The Impact of ICT Use in Manufacturing Firms in Thailand Joint UNCTAD – Thailand NSO Project by Ruamporn Sirirattrakul National Statistical Office ,Thailand Workshop on Information Society Statistics : Core ICT Indicators, 6-8 Nov. 2007 , Bangkok Outline Research Methodology and Data Sets Some results Lessons learned, experience gained from the joint project Recommendation Research Methodology The research based on 2 data sets : 2007 ICT Business Survey(70,800 sample firms) for overview of ICT uptake by firms 2003 Manufacturing Survey (8,862 sample firms) for productivity analysis using econometric techniques Study firms with at least 1 employee Empirical models Cobb Douglas framework ⎛M ⎞ ⎛K⎞ ⎛ sales ⎞ ln ⎜ ⎟ = β 0 + β 1 ICTVariabl e + β 2 ln ⎜ ⎟ + β 3 ln ⎜ ⎟ + β 4 ln( L ) + β 5 Multi _ unit + ⎝ L ⎠ ⎝L⎠ ⎝ L ⎠ + β 6 Foreign _ capital + β h region + β i Industry + u where i takes values between 1 and 14 and h between 1 and 6. Labour productivity measured by value of sales per employee K = Capital , M = Spending on materials , L = Labor ICT variables comprise of presence of computers , access to internet and presence of website including intensity of computer ; proportion of employee using computers and number of computers per employee Multi_unit or single unit ) Foreign_capital = Form of economic organization (head offices ,branches = Foreign capital participation Percentage of Firms by Economic Activities 83.6 % 13.6 % 0.2 % 1.0 % Trade & Services Manufacturing Construction Hospital 1.6 % Land Transport Percentage of Firms by size of Firm and Industry : 2007 Percentage 99.4 98.8 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 96.0 97.8 95.5 55.2 27.4 0.3 Total 0.9 0.1 Trade & Services 0.5 1.2 Manufacturing 1 - 50 Persons 2.8 0.7 Construction 3.8 0.4 Land Transport 51 - 200 Persons 17.4 1.8 Hospital Over 200 Persons Industry Percentage of Firms with presence of computer :2007 Percentage 99.1 97.4 100 99.2 80 60 49.4 51.9 40 20 0 20.5 20.6 18.7 22.0 2004 20.3 20.5 18.1 57.1 54.8 25.0 19.9 22.8 20.5 20.2 2005 Total Manufacturing Land Transport and Activities of Travel Agencies 21.3 21.7 19.2 2006 Trade & Services Construction Hospital 2007 32.0 Year Percentage of Firms with Access to Internet :2007 Percentage 100 90.9 92.6 92.3 80 60 40 29.3 15.4 9.0 8.5 9.6 20 0 2004 33.1 17.6 10.7 10.2 10.1 2005 36.6 16.9 11.8 10.6 11.3 2006 Total Trade & Services Manufacturing Land Transport and Activities of Travel Agencies Construction Hospital 43.5 27.0 12.1 12.9 12.6 2007 Year Percentage of Firms by presence of Web site and purposes of using web site : 2007 - Advertisement of products and firms 84.4% - Inquiry / Contact facility 67.5% No 95.7% Yes Purposes of using 4.3% - Receiving purchased order 16.3% - Providing after sales services 8.9% - Online payment 2.4 % - Internal Information networking 5.7% Note : An Establishment could answer more than 1 purpose Some results of ICT impact on productivity Computer Use ,Internet access and Web presence in manufacturing firms are associated with significantly higher sales per employee (labor productivity) - computer presence : 14.6 % - internet access : 3.7 % additional from computers - web presence : 3.8 % additional from computers and internet Some results Intensity of computer use was reflected in higher productivity gains - 3.6% higher labor productivity with 10% increase in the share of employees using computers - 4 % higher labor productivity with 10 % increase in no. of computers per employee Lessons learned, experience gained from the joint project 1. Learning of applying Econometrics for ICT data analysis and using software SPSS from training 2. Learning by doing own in-depth data analysis in parallel with UNCTAD (as best practice) who provide technical assistance via email - conceptual frame work , empirical modeling and model selection techniques - solving heteroskedasticity and checking robustness - data analysis and interpretation Lessons learned, experience gained from the exercise - - - Gain more skill in processing micro firm data and applying econometric in data analysis Gain more techniques in data manipulation Gain in motivation for using Eviews software in running regression by our own Recommendation An appropriate software for econometric analysis should be selected for learning and practicing at the beginning ,ie. Eviews Technical assistance provided via long distance (email) is suitable for whom quite skills in statistics , data processing , fare English and regular communication. THANK YOU Sawaddee Ka