oi s L11JRIL COLLE AORICtJLTU1W4 cotra r '1 .L. 4 Experiment Station W. A. Schoenfeld, Director Corvallis Circular of Information No. February, 1935 Rad.o Series 1936 ousing pp1ement 6 Mud Wilson Home Economist Experiment Stattgr 4zine Storag Objeotives For maga;inesease of access;. orderly appearatc; space for &l1 that the family pants to store near at hand. For racks and oabinets'.-economioaj construction; attraotive appearance. esioxxs Designs 1. ThIs A cabinet with horizontal shelves, to be placed against the wal1 baSe. The may have a flat top or a set-in top, and. an open or a solid The oabinet may upper Shelves may be narrower than the lower ones have doors er be left open. 2 Cabinet tO be placed against the wall, with shelves in lower par't azid pockets in upper part. Lower part may have doors. 3. End table with pockets at each end 4. Built-in ease. Books LUU small magazines in upper part; ou1>size books and large magazines below. 5. Telephone dock or library table. below table top. 6. Combination sewing cabinet and mo.gazine rack. Handle at top. Pockets at either si4o for magazines. Drawers for sewing sxpplies nd for articles in process of conStruction. 7. Magazine x'aok 3 she1ve botween them. Shelves fox' magazines at either idi, oth between studding. StaicIards for Dosi The design hou1d harmonize wi11i th cabinet is to be planed. furnitui'e of the room in which the Construction should be as li:ht weight as possible. Shelves should be adjuatabl as to di anQe apart The lowest siielt should nt be closer t the floor than 4". A cabinet with horizontal shelvs shQuld have a solid back and si4os. -2- $sror Storgo of Mtgazinos On ho1'os* Only w row (front to back) of plies of magazines should be placed on a shelf. It is more desirable to store magazines so that their' baolca are parallel to the edge of the shelf rather than at right angles to it. Only one kind of magazine should be placed in a pile. Exception.whore eurront issues only are kept, two may be piled together. No pile higher then 4". Stored vortioallyt Enough of the upper part of the magazine should be exposod to enable one to identify it readily. The side of the pookot should be high emouh md the pocket narrow enough to hold magazines upright. Basic Dimensions Cabinets with hens outaj. shelves: Length and Widths A cabinet of this length should be 11" Minimum inside length, 15" wide. A oabinet 22" long permits storing 2 piles of magazines on each shelf. A cabinet of this length should be 14" wide. A cabinet 26k" long permIts 2 piles of most kinds of magazines to be stored on a she]! with backs parallel to the edge of the shelf. A cabinet, of this length ahuld be 11". wide. Hoightt Spaco between holes for shelf sup?orts multip1es of 1w,, the distance between holes Nmther of unitst for belt support.) Magazines: Current issues only, or piles up to 1". - - 2 units. Piles 1" to2" high......................3 Units. Hies 2" to 4" h&gh....................4 units. Piles higher than 4" - diido. Books B units. oiht suitable for twerago housohold 26" (20 units) for portioxi of cabinet used tar magazs. Pooketø or s1ot: Length - at least half of the obinsd width of proposed ontonts. 2" Width f slot Height of taco of pockets 9" for' large and modiwa-sizod magazinos. 6tt ton small magazines (up to 1" x 10"). fliustrationa - See page 4 -3ioi P1 bosk The kitchen planning desk (see suggested design, page 4) may be built as Its principal a separate piece of equipiient, or as a part of the kitchen cabinets uses are to provide a place to write out cheeks, jot down memoranda, eto., and to koep receipts arid unpaid bills, small amounts of cash, check book1 and recipes. Construction The outer part of the desk consists of a box 22" high, 24" long arid 12" deep, with a hinged lid that drops to form a writing desk. The fittings consist of a cash drawer with look, shelves for large chock book, household account books, and blank paper, and compartments for receipts, statements, and recipes. Material 3/4" thick is used for the outer part of the box and for the second shelf. Plywood 1/4" thick is used for other parts. The drawer rest$ on the first shelf. Dividers for pigeonholes have curved fronts. The section with pigeonholes is fastened to the back of the desk and to the second shelf, leaving a space 3/4" wide at either side for the gadget which holde the lid in position. The dividers between pi.goonholes are movable, so that the size of the center compartments can be increased when desired. Assumed Use of Desk; Cash Dimensions. kept in drawer. Outside dinonsions of drawer - 4" x 8" x 2" high. Blank paper - on shelf, beside cash drawer. Chock book - on second shoif. Shelf is 8" wide. Shelf is 8" wide. Space is 1 1/2" high. Pomphiets and bulletins - in upper tier of pigeonholes. pigeonholes, 2" wide, 9 1/2" high and 6" deep. Dinensions of Books - kept in center compartment, upper tier. in lower tier of pigeonholes. Bills and receipts 5 3/4" high, and 6" deep. Dimensions, 1 1/2" wide, Card recipe file - in center oamparbaent, lower tier. Pencil and pen - in trough in second shelf. Illustrations - Se page 4 4. KITCHE PLAIQNING DESK / 24fl Lrd-L' re ck1 Kitchen Planning Desk Ibools I ./ A /\/ fl l/2 BllandRecipe ecit / / If / Peiacil trough II 9 1/2 iphles 6' j card fi high Size of shelf in relation to size of contents. Classification of magazines, and approximate dimensions Pocket size - 5 1/2" x 8" Small - 7" x 10" Medium - 9" x 12 1/2" Large - 11" x 14 Number of piles of magazines which shelves of various sizes will hold. 11" x 15" shelf If magazines are sto'ed with baoks parallel to edge of shelf: one pile only. If they are stored so as to utilize the space to the fullest extent: 2 pocket size; or 2 small; or 1 media size; or 1 large. 11" x 26 1/2" shelf - any one of the following groupings. 4 3 2 2 pocket pocket pocket pocket size and 1 small and 2 small and 1 medium a pocket and. 1 large 1 1 1 1 I pocket and 3.small pocket and 3. medium pocket and 1 large 3 2 1 1 2 small small and I medium small ama 1 medium small and 1 large medium 1 medium arid 1 large 1 large pocket and 1 small and 1 medium pocket and 1 small and 1 large 14" x 22" shelf * any one of the following groupings 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 pocket pocket pocket pocket pocket pocket pocket size and 1 and 1 and 1 and 2 and 1 and 1 small medium large small small and 1 medium large 3 2 1 I 1 2 2 small small small and 1 medium small and 1 large medium and 1 large medium large