2 L/SL ^Dominant soil texture is weighted average of approx. 100 cm depth soil profile. 75 Table 9A. C om puter sim ulation m odeling site input file values fo r native sites. N ative Sites Line # I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 IE-C NatPine.5 U ,3 64,97,91,273 4,14,0 30.5,15,36,18 1.12,1.10,1.19,1.20 0,0,0,0 0.16,0.17,0.14,0.11 0.26,0.27,0.25,0.24 0.11,0.11,0.11,0.10 0.75,0.15,0.1,0 74,201,0.7,6,0 1,0.14,1,60,0.2 I 21.4,31.2,35.0,45.3,54.3,64.3 70.8,69.4,58.5,47.0,33.4,23.7 0.26,0.12,0.12,0.11,0.11 0.27,0.15,0.13,0.12,0.11 0.25,0.14,0.12,0.11,0.11 0.24,0.14,0.13,0.12,0.10 NatPine.6 1,1,3 64,97,91,273 4,1.3,0 25.5,25.5,23,26 1.12,1.09,1.22,1.20 0,0,0,0 0.16,0.11,0.19,0.08 0.25,0.25,0.28,0.27 0.11,0.11,0.12,0.11 0.63,0.33,0.05,0 74,201,0.7,6,0 1,0.12,1,60,0.2 I 21.4,31.2,35.0,45.3,54.3,64.3 70.8,69.4,58.5,47.0,33.4,23.7 0.25,0.12,0.12,0.11,0.11 0.25,0.15,0.13,0.12,0.11 0.28,0.14,0.12,0.11,0.12 0.27,0.14,0.13,0.12,0.11 0.16,0.18,0.16,0.14 0.17,0.23,0.22,0.22 0.11,0.11,0.10,0.11 0.75,0.21,0.04,0 74,201,0.7,6,0 1,0.15,1,89,0.2 I 21.4,31.2,35.0,45.3,54.3,64.3 70.8,69.4,58.5,47.0,33.4,23.7 0.17,0.13,0.12,0.11,0.11 0.23,0.17,0.14,0.12,0.11 0.22,0.15,0.13,0.11,0.10 0.22,0.16,0.14,0.12,0.11 I 11 NatGrss. 5 0.66,0.06,0.14,0.06 NatGrss.6 0.64,0.1,0.1,0.08 NatGrss. 3 0.66,0.1,0.06,0.1 183E-C 493D-A NatPine.3 1,1,3 64,97,91,273 4,23,0 30.5,25,14,30 1.37,1.37,1.37,1.39 o,o,o,o Line Contents and Explanation: 1 2 3 4* COMMENT - alphanumeric characters. PRTOPT, DAYOPT, LOPT - input/output options. STARTY, ENDYj STRDAYj ENDDAY. SLARESj AIRDRYj FURCAP: AIRDRY (cm) based on texture of top 12 inches (site description work average if mixed texture) and Table 4 of model (converted to cm from in); FURCAP assumed 0. 5* THK in cm of each horizon (if SURFACE LAYER >12 in (30.5 cm) split into separate, equal horizons); total depths for each site (cm) are : 100, 100, 100. 6* BDENST used average BD from June/Sept, samples for each soil layer from pressure plate work. 7* ROCKF only if >5% - made sure to correlate with horizon listed in line 5, some split because > 30.5 cm. 8* INITSM - beginning soil water per horizon - used 3/30/97 NMM readings converted to gravimetric soil water content from volumetric soil water content. 9* MHC - gravimetric water content at field capacity - volumetric measurements converted to gravimetric. 10* UNASM - gravimetric water content at wilting point. 11 * ROOTF - varies for each run based root type and soil horizon depths (THK input). 12 STRRGC, PSCDAYj CSHAPEj DSHAPEj RGCMIN - values related to Relative Growth Curve. 13* DACREJCS,LWJCN2JSIA: DACRE - assume I; CS-slope of site from desc. work; LW-assume I; CN2-input calc, values based on SCS package and field work; SIA-SCS Initial Abstraction (la). 14 TEMOPT - entered I for daily temp read from input file. SOLOPTj XLATj STWF disengaged. 15 Ave. Mthly Temps: January to June. 16 Ave. Mthly Temps: July to December. 17-20* Measured and Predicted (using Van Genuchten's (1980) eq.) soil water retention data for each layer (on separate lines), at matric potentials of 0, 0 .3 ,1 ,2 ,5 , 10 bars. * Denotes input lines containing values which may differ among sites. 76 Table 9B. Computer simulation modeling site input file values for reclamation sites. Reclamation Sites Line ft 4888-A 3915-C 4901-C I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 RecPine.4 1,1,3 64,97,91273 4 2 1 ,0 18,4320,18 1.44,1.49,1.49,1.54 0,0.05,0.05,0.25 0.18,0.19,0.17,0.12 0.24,0.25,0.22,0.17 0.11,0.12,0.11,0.06 0.5,0.49,0.01,0 74201,0.7,6,0 1,0.08,1,85,0.2 I 21.4,31.225.0,45.3,54.3,64.3 70.8,69.4,58.5,47.0,33.423.7 0.17,0.13,0.12,0.11,0.11 0.23,0.16,0.14,0.12,0.11 0.22,0.15,0.13,0.11,0.10 0.22,0.15,0.13,0.12,0.11 0.15,0.12,0.11,0.09 0.19,0.19,0.14,0.13 0.10,0.09,0.06,0.04 0.63,0.28,0.1,0 74201,0.7,6,0 1,0.09,1,74,02 I 21.421.2,35.0,45.3,54.3,64.3 70.8,69.4,58.5,47.0,33.423.7 0.17,0.13,0.12,0.11,0.11 0.23,0.15,0.13,0.12,0.11 0.22,0.14,0.12,0.11,0.10 0.22,0.15,0.13,0.12,0.11 RecPine.8 U 2 64,97,91273 4,1.7,0 182424,34 1.59,1.63,1.64,1.57 0,0,0,03 0.14,0.13,0.11,0.10 0.20,0.19,0.18,0.16 0.09,0.08,0.08,0.07 0.5,0.4,0.1,0 74201,0.7,6,0 1,0.17,1,74,0.2 I 21.4,31.2,35.0,45.3,54.3,64.3 70.8,69.4,58.5,47.0,33.423.7 0.17,0.13,0.12,0.11,0.11 023,0.16,0.14,0.12,0.11 0.22,0.15,0.12,0.11,0.10 0.22,0.15,0.13,0.12,0.11 I 11 RecGrss.4 0.75,0.24,0.01,0 RecGrss.7 0.83,0.11,0.06,0 RecGrss.8 0.75,0.19,0.06,0 RecPine.7 U ,3 64,97,91273 4,1.3,0 2320,3324 1.55,1.67,1.69,1.54 0,0,0,0 Line Contents and Explanation: 1 2 3 4* COMMENT - alphanumeric characters. PRTOPT, DAYOPT, LOPT - input/output options. STARTY, ENDY, STRDAY, ENDDAY. SLARES, AIRDRY, FURCAP: AIRDRY (cm) based on texture of top 12 inches (site description work average if mixed texture) and Table 4 of model (converted to cm from in); FURCAP assumed 0. 5* THK in cm of each horizon (if SURFACE LAYER >12 in (30.5 cm) split into separate, equal horizons); total depths for each site (cm) are : 10 0 ,10 0 ,100. 6* BDENST used average BD from June/Sept, samples for each soil layer from pressure plate work. 7* ROCKF only if >5% - made sure to correlate with horizon listed in line 5, some split because >30.5 cm. 8* INTTSM - beginning soil water per horizon - used 3/30/97 NMM readings converted to gravimetric soil water content from volumetric soil water content. 9* MHC - gravimetric water content at field capacity - volumetric measurements converted to gravimetric. 10* UNASM - gravimetric water content at wilting point. 11 * ROOTF - varies for each run based root type and soil horizon depths (THK input). 12 STRRGC, PSCDAY, CSHAPE, DSHAPE, RGCMIN - values related to Relative Growth Curve. 13* DACRE,CS,LW,CN2,SIA DACRE - assume I; CS-slope of site from desc. work; LW-assume I; CN2-input calc, values based on SCS package and field work; SIA-SCS Initial Abstraction (la). 14 TEMOPT - entered I for daily temp read from input file. SOLOPT, XLAT, STWF disengaged. 15 Ave. Mthly Temps: January to June. 16 Ave. Mthly Temps: July to December. 17-20* Measured and Predicted (using Van Genuchten's (1980) eq.) soil water retention data for each layer (on separate lines), at matric potentials of 0 ,0 .3 ,1 ,2 ,5 ,1 0 bars. * Denotes input lines containing values which may djfTer among sites.___________________________________ 77 The fitted soil water retention (volumetric water content) values for each soil layer using the van Genuchten (1980) model are presented in Tables IOA and 10B, along with the coefficients o f determination (r2) obtained by nonlinear least squares optimization (Wraith and Or, 1998). Coefficients o f determination ranged from 0.91 to 1.00, with some native sites having the poorest fits. The mean r2 obtained for all soil layers and sites was 0.98. Model Output. Single partial-year model runs for 1996 and 1997 were conducted for each site with either pine or grass roots in order to compare predicted seasonal 0 with NM M measurements. The ERHYM-II model did not allow simultaneous modeling o f two root systems. Therefore results from each run with either pine or grass roots depict the predicted 0 from a solitary unit area root system. Correlation coefficients were determined from these model runs for the following comparisons: I) measured and predicted 0 as modeled with pine roots; 2) measured and predicted 0 as modeled with grass roots; and 3) predicted 0 modeled with pine and modeled with grass roots. The correlation coefficients for each comparison set are presented in Table 11. N o correlation could be made for soil layer 4 o f most sites because one or both data arrays did not show variance. Differences were expected for predicted 0 with pine or grass root systems. However, these differences were not strongly observed from single year model output for 1996 and 1997. Correlation results showed little difference between predicted 0 based on the root system modeled on a given site. Differences between predicted 0 with pine or grass roots were most evident for soil layer 2. Differences were not observed for soil layer I, which had 78 Table I GA. Soil water retention results used in native site input files obtained by fitting __________ measured water retention data to van Genuchten's (1980) equation.______ ________________________Soil Water Content (cmA3/cmA3)______________________ 12 IE-C h (bar)* 0 1/3 I 2 5 15 183E-C h (bar)* 0 1/3 I 2 5 15 493D-A h (bar)* 0 1/3 I 2 5 15 Layer I Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted 0.55 0.55 0.56 0.56 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.26 0.16 0.27 0.22 0.25 0.20 0.24 0.20 0.12 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.11 rA2: 0.91 rA2: 0.97 rA2: 0.97 rA2: 0.98 Layer I Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted 0.55 0.55 0.56 0.56 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.54 0.25 0.16 0.25 0.22 0.28 0.20 0.27 0.20 0.12 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.11 rA2: 0.93 rA2: 0.99 rA2: 0.92 rA2: 0.95 Layer I Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.17 0.17 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.13 0.17 0.15 0.16 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.1 0.11 0.10 0.11 rA2: 1.00 rA2: 1.00 rA2: 1.00 rA2: 1.00 ♦Column heading 'h' indicates soil water matric pressure. 79 Table I OB. Soil water retention results used in reclamation site input files obtained by fitting measured water retention data to van Genuchten's (1980) equation. Soil Water Content (cmA3/cmA3) 4888-A h (bar)* 0 1/3 I 2 5 15 3915-C h (bar)* 0 1/3 I 2 5 15 4901-C h (bar)* 0 1/3 I 2 5 15 Layer I Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted 0.48 0.48 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.17 0.17 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.22 0.21 0.13 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 rA2: 1.00 rA2: 1.00 rA2: 1.00 rA2: 1.00 Layer I Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted 0.46 0.46 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.46 0.46 0.17 0.16 0.23 0.21 0.22 0.20 0.22 0.21 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 rA2: 1.00 rA2: 0.99 rA2: 0.99 rA2: 1.00 Layer I Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted 0.45 0.45 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.46 0.46 0.17 0.16 0.23 0.21 0.22 0.20 0.22 0.21 0.13 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 rA2: 1.00 rA2: 0.99 rA2: 0.99 rA2: 1.00 *Column heading 'h' indicates soil water matric pressure. 80 Table 11. Correlation o f measured and model predicted soil water contents for 1996 and 1997. Comparison of Model Predicted with Pine Roots and Model Predicted with Grass Roots Site Site Type Profile Soil Layer I Soil Layer 2 Soil Layer 3 Soil Layer 4 12IE-C Native 0.98 1.00 0.96 0.99 * 183E-C Native 0.99 1.00 0.94 0.97 * 493D-A Native 0.97 1.00 0.95 0.99 * 4888-A Reclamation 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 * 3915-C Reclamation 0.98 1.00 0.97 0.98 * 4901-C Reclamation 0.98 0.99 0.97 1.00 * Mean 0.98 1.00 0.97 0.99 * Comparison o f Measured and Model Predicted with Pine Roots Site Site Type Profile Soil Layer I Soil Layer 2 Soil Layer 3 Soil Layer 4 12IE-C Native 0.64 0.87 0.59 0.63 * 183 E-C Native 0.13 0.81 0.58 0.47 * 493D-A Native 0.79 0.73 0.77 0.72 * 4888-A Reclamation 0.41 0.75 0.68 0.95 * 3915-C Reclamation 0.65 0.73 0.83 0.52 * 4901-C Reclamation 0.72 0.74 0.75 0.63 * Mean 0.64 0.74 0.76 0.70 * Comparison o f Measured and Model Predicted with Grass Roots Site Site Type Profile Soil Layer I Soil Layer 2 Soil Layer 3 Soil Layer 4 12IE-C Native 0.70 0.87 0.77 0.57 0.52 183E-C Native 0.16 0.81 0.41 0.33 * 493D-A Native 0.80 0.74 0.91 0.60 0.09 4888-A Reclamation 0.39 0.72 0.72 0.95 * 3915-C Reclamation 0.67 0.70 0.85 0.65 * 490I-C Reclamation 0.73 0.71 0.80 0.67 * Mean 0.65 0.72 0.82 0.72 0.20 *No correlation coefficient can be determined because one or both data arrays show no variance. 81 the highest correlation values o f all soil layers, with mean correlation coefficient o f 1.00. Comparison o f field measured and model predicted 0 throughout portions o f the 1996 and 1997 growing seasons for each site are presented in Figures 12A (native sites) and 12B (reclamation sites). Field measured 0 was conformed through depth-weighted averaging to the same soil layer thicknesses used for modeling each native and reclamation site. Although daily output was obtained from the model, output presented in Figures 12A and 12B was plotted only for the same dates NM M measurements were taken to facilitate visual comparison between measured and predicted 0. The comparison of measured and predicted 0 during the 1996-1997 growing season, as illustrated in Figures 12A and 12B, only model results for pine roots because predicted 0 for each site with either pine or grass roots are similar, as previously discussed (Table 11). Difierences between measured and predicted 0 were expected and were observed. Predicted 0 with pine or grass roots did not correlate well with measured values, based on correlation coefficients determined for each soil layer and for the soil profile (excluding soil layer 4) (Table 11) and on graphical comparisons (Figures 12A and 12B). Qualitative differences betw een measured and predicted 0 for all sites are: I) greater variation in predicted 0 between soil layers at the end o f the growing season than for measured; and 2) significant decline in predicted 0 compared to measured during May 29 through June 19,1996 and April 20 through May 11, 1997 (Figures 12A and 12B). Based on these graphs, predicted 0 appears to be more sensitive to precipitation events than was observed from field measurements. Field measured seasonal changes in 0 are much more gradual than for predicted. 82 Figure 12 A. Measured and model predicted soil water content of native sites during1996 to 1997 NMM measurement period. Predicted data are shown for measured dates only. N a tiv e S i te 1 2 1 E - C ro 0 .1 5 5 /1 5 5 /2 9 6 /1 9 7 /2 7 /1 6 L a y e rl □ 7 /3 0 8 /1 4 9 /1 2 N M M R e a d in g D a te L ay e r 2 ▼ L ay e r 3 A L ay e r 4 F Y ed c te d L ay e r I --------- L ay e r 2 ------------L ay e r 3 L ay e r 4 N a tiv e S i te 1 8 3 E - C to 0 .1 5 5 /1 5 5 /2 9 6 /1 9 7 /2 7 /1 6 L ay er 1 □ 7 /3 0 8 /1 4 9 /1 2 N M M R e a d in g D a te L ay e r 2 L ay er 3 A L ay er 4 L ay e r 3 --------- L ay er 4 F Y ed c te d L ay er 1 --------- L ay e r 2 — - N a t i v e S i t e 4 9 3 D -A E 0 .3 0 .0 .2 5 m---- ^---- . i 5 /1 5 5 /2 9 M e a su re d P re d ic te d 6 /1 9 7 /2 L ayer I 3 /3 0 7 /1 6 7 /3 0 8 /1 4 9 /1 2 N M M R e a d in g D a te a L ayer 2 L ayer 3 L a y e r 1 ---------L a y e r 2 ------------L a y e r s A Layer 4 Layer 4 4 /2 0 5 /1 1 83 Figure 12B. Measured and m odel predicted soil water content o f reclamation sites during1996 to 1997 N M M measurement period. Predicted data are shown for measured dates only. R e c l a m a t i o n S i te 4 8 8 8 - A 5 /1 5 5 /2 9 6 /1 9 7 /2 7 /1 6 L ay e r I 7 /3 0 8 /1 4 9 /1 2 N M M R e a d in g D a te □ L ay er 2 ▼ L ay e r 3 A L ay e r 4 L a y e r l ---------L ay er 2 ------------L ay e r 3 ---------- L ay er 4 P re d ic te d R e c l a m a t i o n S i te 3 9 1 5 - C 0 .3 5 15 0 . 1 5 5 /1 5 5 /2 9 712 6 /1 9 Meastred ■ 7 /1 6 L ay e r 1 □ 7 /3 0 8 /1 4 9 /1 2 N M M R e a d in g D a te A L ay e r 4 L a y e r ! ---------L a y e r 2 ------------L a y e r3 ---------- L ay e r 2 ▼ L ay e r 3 - L a y e r4 P r e d c te d R e c la m a tio n S ite 4 9 0 1 -C 0 .3 5 E 0 .3 J i 0 .1 5 ;r.S_~ ~ ■ 5 /1 5 5 /2 9 M e a su re d P re d ic te d 6 /1 9 7 /2 L ayer 1 7 /1 6 7 /3 0 8 /1 4 9 /1 2 N M M R e a d in g D a te □ L ayer 2 ▼ L ayer 3 L a y e r 1 ---------L a y e r 2 ------------L a y e r 3 3 /3 0 A L ayer 4 L ayer 4 4 /2 0 5 /1 1 84 These differences between measured and predicted 0 are likely related to the simplifying nature o f the model used (daily time-step, “tipping bucket” format) and its assumptions related to processes o f soil water redistribution and root water uptake. Other significant influences may include differences in actual versus measured or estimated model input values such as root depth distribution, soil horizon thickness, and plant available soil water holding capacity. Furthermore, site specific climatic conditions may actually be quite variable, but were assumed for modeling exercises to be uniform throughout the entire area (as represented by the weather station at Colstrip), with the exception o f rather modest differences in effective overwinter precipitation between native and reclamation sites. The transpiration coefficients were also different between native and reclamation sites, reflecting the different vegetative characteristics. However, the model was determined to not be very sensitive to differences in effective overwinter precipitation or transpiration coefficient, . To relate measured and predicted 0 with precipitation events, daily precipitation records corresponding to the 1996 and 1997 measurement periods are presented in Figure 13. The sharp decline in predicted 0 for all sites between May 29 and June 19, 1996 (Figures 12A and 12B) corresponds with a period having little precipitation (Figure 13). A relatively large precipitation event occurred on June 22, which is after the NMM measurements were taken on June 19,1996. Precipitation occurred between April 20 and May 11, 1997, but in modest amounts. As depicted in Figures 12A and 12B, measured 0 o f conformed soil layers is more variable early in the growing season, reaching the highest water content at the NM M measurement on May 29,1996, then drying to more uniform water content throughout the 85 Figure 13. Daily precipitation recorded at the Colstrip, MT weather station (no. 1905) during 1996 and 1997 NMM measurement periods. August September Month profile by the end o f the growing season. This pattern is most prominent for native sites 121E-C and 183E-C and reclamation sites 3915-C and 4901-C. The measured 9 near the end of the growing season for each site is believed to correspond with a field-apparent lower limit o f soil water availability, or wilting point. By the end o f the growing season, conformed measured 9 for native sites was well below laboratory measured wilting point (9(h=.15 bar)) for all horizons o f sites 121E-C and 183E-C and all horizons except soil layer 4 of site 493D-A. Measured 9 for reclamation sites were below laboratory measured wilting point for all horizons except soil layer 4. These results are logical for the surface soil layer, as a result o f direct evaporative soil drying. However, they are also likely an artifact o f independent or combined errors in field measured 86 soil water content (likely related to NM M calibration) or laboratory measured wilting point water content. Laboratory measured field capacity ( Q ^ v3 bar)) and wilting point (6(ll=_15bar)) w ater contents for each modeled soil layer for each site are summarized and presented in Table 12. To simplify the substantial volume of model results from the 34-year simulations at each o f six sites, three years were selected for graphical representation. The selected years were 1978, 1979, and the 34-year mean. 1978 represents an above-average year, and 1979 a below-average precipitation year for the 34-year period o f record, as presented in Table 13. Figure 14 graphically presents monthly precipitation for each o f these years, and plots the distribution o f mean daily precipitation during the 34 year period. The general pattern o f precipitation at Colstrip, MT is for most o f the yearly precipitation to occur during the growing season, with greatest amounts during May and June, and late August through October. Examples o f the predicted seasonal soil water distributions for native and reclamation sites during each o f the selected years are presented in Figures 15 A through 15D. Results for native site 493D-A are presented in Figures 15A and I SB, and reclamation site 4901-C are presented in Figures 15C and 15D. Results for all other modeled sites are presented in Figures I SE through I SE, located in Appendix B. These figures present predicted soil water distribution for model runs with either pine or grass root distributions for each selected year. Comparison o f predicted 0 between years 1978, 1979, and 33-year mean indicates the influence o f precipitation on soil water distribution throughout the growing season. Model results indicate predicted 0 o f soil layer I is very responsive to precipitation events. 87 Table 12. Summary o f thickness, field capacity water content and wilting point water content based on pressure plate measurements for each soil layer modeled. Site Reference Site Type Soil Layer Thickness (cm) Field Capacity (cm3/cm3) 121E-C (5) 183E-C (6) 493DrA (3) 4888-A (4) 3915-C (7) 4 9 0 1-C (8) Native Native Native Reclamation Reclamation Reclamation Wilting Point (cnrVcm3) I 30.5 0.29 0.12 2 15 0.29 0.12 3 36 0.29 0.13 4 18 0.29 0.13 i 25.5 0.28 0.12 2 25.5 0.27 0.12 3 23 0.34 0.14 4 26 0.32 0.13 I 30.5 0.31 0.16 2 25 0.31 0.15 3 14 0.29 0.14 4 30 0.31 0.15 i 18 0.34 0.16 2 43 0.37 , 0.18 3 20 0.33 0.16 4 18 0.26 0.09 j 23 0.3 0.15 2 20 0.31 0.15 3 33 0.24 0.1 4 24 0.21 0.07 1 18 0.32 0.14 2 24 0.31 0.14 3 24 0.3 0.13 4 34 0.25 0.11 88 Table 13. 34-year precipitation summary for Colstrip, MT weather station (no. 1905). Year o f Record Total (Jam-Dec) (cm) Overwinter (Oct-March) (cm) Growing Season (April-Sept) (cm) 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1976 1977 46.91 36.42 32.99 43.66 50.39 44.70 39.55 48.74 42.06 33.44 47.12 32.66 40.82 12.90 6.99 13.51 11.94 10.72 14.45 15.39 22.73 11.63 9.29 10.22 10.41 35.03 28.57 20.85 31.19 37.59 33.81 26.72 21.01 29.36 24.33 30.93 24.59 26.77 1978 1979 56.18 14.83 12.78 8.74 45.57 10.19 1980 32.21 6.10 1981 47.53 11.38 1982 39.85 16.61 1983 27.53 7.54 1984 28.09 7.57 1985 30.56 8.94 1986 35.89 8.03 8.86 1987 36.32 1988 4.34 20.52 37.36 10.54 1989 1990 28.27 7.95 38.79 7.16 1991 35.89 6.91 1992 1993 40.34 9.63 12.78 1994 38.15 1995 37.13 17.22 10.95 1996 36.42 18.24 12.90 1997 Statistics: Mean (std. error mean) 37.55 (1.47) 10.98 (0.69) 33 32 n 56.18 22.73 Max 14.83 4.34 Min Notes: 1) Model results from bold years were graphed for each site; 2) * Denotes April through May data only. 19.63 36.61 24.92 20.55 21.51 21.79 28.85 28.70 14.10 24.99 22.10 31.04 27.20 31.06 20.37 27.23 20.52 13.94* 26.49 (1.21) 32 45.57 10.19 89 Figure 14. Distribution o f monthly precipitation for selected years, and mean daily precipitation o f 34-year record. Distribution of Monthly Precipitation Colstrip, Montana Growing Season: April - September JAN FEB MAR APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Month ■ mean —v — 1978 1979 Mean Daily Precipitation (1964-1997) Colstrip, Montana 0.5 — E o 0 U.4 1 2 0.3 CL i O 0.2 - ------- c $ ■■■ V . ’ f V . V . A x . ■ 0.1 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 Day of Year 240 270 300 330 360 90 Figure 15A. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season of selected years, for native site 493D-A with pine roots. A v e ra g e P re c ip ita tio n 0.2 0.1 0 .0 5 180 D ay O fY e ar L ay e r I ---------- L ay er 2 --------- L ay e r 3 L ay e r 4 1 9 7 8 - A b o v e A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 1 0 .2 5 0.2 5 0.1 0 .0 5 180 D ay O fY e ar L a y e r 1 ---------- L a y e r 2 --------- Layer 3 L ayer 4 1 9 7 9 - B e lo w A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n § 0 .2 5 0.2 I 0.1 0 .0 5 180 D ay o fY e a r Layer I ------- Layer 2 ------ Layer 3 Layer 4 91 Figure I SB. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season of selected years, for native site 493D-A with grass roots. A v e ra g e P re c ip ita tio n 0 .2 5 0.2 § 0 .1 5 I 0.1 0 .0 5 180 D ay of Y ear L a y e r 1 ---------- L ayer 2 --------- L ayer 3 Layer 4 1 9 7 8 - A b o v e A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 0.1 0 .0 5 180 D ay o fY e a r L a y e r 1 ---------- L a y e r 2 --------- Layer 3 Layer 4 1 9 7 9 - B e lo w A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 0.2 0 .1 5 005 180 D ay of Y ear Layer 1 ------- Layer 2 ------ Layer 3 Layer 4 92 Figure I SC. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season of selected years, for reclamation site 4901-C with pine roots. A v e ra g e P re c ip ita tio n 0 .3 0.2 0 .1 5 0.1 0 .0 5 180 D ay of Y ear L ay er I L ay e r 2 --------- L ay er 3 L ay er 4 1 9 7 8 - A b o v e A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 0 .3 § 0 .2 5 0.2 § 0.1 180 D ay of Y ear L ayer I L a y e r 2 --------- L ayer 3 L ayer 4 1 9 7 9 - B e lo w A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 0 .3 0.2 0 .1 5 § 0.1 0 05 180 D ay o fY e a r Layer 1 Layer 2 ------- Layer 3 Layer 4 93 Figure 15D. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season of selected years, for reclamation site 4901-C with grass roots. A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 03 " 0 .0 5 180 D a y o fY e a r ---------- L ay er 1 — — L ay er 2 -----------L ay er 3 Layer 4 1 9 7 9 - A b o v e A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n I 0 .2 5 0 .0 5 180 D ay of Y ear ---------- L a y e r 1 ----------- L a y e r 2 --------- L a y e rs Layer 4 1 9 7 9 - B e lo w A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 0 .0 5 180 D ay o fY e a r Layer I -------- Layer 2 ------ Layer 3 Layer 4 94 represented by the sharp increases and decreases in 0. Graphs for 1978, an above-average precipitation year, show slightly greater overall fluctuations in predicted water content than for 1979 or average conditions, including increased soil water content near the end o f the growing season which corresponds to above average monthly precipitation during September o f that year. 1979, a below-average precipitation year, followed 1978 in the 34-year simulation sequence, and the influence o f the high precipitation during 1978 is evident in the relatively high 0 predicted early in the growing season. Note that layer 4 was wetted to field capacity during 1978, and remained so during 1979 because there were no roots in the layer to extract water. Comparison o f results for a given site with different root systems under otherwise identical site conditions (Figures 15A through 15D; remainder o f set located in Appendix B), indicates that predicted 0 is strongly influenced by root distribution. A greater proportional root distribution for a given soil layer resulted in lower predicted 0 due to increased plant water uptake. This decrease is simulated by the model to occur earlier in the growing season and/or over shorter periods o f time, and primarily affects soil layers 2 and 3. Results for pine and grass root systems for selected years with contrasting precipitation indicated that root system-specific differences in predicted 0 occur most strongly during a below average precipitation year. Seasonal and overall differences in predicted 0 between the two root systems were most evident in 1979 for soil layers 2 ,3 and 4 o f native sites and layers 2 and 3 o f reclamation sites. Overall, the general degree o f difference in predicted 0 between pine or grass roots was directly related to the degree o f difference in the proportional root distribution in each soil layer o f a given site. N ote that the model does not consider 95 differences in actual root densities, but only proportional depth differences within a given site, as the total roots in each profile is specified as 1.0. Figures 16A and 16B illustrate the relative proportion o f pine or grass roots which correspond to the different soil layer thicknesses used as model input for each site. For native sites, soil layer I contains slightly greater relative root distribution for pine compared to grass. Soil layer 2 o f native sites are shown to contain more than twice the proportion o f pine than grass roots. However, soil layers 3 and 4 o f native sites contain greater relative root distribution for grass. For reclamation sites, soil layer I contains greater proportional distribution o f grass roots, soil layers 2 and 3 contain more pine roots, and soil layer 4 contains no roots (grass or pine). Although input values for pine and grass roots are different for soil layer I for both native and reclamation sites, differences in predicted 6 were not observed in this soil layer. This result occurred for all selected years (mean, 1978 or 1979) for each site, even during the below average precipitation year (1979) where more dramatic differences in 0 in deeper soil layers were predicted. The model does not appear to be sensitive to proportionately small plant-specific differences in root distribution compared to the relatively high overall proportion o f roots in these modeled horizons. Furthermore, this result may be related to the way the model simulates plant water uptake. Available soil water is withdrawn first from layer I at each time step, then from successively deeper layers, until transpirational demand is met. H ence a large proportion o f roots in layer I results in most available water being depleted. This also explains the exaggerated simulated fluctuations in 0 for layer I compared to field measurements (Figures 12A and 12B). For the deeper soil layers, 2, 3 and 4, model 96 Figure 16 A. Relative root depth distribution o f pine and grass for native site input values. Pine Roots a> 60 Estimated Proportion of Total Roots C5 121E-C B IS S E -C □ 493D-A Grass Roots Estimated Proportion of Total Roots 0 1 2 1 E-C CS183E-C D 493D-A 97 Figure 16B. Relative root depth distribution o f pine and grass for reclamation site input values. Pine Roots Estimated Proportion of Total Roots □ 4888-A S 3915-C ■ 4901-C Grass Roots Estimated Proportion of Total Roots ■ 4888-A 0 3915-C Q 4901-C 98 predicted soil water conditions with either pine or grass roots were directly related to the comparative proportion o f roots specified in each layer. To categorize differences in predicted soil water status among sites and vegetation, the mean number o f days per month with 0 within specified soil wetness classes were calculated and are graphically presented in Figures 17A through 17F. The mean values were calculated based on all 34 years as simulated by the model. Tables 14A through 14F in Appendix C present this data for each site in numerical format, along with the corresponding standard errors. The most obvious differences in predicted seasonal soil water status between pine and grass roots occur in soil layers 2 and 4. Differences in mean seasonal distribution o f soil water for pine or grass roots within all other soil layers are minor (Figures 17A through 17F). For native and reclamation sites, model results predict soil water in layer 2 to be held within similar wetness classes whether pine or grass roots are present, but within the more plant available wetness classes for slightly greater mean number o f days per month with grass roots compared to pine. HoWever- more plant available water is predicted in soil layer 4 with pine roots than grass roots with no pine roots being present, as expected. Similarly, no differences are predicted between grass and pine roots for soil layer 4 if neither root system was input as present (Figures I TE and 17F). Comparison o f the predicted seasonal distribution o f soil w ater between native and reclamation sites indicates soil layer I o f native sites displays soil water held at lower tensions than reclamation sites, based on the mean number o f days within each wetness class. This condition is especially predicted early in the growing season (April through June) and for 99 Figure 17 A. Model predicted cumulative mean monthly number o f days soil water content was equal to or greater than a given matric potential during the growing season (34-year record): native site 12 IE-C with pine or grass roots. P in e R o o ts : S oil L a y e r I P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 2 IM QbM Qb D 1*'5 E3" P in e R o o ts : S oil L a y e r 3 I ^ J April M ay June Ju ly P in e R o o ts : S oil L a y e r 4 A ugust Sept M onth I h—1/3 i: April I h—1/3 17 M ay June Ju ly A ugust S e p t. H D m E3h h>-1 G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 2 G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 1 April J u ly M onth Q m Qb h>-1 June A ugust S e p t. O o I A pril M ay June M onth J u ly I A ugust S e p t. M onth Im CM CM 5 I G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 3 1/3 | bM CM C l" h>-1 G r a s s R o o ts : S oil L a y e r 4 I L S7 April M ay June J u ly A ugust S ept o0 April M ay June M onth M CM CM* J u ly A ugust M onth 3□ h>-1 1 0 h»-2 Q h>-5 h x l5 S e p t. 100 Figure 17B. Model predicted cumulative mean monthly number o f days soil water content was equal to or greater than a given matric potential during the growing season (34-year record): native site 183E-C with pine or grass roots. P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 1 P in e R o o ts . S o il L a y e r 2 A ugust M onth 0 j j b—1/3 | | b»-1 0 0 h>-2 I I h>-5 0 0 h—1/3 Q P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 3 h>-1 0 0 A ugust h —1/3 Q h>-1 h>-2 □ h»-2 A ugust ■ h>-5 EHm Eg G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 2 h>-2 □ h>-5 [ J h . » [ _ j "-•» G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 4 G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 3 0 0 [T ^ M onth I "-2 h—1/3 [ ~ ] h>-1 h>-5 S e p t. G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 1 J Q P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 4 M onth J j Sept M onth Q h x is 0 0 h=-i/3 Q hxi 0 0 h>-2 Q h>-5 Q h x is S e p t. 101 Figure 17C. Model predicted cumulative mean monthly number o f days soil water content was equal to or greater than a given matric potential during the growing season (34-year record): native site 493-A with pine or grass roots. P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 1 I h — 1/3 h »-1 0 0 t P -2 12] h >-5 P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 2 I [ 2 ] h >-15 h — 1/3 P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 3 P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 4 I ' April M ay June Ju ly A ugust S e p t. M o n th I h — 1/3 i: April M ay June J u ly A ugust S e p t. M onth D m E 3n h »-1 □ ^5 Q h*-15 h >-1 I h — 1/3 G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 1 h >-1 I h--2 Q to-5 EHIh G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 2 I I 7 April M ay Jm e J u ly I A ugust S e p t. M onth I h = - 1/3 h >-1 IM Qh-S Qhx15 G r a s s R o o ts : S oil L a y e r 4 G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 3 I I I 7 $7 April M ay Jm e Ju ly A ugust Sept April M ay June M onth I h — 1 /3 Q h^ 1 H 1^2 2 ] J u ly A ugust M onth h^ 5 Q h^ 15 I h = - 1/3 h »-1 Qhx5 Qhx15 S e p t. 102 Figure 17D. Model predicted cumulative mean monthly number o f days soil water content was equal to or greater than a given matric potential during the growing season (34-year record): reclamation site 4888-A with pine or grass roots. P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 2 P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r I A ugust Sept M onth A ugust M onth g IfV3Q If-. g|h»-2 Qif-s Q P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 3 P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 4 A ugust A ugust M o n th g IfV 3Q If-' g f-2 I II f - S Q g --2 [_in>* [_j G r a s s R o o ts : S oil L a y e r I G r a s s R o o ts : S o li L a y e r 2 A ugust M onth S e p t. M onth g IfVJ Q If.' J|h».2 Qif-s Q G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 3 J h=-1Z3Q h>-1 J l h>-2 [2] h>-5 G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 4 A ugust A ugust M o n th M onth J| h=-1Z3|2] h>-1 J| h>-2 Q Q ^h=-Ia Qif-I J | If-2 Qif-S Q S e p t. 103 Figure 17E. Model predicted cumulative mean monthly number o f days soil water content was equal to or greater than a given matric potential during the growing season (34-year record): __ reclamation site 3915-C with pine or grass roots. P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r I P in e R o o ts : S oil L a y e r 2 A ugust H n-I D 0 h*-1 Hm D n*-5 S e p t. D H n-iaD h=-I H n=-: D m D P in e R o o ts . S o il L a y e r 3 P in e R o o ts : S oil L a y e r 4 A ugust H n=-ioD it- 1 H k- 2 S e p t. Dm D G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 1 G r a s s R o o ts : S oil L a y e r 2 M onth H n=-V3 Q h>-l n> j Q M H [x ] G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 3 h = - i/3 122| u h>-2 [22] h>-s G r a s s R o o ts : S oil L a y e r 4 A ugust S e p t. A ugust M onth h=-i/3[2]h>"1 [22] H h>'2 D h>"5 [Vi g h = -1 /3 Q h > -1 g h>-2 I |h > - 5 S e p t. 104 Figure 17F. Model predicted cumulative mean monthly number o f days soil water content was equal to or greater than a given matric potential during the growing season (34-year record): reclamation site 4 9 0 1-C with pine or grass roots. P in e R o o ts : S oil L a y e r I Lu April M ay $ JL June [3] h>*1 H Ju ly P in e R o o ts . S o il L a y e r 2 A ugust S e p t. M onth h>-2 1/3 Q r^"5 E3h h>-1 I h=- P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 3 1 7 M ay P in e R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 4 17 Jfl I Jl April I"-2 C M D h June Ju ly A ugust S e p t. April M ay June M onth I h=-1/3 h>-1 I J u ly h>-2 [ Ih>-5 [-Xj h>-15 1/3 h>-1 I h=- G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 1 I " 2 A ugust h=-1/3 Q h>-1 h>-2 S e p t. G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 2 A ugust M onth 0 A ugust M o n th □ M o n th hs^ 5 d E U h^ 15 h=-1/3 Q G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 3 h>-1 J |h > - 2 []h > -5 [~~~] h>-15 G r a s s R o o ts : S o il L a y e r 4 a. > A ugust S e p t. 2 April M ay Jm e J u ly A ugust M onth J | h=-1Z3[2 ] h>*1 H h>'2 □ ^>-5 I h=-1Z3 h>-1 I 2 □ n>-« Q h S e p t. 105 native sites 121E-C and 183E-C, which both had coarser textured soil than native site 493DA. In summary, results indicated differences between predicted and measured 0, based on correlation coefficients and graphical comparisons. Predicted 0 appeared to be more sensitive to changes in precipitation than was observed from field measurements. This sensitivity to precipitation inputs was most evident for soil layer I, but also seen in layers 2 and 3. Some differences are expected due to frequency o f measured 0 versus predicted 0 (daily time step). Others probably derive from the simplified nature o f the model. The ERHYM-II model did not allow simultaneous modeling o f two different root systems, therefore soil water status was predicted by the model from separate simulations with either pine seedling roots or grass roots. Comparison o f predicted 0 for a given site with pine or grass roots indicated little difference, based on correlation coefficients (Table 11) and graphical summaries (Figures 12A and 12B). Predicted 0 was strongly influenced by differences in proportional root depth distributions, with greater root distribution for a given soil layer resulting in lower predicted 0 because o f increased plant water uptake. Differences in predicted 0 related to root depth distribution were most evident in the non-surface soil layers and during years with below average precipitation. Predicted 0 o f the surface soil layer was most responsive to precipitation events, regardless o f the proportional root distribution input values. This is not surprising for the tipping bucket model. 106 Recommendations for Soil Profile Design Competition between ppnderosa pine seedlings and herbaceous vegetation (primarily grasses) for limited soil water resources has been implicated as a primary cause in reducing the establishment and growth o f ponderosa pine in many regions. Establishment o f woody species is generally difficult in arid areas similar to Colstrip, Montana. Therefore, competition for soil water is likely one o f the main causes o f ponderosa pine seedling mortality on reclamation sites at the Rosebud Mine. Ponderosa pine seedling mortality related to competition with grasses is not limited to reclamation areas, in which soils are removed, transported and reconstructed, but has been observed in reforestation studies throughout the western United States. Recommendations for site selection, soil profile creation or modification and management strategies to improve the establishment o f ponderosa pine are made based on results o f the 1996 and 1997 field studies at the Rosebud Mine, and review o f relevant literature. One such strategy is simply to select reclamation sites for ponderosa pine establishment which have soil physical characteristics that promote storage o f soil water deeper in the soil profile. This may involve coarse textured topsoil and subsoil lifts, particularly at the surface, which promote deeper penetration o f precipitation and thus encourage root growth and extension to soil depths below those occupied by the highest densities o f fibrous roots. A more intensive approach is to reconstruct specific soil profiles for ponderosa pine reclamation sites and/or make specific modifications during or immediately following soil reconstruction. Suggested reconstruction techniques are to: I) specifically reconstruct soil 107 profiles with sandy, coarser textured, lower water holding capacity topsoil and subsoil to increase penetration o f precipitation into deeper, finer textured spoil and reduce grass establishment; 2) minimize soil compaction and resulting high bulk density by all reasonable techniques possible, recognizing the types o f heavy equipment that are necessary to transport and redistribute such large quantities o f earthen material at an active mine. Working moist soil is particularly conducive to compaction; 3) use a ripper to create a series o f vertical channels set horizontally along the contour o f sites to capture, retain and increase surface w ater infiltration directly to subsoil, regardless o f the surface soil physical properties, then transplant pine seedlings adjacent to these troughs; 4) use a power auger or similar instrument to remove a core o f soil roughly 30 cm in diameter and 100 cm deep, backfill the hole with finer textured, loam soil and transplant one pine seedling into each resulting “tree hole” . The intent o f such a “tree hole” is to give the seedling a competitive advantage over grasses growing in the adjacent soil when the seedling is most susceptible to competition. FertiUzer and/or water may be added only to the tree microsites if desired or deemed necessary. EquaUy and perhaps more important than site selection or reconstruction and preparation, is to also implement effective management strategies to control competition for soil water. This is especially important during early phases o f pine establishment. However, it is also important after trees are apparently established, particularly during years having lower than average precipitation, as was iUustrated by simulated w ater contents for model year 1979 (Figures 15A through 15L). Although the extensively branching roots o f the pine trees may be well below the surface soil by this time, during low precipitation years the weU established and frequently dense grass community on reclamation sites may utilize all added 108 water before it percolates to substantial depths. Over a period o f several low precipitation years, this competition would likely be detrimental to survival o f the ponderosa pine trees. Recommended management strategies to control and reduce grass immediately surrounding ponderosa pine seedlings or trees, some o f which are currently employed by the Rosebud Mine, include the following: I) seeding grass after transplanting pine seedlings when and where possible, while avoiding excessive soil erosion; 2) controlling grass establishment surrounding pine seedlings or trees by periodic application o f herbicide; 3) periodic manual cutting o f grass immediately surrounding ponderosa pine seedlings or trees with a lawmriower or ‘weed-eater’; and 4) general grazing by cattle to reduce grasses. These recommendations for soil profile design and management practices to improve the establishment o f ponderosa pine are intended as guidelines. They have been made without discussions with or input from Western Energy or staff from the Rosebud Mine or regulatory agencies. Feasibility o f proposed solutions will depend also on economics and the relative importance o f ponderosa pine establishment to overall mine operations. Planting ponderosa pine into soil conditions better suited to the production o f cool season grasses may not be the best use o f available resources. Adjustment o f final bond release criteria may be reasonable, in some instances, to allow species that support an approved post-mine land use to take precedent. 109 CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Differences in soil physical and hydrologic properties were measured between native and reclamation sites at the Rosebud Mine near Colstrip, Montana. Native soils were generally finer textured, with greater percent silt, whereas reclamation sites generally had coarser texture due to greater percent sand. Mean soil bulk density o f native sites was lower than reclamation sites, which is consistent with the effects o f reconstruction practices and the sandier soils observed in the reclamation sites. M ean bulk density for all native site horizons was less than 1.4 g cm'3, whereas mean bulk density for all reclamation site horizons was greater than 1.4 g cm'3. Increased soil bulk density is expected to constrain root growth and reduce shoot growth in pines. Calculations based on laboratory pressure plate measurements indicated native sites had 2.4 cm greater mean profile plant available water holding capacity than reclamation sites. Mean plant available water holding capacity was fairly uniform throughout the soil profile for native sites. Reclamation sites showed a significant decrease in mean plant available water holding capacity within the 70 to 90 cm depth, which does not correspond to a noticeable change in bulk density for this measurement horizon. This observation is likely related to spoil material, which is generally encountered at approximately 75 cm depth. Reclamation sites were measured to have greater mean 0 than native sites during much o f the most active growing season. During the 1996 growing season up to 5 percent greater no mean 0 waS measured for reclamation sites at the end o f May. Reclamation sites began the 1996 and 1997 NM M measurement periods with greater mean measured profile 0 than native sites; 4.0 cm more water at the beginning o f the 1996 measurement period and 2.1 cm more water at the beginning o f the 1997 measurement period. These differences in mean measured starting 0 and mean measured 0 throughout much o f the growing season are thought to be at least partly related to differences in effective overwinter precipitation between native and reclamation sites. Reclamation sites were measured to have 21 percent greater mean effective precipitation than native sites. This may be related to the established tree canopy present in and around sampling areas o f native sites, perhaps with greater interception o f precipitation, including potentially less snow retention, and potential transpiration by conifers during October through March. Reclamation sites also began each measurement period with more than twice the mean percent plant available water o f native sites. Greater soil water depletion occurred during the 1996 measurement period than for 1997, which was expected because the 1996 measurements covered a longer time interval and were later in the growing season when precipitation was lower and evaporational demands were higher. M ore than twice the mean soil water depletion occurred on reclamation sites than for native sites during 1996, which is probably directly related to their having started this period with more than twice the mean percent plant available water. Early season (1997) mean depletion for native and reclamation sites was similar, having negative, mean soil water depletion (soil water recharge) as a result o f high rainfall combined with lower early season plant growth. The substantially greater grass productivity observed on reclamation sites is likely Il l directly related to the greater amount o f soil water measured for reclamation sites. Although more w ater was measured for reclamation sites at the beginning o f and throughout most o f each growing season, not all that soil water was calculated to be plant available. Site specific information regarding the spatial distributions o f grass and ponderosa pine seedling roots would have allowed more informed speculations related to competition for soil water. The EKHYM-II computer simulation model used to extend the measured seasonal soil water data with 34 years o f climate records from Colstrip, Montana was considered to be inadequate to address potential competition between ponderosa pine seedlings and grasses for limited soil water. However, some useful results regarding predicted seasonal soil water status were obtained from the model. The most significant observation from the computer simulation modeling exercise was the predicted effects o f precipitation on soil water content, most evident during periods of low precipitation. This was shown in graphs o f model-predicted seasonal soil water content during 1979, a below-average precipitation year (Figures ISA through 15L). Predicted soil water content in most soil layers decreased to low levels (at or near wilting point) earlier in the growing season and remained at these low levels throughout the growing season, especially in horizons with greater proportion o f roots, regardless o f root (species) type. An apparent implication is that during periods o f low precipitation, and therefore limited soil water, competition for this soil water may be more severe. In conclusion, the goals o f reclamation practices to encourage establishment and survival o f ponderosa pine on selected sites at the Rosebud Mine should be to reduce establishment and productivity o f grasses and thereby reduce competition for limited soil water. 112 Recommended strategies are based on measured field conditions and knowledge o f soil and plant water relationships. These strategies may be employed independently or in combination, depending on site specific goals and conditions. In general, a soil profile which promotes deeper storage o f soil water is favorable for ponderosa pine establishment and survival and unfavorable for grasses, thereby reducing potential competition. Strategies recommended to provide these conditions include selection or creation o f sites having coarse textured soil materials, with low Water holding capacity, overlying medium textured, moderate water holding capacity material. This would increase infiltration o f water deeper into the soil, hence presumably favoring pines at the expense o f grasses. Minimizing or reducing high soil bulk density and soil compaction at all soil depths is also important for increased infiltration and creating conditions for more optimal root growth. Site specific modifications during or immediately following soil reconstruction could also be used to create conditions favorable to ponderosa pines. Some strategies regarding soil profile characteristics have been suggested. However, in my assessment the most important strategy related to the successful establishment o f ponderosa pine trees is careful, and likely intensive, management to control grass establishment immediately surrounding pines. Several management strategies were suggested to reduce the impacts o f grasses on pine seedlings. Although some o f these strategies are being or have been employed by Western Energy Company at the Rosebud Mine, continued control o f grasses to reduce competition is important to the survival o f ponderosa pine in reclamation areas, even after pine trees are apparently established. Periodic control o f grasses is expected to be especially important during years having lower than average precipitation. 113 Employment o f these general recommendations should produce more favorable conditions for and therefore increase the survival o f ponderosa pines at the Rosebud Mine, hopefully to levels required for final bond release. However, planting ponderosa pine into soil conditions better suited to the production o f cool season grasses may not be the best use o f available resources. Adjustment o f final bond release criteria may be reasonable, in some instances, to allow species that support an approved post-mine land use to take precedent. The following are suggestions for future studies which may help to clarify some o f the speculations and uncertainties arising from this study. One suggestion is to specifically select reclamation sites where establishment o f ponderosa pine seedlings is apparently successful (where seedlings are thriving) and sites with high pine seedling mortality. The soil physical and hydrologic properties o f these sites could be compared in detail, as could grass and pine root systems. Comparisons between selected “successful” and “unsuccessful” reclamation sites should only be made for sites where pines were planted during the same season o f the same year. 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APPENDICES 122 APPENDIX A SITE DESCRIPTION FORMS 123 SITE D ESC R IPTIO N FO R M D ate Sam pled: 9/13/96 Site Identification N um ber: 121E-C(s) Location Inform ation C ounty Name: Rosebud M LR A : 58A Soil Survey A rea Name: Western Energy Rosebud Mine Location D escription: 250' south, 350' east o f N W comer Section I, TIN , R40E Q uadrangle Name: D escription Category: Full pedon description Slope C haracteristics Inform ation Slope: 14 percent A spect: 25 degrees Shape (horizon./vertical): planar/concave Position: footslope Elevation: 3490 feet Physiography Local: hill M ajo r: hills C lim ate Inform ation W eath er Station (Name, N um ber): Colstrip, #1905 A nnual P recipitation: 13 inches Flooding Frequency: None P onding Frequency: None Perm eability: moderate N atu ral D rainage Class: well Classification: fine-loamy, mixed, fiigid Aridic Ustochrept M oisture Regime: Ustic moisture regime H ydrologic G rpup: B / L anduse: grazeable woodland P a re n t M aterial Type: mixed sedimentary D eposition: residuum and colluvium V egetation Inform ation P lan t Symbol: AGSP=3, STVI=3, BRIN=3, RHTR=2, JUSC=2, BRTE=2, LILE=I, SYAL=I P lan t Name: bluebunch wheatgrass, green needlegrass, smooth brome, skunkbrush sumac. Rocky Mtn. juniper, cheatgrass, blue flax, snowberry (A bundance D ata: l=slight, 2=common, 3= abundant, 4=dbm inant) Page I o f 2 124 Described by: Tom Keck and Karin Jennings Site Identification N nm ber: 121E-C(s) 0 —1 to O inches (2.5 to O cm). A -O to 5 inches (0 to 13 cm); brown (I OYR 4/3) loam, dark brown (I OYR 3/3) moist; moderate fine and medium granular structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky and plastic; many very fine and common fine and medium roots throughout; common very fine, fine and medium pores; 24 percent clay; noneffervescent; I percent hard angular gravel; neutral (pH 7.2); clear smooth boundary. B w -Stdi 15 inches (13 to 38 cm); dark yellowish brown ( I OYR 4/4) loam, brown ( I OYR 4/3) moist; moderate fine and medium subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and plastic; many very fine, common fine and medium and few coarse roots throughout; common very fine, fine and medium pores; 24 percent clay; strongly effervescent; 2 percent hard angular gravel; moderately alkaline (pH 8.0); clear smooth boundary. Bk1- I S to 29 inches (38 to 74 cm); dark yellowish brown ( I OYR 4/4) loam, brown ( I OYR 4/3) moist; weak fine and medium subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; common very fine, fine and medium and few coarse roots throughout; common very fine, fine and medium pores; 22 percent clay; violently effervescent; 2 percent hard angular rock; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); gradual smooth boundary. Bk2- 29 to 40 inches (74 to 101 cm); light brown (7.5YR 6/4) gravely loam, dark brown (7.5 Y R 3/4) moist; massive structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few very fine, fine and medium roots throughout; few very fine and fine pores; 20 percent clay; violently effervescent; 5 percent hard ss/ca, 10 percent rock chips; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); gradual smooth boundary. B C k -40 to 60 inches (101 to 152 cm); brown (7.5YR 5/4) gravely very fine sandy loam, brown (7.5Y R 4/4) moist; massive structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few very fine, fine and medium roots in upper portion; 18 percent clay; violently effervescent; 10 percent hard ss/ca, 20 percent semi-hard rock chips; moderately alkaline (pH 8.4). Notes: Page 2 o f 2 125 SITE D E SC R IPTIO N FO R M D ate Sam pled: 9/13/96 Site Identification N um ber: 121E-C(n) Location Inform ation C ounty Name: Rosebud M LR A : 58A Soil Survey A rea Name: Western Energy Rosebud Mine L ocation D escription: 1000' south, 1250' west o f N E comer Section I, TIN , R40E Q uadrangle Name: D escription Category: Partial pedon description Slope C haracteristics Inform ation Slope: 10 percent A spect: 55 degrees Shape (horizon./vertieal): planar/concave Position: footslope Elevation: 3520 feet Physiography Local: hill M ajo r: hills C lim ate Inform ation W eath er Station (Name, N um ber): Colstrip, #1905 ■ A nnual Precipitation: 13 inches ■ Flooding Frequency: None Ponding Frequency: None Perm eability: moderate N a tu ra l D rainage Class: well Classification: fine-loamy, mixed, frigid Aridic Ustochrept M oisture Regime: Ustic moisture regime H ydrologic G roup: B L anduse: grazeable woodland P a re n t M aterial Type: mixed sedimentary/scoria D eposition: residuum and colluvium V egetation Inform ation P la n t Symbol: AGSP=3, ANSC=3, STVI=2,‘ BRTE=2, PIPO=2, ANMA=2, BOCU=2, ERLI= I, RHTR=I P lan t Name: bluebunch wheatgrass, little bluestem, green needlegrass, cheatgrass, ponderosa pine, pearly everlasting, sideoat grama, fleabane daisy, sklmkbmsh sumac (A bundance D ata: l=slight, 2=common, 3=abundant,'4= dom inant) Page I o f 2 126 D escribed by: Tom Keck and Karin Jennings Site Idemtiiicatioii N um ber: 121E-C(n) 0 —0.5 to O inches (1.3 to 0 cm); partially decomposed twigs and needles. A -O to 2 inches (0 to 5 cm); dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4) moist loam; moderate very thin platy structure; 24 percent clay; noneffervescent; I percent hard angular gravel. B w - 2 to 12 inches (5 to 30 cm); dark brown (7.5YR 3/4) moist loam; 24 percent clay; noneffervescent; I percent hard angular gravel. B k - 12 to 23 inches (30 to 58 cm); reddish brown (5YR 4/4) moist gravely loam; 22 percent clay; violently effervescent; 15 percent hard angular gravel. B C k -23 to 36 inches (58 to 91 cm); reddish yellow (5YR 6/6) moist gravely loam; 20 percent clay; violently effervescent; 30 percent hard angular gravel. R—36 inches (91 cm); fractured scoria beds. Notes: Page 2 o f 2 127 SITE D ESC R IPTIO N FO R M D ate Sam pled: 9/13/96 Site Idemtillcation N um ber: 183E-C(s) Location Inform ation C ounty Name: Rosebud M LR A : 58A . Soil Survey A rea Name: Western Energy Rosebud Mine L ocation D escription: 1210' south, 1540' west o f N E comer Section I, TIN , R40E Q uadrangle Name: D escription C ategory: Full pedon description Slope C haracteristics Inform ation Slope: 12 percent Aspect: 295 degrees Shape (horizon./vertical): planar/concave Position: footslope Elevation: 3505 feet Physiography Local: hill M ajo r: hills C lim ate Inform ation W eath er Station (Name, N um ber): Colstrip, #1905 A nnual P recipitation: 13 inches Flooding Frequency: None Ponding Frequency: None Perm eability: moderate N atu ral D rainage Class: well Classification: fine-loamy, mixed, frigid Aridic Ustochrept M oisture Regime: Ustic moisture regime H ydrologic G roup: B Landuse: grazeable woodland P a re n t M aterial Type: mixed sedimentary, mostly Deposition: residuum and colluvium sandstone/scoria V egetation Inform ation P la n t Symbol: PIPO=3, AGSP=3, C A L 0 2 , BRTE=2, ARFR=2, ANSC=2, RH TR=I, BOCU=I, AGDA=I, AGSM =I, ARCA=I, KOCR=I P lan t N am e: ponderosa pine, bluebunch wheatgrass, prairie sandreed, cheatgrass, fringed sagewort, little bluestem, skunkbrush sumac, sideoat grama, thickspike wheatgrass, western wheatgrass, silver sage, prairie Junegrass (A bundance D ata: l=s!ight, 2=common, 3= abundant, 4=dom inant) Page I o f 2 128 Described by: Tom Keck and Karin Jennings Site Identification! N um ber: 183E-C(s) A-O to 5 inches (0 to 13 cm); reddish brown (5 YR 5/4) loam, dark reddish brown (5YR 3/4) moist; moderate fine and medium granular structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; many very fine, common fine and few medium and coarse roots throughout; few very fine pores; 24 percent clay; noneffervescent; 2 percent gravel rock chips; neutral (pH 7.2); clear smooth boundary. B w - 5 to 12 inches (13 to 31 cm); reddish brown (5YR 5/4) silt loam, dark reddish brown (5YR 3/4) moist; moderate fine and medium subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; common very fine, fine and medium and few coarse roots throughout; few very fine, fine and medium pores; 24 percent clay; strongly effervescent; I percent gravel; mildly alkaline (pH 7,8); clear smooth boundary. B k1- 12 to 18 inches (3 1 to 46 cm); light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) silt loam, reddish brown (5YR 4/4) moist; weak fine and medium subangular blocky structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; common very fine to coarse roots throughout; few very fine, fine and medium pores; 26 percent clay; violently effervescent; I percent gravel; moderately alkaline (pH 8.0); clear smooth boundary. Bk2- 1 8 to 32 inches (46 to 8 1 cm); pink (5 YR 7/4) silt loam, reddish brown (5YR 4/4) moist; massive structure; hard, friable, slightly sticky and plastic; common very fine and few fine to coarse roots throughout; few very fine pores; 26 percent clay; violently effervescent; 2 percent gravel; moderately alkaline (pH 8.4); abrupt smooth boundary. B C - 32 to 60 inches (81 to 152 cm); reddish yellow (5YR 6/6) gravely silt loam, yellowish red (5YR 4/6) moist; massive structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few very fine roots throughout^ 24 percent clay; violently effervescent; 20 percent hard angular scoria fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.4). Notes: Page 2 o f 2 129 SITE D ESC R IPT IO N F O R M D afe Sam pled; 9/13/96 Site Identification N um ber: 183E-C(n) Location Inform ation C ounty N ame: Rosebud M LR A : 58A Soil Survey A rea Name: Western Energy Rosebud Mine L ocation D escription: 1210' south, 1540' west o f N E comer Section I, TIN , R40E Q uadrangle N ame: D escription C ategory: Partial pedon description Slope C haracteristics Inform ation Slope: 9 percent A spect: 25 degrees Shape (horizon,/vertical): concave/planar Position: footslope Elevation: 3520 feet Physiography Local: hill M ajo r: hills C lim ate Inform ation W eather-Station (Name, N um ber): Colstrip, #1905 A nnual Precipitation: 13 inches Flooding Frequency: None Ponding Frequency: None Perm eability: moderate N atu ral D rainage Class: well Classification: fine-loamy, mixed, Aridic Ustochrept M oisture Regime: Ustic moisture regime H ydrologic G roup: B Landuse: grazeable woodland P a re n t M aterial Type: mixed sedimentary D eposition: residuum and colluvium V egetation Inform ation P la n t Symbol: AGSP=3, BRTE=3, K O CR -2, JUSC=2, ACM U2, GUSA=2, RACO=2, STVI=I, ARFR=I, ARsp=I, BOCU=I, ARCA=I P la n t Name: bluebunch wheatgrass, cheatgrass, prairie Junegrass, Rocky Mtn. juniper, yarrow, snakeweed, prairie coneflower, green needlegrass, fringed sagewort, green sagewort, sideoat grama, silver sage (A bundance D ata: I=Slight, 2=common, 3= abundant, 4=dom inant) Page I o f 2 130 Described by: Tom Keck and Karin Jennings Site IdemtiEcatiom N um ber: 183E-C(n) A -O to 3 inches (0 to 8 cm); dark reddish brown (5YR 3/4) moist silt loam; moderate thin platy structure; 26 percent clay; noneffervescent. B t - 3 to 19 inches (8 to 48 cm); reddish brown (5 YR 4/4) moist clay loam; 30 percent clay; few thin clay films; noneffervescent. Bk1-I O to 40 inches (48 to 102 cm); reddish brown (5 YR 4/4) moist silt loam; 26 percent clay; violently effervescent; 2 percent soft sedimentary rock chips. Bk2- 40 to 55 inches (102 to 140 cm); yellowish red (5YR 4/6) moist clay loam; 28 percent clay; violently effervescent; 3 percent soft sedimentary rock chips. C r - 55 inches (140 cm); thinly bedded siltstone and shale; violently effervescent. Notes: Page 2 o f 2 131 SITE D ESC R IPTIO N F O R M D ate Sam pled: 9/14/96 Site Idemtlfication N um ber; 493D-A(e) Location Inform ation C ounty Name: Rosebud M LR A : 58A Soil Survey A rea Name: Western Energy Rosebud Mine L ocation D escription: 1570' south, 1781' west o fN E comer Section 32, T2N, R41E Q uadrangle Name: D escription C ategoryi Full pedon descriptipn Slope C haracteristics Inform ation Slope: 15 percent A spect: 5 degrees Shape (horizon./vertical): planar/concave Position: footslope Elevation: 3430 feet Physiography Local: hill M ajo r: hills C lim ate Inform ation W eath er Station (Name, N um ber): Colstrip, #1905 A nnual P recipitation: 13 inches Flooding Frequency: None P onding Frequency: None Perm eability: slow N atu ral D rainage Class: well Classification: fine, montmorillonitic, frigid Aridic Ustochrept M oisture Regime: Ustic moisture regime H ydrologic G roup: D L anduse: rangeland P a re n t M aterial Type: mixed sedimentary Deposition: residuum and colluvium V egetation Inform ation P la n t Symbol: JUSC=2, ARTR=O, STVI=3, SEDGE=O, BOCU=O, ARPU=3, PIPO=2, RHTR=2, RACO=2, YUGL=I, ARCA=I, M usp=I P la n t Name: Rocky Mtn. juniper, big sagebrush, green needlegrass, sedge, sideoat grama, three awn, ponderosa pine, skunkbrush sumac, prairie coneflower, yucca, silver sage, muhlenbergia (A bundance D ata: I=Slight9 2=common, 3=abnndamt9 4=domimamt) Page I o f 2 132 Described by: Tom Keck and Karin Jennings Site Idemtiflcatiom Nmmben 493D-A(e) A1-O to 2 inches (0 to 5 cm); light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) silty clay loam, dark brown (I OYR 3/3) moist; moderate fine and medium granular structure; hard, friable, sticky and plastic; many very fine, common fine and few medium roots throughout; 32 percent clay, noneffervescent; trace rock fragments; mildly alkaline (pH 7.6), clear smooth boundary. A2- 2 to 6 inches (5 to 15 cm); brown ( I OYR 5/3) clay, dark brown (10YR 3/3) moist; moderate medium granular structure; hard, friable, very sticky and very plastic; many very fine and common fine and medium roots throughout; 42 percent clay; noneffervescent; I percent hard angular rock fragments; mildly alkaline (pH 7.8); clear smooth boundary. B w - 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm);light olive brown (2.5 Y 5/4) clay loam, olive brown (2.5 Y 4/4) moist; moderate medium s'ubangular blocky structure; very hard, very friable, very sticky and very plastic; common very fine and fine and few medium roots throughout; common very fine and fine and few medium pores; strongly effervescent; lime segregated in few fine filaments or threads; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. Bk1- 12 to 22 inches (30 to 56 cm); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4) silty clay loam, light olive brown (2.5 Y 5/4) moist; weak medium subangular blocky structure; very hard, very friable, very sticky and very plastic; common very fine and few fine roots throughout; common very fine and fine and few medium pores; violently effervescent; lime segregated in few medium filaments or threads; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); trace rock fragments; clear smooth boundary. Bk2- 22 to 35 inches (56 to 89 cm); light olive brown (2.5Y 6/4) silty clay loam, light olive brown (2.5 Y 5/4) moist; massive structure; hard, friable, very sticky and very plastic; common very fine roots throughout; common very fine and few fine pores; violently effervescent; lime segregated in few fine filaments or threads; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); trace rock fragments; gradual smooth boundary. B C k -35 to 46 inches (89 to 117 cm); olive yellow (2.5 Y 6/6) silty clay loam, light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) moist; massive structure; hard, friable, very sticky and very plastic; few very fine roots throughout; violently effervescent; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); I percent hard angular rocks; abrupt smooth boundary. R-,-46 inches (117 cm); hard fractured bedrock. Notes: Page 2 o f 2 133 SITE D E SC R IPT IO N F O R M D ate Sam pled: 9/14/96 Site Identificatiom Nmmfoen 493D-A(w) Location Inform ation , C ounty N ame: Rosebud M LR A : 58A Soil Survey A rea N ame: W estern Energy Rosebud Mine Location D escription: 1570' south, 1850' west o f N E comer Section 32, T2N, R41E Q uadrangle Name: D escription Category: Partial pedon description Slope C haracteristics Inform ation Slope: 26 percent A spect: 15 degrees Shape (horizontal/vertical): planar/planar Position: backslope Elevation: 3430 feet Physiography Local: hill M ajo r: hills C lim ate Inform ation W eath er Station (Name, N um ber): Colstrip, #1905 A nnual P recipitation: 13 inches Flooding Frequency: None P onding Frequency: None Perm eability: slow N atu ral D rainage Class: well Classification: fine, montmorillonitic (calc), frigid, shallow Aridic Ustorthent M oisture Regime: Ustic moisture regime H ydrologic G roup: D L anduse: rangeland P a re n t M aterial Type: shale Deposition: V egetation Inform ation P la n t Symbol: AGSP=3, RHTR=S, ARTR=2, BOCU=2, Musp=2, YUGL=2, BRTE=2, JUSC=2, ARCA=I, ANSC=I P la n t Name: bluebunch wheatgrass, skunkbrush sumac, big sagebrush, sideoat grama, muhlenbergia, yucca, cheatgrass, Rocky Mtn. juniper, silver sage, little bluestem (A bundance D ata: l=slight, 2=common, 3= abundant, 4=dominamt) Page I o f 2 134 Described by: Tom Keck and Karin Jennings Site Identification N um ber: 493D-A(w) A -O to 3 inches (0 to 8 cm); olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) moist silty clay loam; noneffervescent. B w - 3 to 7 inches (8 to 18 cm); silty clay; effervescent. B C - 7 to 14 inches (18 to 36 cm)‘ silty clay; 50 percent clay; effervescent; 60 percent shale chips. C r - 14 inches (36 cm); soft sandy shale; many fine roots throughout; effervescent. Notes: Page 2 o f 2 135 SITE D ESC R IPTIO N FO R M D ate Sam pled: 9/14/96 ' Site Idemtiflcatiom Nmmber: 4888-A Locatiom Imformatiom Coumty Name: Rosebud M LR A : 58A Soil Survey A rea Name: Western Energy Rosebud Mine Locatiom Descriptiom: 1070' south, 1500' east o f NW comer Section 31, T2N, R41E Q uadrangle Name: Descriptiom Category: Full pedon description Slope C haracteristics Imformation Slope: 8 percent A spect: 325 degrees Shape (horaom tal/vertical): planar/planar Position: footslope Elevation: 3430 feet Physiography Local: hill M ajo r: reclamation C lim ate Inform ation W eath er Station (Name, N um ber): Colstrip, #1905 Ammual P recipitation: 13 inches Flooding Frequency: N one Ponding Frequency: None Perm eability: slow N atu ral D rainage Class: well C lassiScation: fine-loamy, mixed (calcareous), frigid Aridic Ustorthent M oisture Regime: Ustic moisture regime H ydrologic G roup: D L anduse: ponderosa pine reclamation P a re n t M aterial Type; mixed sedimentary Deposition: reclamation V egetation Inform ation P lan t Symbol: ANGE=S, BOCU=3, CALQ=3, PIPO=3, AGSP=3, MUsp=3, AGSM=2, JUSC=2, RACO=2, GUSA=I, ROsp=I P lan t Name: big bluestem, sideoat grama, prairie sandreed, ponderosa pine, bluebunch wheatgrass, muhlenbergia, western wheatgrass, RockyMtn. juniper, prairie coneflower, snakeweed, rose (A bundance D ata: I s=Slight, 2=commom, 3=abumdamt, 4=domimamt) Page I o f 2 136 Described by: Tom Keck and Karin Jennings Site Ideiatificatiom Naimber: 4888-A A1-O to 3 inches (0 to 8 cm); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4) silty clay loam, olive brown (2.5 Y 4/4) moist; moderate medium granular structure; hard, friable, sticky and very plastic; many very fine, fine and medium roots throughout; 38 percent clay; strongly effervescent; 2 percent semi-hard angular rocks; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. A2- 3 to 7 inches (8 to 18 cm); pale yellow (2.5 Y 7/4) silty clay, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) moist; moderate medium to coarse subangular blocky structure; very hard, very friable, sticky and very plastic; common very fine and fine and few medium roots throughout; few very fine tubular pores; 42 percent clay; strongly effervescent; trace rock fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. B k - 7 to 24 inches (18 to 61 cm); light gray (2.5 Y 7/2) silty clay loam, olive brown (2.5 Y 4/4); massive structure; hard, very friable, sticky and plastic; common very fine roots throughout; few very fine tubular pores; 34 percent clay; violently effervescent; 5 percent stones and cobbles and 5 percent soft to semi-hard rock chips; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); abrupt smooth boundary. 2Ckr -24 to 32 inches (61 to 81 cm); light yellow brown (2.5 Y 6/4) gravely sandy clay loam, light olive brown (2.5 Y 5/4) moist; massive structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; common very fine roots throughout; 24 percent clay; strongly effervescent; 25 percent semi-hard gravel; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); gradual smooth boundary. 2Ck2--32 to 60 inches (81 to 152 cm); light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) gravely sandy clay loam, olive brown (2.5 Y 4/4) moist; massive structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; 24 percent clay; strongly effervescent; 30 percent semi-hard gravel, shale and sedimentary rock chips; moderately alkaline (pH 8.0). Notes: Page 2 o f 2 137 SITE D ESC R IPTIO N FO R M D ate Sam pled: 9/13/96 Site Idemtification N um ber: 4822-B Location Inform ation C ounty Name: Rosebud M LR A : 58A Soil Survey A rea Name: Western Energy Rosebud Mine Location D escription: 850' north, 1570' east o f SW comer Section 4? TIN , R41E Q uadrangle Name: D escription C ategory: Full pedon description Slope C haracteristics Inform ation Slope: 19 percent Aspect: 225 degrees Shape (horizontal/vertical): planar/planar Position: sideslope - middle Elevation: 3310 feet Physiography Local: hill M ajo r: reclamation C lim ate Inform ation W eath er Station (Name, N um ber): Colstrip, #1905 A nnual Precipitation: 13 inches Flooding Frequency: None Ponding Frequency: None Perm eability: mod. slow N atu ral D rainage Class: well Classification: fine-loamy, mixed Aridic Haploboroll M oisture Regime: Ustic moisture regime H ydrologic G roup: C L anduse: rangeland P a re n t M aterial Type: mixed sedimentary D eposition: reclamation V egetation Inform ation P la n t Symbol: A G CR-4, C A L 0 3 , MEsp=3, LILE=3, BOGR=3, AEFR=2, GUSA=2, ARCA=I P la n t Name: crested wheatgrass, prairie sandreed, sweetclover, blueflax, blue grama, fringed sagewort, snakeweed, silver sage (A bundance D ata: I=Slight, 2=common, 3= abundant, 4=dom inant) Page I o f 2 138 D escribed byj Tom Keck and Karin Jennings Site Idemtificatiom Nmimben 4822-B A1-O to 3 inches (0 to 8 cm); brown ( I OYR 5/3) fine sandy clay loam, dark brown ( I OYR 3/3) moist; weak very fine granular structure; loose to soft, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; many very fine and few fine and medium roots throughout; 22 percent clay; effervescent (very slight); moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. A2- 3 to 9 inches (8 to 23 cm); brown ( I OYR 5/3) fine sandy clay loam, dark brown ( I OYR 3/3) moist; massive structure; extremely hard, friable, slightly sticky and plastic; common very fine roots throughout; few very fine tubular pores; 24 percent clay; noneffervescent; mildly alkaline (pH 7.4); abrupt smooth boundary. B k - 9 to 14 inches (23 to 36 cm); yellowish brown ( I OYR 5/4) loam, olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) moist; massive structure; hard friable, slightly sticky and plastic; common very fine roots throughout; few very fine and medium tubular pores; 24 percent clay; strongly effervescent; lime segregated in many medium sized soft masses; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); abrupt irregular boundary. B C - 14 to 30 inches (36 to 76 cm); brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) sandy clay loam, dark yellowish brown (I OYR 4/4) moist; massive structure; hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; common very fine roots throughout; few very fine and fine tubular pores; 22 percent clay; effervescent to strongly effervescent; lime commonly segregated in fine soft masses; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); abrupt smooth boundary. C—30 to 42 inches (76 to 107 cm); light gray (I OYR 7/2) sandy loam, yellowish brown ( I OYR 5/4) oxidized, grayish brown ( I OYR 5/2) reduced; massive structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; 16 percent clay; strongly effervescent; 30 percent semi-hard sedimentary rock fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2). Notes: Page 2 o f 2 139 SITE D ESC R IPTIO N FO R M D ate Sam pled: 9/12/96 Site Idemtification N um ber: 2856-B Location Inform ation C ounty Name: Rosebud M LR A : 58A Soil Survey A rea Name: Western Energy Rosebud Mine Location D escription: 500' south, 1290' west o f N E comer Section 8, TIN , R 4 lE Q uadrangle Name: D escription C ategory: Full pedon description Slope C haracteristics Inform ation Slope: 18 percent Aspect: 355 degrees Shape (horizontal/vertical): planar/planar Position: sideslope - middle Elevation: 3350 feet Physiography Local: hill M ajo r: reclamation C lim ate Inform ation .W eather Station (Name, N um ber): Colstrip, #1905 A nnual Precipitation: 13 inches Flooding Frequency: None Ponding Frequency: None Perm eability: moderate N atu ral D rainage Class: well Classification: fine-loamy, mixed Aridic Haploboroll M oisture Regime: Ustic moisture regime H ydrologic G roup: B L anduse: rangeland P a re n t M aterial Type: mixed sedimentary Deposition: reclamation V egetation Inform ation P la n t Symbol: MESA=4, BRTE=3, AGCR=2, B R IN -2, A G SP-2, A R CA -2, POA=2 AFRF=I P lan t Name: alfalfa, cheatgrass, crested wheatgrass, smooth brome, bluebunch wheatgrass, silver sage, Poa sp., fringed sagewort (A bundance D ata: I=Slight, 2=common, 3= abundant, 4=dom inant) Page I o f 2 140 D escribed by: Tom Keck and Karin Jennings Site Identification N um ber: 285643 A1-O to 2 inches (0 to 5 cm); brown (10YR 5/3) fine sandy loam, dark brown (10YR 3/3) moist; single grain structure; loose, loose, slightly sticky and non-plastic; many very fine and few fine roots throughout; 14 percent clay; non effervescent; mildly alkaline (pH 7.4); clear smooth boundary. A2- 2 to 6 inches (5 to 15 cm); brown (10YR 5/3) fine sandy loam, dark brown ( I OYK 3/3) moist; weak very coarse platy structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and non-plastic; common very fine and few fine, medium and coarse roots throughout, few very fine and fine tubular pores; 14 percent clay; noneffervescent; mildly alkaline (pH 7.6); abrupt smooth boundary. B k - 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm); very pale brown ( I OYR 7/4) fine sandy loam, dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) moist; massive structure; hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; common very fine and few fine, medium and coarse roots throughout; few very fine and fine tubular pores; 18 percent clay; violently effervescent; lime segregated into few fine soft masses; trace hard rock fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. B C - 12 to 18 inches (30 to 46 cm); light olive brown (2.5 Y 5/4) loamy fine sand, olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) moist; massive structure; hard, very friable, slightly sticky and non-plastic; common medium and coarse and few very fine and fine roots throughout; 10 percent clay; noneffervescent; mildly alkaline (pH 7.4); clear smooth boundary. 2Bk—18 to 30 inches (46 to 76 cm); pale yellow (2.5 Y 7/4) fine sandy clay loam, olive brown (2.5 Y 4/4) moist; massive structure; very hard, friable, slightly sticky and non-plastic; few very fine and fine roots throughout; few very fine horizontal tubular pores; 22 percent clay; violently effervescent; trace hard rock fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.4); abrupt wavy boundary. 3C—30 to 60 inches (76 to 152 cm); pale olive (5Y 6/3) silty clay loam, olive (5Y 4/3) moist; massive structure; very hard, very friable, sticky and plastic; few very fine roots in upper 12 inches; 30 percent clay; violently effervescent; 40 percent soft to semi-hard siltstone with some shale; mildly alkaline (pH 7.8); abrupt wavy boundary. Notes: Page 2 o f 2 141 SITE D E SC R IPTIO N F O R M ■ D ate Sam pled: 9/12/96 Site Identification N um ber: 4881-C Location Inform ation C ounty Nam e: Rosebud M LR A : 58A Soil Survey A rea Name: Western Energy Rosebud Mine Location D escription: 1250' west, 1460' east o f NW comer Section 2, TIN , R40E Q uadrangle N ame: D escription C ategory: Full pedon description Slope C haracteristics Inform ation Slope: 9 percent Aspect: 355 degrees Shape (horizon./vertical): planar/concave Position: footslope Elevation: 3500 feet Physiography Local: hill M ajo r: reclamation C lim ate Inform ation W eath er Station (Name, N um ber): Colstrip, #1905 A nnual P recipitation: 13 inches Flooding Frequency: None Ponding Frequency: None Perm eability: moderate N atu ral D rainage Class: well Classification: fine-loamy, mixed (calc.), frigid Aridic Ustdrthent M oisture Regime: Ustic moisture regime H ydrologic Group:. C L anduse: rangeland F a re n t M aterial Type: mixed sedimentary Deposition: reclamation V egetation Inform ation P lan t Symbol: CALO=3, G U SA -3, BQCU=2, ARsp=I, ARTR=I, Y U G L=I, RH TR=I, ROSE=I P lan t Name: prairie sandreed, snakeweed, sideoat grama* sagewort, big sagebrush, yucca, skunkbrush sumac, rose, (cool season grasses grazed and can’t identify) (A bundance D ata: l=slight, 2= com #on, 3~ abundant, 4=dom inant) Page I o f 2 . 'H '■ ■ 142 D escribed by: Tom Keck and Karin Jennings Site Ideiitificatiom N um ber: 4881-C A 1-O to 2 inches (0 to 5 cm); light yellowish brown (2.5 Y 6/4) loam, olive brown (2,5 Y 4/4) moist; strong thin to medium platy structure; hard, friable, sticky and plastic; many very fine, common fine and few medium roots throughout; 26 percent clay; strongly effervescent; trace rock fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. A2- 2 to 6 inches (5 to 15 cm); pale yellow (2.5Y 7/4) loam, olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) moist; massive structure; very hard, friable, sticky and plastic; common very fine and few fine roots throughout; few very fine tubular pores; 26 percent clay; strongly effervescent; trace rock fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2), abrupt smooth boundary. Bk1- 6 to 19 inches (15 to 48 cm); pale yellow (2.5 Y 7/4) loam, olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) moist; massive structure; very hard, very friable, sticky and plastic; few very fine roots throughout; few very fine tubular pores; 26 percent clay; strongly effervescent; trace rock fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. Bk2- 19 to 34 inches (48 to 86 cm); pale yellow (2.5Y 7/4) loam, olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) moist; massive structure; very hard, friable, sticky and plastic; few very fine roots throughout; few very fine tubular pores; 26 percent clay; violently effervescent; trace rock fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.4); abrupt smooth boundary. C1- 34 to 50 inches (86 to 127 cm); light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) very gravely loam, dark grayish brown (2.5 Y 3/2) moist; massive structure; hard, friable, sticky and plastic; few very fine roots throughout; 26 percent clay; strongly effervescent; 40 percent semi-hard sedimentary gravel; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear wavy boundary. C2- 50 to 60 inches (127 to 152 cm); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4) gravely sandy loam, olive brown (2.5 Y 4/4) moist; massive structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; strongly effervescent; 30 percent semi-hard sedimentary gravel; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2). Notes: Page 2 o f 2 143 SITE D ESC R IPTIO N FO R M D ate Sam pled: 9/12/96 ' Site Identification N um ber: 4901-C Location Inform ation C ounty Name: Rosebud MLMA: 58A Soil Survey A rea Name: Western Energy Rosebud Mine Location D escription: 1460' south, 1640' east o f NW corner Section 2, TIN , R40E Q uadrangle N ame: D escription C ategory: Full pedon description Slope C haracteristics Inform ation Slope: 17 percent A spect: 10 degrees Shape (horizontal/vertical): planar/convex Position: sideslope - middle third Elevation: 3530 feet Physiography Local: hill M ajo r: reclamation C lim ate Inform ation W eath er Station (Name, N um ber): Colstrip, #1905 A nnual P recipitation: 13 inches Flooding Frequency: None Ponding Frequency: None Perm eability: moderate N atu ral D rainage Class: well Classification: fine-loamy, mixed (calc.), frigid Aridic Ustorthent M oisture Regime: Ustic moisture regime H ydrologic G roup: C L anduse: rangeland P a re n t M aterial Type: mixed sedimentary D eposition: reclamation V egetation Inform ation P la n t Symbol: STVI=S, AGDA=S, AGCR=3, CALO=3, MEsp-3 , PIPO=2, JUSC=2, MESA=2, GUSA=2, BO CU =I, STCO=I, ARsp=I, ARTR=I P lan t Name: green needlegrass, thichspike wheatgrass, crested wheatgrass, prairie sandreed, sweetclover, ponderosa pine. Rocky Mtn. juniper, alfalfa, snakeweed, sideoat grama, needle-and-thread grass, sagewort, big sagebrush (A bundance D ata: l=s!ight, 2=common, 3= abundant, 4=dom inant) Page I o f 2 144 D escribed by: Tom Keck and Karin Jennings Site IdemtiilcatioB N um ber: 4901-C A1-O to 2 inches (0 to 5 cm); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3) loam, olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) moist; strong medium granular structure; hard friable, sticky and plastic; many very fine, common fine and few medium roots throughout; 26 percent clay; violently effervescent; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. A2- 2 to 7 inches (5 to 18 cm); light yellowish brown (2.5 Y 6/3) loam, olive brown (2.5 Y 4/4) moist; weak coarse granular structure; hard friable, sticky and plastic; common very fine and few fine and medihm roots throughout; few very fine pores; 26 percent clay; effervescent; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); abrupt smooth boundary. B k - 7 to 26 inches (18 to 66 cm); pale yellow (2.5 Y 7/3) clay loam, olive brown (2.5 Y 4/4) moist; massive structure; very hard, friable, sticky and plastic; few very fine and fine roots; few very fine pores; 28 percent clay; violently effervescent; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); abrupt smooth boundary. C--26 to 60 inches (66 to 152 cm); light grayish brown (2.5 Y 6/2) sandy loam, olive brown (2.5Y 4/3) moist; massive structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; 18 percent clay; strongly effervescent; 30 percent soft sedimentary gravel; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2). Notes: Page 2 o f 2 145 SITE D ESC R IPTIO N FO R M D ate Sam pled: 9/12/96 Site Idemtificatiom N um ber: 3915-C Location Inform ation C ounty Name: Rosebud M LR A : 58A Soil Survey A rea Name: Western Energy Rosebud Mine L ocation D escription: 1640' south, 1040' west o fN E cpmer Section 3, TIN , R40E Q uadrangle Name: D escription C ategory: Full pedon description Slope C haracteristics Inform ation Slope: 9 percent1 A spect: 305 degrees1 Shape (horizontal/vertical): planar/planar Position: sideslope - middle Elevation: 3535 feet Physiography Local: hill M ajor: reclamation C lim ate Inform ation W eather Station (Name, N um ber): Colstrip, #1905 A nnual P recipitation: 13 inches Flooding Frequency: None Ponding Frequency: None Perm eability: mod. slow N atu ral D rainage Class: well Classification: coarse-loamy, mixed (calc.), frigid Aridic Ustorthent M oisture Regime: Ustic moisture regime H ydrologic G roup: C L anduse: rangeland P a re n t M aterial Type: mixed sedimentary D eposition: reclamation V egetation Inform ation P lan t Symbol: CALO=3, ANSC=3, PIPQ=2, AGDA=3, AGSP=3, AGSM=3, STV I-2, G U SA -2, JUSC=2, ROSE=I P lan t Name: prairie sandreed, little bluestem, ponderosa pine, thickspike wheatgrass, bluebunch wheatgrass, western wheatgrass, green needlegrass, snakeweed. Rocky Mtn. juniper, rose (A bundance D ata: l=slight, 2=common, 3= abundant, 4=dom inant) Page I o f 2 146 D escribed by: Tom Keck and Karin Jennings Site Identification N um ber: 3915-C A1-O to 4 inches (0 to 10 cm); pale brown (10YR 6/3) clay loam, brown ( I OYR 4/3) moist; moderate fine and medium granular structure; hard, friable, sticky and plastic; many very fine, common fine and few medium roots throughout; 28 percent clay; effervescent; trace rock fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. A2- 4 to 9 inches (10 to 23 cm); pale brown ( I OYR 6/3) loam, brown (10YR 4/3) moist; strong coarse to very coarse platy structure; very hard, friable, sticky and plastic; common very fine and few fine roots throughout; few very fine tubular pores; 26 percent clay; effervescent; trace rock fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. A3- 9 to 17 inches (23 to 43 cm); pale brown ( I OYR 6/3) loam, brown (K)YR 4/3) moist; massive structure; extremely hard, very friable, sticky and plastic; common very fine and few fine roots throughout; few very fine tubular pores; 26 percent clay; effervescent; trace rock fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8,0); abrupt smooth boundary. B k - 17 to 30 inches (43 to 76 cm); light yellowish brown (2.5 Y 6/4) sandy loam, olive brown (2.5 Y 4/4) moist; massive structure; very hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few very fine roots throughout; few very fine tubular pores, 16 percent clay; violently effervescent; lime segregated in fine generally rounded or slightly oblong soft masses; trace rock fragments; moderately alkaline (pH 8.4); clear wavy boundary. C—30 to 60 inches (76 to 152 cm); fight yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4) sandy loam, fight olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) moist; massive structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and non­ plastic; 10 percent clay, strongly effervescent; 20 percent soft and semi-hard sedimentary gravel; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2). Notes: 1Aspect and slope represent calibration site and not either o f the sample sites. Page 2 o f 2 147 APPENDIX B MODEL PREDICTED SOIL WATER CONTENTS DURING THE GROWING SEASONS OF SELECTED YEARS FOR NATIVE AND RECLAMATION SITES 148 Figure 15E. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season of selected years, for native sitel21E-C with pine roots. A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 1 0 25 0.1 005 180 D ay o fY e a r Layer 1 ------- Layer2 ------ Layers Layer4 1 9 7 8 - A b o v e A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 0 .2 5 0.2 5 0 .1 5 0.1 180 D ay o fY e a r Layerl ------- Layer2 ------ Layers Layer4 1 9 7 9 - B e lo w A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 0 .3 . 0.2 0 .0 5 180 D ay o fY e a r Layer I ------- Layer 2 ------ Layer 3 Layer 4 149 Figure 15F. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season ______ of selected years, for native sitel21E-C with grass roots. A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n <E 0 .3 0.2 0 .1 5 0.1 180 D ay o fY e a r L ay er 1 -— — L ay e r 2 -------- L ay e r 3 L ay er 4 1 9 7 8 - A b o v e A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 0 .3 § 0 .2 5 " 180 D ay o fY e a r L a y e r 1 ---------- L ayer 2 — ■ Layer 3 L ayer 4 1 9 7 9 - B e lo w A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n § 0 .2 5 3=0 15 0 .0 5 180 D ay o fY e a r Layer 1 ------- Layer 2 ------ Layer 3 Layer 4 150 Figure 15G. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season o f selected years, for native site!83E-C with pine roots. A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n Layer 1 L a y e r 2 -------- Layer 3 L ayer 4 1 9 7 8 - A b o v e A v e ra g e P re c ip ita tio n L ay e ri L a y e r2 -------- L a y e rs L a y e r4 1 9 7 9 - B e lo w A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n Layer 1 Layers Layer 3 Layer 4 151 Figure 15H. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season _______ o f selected years, for native sitel83E-C with grass roots. A v e ra g e P re c ip ita tio n 0 .1 5 180 D ay o fY e a r Layer I — — L ayer 2 --------- L ayer 3 L ayer 4 1 9 7 8 - A b o v e A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n = 0 .2 5 O 0.2 5 0 .1 5 0 .0 5 180 D ay of Y ear L a y e rl ---------- L a y e r 2 --------- L a y e r s L ayer 4 1 9 7 9 - B e lo w A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 0 .0 5 180 D ay o fY e a r Layer I ------- Layer 2 ------- Layer 3 Layer 4 152 Figure 151. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season o f selected years, for reclamation site 4888-A with pine roots. A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n <E 0 .3 1 0 .2 5 0.2 0 .1 5 5 0.1 0 .0 5 180 D ay o fY e a r L a y e r 1 ----------- L a y e r 2 --------- Layer 3 Layer 4 1 9 7 8 - A b o v e A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 180 D ay of Y ear ---------- L a y e r 1 ----------- L a y e r 2 --------- L ayer 3 L ayer 4 1 9 7 9 - B e lo w A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 1 0 .2 5 0.2 0 .0 5 180 D ay o fY e a r Layer I -------- Layer 2 ------ Layer 3 Layer 4 153 Figure 151. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season ________ o f selected years, for reclamation site 4888-A with grass roots. A v e ra g e P re c ip ita tio n 180 D ay o fY e a r L a y e r 1 ---------- L ayer 2 ------ -- L ayer 3 L ayer 4 1 9 7 9 - A b o v e A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 90 120 150 ---------- L a y e r 1 ------- 180 D ay o fY e a r L ayer 2 --------- 210 L ayer 3 240 L ayer 4 1 9 7 9 - B e lo w A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 5 0 .1 5 o 0 .1 0 .0 5 180 D ay o fY e a r Layer I -------- Layer 2 ------ Layer 3 Layer 4 270 154 Figure 15K. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season __ o f selected years, for reclamation site 3915-C with pine roots. A v e ra g e P re c ip ita tio n L ayer I ---------- L ayer 2 Layer 3 L ayer 4 1 9 7 8 - A b o v e A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n S? 0 . 3 5 0 3 I 025 015 005 90 120 150 L a y e r 1 ---------- 180 D ay o fY e a r L ayer 2 210 -----------L a y e r 3 240 L ayer 4 1 9 7 9 - B e lo w A v e r a g e P r e c i p i t a t i o n 0 .4 D a y o fY e a r Layer 1 -------- Layer 2 ------- Layer 3 Layer 4 270 155 Figure 15L. Model predicted soil water contents during the growing season of selected years, for reclamation site 3915-C with grass roots. A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n L ay er I ---------- L ay e r 2 --------- L ay er 3 L ay e r 4 1 9 7 8 - A b o v e A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 0.1 0 05 180 D ay o fY e a r L ayer I ---------- L ayer 2 --------- Layer 3 L ayer 4 1 9 7 9 - B e lo w A v e r a g e P re c ip ita tio n 1 025 0.2 ----- 1----180 D ay o fY e a r Layer 1 ------- Layer 2 ------- Layer 3 Layer 4 156 \ APPENDIX C MODEL PREDICTED SOIL W ATER STATUS BY WETNESS CLASS Table 14 A. Model Predicted 34 Year Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month within each Soil Wetness Classes._______ ____________________ Native Site 121-C (5): Pine Roots____________________ Matric Potential L ayer I L ayer 2 L ayer 4 Matric Potential Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month for 34 Years Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month for 34 Years ( b a r) A p r il M ay June J u ly A u g u st h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 . 2 ( 5 .4 ) -1 /3 < H < -1 2 4 .7 (6 .9 ) 1 7 .4 ( 1 0 .4 ) 1 6 .0 ( 8 .9 ) 7 .2 (7 9 ) 3 .6 ( 4 .9 ) 3 .3 ( 5 .5 ) ( b a r) A p r il M ay Ju n e J u ly A u g u st S e p t. h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 2 4 .6 ( 7 .0 ) 1 6 .8 (1 0 .4 ) 1 5 .3 ( 8 .7 ) 6 .5 ( 7 .4 ) 3 .5 ( 4 .8 ) L ayer I S e p t. - l< h < - 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l< h < - 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 2 < h < -5 2 . 9 ( 3 .7 ) 5 .5 ( 4 .3 ) 7 .0 ( 3 .6 ) 8 .1 ( 5 .3 ) 3 .5 ( 4 .3 ) 2 .6 ( 3 .7 ) -2 < h < -5 2 .8 ( 3 .6 ) 5 .3 ( 4 .0 ) 6 .7 ( 3 .8 ) 8 .2 ( 5 .4 ) 3 .6 ( 4 .3 ) 2 .7 ( 3 .9 ) -5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 3 .5 ( 5 .4 ) 8 .7 ( 9 .3 ) 7 .7 ( 7 .3 ) 1 6 .4 ( 9 .8 ) 2 4 .0 ( 8 .3 ) 2 4 . 2 ( 7 .8 ) h < -1 5 3 .5 ( 5 .3 ) 8 .3 ( 9 .2 ) 7 .3 ( 7 .4 ) 1 5 .6 (1 0 .1 ) 2 3 .8 ( 8 .5 ) 2 4 .0 ( 8 .1 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 6 .4 (1 0 .8 ) 7 .3 (1 1 .4 ) 4 .9 (9 9 ) 1 .9 (5 9 ) 0 .2 ( 1 .4 ) 0 .4 ( 2 .0 ) L ayer 2 h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 /3 < H < -1 6 .7 (1 1 .2 ) 1 0 .0 (1 3 .5 ) 9 .7 (1 3 .4 ) 7 .8 ( 1 2 .4 ) 4 .3 ( 1 0 .0 ) 1 .0 ( 3 .3 ) -K h < -2 1 .9 (5 .8 ) 2 .0 ( 4 .1 ) 1 2 ( 3 .1 ) 0 .6 ( 1 .7 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .8 ) 0 - l< h < - 2 1 .8 ( 5 .7 ) 1 .5 ( 5 .3 ) 1 .4 ( 4 .4 ) 1 4 ( 3 .5 ) 1 .1 (2 8 ) 1 .7 ( 4 .3 ) - 2 < h < -5 0 .5 ( 1 .8 ) 1 .8 ( 4 .0 ) 1 .0 ( 2 .1 ) L I ( 2 .5 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .7 ) 0 -2 < h < -5 1.5 ( 5 .4 ) 1 .0 ( 3 .3 ) 1 .4 (4 8 ) 1 .3 ( 3 .4 ) 1 7 ( 4 .2 ) 1 .3 ( 3 .9 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 2 2 .2 ( 1 2 .8 ) 1 9 .9 (1 3 .5 ) 2 2 .9 (1 1 .8 ) 2 7 .4 ( 8 .7 ) 3 0 .5 ( 3 .0 ) 2 9 .6 ( 2 .0 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 2 1 .0 (1 3 .3 ) 1 8 .4 (1 4 .8 ) 1 7 .6 (1 4 .6 ) 2 0 .4 (1 3 .9 ) 2 3 .8 ( 1 2 .0 ) 2 6 .0 ( 9 .6 ) h < -1 5 0 .1 (0 3 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 1 ( 0 .2 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 0 0 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 1 .0 ( 5 .3 ) 3 4 ( 8 .5 ) 2 .6 ( 8 .3 ) 2 .6 ( 8 .3 ) 1 .1 ( 5 .3 ) 0 .9 (5 .1 ) -1 /3 < H < -1 1 .0 ( 4 .9 ) 2 .6 ( 7 .4 ) 2 .7 ( 8 .5 ) 2 . 2 ( 7 .5 ) 1 .0 ( 4 .2 ) 0 -l< h < - 2 1 .7 ( 6 .8 ) 1 .5 ( 5 .8 ) 1 .4 ( 5 .2 ) 0 .3 ( 1 .2 ) 0 . 7 ( 2 .9 ) 0 - l< h < -2 1 .7 (6 8 ) L I ( 3 .8 ) 0 .8 ( 3 .9 ) 0 .3 ( 1 .7 ) 0 .6 ( 2 .4 ) 0 -2 < h < -5 2 8 . 2 ( 8 .6 ) 2 6 .1 (1 0 .1 ) 2 5 .8 ( 9 .8 ) 2 8 .1 ( 8 .8 ) 2 9 . 2 ( 6 .5 ) 2 9 .1 (5 .1 ) -2 < h < -5 2 8 .3 ( 8 .4 ) 2 7 .3 ( 8 .0 ) 2 6 .5 ( 9 .3 ) 2 8 .5 (8 .1 ) 2 9 .4 (6 .6 ) 3 0 .0 ( 0 .0 ) L ayer 3 - 5 < li< -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 0 .1 ( 0 .4 ) 0 0 0 h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 0 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 h = - l/3 1 7 .3 ( 1 5 .4 ) 1 7 .3 ( 1 5 .4 ) 1 7 .6 ( 1 4 .7 ) 1 4 .7 ( 1 8 .2 ) -l/3 < h < -l 0 0 0 0 1 8 .2 (1 5 .3 ) 1 7 .6 (1 4 .8 ) 0 0 L ayer 4 h = -lZ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 0 0 . 4 ( 2 .0 ) 0 .8 ( 4 .7 ) 0 . 9 ( 5 .2 ) 0 . 9 ( 5 .2 ) 0 .3 ( 1 .7 ) -l< h < - 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l< h < -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .5 ( 2 .9 ) - 2 < h < -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 < h < -5 0 .9 ( 5 .2 ) 0 .4 ( 2 .4 ) 0 0 0 0 .1 ( 0 .5 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 1 3 .6 (1 5 .3 ) 1 3 .3 (1 5 .1 ) 1 2 .4 (1 4 .8 ) 1 2 .8 (1 5 .3 ) 1 2 .8 (1 5 .3 ) 1 2 .4 (1 4 .8 ) -5 < h < -1 5 3 0 .0 ( 5 .2 ) 3 0 .2 ( 3 .2 ) 2 9 .1 (5 .1 ) 3 0 .1 (5 .2 ) 3 0 .1 (5 .2 ) 2 9 .1 ( 5 .1 ) h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 0 0 157 L ayer 3 ____________________ Native Site 121-C (5): Grass Roots_______________ Table MB. M odel Predicted 34 Year Mean (Standard Error) Number o f Days per Month within each Soil W etness Classes. Native Site 183-C (6): Grass Roots Native Site 183-C (6): Pine Roots M a tr ic M a tr ic Layer I Layer 3 L ayer 4 M e a n ( S ta n d a r d E r r o r ) N u m b e r o f D a y s p e r M o n th f o r 3 4 Y e a r s ( b a r) A p r il M ay Ju n e J u ly A ugust h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 . 7 ( 5 .9 ) - l/3 < h < -l 2 5 .3 ( 6 .2 ) 1 6 .3 ( 9 .8 ) 1 5 .5 ( 8 .3 ) 6 .9 (7 4 ) 3 .6 ( 5 .1 ) 3 .6 ( 5 .8 ) (b ar) A p r il M ay June J u ly A ugust S e p t. h = - l/3 O 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 2 5 .5 ( 6 .2 ) 1 6 .9 ( 9 .9 ) 1 5 .8 (8 .5 ) 6 9 ( 7 .3 ) 3 . 7 ( 5 .2 ) L ayer I S e p t. - l< h < - 2 O 0 0 0 0 0 - l< h < - 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 < h < -5 2 . 2 ( 2 .8 ) 5 .1 (3 6 ) 6 .3 ( 3 .2 ) 7 .1 ( 4 .5 ) 2 . 9 ( 3 .5 ) 2 . 4 ( 3 .2 ) -2 < h < -5 2 . 4 ( 2 .9 ) 5 .4 ( 3 .8 ) 6 . 2 ( 3 .2 ) 6 . 9 ( 4 .5 ) 2 .9 ( 3 .7 ) 2 .4 ( 3 .2 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 O 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 .4 ( 5 .3 ) 9 .0 ( 9 .2 ) 8 .0 ( 7 .2 ) 1 7 .0 ( 9 .3 ) 2 4 . 4 ( 8 .0 ) 2 3 .9 (8 .1 ) h < -1 5 3 . 4 ( 5 .4 ) 9 .3 ( 9 .2 ) 8 .3 ( 7 .2 ) 1 7 .3 ( 9 .2 ) 2 4 .4 ( 8 .1 ) 2 4 .0 ( 8 .0 ) h < -1 5 L ayer 2 P o t e n tia l M e a n ( S ta n d a r d E r ro r ) N u m b e r o f D a y s p e r M o n th f o r 3 4 Y e a r s P o t e n ti a l h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 /3 < H < -1 8 .0 ( 1 2 .0 ) 1 0 .6 (1 3 .5 ) 7 .5 ( 1 2 .6 ) 6 .6 (1 1 .8 ) 3 .3 ( 8 .3 ) 0 .4 ( 2 .1 ) 2 .5 ( 5 .0 ) 1 .4 ( 2 .9 ) 2 .7 (5 4 ) 0 .7 ( 2 .2 ) L I ( 3 .0 ) 1 .2 ( 3 .1 ) 0 .3 ( L I ) -2 < h < -5 2 .2 ( 5 .4 ) 1 3 ( 3 .1 ) 2 .6 ( 3 .9 ) 0 .8 ( 2 .0 ) 0 .8 ( 2 .2 ) 1 .2 ( 2 .8 ) 2 2 .5 ( 1 2 .7 ) 2 0 . 1 ( 1 2 . 5 ) 1 0 .4 (1 1 .5 ) -5 < h < -1 5 6 .6 (1 1 .1 ) 9 .7 (1 3 .0 ) 1 2 .4 ( 1 2 .8 ) 1 8 .6 (1 4 .4 ) 1 8 .6 ( 1 2 .9 ) 1 1 .9 (1 1 .6 ) 1 0 .6 ( 1 2 .6 ) 1 8 .6 ( 1 2 .2 ) h < -1 5 1 1 .6 (1 3 .7 ) 8 .1 ( 1 2 .9 ) 4 .9 ( 9 .9 ) 4 .3 ( 1 0 .3 ) 7 .2 (1 1 .0 ) 1 5 .2 (1 3 .0 ) h = - l/3 O 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 7 .8 (1 1 .8 ) 7 .4 (1 1 .2 ) 3 .5 ( 8 .6 ) 1 .0 ( 4 .3 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 .4 ( 2 .0 ) - l< h < - 2 2 . 2 ( 5 .0 ) 2 . 0 ( 3 .9 ) 1 .2 (2 1 ) 0 .5 ( 1 .5 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .8 ) 0 .4 (1 8 ) - 2 < h < -5 1 .7 ( 4 .0 ) 1 .3 ( 1 .9 ) 1 .4 ( 2 .4 ) 0 .6 ( 1 .8 ) 0 .1 (0 5 ) -5 < h < -1 5 6 .7 (1 0 .6 ) 1 1 .3 ( 1 2 .7 ) 1 7 .9 (1 2 .2 ) h < -1 5 1 2 .6 ( 1 3 .9 ) 9 .0 (1 3 .4 ) 6 .0 ( 1 0 .7 ) 6 .4 (1 2 .4 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 / 3 < i < -1 4 .6 (1 0 .7 ) 6 .4 (1 2 .0 ) 5 .6 (1 1 .3 ) 4 .1 (1 0 .1 ) 3 .6 ( 1 0 .0 ) 3 .4 ( 9 .4 ) L ayer 2 L ayer 3 h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 2 .4 ( 7 .3 ) 3 .3 ( 7 .7 ) 3 .1 ( 8 .6 ) 2 .6 ( 8 .5 ) 1.8 ( 7 .3 ) 0 .3 ( 1 .2 ) -l< h < - 2 2 6 .4 (1 0 .8 ) 2 4 .6 ( 1 2 .0 ) 2 4 .3 (1 1 .4 ) 2 6 .9 (1 0 .1 ) 2 7 .4 ( 1 0 .0 ) 2 6 .6 ( 9 .4 ) -l< h < -2 2 3 .1 (1 3 .1 ) 2 2 .2 (1 2 .8 ) 2 1 .6 (1 3 .1 ) 2 2 .8 ( 1 3 .4 ) 2 3 .7 (1 3 .1 ) 2 4 .4 (1 1 .4 ) - 2 < h < -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 < h < -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 0 0 h < -1 5 5 .5 (1 1 .8 ) 5 .5 (1 1 .8 ) 5 .3 (1 1 .4 ) 5 .5 (1 1 .7 ) 5 .5 (1 1 .8 ) 5 .3 (1 1 .4 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 /3 < H < -1 1 7 .3 ( 1 5 .4 ) 1 7 .7 (1 5 .1 ) 1 7 .6 ( 1 4 .8 ) 1 8 .2 (1 5 .3 ) 1 8 .2 (1 5 .3 ) 1 7 .6 ( 1 4 .8 ) L ayer 4 h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 0 . 9 ( 5 .2 ) 1 .0 ( 4 .1 ) 0 .8 ( 4 .7 ) 0 .9 ( 5 .2 ) 0 9 ( 5 .2 ) 0 . 9 ( 5 .1 ) -l< h < - 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l< h < -2 0 0 .2 (1 .0 ) 0 0 0 0 -2 < h < -5 8 .3 ( 1 3 .6 ) 8 .7 (1 3 .7 ) 7 .9 (1 3 .2 ) 8 .2 (1 3 .7 ) 8 .2 (1 3 .7 ) 7 .9 (1 3 .2 ) -2 < h < -5 0 .1 ( 0 .5 ) 0 5 ( 1 .8 ) 0 .5 ( 2 .1 ) 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 2 4 .6 ( 1 2 .5 ) 2 4 .8 (1 1 .8 ) 2 4 .2 (1 1 .4 ) 2 5 .5 (1 1 .8 ) 2 5 .5 (1 1 .8 ) 2 4 .7 (1 1 .4 ) h < -1 5 5 .4 (1 1 .6 ) 4 .6 (1 1 .0 ) 4 .4 (1 0 .6 ) 4 .6 (1 1 .0 ) 4 .6 (1 1 .0 ) 4 .4 (1 0 .6 ) h < -1 5 5 .4 (1 1 .6 ) 4 .6 (1 1 .0 ) 4 .5 ( 1 0 .6 ) 4 .6 (1 1 .0 ) 4 .6 (1 1 .0 ) 4 .4 (1 0 .6 ) Ul OO Table 14C. Model Predicted 34 Year Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month within each Soil Wetness Classes._______ ___________________ Native Site 493D-A (3): Pine Roots____________________ Matric Potential L ayer I L ayer 2 L ayer 4 Matric Potential Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month for 34 Years (b ar) A p r il M ay June J u ly A u g u st S e p t. h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 1 5 .7 (7 .7 ) 6 .5 ( 6 .7 ) 6 .8 (5 8 ) 2 .3 ( 3 .8 ) 1 4 ( 2 .4 ) Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month for 34 Years ( b a r) A p ril M ay June J u ly A u g u st h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .3 ( 3 .6 ) - l/3 < h < -l 1 6 .0 ( 7 .8 ) 6 .9 ( 7 .0 ) 7 .8 ( 6 .4 ) 2 . 7 ( 4 .2 ) 1 .7 ( 3 .0 ) 1 .4 ( 3 .7 ) L ayer I S e p t. -l< h < - 2 3 . 4 ( 1 .7 ) 2 . 4 ( 2 .1 ) 2 .9 (1 9 ) 1 .3 ( 1 .5 ) 0 .6 ( 1 .0 ) 0 . 4 ( 0 .8 ) - 1< h < - 2 3 .0 (1 9 ) 2 .2 ( 1 .9 ) 2 . 7 ( 1 .6 ) 1 4 ( 1 .5 ) 0 .6 ( 1 .0 ) 0 .5 ( 0 .8 ) -2 < h < -5 4 .6 ( 3 .5 ) 6 .8 ( 4 .9 ) 8 .6 ( 4 .0 ) 6 .5 ( 4 .7 ) 3 . 2 ( 3 .9 ) 1 .7 ( 2 .4 ) -2 < h < -5 4 .6 ( 3 .5 ) 6 .8 ( 4 .7 ) 8 .3 ( 3 .8 ) 6 .8 ( 4 .8 ) 3 .2 (3 8 ) 1 9 ( 3 .2 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 7 .3 ( 7 .3 ) 1 5 .4 (9 .4 ) 1 1 .8 (7 .2 ) 2 0 .9 ( 8 .1 ) 2 5 .8 ( 6 .5 ) 2 6 .6 ( 5 .0 ) h < -1 5 7 . 2 ( 7 .3 ) 1 5 .1 (9 .2 ) 1 1 .2 (7 .2 ) 2 0 .2 ( 8 .5 ) 2 5 .4 ( 6 .8 ) 2 6 .2 ( 5 .7 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 8 .8 (1 2 .7 ) 7 .0 (1 1 .5 ) 3 . 0 ( 8 .0 ) 0 .5 ( 2 .2 ) 0 0 .3 ( 1 .9 ) - l/3 < h < -l 9 .2 (1 3 .0 ) 1 1 .7 (1 4 .7 ) 9 .1 (1 3 .1 ) 6 .2 (1 1 .9 ) L I ( 3 .8 ) 0 .4 ( 2 .0 ) 0 .7 ( 2 .2 ) L ayer 2 -l< h < - 2 4 . 9 ( 9 .6 ) 4 .5 ( 7 .1 ) 2 .1 ( 4 .4 ) 0 9 ( 2 .5 ) 0 0 .1 ( 0 .2 ) - l< h < -2 4 .9 ( 9 .4 ) 2 .1 ( 5 .2 ) 2 . 9 ( 5 .6 ) 1 .6 ( 3 .9 ) 2 .8 ( 5 .2 ) - 2 < h < -5 3 . 4 ( 7 .3 ) 3 .2 ( 4 .6 ) 3 .1 (3 9 ) 1 .3 ( 2 .8 ) 0 4 ( 1 .3 ) 0 .5 ( 1 .8 ) -2 < h < -5 3 .9 (7 2 ) 3 .8 ( 6 .4 ) 4 .3 ( 6 .3 ) 2 . 4 ( 4 .5 ) 2 .7 (5 .1 ) 1 7 ( 4 .0 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 1 3 .8 (1 3 .5 ) 1 6 .2 (1 3 .0 ) 2 1 .6 (1 0 .6 ) 2 8 .3 ( 6 .7 ) 3 0 .6 ( 1 .3 ) 2 9 .1 (3 .3 ) -5 < h < -1 5 1 2 .9 (1 3 .0 ) 1 3 .3 ( 1 3 .0 ) 2 4 .4 (1 1 .5 ) 2 7 .2 (6 .3 ) h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .2 ) 0 .1 (0 3 ) 0 0 0 h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .4 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 2 .5 ( 8 .0 ) 1 .6 ( 5 .8 ) 1 .8 ( 7 .1 ) 1 .7 ( 6 .8 ) 0 . 9 ( 5 .2 ) 0 .2 (1 4 ) Layer 3 1 3 .6 (1 3 .0 ) 2 0 .7 ( 1 3 .2 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 2 .3 ( 7 .6 ) 2 .1 ( 6 .6 ) 1 .8 ( 7 .1 ) 1 .3 ( 5 .6 ) 0 .3 ( 1 .7 ) 0 - l< h < - 2 0 .1 ( 0 .7 ) 1 .2 (4 8 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .8 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .7 ) 0 . 4 ( 2 .4 ) 0 .6 ( 3 .7 ) - l< h < - 2 0 .3 ( 1 .4 ) 1 .2 ( 3 .7 ) 0 . 7 ( 2 .9 ) 0 . 4 ( 2 .2 ) 0 .4 ( 2 .2 ) 0 -2 < h < -5 0 .8 ( 4 .4 ) 0 .6 ( 2 .5 ) 1 4 ( 5 .5 ) 0 2 ( 1 .0 ) 0 .5 ( 2 .9 ) 0 .4 ( 2 .5 ) - 2 < h < -5 0 .7 ( 4 .I) 1.5 ( 5 .0 ) 1 .6 ( 4 .7 ) 0 .3 ( 1 .2 ) 0 .6 ( 2 .7 ) 0 .4 ( 2 .5 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 2 7 .5 ( 9 .5 ) 2 7 .6 ( 9 .4 ) 2 6 .7 (9 .1 ) 2 9 .0 ( 7 .3 ) 2 9 . 2 ( 7 .3 ) 2 8 .6 ( 5 .7 ) -5 < h < -1 5 2 7 .6 (9 .1 ) 2 6 .1 (1 0 .7 ) 2 5 .9 ( 9 .6 ) 2 9 .0 ( 7 .3 ) 2 9 .7 ( 5 .7 ) 2 9 .5 ( 2 .9 ) h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .4 ) 0 0 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 0 ( 0 .2 ) h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 0 0 0 0 0 0 Layer 4 h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l< h < - 2 3 0 . 9 ( 0 .3 ) 3 1 .0 (0 .0 ) 3 0 .0 ( 0 .0 ) 3 1 .0 (0 .0 ) 3 1 .0 (0 .0 ) 3 0 .0 ( 0 .0 ) - l< h < - 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 < h < -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 < h < -5 0 . 9 ( 4 .9 ) 1 .0 ( 4 .3 ) 0 .6 ( 3 .2 ) 0 0 0 - 5 < li< -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 3 0 .1 (5 .2 ) 3 0 .0 ( 4 .3 ) 2 9 .4 ( 3 .2 ) 3 1 .0 ( 0 .0 ) 3 1 .0 (0 .0 ) 3 0 .0 ( 0 .0 ) h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 0 0 0 0 159 L ayer 3 ___________________ Native Site 493D-A (3): Grass Roots______________ Table 14D. Model Predicted 34 Year Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month within each Soil Wetness Classes.______ _________________Reclamation Site 4888-A (4): Pine Roots_________________ Matric Potential L ayer I L ayer 2 L ayer 4 Matric Potential Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month for 34 Years (b a r) A p ril M ay June Ju ly A u g u st S e p t. h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - V 3 < h < -1 5 .0 ( 3 .9 ) 5 .0 ( 4 .0 ) 5 .4 (3 6 ) 3 .1 ( 3 .2 ) 1 .4 ( 2 .4 ) L I ( 1 .9 ) -l< h < -2 L I (L I) 2 .9 ( 2 .2 ) 3 .3 ( 2 .0 ) 2 4 ( 2 .1 ) 1 .5 ( 2 .0 ) 1 9 ( 1 .5 ) -2 < ti< -5 1 .4 ( 2 .3 ) 5 0 ( 3 .6 ) 5 .3 ( 2 .9 ) 6 .9 (4 5 ) 2 7 ( 3 .1 ) 2 .4 ( 3 .3 ) L ayer I Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month for 34 Years ( b a r) A p ril M ay June July A ugust h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 6 .1 ( 3 .5 ) 4 .9 ( 4 .6 ) 5 .4 ( 3 .5 ) 2 .5 ( 3 .1 ) 1 .5 ( 2 .5 ) 1 0 ( 1 .7 ) -l< h < -2 1 4 ( 1 .1 ) 2 .6 (2 1 ) 3 .1 ( 2 .0 ) 2 .1 ( 2 .1 ) L I ( 1 .5 ) 0 .8 ( 1 .3 ) -2 < h < -5 2 .3 ( 2 .5 ) 5 .7 ( 3 .7 ) 6 .5 ( 3 .3 ) 6 .1 ( 3 .9 ) 2 .6 ( 3 .5 ) 2 .1 ( 3 .1 ) S e p t. - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < ti< -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 2 3 .5 ( 6 .1 ) 18 .1 ( 6 .2 ) 1 6 .0 ( 6 .3 ) 1 8 .6 ( 8 .0 ) 2 5 .4 ( 6 .9 ) 2 5 .6 ( 6 .2 ) h < -1 5 2 1 .3 ( 5 .7 ) 1 7 .9 (6 .3 ) 1 5 .0 ( 6 .1 ) 2 0 .3 ( 7 .7 ) 2 5 .8 ( 6 .6 ) 2 6 .1 ( 5 .7 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 13 .1 (1 3 .1 ) 10 .1 ( 1 2 .2 ) 3 7 ( 7 .9 ) 0 .9 ( 3 .0 ) 0 0 .3 ( 1 .9 ) L ayer 2 h = -l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 1 3 .7 ( 1 3 .3 ) 1 0 .5 (1 2 .7 ) 6 .2 ( 1 1 .2 ) 2 .6 ( 7 .2 ) 0 0 .3 ( 1 .9 ) -l< h < -2 4 .4 ( 7 .5 ) 2 .7 ( 4 .1 ) 2 .3 (3 8 ) 0 .9 ( 2 .5 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 .2 ( 1 .2 ) - l< h < - 2 4 .3 ( 7 .7 ) 2 .6 ( 3 .9 ) 1 .6 ( 3 .5 ) 1 4 ( 2 .9 ) 0 .2 ( 0 .7 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) -2 < h < -5 9 .0 (1 2 .3 ) 1 5 .5 ( 1 3 .4 ) 2 0 .8 (1 1 .6 ) 2 4 .9 (1 1 .0 ) 2 3 .7 (1 0 .9 ) 12 .1 ( 1 2 .4 ) -2 < h < -5 8 .2 ( 1 1 .9 ) 1 4 .2 (1 3 .3 ) 1 8 .7 ( 1 3 .0 ) 2 2 .8 (1 2 .1 ) 2 3 .2 (1 1 .2 ) 1 2 .1 (1 2 .5 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 1 .7 ( 4 .8 ) 0 .9 ( 5 .2 ) 2 .0 (7 0 ) 3 .4 ( 9 .5 ) 6 .0 (9 4 ) 1 2 .3 ( 1 2 .1 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 1 .7 ( 4 .8 ) 0 .9 ( 5 .2 ) 2 .0 (7 2 ) 3 .3 ( 9 .2 ) 6 .1 ( 9 .8 ) 1 3 .3 ( 1 2 .2 ) h < -1 5 2 .7 ( 6 .6 ) 1 .7 ( 5 .8 ) 1 2 ( 5 .3 ) 0 .9 ( 5 .2 ) 1 .3 ( 5 .5 ) 5 .0 (9 .8 ) h < -1 5 3 .0 ( 7 .2 ) 2 .7 ( 7 .6 ) 1 .5 ( 6 .0 ) 0 .9 (5 2 ) 1 4 ( 5 .5 ) 4 .3 ( 9 .4 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 6 .3 (1 2 .3 ) 6 .7 (1 2 .4 ) 6 .1 ( 1 2 .0 ) 6 .4 ( 1 2 .5 ) 5 .2 ( 1 1 . 0 ) 4 .4 (1 0 .6 ) L ayer 3 h = -l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 6 .3 (1 2 .3 ) 6 .4 ( 1 2 .0 ) 6 .1 ( 1 2 .0 ) 6 .4 ( 1 2 . 5 ) 5 .0 ( 1 1 . 1 ) 4 .4 ( 1 0 .6 ) - l< h < - 2 1.8 ( 7 .3 ) 1 .9 ( 7 .3 ) 2 .6 ( 8 .5 ) 2 .1 ( 7 .3 ) 1 .9 (6 2 ) 1 .8 (7 .1 ) -l< h < -2 1 .8 ( 7 .3 ) 2 .2 ( 7 .5 ) 2 .6 ( 8 .5 ) 2 .0 ( 6 .8 ) 2 .1 ( 7 .0 ) 1 .8 (7 1 ) -2 < h < -5 2 2 .9 (1 3 .6 ) 2 2 .4 ( 1 3 .6 ) 2 1 .2 (1 3 .7 ) 2 2 .5 (1 3 .5 ) 2 3 .9 ( 1 2 .9 ) 2 3 .8 ( 1 2 .1 ) -2 < h < -5 2 2 .9 (1 3 .6 ) 2 2 .4 (1 3 .6 ) 2 1 .2 (1 3 .7 ) 2 2 .5 ( 1 3 .4 ) 2 3 .9 ( 1 2 .9 ) 2 3 .8 (1 2 .1 ) -5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 .1 (0 3 ) 0 0 .1 ( 0 .2 ) 0 h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 (0 .2 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .5 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .2 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < tt< - l 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 1 7 .3 (1 5 .4 ) 1 7 .3 ( 1 5 .4 ) 1 7 .6 ( 1 4 .7 ) 1 8 .2 (1 5 .3 ) 1 8 .2 (1 5 .3 ) L ayer 4 . 0 1 7 . 6 ( 1 4 .8 ) - l< t i< - 2 1 7 .3 (1 5 .4 ) 1 7 .3 (1 5 .4 ) 1 7 .6 (1 4 .7 ) 1 8 . 2 ( 1 5 .3 ) 1 8 .2 ( 1 5 .3 ) 1 7 .6 ( 1 4 .8 ) -l< h < -2 0 0 .4 ( 2 .0 ) 0 (0 .2 ) 0 0 0 -2 < h < -5 1 3 .6 (1 5 .3 ) 1 3 .7 (1 5 .4 ) 1 2 .4 (1 4 .7 ) 1 2 .8 ( 1 5 .3 ) 1 2 .8 ( 1 5 .3 ) 1 2 .4 ( 1 4 .8 ) -2 < h < -5 1 3 .6 ( 1 5 .3 ) 1 3 .3 (1 5 .1 ) 1 2 .4 ( 1 4 .8 ) 1 2 .8 ( 1 5 .3 ) 1 2 .8 ( 1 5 .3 ) 1 2 .4 ( 1 4 .8 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 0 0 0 0 160 L a y e rS _________________ Reclamation Site 4888-A (4): Grass Roots___________ Table 14E. Model Predicted 34 Year Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month within each Soil Wetness Classes.______ _________________Reclamation Site 3915-C (7): Pine Roots_________________ Matric Potential L ayer I L ayer 2 L ayer 3 L ayer 4 _________________ Reclamation Site 3915-C (7): Grass Roots___________ Matric Potential Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month for 34 Years Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month for 34 Years (b a r) A p ril M ay June July A ugust h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .2 (2 .7 ) - l/3 < h < -l 1 4 .9 ( 4 .3 ) 5 .2 ( 5 .5 ) 5 .1 (5 .1 ) 1 7 ( 3 .2 ) 1 .0 (2 .0 ) 1 2 ( 2 .8 ) 0 .5 ( 0 .9 ) 0 .5 ( 0 .9 ) - l< h < - 2 2 .1 ( 1 .3 ) 1 6 ( 1 .6 ) 2 .3 ( 1 .6 ) 0 .9 ( 1 1 . 1 ) 0 .6 (1 .0 ) 0 .4 ( 0 .8 ) 0 .9 ( 1 .3 ) 0 .8 ( 1 .2 ) -2 < h < -5 1 .7 ( 1 .2 ) 2 .6 ( 2 .4 ) 2 .1 ( 1 .7 ) L I ( 1 .3 ) 0 .7 ( L I ) 0 .8 ( 1 .2 ) ( b a r) A p ril M ay Ju n e Ju ly A u g u st Sep t. h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 1 5 .0 ( 4 .2 ) 6 .5 ( 6 .4 ) 6 .5 ( 5 .9 ) 2 .6 ( 3 .7 ) 1 .2 (2 2 ) -l< h < -2 2 .1 ( 1 .8 ) 1 .9 ( 2 .6 ) 1 .9 ( 1 .4 ) 0 .8 ( 1 .2 ) -2 < h < -5 1 .6 ( 1 .2 ) 2 .6 ( 2 .2 ) 2 .5 ( 1 .7 ) 1.5 ( 1 .6 ) L ayer I Sept. - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 1 2 .3 ( 5 .0 ) 2 0 .0 ( 8 .1 ) 1 9 .1 ( 6 .3 ) 2 6 .1 ( 5 .5 ) 2 8 .4 ( 3 .9 ) 2 7 .5 ( 4 .1 ) h < -1 5 1 2 .3 ( 4 .3 ) 2 1 .5 ( 6 .9 ) 2 0 .5 ( 6 .2 ) 2 7 .4 ( 4 .9 ) 2 8 .7 (3 .5 ) 2 7 .7 (3 .9 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - V 3 < h < -1 1 7 . 4 ( 1 3 .7 ) 1 0 .8 (1 2 .0 ) 2 .8 ( 6 .7 ) 0 .4 ( 2 .4 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 .5 ( 2 .1 ) L ayer 2 h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 1 7 .7 ( 1 3 .7 ) 1 8 .5 ( 1 4 .3 ) 9 .8 ( 1 2 .0 ) 3 .6 ( 7 .6 ) 0 .2 ( 1 .0 ) 0 .4 (2 0 ) - l< h < - 2 2 .2 ( 4 .9 ) 3 .8 ( 4 .0 ) 2 .3 ( 4 .5 ) 0 .5 ( 1 .6 ) 0 0 .3 ( 1 .2 ) - l< h < - 2 3 .7 ( 7 .6 ) 2 .0 (4 6 ) 5 .2 ( 6 .4 ) 2 .8 ( 4 .8 ) 0 .6 ( 2 .4 ) 0 .5 ( 1 .9 ) - 2 < h < -5 3 .0 (5 3 ) 1 .3 ( 1 .7 ) 1.1 ( 1 .7 ) 0 .3 ( 0 .9 ) 0 0 .2 ( 0 .9 ) -2 < h < -5 3 .1 ( 6 .7 ) 0 9 ( 2 .1 ) 2 .0 ( 2 .4 ) 1 .3 ( 2 .0 ) 0 .3 ( L I ) 0 .3 ( L I ) - 5 < h < -1 5 2 .7 ( 5 .3 ) 1 .4 ( 2 .2 ) 1 .4 ( 1 .8 ) 0 .4 ( 1 .0 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .5 ) 0 .2 ( 0 .7 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 2 .3 ( 5 .7 ) 1 .6 ( 2 .9 ) 2 .1 ( 2 .5 ) 1 .4 ( 2 .0 ) 1 0 ( 2 .2 ) 0 .6 (2 .5 ) h < -1 5 5 .7 ( 7 .8 ) 1 3 .8 (1 2 .5 ) 2 2 .5 ( 1 0 .5 ) 2 9 .4 ( 4 .8 ) 3 0 .8 ( 0 .6 ) 2 8 .8 (3 .8 ) h < -1 5 4 .3 ( 7 .0 ) 8 .0 (1 2 .1 ) 1 0 .9 (1 2 .5 ) 2 1 .9 (1 2 .4 ) 2 8 .9 (5 .7 ) 2 8 .3 ( 5 .0 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 0 0 0 0 0 0 L ayer 3 - l/3 < h < -l 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l< h < -2 2 .7 ( 8 .2 ) 4 .9 (1 0 .2 ) 2 .7 ( 7 .2 ) 0 .5 ( 1 .9 ) 0 0 - l< h < - 2 2 .7 ( 8 .4 ) 5 .9 ( 1 1 . 2 ) 6 .0 ( 1 1 . 2 ) 2 .1 ( 6 .8 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .7 ) 0 .3 ( 1 .9 ) -2 < h < -5 1 .8 ( 6 .5 ) 0 .6 ( 2 .5 ) 2 .3 ( 5 .6 ) 0 .9 ( 3 .7 ) 0 0 -2< & < -5 2 .1 ( 7 .0 ) 0 .8 ( 3 .3 ) 1 .8 ( 5 .7 ) 3 .1 (6 5 ) 1 .6 ( 5 .6 ) 0.1 ( 0 .8 ) -5 < h < -1 5 1 .9 ( 6 .2 ) 2 .4 ( 6 .3 ) 1 .2 (2 9 ) 1 .3 ( 3 .2 ) 0 .3 ( 1 .9 ) 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 1 .8 ( 5 .9 ) 2 .4 ( 7 .0 ) 0 .2 ( 0 .7 ) 2 .3 ( 5 .2 ) 1.8 ( 4 .5 ) 1 .0 ( 3 .2 ) h < -1 5 2 4 .7 (1 1 .5 ) 2 3 .1 ( 1 2 .6 ) 2 3 .8 (1 1 .7 ) 2 8 .3 ( 7 .4 ) 3 0 .7 ( 1 .9 ) 3 0 .0 ( 0 .0 ) h < -1 5 2 4 . 4 ( 1 1 .7 ) 2 1 .8 (1 3 .4 ) 2 2 .1 ( 1 3 .0 ) 2 3 .6 (1 2 .6 ) 2 7 .4 (8 .8 ) 2 8 .6 ( 5 .5 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1/3<1 i < -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 L ayer 4 h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 /3 < H < -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 .6 (1 0 .6 ) -l< h < -2 2 5 .6 (1 1 .6 ) 2 6 .4 (1 1 .0 ) 2 5 .6 (1 0 .6 ) 2 6 .4 (1 1 .0 ) 2 6 .4 (1 1 .0 ) 2 5 .6 (1 0 .6 ) - l< h < - 2 2 5 .6 (1 1 .6 ) 2 6 .4 (1 1 .0 ) 2 5 .6 ( 1 0 .6 ) 2 6 .4 (1 1 .0 ) 2 6 .4 ( 1 1 .0 ) -2 < h < -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 < h < -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 5 .4 ( 1 1 . 6 ) 4 .6 ( 1 1 . 0 ) 4 .4 (1 0 .6 ) 4 .6 (1 1 .0 ) 4 .6 ( 1 1 . 0 ) 4 .4 (1 0 .6 ) h < -1 5 5 .4 ( 1 1 .6 ) 4 .6 (1 1 .0 ) 4 .4 (1 0 .6 ) 4 .6 ( 1 1 . 0 ) 4 .6 ( 1 1 .0 ) 4 .4 (1 0 .6 ) Table HF. Model Predicted 34 Year Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month within each Soil Wetness Classes.______ _________________ Reclamation Site 4901-C (8); Pine Roots_________________ Matric Potential L ayer I L ayer 2 L ayer 3 L ayer 4 _________________ Reclamation Site 4 9 0 1-C (8): Grass Roots___________ Matric Potential Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month for 34 Years (b a r) A pril M ay Ju n e Ju ly A ugust S e p t. h = -l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 1 1 .2 ( 3 .7 ) 6 .5 ( 6 .8 ) 6 .0 ( 4 .9 ) 2 .9 (3 7 ) 1.3 ( 2 .2 ) 1 .0 ( 2 .3 ) L ayer I Mean (Standard Error) Number of Days per Month for 34 Years (b a r) A pril M ay Ju n e July A u g u st h = - l/ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 1 1 .5 ( 3 .6 ) 4 6 ( 5 .0 ) 4 .4 (4 .5 ) 1 .7 ( 2 .9 ) 0 8 ( 1 .6 ) 1.0 ( 2 .3 ) S ept. -l< h < -2 2 .0 ( 1 .6 ) 1 .3 ( 1 .5 ) 1 4 ( 1 .2 ) 0 .9 (1 0 ) 0 .4 ( 0 .8 ) 0 .3 ( 0 .6 ) - l< h < - 2 2 0 ( 1 .4 ) 1 .3 (1 3 ) 1.8 (1 .5 ) 0 8 ( 1 .0 ) 0 .6 (0 .9 ) 0 .3 ( 0 .5 ) -2 < h < -5 L I ( 1 .0 ) 1.7 ( 1 .5 ) I 6 ( 1 .3 ) L I ( 1 .6 ) 0 .4 ( 0 .8 ) 0 .6 ( 1 .0 ) -2 < h < -5 1 6 ( 1 .5 ) 1.6 ( 1 .6 ) 1 6 ( 1 .2 ) 0 .7 ( 0 .9 ) 0 .4 (0 8 ) 0 .4 ( 0 .8 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 1 6 .7 ( 4 . 9 ) 2 1 .5 (7 .9 ) 2 0 .9 ( 5 .7 ) 2 6 .1 ( 5 .2 ) 2 8 .8 (3 .4 ) 2 8 .1 ( 3 .3 ) h < -1 5 1 5 .9 ( 4 .1 ) 2 3 .5 (6 .3 ) 2 2 .2 ( 5 .5 ) 2 7 .8 ( 4 .3 ) 2 9 .2 ( 2 .9 ) 2 8 .3 ( 3 .1 ) h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 1 1 . 9 ( 1 3 .3 ) 5 .1 ( 8 .6 ) 1 .5 (4 6 ) 0 .3 ( 1 .7 ) 0 0 .3 ( 1 .9 ) L ayer 2 h = - l/ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 1 2 .7 ( 1 4 .1 ) 1 1 .0 ( 1 3 .0 ) 4 .3 (8 .3 ) 0 .5 ( 2 .7 ) 0 0 .3 ( 1 .9 ) -l< h < -2 3 .4 (6 8 ) 4 .5 ( 5 .5 ) 1 .2 ( 2 .5 ) 0 .4 ( 1 .2 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .3 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .7 ) - l< h < - 2 3 2 ( 8 .2 ) 3 .2 ( 5 .5 ) 3 .3 (5 .2 ) 1 .8 (3 8 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) -2 < h < -5 2 .7 ( 5 .3 ) 3 .0 (3 4 ) 1.9 ( 3 .7 ) 0 .4 ( 1 .4 ) 0 0 .2 ( 1 .0 ) -2 < h < -5 2 .9 ( 6 .5 ) 2 .4 ( 4 .0 ) 2 .4 (3 .9 ) 1 .6 (3 2 ) 0 .3 ( 1 .2 ) 0 .2 ( 1 .0 ) - 5 < h < -1 5 2 .3 ( 3 .5 ) 1 .4 ( 2 .0 ) L I ( 1 .7 ) 0 .1 ( 0 .4 ) 0 ( 0 .2 ) 0 .3 ( 0 .9 ) -5 < h < -1 5 2 .8 ( 5 .7 ) 1 .2 (2 5 ) 1 2 ( 1 .5 ) 0 .8 ( 1 .4 ) 0.1 (0 .5 ) 0 .3 ( L I ) h < -1 5 1 0 .7 ( 1 1 .5 5 ) 1 7 . 0 ( 1 2 .5 ) 2 4 .2 ( 9 .2 ) 2 9 .8 ( 4 .0 ) 3 0 .9 ( 0 .4 ) 2 9 .1 ( .3 4 ) h < -1 5 9 .3 (1 1 .0 ) 1 3 . 3 ( 1 3 .4 ) 1 8 .9 (1 2 .8 ) 2 6 .4 (8 .5 ) 3 0 .6 (1 .9 ) 29.1 ( 3 .2 ) 0 h = - l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 h = - l/ 3 0 0 0 0 0 - l/3 < h < -l 2 .1 ( 6 .9 ) 4 .0 ( 9 .1 ) 2 .8 ( 7 .6 ) 0 .5 ( 2 .2 ) 0 0 L ayer 3 -l/3 < h < -l 2 .7 ( 8 .2 ) 5 .5 ( 1 1 . 0 ) 5.1 (1 1 .0 ) 1 .8 ( 6 .5 ) 0 .2 ( 1 .2 ) 0 -l< h < -2 2 .8 ( 7 .9 ) 1 .9 ( 5 .5 ) 2 .6 ( 6 .4 ) 2.1 ( 5 .5 ) 0 .3 ( 1 .7 ) 0 - l< h < - 2 2 .4 ( 7 .5 ) L I ( 4 .4 ) 2 .6 (7 .7 ) 3 .9 ( 9 .4 ) 2 .5 ( 7 .1 ) L I ( 5 .2 ) -2 < h < -5 0 .3 ( 1 .9 ) 1.8 ( 5 .6 ) 0 4 ( 1 .7 ) 0 5 ( 1 .5 ) 0 .2 ( 0 .9 ) 0 -2 < h < -5 0 .3 ( 1 .5 ) 1 3 ( 5 .4 ) 0 .3 (1 .1 ) 0 .6 ( 2 .2 ) L I (3 .0 ) 0 .3 ( 1 .7 ) -5 < h < -1 5 1.4 ( 5 .7 ) L I ( 4 .3 ) 1.4 ( 4 .8 ) 0 .6 (1 .7 ) 0 .4 ( 1 .8 ) 0 - 5 < h < -1 5 1 .4 (5 .6 ) 0 .8 ( 4 .4 ) 0 .4 ( 2 .0 ) 0 .9 ( 3 .1 ) 0 .9 ( 2 .7 ) 0 .6 ( 2 .4 ) h < -1 5 2 4 4 (1 1 .7 ) 2 2 .3 (1 .3 4 ) 2 2 .7 ( 1 2 .4 ) 2 7 .3 ( 8 .9 ) 3 0 .1 ( 4 .0 ) 3 0 .0 ( 0 .0 ) h < -1 5 2 4 .3 (1 1 .9 ) 2 2 .3 (1 3 .5 ) 2 1 .6 ( 1 3 .2 ) 2 3 . 8 ( 1 2 .4 ) 2 6 .3 ( 1 0 .4 ) 2 8 .0 (7 .0 ) h = -l/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 2 5 .6 (1 1 .6 ) 2 6 .4 ( 1 1 . 0 ) 2 5 .6 ( 1 0 .6 ) 2 6 .4 (1 1 .0 ) 2 6 .4 ( 1 1 . 0 ) 2 5 .6 (1 0 .6 ) L ayer 4 h = - l/ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l/3 < h < -l 2 5 .6 ( 1 1 .6 ) 2 6 .4 ( 1 1 . 0 ) 2 5 .6 ( 1 0 .6 ) 2 6 .4 ( 1 1 .0 ) 2 6 .4 ( 1 1 .0 ) 2 5 .6 ( 1 0 .6 ) - l< h < - 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 - l< h < - 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 < h < -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 2 < h < -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 < h < -1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 h < -1 5 5 .4 ( 1 1 . 6 ) 4 .6 (1 1 .0 ) 4 4 ( 1 0 .6 ) 4 .6 ( 1 1 . 0 ) 4 .6 ( 1 1 . 0 ) 4 .4 ( 1 0 . 6 ) h < -1 5 5 . 4 ( 1 1 .6 ) 4 .6 (1 1 .0 ) 4 .4 ( 1 0 .6 ) 4 6 ( 1 1 .0 ) 4 6 ( 1 1 .0 ) 4 .4 (1 0 .6 ) MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 1762 10277651 3 I